Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away a Boarding Pass

Hey, you know that piece of paper they give you at the airport? It gets scanned, and then you toss it in the trash. Yeah, boarding passes! There are plenty of reasons why you might wanna hang onto that thing for your next trip. Okay, you may not be a celebrity or a billionaire CEO jetting across the world. But what if someone is tracking your movements for some sinister reason? They might be planning to burglarize your home? Or, even worse, they may want to pry into your private life! Btw, all your payment information is in the boarding pass barcode! Other videos you might like:
A Fast Boarding Way No Airline Will Ever Use
7 Air Travel Tips to Know Before Your Flight
10 Things You Should Never Wear on a Plane TIMESTAMPS:
It’s more vulnerable than you think… 0:19
Full name 0:39
Passenger Name Record 1:08
Ticket number 1:34
Your flight carrier and number 1:32
An open door for scammers 2:04
Travel itinerary 2:29
Barcode 2:51
Your contact details 3:11
Financial details 3:35
Identity theft 3:55
The downside of the web 4:23
Claiming compensation 4:58
Tax records 5:27
Accessing the airline’s website 5:53
Your flight seat 6:24
In-flight meal preference 7:09
Your Frequent Flyer rewards 7:30
Forgot Password? 8:01
That Code Sharing practice 8:21
Boarding Pass Privileges 8:46
Privacy invasion 9:15
Hypothetical risks 9:49 #planes #traveltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– Your name can be tagged to carry out all kinds of deeds without you knowing it. Or they might just look you up on social media and find your pictures and details there.
– To do anything involving your confirmed flight booking, all it takes is to know your full name combined with the Passenger Name Record or your ticket number. – The boarding pass barcode is normally at the bottom right side. Posting it, along with all the other personal details there, on social media is all it takes for your private information to be exposed. – Your home address, email, contact phone number – it’s all in that barcode! Now your physical safety could be at risk! – All your payment information is in that barcode too! Whoever has your debit or credit card information can even make new purchases using these details.
– At this point, your identity is now at risk. That means someone can carry out a whole slew of transactions or purchases using your name and other personal information. – Once you’re aware of the airline’s terms and conditions, you can then apply for compensation. And your boarding pass is the first document you’ll need. – If you travel for work, your trips could be tax-deductible. You’ll need proof that you physically got on a plane and flew from A to B, and a boarding pass is exactly that.
– With your name and Passenger Name Record, anyone can access the airline’s website.
– Unauthorized changes to your meal preferences are more than just mere inconveniences.
– You think you’re safe with all your login accounts? When someone clicks FORGOT PASSWORD, they usually send the reset password to your email. – Your Passenger Name Record can also be used to log in to the websites of other code sharing airline partners.
– If your trip is confidential and sensitive, then an exposed boarding pass is exactly what you don’t want.
– If the wrong person got hold of information that you or the whole family will be on vacation in another city or country for the next 2 weeks, then it could spell real trouble! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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9 Riddles Whose Answers Will Just Frustrate You

