Category Archives: Bright Side News

Airplane Seats Face the Wrong Way, And We Didn’t Know

Can you imagine boarding a plane only to find all the seats facing away from you? You might think there must be some kind of mistake. But turning the seats around would actually be the best way to get passengers from A to B! Why? Well, at least because backward-facing airline seats are safer than forward-facing ones. They provide extra support for the head and torso. Our backs are scientifically proven to withstand more shock than our chests and front. So why don’t airlines have the option of rear-facing seats? Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean;
Why Airplanes Are White;
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe; TIMESTAMPS:
For the health of it 0:21
It’s like babies! 1:00
It saves space 1:35
The views are great 2:15
Sleeping is better 2:38
It’s FUN! 2:59
Better amenities 3:15 Why airlines don’t have this option:
– Too much weight 3:44
– It's too pricey 5:08
– It could make you sick 5:37
– Sound interference 6:17
– People wouldn’t want them 7:43
– Experiments are too much of a risk 8:08 #planes #airtravel #brightside SUMMARY:
– The Society of Automotive Engineers, which creates safety standards in the automobile and aerospace industries, explains that forward-facing seats allow the torso to move forward.
– Babies and toddlers are supposed to sit in rear-facing car seats until they’re at least 2 years old. Because it’s much safer!
– Airlines that have included backward-facing seats in their business class have been able to fit 80 more seats in the cabin.
– With rear-facing seats, you get to enjoy the view the entire time you fly!
– Airplanes are naturally angled up a degree or two when in flight. Seats that face backward can recline into fully flat beds.
– Rear-facing seats are heavier than forward-facing ones, this adds weight to the plane.
– Some frequent flyers that have tried the backward-facing seats say that it’s a little awkward when you ride facing other passengers.
– Completely replacing old seats and installing new rear-facing ones would cost a fortune.
– If you’re someone who struggles with vertigo or nausea, I’m raising my hand here, these “innovative and revolutionary” seats may not be for you either.
– Studies done on various forms of transportation show that most people choose forward-facing seats.
– Completely redoing seating arrangements on board would be risky, and may not guarantee revenue. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Airplane Seats Face the Wrong Way, And We Didn’t Know Videos

10 Biggest Robots Ever Made on Earth

Old sci-fi stories predicted that at the beginning of the 2000s robots will be everywhere. Then it didn’t happen and the robotic future was delayed by another 20 years. And so here we are, and robots don’t roam the streets, but some of the existing ones are pretty remarkable. Have you ever heard, for example, of robot drones? Soon they will be able to deliver everything you decided to buy on the internet. From pizza to furniture or something even more massive. How about 500 lbs of pure weight? That’s how much a new prototype drone from Boeing can carry. And it doesn’t need to be manually operated, it will find a way all on its own! Other videos you might like:
What Will Happen to Us Before 2025
20 Things Proving That Japan Lives In 3018
11 Modern Things That Existed Long Before Us TIMESTAMPS:
The giant robot actor 0:25
Tracks and claws are on the rescue! 1:22
Athletic spider from outer space 2:20
The titanic mega-hand 3:24
Terrifying metal ostriches 4:14
Boeing sized drone 5:11
The Sea Hunter 6:06
Eagle Prime 7:10
The Real Mecha Suit 8:11
The most honorable mention 9:08 #robots #future #brightside SUMMARY:
– The giant robot actor weighs 11 tons and carries almost 2.5 gallons of liquid gas to shoot a 5 ft long stream of fire from its mouth. He can walk on his own 4 feet and move quite realistically even though he is controlled remotely. – T-52 Eryu – is the first real-life iron man or exo-suit that can save lives. Its hands are made to be as close as they can be to human hands, but much stronger and armed with claws. – ATHLET made by NASA looks like a metal spider on rollers! And if that’s not enough, it’s the biggest and the most agile extraterrestrial exploring robot NASA has ever made. – The Fanuc M-2000iA – colossal arm capable of 6-axis motions and precise actions that need a lot of lifting power. This robot is a stationary crane that can lift and rotate a whole car like it’s nothing more than a feather!
– Handle is one of the most humble but effective bots out there – it’s the ideal warehouse worker. It can sort out up to 360 boxes per hour, 33 lbs each. – Boeing sized drone is no joke. 15 ft long, 18 ft wide, and weighs 747 lbs without any cargo. You can guess how powerful this drone is – certainly not the type you would use for photoshoots and panorama view filming.
– The Sea Hunter looks quite futuristic. It’s only 11 ft wide and 132 ft long. Its slick design is the best spy flick material you may find in real life. – Eagle Prime is a 12-ton monster, standing 16 ft tall on its tracks easily crunching through whole mountains of metal barrels. With two strong hands moving cars with one light punch. – The record holder for the biggest humanoid robot in the world is the robot-samurai MONONOFU. Basically, it’s a toy and a childhood dream of its 44-year-old creator, engineer Masaaki Nagumo.
– AutoHaul may not be a giant humanoid robot, but the size of this project is more than impressive. It’s 1,050 miles of a railroad with 200 locomotives going from one of 16 mines to another to collect ore and convey resupplies. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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How Cats Domesticated Us Twice

