Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why Public Toilet Seats Are Shaped Like a U

We all use it every day —the John, the Throne, the Lavatory, the Potty, the Commode, the Latrine, the Privy…the Toilet! No matter what you call it, public restrooms aren’t always the most pleasant experience; the germs, unspoken etiquette…no one likes to talk about it, it’s can be a tender subject, but, Brightsider, today’s your lucky day! You're gonna find out why public toilet seats are shaped like a U (this isn’t what they’re like at home, right?), which stalls are cleaner than others, what exactly the proper Hand-Washing technique is and many other things! Other videos you might like:
Close One Eye When You Go to the Toilet at Night
Are Public Toilets As Safe As You Think?
Put Vinegar Into a Toilet, and Watch What Happens TIMESTAMPS:
Why are public toilet seats shaped like a U? 0:31
Do those toilet seat covers really make it more hygienic? 1:09
Are some stalls cleaner than others? 1:40
Is it safe to take my drink with me into the stall? 2:18
What should I do with my drink if I have to GO? 2:57
What exactly is the proper Hand-Washing technique? 3:33
What if I’m loyal to my hand sanitizer? 4:20
🙂 Good-to-know tips for public bathroom etiquette 🙃 4:55 #hygiene #etiquette #brightside SUMMARY:
– The reason is for hygiene purposes, to keep that part of the toilet as far from your most sensitive areas as possible, as it could have some unwanted droplets on it. – That little space in between the U-shaped seat may still have dribbles of urine on it, and it will just soak through the cover. – The outside stalls are used less frequently, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re cleaner—just because it looks clean doesn’t mean that it is.
– There are over 3 million bacteria per square inch in that toilet bowl, just to give you some perspective.
– It’s best to leave your drink on your desk or have a friend hold it for you. But these aren’t always an option. If you must put your drink or mug on the sink, put clean paper towels down first.
– Rub the soap on top of your hands and between your fingers. Don’t forget to get under those nails! You should wash for at least twenty seconds. Rinse your hands completely and dry with a clean towel.
– Make sure your hand sanitizer is at least 60% alcohol. Know that hand sanitizers don’t get rid of all types of germs.
– If you’re out and you bump into someone you know in the bathroom, your first instinct might be to shake their hand or touch them with a greeting. Resist the temptation. – Keep the restroom a quiet place. Some of us have to concentrate.
– Experts say that chatting at the sink while washing your hands is a no-no. They say that you should just focus on getting your hands clean and avoid eye contact. – Whenever possible, don’t pick the stall right next to somebody. Put a stall or two between you if the restroom isn’t crowded.
– Say you’re standing in front of a one-person bathroom and you aren’t sure if there’s anyone inside.
– It’s a little-known fact, but many public restrooms are equipped with a fan, a.k.a an exhaust fan. It will circulate the air in the bathroom, in case you aren’t able to leave it smelling fresh as a daisy. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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18 House Details in the UK Foreigners Don’t Understand

Great Britain is a country of centuries-old traditions, and some of them might seem strange to foreigners. But the Brits aren’t in a hurry to change something just because the rest of the world does it differently. Did you know, for example, that there are separate faucets for hot and cold water in Britain? And the tap with hot water has to always be installed on the left side when it’s possible to do so. By the way, you won’t find outlets in the bathroom. British safety rules demand that you shouldn’t be able to plug something in an outlet when you’re in the water. Well, that makes sense. Other videos you might like:
21 Things in the US That Puzzle Most Foreigners
25 Traditions Sound Strange to You But Totally Normal in Other Countries
10 Things That Seem Attractive in Foreign Countries TIMESTAMPS:
Double faucets 0:21
Water laws 1:09
Electricity in bathrooms 1:28
Plugs 1:59
Washing machines in the kitchen 2:21
Reverse switches 2:41
Interior doors 2:55
Carpeting 3:14
Closets 3:27
Windows 3:41
Air Conditioning 4:07
Covered-up windows 4:32
Cold inside houses 5:30
Pipes on the house front 5:52
Garbage cans 6:07
Small Yards 6:44
Mail delivery 7:10
Milk doors 7:31
Bonus 7:55 #GreatBritain #UK #brightside SUMMARY:
– To avoid an outbreak of listeriosis, authorities forbade mixing the hot and cold water. – The voltage in Great Britain is higher than in North America, and in order to avoid an electric shock, there are even pull-string light switchers there. They’re totally safe, no matter how damp it is. – Power outlets have an “on” switch, which is good, since you don’t have to unplug the device after charging it; simply turn off the outlet itself. – Washing machines are tucked in the kitchen, because – you guessed it, there are no outlets in the bathroom.
