Category Archives: Bright Side News

What to Do If Your Phone Is Tapped

Phones make our life easier, more connected and interesting. But they can bring a lot of trouble too. And among the main ones is interference with our private life. I'm talking about phone tapping. How do they do it, and most importantly, what should you do to protect your phone? But to better know how to protect your phone from tapping, you must first find out how they can do it. Whoever they are. Found an unknown free Wi-Fi? Received a strange file via Bluetooth? Didn't clean your computer from viruses and connected your phone to it? Or have you downloaded a "very awesome and absolutely free" app? Congrats, now you’re at high risk of being tapped. Other videos you might like:
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9 Signs Your Phone Isn't Your Private Zone Anymore TIMESTAMPS:
❓ HOW they can do it:
– Wireless connection 0:47
– Special equipment 1:19
– Super expensive equipment 1:56
– Instant messengers 2:19
– Own inattention 2:38
❓ Easy ways to protect your phone from tapping:
– Your password 3:23
– SMS code 4:22
– Fake Apps 4:54
– App-lockers 5:50
– Apps that fully protect your phone 6:14
– Another type of connection 6:37
– Computer 7:10
– Update your software 7:37
– Don’t talk about the important things 8:20 #personaldata #phones #brightside SUMMARY:
– Hackers can install malware without your knowledge. It can easily enter your phone through MMS messages, mobile Internet, Bluetooth, or WiFi.
– There are special expensive devices to listen to phones. Typically, such a system consists of computers and a few telephones with special modifications.
– There are special listening stations that can be controlled by a professional operator with special education and extensive experience.
– So that no one can read and listen to your messages, instant messengers encrypt your dialogues. To “crack” them, you need a special decryption code. – The most commonplace and easiest way to put your phone at risk is to leave it somewhere without a password or give it to someone “to play" with.
– The easiest and most banal way – regularly change passwords on your gadgets to protect your phone. – An attacker won't be able to enter your profile if they know the password, but don't have an SMS code. – Don't leave Bluetooth on if you're not using it. Hackers can connect and you won’t even notice. – Don't connect to unknown networks! And the safest thing is to use a personal Wi-Fi modem.
– There are also apps that fully protect your phone. They block connections to dubious networks and communication channels, tell you if a strange activity has appeared on your phone, and encrypt your conversations.
– Most phones use the GSM communication protocol for calling. Unfortunately, this standard can be cracked by someone who has the necessary skills.
– You can always change it to a more secure connection, though, for example, to CDMA. – Don't connect the phone to the computer if you're not sure that it is clear from viruses.
– If you suspect that your phone is being tapped, then just try not to discuss important information over the phone. Do it in person. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Had No Fingerprints

What role do fingerprints play in our lives? Yes, detective movies give a clear answer to this question. Also, scientists have only recently found out that fingerprints serve a person as the main mechanism of touch. Without them, it'd be difficult for you to read information and interact with whatever you're touching or holding in your hands. Patterns on the fingers play a very important role in the fine motor skills of the hands. Thanks to them, we can easily separate thin pages of paper from each other, type on a keyboard, get cards and money from our wallets, play the piano, guitar, etc. But besides that, could fingerprints determine your character? Other videos you might like:
What If You Were the Last Person on Earth
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What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week? TIMESTAMPS:
How about Gadgets? 0:24
Temperature 1:37
Sensitivity 2:22
Identification and uniqueness 3:25
Let’s talk about Touch 6:08
Main types of fingerprints 7:26 #fingerprints #yourpersonality #brightside SUMMARY:
– A very sensitive temperature sensor is located on our palms. Remember that when you're sitting at a campfire in nature, you're constantly stretching out your hands in its direction. Also in cold weather, you feel your hands freeze faster than the rest of your body.
– Every print of every person is unique. The probability that you'll meet someone with the same finger pattern as yours is 1 in 64 million. Even for twins with the same DNA, the prints vary. – In Ancient Babylon, about 2000 BCE, people left prints on clay tablets as a signature. Then, in the 5-7 centuries, they were used in China for the same purpose. – Scientists have recorded rare cases when a person was born with absolutely smooth fingers, void of prints. Such cases in medicine are considered a manifestation of a rare genetic tendency. – In addition to fingerprints, people also have unique prints on their tongue and feet. And with cats and dogs, nose prints are unique.
– The patterns on our fingers can also be an additional tool for reading information. An excellent testimony of this is massage therapists. – Each fingerprint is unique, but nevertheless, there are only three main types of patterns for them: an arch, loops, and a whorl.
– The first type is the arch. People with these prints are very responsible, calm and balanced. They don't get mad easily. – The next type is the loop. People with this pattern on their fingers put self-expression and self-development in first place, even if it doesn't bring material benefits.
– And the last type is the whorl. The predominance of whorls speaks of well-developed logical and analytical thinking. People with this pattern are better at learning new languages and math. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Titanic VS Modern Cruise Ships

