Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why Snakes Have Forked Tongues

Snakes! They look like an alien species, and some of the things they’re capable of will convince you they’re not from this planet! They see in Predator-like infrared, they shed their skin, and have you seen that weird-looking tongue? Snakes don’t use their tongue like we do. Think about it: you really don’t have time to taste something if you can only swallow food whole without chewing it. Instead of using it to taste, snakes smell with their tongues. That’s why they always flicker it in and out – they want to catch nano-particles in the air that will tell them if their prey or some kind of danger is nearby. Other videos you might like:
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Why do snakes have forked tongues? 0:23
Why don’t snakes have legs? 1:41
There are flying snakes! 2:14
Snakes don’t have eyelids 2:56
Why do they shed their skin? 3:33
Their vision is horrible 4:03
Infrared-sensing! 4:48
Why do cobras have hoods? 5:12
How do rattlesnakes make that noise with their tail? 5:56
Why do they hiss? 6:30
They move faster than the blink of an eye 7:19
Their jaws are like a trap 7:47 #snakes #animalfacts #brightside SUMMARY:
– The fork allows snakes to sense a larger radius and know the direction the scent comes from. For example, if the smell is stronger for one part of the tongue and weaker for the other, then this smelly thing is closer to that first part. – Many snake species still have rudimentary bones that leave no doubts – some time ago, they were legs! – Somewhere in that same evolutionary process, some species aimed to become even more terrifying – they learned how to fly! – Just like legs, snakes have decided they don’t need eyelids either. Why? Because their lookers are covered in scales too!
– Every animal in the world sheds its skin, including people. The only difference is that snakes do it all at once and in one big piece.
– Snakes can’t see colors at all. Most of them only see shapes, and the clearest shape for them is the one that’s moving. – To make up for their horrible eyesight, snakes have a special “pit organ” near their nostrils that can sense heat radiation.
– The iconic cobra hood is made of ribs that extend out and sort of umbrella the loose skin on the sides of the snake’s neck?
– The real reason for the hiss – snakes don’t have vocal cords. They only have a glottis, which is a flap that closes and opens the windpipe so that food doesn’t go down the wrong tube when it’s swallowed.
– It takes you 200 milliseconds to blink. Sounds like a lot for such a simple movement, but you know how quick that is!
– A snake’s lower jaw isn’t attached to the upper part of the skull, which makes them highly flexible. They can open their mouth up to 150° and swallow prey that’s 5 times wider than their own body. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why People on the Titanic Didn’t Just Climb the Iceberg

The “Titanic” film earned well over three billion dollars at the box office, making it the third highest-grossing movie of all time. But didn't a question pop into your head? Why didn't people try climbing on the iceberg to get out of the water? Well, if you look at any picture of an iceberg, you'll see that they can get quite steep. Sure, some might be scalable, but others are nothing but sheer cliffs of jagged ice. Best case, it would be like climbing a mountain; worst case, a frozen cliffside. Other videos you might like:
Titanic Survivor Claims an Iceberg Didn't Destroy the Ship
What Happened to the Titanic's Sister Ships
A Legendary Woman Who Escaped the Titanic, Britannic, And Olympic TIMESTAMPS:
Ice floes VS. icebergs 0:54
Empty boats 3:18
The biggest problem: reaching the iceberg 4:47 #titanic #iceberg #brightside SUMMARY:
– A floe is a flat mass of ice found drifting in the ocean. It is low, flat, and relatively shallow, while an iceberg is none of those things.
– Ice floes can be hazardous, but the concern is that a ship might get pinned and crushed between two of them instead of sinking outright.
– The Titanic hit an iceberg, and if you look at any picture of an iceberg, you'll see that they can get quite steep. – Imagine trying to pull that off in the dark, using only your hands and maybe a bit of rope, and surrounded by over a thousand other confused and freezing people. – The Titanic didn't sink the moment it made contact with the ice. It actually took a full two hours and forty minutes to go under. – When it came time to board the lifeboats, many passengers were reluctant, believing themselves safer on the big warm ship than the tiny open boats.
– If people were that reluctant to board escape craft until it was almost too late, how were the crew going to convince them to clamber atop a freezing lump of ice? – These are all big problems that would’ve made evacuating to the iceberg unfeasible, and we haven't even gotten to the biggest one on the list: reaching it. – The Titanic didn’t exactly grind to a halt the moment it hit the iceberg. As you might have guessed, the ship's helmsman had been trying to steer away from the ice before the collision.
– A glancing blow meant the Titanic wasn't stopped in its tracks. It's estimated that the Titanic was clipping along at around 22 knots, about 24 miles per hour for landlubbers. – The captain would’ve had to steer his ship back to the iceberg, something that might not have even been possible given the circumstances.
– While escaping to the iceberg makes for an interesting idea, it wouldn’t necessarily have been a good one. If anything, attempting it could have made the disaster even worse. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Some Airplanes Have Rounded Noses and Not Pointed

