30 Common Myths It’s Time We All Forgot


30 Common Myths It’s Time We All Forgot

Sometimes it can be hard to separate fact from fiction, especially when so many "facts" turn out ot be misconceptions. These myths seem true because we've heard them time and time again. But it's time to get them debunked! Here's a video that´ll show you the truth behind some of the most persistent common myths. For example, do chameleons only change colors for camouflage? It turns out, they can actually change colors to reflect their mood. Another myth is that Opossums hang on branches with their tail. The opossum does use its tail to help it climb trees, but its tail can’t support its weight. More cool myths are coming your way! #brightside TIMESTAMPS
Why chameleons change colors 00:00
Drop a penny from a skyscraper 01:38
Toilet-flushes 01:06
How lightning strikes 01:30
Are bats blind? 02:00
Goldfish memory 02:20
Mother bird's offspring 02:36
Ostriches bury their heads 03:00
Opossums hang on branches 03:22
Falling penguin 03:40
Dog & cat myths 03:55
Run into a skunk 04:25
Alpha-wolf 04:48
Owls 05:05
Turtle’s shell 05:20
Food myth 05:56
Chewing gum myth 06:32
Use 10% of brains 07:05
Shaved hair 07:50
Eating turkey 08:05
Lose body heat 08:25
Full moon 08:42
Viking helmets 08:55
Einstein myth 09:15 SUMMARY
– Chameleons can actually change colors to reflect their mood;
– On its way down, a coin can’t gather enough velocity to cause permanent damage to anything, mostly because of wind resistance and the penny spinning around and stuff;
– Some people believe that toilet-flushes spin in the opposite direction in the Southern hemisphere. Some things are affected by the earth’s rotation, like the Gulf Stream or hurricanes, but toilet flushes are way too small;
– Lighting generally chooses the tallest, pointiest spot as its target. Researchers have found that The Empire State Building gets struck by lightning almost 100 times a year;
– Bats have better vision than humans at night, although humans can see more clearly during the day;
– Goldfish can remember things for as long as 7 months. Without a good memory, Goldfish who live in nature would never find food;
– An ostrich’s head is disproportionately small in comparison to its body;
– The opossum does use its tail to help it climb trees, but its tail can’t support its weight. Even a hunked-out calisthenics master opossum could only hang there for a few seconds max;
– Legend has it that a penguin will fall backward when looking up at an aircraft. Penguins can maintain their balance no matter what, even while looking up at the sky;
– Dogs sweat through their footpads. But salivating and panting does help them regulate their body temperature;
– Legend has it that if you run into a skunk, there’s only one possible outcome: you’re gonna stink for a while. But skunks prefer to flee from danger rather than spraying their magic juice around;
– There’s a myth that owls can turn their heads full circle. But that would cause them significant damage;
– A turtle’s shell is a living and ‘feeling’ part of its body, with a complete nerve-ending supply. If the shell gets damaged, it can even endanger the turtle’s life;
– Generally, if you drop food on your kitchen floor, it’s gonna pick up fewer bacteria than if you drop it at the checkout counter of a busy supermarket;
– Chewing gum isn’t too different from any other food – it takes around the same time to digest. But it’s not exactly nutrient heavy;
– Scientists who’ve studied brain scans say they don’t show any large, dormant areas of the brain;
– Shaving does give your hair a blunt tip which can make it feel thicker. When it comes to color, that new darker stubble is just an illusion;
– The myth that people lose most of their body heat through their heads was probably first invented by a hat salesperson;
– Researchers believe that light from a full moon can affect your sleep, which can affect your mood;
– Some people think Einstein flunked Math in school. Einstein himself debunked this theory by saying he mastered Calculus at age 15 Animation is created by Bright Side.
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