Category Archives: Bright Side News

10+ Tips to Learn Things Faster Than the Average Person

Thanks to University of the People for sponsoring this video! Make sure to click the link below if you want to give your brain a real training and get an education accessible to anyone! You ever walk into a room just to forget where you were going or what you were looking for? How about finding your car keys in the fridge or the dog’s food in your cereal bowl? Sounds like you could use a brain boost. There're some really great ways you can train the old thinker! Did you know, for example, that automated actions stall your brain since it’s not taking an active part in what you’re doing? Or that solving math problems doesn’t even rack your brain as much as learning an unfamiliar tongue? And if you have a sweet tooth, this one’s for you: chocolate contains an important amino acid that helps your brain process things faster and with more efficiency! #UoPeople #OnlineLearning #Education Other videos you might like:
9 Brain Exercises to Strengthen Your Mind;
4 Exercises to Test How Fast Your Brain Is;
A Japanese Technique to Overcome Laziness TIMESTAMPS:
Draw 0:20
Change up your routine 0:41
Get a degree 1:19 👈
Use the opposite hand 2:19
Write 2:50
Learn a new language 3:24
Play chess 3:45
Play video games 4:11 🎮
Do the chores 4:36
Pick your nose 4:59
Walk 5:27
Eat chocolate 5:57 🍫
Breathe 6:31
Sleep 7:10 Music: SUMMARY:
– Drawing makes your right brain hemisphere work like a hundred horses, triggering creativity and helping you find unconventional solutions to problems at hand.
– Automated actions stall your brain since it’s not taking an active part in what you’re doing. To avoid this lack of memory and train your brain at the same time, change up your routine every day.
– You can get a degree that fits your schedule, and avoid student-debt at University of the People, the first non-profit, US-accredited, online university, where you can get a tuition-free Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in the most in-demand fields like: business administration, education, health, computer science.
– If you’re a righty, take a spoon or your toothbrush into your left hand and do the usual stuff. Lefties, you’re now righties for the day!
– Typing on a keyboard or smartphone is okay too, but actual writing with a pen on paper activates critical-thinking and increases your analytical skills.
– When you learn a language, you take on a whole new system, and your brain has no other choice but to adapt to the circumstances.
– Chess is one of the oldest strategic games in the world, and it’s stood the test of time because it’s awesome, as simple as that. If you play it regularly, you’ll learn to concentrate and think bigger, taking actions that will affect your life a few steps ahead.
– One 2015 study found that action video games in particular improve reaction time, observation skills, and decision-making.
– House work also contributes to your brain power. It boils down to physical activity (which is great for the noggin, but more on that later!). It’s also effective at taking your mind off the bigger problems too.
– Walking increases your blood flow, which means more blood (and oxygen that hitchhikes along with it) reaches your brain. This boosts the thinking organ’s activity, making it more flexible when it comes to important stuff.
– If you have a sweet tooth, this one’s for you: chocolate contains an important amino acid, lysin, that helps your brain process things faster and with more efficiency. It’s only about dark chocolate, though, because lysin is found in cocoa beans.
– Here’s a simple exercise that will fill your brain with oxygen and let you feel a rush of energy. Exhale all the air from your lungs and hold your breath for as long as you can. When you can’t hold it any longer, breathe in powerfully and repeat. The influx of air into your lungs will send oxygen to the tissues, and your blood will start pumping faster.
– Just don’t forget to check out the link to today’s video sponsor down in the description box. It’ll take you to University of the People, where a great brain-training journey awaits! Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Objects Fall If There Is No Gravity in Space

