Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why There Is a Leap Day in February

Have you ever wondered where leap years come from? Where do they get those extra hours that add up to a whole day? And what if you’re born on a leap day? A year is the period of time it takes the Earth to make a full circle around the Sun. The most accurate calculations say that our planet finishes its rotation after 365 days, 5 hours, and 48 minutes. Each year, 5 hours and 48 minutes are uncounted, and when 4 years pass, these hours and minutes add up to an extra day. But the calculations weren't always so exact. Other videos you might like:
20 Interesting Facts You're Too Lazy to Google
10 Wonderful Facts About Earth You've Never Heard Before
10 Facts About Our Planet You Didn't Learn In School TIMESTAMPS:
How the leap day was initially introduced 0:47
Why the leap day was added to the end of February 1:27
Why astronomers cut down the number of leap years 2:08
Why do they call it "leap" in English? 2:58
Famous people who were born on a leap day 3:29
Consolations for the Unfortunates Born on the 29th of February 4:04 Rituals and traditions linked with the leap year 5:30 #leapyear #astronomy #brightside SUMMARY:
– During the reign of Julius Caesar, the Roman calendar consisted of only 355 days. Every 2 years they would add an extra month of 22 days to it. – The year with an extra day was called “Bis Sextus” which means “the second sixth” in Latin. – In ancient Rome, they celebrated the New year on March 1, which is why they added the leap day to the end of February.
– Astronomers noticed that the spring equinox happened much earlier than March 21 – the date put in the calendar.
– Clearly it was necessary to correct the Julian calendar, and in 1582, Pope Gregory XIII did so by having astronomers cut down the number of leap years.
– If you happened to be born on a leap day, you overcame the odds of 1 in 1461. – In the 18th century, a famous German moralist wrote an essay called “Consolations for the Unfortunates Born on the 29th of February”. He suggested a detailed scheme of how they should celebrate their birthday each year.
– In the 19th century, an interesting marriage tradition became popular. Usually, men had to kneel down on one knee to propose to a woman. But in a leap year, women could propose to men.
– Leap years were also chosen to hold one of the main global sports events – the Olympic games.
– If you get a fixed salary each year, you'll get stiffed in a leap year. You just have to work one day for free! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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31 Most Googled Facts Ever

We, humans, are born with an innate curiosity. Most of the questions people search start with the word "why"! Why is the sky blue? Why do birds stand on one leg? Why are manholes round? Do you know, for example, why flamingoes are pink? Or why sunsets on Mars are blue? Or why cats are afraid of cucumbers? (Btw, do NOT try to scare a cat friend with cucumbers. It's a big stress for your pet. Be nice.) So, care to learn the answers to the most common “whys”? Here you go! Other videos you might like:
20 Interesting Facts You're Too Lazy to Google
30 Facts You Never Knew About Your Body TIMESTAMPS:
Why flamingoes are pink 0:24
Coins featuring Superman 1:18
Why manholes are round 1:30
The Rubik's Cube is trickier than you thought 2:00
Why do we have a leap year? 2:20
Square watermelon 2:36
Why tigers have stripes 2:58
Why sunsets on Mars are blue 3:31
Why we see the sky as blue 4:07
How to make a steak from a watermelon 4:21
Why birds stand on one leg 4:57
A frog that swallows prey with the help of its eyes 5:14
How much clouds weigh 5:37
Why cats are afraid of cucumbers 6:27
Why dogs are banned from Antarctica 7:00
Why we don't sneeze in our sleep 7:15
Why we yawn 7:24
The fattiest organ in our body 7:37
The Eiffel Tower isn't totally straight 8:48
How cats purr 9:07
The most populated animal society 9:29 #curiousfacts #interestingfacts #brightside SUMMARY:
– Flamingoes are born gray. But their feathers turn pink later on because of a natural pink dye!
– Each BIC pen has two tiny holes in it to keep the air pressure equal outside and inside.
– Snails have anywhere from 1,000 to 14,000 tiny sharp teeth.
– In Canada, you can legally pay for your purchases in coins featuring Superman. – It took Erno Rubik, the creator of the famous cube, a staggering one month to solve it! – Stripes serve as camouflage for tigers, effectively hiding them from other animals. But the most curious thing is that tigers have not only striped fur, but striped skin as well.
– In the past, men's dress shirt collars were detachable. It helped people save money on laundry costs.
– Sunsets on Mars are blue, which has to do with the Martian air – or rather with the fine dust floating in it. – Bringing one leg up to their body helps birds keep warm when it's chilly outside. – The northern leopard frog is the scariest creature: it swallows prey with the help of its eyes! This amphibian can press its eyes deep down into its mouth, and this movement helps the frog to swallow.
– Researchers have discovered that one cloud can weigh more than 1 million pounds! – In Singapore, you'll find the world's tallest vending machine where you can buy… a car!
– You can't bring your pooch along if you travel to Antarctica. Since April 1994, all dogs have been banned from this continent because they could infect seals with diseases that they aren’t immune to. – You don't sneeze in your sleep, simply because your brain shuts down this reflex while you're slumbering. – The brain is the fattiest organ in your body because it’s composed of approximately 60% fat! – Super powerful earthquakes can make days shorter, because they move the spin of the Earth's axis!
– Yellow is the color that is the easiest to spot, even in the darkness. That's why taxis and school buses are mostly this shade. – However unbelievable it may sound, a cat’s purr starts in its brain! And only after that, the brain sends orders to a cat's throat muscles, which then start to make 25 to 150 vibrations a second!
– Don't take the assumption that light travels at the speed of, well, light, for granted. The slowest light ever moved at only 38 miles per hour! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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I Did Murph Workout for 30 Days, Here’s How My Body Changed

