Category Archives: Bright Side News

6 Minutes to a 6-Pack Without Crunches or the Gym

When we finally get a 6-pack, we should enjoy it and not worry about it looking uneven, as ab muscles come in many shapes and sizes. But to know what ours look like, they have to be revealed through a lot of hard work, consistency, and the right exercises to help us achieve this goal. To remove pesky belly fat we constantly work out, do long, complex, and exhausting exercises, and still, all of it doesn’t guarantee the desired shape. But the secret of achieving the body of your dreams is rather simple: do regular training and a small set of extremely effective exercises that will focus on different areas of your abdominal muscles. Today, we would like to show you a quick 6-minute workout you can do at home. It doesn't include crunches, and you won't need any equipment. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Warming up 0:01
Sitting Leg Raises 0:54
Chair Presses 1:39
Chair Push-Ups 2:15
Side-to-Side Knee Sweeps 2:52
Flutter Kicks 3:22
Chair Scissor Kicks 3:55
Knee-to-Elbows 4:32
Triceps Dips 5:07
Forward Stretch 5:44 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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11 Discoveries Nearly Stopped Divers Hearts

The world ocean takes up about 70% of our planet's surface, but only 5% has been studied and researched. This means that deep down under the water there is a whole other universe with secrets and mysteries that are not yet discovered. For example, a lot of gold, silver, and precious stones worth about $20 billion were found on board a Spanish galleon found near the Colombian coast! But divers find gold and other treasures at the bottom of the ocean actually quite often. A much more interesting discovery is the Yonaguni Monument. Huge stone formations at a depth of 85 feet. Divers traced the clear contours of the pyramids, streets, and stairs there. The entire structure is about half a soccer field in size. Many believe these are the remains of the legendary civilizations of Mu or Lemuria. So, we picked out 11 amazing objects that were found underwater. That is, of course, just a drop in the bucket, and we cannot even begin to guess what else might be hidden deep down underneath. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Galleon San Jose's treasure 0:01
An underwater river 0:49
The Yonaguni Monument 1:25
Lion City 2:22
Baltic Sea Anomaly 3:09
Heracleion 4:00
A luminous spiral 4:35
Antikythera mechanism 5:36
A giant jellyfish 6:37
A giant anaconda 7:07
Orda Cave 7:35 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Use Your Big Brain to Pass 13 Tough Riddles

Regular training and problem solving can help your brain function at a more stable level throughout your entire life. What can you do to boost your intelligence? It's simple. Always be on the lookout for different problems to solve and give your brain a workout. For example, try to solve several riddles every day. They are not just fun to solve but they’re also a great way to warm up and test your brain’s agility. Puzzles and brain teasers develop critical thinking, creative thinking, and improve memory. We prepared 13 riddles of varying complexity that will help you both train your brain and entertain yourself. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
A Tragedy in the Artist's House 0:01
Bizarre Guests 1:03
A Mysterious Disappearance 2:11
A Call to the Police 3:02
A Date 3:55
A Bizarre Code 4:41
An Anxious Husband 5:38
Find the Thief 6:30
A Crime in the Neighborhood 7:20
Desperate for Help 8:18
A Run-Away Wife 9:05
A Missing Collection 9:53
A Blatant Lie 10:50 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Indian Island Hides Something You’re Not Supposed to See

In 2020, there are Islands on our planet that have not been touched by the hand of modern man. Nature in these places has remained unchanged for thousands of years. What if people lived on one of these Islands? They wouldn't know about civilization's progressive benefits or have seen a modern person. This island actually exists, and traveling to it is unlawful and involves many dangers. North Sentinel island is located in India, in the Bay of Bengal. If you want to get there, you won't succeed because any travel to this place is prohibited by law since the middle of the 20 century. The Indian coast guard prevents any attempts to get there. But the law is not the only thing that will stop you on the way. Sentinelese guards their island in a really aggressive way. Even when a helicopter flew to North Sentinel, the tribe threw spears and arrows at it. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Dangerous paradise 0:01
Snake Island 3:23
The Island of the Dolls 4:49
The most isolated place in the world 5:49
Pig Beach 7:26 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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20+ Clothing Tricks More Men Need to Use

Fashion changes all the time but it’s the style that stays. People notice even the smallest details in one’s appearance, especially when meeting them for the first time. For example, 52% of women said they judge the personality of a man depending on the shoes he’s wearing. And shoes aren’t the only fashion items people pay attention to. Of course, there’s no universal rule on how to “look good” but there are some basic tips that can make men look more trendy and appealing. Did you know, for example, that jeans can make you look taller? First, they shouldn’t be too long, or they’re gonna drag behind and gather all the dust and dirt. Plus, if the jeans legs are too long, they’ll make your legs appear shorter. Make sure they’re always slightly above your ankle. Of course, we understand that keeping up with all fashion trends can be rather tricky so we’ve gathered some clothing mistakes men should avoid to look chicer without trying too hard. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Jeans 0:01
Socks 0:56
Your ideal T-shirt 1:16
Accessories 2:06
Shoes 2:32
Suits 3:04
Shirt 4:12
Jacket 4:45
Cologne 5:43
Hairstyle 6:05 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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He Tried to Save Bermuda Triangle Ship But His Own Crew Mysteriously Vanished