Most commercial aircraft, for example, the mammoth Airbus A380, which can seat up to 868 passengers, or the somewhat smaller Boeing 747, have blunt noses. On the other hand, several models of passenger airliners have sharp noses. And all military airplanes have pointed noses. So, what gives? There are two types of planes: subsonic (meaning their speed is slower than the speed of sound) and supersonic (the ones that fly faster than you know what). And it turns out that the manufacturers decide on the shape of a plane's nose depending on the speed at which it's going to travel. Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
Why Airplanes Are White
Why Lights at Plane Wings Are Different TIMESTAMPS:
What would happen if a supersonic plane had a rounded nose? 1:39
So why do spacecraft have blunt noses? 2:47
Planes without windows 4:00
Electric planes 4:26
Planes from carbon fiber 5:19
The Sky Whale 6:22
The V-shaped aircraft 7:50 #planes #future #brightside Preview photo credit: Concorde 1 94-9-5 kix: By spaceaero2 – Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Subsonic planes are equipped with a rounded nose. During the flight, it allows the air to move around the airplane more freely. – When the air first meets the rounded nose of a subsonic airplane, it produces a shock wave.
– Just look at the famous Concorde plane, which stopped flying only in 2003. With its pointed nose, this supersonic passenger airliner could fly at a maximum speed of more than twice the speed of sound. – The faster a plane flies after passing the sound barrier, the hotter it becomes. That's why some of the fastest aircraft are made of titanium. – In any case, there’s a chance that in several decades it won't matter whether a plane has a pointed or a blunt nose, because aircraft might start to look totally different altogether.
– For example, according to one of the predictions, planes in the future might come without windows whatsoever! – Air travel is likely to become much greener by 2050, thanks to commercial airplanes becoming fully electric.
– Also, in several decades, planes might lose their tails! – At some point, you might witness aluminum planes turning into carbon fiber ones! – There might also be some unusual looking and oddly shaped aircraft. For example, the airplanes of the future might get a box wing design.
– Another cool aircraft project is called the Sky Whale; this plane may easily become the largest passenger airliner ever.
– How do you feel about the "Flying V" aircraft? Such an unusual shape is supposed to make the plane super energy efficient! Also, the V-shaped aircraft would be able to travel ultra-long-haul distances. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Phones Don’t Work in Elevators

People have been to space, they have invented antibiotics, you can chat with your friends with the help of your watch! But once elevator doors close, all our gimmicky phones just quit! But the worst thing is that there’s nothing we can do about it. In most cases, radio waves easily penetrate all kinds of materials, but massive chunks of solid stuff, such as rock or metal can stop them. For example, if you’ve ever driven in a mountainous region, you might have noticed that your phone signal vanished and reappeared again. This mystery has a simple explanation. Other videos you might like:
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9 Signs Your Phone Isn't Your Private Zone Anymore
If Your Own Number Calls You, Don't Pick Up! TIMESTAMPS:
What magic makes your phone work 0:44
… and what stops radio waves 1:36
What if there were a super strong cell tower? 3:12
Why your phone lets you down in certain grocery stores 3:42
… as well as at concerts and sporting events 5:15 #phones #gadgets #brightside SUMMARY:
– Your cell phone is something like a two-way radio. Inside, it has a radio receiver (which gets signals) and a radio transmitter (which sends signals). – Cell towers begin to send radio waves from one to another until, finally, your coded voice reaches your friend’s phone. – An elevator is a compact box made of thick sheets of metal and stuffed with electronics. – In most cases, radio waves easily penetrate all kinds of materials, but massive chunks of solid stuff, such as rock or metal can stop them.
– If there is a cliff or a mountain between your phone and the nearest cell tower, it will easily prevent radio waves from getting to you.
– Something similar takes place when you’re in an elevator. Radio waves from your friend’s phone are desperately trying to reach your cell phone. But they meet a barrier they can’t penetrate. – But have you ever noticed how your phone refuses to work properly once you enter certain grocery stores?
– Most commercial buildings are built with the help of massive iron supports, are covered with aluminum roof tiles, and have walls filled with concrete. – But what if I tell you that my phone also regularly lets me down at concerts, big conferences, and even sporting events? – Apparently, you won’t be the only one who will be eager to share the score with those who haven’t managed to come. That’s why your cell phone must compete with thousands of other phones for the attention of the nearest antennas.
– It may seem very confusing, but the truth is that your phone will know that there is a network out there and that this network does work. But at the same time, it won’t be able to connect to it. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why the U.K. Runs Empty Trains Every Day