Hey guys! Did you know that not only did we domesticate cats over 10,000 years ago — we did it twice? How did we convince these finicky felines to move in? Okay, we didn’t. It was probably their idea. Even though cats are domesticated animals, it’s more accurate to say that cats domesticated themselves. But cats weren’t the first animals to do so. That honor goes to the dogs. Dogs fell in love with us the moment we started the whole hunting and cooking over fire thing. Cats, of all kinds, were lurking around those same campfires, but they had no interest in helping us hunt or herd, and our attempts to train them failed. Other videos you might like:
26 Facts About Cats That'll Make You Love Them
Why Cats Lie on Their Backs When They See You
Why Cats Are Sooo Scared of Cucumbers? TIMESTAMPS:
How we domesticated rats and mice 1:59
The best mousetrap 2:41
You aren't your cat's master 3:22
A type of marking you won’t see in your house cat 5:03
Quanhucun cats 6:54
What happened to them? 7:41 #cats #pets #brightside SUMMARY:
– We started planting edible food, like grain. At which point, you could say, we domesticated rats and mice. – They ate all our grain, left a mess, and brought disease. – And that’s when cats found their niche in the human world. Cats love mice! – Wherever people stored grain, rats and mice moved in, and then cats showed up to catch them. – It wasn’t long before people started encouraging the kitties to stay. Maybe not offering them the best spot in front of the fire, but…. letting them take it. – Compare a tabby cat, or Felis Catus, to her ancestor, Felis Sylvestris, also called the African Wild Cat or “Middle Eastern Wildcat.” – Today’s housecats share an almost identical genetic make-up with their wild ancestor—and one of the few ways to tell them apart is by the markings on their coats, which generally don’t last long enough to be dug up in an archeological site. – One type of marking you won’t see in your house cat—except two occasions I’ll tell you about later—is leopard spots. – Dot hungry breeders have crossed Felis Catus with other species to get spotted offspring… with varying degrees of success. The Savannah Ocicat and Bengal are two examples. – Recent excavations in the early farming village Quanhucun, in central China, show that 5,000 years ago, Chinese farmers enjoyed the company of Quanhucun cats. – Archeologists even found one Quanhucun Cat so carefully buried that its skeleton remained intact for thousands of years, proving that someone thought it was pretty special. – Today, cats are the most popular pets in the world. People in the U.S. alone love nearly 75 million of them! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If There Was 1 Woman for 7 Billion Men

