Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why Space Is Getting So Crowded

The first human-made object to orbit the Earth was Sputnik 1, which blasted off on October 4th, 1957. In the decades since, we’ve launched thousands of additional satellites. The modern world would surely grind to a halt without them. But now, there are so many up there that we might literally be running out of space. It turns out there are only so many places you can put a satellite and have it stay where you want it to be. If a satellite is too low, it will simply fall from the sky, too high, and it will gradually drift into deep space. With so many in orbit, keeping them all from slamming into each other is a task that gets more difficult every passing year! Other videos you might like:
20+ Incredible Space Facts That Aren't In Textbooks
What Will Happen If Planes Fly Almost to Space
A Journey to the End of the Universe TIMESTAMPS:
Can satellites drift out of orbit entirely? 1:25
Satellite collision over Siberia 💥 1:52
Broken or abandoned satellites 2:41
The absolute worst-case scenario 👈 3:44
What if all our satellites were wiped out at once? 5:02
How we get rid of satellites 6:37
The laser broom 7:24 #space #satellites #brightside Preview photo credit: A Beehive of Satellites: By European Space Agency,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Global Positioning System (or GPS) satellites and others that need to remain over a specific part of the Earth’s surface have to be launched at very specific altitudes.
– The further from a stable orbit the satellite is, the more effort has to be put into keeping it there. – On February 10th, an abandoned Russian satellite called Kosmos 2251 plowed into the side of an American satellite as they passed over northern Siberia. The impact shredded both spacecrafts and sent a cloud of debris hurtling through space at incredible speed. – Broken or abandoned satellites like Kosmos 2251 are a huge threat to the ones that are still functioning.
– A piece of space garbage just four inches across is enough to rip most satellites apart. – As of May 2019, there were around 23,000 objects of that size or larger. – The absolute worst-case scenario is what scientists call the Kessler Effect. Thought of in 1978 by NASA scientist Donald J. Kessler, the Kessler effect is basically the domino effect in space. – Works of fiction like to present the Kessler Effect in almost apocalyptic terms. – Right now, there are a few objects making scientists nervous. One notable example is the European Space Agency’s enormous and abandoned Envisat satellite. – The threat of satellite collisions is very real and will only get worse as we launch more and more objects into orbit. – Modern satellites usually won’t get the green light until there’s a plan for how to get rid of them.
– Sometimes this requires pushing it out so far into space that the odds of a crash drop to basically nothing. – Another option is to lower the satellite so that it gets pulled in by the Earth's gravity. – Another suggested solution would be to place unwanted satellites so that they will be yanked out of orbit by the Sun or Moon. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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24 Proofs Your Body Is Really Special

During the Renaissance, European scientists and artists strongly believed the human body was the most wondrous and sacred thing in the whole world. And to this day, we only find more and more evidence that they were completely right. Do you know, for example, why pinkie toe lost all of its functionality? Or how sneezing makes you happy? Or that your eyes are placed in such a way they should actually see your nose? You simply don’t notice it! Well, interested? Then why not check out these cool facts about your body? Other videos you might like:
A Journey Inside Your Body
15 Body Parts That Will Disappear One Day; TIMESTAMPS:
The strongest muscle 0:19
Your brain is the best video editor 0:41
Your body is the whole world 1:00
You’re unique in more than one way 1:24
Half of you is your brain 2:05
Humans shed skin too 2:37
Sugar bones 3:29
Sweat has no smell 3:56
Pinkie toe is on its way to becoming history 4:22
People are still partly predators 5:25
Sneezing makes you happy 5:57
Smart fingers 6:58
Yawning is contagious for a reason 7:22
You can’t tickle yourself 7:46
Where is your nose? 8:14
Your nose warms up the air 8:44
You live in the past all the time 9:04 #humanbody #amazingfacts #brightside SUMMARY:
– Your eyes are constantly taking separate pictures and moving all the time to make a full image of your surroundings.
– From 2 to 5 pounds of all your body weight doesn’t even belong to you but to microscopic life that lives inside us all. In the human mouth alone more bacteria live than people on Earth.
– Brain structure highly depends on conditions in which it develops and grows, and therefore we all have something individual to us even on a biological level.
– The brain takes only 2% of your whole-body weight, but it’s such a powerhouse that it requires 20% of the energy you consume.
– Bones in baby fists are not fully formed until they turn 10. That’s because in infancy it’s very important for fists to be elastic, so a lot of bone tissue is replaced by cartilage in this period. – It’s not the sweat that launches you to the bathroom after a good workout. It’s microscopic bacteria on your skin that interact with it. – Pinkie toe lost all of its functionality a while ago – precisely when humankind started wearing shoes
– Hairs and nails grow faster if they get more nutrition with blood. Another fact – our bodies aren’t symmetric at all. – When you scream or sneeze, your brain tries to protect you from the loud noise. It automatically turns down the volume in your head! – Another way to make yourself happy without eating too much is to sneeze. Another happy-hormone endorphin is released with each ‘A-choo!’ you make.
– Human kidneys have 2 million little filters total, and are capable of filtering all the blood in the human body several times per day. – Yawning is a social reflex that appeared as a way for social animals to signal that it’s time to take a rest. Yawning also helps to ventilate the lungs and make your body relax overall.
– Your tongue has the same kind of sensitive cells that provide you information about the smell of food you eat.
– It takes 13 milliseconds for your eyes to perceive an image and around 50 milliseconds for your ears to hear something. So you can’t always be up to date – it’s just impossible! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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13 Habits That Probably Spoil Your Life