Have you ever wondered why stars fall at all if there’s no gravity in space? We have all seen astronauts swimming in the air on ISS like fish in the water. But if you think that it happens because there is zero gravity there, you’ll learn something new today. “Zero gravity” doesn’t mean there is none of it. If there were no gravity in space the Earth wouldn’t be able to hold the Moon near itself. All the planets and stars would just fly across the Universe freely, bump into each other and – well, it would probably end things really quickly. Gravity can be tiny but never absent, this is one of its laws. Other videos you might like:
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been Solved;
What If You Dig a Tunnel Under the Ocean?;
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused TIMESTAMPS:
The Earth's gravity in the orbit 0:59
The ISS is falling to Earth all the time (Wait, what?! 😮) 1:39
Why ISS can't rise too high 3:08
Is “zero gravity” a myth? 3:44
Why shooting stars appear in the sky ☄️ 4:23
Where does the star shower come from? 6:00 #stars #space #brightside SUMMARY:
– The Earth's gravity is only 10% less in the orbit than on the ground. If we build a platform 190-250 miles high (it’s the altitude of ISS above Earth) and throw a stone from there it will fall down just the same way as it falls down from your balcony. – But then why don’t astronauts just walk on the floor of ISS as we do on Earth? The reason for it is that when in the orbit they are in a state of a constant free fall to Earth, and the ISS itself is also falling to Earth all the time. – Why don’t they raise ISS higher above the Earth where astronauts won’t have to free fall? – Astronauts can stay on ISS for so long because the uppermost atmosphere protects them from solar radiation.
– At the altitude above 310 miles, there are radiation belts that have a destructive impact on humans.
– If a body is far enough from a space object the gravity of the space object will be too small, and their mutual attraction will roughly balance each other.
– What we take for shooting stars are just small stones floating in space and their orbit or our orbit, makes us run into each other. – The speed is so high that the air gets super-hot and starts shining. – In science, shooting stars are called meteors. If parts of meteors do reach the Earth's surface they are called meteorites. Super bright meteors are called fireballs.
– Hundreds of millions of meteors appear in the atmosphere daily. Their total weight can be thousands of tons. – Meteors can form as a result of a collision of another planet and a smaller space object. – Small space bodies can have quite a different direction but if they come too close to the Earth, its gravity will turn them around and pull down.
– Astronomers watch closely all the big space objects that could potentially get too close to our planet when moving along their orbit. – If you trace the way of meteors on the sky it will seem that they all fly out of the same spot. It is called a meteoroid stream radiant. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Happens After You Flush on a Cruise Ship

These days, any cruise ship is like a huge city, where every detail is thought out so that passengers feel just as comfortable as on land, only better. You can take a shower, do the laundry, or swim in a pool. But where does all the dirty water go? The average ship spends about 40-50 gallons of water per passenger every day. It makes tons of wastewater that needs to be utilized. Say, the world's biggest cruise ship, Harmony of the Seas, can carry about 5,500 passengers together with 2,300 crew members. They produce about 312,000 gallons of wastewater daily! Other videos you might like:
12 Things You Should Never Flush Down the Toilet–ucOuU&
13 Things You Shouldn't Dump Down the Drain
Are Public Toilets As Safe As You Think? TIMESTAMPS:
Greywater and blackwater 1:16
How wastewater gets cleaned 1:28
Why you shouldn't take water from one ocean and throw it into another 2:42
What about other kinds of waste? 3:55
Where does all the water on the ship come from? 6:14 #ships #howitworks #brightside SUMMARY:
– Even though the passengers don’t notice, the water supply system onboard the ship is designed to use the water sparingly.
– And still, the average ship spends about 40-50 gallons of water per passenger every day.
– Greywater comes from laundry, showers, baths, and kitchens. Blackwater comes from bathrooms.
– The highest volume of wastewater comes from greywater. It gets mixed with some of the blackwater and is sent to the bio-reactor. – Chlorine and other chemicals aren’t used since they’re bad for the sea’s eco system. – The solid waste that was filtered at the first stage is kept in special tanks until the ship arrives at the harbor where it’ll be utilized. – Scientists have noticed that ballast water taken from one ocean and thrown into another is bad for the ecosystem. – The species of plankton and other sea inhabitants vary in different oceans, and the “strangers” can start destroying the “natives”. – Sensitive detectors measure the level of oil in the water, and if it’s even a bit higher than what’s allowed, the water is sent for cleaning again.
– There’s special staff on board every ship who sort out the garbage into 4 categories – food waste, paper, metal and glass, and plastic. – Most of the food waste is considered natural: it doesn’t do any harm to the sea’s ecosystem.
– Household waste, cooking grease, and solid waste are kept on board until the ship arrives at the harbor and is utilized there.
– Metal and glass are just thrown overboard. Surprised? These two just drop to the bottom and do no harm to the sea. – Strict rules also apply to the passengers themselves. On every deck of a cruise ship, there are usually special instructions that forbid them from throwing anything overboard themselves. – Turns out, all cruise ships have desalinating plants. When the ship goes farther than 25 miles from the land, they take seawater, which goes through a many-layered filter, a powerful ultra-violet lamp, and a desalinator.
– The desalinating plant is the size of a room and gives enough fresh water for all the passengers and crew. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Woke Up in the Game You Last Played