πŸ™‚ Based on an Untrue Story πŸ™ƒ It all started about a century and a half ago. Girls just stopped being born — every child in every family was a boy. At first, people didn’t pay much attention to it, and in some more traditional cultures, it was even considered good luck! Families got hale and hearty heirs, and all was well. But then, after a while, they started feeling that something was off. This was especially evident in smaller communities, where children weren’t born as often as in big cities and everyone knew each other. A boy here, a boy there. No girls in sight. Ten years passed, and there were hundreds and thousands of boys approaching their teenage years — but still no girls… Other videos you might like:
No Boys Were Born In a Mystery Village for 10 Years
10 Amazing Things You Did Before You Were Born
Here's What Your Baby Will Look Like TIMESTAMPS:
Strange generation 1:15
Why the world would be unstable 3:48
Demographic collapse 4:20
When a miracle happened 5:36
The first girl in over a hundred years! 6:50
Hope springs eternal 8:40 #whatif #demography #brightside SUMMARY:
– There were, of course, girls in schools, those aged from 11 upwards, so there wasn’t much concern about demographics even then.
– Kindergartens had more troubles, though. There were simply no girls at all — they looked like boarding schools for boys more than anything else.
– TV, radio, and the Internet started issuing news about the problem, and soon it became obvious that it was the same all over the world: nobody had given birth to a girl for many years. – Boys are highly inflammable by nature, and conflicts arose daily. If the smallest of the kids could still be reined in, teenagers were becoming downright unruly. – Years flew by, and the world was growing less and less stable. Everyone under the age of 40 was male, no exceptions. – After a hundred years came recession. No women were left in the world, and even the word became somewhat archaic.
– No kids at all. Kindergartens were all closed and abandoned; schools were growing sparse, with fewer and fewer students attending, until there were none left there either. – But then… a miracle happened. One scientific laboratory specializing in gene modifications suddenly informed the world that its researchers managed to create an embryo with two similar types of chromosomes, XX.
– In less than a year, it became obvious that the genetic experiment was a success. The embryo was alive and well, growing inside a special vial with everything it could need.
– The news made headlines across the planet. The first girl in over a hundred years! And her name was Aurora…
– She met with people, talked to them, and they wondered at her, having never seen anyone like her. – Thanks to Aurora’s genetic material, scientists have been able to create several more embryos. They were all alive and well. And 5 of them… were female. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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They Found Rare Diamonds on the Bottom of the Ocean

When it comes to finding diamonds in the ocean, you probably think about sunken treasures that went down with pirate ships and Spanish galleons. Maybe you’d like to find the Flor de la Mar, which sank in 1511 and took with it 200 chests of treasure, including diamonds the size of your fist! But there are lots of diamonds at the bottom of the sea that didn’t go down with a ship. How did they get there? Well, natural diamonds come from the Earth’s mantle, 100 miles or more beneath our planet’s surface. If you could hop in your car and drive that distance, it’d take you 2 hours at highway speeds! So, if they form so deep, how do any end up here with us on the surface? Other videos you might like:
The Story of the Hope Diamond Which Ruined Its Owners' Lives
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been Solved
What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like? TIMESTAMPS:
How did they get there? 1:05
Are there volcanos underwater?! πŸŒ‹ 1:44
How to make a diamond πŸ’Ž 3:45
Is it possible to get diamonds from the seafloor? 5:51
The most efficient method 7:56 #diamond #treasure #brightside Preview photo credit: The Hope Diamond in the National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., 2014: By Mbalotia – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– If the lava spews up from a deep enough layer (like 100 miles down), then diamonds shoot out! – Volcanos erupt when the tectonic plates beneath them move around. This releases all kinds of hot stuff underneath.
– A subduction zone is a place where huge tectonic plates shift around underwater. – But how do diamond-hunters find subduction zones all the way at the bottom of the ocean? Good question because it’s not easy, even for scientists!
– You can make a diamond from anything with carbon in it. Just gotta add heat and pressure. – While nowhere near as pretty as natural diamonds, these human-made, or “industrial” diamonds have plenty of uses.
– From the drills that your dentist uses on your teeth to the saws that cut through trees and metal, all sorts of blades are made with industrial diamonds.
– Diamonds are also great conductors of heat, and they can withstand high temperatures.
– Some facial exfoliators even have ground-up diamonds in them! – The river’s current carries sediment downstream. And if the river washes through a diamond mine? The sediment will have diamonds! – People kept finding more, and they still do today!
– But companies like De Beers, a big shot in the diamond industry, have found a more efficient method. – Vessels have giant vacuums that reach through the water and suck up those sparklers! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More They Found Rare Diamonds on the Bottom of the Ocean Videos