Nobody will argue that people tend to divide all habits into good and bad. But what if I tell you that some so-called "good" habits aren't as useful as people like to think? And that drinking too much water can lead to poisoning, and brushing your teeth can damage them? In fact, everything you thought you knew is wrong! For example, sleeping as much as you feel like isn't that great! Yes, it's good to listen to your body but if you start sleeping more than 9 hours a day, you may have depression, put on weight, and have health problems! So, here's the list of habits you might want to reconsider! Other videos you might like:
I Tried Rich People's Habits, See How My Life Changed
8 Habits That Are Actually Good For You
10 Gross Habits You'd Better Quit ASAP TIMESTAMPS:
Never hold in a sneeze 0:31
Don't try to be a superhero 1:09
Drinking too much liquid is unhealthy 1:40
Don't do what you don't want to 2:16
Don't brush your teeth right after a meal 2:50
Sleeping as much as you feel like isn't that great 3:22
There is time when you need to relax 3:52
A hot shower does more harm than good 4:24
Living in a constant money-saving mode 5:00
Washing your face right after a workout 5:37
Analyze what’s important for your future life 6:15
Laze around in bed in the morning 6:50
Eat fat! 7:18 #habits #goodhabits #brightside SUMMARY:
– Damaged blood vessels in the eyes, burst eardrums, and even cracked ribs — and that's not even the whole list of injuries people had after trying to hold in a powerful sneeze! – Keeping your word is good! But life is unpredictable, circumstances change, and one day, you might find it hard or impossible to keep your promise. – I have to break it to you: drinking too much liquid is actually unhealthy! The main problem is your kidneys: they can process no more than 34 oz of liquid per hour. – "Always saying yes" is a thing today. By doing so, you become more open to the world and don't waste opportunities. But at the same time, by always saying "yes," you can do yourself a disservice! – Don't brush your teeth right after a meal, especially if you were eating something acidic. It will damage your tooth enamel and lead to its erosion! – Seven or eight hours is enough for your body to "restart." And if you wake up at the same time on weekdays and at the weekend, it will be easier for you to stick to your sleeping routine.
– You should realize that there is time for being efficient and useful. And there is time when you need to relax and do nothing.
– A hot shower does more harm than good to your skin! The hotter it is, the more it opens the pores. It results in your skin losing moisture alarmingly fast.
– Another bad habit that pretends to be good is washing your face right after a workout. Experts recommend washing your face not after, but before a workout!
– The problem with this constant reflection is that it prevents you from enjoying the present. "Living in the moment" isn't just a pretty phrase. – Researchers from Brunel University in the UK have discovered that when you have intense physical activity early in the morning, your immune system becomes weaker. – Omega-3 fatty acids, found in nuts, oily fish, seafood, and some seeds, is crucial for your skin condition and the functioning of your heart and brain! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 13 Habits That Probably Spoil Your Life Videos

