How to Securely Upgrade Wasabi Wallet v1.1.6 and Cold Card v2.1.1


How to Securely Upgrade Wasabi Wallet v1.1.6 and Cold Card v2.1.1

This Wasabi Wallet release, similarly to the previous one, consists mostly of stability improvements.
Notable improvements are the implementation of the complete Coldcard PSBT workflow, adding a countdown to the CoinJoin tab that shows the next force start of a round, fixed most "spent issues," adding new options to the Settings page, and opportunistic change consolidation in CoinJoins. Major Cold Card release with Multisig support! New menu under: Settings Multisig Wallets. Lists all imported M-of-N wallets already setup. Export, import for air-gapped creation
Broad change: extended public key finger (XFP) values used to be shown in the wrong endian (byte swapped), and prefixed with 0x to indicate they were a number. In fact, they are a byte string and should be shown in network order. Everywhere you might be used to seeing your XFP value has been switched, so 0x0f056943 becomes 4369050F (all caps, no 0x prefix).
v2.1.1: New feature: Create seed words from D6 dice rolls:
under "Import Existing Dice Rolls" just keep pressing 1 – 6 as you roll. At least 99 rolls are required for 256-bit security seed is sha256(over all rolls, as ascii string) normal seed words are shown so you can write those down instead of the rolls can also "mix in" dice rolls: after Coldcard picks the seed words and shows them, press 4 and you can then do some dice rolls (as many or as few as desired) and get a new set of words, which adds those rolls as additional entropy.
Export skeleton wallets for Wasabi Wallet to support air-gapped use. Summary file (public.txt) has been reworked to include more XPUB values and a warning about using addresses your blockchain-monitoring wallet might not be ready for. When BIP39 passphrase is given over USB, and approved, the new XFP is shown on-screen for reference. v2.1.1: Wasabi wallet support: remove extra info from skeleton file, change XFP endian, add version field. Use with Electrum will require our updated plugin changes. If you have learned something valuable, donate a couple sats to Max as a thank you note: 3Fe6dcwhkLnMo7c2FrkYduR5xJgo38dTTS
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