There Are Rare Diamonds on the Bottom of the Ocean

When it comes to finding diamonds in the ocean, you probably think about sunken treasures that went down with pirate ships and Spanish galleons. Maybe you’d like to find the Flor de la Mar, which sank in 1511 and took with it 200 chests of treasure, including diamonds the size of your fist! But there are lots of diamonds at the bottom of the sea that didn’t go down with a ship. How did they get there? Well, natural diamonds come from the Earth’s mantle, 100 miles or more beneath our planet’s surface. If you could hop in your car and drive that distance, it’d take you 2 hours at highway speeds! So, if they form so deep, how do any end up here with us on the surface? Other videos you might like:
The Story of the Hope Diamond Which Ruined Its Owners' Lives
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been Solved
What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like? TIMESTAMPS:
How did they get there? 1:05
Are there volcanos underwater?! πŸŒ‹ 1:44
How to make a diamond πŸ’Ž 3:45
Is it possible to get diamonds from the seafloor? 5:51
The most efficient method 7:56 #diamond #treasure #brightside Preview photo credit: The Hope Diamond in the National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., 2014: By Mbalotia – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– If the lava spews up from a deep enough layer (like 100 miles down), then diamonds shoot out! – Volcanos erupt when the tectonic plates beneath them move around. This releases all kinds of hot stuff underneath.
– A subduction zone is a place where huge tectonic plates shift around underwater. – But how do diamond-hunters find subduction zones all the way at the bottom of the ocean? Good question because it’s not easy, even for scientists!
– You can make a diamond from anything with carbon in it. Just gotta add heat and pressure. – While nowhere near as pretty as natural diamonds, these human-made, or “industrial” diamonds have plenty of uses.
– From the drills that your dentist uses on your teeth to the saws that cut through trees and metal, all sorts of blades are made with industrial diamonds.
– Diamonds are also great conductors of heat, and they can withstand high temperatures.
– Some facial exfoliators even have ground-up diamonds in them! – The river’s current carries sediment downstream. And if the river washes through a diamond mine? The sediment will have diamonds! – People kept finding more, and they still do today!
– But companies like De Beers, a big shot in the diamond industry, have found a more efficient method. – Vessels have giant vacuums that reach through the water and suck up those sparklers! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More There Are Rare Diamonds on the Bottom of the Ocean Videos