– Switches in Britain are reverse: you need to flip them down to turn the light on and flip them up to turn it off. – Wall-to-wall carpeting can be found anywhere in the house; sometimes in the bathroom too. If you buy or rent a house, this won’t even be mentioned in the ad, there’s not usually another option.
– Windows are opened either out, up, or down, but not inside. It makes sense if you have a small room, but just think about how you’d wash the windows.
– There aren’t often air conditioners in British homes, since the temperature in summer doesn’t usually get too high. – The window tax, introduced in 1696, levied a tax on property owners based on the number of windows they had. – It’s usually very cold in British homes during the cold season. Heating fees are high, and the Brits prefer to wear layers of warm clothes, rather than receive huge bills.
– Another detail that strikes strangers is that water and sewer pipes aren’t underground, but attached right to the front of the house. – Garbage cans stand close to the main entrance, as if they were the owners’ pride. The true reason is far more practical though: this is done for the garbage collectors' convenience. – Some British houses on the main streets of the town are only a dozen feet wide and have a super narrow backyard. But still, they cost much more than houses on side streets. – Front doors have special slots for the mail, and letters and newspapers fall right to the floor of the entry. If there’s no slot, the mail is tucked under the front door. – Old houses also have special tiny doors for milk. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Ships Are Red Below the Waterline

When’s the last time you looked at a ship? Picture a cruise ship or container ship in the harbor. Did you happen to notice that the bottom of the hull is always painted red? It’s not like you can see that snazzy paint job under the waterline, so what gives? In early times, ships were mostly made of wood. That's why sailors had to cover their hulls (the part that’s sitting in the water) with copper paint to protect the vessel from wood-eating worms, barnacles, and seaweed. It was the copper that added a red tint to the paint. But what about now? Other videos you might like:
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13 Secrets Cruise Ships Are Hiding From You
Why Airplanes Are White TIMESTAMPS:
The answer's here 0:21
Other fun facts about ships:
– How many containers fall off the ships and get lost in the sea 2:27
– The largest cargo ship 2:46
– No communication with the outside world 3:28
– The speed of a ship 3:48
– How tall are cruise ships? 4:08 – A super-long cruise (Hey, count me in!) 5:23
– How massive cruise ship anchors are 5:46
– Virtual balconies inside the rooms 7:02
– How large cruise ships are 8:02 #ships #cruiseship #brightside SUMMARY:
– Nowadays, you can add special ship-protecting ingredients to any kind or color of paint. But the hulls are still painted red to honor and maintain the old nautical tradition!
– You also might’ve noticed numbers painted vertically on the side of the hull, usually toward the bow. The red background helps those stand out more.
– It doesn't matter how well you protect the hull of your ship with special paint – it’ll never help you completely avoid the harmful growth of barnacles and whatnot. – You might not realize it, but almost 95% of all the world's cargo is transported by ship. – Right at this moment, at least 20 million containers are moving across the world.
– Within one year, the average container ship travels the same distance as going three-quarters of the way to the moon and back. – The largest cargo ship can carry 18,000 containers with a whopping 745 million bananas inside! – Maersk has been the biggest container ship operator in the world since 1996. If you stack up just their containers alone, it would equal 7,530 Eiffel Towers.
– One-third of all ship crews in the world don't have any kind of communication with the outside world when they're out at open sea. – Cruise ships often perform rescue operations. So, don't be surprised if the one you're traveling on stops to save a few fishers in desperate need of help. – Cruise ship cabins are built separately from the ship because, otherwise, there wouldn't be enough space for their construction. – Cruise ship cabin walls are made of metal, and the main reason is fire safety. – During a one-week cruise, a large ship uses 1,800 pounds of coffee, 9,000 pounds of lettuce, 45,000 eggs, and 20,000 ice cream cones! – Although there are doctors and nurses on cruise ships, if you have a dental emergency, no-one will be able to help you out.
– Cruise ships consume a lot of fuel. For example, a large vessel needs about 121,000 gallons of fuel for every day it spends at sea. – The largest cruise ships have more than 2,000 crew members. On top of that, such vessels are incredibly expensive to build: they may cost more than $1 billion. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Run for 24 Hours Without Stopping?

