Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why School Buses Have White Roofs

Ever ridden on a school bus? The most prominent thing about them (at least in the U.S.) is that they’re yellow. But their roofs are usually a different color – white. So why is that? Let's figure out! By the way, while the iconic yellow school buses are common around the world there are school buses that are anything but ordinary. And today, we will talk about them too! For example, almost 50% of the Netherlands’ population rides a bike every day to go to work. So the government came up with the idea of a bus for kids ages 4 to 12 that will carry them to school the same way. This bus can fit a driver, 8 students who must pedal, and 3 other students who can sit on a bench in the back. Other videos you might like:
Why School Buses Are Yellow
How to Choose a Safe Seat in 7 Types of Transport
14 Roads You Would Never Want to Drive On TIMESTAMPS:
Reason #1 0:18
Reason #2 1:15
Reason #3 1:30 Unusual school buses: – Monster Truck 1:50
– Pikachu Bus 2:28
– Rickshaw Bus 3:06
– School Yellow Boat 3:36
– Topsy-turvy Bus 4:14
– Bicycle Bus 4:37 Other weird modes of public transport:
– The suspension monorail 5:24
– Moving footpath 5:46
– Maglev Train 6:19
– Toboggan 6:53
– Gotham Air 7:21 #buses #schoolbus #brightside SUMMARY:
– The white roof of a bus makes the temperature inside drop an average of 10 degrees during warm seasons and only 3 to 4 degrees in wintertime.
– Besides, in the case of an emergency, a bus will be noticed faster by a rescue helicopter. – Finally, not painting the roof the same yellow color as the rest of a bus is just cheaper, since the material most bus manufacturers use is already white. – An Osaka kindergarten bus design was inspired by one of the most famous anime characters ever – Pikachu. Actually, using anime characters for modifying school buses is pretty common for Japan.
– Imagine a metal box secured to a bike and you’ll get an idea of what a rickshaw is. This mode of transportation is still used for school children in different parts of India. – Topsy-turvy runs on vegetable oil, it tours the whole country to educate kids about eco-friendly alternatives and explain to them how important it is to look for renewable energy sources. – The bike can go as fast as 10 miles per hour, and there’s also a motor installed that helps it get uphill, or when kids feel too tired to pedal. – The suspension monorail is the oldest electric elevated railway with hanging cars. It started operating in 1901. – If you’re ever in Hong Kong, you’ll appreciate the world’s longest outdoor escalator that connects the city's central district with the higher-lying residential neighborhoods.
– Shanghai boasts one of the fastest trains in the world. The Maglev – short for “magnetic levitation” – runs at a speed of 267 miles per hour and covers 21 miles in only 8 minutes.
– A toboggan is a wicker basket attached to two wooden runners that glide on greased up rags. It’s one of Madeira, Portugal’s most famous attractions, and takes tourists for a 1-mile journey down a curvy road.
– In a hurry to get to JFK or Newark Airports from Manhattan island? Then take a helicopter ride! The helicopter service, Gotham Air, launched in 2015 and allows its clients to save tons of time. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why There Is Light on Earth But Not in Space

If you’re not a morning person, then you’d probably love living on the moon or out in space! The whole “lack of oxygen” thing aside, a ‘round-the-clock night sky sounds pretty tempting! But why is there so much light on Earth, but almost none once you leave our planet? You might think that it’s light during the day and dark at night because the Earth spins on its axis, and the Sun illuminates either hemisphere. That’s part of the reason, but it’s more complicated than that. Our star shines on the Moon too, but the sky above it is always black! Other videos you might like:
20+ Incredible Space Facts That Aren't In Textbooks
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands)
A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered TIMESTAMPS:
Why is the sky above the Moon is always black? 0:25
Why don’t other stars shine with blazing light at night? 1:42
When we look at the sky, we glance into a very distant past 🌟 3:33
Why don’t less distant stars shine as bright as the Sun? 4:09
Where the Big Bang comes into play 6:03
How do we know these black areas exist at all? 6:45 #space #planets #brightside SUMMARY:
– The atmosphere surrounding our Earth is full of dust, dirt, gases, and water droplets – which all act like tiny mirrors and reflect the sunlight.
