8 Dinosaurs That Could Beat T-Rex in a Fight


8 Dinosaurs That Could Beat T-Rex in a Fight

When you think about dinosaurs, which one comes to your mind first? Let me guess, T.Rex? It is definitely the most popular Dino, but definitely not the scariest. Let’s take a look at the most terrifying creatures that inhabited Earth millions of years ago. You’ll see a dinosaur with such a strong bite that it could crash a car. Another Dino looked like a giant lizard. One more weird-looking Dino on the list had curved and sharp claws. It was the world of really scary-looking creatures back then. Here’re 8 dinosaurs much scarier than T.Rex. #brightside TIMESTAMPS
The king of dinosaurs 00:00
Spinosaurus 00:58
Giganotosaurus 02:13
Utahraptor 03:40
Allosaurus 04:18
Diplodocus 07:27
Quetzalcoatlus 07:58 SUMMARY
– T.Rex was very smart, with a brain twice as big as that of any other large meat-eating dino. It was slower than other hunters, developing a speed of up to 12 mph;
– Spinosaurus was the largest carnivorous dino. It was bigger than T.Rex and could grow almost 60 feet long. Its weight could be as great as 22 tons;
– Giganotosaurus, which is the Greek word for "giant southern lizard," was considered the largest meat-eating dino;
– Giganotosaurus had two arms with sharp claws. It was mostly an opportunistic meat-eater feeding on everything it found on its way;
– Utahraptor was a mini T.Rex that lived 125 million years ago;
– Allosaurus, which means "a different lizard" in Greek, was a massive carnivore reaching 40 feet in length and weighing 2 tons;
– Allosaurus was already fully grown by the age of 15. And its lifespan was around 28 years;
– Therizinosaurus was one of the freakiest dinos out there. It lived 100 to 60 million years ago;
– "High-spined lizard" or Acrocanthosaurus lived 110 million years ago;
– Diplodocus didn’t look scary: long-necked, gentle, peacefully munching on plants until it used its tail like a whip, making even the scariest meat-eaters back away;
– Quetzalcoatlus was the biggest flying animal ever. It lived 70 million years ago and controlled the skies of North America. —————————————————————————————-
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