A Crossfit workout consists of much more intense circuit training, which focuses on the whole body instead of just one part. If you've ever visited the gym regularly, then you know that some days are “leg” days, others are “arm” days and so on. With Crossfit, you use almost every muscle you have during each session. A 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and a 1-mile run again. That's what the Murph workout consists of. Sound tough? Absolutely! But that's the reason why I decided to do it for 30 days in a row. Challenge accepted! Other videos you might like:
10-Minute Full Body Workout Without the Gym
4-Minute Workout That Replaces 1 Hour in the Gym
11 Gym Exercises Most People Are Doing Wrong TIMESTAMPS:
What if you're a fitness noob 0:56
Important tips 1:28
Day 1. No turning back! 2:48
Day 2. I forgot about one important thing 3:23
Day 7. This workout is grueling 3:58
Day 12. What ruined my uplifting attitude 4:27
Day 13. Tough morning 4:56
Day 15. The first changes in my body 5:27
Day 21. The turning point 5:52
Day 30. Did I achieve my goal? 6:29
My results 💪 6:54 #crossfit #MurphWorkout #brightside SUMMARY:
– If I were a fitness noob, I’d never even think about going through this challenge. Because it can be dangerous for your health. – Don’t work out on an empty stomach. Your body needs fuel for a good performance.
– Don’t try to sprint the first mile. It’s your warm-up, so don’t waste all your energy on it.
– Don’t forget about breaks. Have a 30-second rest between reps. Halfway through the workout, take 3-4 minutes to wipe off the sweat and drink some water. – Being in pretty good shape, running the first mile was easy peasy. After that, I went through 20 sets that consisted of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats each.
– I realized that I forgot about one important thing – stretching. As you probably know, it helps with post-workout soreness.
– I guess I could say that the first week went smooth. I mean, of course, I still felt unbelievably exhausted after each session. But I was happy that I wasn’t tempted to give up.
– Halfway through my ordeal, I noticed the first changes in my body. You see, I work at the office and must wear shirts and ties. And when I put on my favorite shirt after the workout, I realized it was too tight on me.
– The beginning of the third week was the turning point in my challenge. I guess my body was just mad at me because I put it through such strenuous training without a single day of rest. – The last workout was the most satisfying one I’ve ever had. The pain and tiredness didn’t even bother me. I guess I can chalk this up as a victory. – I got way stronger. Also, my body became more defined. Especially the lats on my back! I didn’t take measurements, but I’m pretty sure my back got wider. – But the most important changes were in my mind. I can’t remember the last time I was this proud of myself.
– I’m so grateful for this difficult but rewarding experience that I decided to trade in my gym membership for the Murph workout every day. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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14 Unbeatable Records No One Is Able to Repeat