– If you find yourself on the Moon, where there’s no atmosphere, the sky will be black. You’ll be able to see the stars even when the sun is blazing on the surface during the lunar day.
– In the early 19th century, German astronomer Wilhelm Olbers suggested that the reason the sky is dark at night was a dusty veil that hid most of the stars from us.
– Thanks to our fancy powerful telescopes, we now know that it takes light billions of years to get to us from the farthest stars. – Modern telescopes can show us that the light started its journey to the Earth about 10 billion years ago. The more powerful telescopes get, the further back in time we can see.
– But don’t all those distant stars give at least some noticeable light on this planet? It’d be like switching on a ton of tiny halogen light bulbs. They’re not as bright as one big LED bulb, but they do give off part of its light.
– Space might be empty compared to the Earth’s atmosphere, but there are a lot of gases out there. They move around, form clouds, and serve as a sort of veil hiding most of the light in the Milky Way. – The theory states that the Universe was born in a Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Since that time, everything has been moving away from the point where it all began. – Sources of light also move away and spread out, which means space is getting darker, and the number of black areas is growing. – Astronomers think that most of the matter in the universe is invisible, and it looks like black emptiness to the human eye.
– If you remember the electromagnetic spectrum from back in school, you’ll know that visible light is just a tiny sliver of all those wavelengths and frequencies. – Red, blue, purple, yellow, orange – the whole color wheel depending on which gases make them up! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Is It So Dark in Outer Space?

If you’re not a morning person, then you’d probably love living on the moon or out in space! The whole “lack of oxygen” thing aside, a ‘round-the-clock night sky sounds pretty tempting! But why is there so much light on Earth, but almost none once you leave our planet? You might think that it’s light during the day and dark at night because the Earth spins on its axis, and the Sun illuminates either hemisphere. That’s part of the reason, but it’s more complicated than that. Our star shines on the Moon too, but the sky above it is always black! Other videos you might like:
20+ Incredible Space Facts That Aren't In Textbooks
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands)
A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered TIMESTAMPS:
Why is the sky above the Moon is always black? 0:25
Why don’t other stars shine with blazing light at night? 1:42
When we look at the sky, we glance into a very distant past 🌟 3:33
Why don’t less distant stars shine as bright as the Sun? 4:09
Where the Big Bang comes into play 6:03
How do we know these black areas exist at all? 6:45 #space #planets #brightside SUMMARY:
– The atmosphere surrounding our Earth is full of dust, dirt, gases, and water droplets – which all act like tiny mirrors and reflect the sunlight.
– If you find yourself on the Moon, where there’s no atmosphere, the sky will be black. You’ll be able to see the stars even when the sun is blazing on the surface during the lunar day.
– In the early 19th century, German astronomer Wilhelm Olbers suggested that the reason the sky is dark at night was a dusty veil that hid most of the stars from us.
– Thanks to our fancy powerful telescopes, we now know that it takes light billions of years to get to us from the farthest stars. – Modern telescopes can show us that the light started its journey to the Earth about 10 billion years ago. The more powerful telescopes get, the further back in time we can see.
– But don’t all those distant stars give at least some noticeable light on this planet? It’d be like switching on a ton of tiny halogen light bulbs. They’re not as bright as one big LED bulb, but they do give off part of its light.
– Space might be empty compared to the Earth’s atmosphere, but there are a lot of gases out there. They move around, form clouds, and serve as a sort of veil hiding most of the light in the Milky Way. – The theory states that the Universe was born in a Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. Since that time, everything has been moving away from the point where it all began. – Sources of light also move away and spread out, which means space is getting darker, and the number of black areas is growing. – Astronomers think that most of the matter in the universe is invisible, and it looks like black emptiness to the human eye.
