Category Archives: Bright Side News

A Stunning Place Where the Sun Never Sets

What are polar day and polar night? Well, imagine you arrive in the small town in Northern Norway. The first thing you notice in your hotel room is thick black curtains. From the end of May to the end of July is like one endless day. Locals might be used to this extreme lifestyle but for visitors, it can be quite disorienting. Like having jet lag that just won’t go away. During endless summer days, you don't have to adhere to your usual daily routine. It's always light, and you need to accept this. Wake up at 2 a.m? Great, go for a jog! If you want to sleep after lunch, go to bed and don't worry about it. Thanks to the endless sun, you're charged with energy, so all the people here are happy and active. They take advantage of these eternal days because when winter comes, so do the endless nights… So why does this happen? #brightside EPISODES:
Polar night and polar day 00:00
Why does it happen? 4:34
The brightest place 5:39
The foggiest place 6:04
The wettest place 6:27
The windiest city 6:52
The eternal flame 7:45 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Don’t Put Smartphone in Your Pocket, See What Might Happen

Today it's impossible to find a person without a phone. And the number of cell phone users worldwide is rising! We are attached to them and keep them in our hands. We take them with us everywhere, even in the shower and in bed. But did you know that keeping your phone in some places can be…not a good idea. And pockets are one of the worst places to keep your phone. You can lose it, accidentally sit on it and crack the screen, get your pocket picked, or, even worse, expose your body to microwaves! Remember learning about the electromagnetic spectrum in school? There are radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. They’re arranged based on how long the wavelength is – the shorter, the more dangerous for health. And your body can absorb those waves! So here's a list of places where you shouldn’t store your cell phone. By the way, did you know that phone is almost 7 times dirtier than a toilet seat? #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Smartphones Can’t Charge in 5 Minutes

Have you ever wondered why do you sometimes receive ads about things you didn’t type or said to your mobile assistant? For example, you talk to your friend about wanting to buy, say, a bicycle, and after an hour you see tons of bike ads on your smartphone. You talked in person, and you never searched for a bike on the Internet, yet there it is. Is your smartphone secretly listening to you? And if it is, how to deal with that? Your smartphone has its own secret life. It doesn’t like when it’s too cold or too hot, may have disagreements with phones on another operating system, and doesn’t work on the subway. Let’s take a peek at why it does all these things and also find out why can’t phone batteries be removed any longer, why Androids may sometimes not receive texts from iPhones, why are smartphones so similar, and some other interesting facts about smartphones. #brightside EPISODES:
Why don’t phones charge instantly? 00:00
Why don’t cell phones work on the subway? 0:26
Why is there no night vision mode on smartphones? 0:54
Why don’t phones interfere with each other’s signals? 1:15
Why do phones overheat? 1:40
Why Androids may sometimes not receive texts from iPhones? 2:00
Why don’t phones come rooted by default? 2:30
Why do so many phones have a glass back? 2:53
Why do phones need multiple cameras? 3:08
Why do you need airplane mode on board a plane? 3:31
Why are smartphones so similar? 4:35
Why are phones getting ever pricier? 5:04
Why are they called cell phones, anyway? 5:30
Why can’t phone batteries be removed any longer? 5:51
Why are phones so big nowadays? 6:20
Why do you need earphones to listen to the radio? 6:44
Why do phones tell you to hold still while taking night shots? 7:09
Why do phones charge slower when it’s cold? 7:28 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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20+ Signs Your Laptop Won’t Last Any Longer

On Saturday evening, Mike turned on his laptop because he needed to use it on Monday and by that time it would be finally ready to function. If you feel his pain, you probably need a new laptop, too. Plus, there are some other warning signs you may need to replace your laptop. Do you feel embarrassed to take out your laptop in public because it’s so bulky? Anything that’s more than half an inch thick is a laptop that’s old. Do you have to wait for an hour for your laptop to go from sleep mode to ready? It might be a sign your laptop is nearing the end. Does it overheat? Does it sound more like a space ship than a computer? Here are 22 signs it's time for a new laptop! #brightside EPISODES:
It's bulky 00:00
It's slow 0:37
It overheats 1:19
It's bad at multitasking 1:37
It makes weird sounds 1:56
No letters on your keyboard 2:37
Your battery doesn't hold a charge 2:52
It instantly shuts down 3:10
“Hardware device not detected” 3:39
Poor color reproduction 4:14
Touchpad problems 4:32
Black screen for no reason 5:21
The USB port stops responding 5:37
Uncontrollable beeping 5:55
What destroys your laptop 6:39 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 20+ Signs Your Laptop Won’t Last Any Longer Videos

