Category Archives: Bright Side News

What If Only One Baby Was Born in a Year

Three hundred and sixty thousand babies are born every day around the world. But what if there weren’t quite so many? What if, for one year, only a single baby was born? It’s not necessary to get into the biology of how this would happen. So let’s just pretend the stork took a year-long holiday and forgot to call a sub. The moment the first doctor makes an innocuous Facebook post about not having many new patients, the conspiracy train would get rolling. As scientists around the globe struggle to explain what just happened, people would come up with their own answers. Many might believe that it’s the beginning of the end of the world… Other videos you might like:
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10 Superpowers You Had When You Were a Baby TIMESTAMPS:
There would be mass hysteria 1:02
What if you were the only baby born in a year? 3:15
What about the long-term effects? 4:28 #whatif #demography #brightside SUMMARY:
– No births for a year would be preceded by about nine months with no new pregnancies.
– Doctors who specialize in pregnancy are known as obstetricians, or OB-GYNs.
– They’d realize none of their colleagues are seeing any new pregnancies either, and it's only a matter of time until someone raises the alarm.
– Many might believe that it’s the beginning of the end of the world. That might sound farfetched, but mass panic has happened before over less real threats.
– Let’s say about ten months into the year without newborns, the world breathes a sigh of relief as the year’s first and only baby is born, happy and healthy. And for the fun of it, let's say that this baby is you.
– As the only baby of the year, you'd be a celebrity before you were even born. The whole world would know your name before you could even walk. – Life isn’t just going to suddenly go back to normal after something like this.
– For starters, companies that specialize in things for babies would definitely have a rough fiscal year. – While children can start eating solid food after about six to eight months, most won't be ready to ditch baby food entirely until they're around two. – Where things get complicated is when it comes to education and healthcare. – Maternity wards aren't going to see any use for about a year. – Every year for twelve years, schools around the world would be missing almost an entire grade's worth of students.
– This could lead to teachers being laid off, potentially disrupting the education system for years to come.
– On the plus side, there’ll be less competition for you in getting into the dream college of your choice. Helloooo Stanford! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Were Invited to Have Tea with the Queen

So you wake up one morning, and an owl brings you … no, not an acceptance letter to Hogwarts, but an invitation to have afternoon tea with Her Majesty the Queen of England herself! Oh, my! Aren’t you a special one? Have you learned all the DOs and DON’Ts of royal tea protocol? “Afternoon tea” is served at around 4 o'clock and isn't just a snack but also a social affair. That means, get ready for plenty of etiquette rules! For example, just because there was no exact dress code on the invite doesn't mean you can dress the same way you do when you go to the grocery store on Sundays! Other videos you might like:
10 Facts Proving Even the Queen Has Strange Habits
9 Surprising Facts About Royal Nannies
20 Secrets Buckingham Palace Is Hiding from Strangers TIMESTAMPS:
What you should wear 1:12
The right way to address the Queen 1:43
When at a Royal tea party, do as the Royals do! 2:34
Hold the cup correctly 3:28
And look into the cup! 4:40
The most exciting part – food! 5:37 #royalfamily #queen #brightside SUMMARY:
– Anyone who's about to meet the royal family is supposed to wear something right for the occasion: smart casual or business casual will be just fine. – When at a Royal tea party, do as the Royals do. So start with sugar, if you need any, then fill the cup up to about three-quarters using a strainer. It's placed over your cup for that reason. – Now that there’s milk and sugar in your tea, you want to stir it. Don’t make a little whirlpool in the cup by stirring the tea in circular motions! You need to stir it back and forth from 12 to 6 if you imagine it like the face of a clock.
– As much as you want to warm up your hands, don't wrap them around your tea! The proper way to do it is to hold the loop of the handle with your index finger and thumb. – British royals don't really stick their pinkies up to show how posh they are. I even heard extending it is a pretty rude gesture.
– This saucer looks fantastic, it's the most exquisite pottery and everything, but please leave it on the table. It's only okay to hold it together with the cup when there's no table in front of you, like when you’re standing.