What If There Is Always One Season on Earth

For many of us, the seasons tell us a lot — like what holiday is coming up or what delicious seasonal food there might be at the local grocery store. But what if there were no seasons, or only one season all year round? Well, humans probably wouldn’t have met up with other humans much, and settlements would be scattered. If humans couldn’t put their brains together, there are a lot of inventions that we wouldn’t have today. We may never have learned to use tools. We may never have basic technology! Other videos you might like:
What If the Sun Never Went Down Again
What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?
What If Just One Planet Disappeared from the Solar System TIMESTAMPS:
The Earth wouldn’t be tilted 0:19
There’d be a lack of food 0:56
Humans probably wouldn’t have progressed 1:21
We’d be way more susceptible to germs 1:56
Agricultural Problems 2:26
We Need Winter! 2:57
We would have to re-learn basic survival 3:27
The weather would be predictable 3:58
Unchanging Landscape 4:20
The Equinoxes would be off 4:46
Psychological Effects 5:22
There’d be huge effects on the ecosystem 6:00
There’d be disruptions in sleep patterns 6:24
We could see changes in brain function 7:00
Changes in skin and hair 7:31
It could be bad for your heart 8:07 #whatif #winter #brightside SUMMARY:
– Everyone would probably move toward the locations near the Equator where it’d be warmest. This would cause over-population, the spread of diseases, and lack of resources.
– Animals, too, would move to those warm regions by the equator and would likely get over-hunted.
– If everyone had to live all together near the Equator, we’d be vulnerable to a lot of disease; and not just from each other, but from insects too.
– Rain can erode the soil, which pushes all the nutrients down below the root level, making that farmland at least partially infertile.
– Many crops that we rely on, like wheat, oats and barley, potatoes, and corn grow better in cooler climates that have a winter season.
– We’d have to do some adapting and learn how to successfully farm in these new conditions; that includes growing crops and raising livestock.
– Every day would look and feel pretty much the same! – Changes in light would normally have a huge biological effect on plants and animals, such as telling them when it’s time to reproduce or hibernate. – Science has proven that sunlight has a positive effect on our mood, and gives us natural Vitamin D. – There may be some plants and animals that wouldn’t survive if there were no seasons.
– If a place experiences a change in the amount of sunlight it gets, those that live there may see malfunctions in their biological clocks. – A small European study found that our attention and focusing skills are better during the summertime, and much worse during winter. – If you’d happen to be stuck in one of the wintery regions, your skin and hair would likely dry out. – Thinner blood vessels make your heart work harder than it normally would to pump blood through your body. This will cause an increase in your heart rate. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If There Is Always One Season on Earth Videos

