Category Archives: Bright Side News

20 Psychological Tricks to Try on Your Friends

Hey! How about to do a mind meld? Yep, we don’t have the power of mind control yet but the power of psychology is almost as good! If you know what to do and what to look for, you can get exactly what you want from others. Say you’re hosting a party and a group of people starts arguing. It’s getting pretty intense. What should you do? Go grab some food for them! Eating has a calming effect, and everyone loves a good snack. They’ll subconsciously start to feel happier and more comfortable. Getting them to eat should break the tension! Interested? Then check out these psychological tricks you can use in everyday life to make it much easier and more exciting for you to reach your goals! Other videos you might like:
10 Simple Psychological Tricks That Always Work
20+ Psychology Tricks to Read Anyone Like a Book
10 Tricks from a Former FBI Agent to Become 200% Attractive TIMESTAMPS:
When you need to get some info 0:23
You’ve got a song stuck in your head, and it’s getting annoying! 0:47
Get someone to agree with you 1:18
When you feel like you’re being watched… 1:37
Stopping an argument 2:03
Win Rock, Paper, Scissors – every time! 2:30
An extra trick when trying to keep eye contact 2:59
How to tell if someone is lying 3:33
Gauging the relationships within your friend group 4:10
How to tell if someone likes you 4:32
If you need help carrying something from someone who doesn’t pitch in 4:57
Showing someone you’re a great listener 5:24
A simple way to tell if someone doesn’t like you 5:45
If you want to forget something unpleasant 6:06
Know whether you’re welcome in a conversation 6:37
How to seem charming and irresistible! 7:05
Are they being genuine with you? 7:29
If you get nervous in social situations, chew gum! 7:53
Make your boss let you off the hook 8:17
Making a memorable impression 8:46 #psychology #PsychologicalTricks #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you ask someone a question, and you feel like they’re holding something back or not telling the whole story, keep nice long eye contact with them and stay quiet. – You’ve got a song stuck in your head, and it’s getting annoying! Think of the END of the song. Your brain will interpret this as, “Okay, the song is over!” and will reset itself.
– Do a lot of nodding while you’re making the point that you want someone to agree with.
– If you feel like someone is watching you, make yourself yawn. Make sure they SEE you do it. After your yawn, look and see if they’re yawning too.
– Someone is probably lying to you if they leave out what are called sensory details. Honest people will include explanations of how something sounded, smelled, looked, or felt like, and these are often the most important parts of the story.
– While people laugh, they tend to look at who they feel they have the closest bond with! – Whatever your friend or date just said, paraphrase it and say it back to them. It will tell them that you’ve really been listening to them and paying attention! – We all have moments we’d rather not remember…so all you have to do is replace it with something positive that you DO want to remember ASAP!
– If you approach a group of chatting co-workers or friends and they see you coming, pay attention to their feet. If you’re welcome to join the circle, their torso AND feet will turn toward you.
– When you meet someone for the first time, try to remember their name AND use it in the conversation that follows.
– If you’re talking and the other person is smiling at you, check for crinkles around their eyes. If they’re being fake, there won’t be any. – Chewing gum makes you look engaged, and it tricks your brain into feeling comfortable. – It’s been said that people remember the beginning and end of something—a date, an interview, a meeting—the clearest. Try to be interviewed either first or last. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 20 Psychological Tricks to Try on Your Friends Videos

