Wasabi + Cold Card ~ Air-Gapped Private Bitcoin Storage


Wasabi + Cold Card ~ Air-Gapped Private Bitcoin Storage

You all know… Wasabi is dope.
Cold Card is dope. Let's do both at the same time. This is the private air-gapped bitcoin cold storage setup for cypherpunks and maximalists. If you have learned something valuable, donate a couple sats to Max as a thank you note: 3Fe6dcwhkLnMo7c2FrkYduR5xJgo38dTTS https://tallyco.in/HillebrandMax
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Find out more about Max https://towardsliberty.com Follow WCN on Twitter:

Follow Max on Twitter:
https://twitter.com/HillebrandMax ARCHIVE OF KNOWLEDGE: https://towardsliberty.com/videos # Technicals: Bitcoin to the Max:

Bitcoin Only:

Open Source Everything:

Bitcoin-Dev Mailing List:

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPj3KCksGbSbUYnzXthFazpUw6ZJCUKOu # Economics:
Read Rothbard ~ Use Bitcoin:

Anarchy in Money:

Lightning Network Multi Signatures:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPj3KCksGbSaBmpAmdp_icu2PkywjeUI6 # Tools:
Nodl Personal Bitcoin Assistant:

Bisq Decentralized Exchange:

ColdCard Wallet:

GPG + Yubikey:

https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPj3KCksGbSZm6k6GlJRhY6T7wSvoEWbG # Readings:
Bitcoin Op Tech Newsletter:

The Ethics of Money Production:

What Has Government Done to Our Money? By Murray Rothbard: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPj3KCksGbSbPVUAhYqILAYQ3uUbh2zOu # Conferences:
Breaking Bitcoin 2019:

Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis 2018:
Baltic Honeybadger 2018:

Understanding Bitcoin 2019:

Mises University:

Hayek Summer Workshop:

More Wasabi + Cold Card ~ Air-Gapped Private Bitcoin Storage Videos

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