What If There Were No Seasons on Earth

For many of us, the seasons tell us a lot — like what holiday is coming up or what delicious seasonal food there might be at the local grocery store. But what if there were no seasons, or only one season all year round? Well, humans probably wouldn’t have met up with other humans much, and settlements would be scattered. If humans couldn’t put their brains together, there are a lot of inventions that we wouldn’t have today. We may never have learned to use tools. We may never have basic technology! Other videos you might like:
What If the Sun Never Went Down Again
What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?
What If Just One Planet Disappeared from the Solar System TIMESTAMPS:
The Earth wouldn’t be tilted 0:19
There’d be a lack of food 0:56
Humans probably wouldn’t have progressed 1:21
We’d be way more susceptible to germs 1:56
Agricultural Problems 2:26
We Need Winter! 2:57
We would have to re-learn basic survival 3:27
The weather would be predictable 3:58
Unchanging Landscape 4:20
The Equinoxes would be off 4:46
Psychological Effects 5:22
There’d be huge effects on the ecosystem 6:00
There’d be disruptions in sleep patterns 6:24
We could see changes in brain function 7:00
Changes in skin and hair 7:31
It could be bad for your heart 8:07 #whatif #winter #brightside SUMMARY:
– Everyone would probably move toward the locations near the Equator where it’d be warmest. This would cause over-population, the spread of diseases, and lack of resources.
– Animals, too, would move to those warm regions by the equator and would likely get over-hunted.
– If everyone had to live all together near the Equator, we’d be vulnerable to a lot of disease; and not just from each other, but from insects too.
– Rain can erode the soil, which pushes all the nutrients down below the root level, making that farmland at least partially infertile.
– Many crops that we rely on, like wheat, oats and barley, potatoes, and corn grow better in cooler climates that have a winter season.
– We’d have to do some adapting and learn how to successfully farm in these new conditions; that includes growing crops and raising livestock.
– Every day would look and feel pretty much the same! – Changes in light would normally have a huge biological effect on plants and animals, such as telling them when it’s time to reproduce or hibernate. – Science has proven that sunlight has a positive effect on our mood, and gives us natural Vitamin D. – There may be some plants and animals that wouldn’t survive if there were no seasons.
– If a place experiences a change in the amount of sunlight it gets, those that live there may see malfunctions in their biological clocks. – A small European study found that our attention and focusing skills are better during the summertime, and much worse during winter. – If you’d happen to be stuck in one of the wintery regions, your skin and hair would likely dry out. – Thinner blood vessels make your heart work harder than it normally would to pump blood through your body. This will cause an increase in your heart rate. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More What If There Were No Seasons on Earth Videos

Who Would Win: Human vs Neanderthal

Are modern humans the pinnacle of the food chain, the strongest and most intelligent creatures ever to walk this Earth? Maybe now, but once upon a time, we had some real competition: Neanderthals. Wait, like, cave people? Weren’t Neanderthals our ancestors? Nope! We came from the Cro-Magnon, which were early modern humans. Neanderthals were a separate branch of humans. Their DNA is even different from ours, so we can safely say that Neanderthals were a completely different species. Other videos you might like:
10 Extinct Animals Scientists Are Ready to Bring Back
7 Mysterious Discoveries Scientists Can't Explain
11 Mysteries of Famous Icons People Don’t Know About TIMESTAMPS:
What did Neanderthals look like? 0:42
The lifestyle of Neanderthals:
– Morning 2:15
– Afternoon 3:10
– Evening 3:57
– Night 4:56
Their lifespan 6:26
Why aren’t we all…Neanderthals? 6:51 #Neanderthals #ancientpeople #brightside Preview photo credit: Reconstruction of male and female Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis) based on the La Chapelle-aux-Saints fossils: By S. ENTRESSANGLE/E. DAYNES/Science Photo Library/EAST NEWS,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– The average Neanderthal was about 5’4” and weighed around 160 pounds. Neanderthals might’ve been smaller than modern humans, but they made up for it in stoutness.
– But modern humans have more complex and efficient brains. – On his thick muscular legs, a Neanderthal could easily trek 30 miles just to find some dinner.
– Modern humans might be smarter, but Neanderthals would win any arm-wrestling match. They were anywhere from 5-20% stronger than modern humans. – Neanderthals had an average lifespan of only about 40 years. They grew up a lot faster than we do – for Neanderthals, you were an adult at 12!
– It's possible that Neanderthals could’ve been ruined by a very bad diet consisting of only meat. These tough guys hunted big game – they weren’t too interested in fruits, vegetables, or nuts.
– But when severe frosts came, the population of deer, mammoths, bison, and other goodies began to decline significantly. – Due to this sharp global cooling, Neanderthals couldn't cross a lot of distances, so they were forced to coexist with the Cro-Magnons who migrated from Africa. – Neanderthals might’ve been physically superior to those early modern humans, but the Cro-Magnons were taller, more agile, and, most importantly, more cunning.
– Studies of Neanderthal skulls showed that they had a much larger brain than Cro-Magnon.
– The reason for the Neanderthals extinction could be… Neanderthals themselves. Every male risked his life daily fighting with bears, rhinos, mammoths and other ancient beasts. – Because of this hardcore lifestyle, the number of men likely decreased, so the birthrate fell. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Who Would Win: Human vs Neanderthal Videos

