37 Natural Phenomena More Spectacular Than Movie Special Effects


37 Natural Phenomena More Spectacular Than Movie Special Effects

Some people are afraid of lightnings and thunderstorms… but they probably don't know that there exist natural phenomena much scarier and more terrifying! Something so powerful and devastating that it's even hard to imagine anything like this to happen.  For example, sometimes the Earth can open up and form a giant hole swallowing everything on top. Usually it's caused by the sudden collapse of underground water systems or caverns. They might occur even in inhabited areas: in the middle of the road or right by a house. Wow! You never know, what's awaiting you right around the corner!   Preview photo credit: 
Riga/Latvia – June 5, 2020, Car fell into sinkhole which had opened after street surfacing caved in on Gertrudes Street during hydraulic tests: By Radowitz/Shutterstock.com, https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/rigalatvia-june-5-2020-car-fell-1751668691
Aug. 8, 2018, An aerial view of a massive hole caused by drought and excessive water pumping in Kabudarahang, in Hamadan province, in western Iran: By Iranian Students' News Agency, ISNA/Associated Press/East News, https://www.eastnews.ru/pictures/picture/id/71503107/i/0/t/0
Animation is created by Bright Side.
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