– If you remember the electromagnetic spectrum from back in school, you’ll know that visible light is just a tiny sliver of all those wavelengths and frequencies. – Red, blue, purple, yellow, orange – the whole color wheel depending on which gases make them up! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Video Games Are Good for Your Brain and Body

They say video games aren’t good for you. They say they’re bad for your eyes, your spine, and your social life. But hey, just show those head shakers this video and prove to them that there are a lot of reasons why they’d be better off playing video games! Some people have serious difficulty reading and focusing, but those who play video games can process information more easily. They develop improvisation skills, and as a result, react much faster to unexpected difficulties. Also, online games help people get acquainted with each other, and make new friends who share their interests! But there is much more! Other videos you might like:
How to Play Chess: The Complete Guide for Beginners;
That's How The Game Of Thrones Characters Should Really Look Like
6 Secret Tips to Always Win At Most Common Games TIMESTAMPS:
Multitasking 0:21
Seeing in darkness 1:02
Healing problems with sight 1:42
A higher threshold for discomfort 2:12
Healing 2:49
Slower aging 3:15
Better memory 3:56
Better coordination 4:16
Better cognitive processes 4:47
Less stress 5:13
Quicker decision making 5:39
Help with reading disorders 6:04
Leadership qualities 6:21
Research 6:41
Communication 6:54
Physical exercises 7:15 #gaming #videogames #brightside SUMMARY:
– A player is changing missions constantly; they get used to switching from one assignment to another. Their brain is always under stress, but it’s not the bad kind of stress. – Games like “Call of Duty” or “Quake” can improve night vision. In these games, one has to notice the slightest changes in the game field – moving shadows, dark shapes, and silhouettes. – There are a lot of bright spots on the screen, which train their sight to react to bright colors, and their visual acuity gets stronger.
– Researchers have proved that people who have to go through a painful treatment feel much better if they play video games during the process.
– Scientists from Tel Aviv University have discovered that patients who play games on a computer or a video game console recover their hands' mobility much quicker than people who get a traditional treatment. – Video games have the same effect on your brain as physical exercise on your body, scientists say.
– The latest studies prove that the hippocamp – the part of the brain responsible for memory – changes if you play 3D games. – Video games are great for hand-eye coordination. The influence is so substantial that they use games to train surgeons. – Playing your favorite video game helps you develop attention, diligence, and your perception of reality. – No one has thought of a better way to reduce stress than to wipe out thousands of your enemies on an alien planet.
– There are also special games that train them to discern sounds and turn on the sleeping zones of the brain, which helps with concentration. – A lot of games are based on true historical events, which allows the gamers to learn about it without really trying. – “Wii Sports” and other similar games give your body the same amount of exercise as walking at a speed of 3 miles per hour. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Lived for Only 24 Hours

If we talk about the world, currently, the average life expectancy is 70 years for men and 75 years for women. That might seem like than enough time to check off all the things you have on your to-do list! But maybe there’s more to life than checking boxes. What if people only lived for 24 hours? Assuming we compress 70 years into 24 hours, then approximately 12 minutes after you’re born, you start to crawl. You figure out how to walk 18 minutes after you were born. Five minutes after you started moving not on all fours, but two legs, your mouth begins to produce coherent sounds. Yay, just 23 minutes after you saw the light of day, and you're already a speaking human! Other videos you might like:
What If You Poured Some Water On The Sun?
What If You Were the Last Person on Earth
What If You Stopped Showering for a Year? TIMESTAMPS:
You set off for school 0:36
Your first full-time job 1:34
You can't travel 😫 2:02
How much time you'll spend on different activities 2:37
Creatures who indeed have super-short lives 4:42
Immortal jellyfish 6:04
What would the planet look like if people were immortal? 6:36 #whatif #animals #brightside John Howe, 2017: By Niccolò Caranti – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– At the age of about two hours, you set off for school. You'll have your first full-time job when you're 5 or 6 hours old, and when you're approximately 7 and a half hours old, you'll get your first apartment. – When you're 17 hours and 10 minutes old, your kids are already grown-ups and live separately. At the ripe age of 20 hours, you retire to the nearest lake to live out the remaining hours of your life in peace. – Come to think of it, that's another problem of a 24-hour-long life: you can't travel, because you don't have time for it! – You'll spend about 40 minutes reading newspapers, books, magazines, and other sources of information.