I don’t know what happened, but it all started a week ago. I was remembering the good old times and playing Morrowind, and I lost track of time. Late at night, I just fell asleep in front of my PC, and that’s when the crazy stuff began. I woke up because I heard the voice of Jiub… right in front of me. He was addressing me — not my character, but me. I thought I was still dreaming, but I could literally smell the prison ship, and it was all so… real. Then I accidentally bumped into a table on the way to the exit, and it hurt a little. That’s when I knew it wasn’t a dream at all… Other videos you might like:
What If You Were the Last Person on Earth
8 Dream Signs You Shouldn't Ignore
How to Play Chess: The Complete Guide for Beginners TIMESTAMPS:
When the crazy stuff began 😵 0:26
I find myself in the Minecraft world 2:49
Attempt number 3 – Fortnite! 6:06
I was unprepared for that kind of ordeal! 😱 7:27
And this is how that ended 8:30 #gaming #videogames #brightside SUMMARY:
– Long story short, I spent a full day in Seyda Neen, looking around, talking to people and actually doing quests from the game.
– But then night came, and I spent a few coins for a bed, anticipating my trip to Balmora the next day. …but I ended up awakening in my own bed. – The following night I decided to play a little bit of Minecraft. Yeah, I do that from to time to time to relax. This time, though, a weird idea came to me. What if I stay up late again and see what happens? I mean, I’d already been to Morrowind, why not the Minecraft world?
– I looked at my hands, and they were made of blocks too. I woke up in a forest biome, so everything around me was lush green, but there was also a cave nearby, with its ceiling half collapsed. – I spent the rest of the daytime exploring the glades and woods. By the way, the day lasted just like it would in the real world, not only 20 minutes. By the nightfall, I got a bit tired, so I settled down, built myself a lean-to, and made a fire.
– I supposed I had no choice but to lie down and have a nap. I fell asleep very quickly, just hoping it wouldn’t end like the previous time… …yet it did. I woke up again in my own bed. – I spent the whole day in anticipation. I’m not that much of a gamer, you know, but all this was so exciting that I couldn’t really concentrate on anything else but my next virtual adventure. – And the game I chose was Fortnite. No, I didn’t just give in to all the hype around it; I wanted to actually see what it would be like to participate in a battle royale from the first person perspective.
– It was so weird feeling my legs working and realizing that someone might appear from behind any wall or tree at any moment, with their intentions being anything but good. – I sat with my back to some tree and watched my surroundings intently for any signs of other players. Or were they really players? Could it be that I wasn’t alone in that strange world?
– I felt a sudden hit to my head and lost consciousness. I guess that was the end of it.
– I came round at home again, as I always did after my adventures. But this time I felt it was different. Both the first and the second time I simply fell asleep in the game world, while now I’d been, well, obliterated. – My head hurt, so I took some painkillers and went for breakfast. But I was already thinking whether I’d be able to come back to that world, or to any other, for that matter. – I played until I fell asleep again… and woke up in what felt like a couple of hours, lying face down on my keyboard. Yep, that was really the end. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If You Woke Up in the Game You Last Played Videos

What Would Life Be Like Without Metals?