They say that a brisk walk a few times a week can do wonders for your body. Maybe you’ve tried to boost the cardio factor by turning your walks into runs. With some work, you’d be able to build up some serious endurance. But what if you ran for an entire day? In 2015, Camille Herron set a world record by running 50 miles in about 5 and a half hours. Well, humans were built to run from an evolutionary standpoint (think of our ancestors chasing after their food) but does it mean that excessive running is healthy? Other videos you might like:
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What If You Swallowed the Most Venomous Spider
I Drank Only Water for 20 Days, See What Happened to My Body TIMESTAMPS:
Hour 1. You start to “feel the burn” in your muscles 0:21
Hour 3. You lose weight 1:08
Hour 5. Your knees are in pain 1:38
Hour 8. You “hit the wall” 2:12
Hour 10. At this point, anyone would really need to stop 2:50
Hour 12. An imbalance in your pH levels 3:26
Hour 15. Are you an experienced runner? If not, don't do that! 4:02
Hour 20. You might be crying 4:34
Hour 24. No benefits 5:10
The coolest runners ever 6:25 #running #whatif #brightside SUMMARY:
– Within the first 30 minutes, you’ll start burning any “bad” fat, since your body uses this and glucose from food for additional energy. While glucose is getting absorbed by your body, you’ll really start to “feel the burn” in your muscles.
– If you’re running for 3 hours, you’re probably training for a marathon. An extremely fit person could complete a marathon in 3 hours (which is about 26 miles.) – If you’re training for a marathon, running 5 hours a day is a reasonable goal! A “fitness runner” could definitely finish a marathon in 5 hours.
– If you ran or worked out for 8 hours a day, you would so-to-speak “hit the wall” if you aren’t getting enough calories and protein from your diet. – Unless you’ve been an experienced marathon runner for years, running 10 hours at a time is definitely excessive. If a non-runner just took off willy-nilly, we probably wouldn’t have enough endurance or muscle mass built up—we’d be very prone to injury. – Abnormal lactic acid amounts in your body can cause an imbalance in your pH levels, which tell you how acidic your blood is. Too much acid in the blood can cause serious problems, including cardiovascular issues.
– A 15 hour run can seriously damage the cardiovascular and skeletal systems. When we burn all of our energy too quickly, it can cause plaque buildup in our arteries, and something called oxidative stress; this is essentially damage to your body’s cells.
– After a long race, experienced runners often feel a wide range of emotions: pure exhaustion down to the soul, tears, happiness, a break in the iron-clad willpower, or a tangled-up mix of emotions.
– If you run for 24 hours, all the benefits of a normal running session—increased bone density, muscle tone, increased lung capacity and endurance, elevated mood — will likely disappear. – Keep in mind, only very experienced runners that are in optimum shape can run in extreme intervals of time like these (such as an Olympian or marathon runner). Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Stop Charging Your Phone at Night, Here’s Why

It’s a basic thing – you want your phone fully charged in the morning so it’ll last through the entire day. And even with cutting-edge smartphones that can charge to max capacity in a matter of an hour, there’s no guarantee that you’ll remember to charge it in the morning while you’re in a sleepy daze. Advice to leave your phone unplugged during the night may seem risky. The worst fear here is that your phone will charge down while you sleep and won’t see the dawn of a new day to wake you up like you’re used to. But still, you can’t go against the word of science. Leaving your smartphone on a charger is bad for it. Other videos you might like:
15 Mistakes That Shorten the Life of Your Phone
Stop Using Your Phone Sitting on the Toilet
10+ Reasons Your Phone Battery Dies So Fast TIMESTAMPS:
Automatic switches don't solve the problem 1:20
How to choose high-quality chargers and cables 2:12
Is heat really bad for batteries? 3:32
Fully depleting the charge 4:07
A lazy battery effect 4:42
Charging a phone with a sound 6:13
Sodium instead of lithium? 6:33
How about gold batteries? 7:15 #phonebattery #charging #brightside SUMMARY:
– Even though lithium-based batteries are rechargeable by nature, and made with this process in mind, they’re highly vulnerable to constant interactions with high voltage electricity, like in the outlets of your house. – There are automatic switches on your phone that’ll stop the charging process the very moment it reaches 100%. But when your phone naturally goes down to 99%, the charging will start all over again. – Good, high-quality chargers have special chips in them that prevent overcharging. So it’s advisable not to skimp on chargers – this way you won’t spend much more money on a new battery or entire smartphone too soon.