People are fascinating, it seems like we can’t tolerate any boundaries. We love to push the limits somehow. This striving for the extraordinary makes a few of us look for records to break. But some world records seem to be unbeatable! Some are just impossible to surpass, while others you wouldn’t even want to challenge as they’re simply too weird. One 69-year-old woman from South Korea, became a local celebrity and symbol of perseverance. All she did was pass a driving test. On her 960th try. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always feel good to be a record holder. Charles Osborne learned it the hard way, since he was the man who had hiccups for 68 years straight and without any relief… Other videos you might like:
16 World Records You Can Break Any Minute
What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week?
11 Proofs India Is Not Like Any Other Country TIMESTAMPS:
Not Gone With the Wind 0:26
Turbo Kart Racer 1:09
959 Ways to Fail Your Driving Test 1:48
Catch-a-Tsunami 2:39
Record Setter For Life 3:15
The Most Patient Cat 4:05
The Power of Preaching 4:42
Full Ears of Hair 5:23
Lifelong Hiccups 6:09
Going Beyond Human 6:42
The Master of Mouse and Keyboard 7:17
The Punch of Excellence 7:54
The Unbeatable Fighter 8:33
The True Game-Changer 9:09 #record #worldrecord #brightside SUMMARY:
– On March 12, 2006, an F2 rated tornado blew away a trailer house of 19-year-old Matt Suter. Yet the record wasn’t set there but 1,307 ft away where Matt found himself almost absolutely unharmed a couple of minutes later.
– There aren’t many daredevils out there who would try to beat a record Tom Bagnall set on his jet-propelled go-kart. In 2018, the British engineer sped up to 112 mph in a small car that is in no way suited for such speed. – It would be great if no one would have to fight with an 80 ft high wave with nothing at their side but a surfboard. This is what Rodrigo Koxa, a Brazilian surfer, did in November of 2018 in Nazare, Portugal.
– But the record for the most dice stacked on a cat’s paw belongs to LC Siew and his loyal cat Bibi from Malaysia, and was set on June 18, 2017. – What do you think a priest could do in his spare time? For a Canadian pastor of St Paul’s Lutheran Church Kevin Fast, it’s tugging enormous vehicles using nothing more than the power of his own muscles. – Radhakant Bajpai – the man with the longest ear hairs. According to him, he used to tell to people around him that his hair would one day become a great achievement. – Charles Osborne's hiccups first started in 1922, when he was 29-years-old. His hiccups were also quite frequent – 40 times per minute, and were only reduced when he was lucky enough to fall asleep, although he still hiccupped 20 times per minute.
– Rolf Buchholz started adding body modifications when he was only a kid with small tattoos and piercing. Now he is 59 years old and has whopping 516 body modifications total.
– Adam Hegyi is one of the best Doom players – the game that gave new life to speedrunning. In 1998 he became the one to fully go through level called Phobos Anomaly on highest difficulty without any hacks or glitches used. – Throughout the history of traditional sports, there was never a boxer who would’ve beaten legendary American boxer Archie Moore in a number of knockouts. He was able to do 131 KOs in his career! – Rocky Marciano is the 6th greatest heavyweight boxer of all time and the only boxer in history who wasn’t ever defeated. He fought 49 times and won them all with 43 knockouts. – On November 24th, 1960 famous basketball player Wilt Chamberlain did the impossible: 55 rebounds in a single game – his Philadelphia Warriors versus Boston Celtics. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Never Use Your Phone When Pumping Gas

