He Was Into a Tank of Water with Locked Feet, See What He Did to Survive


He Was Into a Tank of Water with Locked Feet, See What He Did to Survive

Have you ever heard of Erich Weisz? He was probably one of the most famous people not only of his time but ever. If this name doesn’t ring a bell, maybe his alias will: Harry Houdini. Yes, on of the greatest illusionist and escape artist ever. He was so much more than a magician, though, and one of his most notable achievements was his film acting career. He even starred in one of the first series ever! Challenges, so popular today, were also Houdini’s invention. Back in 1904, he accepted a challenge from Daily Mirror, a London newspaper. Harry was to break out from special handcuffs. A famous locksmith spent 5 years making them. More than 4,000 people and over 100 journalists came to witness that much-hyped challenge. It took some time for Houdini to figure out how the mechanism worked. And nobody still knows how exactly he did it. Let's know more about this outstanding person! #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Subscribe to Bright Side : https://goo.gl/rQTJZz
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