Are you looking for a way to stimulate your brain and kick boredom to the curb? If so, then these funny and tricky riddles are just what you need! This video is going to warm up your brain and stretch your imagination. Be sure to pay attention to the little details and think outside the box to get the answers right. By the way, riddles are one of the most effective ways to develop your thinking skills, memory, and intelligence. Unusual tasks are like “brain gymnastics” which are useful for everybody. So, do you want to find out how good you are at this? Then here you go – and you'll find your results at the end of the video! Other videos you might like:
9 Brain-Cracking Riddles That Stumped the Whole Internet
If You Solve 20 Riddles In 15 Seconds, You Are Super Smart
9 Math Riddles That'll Stump Even Your Smartest Friends TIMESTAMPS:
A forgotten PIN 0:24
A bad liar 1:18
The robbery of the year 2:37
A great summer vacation 4:00
A matchstick equation 5:02
Thief the sprinter 5:38
A mysterious number 6:50
The missing number 7:51
Stolen cows 8:28
👉 Your results 👈 9:50 #riddles #puzzles #brightside SUMMARY:
– Emma forgot the PIN. She took the clue out of her pocket and immediately remembered the PIN. Can you say what number it was if the clue was a sheet of paper with a fly, a cat, a girl, and a snake drawn on it?
– Ms. Nelson had to organize an event, and a big concert was a part of it. She still needed to find one more performer. There were several talented students at her school, and she decided to invite them. But when she saw them at the concert, she found out that one of them had lied to her. Who was it and how did she understand it?
– Ethan came to his senses before the police arrived. He told the officer that the robbers had stolen all his money and electronics he kept in his safe. The only question the detective asked was if Ethan touched anything on the table after James had left. When he heard the negative answer, he immediately arrested James. Can you figure out why? – Three college friends met after a summer break. Each of them wanted to boast how cool their vacation was. Of course, all the stories were great but one of them was fake. Which one was it? – This matchstick equation seems correct: 9 – 3 = 6. But can you move just one matchstick to get another correct equation?
– Detective Jackson Jones was walking along the street when he heard people shouting. Some man grabbed the lady's bag, pushed her to the ground, and sprinted away. The detective ran in the direction witnesses showed him, turned the corner, and saw three doors. After visiting all these apartments, Detective Jones immediately realized who was the thief.
– If you take away half of this number, you'll get nothing. What is this number?
– Look at this table with numbers and within 10 seconds, try to guess which number should go to the empty space! – Mr. Richardson, a rich farmer, arrived at the police station in tears, saying that two of his best cows were missing! The police officer managed to figure out who the criminal was – can you? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 9 Riddles Whose Answers Will Just Frustrate You Videos

What If You Ate Expired Eggs By Accident

So…you’ve got some expired food lying around. Is that “Sell By” date really a line you don’t want to cross? If you’re on a budget, you’ve probably tossed around the idea of eating the food anyway. What’s the worst that could happen? There are some things you should be aware of. Take, for example, chicken. Here’s where the expiration date on the packaging really is a hard rule. If you DO eat some undercooked or expired chicken, stop eating and drinking for a while to give your tummy a break, since the bad chicken could wreak havoc on your digestive system. What about other products? Other videos you might like:
A Journey Inside Your Body
How Long Foods Stay In Your Stomach
Can You Drink Water When You Eat? TIMESTAMPS:
Expired Eggs 0:23
Expired Milk 1:19
Expired Cheese 2:07
Expired Bread 3:12
Expired Deli Meat 4:10
Expired Chicken 5:10
Expired Potatoes 6:15
Expired Fish 7:20 #healthydiet #food #brightside SUMMARY:
– The main concern with spoiled eggs is salmonella poisoning since eggs come from chickens. You’d feel stomach pain, chills, and develop a fever. – Drinking any kind of expired milk will result in the same: you’ll have some serious stomach cramps and digestive problems for a couple days. – If you eat expired cheese, it’s likely that nothing will happen to your body; unless you’re lactose-intolerant, your digestive system knows how to break down and get rid of the mold in cheese.
– Now, that’s not to say that it’s okay to eat the mold on cheese. Always, always cut out any mold you see on your cheese. Once you cut out the mold, the rest of the cheese should be okay. If it’s truly gone bad, it’ll smell like ammonia. – Products like bread—and other foods in the grain family—can grow aflatoxin, which is one of the most widespread and highly studied molds in the world.
– Deli meat is especially prone to growing a bacterium called listeria. It causes the symptoms that most food poisoning does, but in advanced cases, it can cause dizziness, a stiff neck, confusion, and muscle aches.
– Salmonella poisoning can send you straight to the hospital. If the chicken is already contaminated with it, eating it expired or undercooked compounds the risk of getting sick. – Have you ever pulled out your bag of potatoes and noticed some yellowish or greenish sprouts growing on them? This means that your potatoes have gone bad to some degree. – There are two kinds of poisoning that you can get from eating rancid fish: scombroid and ciguatera.
– Scombroid is the result of improperly refrigerating fish from the time it’s caught to when it gets to your table. Ciguatera is the result of eating fish that eat other fish that have come in contact with the ciguatera bacteria. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If You Ate Expired Eggs By Accident Videos