The average person spends about 4 hours a day on their phone. That means in a single week, our eyes are glued to the screen for over an entire day! While there’s nothing wrong with a little screen time every now and then, there are some places where your phone should stay in your pocket… Have you ever been texting your friends as you got in the car and forgot you left your coffee on the roof? Imagine something like that, and you might have an idea why so many gas stations have signs up warning customers to stay off their phones as they’re pumping gas. Also, some people believe the device can shoot out radio waves or sparks and catch the gas on fire? Let's find out if that's true! Other videos you might like:
10 Driving Hacks That'll Make You Spend Less On Gas
7 Driving Habits That Ruin Your Car and Drain Your Wallet
What Will Happen to Us Before 2025 TIMESTAMPS:
Can your phone shoot out sparks? 😮 0:32
What if you damaged a nozzle? 1:01
Mobile phones on aircraft 2:52
Why it was a major concern in the 1990s 4:02
Smartphone use in hospitals 6:53 #smartphones #staysafe #brightside SUMMARY:
– They put these signs up to keep distracted drivers from pulling away from the pump with the nozzle still attached! When that happens, you risk gas leaking out all over the place, and then there’s the chance of it lighting up.
– Fortunately, this isn’t as much of a threat as it perhaps used to be. Most modern gas pumps feature breakaway nozzles that will seal the pump if they’re pulled on too hard. ]
– Either way, the driver, or at least their insurance company, is still responsible for any equipment they break. If the driver’s lucky, they’ll only need to pay for the breakaway mechanism to be replaced. – Most airlines require you to switch your phone to airplane mode. The signals produced by wireless devices can interfere with the plane’s electronics.
– This phone interference isn’t too much of a problem anymore thanks to modern technology, but it was a major concern in the 1990s. – Devices from that era were notorious for their ability to interfere with nearby electronics, and that was a risk airlines weren’t willing to take.
– There’s also the issue of radio waves interfering with a plane’s communications. Again, it’s nothing too dramatic.
– The third reason why you’re asked to turn off your phone on the plane has to do with your wireless carrier.
– Cell towers were designed around some basic assumption about where their users are going to be located. Thousands of feet in the air close to the speed of sound was not one of them. – The good news is, these risks are all fairly remote, and there’s never been a major accident caused by someone using their phone on a plane.
– Studies have shown that electronic devices can tamper with some of the more sensitive hospital equipment. – The scientists concluded that 3 ft was far enough away to be safe. Although, they do recommend keeping mobile phones out of the room entirely just to be on the super safe side! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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How Fluoroscopy (X-Ray) Works

A hundred years ago an opportunity to literally look through a person would seem crazy to scientists and doctors. In fact, the father of X-rays, German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen, discovered them by accident. But when he was offered to patent his invention, he burst out laughing. He was skeptical about X-rays as he saw no sphere where they could be used. Despite his own attitude towards his discovery, it made a sensation in the scientific community, and the units to measure the amount of X-rays were named after him — Roentgen. Other videos you might like:
What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Turmeric Water TIMESTAMPS:
How X-rays see inside you 0:25
The discovery of X-rays 1:55
Why Wilhelm Roentgen was skeptical about it 3:39
How safe are X-rays? 5:36
The greatest source of radiation 6:22
The most unusual area where X-rays are used 7:23 #howitworks #xray #brightside SUMMARY:
– Negatively charged electrons that come off the cathode gain speed and bump into the positively charged anode, where they have to pull up sharp. As a result of this, there appears an X-ray.
– The harder the material is, the slower they will move. That’s why human bones slow down X-rays much more than soft tissues that are 70% water.
– In fact, X-ray pictures are photo negatives, that’s why lighter spots are called “shadows”.
– On November 8, 1895, Roentgen stayed in his laboratory till late at night. When he was going to leave and turned off the light and all the devices he noticed that a bottle with transparent liquid in one of the corners of the laboratory started shining with a green light. – He got interested in an unusual effect and started researching his casual discovery. – His hand also got under the strange ray. What Roentgen saw shocked him – he saw the shade of his hand’s bones! He literally was looking through his hand.
– When he was offered to patent his invention, he burst out laughing. He was skeptical about X-rays as he saw no sphere where they could be used. – He was the first scientist in history to receive a Nobel prize in physics but he never patented his invention and granted it to people. – More than a hundred years have passed since X-rays were discovered in 1895, but it is still considered one of the most serious breakthroughs in medicine.
– It was not until the second half of the 20th century that X-ray technology was considered not totally safe as it exposes you to radiation. Its effect is different in different body parts.
– The dose of stomach and intestine X-rays is equal to what you can get in 3 years of your common life.
– The Sun is the greatest source of radiation that tries to get to us from space. – The most unusual area where X-rays are used now is expert evaluation of the authenticity of art pieces. This method was used for the first time 70 years ago and is still the most reliable one.
– X-rays are now widely used in archeology too. When they found scrolls in Pompeii, they were so fragile that any attempt to unfold them would ruin them forever.
– But X-rays helped to read the text written inside the scrolls without unfolding them! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If Everyone Stopped Working for a Day