Why Two Oceans Don’t Mix

When you look at the seas and oceans on the map you might think that they just flow into each other. It seems like there’s only one big ocean, and people just gave different names to its parts. Well, you’ll be amazed at how vivid the borders between them are! The border between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is like a line between 2 worlds. It looks as if the two oceans meet at an invisible wall which does not let them flow into each other and mix their waters. Why on Earth does it happen? We know for sure there is no invisible wall inside, and water is water. So what could interfere with its mixing? Other videos you might like:
If You See Square Waves, Get Out of the Water!
What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like?
It Takes Hundreds of Lives a Year, But Only 5% Know About It TIMESTAMPS:
Water can be different too! 0:40
What are haloclines? 1:03
The most spectacular clines on the planet:
– The North and Baltic Seas 4:38
– The Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean 5:04
– The Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean 5:16
– The Surinam River and the Atlantic Ocean 5:36
– The Uruguay River and its afflux 5:43
– The Rio Negro and Solimões Rivers 5:58
– Mosel and Rhein 6:19
– Ilz, Danube, and Inn 6:30
– Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Rivers 6:48
– Irtysh and Ulba 6:56
– The Jialing and Yangtze Rivers 7:11
– Irtysh and Om 7:20
– Chuya and Katun rivers 7:20
– The Green and Colorado rivers 7:50
– The Rhone and Arve rivers 8:10 #oceans #rivers #brightside SUMMARY:
– Pacific oceans have different density and chemical make-up, the level of salinity and other qualities. One can see by their color that they are far from being the same.
– Haloclines – borders between waters with different salinity – are the most spectacular, and this is what we see when the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans meet. – Haloclines appear when water in one ocean or sea is at least 5 times saltier than in the other. – Another important difference between the two oceans' water is the strength of molecules' connection, or surface tensile strength. – Maybe they could gradually start mixing with time, but as the flows in them have opposite directions, they just don’t have time to do this.
– There are also thermoclines – borders between water of different temperatures, like the warm water of Gulf Stream and much colder North Atlantic Ocean. – The North and Baltic Seas meet near the Danish city of Skagen. The water in them does not mix because of different density. – The Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meet at the Strait of Gibraltar and have a different density and salinity, so their water does not mix too.
– The Uruguay River and its afflux meet in Misiones province in Argentina. One of them is cleaned to be used in agriculture, and the other gets almost red because of loam during rainy seasons.
– Mosel and Rhein meet in Koblenz, Germany. Rheine has lighter water and Mosel – darker. – Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Rivers meet in India. Alaknanda is dark and Bhagirathi is light. – The Jialing and Yangtze Rivers meet in Chongqing, China. The Jialing is clean and the Yangtze is brown.
– The water of the Chuya has an unusual cloudy white color here and looks dense and thick. Katun is clean and turquoise. Flowing into each other they form a single two-colored flow that does not mix for some time. – The Rhone and Arve rivers flow into each other in Geneva, Switzerland. The Rhone is a pure river that flows out of the lake of Geneva, the Arve is cloudy as it gets its water from glaciers of the Chamonix valley. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Two Oceans Don’t Mix Videos

Why the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Don’t Mix

When you look at the seas and oceans on the map you might think that they just flow into each other. It seems like there’s only one big ocean, and people just gave different names to its parts. Well, you’ll be amazed at how vivid the borders between them are! The border between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans is like a line between 2 worlds. It looks as if the two oceans meet at an invisible wall which does not let them flow into each other and mix their waters. Why on Earth does it happen? We know for sure there is no invisible wall inside, and water is water. So what could interfere with its mixing? Other videos you might like:
If You See Square Waves, Get Out of the Water!
What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like?
It Takes Hundreds of Lives a Year, But Only 5% Know About It TIMESTAMPS:
Water can be different too! 0:40
What are haloclines? 1:03
The most spectacular clines on the planet:
– The North and Baltic Seas 4:38
– The Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean 5:04
– The Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean 5:16
– The Surinam River and the Atlantic Ocean 5:36
– The Uruguay River and its afflux 5:43
– The Rio Negro and Solimões Rivers 5:58
– Mosel and Rhein 6:19
– Ilz, Danube, and Inn 6:30
– Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Rivers 6:48
– Irtysh and Ulba 6:56
– The Jialing and Yangtze Rivers 7:11
– Irtysh and Om 7:20
– Chuya and Katun rivers 7:20
– The Green and Colorado rivers 7:50
– The Rhone and Arve rivers 8:10 #oceans #rivers #brightside SUMMARY:
– Pacific oceans have different density and chemical make-up, the level of salinity and other qualities. One can see by their color that they are far from being the same.
– Haloclines – borders between waters with different salinity – are the most spectacular, and this is what we see when the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans meet. – Haloclines appear when water in one ocean or sea is at least 5 times saltier than in the other. – Another important difference between the two oceans' water is the strength of molecules' connection, or surface tensile strength. – Maybe they could gradually start mixing with time, but as the flows in them have opposite directions, they just don’t have time to do this.
– There are also thermoclines – borders between water of different temperatures, like the warm water of Gulf Stream and much colder North Atlantic Ocean. – The North and Baltic Seas meet near the Danish city of Skagen. The water in them does not mix because of different density. – The Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meet at the Strait of Gibraltar and have a different density and salinity, so their water does not mix too.
– The Uruguay River and its afflux meet in Misiones province in Argentina. One of them is cleaned to be used in agriculture, and the other gets almost red because of loam during rainy seasons.
– Mosel and Rhein meet in Koblenz, Germany. Rheine has lighter water and Mosel – darker. – Alaknanda and Bhagirathi Rivers meet in India. Alaknanda is dark and Bhagirathi is light. – The Jialing and Yangtze Rivers meet in Chongqing, China. The Jialing is clean and the Yangtze is brown.
– The water of the Chuya has an unusual cloudy white color here and looks dense and thick. Katun is clean and turquoise. Flowing into each other they form a single two-colored flow that does not mix for some time. – The Rhone and Arve rivers flow into each other in Geneva, Switzerland. The Rhone is a pure river that flows out of the lake of Geneva, the Arve is cloudy as it gets its water from glaciers of the Chamonix valley. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Why the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Don’t Mix Videos