What Happens If You Eat Expired Eggs

So…you’ve got some expired food lying around. Is that “Sell By” date really a line you don’t want to cross? If you’re on a budget, you’ve probably tossed around the idea of eating the food anyway. What’s the worst that could happen? There are some things you should be aware of. Take, for example, chicken. Here’s where the expiration date on the packaging really is a hard rule. If you DO eat some undercooked or expired chicken, stop eating and drinking for a while to give your tummy a break, since the bad chicken could wreak havoc on your digestive system. What about other products? Other videos you might like:
A Journey Inside Your Body
How Long Foods Stay In Your Stomach
Can You Drink Water When You Eat? TIMESTAMPS:
Expired Eggs 0:23
Expired Milk 1:19
Expired Cheese 2:07
Expired Bread 3:12
Expired Deli Meat 4:10
Expired Chicken 5:10
Expired Potatoes 6:15
Expired Fish 7:20 #healthydiet #food #brightside SUMMARY:
– The main concern with spoiled eggs is salmonella poisoning since eggs come from chickens. You’d feel stomach pain, chills, and develop a fever. – Drinking any kind of expired milk will result in the same: you’ll have some serious stomach cramps and digestive problems for a couple days. – If you eat expired cheese, it’s likely that nothing will happen to your body; unless you’re lactose-intolerant, your digestive system knows how to break down and get rid of the mold in cheese.
– Now, that’s not to say that it’s okay to eat the mold on cheese. Always, always cut out any mold you see on your cheese. Once you cut out the mold, the rest of the cheese should be okay. If it’s truly gone bad, it’ll smell like ammonia. – Products like bread—and other foods in the grain family—can grow aflatoxin, which is one of the most widespread and highly studied molds in the world.
– Deli meat is especially prone to growing a bacterium called listeria. It causes the symptoms that most food poisoning does, but in advanced cases, it can cause dizziness, a stiff neck, confusion, and muscle aches.
– Salmonella poisoning can send you straight to the hospital. If the chicken is already contaminated with it, eating it expired or undercooked compounds the risk of getting sick. – Have you ever pulled out your bag of potatoes and noticed some yellowish or greenish sprouts growing on them? This means that your potatoes have gone bad to some degree. – There are two kinds of poisoning that you can get from eating rancid fish: scombroid and ciguatera.
– Scombroid is the result of improperly refrigerating fish from the time it’s caught to when it gets to your table. Ciguatera is the result of eating fish that eat other fish that have come in contact with the ciguatera bacteria. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Phones Catch on Fire While Charging