What If You Ate 100,000 Calories in One Day

We’re all familiar with that certain sting of guilt that comes after a good meal that was way too much. Most of us are trying to maintain our health and level of fitness, while the media is teeming with warnings about extra calories. Calories are generally a unit of measurement used to determine the amount of energy contained inside of something. Just like rocket fuel provides the rocket with energy – people use food for fuel. An average human burns 2,500 calories throughout the day. So you need to consume relatively the same 2,500 calories in a day to maintain yourself in the same shape you currently are. But what would happen if you ate 100,000 calories in a single day? Is that even possible? Other videos you might like:
Why Japanese Are So Thin According to Science
What Will Happen If You Start Eating Oats Every Day TIMESTAMPS:
What 10,000 calories look like 2:36
Competitive eaters. Who are they? 3:00
You can eat more food than usual if… 5:33
The eater of Olympic scale 6:03
What will happen if you eat more than 2,500 calories per day 7:30 #calories #healthydiet #brightside SUMMARY:
– An average human burns 2,500 calories throughout the day, depending on their size and metabolism. That’s more than enough energy to boil a little under 2 gallons of water.
– 100,000 calories is an energy value of 42 gallons of whole milk – that’s a bathtub filled to the brim with milk we’re talking about.
– That would be a pepperoni pizza roughly 100 ft in diameter. Or, if you prefer burgers, it would about 300 reasonably sized cheeseburgers. – If yes, then you need to consider your future as an absolute champion in competitive eating. There are a lot of them around the globe.
– The champions among them claim to have eaten up to 200,000 calories during one such tour from one contest to another.
– One competitive eater stated that he once chewed his way through as much as 20,000 calories in one meal. – But these people are surprisingly fit, spending most of their days eating pretty humble meals and doing a ton of hardcore workouts in a gym.
– Remember, anything even remotely close to the competitive eating standards of over 10,000 calories is extremely dangerous, and can be approached only by trained people.
– Men can naturally eat more than women, and a growing and maturing teenager can eat much more than just about anyone.
– The sensation of the Olympic Games, American swimmer Michael Phelps, is also an eater of Olympic scale.
– Three fried eggs, toast with a lot of vegetables, a five-egg omelet, three French toasts, a bowl of grits and two cups of coffee – that’s just breakfast! – For an ordinary person, anything beyond 2,500 calories per day would lead to gaining excess weight. – 100,000 calories worth of food would be equal to 29 pounds of pure fat. – But having body fat is only half of the problem, the real problems begin when around 10% of this fat turns into so-called visceral fat. – An overweight person is also more likely to have problems with internal balance, sweating, and most of all – with the heart pumping like it’s going to blow up. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If Earth’s Age Was Just 1 Day

Hey guys! How about a quick 24-hour trip through the history of our planet? That’s right – 4.5 billion years in just 1 day! In real time, the magnetic poles switch places every 250,000 years. Yep, North becomes South, and South is the new North – magnetically, at least! But on this 1-day-old planet, they’re changing 12 times a second! Also, the continents move about 1 inch per year to form a supercontinent. That happens every 400 million years. But today, they’re merging and breaking up every 2 hours! And you know what? Out of an entire 24-hour day, our species only showed up right at the last minute! Other videos you might like:
10 Wonderful Facts About Earth You've Never Heard Before
Stephen Hawking’s 7 Predictions of Earth’s Demise in the Next 200 Years
12 Facts That'll Change Your Perception of Time Forever TIMESTAMPS:
The first single-celled organisms 1:01
When it starts to get chilly ❄️ 1:51
We FINALLY have something familiar! 2:33
Earth freezes over again ❄️ 2:54
Mammals are taking over the land 4:44
A mass extinction 😳 5:27
Dinosaurs! 5:43
The second mass extinction in an hour 6:04
By 11:00 pm, we have the first birds 🐦
The largest animal that ever existed 6:26
It’s 11:58 pm, still no signs of people πŸ˜• 8:48
What happens 2 seconds before the day ends 9:03 #Earth #funhistory #brightside SUMMARY:
– At around 12:00am, the young Earth collides with another planet called Theia. Will you look at that – the moon is born! – At 5:30am, we see the first single-celled organisms starting their life in the ocean. – By 11am, photosynthesizing bacteria have managed to take in enough sun for the past 6 “hours” (aka, a billion years) to fill the atmosphere with the byproduct they let out: oxygen!
– At 11:35, it starts to get chilly. A mere second later, it’s freezing cold, and we have the first snowball on Earth.
– At 7:20pm, we FINALLY have something familiar: sponges!
– It’s 7:55, and the Earth freezes over again. Time for a 2-minute ski sesh before everything melts.
– At around 8:30, we can remove our sun-protecting gear because now the Ozone layer appears. – By 8:45, life is flourishing in the sea. We now have jellyfish swimming around corals. – It’s 9:10pm, the moon is up, the sea creatures are getting a little stir-crazy, so they decide to explore the land. – By 9:45, we have the first 4-legged animals appearing in shallow waters. – By 10:30, everything vanishes, we can hardly see any animals. A mass extinction takes place. Only 5% of the species survive. I’m not sure what caused it. – 10:34, and the moment is here. The dinosaurs are finally making an appearance. The first one was the Nyasasaurus.
– 10:45 marks another mass extinction. Boy, it’s the second one in an hour. But thankfully, our dinosaur friends make it. – It’s 11:03, and we have the first kangaroo ancestors. These are the first animals that carry their babies in a pouch. – By 11:17, dinosaurs are reaching their full size. It’s like Jurassic Park around here! Look at the Argentinosaurus. This guy was the largest animal that ever existed.
– It’s 11:26. A giant asteroid coming right our way! It smashes into the Earth, and dust flies everywhere. A few seconds later, everything clears up, but the dinosaurs have disappeared.
– It’s 11:58pm, and still no signs of people. But the chimpanzees and bonobos appear suddenly!
– It’s 11:59 and 23 seconds, and we FINALLY have full-blown humans over in Africa! A second later, they start migrating all over the world. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If We Move the Earth to a New Orbit

