Category Archives: Bright Side News

6 Huge Dams That Can Fail One Day

It's just a tiny crack – not a big deal, right? True – if it wasn't a fracture in a stone wall of a gigantic dam. Unfortunately, the crack goes unnoticed. Under immense pressure, it starts growing. Still, not a big deal – just a sign the material is wearing out. But then, the inevitable happens. An earthquake isn't even that strong. But it becomes the last straw. The dam starts to break apart. Giant waves of water gush toward the first sleeping city on its way… The water from the broken dam floods dozens of towns and cities within 24 hours. Along the way, it sweeps away bridges, wipes off highways, tears pipelines. If you think this catastrophic scenario can only happen in a natural disaster movie, there's some bad news for you. Among 57,000 large dams in the world, there are dozens that can fail at any moment – with no or very little warning. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Three Gorges Dam 4:07
Mosul dam 4:51 A dam across the Periyar river 5:51
Addicks and Barker dams 6:33
Fort Peck Dam 7:39
A dam on Lake Isabella 8:35 Preview photo credit: This photo taken on July 19, 2020 shows a security guard looking at his smartphone while water is released from the Three Gorges Dam, a gigantic hydropower project on the Yangtze river, to relieve flood pressure in Yichang, central China's Hubei province: By STR/AFP/East News,
Animation is created by Bright Side. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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4-Week Push-Up Challenge to Try at Home (Beginners and Pro)

Push-ups are not just a simple but effective exercise when it comes to fighting body fat. They are great for maintaining overall physical fitness. But when we hear the word “push-up”, we usually think of the standard pushup that everybody does. While it tones your shoulders, chest, abs, back, and even glutes, there are other kinds of pushups that focus on different muscles. But don’t do this work out every day, or else you’ll end up with a big chest, toned triceps and shoulders, but scrawny little legs! It’s important to burn some fat before toning your body and get your metabolism running. So in your first week, add more cardio to your routine. Do the easy pushups at first. When you’re ready to move on, increase the reps before doing the advanced exercises. As the weeks progress, add more body-weight exercises and alternate them. And always do some stretches to the muscles you just worked out to release the tension. Good luck! #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Arm Circles 0:06
The Towel Chest Press 0:32
Wall Push-Ups 1:00
The Diamond Wall Push-Up 1:43
The One-Arm Wall Push-Up 2:32
The Knee Push-up 3:29
The Incline Push-up 4:16
Standard Push-Ups 5:14
Overhead Triceps Stretch 6:34
The Doorway Chest Stretch 6:55 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Solve 11 Riddles to Get the Title of a Real Detective

Olivia has been dreaming of becoming a police detective since childhood. And now she's graduating from the Police Academy! But before she gets hired to be a real detective, she has to go through a tricky quest to prove her skills! Solving riddles and puzzles is an excellent way to exercise the mind, which needs constant stimulation just like any other muscle in the body. We want you guys to be in shape, so let's help Olivia solve these 11 detective riddles. They contain hidden details that you have to find. But beware, they’re not easy to spot. #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
A Missing Bag 0:16
An Airport Mystery 1:00
Which Factory? 1:54
A Missing Runner 2:54
Hidden Treasure 3:59
Which Door? 4:42
An Ancient Vase 5:50
A Flooded Pit 6:44
A Business Trip 7:26
Who's the most reckless? 8:22
A Warehouse Fire 9:06 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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10 Largest Snakes in the World Discovered

If you ever read at least the first book about Harry Potter, you probably remember the young wizard accidentally letting a huge snake out of its cage. That was, in fact, boa constrictor — one of the largest snakes in the world. The females of its kind can reach 14 ft in length — that’s about half as long as a famous London red bus! Remember Kaa from The Jungle Book? Well, his prototype is the Indian python. This snake is truly huge, reaching the length of 21 ft! But what about real giants? Have you ever heard about Titanoboa? It's a close relative of a boa but so much bigger! Titanoboa lived 58-61 million years ago and it's the biggest serpent that ever existed. Its fossilized remains were discovered and measured in Colombia in 2009 and it made a sensation at the time. The gigantic snake could grow to the absolutely epic size! #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Boa constrictor 0:01
Yellow anaconda 0:48
Green anaconda 1:38
Burmese python 2:28
Indian python 3:27
Amethystine python 4:12
African rock python 4:57
Reticulated python 5:47 Gigantophis 6:47
Titanoboa 7:24 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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50 Things That Will Happen in the Next 30 Seconds