50+ Smartphone Secret Tricks and Hidden Features in 2020

We can’t imagine our everyday life without smartphones that have different apps that can easily turn into universal gadgets. Most people are accustomed to using only certain functions on their phones and end up ignoring the vast possibilities that they have right at their fingertips. For example, did you know that if your TV remote has disappeared or run out of batteries, you can replace it with your phone and navigate your TV with it? So, yes, apart from the usual functions, our gadgets have numerous built-in tricks that can make our lives much easier in all kinds of situations. And even your smartphone does almost everything for you, that doesn’t mean you know about all it has to offer. We gathered a list of several ways that you can get the most out of your smartphone. Buckle up, because we’re about to find out some fun smartphone tips and tricks together! #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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50+ Smartphone Tricks and Hidden Features in 2020

We can’t imagine our everyday life without smartphones that have different apps that can easily turn into universal gadgets. Most people are accustomed to using only certain functions on their phones and end up ignoring the vast possibilities that they have right at their fingertips. For example, did you know that if your TV remote has disappeared or run out of batteries, you can replace it with your phone and navigate your TV with it? So, yes, apart from the usual functions, our gadgets have numerous built-in tricks that can make our lives much easier in all kinds of situations. And even your smartphone does almost everything for you, that doesn’t mean you know about all it has to offer. We gathered a list of several ways that you can get the most out of your smartphone. Buckle up, because we’re about to find out some fun smartphone tips and tricks together! #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Which Animals Could Lift The Most

Paul Anderson broke the world record for the greatest weight ever raised by a human being – he could carry 8 people on his back! But still, we’re pretty weak little things. The average person can carry something about 15% of their weight. Of course, there are some super strong people than can lift up to 500 lb, but they can manage it only for a few seconds. But if we had a jumping spider’s force, we’d all be superhumans! They can hold 170 times their weight. If we had the same strength, the average person could then lift about 25,000 lb – that’s 2 full-grown African elephants. So, how does our species compare to the heavyweight lifters, pullers, pushers, and biters of the animal kingdom? What's the strongest animal in the world? By the way, is an ant stronger than an elephant? And what animals are stronger than a gorilla? Let's find out! #brightside EPISODES:
Opossums 00:00
Humans 0:31
Sloths 0:46
Donkeys 0:59
Ponies 1:14
Bats 1:30
Grizzly bears 1:41
Hawks 1:54
Camels 2:09
The Green Anaconda 2:23 Musk ox 2:40
Crows 2:55
Buffalos 3:09
African Elephants 3:17
Tigers 3:34
Cats 3:48
Rats 4:02
Black bear cub 4:21
Jaguars 4:35
Frogs 4:50
Horses 5:07
Eagles 5:26
Bull shark 5:39
Saltwater crocodiles 5:52
Hyena 6:10
The Tasmanian Devil 6:24
Gorillas 6:53
Chimpanzees 7:09
Leafcutter ant 7:26
Jumping spider 7:43
Rhinoceros Beetles 7:59
The Dung Beetle 8:16
Oribatid mite 8:36 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Megalodons Have Been Sighted All Around The World

A mysterious creature, huge, fast, and lethal, is lurking somewhere in the dark. People claim to have seen a giant shark here and there all over the planet. Maybe it's the Megalodon, an ancient predator that's believed to be long gone? But could Megalodon still live In the deep ocean? This shark was the real king of the oceans – it even hunted whales! Surely such a majestic creature couldn't disappear without a trace? And indeed, there have been several cases when witnesses were sure they had seen the Meg. But could it be just their fear talking? The Megalodon, which means "big tooth," is the largest shark ever to roam the Earth's seas and oceans. It reportedly lived 23 to 3.6 million years ago and was truly enormous. Its bite was more powerful than that of a T-Rex. And no wonder – not only did the animal have super-strong jaws, but its teeth also reached 7 inches in length! Even better, the Megalodon had about 300 teeth growing in at least 6 rows. The shark itself could grow up to 59 ft – that's twice the length of a London double-decker bus! #brightside EPISODES:
The Jersey Shore shark attacks 00:00
The whale shark 1:55
Deep Blue shark 2:47
Basking shark 3:33
What experts say 4:35 Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Megalodons Have Been Sighted All Around The World Videos

Comparison: The Best Jumpers Among Animals

Love learning about the creatures of the world? Here's a new compilation of facts about animals that will surprise you! Leaping lemurs and jumping giraffes! It’s the list you never knew you needed: which animals have the best ups, and where do humans stack among them? Which creatures can jump? What animal jumps the highest? Stick around to find out where your jump would be astronomical and where it would be impossible! Did you know that although we share 99% of our DNA with Chimpanzees – they obviously got the jumping gene? Over 7 times their height in a single bound! Though their leg muscles are less than half the size of ours, they generate twice the power! But еhis does not apply to Olympic Athletes who seem to be superhuman. Javier Sotomayor’s record-breaking 8-ft high jump is 8 times the average. And Mike Powell’s 29-ft long jump – 5 times! #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Comparison: The Best Jumpers Among Animals Videos