15 Cool Things You Didn’t Know About Your Body

Do you worry when your body does weird things like sweat when you’re nervous, you forget an awesome dream, or get carsick on a long ride? It’s puzzling, eh? Have you ever wondered why we wake up before the alarm clock? Or how the weather gives you a headache? Our brain is also a tricky thing. For example, it perceives going to school or work as a threat and tries to protect us from this stress by keeping us in bed. That's why it's hard to wake up on weekdays and so easy to wake up on the weekend. Interested? So let's hop into our submarine of discovery and dive deep into why these strange tricks of our bodies happen. Other videos you might like:
A Journey Inside Your Body
30 Facts You Never Knew About Your Body
15 Body Parts That Will Disappear One Day TIMESTAMPS: Why do we bite our lips? 💋
Why do we forget dreams? 0:58
Why do we wake up before the alarm clock? 1:42 ⏰
We can’t stand being tickled, yet why do we react to it with laughter? 2:12
Why do we sweat when we get nervous? 2:56
How does the weather give you a headache? 3:34
Why do we feel carsickness? 4:13 😖
Why does skin darken in the sun, yet hair gets lighter? 4:54
Why do we hear ringing in the ears? 5:45
Ever stood up too fast and gotten dizzy and lightheaded? 6:23
Why does crying cause that weird lump in the throat? 6:42
Is it true that our heart stops during a sneeze? 7:17 Why do we get lazy after a big meal? 7:52 🌭
Why is it hard to wake up on weekdays? 8:20
Why do we get cramps when we run? 8:47 #humanbody #humanbrain #brightside SUMMARY:
– Our brain gives our body an “order” to bite our lips so that we think less about problems and calm down. – Dreams are chaotic, full of symbolism and strange images, so the brain thinks: (Brain: “This guy already has enough on his plate in real life – he doesn’t that dream consuming his thoughts.”) – It’s just that waking up to an alarm clock is a big shock for the body. To avoid this unnecessary stress, the brain releases a protein that’s responsible for wakefulness.
– The most ticklish areas happen to cover vital organs and arteries, so nature has made them very sensitive.
– If you were an early human trying to get out of a headlock with a rival, then your wet skin would be slippery. Sweaty palms also cling to tree branches better.
– When the weather changes, the air pressure changes. Your blood vessels and nerves feel this difference in pressure and react – they expand, get smaller, or spasm.
– In comparison to human history, cars appeared not so long ago, so the brain hasn't completely adapted.
– With more and more pigment being produced, the skin gets darker. With hair, things are a little different. It does have small reserves of melanin, but it can’t produce it like your skin can. – When you quickly go from a lying position to standing, the blood in your body drops to your feet and legs, thanks-a-lot gravity!
– Back before there was science to explain these things, people believed that during a sneeze, the body let go of too much air and that it could stop your heart forever. – If you want to wake up ready to take on the day, try thinking about what a great day tomorrow will be before you go to bed.
– If you’ve ever experienced a running cramp, you know that it can be super uncomfortable. The good news is that it is totally normal. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 15 Cool Things You Didn’t Know About Your Body Videos