Cell phones certainly make our lives easier, but they can also be dangerous. Sometimes phones explode! Literally. This usually happens with a lithium-ion battery, which most modern gadgets are equipped with. Since 2016, cases of batteries igniting have significantly increased. That's why, as of this year, it's forbidden to store gadgets with these batteries in the cargo on an aircraft. In some cases, the phones not only explode, but also ignite, swell, melt and even boil. Let's find out why this happens and what to do to prevent it. Other videos you might like:
Don't Charge Your Phone to 100%, Here's Why
Why Phones Don't Have Removable Batteries Anymore
6 Ways to Prevent Your Phone from Stealing Your Data TIMESTAMPS:
What provokes this disaster 2:03
Simple ways to avoid it: – Don't buy cheap chargers 4:14
– Don't charge your phone overnight 4:51
– Avoid hot places ☀️ 5:10
– Don't carry your phone in your back pocket 5:31
How to make your phone's battery last longer 6:25 #phones #gadgets #brightside A Motorola DynaTAC 8000X from 1984: By Redrum0486, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Many people have said that their battery literally "boiled" like real acid.
– Now all lithium-ion is equipped with controllers, sensors, and charge balancers to reduce the risk of fire. But sometimes this doesn't help.
– The battery in the phone can very easily be damaged if you drop your phone or accidentally step on it. If it's damaged, the correct order of operation of the electrodes will be violated, destroying the battery and provoking an explosion.
– We can't know under what conditions the battery of our phone was created. It could have been scratched during assembly, disrupting the technology, or accidentally introducing small metal particles into it.
– If you notice that the phone has become hot while charging, then it's better to unplug the cable and allow the phone to cool. – The phone manufacturers create chargers that perfectly match the battery in your phone. Yes, it'll cost a bit more, but it’ll be less than the cost of a new phone. The same goes for the battery itself. – It'd be better to charge the phone in an open space. And it's best not to charge the phone overnight at all; just do it during the day when you can pay attention to it.
– Don't leave your phone charging in hot places. The sun can raise the temperature of the battery and it won't lead to anything good.
– If you notice that the battery of your phone is running out quickly, then bring it to an authorized service center. You'll most likely need to replace it.
– Don't carry your phone in your back pocket. You might forget about it and accidentally sit down, which will lead to the deformation of the battery. – Batteries don’t only explode in phones. Many cases have been recorded of laptops, toasters, hoverboards, and electric vehicles igniting. – Charge the phone as often as needed, but just a little bit. If you constantly charge it to one hundred percent and use the gadget until it's completely out of battery, then the battery will be able to handle about 500-700 charge cycles.
– Watch the temperature. Not only can the sun's rays harm the battery, but also frost. Carrying your phone in the outside pocket of your jacket in winter is a bad idea.
– Try to replace the battery in any of your devices at least once every two or three years. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The True Purpose of Mirror in Elevators

How often do you take elevator selfies? After all, that’s what the mirrors inside them are for, right? Or could it be for safety and monitoring reasons? Or maybe they are hiding some secret parts of the elevator you aren’t supposed to see? Back in the 1920’s when modern-type elevators were becoming more and more popular, a lot of people were anxious about going for a ride. Hotels, stores, and office buildings came up with a solution – they started playing calming music inside. So maybe the mirrors are there for the same purpose? Other videos you might like:
The Only Way to Survive in a Free Falling Elevator
What Lets You See Your Real Self: Pictures or Mirrors?
8 Signs You're More Attractive Than You Think TIMESTAMPS:
Archimedes' elevator 0:26
The Roman Colosseum used to have elevators! 0:47
The first public passenger elevator 1:11
Buildings with no 13th floor 3:28
So what about mirrors? 3:53
Placebo button 🔴 4:37
What if you get stuck in an elevator 5:38
How safe elevators are 6:48
The coolest elevators in the world 7:33
A riddle for all elevator fans 🤓 8:11 #elevator #factsyouneverknew #brightside SUMMARY:
– Back around 235 BCE, Archimedes built a wooden platform that went up on ropes in an open shaft.
– The Roman Colosseum used to have elevators and not just one but 24 of them!
– The first public passenger elevator was installed in 1857 in a department store in New York City.
– Back in the 19th and early 20th centuries, elevators were called movable rooms as they were designed way fancier than many apartments today.
– The upper floors have become so prestigious and luxurious only recently in history, and it happened thanks to elevators.
– These days, over 325 million passengers go up and down in an elevator every day across the world. – Mirrors are used to calm down people with claustrophobia. A room with mirrors always appears more spacious than it actually is. – Are you one of those people who always push the “close” button to make the elevator doors shut faster? This button is nothing but a placebo.
– Though more people are afraid of getting in an elevator than getting in a car, the elevator is a much safer means of transportation and statistically the safest way to travel!
– An elevator stops to prevent you from getting into trouble. When something is wrong in the shaft or the machine, and there’s even the slightest danger, stopping is the best solution.
– If you do get stuck in an elevator, don’t try to escape by yourself. Use the emergency button to contact the operator and wait for someone to come and rescue you.
– Even if some of the cables fail for some reason, one will be enough to hold the construction! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Flies Are So Attracted to Humans