So what would life be like without metals? You know, copper, silver, lead, iron, and whatnot. What if they all just disappeared overnight? As if some has meddled with our metal. “So, no more spoons and coins? Big deal!” you say. Not so fast! You can go ahead and say goodbye to that phone of yours. And the tablet, TV, computer, all the blinky fun stuff. They’re not just made of plastic and a glass screen. Metals are most often used as conductors of electric current. Without them, all our flashy toys are useless. Plus, they have metal parts inside them. And you know what all that means? All modern ways of communication are no longer… Other videos you might like:
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What If You Stopped Showering for a Year?
What If a Rusty Nail Poked Your Foot? TIMESTAMPS:
No more Internet 0:24
No more electricity 1:20
No more fast food 1:53
What can you do for fun? 2:20
Healing herbs, natural remedies… 4:01
and straw huts! 5:04
Metals in the human body 5:56
No metal, no you, no me, and no Earth 7:15 #whatif #metal #brightside SUMMARY:
– You could write a letter, but how will you send it – carrier pigeons? This metal-free world has also lost all modern means of transportation!
– Metal is used to conduct electric currents. No artificial light source will work without metal.
– But electricity isn’t just about lights and sockets. You won’t have running water – the main station uses electricity! – Musicians won’t have any instruments! Guitars might be made from wood, but those strings are usually steel.
– From the gym to the hospital, this place also looks quite different! Without metals, it won’t be possible to carry out an operation – even X-rays won’t be possible!
– Hope you have something valuable to trade with the doctor for taking care of you! Of course, there are no more metal coins – that’s obvious.
– Besides the steel frame keeping the whole thing standing, a lot of the construction materials like concrete and cement have metals in them too! So, I guess we get to live in straw huts!
– About 3% of your total body weight is just metals.
– A person needs calcium for strong bones and teeth. So without it, our skeleton would become fragile like glass.
– Zinc keeps the immune system in working order. That’s what helps your body fight off sicknesses and heal cuts and wounds!
– You also have enough iron in you to make a small nail. Iron helps saturate the body's cells with oxygen.
– Speaking of oxygen, magnesium plays a similar role in plants as iron does with moving oxygen in animals – it’s essential for photosynthesis.
– Without the core, Earth loses its magnetic field. And we need that protective magnetic bubble because it keeps the ozone layer in place! – For that matter, all the Earth’s layers are made up of different metals. The mantle has a bunch of iron, magnesium, and aluminum. – The crust is mostly oxygen, but it also has aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If the Asteroid Had Been 10 Seconds Late

You wake up because the ground is shaking. Ah, nothing new – a Diplodocus has just passed by your house. You look out of the window – oh, no! Nope, you haven't somehow come round in Jurassic Park. That's what your life would’ve been if the asteroid had hit Earth just several seconds later. Yep, the very asteroid that collided with our planet about 65 million years ago, causing havoc across the globe and wiping dinosaurs out. It turns out that if this asteroid had fallen a mere 10 seconds later, you wouldn't recognize Earth these days. Let's see what your day in this new (even though only for you) world would look like! Other videos you might like:
10 Biggest Sea Dinosaurs That Ever Existed on Earth
What If Dinosaurs Were Still Alive Today?
10 Extinct Animals Scientists Are Ready to Bring Back TIMESTAMPS:
Your vision would be much sharper 0:48
How about a pet dino? 😊 1:36
Many animals didn't appear at all! 3:29
Dinosaurs with a surprisingly big brain 5:03
No dairy products in supermarkets 🥛 5:58
That ill-fated asteroid 7:26 #asteroid #dinosaurs #brightside SUMMARY:
– Dinos had a color vision, and it was more difficult for them to blend in. Most dinos were multicolored, which helped them to hide in the environment they lived in. – But dinos being so great at camouflaging themselves made human vision much sharper. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to notice well-disguised animals. – In the real world, before the asteroid hit Earth, the biggest part of the planet was covered with tropical forests. Vegan dinosaurs roaming there were huge, slow, and clumsy.
– In our imaginary world, the asteroid let dinosaurs live to see the in nutritious plants evolve into something much better — flowering plants, berries, and fruit.
– They were becoming smaller and smaller until a big part of them moved to live on trees and started to drink nectar. – People managed to tame some of these miniature animals — that's where the pet you found under your bed comes from! – By following their evolutionary route, dinos prevented mammals from evolving and developing. That's why in the dino-world, people appeared much later than in our real world. – Even though the asteroid was several seconds late, the planet was developing pretty much in the same way. As for the hoofed animals, mammals, and most predators that live on our planet today, they didn't appear at all. – There are tiny dinos that spend most of their time in holes and burrows, just like our moles and lizards. Some dinosaurs lost their plumage and grew fur.
– You can't help but notice some other difference between life in our world and the one in the world full of dinosaurs. For example, since there are no cows and other hoofed animals, and dinos can't produce milk, there are no dairy products in supermarkets. – By crashing into Earth, the asteroid caused an abrupt temperature drop and the disappearance of three-fourths of all animal species that were living on our planet at that time.
– But if the asteroid had fallen several seconds later, it would have landed in the deep ocean. The water would have taken the edge off the collision, and the hit wouldn't have had such dramatic consequences.
– It hit the ground at the speed of 20 miles per second and blew clouds of dust, soil, and rocks into the air. This debris not only went up to the upper layers of the atmosphere but also reached space.
– Sea inhabitants were more protected from the disastrous after-effects of the collision. But not for long. Plankton couldn't live without sunlight, and when it disappeared, small fish that fed on it didn't survive either. – Those animals who were hibernating during the moment of impact or lived in burrows survived, but they also had a hard time trying to fend off hunger. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Phones Are Getting Slow These Days