– When the cup is on the table, it should always point at the 3 on your imaginary clock. If you're left-handed, you can relocate it to 9 o'clock for convenience. – When drinking, focus on the teacup! Don't look over it around the room. – Don’t slurp or gulp it down! As you lift your cup, take just one sip, then carefully put it back. And stop blowing on it!
– And now comes the most exciting part – food! It’s served on a pyramid of three tiers. – The sandwiches you’ll see at a royal tea party will be bite-sized and without crusts. Her Majesty’s personal favorites are with fillings of cucumber, smoked salmon, egg and mayonnaise, or ham and mustard. – So, the top of the pyramid is where you’ll find the sweets. Crispy cookies, strawberry tarts, honey and cream sponge, and many other kinds of cakes all gorgeous and fancy as can be. – It looks like the party is coming to an end. To wrap it up, take the napkin off your lap and leave it to the left of your cup and saucer. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If Just One Planet Disappeared from the Solar System

Have you ever thought about what will happen to your solar system’s “perfect harmony” if it loses a planet? For example, the closest planet to the Sun is Mercury, right? Oh, it’s so small! So with Mercury gone, how’s Earth looking? Hmm, no changes in the solar system. It’s all about gravity. Every object that has some mass attracts other objects because of its gravitational force. The larger the mass, the greater the force it has. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, so it’s not too massive in space terms. But what about other planets? Other videos you might like:
A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered
NASA Has Just Discovered a New Planet!
10 Facts About Our Planet You Didn't Learn In School TIMESTAMPS:
Mercury 0:29
Venus 1:15
Mars 2:04
Jupiter 2:58
Saturn 4:16
Uranus 5:02
Neptune 5:46
The Moon 6:43 #space #planets #brightside SUMMARY:
– Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, so it’s not too massive in space terms. – At 50 million miles away, Mercury is no doubt far from Earth, so the gravitational force between the two of them isn’t that strong. – Venus is the hottest planet in yourc solar system. One day here is almost 117 Earth days.
– There’s a massive asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids, as you know, aren’t Earth’s best friends. – Jupiter usually holds them together with its strong gravity, but from time to time, they break free and start moving toward the Sun.
– Mars also has gravity to boast and acts somewhat like a slingshot that speeds up asteroids in the direction of Earth.
– Jupiter weighs 3 times more than all its neighboring planets combined! – With its massive gravitational force, Jupiter has protected Earth from asteroids and other space debris over the past 4½ billion years! – The sun’s gravitational pull is sending all that stuff toward the inner planets, and that includes Earth! There will also be some small changes in the orbits of other planets, but that would be some thousands of years later. – It’s time for Saturn. You can’t mistake it for any other planet thanks to those gorgeous rings! Scientists say they’ll disappear one day as Saturn’s immense gravity pulls them down in an icy rain. – Uranus is massive as well, the 3rd largest planet in the solar system. – Without Neptune’s gravitational pull keeping things stable, orbits are crossing, and celestial bodies are crashing into each other!
– What about the Moon, though? Oh, my! What just happened to the Earth’s axis? It’s so tilted, even more than it was before! The weather down there has gone wild too – there are no more seasons at all, and new ice ages are on their way!
– The day now lasts only 6 to 12 hours because there’s no more pull of the moon to slow down the Earth’s rotation. There are no more lunar or solar eclipses to watch. – It looks like out of all the planets in your sun’s complex system, only Jupiter’s disappearance would be a major problem for Earth. So I guess it’s true what they say: the solar system really is a delicate and harmonious balance! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Swallowed a Scorpion

You’ve been lost in the desert for days, and you know that you desperately need something to eat. You drag yourself to the weak shade of a straggly tree and out from under a rock crawls…a scorpion. Yum! Wait, you can’t believe you’re considering it… but how bad could it be? Scorpions are packed full of protein—just what you need! How hard can they pinch? And how venomous are these things? The least of your worries are the claws or pincers. Scorpions can pinch, but you should be more worried about the poisonous stinger. A sting is way more painful—and dangerous—than a pinch. Other videos you might like:
What If You Were the Last Person on Earth
What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week?