13 Animals With the Strongest Bite

What is the toothiest critter that ever lived on our planet? For example, the strength of human jaws is about 160 pounds per square inch. It’s good to break some tough cookie or a pistachio shell, which is enough for survival in our harsh modern world. But what about more serious contenders? A mastiff is among the mightiest friends humans have, and it can easily snap a thick branch in two. A lion can show 650 psi — it’s four times stronger than the human’s bite! But did you know that the hyena’s jaw force is higher than that of both lion’s and tiger’s? Well, if hyenas were not cowardly, they would probably be among the most feared animals of the savannah! Other videos you might like:
10 Unique Animals You Won’t Believe Exist
10 Extinct Animals We Shouldn't Bring Back
Who Lives In the Deepest Place On Earth? TIMESTAMPS:
Human 0:20
Dog 0:57
Lion 1:25
Bengal tiger 1:54
Hyena 2:15
Grizzly bear 2:46
Gorilla 3:20
Hippopotamus 3:54
Jaguar 4:24
American alligator 4:56
Saltwater croc 5:22
White shark 6:08
T-Rex! 6:38
The absolute champion of the bite force contest 7:28 #animalfacts #strongestanimals #brightside SUMMARY:
– A mastiff enters the stage and walks with dignity to show its strength. It opens its jaws and clenches them over the device… 550 psi!
– The next contestant is the king of the jungle himself — meet the mighty lion! Ooooh, it shows 650 psi — it’s four times stronger than the human’s bite! – Bengal tiger leaps forward and sinks its huge fangs into the measuring device, which shows… 1,050 psi! – But when it comes to forest predators, no creature can compete with the grizzly bear. It shows 1,200 psi!
– Although gorillas are gentle, making one of them angry certainly shouldn’t be on your agenda. – A hippopotamus is an unpredictable animal. It may look sweet, but it’s considered one of the most dangerous species of Africa. – Jaguars easily crush bones with their long, sharp teeth, so it’s no wonder that they outbite all the rest of the feline family.
– Saltwater crocodiles patiently wait for the prey in the waters of the river and are very quick to attack. No wonder it’s the biggest land predator and reptile in the world!
– A great white shark ferociously sinks its many crooked teeth into the device, showing 4,000 psi! Its bite force has never been directly measured, but the estimates show these astounding figures. – Scientists have estimated that the maximum force of T-Rex' bite could reach the astonishing 12,000 psi! – The frightful Deinosuchus dwelled the oceans millions of years ago and hunted dinosaurs that were careless enough to wander into the crocs’ territory. At 23,000 psi, nothing could ever beat this monster! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 13 Animals With the Strongest Bite Videos

Who Has the Strongest Bite on Earth

What is the toothiest critter that ever lived on our planet? For example, the strength of human jaws is about 160 pounds per square inch. It’s good to break some tough cookie or a pistachio shell, which is enough for survival in our harsh modern world. But what about more serious contenders? A mastiff is among the mightiest friends humans have, and it can easily snap a thick branch in two. A lion can show 650 psi — it’s four times stronger than the human’s bite! But did you know that the hyena’s jaw force is higher than that of both lion’s and tiger’s? Well, if hyenas were not cowardly, they would probably be among the most feared animals of the savannah! Other videos you might like:
10 Unique Animals You Won’t Believe Exist
10 Extinct Animals We Shouldn't Bring Back
Who Lives In the Deepest Place On Earth? TIMESTAMPS:
Human 0:20
Dog 0:57
Lion 1:25
Bengal tiger 1:54
Hyena 2:15
Grizzly bear 2:46
Gorilla 3:20
Hippopotamus 3:54
Jaguar 4:24
American alligator 4:56
Saltwater croc 5:22
White shark 6:08
T-Rex! 6:38
The absolute champion of the bite force contest 7:28 #animalfacts #strongestanimals #brightside SUMMARY:
– A mastiff enters the stage and walks with dignity to show its strength. It opens its jaws and clenches them over the device… 550 psi!
– The next contestant is the king of the jungle himself — meet the mighty lion! Ooooh, it shows 650 psi — it’s four times stronger than the human’s bite! – Bengal tiger leaps forward and sinks its huge fangs into the measuring device, which shows… 1,050 psi! – But when it comes to forest predators, no creature can compete with the grizzly bear. It shows 1,200 psi!
– Although gorillas are gentle, making one of them angry certainly shouldn’t be on your agenda. – A hippopotamus is an unpredictable animal. It may look sweet, but it’s considered one of the most dangerous species of Africa. – Jaguars easily crush bones with their long, sharp teeth, so it’s no wonder that they outbite all the rest of the feline family.
– Saltwater crocodiles patiently wait for the prey in the waters of the river and are very quick to attack. No wonder it’s the biggest land predator and reptile in the world!
– A great white shark ferociously sinks its many crooked teeth into the device, showing 4,000 psi! Its bite force has never been directly measured, but the estimates show these astounding figures. – Scientists have estimated that the maximum force of T-Rex' bite could reach the astonishing 12,000 psi! – The frightful Deinosuchus dwelled the oceans millions of years ago and hunted dinosaurs that were careless enough to wander into the crocs’ territory. At 23,000 psi, nothing could ever beat this monster! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Who Has the Strongest Bite on Earth Videos