What a wonderful feeling when you know that tomorrow is your day off and you don’t have to go anywhere. But stop and think — what if all the people on the planet quit working and everyone took a day off at the same time? Sounds cool, but it sure wouldn't lead to anything good. Okay, so you wake up in the morning after a good night’s sleep. The alarm didn't go off because you don’t have to go anywhere. You're ready to take a shower, so you turn the handle and… dirty water comes flowing out. The water stops with a 'clunk', and then bursts out with such intense pressure that your faucet breaks. The fact is that there's no one to regulate the filtration and pressure of the water. And this is just the beginning. Other videos you might like:
What If You Poured Some Water On The Sun?
What If You Were the Last Person on Earth
What If You Swallowed the Most Venomous Spider TIMESTAMPS:
You can't take a shower and make breakfast 0:20
Tons of trash in the streets 1:37
Be careful when driving! 2:16
The planet’s economy is frozen 3:03
The whole city starts a party outside! 3:29
What the consequences would be 4:07
Is that even possible? 4:50
What if a person doesn't just stop working, but stops needing work? 6:19 #whatif #dayoff #brightside SUMMARY:
– You go to the kitchen to make tea, but you can't heat the water in the kettle because the gas and electricity are disconnected. – Unclean water flows unevenly through city pipes, which means that in some houses it destroys the plumbing, while in others, there's no water at all. – The same goes for electricity. Short circuits and power outages are widespread throughout the city. – You notice that all the trash cans are full. And there are more and more such piles every minute throughout the city. – Without many other options, you decide to spend some time with friends, but your texts won't go through because the internet and all the cell towers are down, basically leaving all of humanity without communication. – The production of everything has come to a stand-still all over the world. Hospitals, fire departments, and police forces aren't working.
– But speaking of that, the whole world’s money circulation has stopped for the day. The planet’s economy is frozen, and all financial institutions have lost a day of revenue.
– City lights, neon signs, shop windows are off. All the night clubs are closed.
– The next day, the whole planet suffers from the consequences of the previous 24 hours: long lines in supermarkets, crowds of people in the subway, crowded hospitals, traffic jams on the roads. – But the worst part is that your internet service providers still aren't working, because the network operators are trying to restore the web. – Automation is growing daily, and people are increasingly replaced by robots and artificial intelligence.
– According to a study by American economists, by 2033, jobs will be reduced by 47% in the United States. – In the Chinese city of Harbin, there's a restaurant where the entire staff of waiters, dishwashers, and cooks are robots. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If Everyone Stopped Working for a Day Videos

What If All People Stopped Working for a Day

What a wonderful feeling when you know that tomorrow is your day off and you don’t have to go anywhere. But stop and think — what if all the people on the planet quit working and everyone took a day off at the same time? Sounds cool, but it sure wouldn't lead to anything good. Okay, so you wake up in the morning after a good night’s sleep. The alarm didn't go off because you don’t have to go anywhere. You're ready to take a shower, so you turn the handle and… dirty water comes flowing out. The water stops with a 'clunk', and then bursts out with such intense pressure that your faucet breaks. The fact is that there's no one to regulate the filtration and pressure of the water. And this is just the beginning. Other videos you might like:
What If You Poured Some Water On The Sun?
What If You Were the Last Person on Earth
What If You Swallowed the Most Venomous Spider TIMESTAMPS:
You can't take a shower and make breakfast 0:20
Tons of trash in the streets 1:37
Be careful when driving! 2:16
The planet’s economy is frozen 3:03
The whole city starts a party outside! 3:29
What the consequences would be 4:07
Is that even possible? 4:50
What if a person doesn't just stop working, but stops needing work? 6:19 #whatif #dayoff #brightside SUMMARY:
– You go to the kitchen to make tea, but you can't heat the water in the kettle because the gas and electricity are disconnected. – Unclean water flows unevenly through city pipes, which means that in some houses it destroys the plumbing, while in others, there's no water at all. – The same goes for electricity. Short circuits and power outages are widespread throughout the city. – You notice that all the trash cans are full. And there are more and more such piles every minute throughout the city. – Without many other options, you decide to spend some time with friends, but your texts won't go through because the internet and all the cell towers are down, basically leaving all of humanity without communication. – The production of everything has come to a stand-still all over the world. Hospitals, fire departments, and police forces aren't working.
– But speaking of that, the whole world’s money circulation has stopped for the day. The planet’s economy is frozen, and all financial institutions have lost a day of revenue.
– City lights, neon signs, shop windows are off. All the night clubs are closed.
– The next day, the whole planet suffers from the consequences of the previous 24 hours: long lines in supermarkets, crowds of people in the subway, crowded hospitals, traffic jams on the roads. – But the worst part is that your internet service providers still aren't working, because the network operators are trying to restore the web. – Automation is growing daily, and people are increasingly replaced by robots and artificial intelligence.
– According to a study by American economists, by 2033, jobs will be reduced by 47% in the United States. – In the Chinese city of Harbin, there's a restaurant where the entire staff of waiters, dishwashers, and cooks are robots. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If All People Stopped Working for a Day Videos