Bermuda Triangle is a large area in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. This region is notorious for its mysterious phenomena. Huge amounts of ships and planes have disappeared here. How many creepy stories about the disappearing of airplanes and ships in the Bermuda Triangle have you heard? We guess many. And here's another one. In 1880, the Ellen Austin, a big ship, left the port of Liverpool to make its trip to New York. The ship was carrying a load of people hoping to find a better life in the New World. A few weeks, they found themselves north of the Sargasso Sea, known for its lack of winds and strong circling currents. Worse still, the area belonged to the notorious Bermuda Triangle. One day, the Ellen Austin lost its speed one day and fell adrift without the winds. It was fine, though: they had ample provisions and were still on schedule. Captain Griffin was walking around his ship, giving orders. But then, the lookout shouted from above that a ship was in sight. As it came closer, it became apparent that the way the strange vessel moved wasn’t right. The captain frowned and examined it through his spyglass. The schooner was untouched but eerily silent. There wasn’t a single soul on board… #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Captian Tried to Save Bermuda Triangle Ship But His Own Crew Vanished

Bermuda Triangle is a large area in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. This region is notorious for its mysterious phenomena. Huge amounts of ships and planes have disappeared here. How many creepy stories about the disappearing of airplanes and ships in the Bermuda Triangle have you heard? We guess many. And here's another one. In 1880, the Ellen Austin, a big ship, left the port of Liverpool to make its trip to New York. The ship was carrying a load of people hoping to find a better life in the New World. A few weeks, they found themselves north of the Sargasso Sea, known for its lack of winds and strong circling currents. Worse still, the area belonged to the notorious Bermuda Triangle. One day, the Ellen Austin lost its speed one day and fell adrift without the winds. It was fine, though: they had ample provisions and were still on schedule. Captain Griffin was walking around his ship, giving orders. But then, the lookout shouted from above that a ship was in sight. As it came closer, it became apparent that the way the strange vessel moved wasn’t right. The captain frowned and examined it through his spyglass. The schooner was untouched but eerily silent. There wasn’t a single soul on board… #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Captain Found on Bermuda Triangle Ship Sent Chill Up His Spine

Bermuda Triangle is a large area in the Atlantic Ocean between Florida, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda. This region is notorious for its mysterious phenomena. Huge amounts of ships and planes have disappeared here. How many creepy stories about the disappearing of airplanes and ships in the Bermuda Triangle have you heard? We guess many. And here's another one. In 1880, the Ellen Austin, a big ship, left the port of Liverpool to make its trip to New York. The ship was carrying a load of people hoping to find a better life in the New World. A few weeks, they found themselves north of the Sargasso Sea, known for its lack of winds and strong circling currents. Worse still, the area belonged to the notorious Bermuda Triangle. One day, the Ellen Austin lost its speed one day and fell adrift without the winds. It was fine, though: they had ample provisions and were still on schedule. Captain Griffin was walking around his ship, giving orders. But then, the lookout shouted from above that a ship was in sight. As it came closer, it became apparent that the way the strange vessel moved wasn’t right. The captain frowned and examined it through his spyglass. The schooner was untouched but eerily silent. There wasn’t a single soul on board… #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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If a Stranger Acts Like Your Friend in Public, It’s a Cry for Help!

Riley is 19 years old. An hour ago she walked out of her house in a very good mood. She went for a walk, and in a couple of hours she was to meet her friends. While standing in line for an ice cream, she noticed that some man was staring at her from around the corner. He was wearing black shaggy pants, a black hoodie and sunglasses. Even though it’s hard to recognize a person dressed like that, she was pretty sure she’d never seen him before, and he looked… suspicious. What to do if you're being followed? Normally, getting followers is a good thing, but only if they stay within social media’s reach. So if you feel like someone’s getting on your tail, it’s always good to know how to safely manage the situation. We gathered a few useful tips to help you avoid bad consequences if you’re being followed or watched. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, remember rule number one: trust your gut. If you’re feeling uncomfortable, don’t take any risks. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Speak to someone 0:01
Go toward crowded places 1:50
Don’t go straight to your home 2:12
Make several irrational turns 2:40
Hold your keys at the ready 3:08
Make a noise 3:35
When only one trick is left 4:04
Turn around and look at the pursuer 6:56 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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