– An hour and 20 minutes of your precious life will be wasted in jam-packed public transport or in traffic jams. – You'll listen to music for about 5 hours of your 24-hour-long life. – And if you exercise regularly, your workouts will take up about 24 minutes of your life. – Now, one-third of your existence, which is 8 hours, you'll spend sleeping! – Mayfly is the shortest living animal on the planet, and within 24 hours, it has to complete a full life cycle. Unfortunately, it's nothing much: being born, flying a bit, reproducing, and passing away. – A teeny marine organism called the Gastrotrich has a lifespan of about 72 hours, or 3 days. – As for the animals you don't need a magnifying glass to spot, the shortest living one is the house mouse! It lives no longer than a year.
– What would the planet look like if people were immortal? The population of the planet would be so great that there would be no free space for people to live.
– Analysts claim that Earth can comfortably sustain approximately 10 billion people. But if nothing changes, we'll reach this number in 17 years or so! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Who Is the Fastest Living Being in the World?

What is the average person walking speed? Actually, humans aren’t that fast. They walk at a humble average speed of 3 mph. But they're already faster than a lot of other land-inhabiting creatures. For example, insects and other bugs are fast only for their tiny sizes. Other animals with more comparable sizes to humans, like sloths, koalas, and giant tortoises, are also left far behind. Sloths live in places where it’s too risky to move fast because predators will see them. So, they move at a sluggish 0.15 mph. And giant tortoises clock out at a max of 0.3 mph. But these animals are among the slowest on our planet. Other videos you might like:
A Plane That Landed with Extremely Speed Ever
23 Albino Animals That Have Rarely Ever Been Seen
10 Biggest Sea Dinosaurs That Ever Existed on Earth TIMESTAMPS:
Which animals can we outrun? 1:25
The fastest running speed ever recorded for a human being 1:55
The top speed you can reach on a bicycle 2:46
The absolute champ of top speeds on this planet 3:11
How fast we can swim 4:21
Octopuses are really fast! 6:04
And what about birds? 7:12 #wildanimals #speed #brightside SUMMARY:
– Sloths live in places where it’s too risky to move fast because predators will see them. So, they move at a sluggish 0.15 mph. – And giant tortoises clock out at a max of 0.3 mph. – James is really fit, and he’s been preparing for this day his whole life. That’s why 15 mph is just a jog for him, even if it’s the average speed other people run at.
– 28 mph – the fastest running speed ever recorded for a human being. Animals like elephants, squirrels, and even polar bears are stopping to catch their breath behind our speedy friend’s back. – 40 mph – that’s about the top speed he can reach on a bicycle without the help of a motor. It’s just enough to escape from all bears and canines like jackals, dogs, and wolves.
– The absolute champ of top speeds on this planet – the cheetah. Sprinting through prairies at 75 mph, it’s crucial for these predators as they chase down extremely fast pronghorn antelopes.
– The maximum speed James can hope to achieve without flippers is just 3 mph. That’s barely enough to swim past eels. – The boat is faster than humpback whales, sea lions, and small fish. But Jimmy Crack Corn is already wanting to up the ante. This time, he hops on a giant cruise liner.
– Its deafeningly roaring engines can accelerate this metal hulk up to 35 mph, leaving behind barracudas, dolphins, and octopuses. Yeah, those eight-legged creatures can swim surprisingly fast at 25 mph!
– The Peregrine Falcon can fly horizontally at an average speed of 56 mph but can bump it up to 69 mph.
– There are even quicker feathered beings, like the Bald Eagle soaring through the air at 75 mph and topping at 99 when it really tries. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Are Night Flights Allowed for Helicopters?