What If You Swallowed the Most Venomous Spider TIMESTAMPS:
How to catch a scorpion 1:34
Can you actually swallow it? 3:18
When scorpions ARE a good option 4:21
How to cook a scorpion 4:43
The versatile delicacy 5:40
If you do get stung, what should you do? 6:44
Watch out for the bark scorpion! 7:27 #scorpion #whatif #brightside SUMMARY:
– There are over 1,500 species of scorpions, but you’re in the desert, so you’re probably dealing with the Common Desert Scorpion.
– It’s a brownish-yellow color, and it might have brown hairs on it. This scorpion uses those hairs to pick up vibrations from the air and ground to find food.
– To catch one, though, you’re going to have to wait until dark. Why?? Most scorpions glow under a UV light! Luckily, you have one.
– Next, you need to set a trap. Around the perimeter of the rock, or near the holes, dig a hole large enough to set a cup in, and pack the sand tight around the opening.
– It’s best to remove the stinger and venom gland; if you don’t, the scorpion would try to sting you all the way down. – But if this really was a survival situation, scorpions ARE a good option. The legs are surprisingly meaty and, like lobster, the best meat is in the tail and pincers!
– After you catch your scorpion, you’re somehow able to start a fire, and decide to cook it. This is much safer.
– Once the scorpion has an even brown color, it’s ready to eat! It should have a nice crunchy texture. – In some countries, scorpion is actually a versatile delicacy! Cooked scorpions are served as street food, and make a nice soup!
– Scorpions aren’t just found in remote deserts; they’re common in hot, dry places like Arizona or parts of Australia, and they can wander into your home! – If you’re stung, look for symptoms of an allergic reaction, like a rash or hives. You’ll probably have some swelling and itchiness, so put some ice on it.
– A scorpion sting doesn’t usually cause a lot of problems for most people, unless you have a serious allergy to the venom. – If you live in the Southwest US—states like Arizona, Texas, and Nevada—watch out for the bark scorpion! They’re brown with a darker back, and up to 3 inches long. – If you think you’ve been stung by a bark scorpion, it’s best to just go to the emergency room. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Would Happen If You Swallowed a Scorpion

You’ve been lost in the desert for days, and you know that you desperately need something to eat. You drag yourself to the weak shade of a straggly tree and out from under a rock crawls…a scorpion. Yum! Wait, you can’t believe you’re considering it… but how bad could it be? Scorpions are packed full of protein—just what you need! How hard can they pinch? And how venomous are these things? The least of your worries are the claws or pincers. Scorpions can pinch, but you should be more worried about the poisonous stinger. A sting is way more painful—and dangerous—than a pinch. Other videos you might like:
What If You Were the Last Person on Earth
What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week?
What If You Swallowed the Most Venomous Spider TIMESTAMPS:
How to catch a scorpion 1:34
Can you actually swallow it? 3:18
When scorpions ARE a good option 4:21
How to cook a scorpion 4:43
The versatile delicacy 5:40
If you do get stung, what should you do? 6:44
Watch out for the bark scorpion! 7:27 #scorpion #whatif #brightside SUMMARY:
– There are over 1,500 species of scorpions, but you’re in the desert, so you’re probably dealing with the Common Desert Scorpion.
– It’s a brownish-yellow color, and it might have brown hairs on it. This scorpion uses those hairs to pick up vibrations from the air and ground to find food.
– To catch one, though, you’re going to have to wait until dark. Why?? Most scorpions glow under a UV light! Luckily, you have one.
– Next, you need to set a trap. Around the perimeter of the rock, or near the holes, dig a hole large enough to set a cup in, and pack the sand tight around the opening.
– It’s best to remove the stinger and venom gland; if you don’t, the scorpion would try to sting you all the way down. – But if this really was a survival situation, scorpions ARE a good option. The legs are surprisingly meaty and, like lobster, the best meat is in the tail and pincers!
– After you catch your scorpion, you’re somehow able to start a fire, and decide to cook it. This is much safer.
– Once the scorpion has an even brown color, it’s ready to eat! It should have a nice crunchy texture. – In some countries, scorpion is actually a versatile delicacy! Cooked scorpions are served as street food, and make a nice soup!
