Category Archives: Bright Side News

A Place with Waves Bigger Than the Tallest Building

Watch more videos in our new App: How is a Tsunami formed? When it's born, it's just a foot high 1 ft (30 cm). But the closer it gets to the shore, the larger it grows. Soon, it enters shallow waters and starts to slow down. Down there, humans – tiny like ants – scream and scatter in different directions. The first tsunami wave crashes into the shore. Its top moves faster than the bottom – that's what makes the wave so high and steep. The lowest point of the wave gets to dry land first. In the process, it creates a vacuum effect that pulls the water away from the coast, baring the harbor and seafloor. Those who recognize this first sign of an approaching tsunami still have the chance to save their lives. Five minutes later – and an enormous wall of water hits the shore and wipes out everything in its way. But it's not just a single wave – there are many. The scariest thing about tsunamis is that they can travel across entire oceans with almost no energy loss! #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
How a tsunami wave works 0:01
A tsunami's height 1:16
What can cause a tsunami? 2:38
Where 80% of tsunamis get born 4:40
Will the Pacific Ocean disappear? 8:45 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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See Earth Change Dramatically in 5 Seconds With No Atmosphere

Watch more videos in our new App What if Earth suddenly lost its atmosphere? About 4.5 billion years ago, the Earth was anything but suitable for life. The average temperature was well over 3,000°F – much hotter than even lava. You couldn’t live there, and breathing was certainly out of the question. Those continuous volcanic eruptions released toxic gases into the sky. Our Earth had almost no atmosphere. But then life found a way. The planet cooled and hardened. Water appeared. Oceans formed. The atmosphere became breathable. Complex life appeared and began evolving. And the rest, as they say, is history. Now imagine that atmosphere – the very thing we breathe, our warm blanket, the planet’s protective bubble! – was gone in the blink of an eye! But not for long, just 5 quick seconds! Surely we can handle it, right? #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
1 second with no atmosphere 1:40
2 seconds 3:28
3 seconds 5:07
4 seconds 6:43
5 seconds 7:10
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Show These Optical Illusions to a Friend, You’ll Know All About Them

Watch more videos in our new App The brain’s 2 hemispheres — left and right — function differently, and the way you think depends on which of the sides is dominant. And there are numerous tests that can determine your thought process and personality traits. For example, tests based on misleading optical illusions are extremely popular nowadays. It's very important to pay attention to the first image you saw because you'll definitely see other images after a while. We suggest you try one of these tests, but don't take it too seriously. It won't give you a full psychological portrait of your character, but it'll provide you with some information about your personality that you should take into account. You game? Once again, the rules are simple — just remember the first thing you saw in the picture. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Illusion #1 0:12
Illusion #2 0:31
Illusion #3 0:46
Illusion #4 1:04
Illusion #5 1:23
Illusion #6 1:44
Illusion #7 1:58
Illusion #8 2:23
Illusion #9 2:52
Illusion #10 3:15
Illusion #11 3:44
Illusion #12 4:06
Illusion #13 4:27
Illusion #14 4:49
Illusion #15 5:09
Illusion #16 5:30
Illusion #17 5:50
Illusion #18 6:08
Illusion #19 6:48
Illusion #20 7:26
Illusion #21 7:50
Illusion #22 8:17 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If Titanic Escaped the Iceberg at the Last Minute

Watch more videos in our new App May 31st, 1911. The Titanic is finally complete after 2 years of construction. It’ll be ready for its first voyage a year later. It’s the most luxurious ship in the world. You’ve just read the groundbreaking news in the Daily Herald, and decide to treat yourself to a trip on this floating gem. You head over to White Star Line’s headquarters in London to buy yourself a ticket. You get the cheapest first-class fare for £30 (that’d be over $4,500 today). Wednesday, April 10th, 1912. The day is finally here! The majestic ship in front of you is bigger than you imagined. As you board the Titanic, Captain Edward Smith himself greets you! Your trip will begin shortly. By the time the liner stops at Cherbourg and Queenstown, over 2,200 passengers and crew will be on board, embarking on their trans-Atlantic trip. The Titanic is ready to sail, and you hear the horns from the deck as you wave goodbye to the people below. The ship is scheduled to arrive in New York a week later on April 17th. But that’s only if things go according to plan… So could the Titanic sinking have been avoided? What if the Titanic never sank? #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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If You Can’t Build Muscle, These Gym Mistakes Are Why

Have you ever felt that despite doing all the right things at the gym, after a little success in the beginning, that the muscle no longer seems to be building? If yes, then you are probably getting some basic things wrong. For example, you might be overworking, which seems like the right way to go, but instead, it’s counterproductive. Resting too long between sets is another typical mistake you might be doing. Sometimes, to build muscle mass, you just need… to sleep more! After food, sleep is the second most important thing that helps your body recover and repair. If you don't get enough sleep, the levels of your stress hormones can grow. It will lead to weight gain, not muscle growth. Okay, to know more about what you might be doing wrong, watch the video to the end so that you not only correct your present mistakes but also avoid the lure of other common mistakes in the future. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Training the entire body on the same day 0:11
Resting too long between sets 0:38
Lack of sleep 0:59
Wrong weights 1:17
Poor nutrition habits 1:47
You don't do some stretching 2:36
Doing too much cardio 3:06
Not eating enough 3:43
You don't track your progress 3:59
"Hopping" your training routine 4:16
Not drinking enough 4:43
Too high speed 5:11
The same rep-range 6:01 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More If You Can’t Build Muscle, These Gym Mistakes Are Why Videos