Why do flies sit on humans? Well, like you, they get thirsty? So, they drink your sweat. Why not? Your sweat teams with proteins and salts and you are not using it. Now you think this is weird and gross? But did you know that they also love to eat your flaking skin cells? And you can never catch those pesky critters! They experience time differently. Unlike the 7 dog years to 1 human year formula, scientists haven’t worked out fly-time yet: but suffice it to say that while, for humans — time flies, for flies — humans operate like romantic movies… in slow motion. Other videos you might like:
How to Identify a Bug Bite and What to Do With It
10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ants And Bugs In Your House
8 All-Natural Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away TIMESTAMPS:
The Carbon Dioxide you exhale draws them 0:36
They drink your sweat 1:13
They eat your flaking skin cells 2:00
Why you can never catch them 2:15
Do flies have teeth? 4:03
What about horseflies? 6:55
How you can deter flies 7:26 #flies #insects #brightside SUMMARY:
– It is not halitosis, but the Carbon Dioxide you exhale that draws me. So long as you breathe, you cannot change that.
– Flies swarm the desert, the beach, and parched parking lots. Like you, we get thirsty. So, we drink your sweat.
– I love to eat your flaking skin cells. They are munchy fly snack chips!
– If you sorrow over having only two eyes, think of this: You have two eyes in each image of your face that is reflected in my 12,000 eyes. – And—my special wings help me dodge around too. Flapping up and down is for the birds. Fly wings flap forward and back. – And why must I crawl across your cheek? Because I have taste receptors in my feet! They help me locate the most saturated sweaty spots of skin. – I won’t sting, bush flies like me have the soft fleshy mouths of collagen injected movie stars. – Some flies love you for your hot, sweet, blood. And you are especially attractive in the summer when more of your tender skin is exposed.
– I know you want to sleep in peace, but we can’t leave you alone at night because we only live a few days. – Horseflies have knife-like lips that slash at your skin. Then he, too, slurps. But he leaves a mess. The good news is, Horse flies are not known to transmit disease to humans. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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50 Facts Only the Most Knowledgeable People Know

Hey, Bright Sider, do you know what’s impossible? To hum with your nose pinched closed. Seriously, try it. See? You probably think you know almost everything about the world around you. But the truth is, there are tons of really weird facts that can completely change your view of the world! Did you know, for example, that the computer term “there’s a bug in the system” emerged in 1946 when an actual moth got trapped inside a Relay Calculator at Harvard? Or that squirrels accidentally plant millions of trees every year because they forget where they bury their acorns? Or that.5 billion years ago, a day was only 4 hours? Interested? Then check out these facts, and you'll understand that there are still many things in the world that can surprise us! Other videos you might like:
20 Interesting Facts You're Too Lazy to Google
17 Jaw-Dropping Facts You Didn't Know About the Human Body
10 Fun Facts About America Even Americans Don't Know TIMESTAMPS:
What a Googol is 0:29
Forgetful squirrels 0:48
The first microwave 1:05
100,000 golf balls instead of Loch Ness Monster 1:24
Feefle, spitters, and snaw pouther 1:46
What's so unique about our tongue? 2:16
The biggest volcanic eruption 2:39 What is octothorpe? 3:15
Why it's impossible to walk on Saturn 3:38
Chinese fortune cookies are… not Chinese 4:05
Our brain changes its structure all the time 4:33
Why it was cool to have black teeth in the past 4:55
What a dog’s sniffer can 5:21
The difference between mass and weight 6:19
Peanuts aren’t nuts 6:15
Teleportation in the quantum world! 7:11
Minnie Mouse’s full name 7:21
The University of Oxford is older than the Aztec Empire! 8:07
How much an astronaut’s spacesuit costs 9:08
Marge Simpson had rabbit ears 9:18 #amazingfacts #strangefacst #brightside SUMMARY:
– When sea otters sense that they’re in danger, they show their babies to the predators to make them feel mercy. – A rainbow that happens at night is called a moonbow. They’re mostly white and very rare!
– A giraffe’s neck can reach up to 6 feet in length. Yet, it contains the same number of bones as the human neck. – Tim Storms holds the Guinness World Record for the deepest voice. He reached notes that were so low only elephants could hear.
– In 2015, the Oxford Dictionary announced that the word of the year was the “smiling emoji with tears of joy.” – Canadian researchers found out that Einstein’s brain was 15% wider than average.
– There’s a 5,000-year-old Egyptian necklace that’s made from…a meteorite! – Sonic the Hedgehog was put in the Guinness Book of Records for being the fastest video game character of all time. – The average person will grow almost 600 miles of hair over a lifetime. That’s twice as long as the atmosphere is thick.
– Have you ever thrown an apple in a river and seen it float? That’s because it’s 23% air. – It can take a sloth up to a month to digest a single leaf. Figures.
– Antares is a star that’s 550 light-years away from Earth. It’s 15 times larger and 10,000 times brighter than our Sun. – An astronaut’s spacesuit costs 12 million bucks, and 70% of that money goes to that beefy backpack and the control module. – When the typewriter was first invented in 1829, the keys were arranged in alphabetical order.
– There are over 10,000 beaches in Australia. It would take you about 27 years to visit a new one each day. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 50 Facts Only the Most Knowledgeable People Know Videos