– Scorpions aren’t just found in remote deserts; they’re common in hot, dry places like Arizona or parts of Australia, and they can wander into your home! – If you’re stung, look for symptoms of an allergic reaction, like a rash or hives. You’ll probably have some swelling and itchiness, so put some ice on it.
– A scorpion sting doesn’t usually cause a lot of problems for most people, unless you have a serious allergy to the venom. – If you live in the Southwest US—states like Arizona, Texas, and Nevada—watch out for the bark scorpion! They’re brown with a darker back, and up to 3 inches long. – If you think you’ve been stung by a bark scorpion, it’s best to just go to the emergency room. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If Your Weight Was Just 2 Lbs (1 Kg)

Imagine that you weigh just 1 pound. You'd feel very light, but life would become much harder. Tapping “likes” on photos would take much more than just tapping. You’ve been scrolling Instagram feed, but it feels like you’ve run 6 miles on a treadmill. You leave the apartment and take the stairs because the elevator simply won't work if you weigh less than 30 pounds. The weather outside better be warm and without strong wind. Otherwise, it may blow you away. And you better turn off vibration on your phone. With your mass, it will be tantamount to a minor earthquake. Other videos you might like:
What If You Were the Last Person on Earth
What If You Stopped Showering for a Year?
What If You Swallowed the Most Venomous Spider TIMESTAMPS:
Light life 0:27
Weighing 1 pound, you can… 2:05
What will be completely impossible for you 2:25
Very light life 2:53
The lightest person on Earth 5:14
Things that can happen to your weight 5:40
How much will you weigh on other planets? 7:07 #whatif #yourweight #brightside SUMMARY:
– On average, a person eats 3.3 pounds of food per day, and about 60 tons of food in a lifetime. With your wee weight, don't rush to fill the fridge, because all you need to stay full all day is a glass of milk and a couple of corn flakes.
– However, if you do fall, you won’t be hurt, because due to the small weight, the pulling force will act differently on you. – At music concerts, you can easily reach the stage, running over the heads of other spectators.
– To type something on a computer keyboard, you’ll have to slam it with your fist, and to play the piano, you’ll have to walk on the keys.
– Even a slight pressure of water from the shower will stamp you to the bottom of the tub.
– What if we become even lighter? Say, 1 oz? You can forget about the stairs and the elevator. Go out the window, because if you fall from a height of even 10,000 feet, you will land unharmed.
– Moreover, your weight is just a little more than that of… the soul. Indeed, according to research by Dr. MacDougall, the weight of the human soul is 0.7 oz.
– Any insect is dangerous for you. And the flap of the butterfly wing will be equivalent to the wind from a powerful fan.
– Now imagine that if every person on Earth weighed 1 oz, then the weight of all of the people would be 198 thousand tons! It's like 4 "Titanics" or 100 Statues of Liberty!
– The weight of the lightest person on Earth was recorded in the 19th century in Mexico. Lucia Zarate's weight was only 4.6 pounds.
– And the heaviest person also happened to be a resident of Mexico – Juan Pedro Franco with a weight of 1,300 pounds.
– Did you notice that it is much easier to slim down in summer than in winter? This happens because the human body specifically stores as much fat as possible in order to survive the cold.
– Not only the level of physical activity and the number of calories consumed can change the mass of our body. Stress does a great job too. – In addition, excess pounds may appear because of a lack of sleep. If you don’t get enough shut-eye, the body doesn't generate energy and stresses out. – The mass of our body, in fact, determines the force with which we are attracted to the Earth. The larger the mass, the stronger the attraction. – You’ll be the lightest on Pluto — there your weight will only be 9 pounds. – But there are places in our galaxy where gravity is millions of times greater than on our planet. These places are called neutron stars. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Car Windows Have Little Black Dots

Every now and then, you get stuck in traffic. So what do you do? You stare blankly at your windshield, right. And you probably notice the little black dots around the edges. Ever wondered what those are for? But black dots aren’t the only part of your car that might have you wondering, “What on Earth is that for?” Since you’re still looking at your windshield, did you notice that little line with an arrow pointing down and AS1 written on it? Or what about the black lines going across the back window and that little snowflake on your dashboard? Let's figure out! Other videos you might like:
11 Simple Tricks to Protect Your Car in Winter
If You See This On Your Car, Don't Touch It And Ask for Help!