I Was Running Everyday for a Month, See What Happened to My Body

It all started when a friend invited me to do a 5k with him – that’s about 3 miles. Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a lot when you’re in your late twenties and haven’t run since gym class back in school. Not to mention the barely-there energy and weight gain that adulthood seemed to hit me with. Anyway, I had a month to get ready. How did I do it? The short answer is, baby steps! Of course, you should watch what you eat, stay hydrated, and train slowly but surely. After getting myself a new pair of running shoes, my journey began. I kept a daily log of my progress along the way. What about you? Are you ready to lace up your shoes and start running? Other videos you might like:
I Decided to Sleep for 4 Hours a Day, See What Happened
What If You Stopped Drinking Water for 7 Days?
Plank Every Day for a Month, See What Happens to Your Body TIMESTAMPS:
What I started with 0:56
Foods that fuel running 1:42
Why I found a running group 2:29
Cross-training 3:00
Something amazing happened! 3:13
My weight 4:03
A new wind of motivation 5:02
My complexion is… wow! 6:04
Lots of bananas 7:59
I did it! 8:29
πŸ”΄ Tips I can give πŸ”΄ 8:44 #running #workout #brightside SUMMARY:
– The idea is to walk for 2 minutes, jog for 1 minute, and repeat that over and over again until your jogs hit the 30-minute mark. – Foods that fuel running include bananas, oats, peanut butter, broccoli, plain yogurt, dark chocolate, whole grain pasta, potatoes, and coffee. – Sore today too after that insane gym sesh. I guess that’s just gonna be a regular thing for the next month.
– My trainer suggested cycling as cross-training, so I went on a 3-mile bike ride.
– My energy levels are through the roof! I no longer crave afternoon naps. – I weighed myself today, and I’m down 5 pounds! I’m convinced jogging is the fastest way to lose weight.
– I jogged for 10 solid minutes today and didn’t struggle at all! I’m getting there!
– My trainer told me to be extra careful to stay hydrated. He said to divide my body weight in half, and then drink an ounce per pound. – I guess exercise improves your complexion because it boosts blood circulation. – My trainer showed me how to use a tennis ball to massage any problem areas. I do it to the bottoms of my feet, too.
– Listening to music while jogging helps the time go a lot faster. – Lots of bananas. I’m told the potassium will help balance the electrolytes I lose on longer runs.
– I think my training program must’ve been just right because the run was relatively easy and enjoyable. I can’t wait to sign up for my next race! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More I Was Running Everyday for a Month, See What Happened to My Body Videos