– Overall, it’s always advisable to use good quality tech when it comes to something as expensive as smartphones these days. – Heat is bad for batteries. That’s why it’s so harmful to your phone if you leave it in a closed car in the middle of summer.
– You’ve probably heard something about fully depleting the charge of your smartphone and then charging it to the maximum capacity. This is fair for devices from the past decade.
– Any modern lithium-ion battery won’t get lazy like a cadmium based one, so you don’t have to worry about that. – Scientists and engineers promise that soon, we’ll have another kind of lithium-based battery that’ll be able to charge in a matter of minutes and last for more than one day.
– One of their new ideas is to make battery chargers that can produce energy from a Wi-Fi signal.
– And how about charging a phone with a sound? Using piezoelectric principals, tiny nanogenerators will be able to transform the surrounding sound to electric power. –
– Scientists from Japan are in the middle of a decades-long study that will allow replacing lithium ion batteries with sodium.
– Another idea is to use literal sand in batteries. Not quite literal though, as this battery will use silicon – the main component of the sand.
– But for now, the best course of action is to use good quality charging equipment, keep your smartphone out of the heat, and most importantly, keep the charge in it between 30% and 90%. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Real Life VS. Video Games

Who doesn’t love video games? Some play them for hours, others for days, while others cannot even see their life without them. Every year, developers make games better. However, no matter how cool and realistic graphics they have, there are a lot of differences between video games and real life. Is your game character seriously injured? Drink the potion and everything is okay! Just caught a cold in real life – you have to sit at home and drink medications for a whole week. At speed, you get away from the police chase, the cops will never catch you! In life: “Here's a $100 fine for you. Don't break the speed limit anymore.” “Okay, I won’t. Sorry.” One of the saddest thing is that you can go through your favorite mission again. Unfortunately, the best moments of life are only stored in our memory. Other videos you might like:
How to Play Chess: The Complete Guide for Beginners
That's How The Game Of Thrones Characters Should Really Look Like
6 Secret Tips to Always Win At Most Common Games TIMESTAMPS:
Checkpoints 0:26
Money 0:51
Sleep 1:17
Police 1:46
Dialogues 2:12
To-do list 2:42
Food 3:08
Superpowers 3:35
Monster hunter 3:59
Implements 4:25
Level of difficulty 4:59
Language 5:30
Hidden Object 5:59
Skip 6:30
Final boss 6:53
Weather 7:24
Body 8:01
Graphics 8:21
Loading 8:51
Other characters 9:23 #gaming #videogames #brightside SUMMARY:
– In the game, you can go to another city, country, or planet in just a few seconds. In life: you fly on a plane for two hours and then wait for your luggage. Boring.
– You can choose any clothes of any color and style in a second. Out of the game, you're spending half a day to pick trousers to go with your new cap.
– You can build a city, a country, manage the economy, restore order in your civilization in a day. In real world you can’t restore order in your room.
– You drive a sports car, a huge robot, a spaceship. In life: you take an Uber to get home.
– Gain level 100 at a game: you’re cool, invincible, everyone loves you. Reach level 100 in life: you put on a false jaw to crack that apricot.
– In a game you have fun fighting in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. In life, Ride the subway . Sleepy as a zombie. – In virtual reality, you can build a base for your tribe in a minute. In life, you spend half a day fixing a cupboard.
– On your Lamborghini, you reach 186 mph, overtaking all the cars around… Wake up! You fell asleep while spending a third hour in a traffic jam.
– Want to change your hairstyle? Let's see: afro, short haircut, dreadlocks, whatever, just click the button. In a real salon, you wait for an hour and if you don’t like it, wait a couple of months until your hair grows back.
– Wanna be a carpenter? A magician? Alchemist? Racer? Space cowboy? Okay, here’s your task and half an hour of time. – Tired of playing? You can pause the game, drink tea, or sleep. When problems pile up on you for real, a pause will only aggravate the situation.
– Win a fight with the most dangerous villain of the 7 kingdoms. In life: "Hmm, I’d better go around this dark lane."