From Monday through Saturday, at 5:16 P.M., a train takes off from Leeds and heads for the small English town of Snaith. At first, the cars will be jam-packed with people – the usual rush hour of a decent-sized city like Leeds. But with each stop along the way, you’ll notice fewer and fewer passengers on the train. Once you get to the final stop 55 minutes later, there will be no one else besides you. You get off the train at a station that’s equally as deserted. There are no vending machines or ticket offices, no parking lots, no taxies. It’s as if time has stood still. It’s quiet…and eerie. Other videos you might like:
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
A Train Lost in a Tunnel in Italy, No One Can Find It
A Simple Test Will Reveal Your Deepest Fear TIMESTAMPS:
How many ghost trains are there in the UK? 1:34
The Ghost Station Hunters! 2:34
Why are the trains empty? 3:20
Why keep them running? 4:09
Hope for the future? 4:51
Rebirth! 5:38
In other countries 6:14
The Real Ghost Train 7:23 #ghosttrain #trains #brightside SUMMARY:
– You need to buy a return ticket in advance since you can’t get one in a station without personnel. But you can only go back to Leeds at 7:01 P.M or 7:16 A.M the next day!
– These empty trains are listed in all documents as ordinary trains, so there’s no way to know how many there are. To find them, you need to search timetables for routes that trains travel no more than twice a day. – If you find a ghost train full of people, they’re most likely adventure-seekers like you!
– Tim Hall-Smith and Liz Morali are passionate about ghost trains. Over the past 25+ years, they’ve been to almost 50 ghost stations.
– The use of passenger trains has almost doubled since 1995. More travelers are riding longer distances, yet the number of trains hasn’t gone up that much.
– Ghost stations are primarily in ghost towns. Most passengers have already hopped off by the time the train gets to the final stop because, well, nobody lives there!
– Surprisingly, it’s more profitable for rail companies to keep ghost trains running than to close them.
– To shut down any route, they’d first have to figure out how this closure will affect passengers, the transport environment, and the economy. – There is a more positive reason why these trains continue to run – the hope that these lines will get busier.
– So, is that hope for a revival of old ghost lines worth keeping? Sure! Some routes are already seeing increased activity. – Yes, ghost trains are a common thing for UK residents, much more so than most other countries.
– Elsewhere, an empty train can seriously scare passengers. That's exactly what happened in 2016 in Belgium. – The train rode 7 and a half miles until another driver jumped into the moving cab and was able to stop it.
– It happened in the summer of 1911. An Italian rail company called Zanetti sent a small tourist train with about 100 passengers to travel around the country. – It entered the tunnel but never made it out the other side! Apparently, as the train approached the mountain, a thick white fog suddenly surrounded it.
– The tunnel was thoroughly investigated. There weren’t any signs of a crash, there wasn’t a shred of evidence a train had entered it. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If the Color Green Disappeared for 24 Hours