AC Was Invented Because of Mosquitoes

Believe it or not, but you have to thank mosquitoes for the invention of air conditioning, or, at least, its forefather! No one loves them in the 21st century, but back in the 19th, those guys were a real nightmare. Things were especially bad in swampy areas of Florida. A local physician and inventor Dr. John Gorrie was trying to find a way to drain the swamps, and while he was at it, he got this revolutionary idea in 1841. He realized the problem was literally in the air. So cooling the air could fix it! Other videos you might like:
How Braces Work (And Why So Slow)
What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a Plane Engine
15 Accidental Inventions You Can't Imagine Your Life Without TIMESTAMPS:
Thank mosquitoes for this invention! 0:21
The first electrical air conditioning unit 1:30
Mass public appearance 2:03
How the central air conditioner works 4:01 #inventions #howitworks #brightside SUMMARY:
– Dr. John Gorrie arranged shipping of buckets of ice from frozen lakes and streams in the North of the country into hospital rooms in Florida.
– By 1851, he designed an air compressor to make ice out of water. The mechanism was powered by a horse. This is how the concept of air conditioning was born!
– A few decades later, engineer Willis Carrier designed the first electrical air conditioning unit with cooling coils and air filters. – Air conditioning made its first mass public appearance at the St. Louis World's Fair in 1904. The 1,000 people in the auditorium definitely loved the idea of comfort cooling. – It was good enough for public buildings, but still too large and expensive for homes. It took a couple more decades for engineers to design something perfect for private houses. – Today's air conditioners work on the principles of Carrier's invention but are, of course, more energy efficient, much quieter, have way better diagnostics and controls, electronic sensors and are made of better materials.
– The outdoor unit consists of a compressor, condenser coil and a fan. Another vital player in this process is the refrigerant. – The heat from the air inside your home mixes with the refrigerant and moves through the compressor and to the outdoor coil.
– It's important to squeeze the gas tightly because the higher the pressure, the higher the temperature.
– There can be an indoor unit in every room of your house, or the ones you need to keep cool, or one unit in the closet or the basement, or somewhere inside your house.
– The hot air from the room is sucked in through the return vents. Then, the air meets the refrigerant. At this stage, the hot air loses its heat and moisture. – The expansion valve helps it blow off some steam and lose some extra pressure. – Then the refrigerant goes from liquid to gas and is ready to move over the ice cold evaporator coils.
– Each and every detail in the air conditioner is super important, and even if one of them goes off, the whole process will stop. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More AC Was Invented Because of Mosquitoes Videos