– In a game with an interesting plot, an event happened that you did not expect. You admire this and thank the developers for the cool story. In life, just a thought of something going wrong annoys you. – Take the powder from the horn of the minotaur, the scales of the mermaid, the feather of the sphinx and the fang of a vampire. Mix it all in one pile and get a potion that makes you invisible. – You are immediately born into excellent physical shape and a beautiful body. In life, you spend years of training in the gym so that six-pack appears on your tummy.
– In a video game, you go through the dungeons, jump over cliffs with lava, fight monsters, defeat the dragon and only then get the princess.
– You can quickly go through the game, but life goes on. And it is much more interesting! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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9 Secrets of the Statue of Liberty Most Americans Don’t Know

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most (if not THE most) famous monuments in the world. Anyone visiting New York City can see her, but not everyone knows that Lady Liberty has her own secrets. One of them is – she might not even be a lady at all! Or do you know, for example, that number seven meant a lot for the Statue's creators? It's easy to notice the Statue has seven spikes on its crown, symbolizing universal liberty across the seven oceans and continents. But there are less obvious references to the number seven. Btw, you can see this monument not in NYC only! Other videos you might like:
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10 Fun Facts About America Even Americans Don't Know TIMESTAMPS:
The Statue of Liberty was once split into pieces 0:21
It was one of history's first crowd-funding campaigns 1:04
The Statue of Liberty wasn’t always green 2:05
It used to serve as a lighthouse 2:32
It's all about number seven 3:04
The construction supporting the Statue was designed by Gustave Eiffel 3:39
It might have masonic ties 4:41
The face of the Statue of Liberty could be that of a man 5:45
There's more than one Statue of Liberty 7:08 #StatueOfLiberty #NewYork #brightside Preview photo credit: Statue of Liberty on the Île aux Cygnes in Paris, taken from a bateau-mouche: By H. Zell – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. As seen from Central Park West: By Ajay Suresh from New York, NY, USA – New York Historical Society, CC BY 2.0,
A cornerstone with bronze relief images: By Norbert Schnitzler – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Denarius (42 BC) issued by Cassius Longinus and Lentulus Spinther, depicting the crowned head of Libertas, with a sacrificial jug and lituus on the reverse: By Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– It's really hard to picture it, but the Statue actually arrived from France on June 17, 1885, in over 300 copper pieces. The precious cargo was traveling in 214 crates on the French ship, Isère. – Then, American newspaper magnate Joseph Pulitzer stepped in. Even though 80% of the donations were small ones from middle-class citizens, Pulitzer managed to collect the necessary amount from over 120,000 donors.
– The Statue of Liberty is made of copper, so it was originally about the same color as a penny. According to the New York Historical Society, it turned completely green because of oxidation by 1920. – The statue was originaly supposed to serve as a lighthouse for ships sailing into New York Harbor. And, two years after it arrived in the US, it actually became one.
– There are 16 leaves around the torch, and the monument itself is 151 feet tall. The sum of both those digits is seven as well. Clearly, that number meant a lot for the Statue's creators. – Famous engineer Alexander Gustave Eiffel helped design the steel internal framework to keep the statue stable. It's strong enough to withstand around 600 bolts of lightning a year. – Most people are positive it's a representation of the Roman goddess of freedom, Libertas. The widely accepted story is that Bartholdi modeled her face after his mother. – Author and journalist, Elizabeth Mitchell, however, claims that the sculptor actually used his brother's face as a model! – Another theory was presented by French writer Nathalie Salmon, who claims Lady Liberty was modeled after her ancestor Sarah Salmon.
– You can find a smaller Statue of Liberty, which was the original model for its big sister, in the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris. It's been there since 1906, after Bartholdi gave it to the Luxembourg museum for the World’s Fair of 1900. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Planes Can’t Fly Over Messi’s House

Ah…the perks of being a big-name celebrity, eh? Nice cars, private jets, designer clothes, your own personal No-Fly Zone around your sprawling $7-million mansion… Ok, that might not be the case for all famous people, but it is for Argentinian soccer star Lionel Messi! His eco-friendly home is in Gava, a town that’s about 6 miles from Barcelona’s main airport El Prat. And get this: Messi’s estate is preventing the airport from expanding! Add to that the whole “planes are absolutely forbidden from flying over it” thing, and it seems like the soccer superstar is causing a lot of inconveniences! Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Faster
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Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean TIMESTAMPS: So what's this all about? 0:51 Why are “No-Fly Zones” important? 1:56 – Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in northern Minnesota 2:22
– Windsor Castle, UK 2:45
– Machu Picchu 3:15
– Tibet 3:37
– Cuba 4:05
– Finland 4:23 Places that don’t have an airport at all:
– Andorra 4:56
– Liechtenstein 5:14
– Monaco 5:29
– San Marino 5:49
– Vatican City 6:17 Home to the most airports in the world: – Argentina 7:13
– Russia 7:38
– Canada 8:00
– Mexico 8:16
– Brazil 8:32
– The United States 8:59 #airports #planes #brightside SUMMARY:
– The forward for FC Barcelona lives in an area that’s highly protected by environmental laws. His home happens to be within the perimeter, and one of those guidelines includes noise levels.
