Why Ghost is Snapchat’s Logo + 15 Facts You Should Learn Before Your Next Convo


Why Ghost is Snapchat’s Logo + 15 Facts You Should Learn Before Your Next Convo

Do you often use snapchat? Even if you don't, you've probably seen its icon many times: yellow and white colors and a cute creature. Why was this image chosen as the one to represent this social network? As you probably know, each social network icon has a story and a meaning. Every element of design matters and is meant to convey the idea of the platform. In this video I'm gonna reveal the idea behind Snapchat's logo. But first, take a look at it and try to guess yourself. Maybe the logo design is associated with the phantom nature of the pictures you send via this app: they appear and very quickly vanish? Or maybe they express the volatile character of photos taken in the app? No publication can be saved on the user's computer, so they disappear completely without leaving any traces… Here’re 15 facts you probably didn't hear before. #brightside TIMESTAMPS
Reading slowly 00:00
Radio invention 00:24
Snapchat logo 00:45
Firefox 02:02
Bubbles 02:40
Popping candies 03:10
Point Nemo 03:51
The ISS 04:40
Birds 04:42
Animals' eyes 05:46
Sound from the Sun 06:40
Mechanical alarm clock 07:08
Yawning snakes 08:00
Cats predicting thunderstorm 08:40
Making friends with cats 09:20 Credit: Evan Spiegel: By cellanr – https://flic.kr/p/hutcSG, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30198872 Animation is created by Bright Side.
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