Ah, that new-phone thrill! Yet just a few months later, you notice what was once the sportscar of phones is now crawling like an old clunker. Why does that happen, and how can you speed yours up? It’ll struggle when it has too many apps installed and running in the background, there’s hardly any storage space on it, it’s overworked and overheated, your operating system is out-of-date, and your battery deserves a happy retirement. It can also just be a matter of perception when you see an ad for a newer model and think of yours as something outdated and slow. But let’s see what you can do to speed your phone up! Other videos you might like:
Stop Charging Your Phone at Night, Here's Why
15 Mistakes That Shorten the Life of Your Phone
Stop Using Your Phone Sitting on the Toilet TIMESTAMPS:
Give it a restart 1:52
Update your phone 2:26
Free up some space 3:00
Sort your apps 3:39
Try lightweight versions of apps 4:17
Turn down the graphics 4:34
Clear your cache 4:59
Turn Bluetooth on only when you need it 5:39
Disable automatic background processes 5:50
Replace the battery 6:27
Restore to factory settings 7:00 #smartphone #gadgets #brightside SUMMARY:
– As simple as it sounds, sometimes just restarting your phone is all it needs to kick it into high gear. The reason for its snail’s pace is often a misbehaving app. – Keeping your Operating System up-to-date is good for your gadget because updates include the latest security patches and fixes for some common issues. – Your phone needs at least 10% of available storage free to be able to function correctly. You can see how much storage you have and which folders or apps are eating the most memory in your Settings. – Most phones come with bloatware – apps that are pre-installed and useless if we’re being honest. Sometimes you also install apps to get a discount at a store or just to try it out. – If you just can't say good riddance to some bulky apps, at least replace them with lighter versions. – An ambient display keeps you up-to-date with all the important notifications, and you don't even have to unlock your phone to see them. But… it eats up your battery life, and you know what it does to your phone speed already. – Your built-in browser keeps a cache of the web pages you visit with cookies, login information, and other data to help you navigate through them easier. But when the cache is too full, your phone slows down.
– Hey, is your Bluetooth on right now? Is it connected to anything? If not, then turn it off. It’s a real drag for your phone!
– The older your phone's battery gets, the more likely it is to shut down unexpectedly, even when it was charged well enough.
– Resetting your phone deletes all the apps and data you’ve had on it, so make sure you back it up on cloud storage or a computer before you wipe it clean. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Phones Are Getting Slow These Days Videos

What If There Was No Gravity for 1 Minute

Remember that unsatisfactory feeling as a kid when you’d try to jump in the air as high as possible, and something brings you back to the ground? Well, that is Gravity. Like your mother, it's always there, it never changes, and you can’t break it’s rules. But that's for the better! If one day, the Earth's gravity disappeared, the consequences would be flat out disastrous. Gravity depends on the mass, which is, in turn, related to the matter. The more matter you have, the bigger the mass is. And the bigger the mass is, the stronger an object's gravitational pull is. You might have noticed that the gravity on our planet never changes, right? That's because the mass of the Earth always remains the same. But what if we imagined that one day, our planet would give off a terrifying “crack”, and gravity would just disappear? Other videos you might like:
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been Solved
What If You Dig a Tunnel Under the Ocean?
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused TIMESTAMPS:
What gravity is 0:32
We would simply fly off into space 2:03
The Earth would lose the Moon 🌒 3:07
No air to breathe 3:25
The Earth would break into pieces 4:01
What if gravity, on the contrary, became stronger? 4:32 💪 #gravity #space #brightside SUMMARY:
– Gravity is a force that draws atoms toward each other. Our planet is a big-big number of atoms, crammed together. That's why its gravitational pull is very real and very perceptible.
– The more matter you have, the bigger the mass is. And the bigger the mass is, the stronger an object's gravitational pull is. – Should huge chunks of the planet get ripped out from under your feet, the gravity would gradually change as well. – The most obvious outcome would be floating. I mean that you, the bed you've been sleeping on, your alarm clock, and your cup of unfinished tea would instantly rise into the air.
– If the gravity got switched off, anything unattached to the ground would simply fly off into space. People unlucky enough to be outside when the gravity disappears would be gone in the blink of an eye. – Those people inside buildings would be safer, but not for long. It's true that man-made structures are supposed to be firmly rooted to the ground. – Furthermore, the Earth would lose one of its best friends – the Moon. The only thing keeping the Moon from floating away and keeping our planet's natural satellite in orbit is the Earth's gravity. – Later, when life on Earth would cease to exist completely (what with no air and water), the lack of gravity would finally take its toll on the planet itself. – Without the main force holding things together, it would likely break into pieces and float off into space. – What if gravity, on the contrary, became stronger, and not only on the Earth, but everywhere in the Universe? Would it influence your life? – If the gravity changed even slightly, it’d completely disrupt the existing balance, and the Earth would move into a new orbit. As a result, our planet would start traveling about 10% closer to the Sun.
– Bridges wouldn't stand any chance; neither would large buildings, such as skyscrapers. Smaller houses might remain standing for some time, but they’d need to be reinforced. – Experiments in centrifuges show that people can easily tolerate two times the Earth's gravity for up to 22 hours with no harm to their health.
– Dormant volcanoes that’ve been sleeping for thousands of years would wake up and start changing the surface of the planet. – If gravity became twice as strong as it is now, the Earth would spiral into the sun at a dizzying rate. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If There Was No Gravity for 1 Minute Videos