The Titanic's only voyage ended in tragedy on April fifteenth, 1912. At the time of the disaster, it was the largest and most advanced ship ever constructed. Designed to carry more than 2,400 passengers and almost 900 crewmembers, the Titanic had certainly earned its name. But with over a century of advancement, how are today’s cruise ships different from those of Titanic’s day? Sure, we all know they’re now required to carry more lifeboats, but that isn’t exactly what makes them the life of the party. Other videos you might like:
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A Legendary Woman Who Escaped the Titanic, Britannic, And Olympic TIMESTAMPS:
A ship that stole the Titanic's crown 1:14
The largest cruise ship in 2019 1:56
What's the difference between ocean liners… 2:29
… and cruise liners? 4:17
How was the Titanic built? 5:58
And how are built modern ships? 7:27 #ships #titanic #brightside SUMMARY:
– The Titanic stretched 882 ft from bow to stern and had a beam, or width, of 92 ft. The ship’s nine decks rose to an impressive 175 ft.
– The SS Imperator would steal its crown a year later when it undertook his maiden voyage in 1913. – As of 2019, the largest cruise ship in the world is the Symphony of the Seas, which is operated by Royal Caribbean.
– 1184 ft across and 215 ft wide, her eighteen decks are double the Titanic’s height and provide spacious accommodations for well over five thousand passengers. – Think of it as the difference between a city bus and a tour bus. You board a cruise ship to have fun and an ocean liner when you need to get somewhere.
– First-class passengers would enjoy a saltwater pool, spa, gymnasium, and multiple restaurants decorated in the styles of French cafés and swanky New York hotels. – Second-class rooms were smaller and not as glamorous, but luxuriously furnished.
– Third Class, also known as steerage, wasn't quite so luxurious, although the accommodations were still nicer than on many ships of the same era.
– Modern cruise ships don’t really have classes in the way as the Titanic or even modern airlines. – Even the least expensive room on a cruise ship is still going to be about the level of a modest hotel room.
– In addition to TVs and in-room slides, there are many other amenities found on modern cruise ships that wouldn’t have been available in the early twentieth century.
– Shipbuilding had to come a long way before these immense mobile vacation spots became a reality.
– The Titanic was constructed in Belfast harbor on a special slipway built specifically to accommodate its unprecedented bulk.
– The hull of the Titanic was made up of thousands of these overlapping plates with the lower hull consisting of two layers. – Titanic's primary safety feature was the sixteen watertight compartments making up the lower decks. – Ships of today are still made from steel, but advancements in smelting and metallurgy have resulted in hulls stronger and less brittle than were possible a hundred years ago. – Speaking of the engines, modern cruise ships run primarily on either diesel, natural gas, or some combination of the two. – The most unusual aspect of modern cruise construction is that they're not built hull to funnel as a single construction. – The largest cruise ships and oil tankers are assembled in just six locations worldwide, the most prolific being the Hyundai Heavy Industries shipyard in South Korea. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If We Weren’t Alone on the Planet