What If Someone Broke a Plane Window

Hey guys! Do you like airplanes? Have you ever thought what would happen if a plane window you're sitting next to suddenly broke? Because even though it's almost unheard of, it HAS happened before! So, would you get instantly sucked out of the airplane? And could you be arrested for “breaking and exiting”? That's exactly what almost happened to the pilot of British Airways Flight 5390 in 1990. When the plane was already in the sky, at the altitude of about 17,000 ft, a badly-fitted section of the windshield blew off. Everything happened so fast that the unsuspecting captain Tim Lancaster didn't have time to react and was partially pulled out of the cockpit! Other videos you might like:
What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a Plane Engine
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
A Plane That Landed with Extremely Speed Ever TIMESTAMPS:
Pilots who were pulled out of the plane 0:32
Why a broken window creates such powerful suction 2:15
What problem it can cause 3:22
The truth about oxygen masks 3:59
How strong plane windows are 4:48
A crash ax. What's the point of it? 7:05 #planes #emergency #brightside SUMMARY:
– You might know that the aircraft's cabin has to be pressurized; otherwise, passengers just wouldn't survive at the cruising altitude of more than 30,000 feet.
– But imagine that something punched a hole in such a "pressure vessel." The air inside the plane would immediately want to escape due to the difference in the pressure outside and inside. – An incredibly strong wind would head out, and, theoretically, it might be powerful enough to push a person out of the window. – Within mere moments, the temperature and pressure inside the cabin would drop dramatically. Everything not secured and weighing less than several pounds, for example, newspapers, magazines, smartphones, or snacks, would be moving around and getting sucked out of the broken window.
– Π‘ontrary to a popular belief, planes don't have an infinite supply of oxygen. In fact, count yourself lucky if, in case of an emergency, the oxygen in your mask will last for 15 minutes. – The biggest dangers for the people inside, however, would be flying debris and the risk of barotrauma — an injury caused by increased air pressure. – But once again, such accidents are not just rare, they are completely out of the common. And you might be surprised to learn how strong plane windows actually are, especially in commercial aircraft.
– A professional boxer packs a punch of up to 1,300 lbs. So even a tough guy like that wouldn't be able to damage an airplane window, and certainly not the average Joe. – In fact, the average person won't be able to bring any harm to it either with a fist, or a phone, or pretty much anything that is allowed on board an airliner.
– At the same time, the FAA, or the Federal Aviation Administration, requires that all commercial aircraft that can transport more than 19 passengers must have a crash ax in the cockpit. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If Someone Broke a Plane Window Videos

Why Phones Don’t Have Removable Batteries Anymore

There still are phones with removable batteries on the market – you just don't see them as much. They’re less popular and a little outdated. More common are gadgets with batteries that are glued and screwed into the inside of the phone. You can take it out only with special tools. There are a few reasons why phones with removable batteries have lost their touch. One of them is that this new non-removable battery isn’t only for your convenience. The lifespan of an average smartphone battery is about 24 months. After that, it starts losing its capacity. And your service provider will be happy to sell you a new phone! Other videos you might like:
13 Secrets to Keep Your Phone Battery Alive for Longer
14 Things Destroy Your Computer Slowly and Unnoticeably
Stop Charging Your Phone at Night, Here's Why TIMESTAMPS:
Manufacturers want you to be stylish! πŸ˜‰ 0:50
It's better for your security 1:47
It's an opportunity for profit (not yours, sorry!) πŸ’° 2:10 ❗️ How to make your battery life last longer: ❗️
– Check location tracking for all your apps 2:40
– Ditch live wallpaper and other visual effects 3:25
– Turn off automatic app updates 4:03
– Check battery usage 4:40
– Tone down the screen brightness 5:09
– Don’t drain or charge the battery completely 5:39
– Turn off Bluetooth and WI-FI when you don’t need it 5:54
– Shut off unnecessary push notifications 6:17
– Avoid temperature extremes 6:55
– Reduce the screen timeout 7:28
– Avoid using your phone while it’s charging 8:03
– Use Airplane Mode not only on planes 8:19 #phones #smartphones #brightside SUMMARY:
– Non-removable batteries don’t need a back panel, which means they take up less space inside the gadget. Slim smartphones simply look more stylish and modern!
– Giving up removable batteries also made it possible to have waterproof phones. – With the battery tucked inside and difficult to get to without that removable back panel, it makes it harder for a thief to disable tracking features. – With location turned off, your battery won’t have to work overtime tracking where you are all the time. – What kind of wallpaper do you have on your phone right now? If it’s a bright flashy animated one, then your battery doesn’t last very long.
– Sometimes just one power-hogging app might be the problem. Looking through your smartphone’s battery usage can help you pinpoint which app it is.
– Whenever your phone is lit up, precious battery power is slipping away from you. You can lower the display brightness from the quick settings menu. – Don’t wait to charge your phone when it turns off, and unplug it before it reaches 100%. Both these extremes drain the battery. – Your phone will keep looking for a new connection as long as Bluetooth or WI-FI are enabled but the gadget isn’t connected to anything. – Your phone wakes up for each notification and lights up the screen to show you a message and give you a chance to reply.
– If it’s too cold or too hot, it can strain the battery and shorten its lifespan. – If your phone is on but you’re not using it, the screen will automatically turn off after some time, usually 1-2 minutes. That’s more than likely a lot longer than you need, so why not reduce it? – Reading, watching videos, or gaming on your phone when it’s plugged in can distort the battery’s charging cycles.
– As you know, Airplane Mode switches off a lot of features, but you can always manually turn on the ones you need the most without leaving Airplane mode. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Phones Don’t Have Removable Batteries Anymore Videos