Why School Buses Have White Roofs

Ever ridden on a school bus? The most prominent thing about them (at least in the U.S.) is that they’re yellow. But their roofs are usually a different color – white. So why is that? Let's figure out! By the way, while the iconic yellow school buses are common around the world there are school buses that are anything but ordinary. And today, we will talk about them too! For example, almost 50% of the Netherlands’ population rides a bike every day to go to work. So the government came up with the idea of a bus for kids ages 4 to 12 that will carry them to school the same way. This bus can fit a driver, 8 students who must pedal, and 3 other students who can sit on a bench in the back. Other videos you might like:
Why School Buses Are Yellow
How to Choose a Safe Seat in 7 Types of Transport
14 Roads You Would Never Want to Drive On TIMESTAMPS:
Reason #1 0:18
Reason #2 1:15
Reason #3 1:30 Unusual school buses: – Monster Truck 1:50
– Pikachu Bus 2:28
– Rickshaw Bus 3:06
– School Yellow Boat 3:36
– Topsy-turvy Bus 4:14
– Bicycle Bus 4:37 Other weird modes of public transport:
– The suspension monorail 5:24
– Moving footpath 5:46
– Maglev Train 6:19
– Toboggan 6:53
– Gotham Air 7:21 #buses #schoolbus #brightside SUMMARY:
– The white roof of a bus makes the temperature inside drop an average of 10 degrees during warm seasons and only 3 to 4 degrees in wintertime.
– Besides, in the case of an emergency, a bus will be noticed faster by a rescue helicopter. – Finally, not painting the roof the same yellow color as the rest of a bus is just cheaper, since the material most bus manufacturers use is already white. – An Osaka kindergarten bus design was inspired by one of the most famous anime characters ever – Pikachu. Actually, using anime characters for modifying school buses is pretty common for Japan.
– Imagine a metal box secured to a bike and you’ll get an idea of what a rickshaw is. This mode of transportation is still used for school children in different parts of India. – Topsy-turvy runs on vegetable oil, it tours the whole country to educate kids about eco-friendly alternatives and explain to them how important it is to look for renewable energy sources. – The bike can go as fast as 10 miles per hour, and there’s also a motor installed that helps it get uphill, or when kids feel too tired to pedal. – The suspension monorail is the oldest electric elevated railway with hanging cars. It started operating in 1901. – If you’re ever in Hong Kong, you’ll appreciate the world’s longest outdoor escalator that connects the city's central district with the higher-lying residential neighborhoods.
– Shanghai boasts one of the fastest trains in the world. The Maglev – short for “magnetic levitation” – runs at a speed of 267 miles per hour and covers 21 miles in only 8 minutes.
– A toboggan is a wicker basket attached to two wooden runners that glide on greased up rags. It’s one of Madeira, Portugal’s most famous attractions, and takes tourists for a 1-mile journey down a curvy road.
– In a hurry to get to JFK or Newark Airports from Manhattan island? Then take a helicopter ride! The helicopter service, Gotham Air, launched in 2015 and allows its clients to save tons of time. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why School Buses Have White Roofs Videos