7 Tricks That Can Make Your Car Last Longer TIMESTAMPS:
The purpose of black dots 0:28
The AS Line 2:16
Lines on the Rear Window 3:04
The Snowflake Light 3:51
Gas Tank Locator 4:35
Drowsiness Detector 5:24
Stability Control 6:03
Ceiling Handles 6:29
Conversation Mirror 6:59
Fully Customizable Icons 7:29
🚘 Find extra storage spaces in your car! 🚘 7:55 #cars #driving #brightside SUMMARY:
– The dots come out of the black band that goes around the window. That band is called the frit. It's the ceramic paint that protects the sealant holding your windshield in place. – They make a nice gradient transition from the black frit to the clear window. This gradient is also a safety feature.
– The black dots are there to even out the heat and minimize optical distortion. Without them, the windshield would deform. – Those black dots above the rearview mirror have another important function: they help protect your eyes from the sun while you're driving. – AS1 means that the glass should let in no less than 75% of the light. The line and arrow mean “from this point and downward.” S
– Have you ever noticed a little snowflake light up on your dashboard? This is the Frost or Freeze Warning, and it lights up automatically to inform you that the temperature outside has dropped so much that the roads are likely to freeze. – Gas tank locator tells you which side the tank is on! By the way, there are no strict regulations as to which side the tank should be on.
– Drowsiness detector does exactly what it says: if the car “feels” that you’ve been on the road for too long or you keep slowly drifting out of your lane, then this indicator will come on.
– When sensors decide your vehicle is about to spin out or isn't turning far enough, a little skidding car icon lights up on the dashboard.
– The original purpose of ceiling handles was to help you get in and out of the car. – In most mini-vans and some crossover SUVs, you can pull down a convex mirror from a special compartment in front of your rearview mirror. It helps you keep an eye on the kids, pets, or just passengers in the back seats without taking your eyes off the road for a second longer than needed. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why In-Flight Maps Show Sunken Ships

Hey, here’s a fun fact to tell your family around the dinner table: there are about 3 million shipwrecks in oceans all over the world! Ok, don’t lead with that one… But did you know why certain airlines show their location on the in-flight map! That seems a little odd, so why would they do it? First of all, we should always remember these events because they affected so many lives and likely changed the course of history! Plus, some ships not only have historical value but ecological importance too! If a vessel is under the water long enough to turn into a reef, the area can become rich with biodiversity, thus warranting protection. Other videos you might like:
Scientists Have Found The Titanic Will Disappear Soon
What If You Dig a Tunnel Under the Ocean?
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean TIMESTAMPS:
It keeps boredom at bay 0:36
It’s also educational 1:10
Simply because we have the tech to do it! 1:52
It’s important 2:20
It’s just the start 3:00
🚤 Famous shipwrecks:
– The Belitung Shipwreck 3:49
– SS Central America 4:16
– The Antikythera Treasures 4:52
– The Titanic 5:27
– The Whydah Gally 6:00
– Nuestra Señora de Atocha 6:29
– The Salcombe Shipwreck 7:01
– The Uluburun Shipwreck 7:25
❓ Why only 1% of shipwrecks have been explored 7:58 #ships #shipwrecks #brightside SUMMARY:
– Belitung Island lies in Indonesia, and a fisherman happened to stumble upon this gold mine! This ship went down in history for carrying the most massive gold cup ever discovered.
– SS Central America sank near the coast of the Carolinas because of a hurricane in 1857, but it wasn’t found until 1988. All the recovered gold was valued between $100-150 million.
– The first-ever sunken ship expedition on record was found by Greek divers in 1900. It was filled with glass, pottery, and statues. – Many of the passengers on board the Titanic were incredibly wealthy people. The collection of gold, silver, diamonds, and pricey artifacts it carried surpass the $300-million mark.
– The Whydah Gally sank in 1717 but wasn’t discovered until 1984. Precious artifacts are still being recovered, and they include jewelry, cannons, and coins.