14 Little-Known But Cool Facts About Your Body

Have anybody told you that you have an amazing body? It's just a thing of wonder! Okay, that doesn't sound right. Put it this way: the human body does a bunch of really cool stuff! Did you know, for example, that people shine? If you could look at someone through a highly sensitive camera in a light-proof room, you’d see it! By the way, how does an image quality of 576 megapixels sound? Yep, that’s how good your vision is. At the same time, the best camera humanity has been able to make so far has around 400 megapixels! Yup, your eyes are even better! Interested? Then check out these little-known but really cool facts about the human body! Other videos you might like:
A Journey Inside Your Body
15 Body Parts That Will Disappear One Day TIMESTAMPS:
People literally shine 0:22
We have the best cameras IN there 1:00
We’re all long-distance runners… partially 1:28
You have as much hair as a chimp 1:58
You cough almost at the speed of sound 2:32
Your body knows when it’s underwater 3:05
Why your hands and feet get wrinkly in water 3:48
Forget all about this “we use 10% of our brains” thing 4:33
A part of your body that doesn’t get any blood 5:09
Your ears and nose don’t stop growing 5:47
A woman’s brain shrinks during pregnancy 6:26
Babies have many more bones than adults 7:03
Half of all the strength in your hand comes from the pinkie 7:29
Teeth aren’t naturally white 7:59 #humanbody #amazingfacts #brightside SUMMARY:
– The human heart is a small but powerful engine. In one day, it pumps blood so effectively, that it travels around 12,000 miles to run through every vessel in your body.
– The difference between us and our little ape cousins is not in the quantity of hair at all – that’s the same. It’s all in the quality. We needed to sweat more effectively and thus control body heat. – Your lungs are capable of forcing air out of them so hard that it moves almost at the speed of sound. Ok, 1/3 the speed of sound, but still! – Your body has a special mechanism to manage going into water. It’s called the diving reflex, and it’s in almost every kind of mammal, including humans.
– It may seem like something that just happens to your skin if it’s wet, but here’s a curveball fact: people with damaged nerves in the skin don’t get wrinkly fingers in the water!
– Our brains are always active, every zone and gland in them are working at any time, even during sleep! See for yourself: if we don’t use 90% of the brain, then why does it needs around 20% of all our energy?
– Every piece in your body is somehow connected to the blood supply. It transports all the goods to it and all the unwanted stuff away from it. Except for one thing – your corneas. – Somewhere around age 21, our bodies stop growing. But your ears and nose don’t stop growing. This happens because they’re made of cartilage.
– A woman’s brain shrinks during pregnancy, but that’s a good thing! It gets a bit smaller during this time, but smaller isn’t always worse.
– While a grown person has 206 bones, a newborn baby has around 300 of them! Their bones aren’t entirely formed or fused together when they’re born. – Your little finger teams up with the middle one to provide strength. Without the pinkie, your grip would be much weaker. It also provides control to an all-wrist movement, like when you’re working with some kind of a tool. – Human teeth are covered by a unique substance called enamel. And it isn’t white. It’s cloudy transparent with a tinge of blue. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 14 Little-Known But Cool Facts About Your Body Videos