In the next 30 seconds, you’ll blink 8 times. Just enough to keep your eyeballs properly hydrated! You’ll take around 8 breaths. 20,000 old skin cells – gone in 30 seconds! And that will be one of the 25 random thoughts you’ll have in half a minute. Don’t lose that train of thought! By the way, did you know that your thoughts are forming much faster than you can utter them or read? Around 600 in this time frame. Okay, what else? A good amount of those newlyweds must have found each other in a dating app. Maybe Tinder, with its 3,500 matches every half a minute. On the other side of that coin, 30 people will say, “It’s over, gimme half!” in that time as well. 73,000 pictures will be shared by Facebook users. And 1,500 of the world’s 3.5 billion smartphone users will suddenly realize their current phone isn’t good enough anymore, so they’ll get a replacement! Isn't it amazing? Let's find out what other things happen in the world every 30 seconds! #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If Everyone Slept for 1000 Years And Then Woke Up

Can humans hibernate? Many animals do that, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work with us humans. But what if we could hibernate? So imagine that everyone in the world has decided to skip the next 10 centuries. The entire population of Earth goes down to specially built underground bunkers, and everyone settles into their comfortable beds. The last person awake sets the alarm clock for 1,000 years in the future and closes their eyes. The millions of robot helpers which the people say good night to are going to stick close to their sleeping masters. They’ll monitor their condition and observe what happens to our planet. So the people don’t leave anyone behind to look after our civilization. Their homes and offices and all of the world’s cities are handed over to nature… #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
Week later 1:12
A month has passed 1:52
Year later 2:13
Five years of sleep 2:37
Ten years 3:15
30 years 3:37
50 years 4:25
100 years 4:43
150 years 5:23
300 years 5:40
500 years 6:10
The finish line 6:25 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If Giant Spiders Occupied Your City One Day

Do you like absurd hypothetical questions? Here's one them. What if giant spiders occupied your city? Picture this: You wake up and switch on the TV. It's yakking in the background while you go on with your morning routine. A news program's on, and you hear the presenter talking about giant spiders, city authorities, and invasion, while you burn your toast. It sounds too sci-fi, and you don't pay it too much attention. They're probably talking about a new action movie. An hour later, you get into your car and switch on the radio. The reception is surprisingly weak, and you can only catch separate words: "…spiders… caution… unprecedented… be careful… at home until…" You start to feel nervous – what danger are they warning about? You're driving through your neighborhood, heading for the downtown. But just as you're about to turn into the main road, your foot hits the brakes while your mind goes blank… #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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91 Biggest, Fastest, Coldest Creatures And Things Compared (Meg Wasn’t the Largest)

The Megalodon was a massive predator living in the ocean, as we know it's size was about 60-70 ft. But was it the largest sea creature ever? Everything is understood better in comparison and the results might be truly shocking! For example, would you expect a jelly fish to be larger than a giant shark? Some of the comparisons in the world are stunning as we take a closer look at them: a dog might me tinier than a flower. Rafflesia Arnoldii – a flower from Indonesian rainforests could compete in size even with a human. Moreover, a turtle can be larger than a crocodile! The world is full of surprises! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Go to Sleep Grumpy

It’s one of those Murphy Law days. Everything that could’ve gone wrong, did go wrong. You woke up late, missed your bus, your coworkers annoy you to no end, and the boss was on your back all day. You eventually get home, exhausted and in a crummy mood, of course. Your eyelids feel heavy, and you’re ready to sleep on your problems, as they say. At first, sleep doesn’t come. Your thoughts are racing. You replay conversations in your head, think up better responses than what you gave at the moment. All day long and until this moment, your body has been pumping out chemicals that will ruin your sleep. Let's find out how exactly stress affects your sleep, how stress hormones work, why you shouldn't go to bed upset or angry, and how to sleep better if you're stressed? #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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