As far as we know today, humanity is the only intelligent species there is. And while astronomers keep searching for extraterrestrials, it got me thinking: what if some other sentient lifeform were right here on Earth? What would they be and what would it mean for us? Think about it: even if we find some other civilization among the stars, how prepared would we be to meet another intelligent being that isn’t human? It could become a problem for us. But if we were used to sharing our home with other non-human civilizations, we’d be much more equipped to engage in negotiations with aliens. Other videos you might like:
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The Alien Signals Mystery Might Have Been Solved
A New Bermuda Triangle Theory Explains Its Mystery TIMESTAMPS:
Did you know that humans lived with Neanderthals❓ 1:21
Our closest rivals in the way of intelligence 3:16
What if we ended up with space refugees? 6:21
And what about… artificial Intelligence? 7:54 #aliens #dolphins #brightside SUMMARY:
– Several scenarios could lead us to share our planet with another sentient species. They could’ve evolved for millions of years alongside us. They might come here from another place somewhere among the stars. – Neanderthals looked very much like us and were also ancestors of primates. Their brains were even bigger than ours, and they used tools and cooked food.
– There’s evidence in some remains found in the territory of today’s Europe that humans lived with Neanderthals. – If Neanderthals lived with us and never went extinct, we probably wouldn’t even notice them now. – Our prime candidates are not primate at all. Some social monkey-like creatures, like chimpanzees or gorillas, are capable of using simple tools and communicating with each other. – Dolphins, though – they’re our closest rivals in the way of intelligence. – It’s already been proved that dolphins and some toothed whales have a complex system of signals, which even include calling each other by names. Their intelligence is quite developed, but absolutely alien to ours.
– Considering all that, a hypothetical world where we share our home planet with an intelligent ocean species is looking pretty good.
– Another possibility, yet quite outlandish is that we, after all, will meet extraterrestrial intelligent life. – These aliens will probably be unfathomably different from us, but they’ll certainly be social enough to show us more advanced science and engineering than ours.
– Their science might allow them to use something we have in abundance as a source of energy or food. – We’re already becoming an excellent training ground for developing stable relationships with a vastly different kind of intelligence. – The challenge with AI is that it has no bodily limits. It doesn’t need us as much as we would probably need it. – Yet, the AI that we have now is a good way to prepare ourselves and make the best of it in every possible way. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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How a Combination Lock Actually Works

They’re just about everywhere – from lockers and luggage to high-security safes. The oldest one was made around 2000 BCE. You most likely use one every day, but have you ever wondered how it works inside? Let's unlock the secrets of a combination lock! A regular combination lock consists of twenty components, internal and external. Because it's meant to last forever without repairs or replacements, almost all of them are usually made of stainless steel which is coated to withstand corrosion. Getting inside the lock isn't easy. But let's see how it works! Other videos you might like:
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4 Mystery Doors That Should Never Be Opened TIMESTAMPS:
What the lock consists of 0:43
What each of the details does 1:38
How it all works with a combination 4:39
Popular locking mechanisms:
– Padlock 5:56
– Cam lock 6:27
– Deadbolt lock 6:46
– Barrel bolt 7:20
– Chain lock 7:42
– Electronic lock 8:05 #howitworks #lock #brightside SUMMARY:
– The inner case of the lock is home to all of the internal components, none of which are longer than two inches. This is the lever. It sits on a special support post right here. – The internal disc spring keeps the combination discs under tension so that you can dial the combination.
– Additionally, inside the lock case are the shackle collar and a latch that fits into the shackle notch.
– The main idea here is that the shackle has two possible positions: when it's down, the whole thing is locked.
– Another important player of team lock is the latch on the lever. It has a spring that's hiding inside the lever.
– The shackle is free to go, and the lever springs back to where it started. – One important rule of the lock is: the shackle will only come out if the lever can rotate. – Cam one is molded to the dial and only turns when the dial turns. – Each cam has an indentation, and a tooth on at least one side. – Technically, there can be more than 3 cams: four, five, or even ten. It would make the lock a real fortress.
– Padlocks are easily the most basic type of door locks. Like a combination lock, a padlock isn't attached to any surface but locks into itself.
– Cam lock is another super simple lock you wouldn't want to use for a safe. The basic element in it is a cam that turns when you insert a key to lock and unlock the mechanism.
– Deadbolt locks are popular for external doors because they’re reliable, easy to find, and good for their price. The locking mechanism has a cylinder that goes directly through the door with a keyhole on the outside. – A barrel bolt, or a sliding bolt, is only used on the inside of the door. It's definitely not the safest of locks, but installing two of them on one door gives at least some protection.
– A chain lock is much like a barrel lock. The main part of it is on the door, and the catch is on the door frame. – You don’t need a physical key to unlock an electronic lock, but a code you have to type on a keypad or a special card. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If the Sun Was Twice Smaller