Imagine you’re stuck on the slopes of Mount Everest. There’s no one to help you for frozen miles around, and you can’t move for some reason. Although you’ve sent a distress signal, the night has already fallen, and you’ve lost all hope. But then, out of the cold darkness, a beam of light blinds you. It’s a rescue helicopter, coming for you at last. Despite weirdly popular opinion, this situation is possible. Tricky, granted, but rescue helicopters do fly at night. The myth about night flight operations might have appeared because of one fact: helicopters are really difficult to fly. And that’s a real problem that can preclude a chopper from flying at night. But it depends on many more factors than just poor visibility. Other videos you might like:
A Helicopter Fell Into a Volcano But It Was a Lucky Day
Why Lights at Plane Wings Are Different
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later TIMESTAMPS:
The altitude record for a helicopter 0:55
Why choppers are not designed for high-velocity flights 2:10
What makes flying them a risky business:
– Helicopters don’t have an ejection system 3:31
– They have much weaker protection 4:08
– They can’t fly in bad weather 5:07
– Helicopters are hard to control 6:22 #chopper #helicopter #brightside SUMMARY:
– Unlike jet airliners, which fly at heights of about 36,000 ft, choppers rarely climb higher than 15,000 ft.
– No wings for helicopters means that all they could do is rotate those blades faster to keep the height.
– All they need to take off or land is a clear space of a diameter that allows their blades to turn safely.
– They can hover in the air thanks to their construction. This also helps in different kinds of situations: rescuing people, extinguishing fires, deploying troops, or whatnot.
– But despite all their advantages over airplanes, choppers have many potential dangers too, which makes flying them a risky business.
– The pilot has to stay inside the machine no matter what, reducing the chances of survival in case of a crash.
– Neither civil helicopters, nor emergency service ones have any special reinforcement, so they’re basically unprotected in the air.
– When the air is particularly humid and the temperature freezing, ice can appear on the helicopter’s surfaces. It might seem a nuisance, but given the pretty fragile construction of these aircraft, you shouldn’t be surprised that ice may cause control issues or even crashes.
– But even good weather can pose a threat, since there’s such a thing as clear air turbulence, or CAT. It’s an unpredictable condition that occurs when there are no clouds and the aircraft is flying at a higher altitude. – Sometimes rescue ops may take up to an hour, so it’s a real test of endurance and skill for the pilot.
– In a helicopter, an autopilot could only be useful on long-haul flights with minimum obstacles on the way. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Planes Stopped Flying Half Full

Airplanes may be a marvel of modern engineering, but unless you're flying first-class it isn't what most people would call glamorous. For many, the biggest problem is how crowded airliners can get. But believe it or not, there was a time when flights rarely left more than half full. How was this possible? It might be hard to believe in a world where you must book your flight months in advance, but there was a time when you could simply drive to the airport on a whim and go almost anywhere you wanted. If you were lucky, you might even get the whole row to yourself! Other videos you might like:
What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a Plane Engine
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
Why Planes Don't Fly Faster TIMESTAMPS:
Those halcyon days… 0:30
… and what brought an end to them 3:27
Deliberate overbooking 4:42
The environmental impact 6:54 #planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– In the 1970s, air travel was strictly controlled by the federal government.
– The only area where airlines had nearly complete autonomy was in how many flights could depart on each route per day.
– With no way of expanding their reach or competing on pricing, airlines needed to find another way to stand out from the crowd. The solution they all came to was accessibility.
– It's hard to make unlimited legroom sound bad, but all that extra space came at a price, and I mean that literally. – The average price of airfare in 1979 was about $600 in today’s money. Compare that to 2015, when the average price was only about three hundred and eighty-five dollars. – It turns out that all these extra flights were cutting into the airline's bottom line, and they were passing that markup on to you.
– Two things brought an end to these halcyon days of ample knee space. The first came in the form of relaxed FAA regulations. – Free from price controls and restricted routes, costs fell as airlines struggled to undercut each other's prices.
– The second significant change was a technological one. In the analog world of the 1970s, there wasn’t a whole lot companies could do to adjust prices on the fly. – Modern airlines have entire departments dedicated to writing the code that goes into determining the price of an individual seat. – Airlines have also taken to adding more seats to each plane and regularly selling more tickets than they have seats.