– The Atocha went down off the coast of the Florida Keys in 1622. An octagonal gold cup with a thumb plate at the top of its handle: By Unknown. – Photographed by Jacklee on 18 June 2011, 19:14., CC BY-SA 3.0,
A ewer with lugs, a dragon-head spout, and feline-shaped handle; From North China (perhaps Hebei): By Unknown. – Photographed by Jacklee on 18 June 2011, 19:19., CC BY-SA 3.0,
Two oval lobed gold bowls each with two ducks in repoussé among chased flowers: By Unknown. – Photographed by Jacklee on 19 March 2011, 21:03., CC BY-SA 3.0,
A pair of square lobed gold dishes with chased insects, flowers and knotted ribbons: By Unknown. – Photographed by Jacklee on 18 June 2011, 19:14., CC BY-SA 3.0,
Silver from the pirate ship Whydah. "The riches, with the guns, would be buried in the sand.": By Theodore Scott – Flickr: Look At That Booty, CC BY 2.0,
The bell, inscribed, "THE WHYDAH GALLY 1716": By jjsala – Flickr: DSC_0257, CC BY 2.0,
Lifesize replica at the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology: By Georges Jansoone (Jojan – Self-photographed), CC BY-SA 3.0,
Egyptian jewelry: By Georges Jansoone (Jojan – Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Buses Open Doors on Railroad Tracks

Before it became law, school buses didn’t have to open their doors at railroads. Sure, they stopped to check for an oncoming train. But when visibility is low, say, in fog or during a snowstorm, that method can prove dangerously ineffective. Everything changed in the 1930s, but the situation still wasn’t ideal. Originally, a student was assigned as a “lookout” during each ride. They’d get off the bus once it stopped and look both ways down the railroad crossing. This continued until it was decided that it was too big a responsibility put on these young volunteers’ shoulders. Other videos you might like:
How to Choose a Safe Seat in 7 Types of Transport;
14 Roads You Would Never Want to Drive On;
Why Airplanes Are White; TIMESTAMPS:
Why bus drivers open the door 0:48
Further safety precautions 1:47
Why are school buses yellow? 2:21
Why is the roof painted white? 2:47
Why are the windows tinted? 3:16
Why is the steering wheel so massive? 3:36
Why don’t they have seatbelts? 4:14
🚍 The most fascinating bus facts 🚍 4:51 #buses #schoolbus #brightside SUMMARY:
– It all comes down to safety and lessons learned. By opening the door AND their side window, a bus driver is better able to hear if a train is coming. – Besides coming to a full stop 5 to 15 feet before the crossing (plus opening the door and window), bus drivers must turn off anything that creates distracting sounds, including the radio and fans.
– White reflects the sun’s heat better, so it keeps the inside of the bus 10° cooler. – The dark tint of the windows blocks a lot of sunlight from getting in, and it retains interior heat in the winter!
– Most buses don’t have power steering. This system normally helps the driver use less force to turn the wheels. Buses don’t have it because there’s always the risk that it could fail. – So far, 8 have passed laws requiring school buses to have seatbelts. Occasionally, individual school districts have the freedom to decide whether to implement them.
– There are currently about 427,000 school buses in America alone! – If you’ve ever dreamed of owning your own big yellow bus, you can go to eBay now and purchase one for about $3,000. – An average school bus can reach a max of 65 mph (although local speed limit laws for them are usually much lower!).
– The largest bus in the world is the Neoplan Jumbocruiser. They stopped production in 1992, but the jumbo-sized coach didn’t disappoint!
– The first buses were pretty much horse-drawn farm wagons in the late 1800s. The carriage was labeled “Public School” and it transported children that lived far away. (Most kids still walked to school at that time.)
– According to the American School Bus Council, buses save an estimated $7.7 billion every year! – Buses also help our environment. If every child in a community rode the bus to school, it would save more than 2 billion gallons of fuel! – One education report found that students who rode the bus were much less likely to miss school.
– There are perks to being a school bus driver! On field trips, they’re sometimes gifted free entrance to those destinations. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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