Did you know that the Earth's orbit isn’t a circle, but an oval-shaped ellipse? And the length of the day is actually not 24 but 23.93 hours. We, humans, take these facts for granted. But what if one day, we had to move the entire planet to a completely new orbit and change the existing order? Before we figure out if there’s any way to push our planet out of its orbit, let's find out why we might need to do so! The thing is that our doomsday is approaching. Even if the planet doesn't get overheated due to global warming, the sun will finish it off… But don't be scared, it’s not happening tomorrow. Other videos you might like:
The Solar System Is Not Like You Think It Is
A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered
A Journey to the End of the Universe TIMESTAMPS:
Why the sun is our planet's biggest enemy β˜€οΈ 0:46
Can we migrate to another planet? 2:29
Is moving the Earth to a new orbit possible❓ 3:33
Possible solutions:
– A mega-strong and long lasso 4:20
– A gigantic light sail 5:22
– Electric thrusters 5:58
What would happen if we could do that 7:49 #future #Earth #brightside SUMMARY:
– The star is getting hotter and hotter as the centuries pass. And one day, about 5 billion years from now, the sun will inevitably turn into a swollen red giant. About 2 billion years later, the sun will swallow the Earth.
– Long before that, in about 1 billion years, the sun will have already grown more than 11% brighter. It’ll make the average temperature on Earth rise to at least 120 degrees F. – Even this increase in temperature will lead to the World Ocean getting dramatically warmer. The water will start to evaporate like it does when you leave a pot of water in the sun. – The hydrogen, which is a crucial building material for all kinds of living cells, will slowly but surely leak into space. – If our descendants want to stay alive, they’ll have to migrate to another planet or maybe even galaxy!
– It’d still take thousands of years to deliver all the Earth's inhabitants to their new home. Also, it’d take unimaginable amounts of fuel – even if people flew no further than to another planet in the Solar System.
– That's why another option will likely come into play: people will have to change the orbit of the planet before the disaster strikes to avoid the tragic outcome! – Scientists have even calculated that to keep leading a comfortable life (or at least survive), people would have to change the orbit of the planet so that it's 9.5% further from the sun than it is now.
– At first, a mega-strong and long lasso may seem to be the simplest solution. – But where can you find a material strong enough to carry the weight of the whole planet? Besides, how can you be sure that this asteroid will take you exactly where you need to get?
– Maybe an effective way out would be moving the planet out of its orbit with the help of a gigantic light sail?
– But once people calculate all the details, they'll find out that the reflective disk of the light sail would have to be more than 19 times bigger than the diameter of the planet! – An electric thruster could become a cool alternative, especially if we talk about ion drives! Come to think of it, this method could work out! And if people managed this unprecedented feat and DID change the orbit of the planet as planned, there’d be some noticeable changes.
– Our planet's orbital speed would drop down from 18.6 to 17.7 miles per second. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If We Move the Earth to a New Orbit Videos