We’re so used to how colorful our world is, that we forget to appreciate the colors around us. Imagine what would happen if the most abundant color in nature suddenly disappeared? What would the world look like without green, and what would it mean for us to live without it? What’s your favorite green colored thing in the world? Apples? Northern Lights? Comic books about The Incredible Hulk? Imagine if they all suddenly lose their color and become bland and grey. Would you enjoy these things as much after that? Other videos you might like:
What If Megalodon Sharks Didn't Go Extinct?
What If You Didn't Blink for 29 Days
What If Dinosaurs Were Still Alive Today? TIMESTAMPS:
Meaning of the color green 1:06
Why dollars are green 2:50
Why green is avoided in the design of office buildings 5:05
Why green symbolizes envy 6:20
The color of the heart’s chakra 6:45 #greencolor #green #brightside SUMMARY:
– Green is one of the richest colors there are. It has the most variety of shades and tints among all the others. – Green mixed with vibrant yellow will look fresh and juicy, but mix it with pale yellow and a little brown and it’ll look sickly and disturbing. – Dark green is associated with wealth and reliability; but make it just a bit darker and it’ll be connected with greed and look militaristic. – Green is associated with all movements that aim at preserving the ecology of our planet. – If the emblem of some organization is green – you know immediately that it has something to do with recycling or environmental clean-up, or the preservation of endangered species. – Being one of the most peaceful colors, it’s linked to reliability and safety. Lots of brands use this to their advantage. – The green pigment used in bills has proved itself to be sturdier than others. It simply doesn’t wear off with time.
– With green come the feelings of a fresh start, peace, and calmness that balance out the red perfectly for everyone’s favorite time of the year. – Green is so strongly associated with safety that, even before elementary school, we learn that a green traffic light means it’s safe to go.
– Pharmacies around the world also prefer to represent themselves with the help of shining green crosses. They’re immediately recognizable signs, making it easy to spot a drugstore at any time. – Ever heard of ‘green with envy’? And if someone’s face has a greenish hue, it might be a clue about how this person feels today. – Green also has a sacred meaning in traditional spiritual practices that have a lot to do with medicine and self-betterment. Like for example, yoga.
– According to this teaching, green is the color of the heart’s chakra, which is the main link between higher chakras based on meaningful and spiritual needs, and lower chakras that represent natural needs that are inevitable in human nature. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Father’s Duty

I never actually realized how much I loved my son until that night. The night of the accident. We were driving on a highway, singing along to our favorite song on the radio, getting back home from an awesome vacation. You could probably say we’re a perfect family, the three of us —my wife Martha, our son Jack and me. None of us have an ear for music, but we still love singing and dancing. So, like I said, we were speeding along the road, happy and carefree for once. It was late evening, but the sky was still pretty bright, and the air was crisp and clear. I was behind the wheel, my wife sat beside me, and Jack was in the back seat behind her. I never noticed that jeep. The man who was driving it said he hadn’t seen us either, but… I don’t know what to think. Other videos you might like:
They Found a Frozen Girl But What Happened Next Shocked Everyone
A Heart-Breaking Story of a Girl Found Alone in the Ocean
My Owner Threw Me Away But the Miracle Happened (Part 1) TIMESTAMPS:
What happened that night 0:34
Martha was extremely lucky, but my son… 1:52
The least I could do for him 2:19
They don’t know I can hear them 3:47 #touchingstory #movingstory #brightside SUMMARY:
– He crashed into us from the right, and both our cars skidded along the road for a dozen feet or so before stopping.
– My heart skipped a beat at first, but then I sighed shakily with relief: they were unconscious but alive. I’d never been that thankful for seat belts.
– Martha came to her senses in the car, but Jack didn’t. The paramedics said it was alright, he was just knocked out, but I couldn’t stop worrying.
– In the hospital, after several long hours of restless wait, they said Martha was extremely lucky.
– It turned out to be his kidneys. The impact shook Jack so much that they were failing. He needed a transplant, and soon. I was… petrified. – When they asked me the final time whether I was ready to donate one of my kidneys to Jack, my answer was a firm “yes.”
– The surgery was then scheduled for the following week, when Jack was ready.
– The operation was successful. My son had my kidney in him now, and he was doing fine. – The kidney he received adapted well to his body. He called me his hero. What else could a father wish for, right?
– Jack graduated from high school and went on to college. I was never so proud as on the day he was accepted. – They come to visit me every month or so. They sit beside me, share the news, tell me everything that I missed and update me on their current affairs. – They don’t know I can hear them, but they still remember and love me, I can sense that. Yep, I didn’t make it that day. But that was alright, I was ready for it. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If the Titanic Sank Today