You've probably never thought how much the way you live on Earth depends on the size of the Sun! The Sun is a yellow dwarf: a perfect sphere of scorching plasma, generating a magnetic field 24/7. Despite being called a dwarf, its mass is 330,000 times bigger than that of the Earth! And the diameter of this giant is more than 864,000 miles! But what if it became a red dwarf? First of all, red dwarf stars are much colder than yellow dwarfs. So the climate all over the planet would be getting colder and colder, and it would become impossible to live too close to the North and the South poles. And quite soon, half of the planet would turn into an icy desert… Other videos you might like:
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What If Just One Planet Disappeared from the Solar System
What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct? TIMESTAMPS:
The end of life… 1:57
What happened to gravity… 3:45
… and where did all the planets drift away? 4:30
Our new home 6:09
How we live there 7:48 #space #planets #brightside SUMMARY:
– It happened many centuries ago: something went wrong, and our star started to lose its mass.
– When our Sun turned into a red dwarf, it meant the end of life on our native planet, Earth. – Sadly, Earth turned out to be out of the Sun's habitable zone. The climate all over the planet was getting colder and colder, and astronomers' forecasts were getting grimmer.
– Quite soon, half of the planet turned into an icy desert. People had huge problems with food and other resources.
– Every next day was darker than the previous one. Dimmer sun meant that plants didn't have enough light to convert it into energy. – Since the Sun was becoming smaller, its gravitational pull on our planet was getting weaker. – Finally, our beautiful Earth turned into a lifeless chunk of rock covered with a thick layer of ice. – With the Sun turned into a red dwarf, the Solar System we had known disappeared. – Saturn and especially Jupiter used to partially protect smaller planets, including Earth, from asteroids! – Plus, thanks to gas giants, small space objects that still managed to sneak past them got ejected out of the Solar System faster. – And talking about the planet humans inhabit these days… it's Mercury. This planet is the closest to the Sun and the smallest in the Solar System.
– The ice-covered polar regions of the planet are in permanent darkness. It makes these areas incredibly cold. – Don't think that our new home was overjoyed to see us. We had tons of different, often unpredictable problems and obstacles. – Mercury still doesn't have any breathable atmosphere. That's why I can't take a relaxed stroll outside with my pooch.
– We live in towns covered with protective domes and go outside only after putting on a special suit.
– We also have to be very careful with the Sun's radiation. Yes, the star isn't as big or as bright as before, but it still emits enough radiation to end your life should you step outside without special protection. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Public Toilets Rarely Have Lids

Ugh, standing in line for the bathroom. Waiting your turn to a cacophony of flushes, stalls slamming open and closed, hand dryers blowing, and…other sounds. And why are some public bathrooms so stinky? Well, one reason is that the toilets in most public bathrooms don’t have lids, so the aroma lets loose. Could it be that city planners want the smell to chase you away, thereby speeding up the line? Is that why public toilets don’t have lids? Other videos you might like:
Close One Eye When You Go to the Toilet at Night
Are Public Toilets As Safe As You Think?
13 Hygiene Things We Learnt to Do Wrong TIMESTAMPS:
What to do if you drop your phone… down there 0:47 The best reason not to have a lid on a public toilet 🚽 2:59
Keep an eye on your pet! 🐱 3:34
What ancient Rome’s public bathrooms were like 4:24
Exploding toilets 💥 4:52 #publictoilet #hygiene #brightside SUMMARY:
– Lids keep you from getting sprayed when you flush! They also prevent stuff in your pockets, like your keys, from falling in. – At home, things like toothbrushes and medication are way better off bouncing against a lid than falling down the hole. Luckily, in public bathrooms there’s less of a chance of this, as the sink is usually in a separate location.
– Lids can be icky and we spread germs by touching icky things and then absent-mindedly touching something else, like our food or our face. – Another reason we have lids on toilets is to protect our pets. hat goes double for public bathrooms, which battle those germs we talked about with powerful chemicals.
– Ancient Rome’s public bathrooms were simply long wooden benches with several holes that patrons would sit over.
– Sometimes the toilets exploded! These explosions happened because the things that dropped into the toilets contained a mixture of hydrogen and sulfide: making a boom-boom!
– Romans weren’t the first to install public toilets—that honor belongs to the ancient city of Crete. Flourishing and flushing as far back as 3000 BCE, Cretans developed ground floor latrines that flushed by means of an overhead reservoir.
– After Crete, flush toilets disappeared until 1851, when an exhibition in London charged patrons a penny for the honor. – Lids cost a lot to replace, and they need to be replaced a lot! Believe it or not, people steal them! – And when the lids aren’t stolen, they break! Hinges are a weak spot on any toilet seat and, if the bathroom is busy, hinges get a lot of use—some of it rough.
– Every city has a budget, and spending a lot of tax-payer money on tougher toilet seats is a hard sell. It’s easier to just remove the lids altogether. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Public Toilets Don’t Have Lids