– The side effect is that sometimes more people show up than expected, and someone ends up getting left behind. – In the year 2000, the United States was home to ten major airlines, a number that has been slowly whittled down to just four by 2017. – While the 70s may have been an excellent time for airline customers, all those extra flights weren't exactly healthy for the environment. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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50 Facts to Surprise the Most Knowledgeable Person

Few people know that in 2009, Steven Hawking organized a party for time-travelers. But he didn't announce the event in advance to make sure that each person who arrives at the party is really from the future. Unfortunately, no time travelers turned up. So what's the point? Ever have an embarrassing moment when you're alone in the room with another person, and there's that awkward silence between you? Well, you don't have to worry about experiencing anything like that anymore! Because now, you can use a lot of cool facts like that as an icebreaker! Other videos you might like:
65 Quick Facts to Make You the Most Interesting Person in The Room
20 Interesting Facts You're Too Lazy to Google
17 Jaw-Dropping Facts You Didn't Know About the Human Body TIMESTAMPS:
Weird Facebook experiment 0:19
What this punctuation mark ⸮ mean 0:51
Queen Elizabeth at the set of Game of Thrones 1:11
Never violate a writ of Habeas Colas 1:44
Mysterious Pacific sleeper sharks 2:17
Party for time-travelers 2:50
Why the inhabitants of Fukushima grow sunflowers 3:13
Why bananas are curved 3:26
Never cut down a Saguaro cactus in Arizona 4:20
Squids and octopuses have beaks 5:08
The first motel in the world 5:26
The richest goldfield ever discovered 6:04
How loud a lion roar is 7:00
Which planets don't have any moons 7:32
Why pirates wore earrings 7:47
What the first alarm clock was like 8:09 It's illegal to own just one guinea pig in Switzerland 9:08
Can animals be left- or right-handed? 9:29
The highest mountain in the Solar System 9:49
When kangaroos can't hop 10:30
What tsundoku is 10:44
Snakes can help people predict earthquakes 11:05
The day when there was no news 11:32
The most mathematical flag in the world 11:47 #interestingfacts #factsyouneverknew #brightside SUMMARY:
– Coffee taster Gennaro Pelliccia works for Costa Coffee and has his tongue insured for 13 million bucks.
– Back when dinos were roaming our planet, volcanoes were still erupting on the Moon. Not sure of the connection here but, hey try it!
– According to the 2010 census, Monowi, a small town in Nebraska, has a population of one. – The Canadians are so polite, and say "sorry" so often, that the country has passed a law stating that an apology can't be considered as an admission of guilt in court.
– Crocodiles are unlucky animals which can't stick their tongues out because they're attached to the roofs of their mouths. – If you heat a magnet up to 176 degrees F, it’ll lose its magnetism. Well, that’s not very attractive.
– In 2016, a huge swarm of 20,000 bees was following a woman's car for two days in a row because their queen was trapped inside.
– More than 75% of the world's food is made from only 5 animal species and 12 plants. – While hunting, stoats (which are weasel -like mammals) jump, spin, twist, and perform crazy tricks to attract rabbits' attention. – When movie trailers first appeared, they were shown after the movies finished. That's actually the reason why they were called "trailers"! – The average man gets bored after 26 minutes of shopping, while the average woman can spend 2 hours on the same activity until she feels like giving up. – The Milky Way galaxy, which is our home galaxy, is 105,700 light-years wide.
– Although very small and fragile, ladybugs emit a unique smell we humans are super-sensitive to. – The mountains on Venus are covered with a snow-like metal similar to frost. – The Sun weighs approximately 330,000 times more than Earth. Plus, it's so huge that you could fit our planet inside it 1,300,000 times! – In Silicon Valley, there’s a statue of Nikola Tesla, a Serbian-American engineer and inventor. This statue radiates free Wi-Fi as homage to Tesla's vision of wireless communication. – Tic Tacs got their name because of the sound they made while being tossed around in their plastic container. – Your brain fibers lose almost 10% of their total length every 10 years. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 50 Facts to Surprise the Most Knowledgeable Person Videos