Sea travel is safer today than at any point in history. But still, how worried should we be? Could a Titanic-like disaster happen today? Before we can answer our main question, we need to know what led to the sinking of the Titanic becoming one of the worst maritime disasters in history. Everyone knows the basic story: the ship hit an iceberg and there weren’t enough lifeboats. The first big issue contributing to the ship's demise had to do with the culture of early twentieth-century ocean liners. The captains of these ships were under constant pressure to keep a tight schedule of arrivals and departures. Additionally, it was widely believed that icebergs didn’t pose any significant danger to ships. Other videos you might like:
Titanic Survivor Claims an Iceberg Didn't Destroy the Ship
What Happened to the Titanic's Sister Ships
A Legendary Woman Who Escaped the Titanic, Britannic, And Olympic TIMESTAMPS:
The main problems facing the Titanic on that fateful night 1:14
Ice patrols 4:22
How icebergs are detected these days 4:44
Costa Concordia disaster 6:41
If the Titanic had struck the iceberg today 8:43 #titanic #CostaConcordia #brightside SUMMARY:
– At the time, it was common for ship's radio operators to work for a third-party company. Relaying messages to the crew was the second priority to sending private telegrams for the passengers. – Additionally, it was widely believed that icebergs didn’t pose any significant danger to ships. – The lack of lifeboats was also due to a misunderstanding of how any potential collisions would play out, and not just because they would be redundant on an invincible ship. – No one had ever anticipated the need to evacuate everyone on-board onto lifeboats.
– By 1912, ships weren't yet required to have someone operating the radio 24/7. – Making matters worse was the fact that the Titanic's radio operator reported the wrong coordinates in his SOS. This meant that even the ships that received the call had trouble finding where the Titanic had gone down.
– After the Titanic sank, many new procedures were established with the hope of preventing similar disasters. – One of the first was the establishment of regular ice patrols in that region of the North Atlantic.
– Another reason today is better than a century ago is that our iceberg detection has gotten a lot more sophisticated.
– Accidents can still happen, so it’s a good thing large vessels are now required to carry enough lifeboats for everyone aboard, and the crews receive training in proper evacuation procedures.
– Modern ships are also required to have a radio operator on duty at all times.
– A good example might be what happened during the 2012 Costa Concordia disaster.
– The Italian cruise ship was passing close to the island of Giglio when it collided with the edge of an underwater plateau. – It was later revealed that there were numerous distractions on the ship, such as the presence of the Captain's girlfriend. – Unlike the Titanic, the Concordia had more than enough lifeboats to get everyone off safely. – If the Titanic had struck the iceberg today, the Coast Guard would’ve deployed a small fleet of boats and helicopters to assist in the evacuation.
– With a competent commander overseeing an organized evacuation, this modern Titanic might not be considered a disaster at all. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If There Was No Electricity for a Year

A person can go without food for a couple weeks, water for a few days, air for mere minutes. But without electricity … it's hard to say. It all depends on where you live, what survival skills you have, and how much you depend on the conveniences of living on the grid. But let's see what will happen to humanity if electricity disappeared for, say, a year! So, there’s a bit of charge left on the phone, but your mobile data isn’t working. Nobody suspects that communication towers have shut down, which means no calls, not even emergencies! For now, all you know is, the Internet is gone! You don’t have any offline games either. Your phone is nothing more than an overpriced calculator now… Other videos you might like:
What If the Sun Disappeared Right Now?
What If the Earth Lost Oxygen for Just 5 Seconds?
What If You Were the Last Person on Earth TIMESTAMPS:
Day 1: Late afternoon 1:34
Evening 2:54
Day 2 3:51
2 weeks without electricity 4:39
1 month without power 5:10
3 months off the grid 5:33
6 months without power 5:59
Day 365 6:20
⚡️ What happens if natural electricity disappears? ⚡️ – Lightning 6:57
– Electromagnetic fields 7:25
– No more light and time itself! 8:07
– New Beginnings! 9:13 #noelectricity #whatif #brightside SUMMARY:
– You head to your favorite cafe. Hey, why not grab a latte to pass the time? The barista cuts you off as soon as you walk in the door. – You overhear a group of people talking about a nasty crash on a busy intersection. Oh yeah, traffic lights don’t work now.
– First thing’s first, a nice hot shower to wash this crazy situation away. …No tap. The toilet doesn’t flush either.
– All you notice are dimly lit windows – everyone else is lighting candles too.
– The perishables in your fridge have long reached the point of no return. You throw out your milk, eggs, cheese, and so on. – You better have cash on you – card readers aren’t going to work. Neither will ATMs. Anyone with money in the bank now has no access to it… – Emergency generators are already running out all over the world – the most powerful models can only go for 24 hours max.
– The global economy is plummeting. Commerce, banking, trade, national and personal debt – they’re just gone overnight! – Small communes have sprouted up everywhere. People extract water from wells, they stay fed thanks to agriculture and fishing. – Light appears! Once they fix things up and electricity is back, it’ll take at least 10 years to fully restore the economy, infrastructure, and production. – There’s a layer of it in the atmosphere that protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet and cosmic radiation. Lightning benefits the planet in lots of other ways too.
– Electromagnetic fields make all atoms and molecules stick together to form tangible matter – that is, you, me, and everything around us. – If the charge in the electrons disappears and they stop repelling, then gravity will begin to squeeze them together with such force that a black hole will arise and begin to absorb all matter! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If There Was No Electricity for a Year Videos