Ugh, standing in line for the bathroom. Waiting your turn to a cacophony of flushes, stalls slamming open and closed, hand dryers blowing, and…other sounds. And why are some public bathrooms so stinky? Well, one reason is that the toilets in most public bathrooms don’t have lids, so the aroma lets loose. Could it be that city planners want the smell to chase you away, thereby speeding up the line? Is that why public toilets don’t have lids? Other videos you might like:
Close One Eye When You Go to the Toilet at Night
Are Public Toilets As Safe As You Think?
13 Hygiene Things We Learnt to Do Wrong TIMESTAMPS:
What to do if you drop your phone… down there 0:47 The best reason not to have a lid on a public toilet 🚽 2:59
Keep an eye on your pet! 🐱 3:34
What ancient Rome’s public bathrooms were like 4:24
Exploding toilets 💥 4:52 #publictoilet #hygiene #brightside SUMMARY:
– Lids keep you from getting sprayed when you flush! They also prevent stuff in your pockets, like your keys, from falling in. – At home, things like toothbrushes and medication are way better off bouncing against a lid than falling down the hole. Luckily, in public bathrooms there’s less of a chance of this, as the sink is usually in a separate location.
– Lids can be icky and we spread germs by touching icky things and then absent-mindedly touching something else, like our food or our face. – Another reason we have lids on toilets is to protect our pets. hat goes double for public bathrooms, which battle those germs we talked about with powerful chemicals.
– Ancient Rome’s public bathrooms were simply long wooden benches with several holes that patrons would sit over.
– Sometimes the toilets exploded! These explosions happened because the things that dropped into the toilets contained a mixture of hydrogen and sulfide: making a boom-boom!
– Romans weren’t the first to install public toilets—that honor belongs to the ancient city of Crete. Flourishing and flushing as far back as 3000 BCE, Cretans developed ground floor latrines that flushed by means of an overhead reservoir.
– After Crete, flush toilets disappeared until 1851, when an exhibition in London charged patrons a penny for the honor. – Lids cost a lot to replace, and they need to be replaced a lot! Believe it or not, people steal them! – And when the lids aren’t stolen, they break! Hinges are a weak spot on any toilet seat and, if the bathroom is busy, hinges get a lot of use—some of it rough.
– Every city has a budget, and spending a lot of tax-payer money on tougher toilet seats is a hard sell. It’s easier to just remove the lids altogether. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If We Had Eagle Vision

You know how when you watch your first superhero movie or play your first action game, you start wishing really hard to get superpowers? Well, that’s what happened to me. The problem is, my wish came true. One day, I was playing a video game and got the 6th sense – eagle vision. It was awesome! I could see in the dark, spot people who were hiding from me, and see details from miles away. Before I went to bed, I started thinking about what it would be like in real life… Other videos you might like:
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16 Superpowers You Didn't Know You Had
10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes TIMESTAMPS:
The great carrot myth 🥕 1:14
How an eagle’s eye works 2:37
How sharp was my vision 3:56
Omg! What happened to my eyes?! 😱 5:45
How I used my superpower 6:45 #whatif #superpower #brightside SUMMARY:
– I’m woken up by the sound of my alarm. I reach for my glasses on my dresser, but right before I put them on, I notice something strange. Everything is already clear; I don’t need them.
– If we know one thing about eagles, it’s that they have the best vision.
– I won’t have to study for my exams. I can just pin my book on a tree, look outside the window, and copy all the answers. I’ll never have to study again. – This cool trick is possible because eagles have something in their retina called the Fovea.
– The fovea of an eagle’s eye has 1,500 cells per square inch – 4 times more than I had before. – My best friend is the first one to notice I’m not wearing glasses. So, I fess up about my new super vision. But he doesn’t believe me at first.
– I need to go to the eye doctor and have my eyes checked. Before, my vision was terrible; it was 20/100. – A person with good vision would only have to stand 20 feet away. That’s why you hear it called “20/20 vision”.
– With eagle vision I can see the details of any object from far away without even squinting. – My brother barged in my room without knocking. He screamed: “I can’t find Milo”, (our cat). – I know I have to put my superpowers to good use. I remember that eagles can find any living thing that’s hiding. – Two miles away, near the freeway, I see Milo chasing a little fox. I immediately take off running towards him. I manage to grab him just before he runs into traffic.
– How will my parents react when they get home? I guess I’ll have to tell them to look on the Bright Side. – I decide to go to bed and talk to everyone about my vision the next day. But when I wake up, everything’s blurry.
– Hopefully next time I play a game I’ll get another superpower from it. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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