What If Gravity Suddenly Disappeared

Remember that unsatisfactory feeling as a kid when you’d try to jump in the air as high as possible, and something brings you back to the ground? Well, that is Gravity. Like your mother, it's always there, it never changes, and you can’t break it’s rules. But that's for the better! If one day, the Earth's gravity disappeared, the consequences would be flat out disastrous. Gravity depends on the mass, which is, in turn, related to the matter. The more matter you have, the bigger the mass is. And the bigger the mass is, the stronger an object's gravitational pull is. You might have noticed that the gravity on our planet never changes, right? That's because the mass of the Earth always remains the same. But what if we imagined that one day, our planet would give off a terrifying “crack”, and gravity would just disappear? Other videos you might like:
The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been Solved
What If You Dig a Tunnel Under the Ocean?
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused TIMESTAMPS:
What gravity is 0:32
We would simply fly off into space 2:03
The Earth would lose the Moon 🌒 3:07
No air to breathe 3:25
The Earth would break into pieces 4:01
What if gravity, on the contrary, became stronger? 4:32 💪 #gravity #space #brightside SUMMARY:
– Gravity is a force that draws atoms toward each other. Our planet is a big-big number of atoms, crammed together. That's why its gravitational pull is very real and very perceptible.
– The more matter you have, the bigger the mass is. And the bigger the mass is, the stronger an object's gravitational pull is. – Should huge chunks of the planet get ripped out from under your feet, the gravity would gradually change as well. – The most obvious outcome would be floating. I mean that you, the bed you've been sleeping on, your alarm clock, and your cup of unfinished tea would instantly rise into the air.
– If the gravity got switched off, anything unattached to the ground would simply fly off into space. People unlucky enough to be outside when the gravity disappears would be gone in the blink of an eye. – Those people inside buildings would be safer, but not for long. It's true that man-made structures are supposed to be firmly rooted to the ground. – Furthermore, the Earth would lose one of its best friends – the Moon. The only thing keeping the Moon from floating away and keeping our planet's natural satellite in orbit is the Earth's gravity. – Later, when life on Earth would cease to exist completely (what with no air and water), the lack of gravity would finally take its toll on the planet itself. – Without the main force holding things together, it would likely break into pieces and float off into space. – What if gravity, on the contrary, became stronger, and not only on the Earth, but everywhere in the Universe? Would it influence your life? – If the gravity changed even slightly, it’d completely disrupt the existing balance, and the Earth would move into a new orbit. As a result, our planet would start traveling about 10% closer to the Sun.
– Bridges wouldn't stand any chance; neither would large buildings, such as skyscrapers. Smaller houses might remain standing for some time, but they’d need to be reinforced. – Experiments in centrifuges show that people can easily tolerate two times the Earth's gravity for up to 22 hours with no harm to their health.
– Dormant volcanoes that’ve been sleeping for thousands of years would wake up and start changing the surface of the planet. – If gravity became twice as strong as it is now, the Earth would spiral into the sun at a dizzying rate. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If Gravity Suddenly Disappeared Videos