14 Little-Known But Amazing Human Body Facts

Hey, have anybody told you that you have an amazing body? It's just a thing of wonder! Okay, that doesn't sound right. Put it this way: the human body does a bunch of really cool stuff! Did you know, for example, that people shine? If you could look at someone through a highly sensitive camera in a light-proof room, you’d see it! By the way, how does an image quality of 576 megapixels sound? Yep, that’s how good your vision is. At the same time, the best camera humanity has been able to make so far has around 400 megapixels! Yup, your eyes are even better! Interested? Then check out these little-known but really cool facts about the human body! Other videos you might like:
A Journey Inside Your Body
15 Body Parts That Will Disappear One Day TIMESTAMPS:
People literally shine 0:22
We have the best cameras IN there 1:00
We’re all long-distance runners… partially 1:28
You have as much hair as a chimp 1:58
You cough almost at the speed of sound 2:32
Your body knows when it’s underwater 3:05
Why your hands and feet get wrinkly in water 3:48
Forget all about this “we use 10% of our brains” thing 4:33
A part of your body that doesn’t get any blood 5:09
Your ears and nose don’t stop growing 5:47
A woman’s brain shrinks during pregnancy 6:26
Babies have many more bones than adults 7:03
Half of all the strength in your hand comes from the pinkie 7:29
Teeth aren’t naturally white 7:59 #humanbody #amazingfacts #brightside SUMMARY:
– The human heart is a small but powerful engine. In one day, it pumps blood so effectively, that it travels around 12,000 miles to run through every vessel in your body.
– The difference between us and our little ape cousins is not in the quantity of hair at all – that’s the same. It’s all in the quality. We needed to sweat more effectively and thus control body heat. – Your lungs are capable of forcing air out of them so hard that it moves almost at the speed of sound. Ok, 1/3 the speed of sound, but still! – Your body has a special mechanism to manage going into water. It’s called the diving reflex, and it’s in almost every kind of mammal, including humans.
– It may seem like something that just happens to your skin if it’s wet, but here’s a curveball fact: people with damaged nerves in the skin don’t get wrinkly fingers in the water!
– Our brains are always active, every zone and gland in them are working at any time, even during sleep! See for yourself: if we don’t use 90% of the brain, then why does it needs around 20% of all our energy?
– Every piece in your body is somehow connected to the blood supply. It transports all the goods to it and all the unwanted stuff away from it. Except for one thing – your corneas. – Somewhere around age 21, our bodies stop growing. But your ears and nose don’t stop growing. This happens because they’re made of cartilage.
– A woman’s brain shrinks during pregnancy, but that’s a good thing! It gets a bit smaller during this time, but smaller isn’t always worse.
– While a grown person has 206 bones, a newborn baby has around 300 of them! Their bones aren’t entirely formed or fused together when they’re born. – Your little finger teams up with the middle one to provide strength. Without the pinkie, your grip would be much weaker. It also provides control to an all-wrist movement, like when you’re working with some kind of a tool. – Human teeth are covered by a unique substance called enamel. And it isn’t white. It’s cloudy transparent with a tinge of blue. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 14 Little-Known But Amazing Human Body Facts Videos

What Happens to You When an Airline Closes

It happens more often than you’d think. An airline will pack up shop if it chooses to close… or runs out of money. The smaller ones are more at risk to go under because they typically make their money during the peak travel season. Most airlines will try to give you back all or at least part of your money. But this stuff’s not always a guarantee. Either way, it’ll be a headache! So no matter what airline you book with, it’s always good to have a backup plan. Also, you have rights as a traveler—get to know them! Even though they’re now shut down, they should still try to do what they can for customer service’s sake. But, of course, try to be understanding. Other videos you might like:
A Fast Boarding Way No Airline Will Ever Use
That's Why Airplane Seats Are Almost Always Blue
The Shortest 57-Second Passenger Flight in the World TIMESTAMPS:
Why would my airline just shut down like that? 0:27
But what about my vacation? 0:58
What will happen to the planes? 1:35
What happens to the flight crew? 2:01
What happens inside the airport? 2:25 πŸ‘‰ Here’s what you should do: πŸ‘ˆ
– Stay in the loop 3:10
– Still ask about hotel credits 4:01
– Do you have a Plan B? 4:20
– Did you book your flight with a credit card? 4:49
– Did you get travel insurance? 5:11
– Get your airline’s attention on social media! 5:41
– You CAN negotiate 6:08
– Save all your flight documents 6:35
– Always prepare for the worst 7:02 #airtravel #traveling #brightside SUMMARY:
– If the airline owns the plane, it’ll likely be sold or auctioned off. – If one of the airlines shuts down, the airport would try and control the chaos as much as possible. Think about it—they’d be dealing with a lot of angry people. – Keep track of your booking details online. It may not explicitly say, “Your airline has gone under!” But the sooner you know about a cancelation, the better you’ll be able to plan.
– As soon as you find out that your airline folded, call them directly to see what they can do as far as getting you on another flight. – If you book with a credit card, you might be able to get at least part of your money back or work something out with your travel miles. – Travel insurance can end up saving you money—you never know when a flight will be canceled! Not only for unexpected airline shutdowns but other common stuff like bad weather.
– Since it’s such a public platform, it’ll be someone’s job to watch and respond on the airline’s social media accounts. You’ll probably get a quicker response than on the phone. – If your airline closes and you call them to get a refund or better price on a re-booking, you might still feel that you got the short end of the stick. – Who knows—your airline may offer to give you your money back later, or you might need to use those documents to explain your situation and get another flight. – Make sure you’ve got plenty of extra cash, especially if you’re abroad. If you’re really left high and dry somewhere far from home, hostels are usually quite affordable. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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