30 Hidden Secrets on Things You Use Every Day

The things that we use every day become such a huge part of our routines that we seldom notice their simplest features. However, look carefully and you may notice that your favorite items have been designed to do much more than you thought. For example, those blue bristles on your toothbrush actually make sense. They gradually lose their color over time. When the blue’s faded, it’s time to change your toothbrush. Did you know that notebook margins aren’t for taking extra notes or practicing emojis? They were invented to protect people’s work. People used to live with a lot of hungry rats around. The rats would nibble at the paper, eating people’s work! They put the margin lines there to let people know to start their writing further from the edge, so it's not lost to a hungry rodent! Interested? Then check out other cool facts about items with hidden uses. We've found a lot of day-to-day things that have always had some amazing secret features that we probably never knew about. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Grocery carts 0:01
Toothpaste stripes 0:41
Padlocks 1:08
Cream tubes 1:50
Bottle caps 2:04
Erasers 2:22
Bobby pins 2:37
Sugar sticks 3:08
Cotton rounds 3:24
Doorknobs 3:43
Shirts 4:27
Running shoes 4:39
Notebook margins 5:33
Solo cups 5:56
Car headrests 6:24
Women’s shirts 6:42
Rearview mirrors 7:03
The McFlurry spoons 7:23
Wooden hangers 7:42 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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If You Touch This Beetle, You’ll Regret It Instantly

The world around us is so diverse that it seems it will never stop surprising us. Even if you’ve already seen a lot of things and you think there’s nothing that can surprise you, we will tell you about something that you’ve probably never heard of. Did you know, for example, that the stinger of an Asian giant hornet contains a really potent venom? Several stings from this insect can bring down even a large animal — and a human, too! Or have you ever heard of a Texas red-headed centipede? Yes, let’s admit, all centipedes are terrifying. But that one has a voracious appetite, munching on toads, lizards, and an occasional rat. Sometimes, when desperate, they can even catch a bat right in the middle of a flight! Okay, today we're talking about weird, dangerous, or just amazing bugs! Some facts will make your jaw drop. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Harlequin beetles 0:01
Squash bugs 0:52
Giraffe weevils 1:23
Monarch butterflies 1:50
Mealworm beetles 2:33
Tiger beetles 3:17
Picasso bugs 4:06
Pine processionary caterpillars 4:38
Asian giant hornets 5:21
Lonomia 6:07
Texas red-headed centipedes 6:51
The devil’s coach horse 7:43
Velvet ants 8:24
Puss moths 9:17 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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New Theory Shows Something Might’ve Blocked Titanic from Help

You know "S.O.S." don’t you? – 3 dots, 3 slashes, and 3 more dots? It’s an easy enough signal to tap out in Morse code. It means “Save our souls” or “Save our ship.” The crew of the legendary Titanic had been desperately trying to send this signal for 2 hours the night of April 14—, 1912. There were other ships not too far from the spot where the iceberg took down the mighty titan of the sea. But the call for help seemingly disappeared before it could reach them! The passenger ship SS Mount Temple did pick up a signal and tried to respond, but the Titanic never got the answer. So what was silencing the ship’s cries for help – some unknown Bermuda Triangle of the North Atlantic? Consider this: eye-witnesses say the sky was painted with a brilliant Aurora borealis that cold fateful night. Beautiful, yes. But on that day, the Northern Lights may have sealed Titanic’s fate for good… #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Did a solar storm play a role? 1:43
About navigational equipment 3:24
What happened 10 minutes before the disaster 6:20
That night, the signals were acting strange 7:07
Did the Moon sink the Titanic? 8:36 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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If Your Cat Runs at Night, It’s Trying to Tell You Something!

Cats have lived with humans for more than 10,000 years but we still don’t know everything about them because they are really mysterious creatures. Cats are incredibly cute and funny in their belief that they can fit in the tiniest spaces. Cats might be interrupting your phone calls. Some cats sit in a totally inappropriate way, for example, with their legs sprawled wide open. In short, cats are weird. For example, sometimes, for seemingly no reason, your ball of fluff may begin to push things off the table and watch them fall to the floor. Or have you ever wondered, for example, why your cat runs around at night? Well, this behavior is perfectly normal. But if you can't stand not getting normal night rest anymore, you can use several cunning tricks. We are curious as to the reasons behind cats' weird behavior, and we’re sure you are too. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Why do cats go crazy every night? 0:01
Why your cat chirps 1:42
Why cats chatter their teeth 1:59
Why they push things off the table 2:39
Why cats bite their nails 4:34
Why your kitty brings you its catch 5:07
Why your cat sneer 5:44
Why your cat doesn't look at you 7:29
How to make a cat sleep at night ❓ 7:50 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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