– The airspace is restricted because the sheer volume of aircraft would interfere with the natural wildlife in the area. – “No-Fly Zones” help preserve environmentally protected areas. They’re also usually over historical heritage sites with high traffic, regions with known conflict, and sometimes other famous or important people’s houses too.
– Located in Berkshire, England, Windsor Castle was once a fort built during the 11th century by William the Conqueror. It’s right up there with Buckingham Palace as far as having the status of a national treasure. – Machu Picchu is one of the most famous historical sanctuaries on this planet. As such, Peruvian authorities can’t risk disturbing the World Heritage Site or the wildlife living around it.
– For Tibet, the flight restriction is all about passenger safety. The region isn’t just home to the tallest mountain in the world, the mighty Everest, it’s also covered in peaks!
– Andorra is the largest country in the world that doesn’t have an airport. It is, however, home to three heliports.
– Monaco also has a heliport instead of an airport. If you want to fly in by chopper, you’ll be landing at the Monaco Heliport in Fontvieille.
– Keeping with its European counterparts, people living in Vatican City would need to go to Rome for their flight. Not a major inconvenience – Vatican City is located within Rome, after all! – As the largest country in the world, it might come as no surprise that all territory of Russia is sprinkled with loads of airports – 1,218 of them to be precise.
– Of the country’s 1,714 air hubs, Mexico City International Airport was the busiest in 2018. They helped 47 million travelers get to and from their destination!
– Brazil is the only Portuguese-speaking country in South America whose territory is mostly made up of the Amazon Rainforest hosts 4,093 airports.
– The United States has 14,712 airports! Specifically, the busiest one in the US is the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Hold onto your hats: just in 2018, it served over 107 million passengers! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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If You Solve the Riddle, You Can Become a Secret Service Agent

Ever fancied becoming a real-life spy? British National Cyber Security Centre, or NCSC, disclosed a riddle for their potential high-profile employees some time ago. If you’re able to solve it, then your mental abilities are enough for you to become a cyber-spy! Or maybe your dream's to be an astronaut? Or perhaps you want to work for one of the biggest IT corporations in the world? Then you’ve got a chance to test your mettle and see if you’re witty enough for any of these jobs! Other videos you might like:
14 Most Unusual Jobs That Actually Pay Well
5 Hard Interview Questions to Get a Job at Google (With Answers)
What HR Managers Learn About You By Looking at Your Clothes TIMESTAMPS:
The spy riddle 0:18
The astronaut riddle 3:19
The Facebook interview riddle 4:31
The Google interview riddle 6:02
The Apple interview riddle 6:49
The LinkedIn interview riddle 8:19 #interviewriddles #hardriddles #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. The riddle goes as follows: “Thirteen rotters stole my answer and they ROTated it by 4 and then ROTated it by 10 and all I have left is Uccr ziqy hc ozz QmpsfTwfgh Uwfzg! — (well you can read this for yourself). Can you help me get my answer back?” Everything in this riddle is right where it should be; there are no mistakes or typos, so take your time and try to solve it yourself.
– #2. Tim Peake, a British astronaut, posted a puzzle on his Facebook page, claiming it was from the test he had taken himself when applying for a position in NASA. Imagine you’re facing a cube. It can roll to the left, right, forward (towards you), or back (away from you). On the bottom of the cube, there’s a dot. Now roll the cube forward, left, left, forward, right, backwards, right. Where’s the dot now?
– #3. You’re about to board a plane to Seattle and you’d like to know if it’s raining there. You call three friends from the city and ask about the weather. Each of them has a 2/3 chance of telling you the truth and 1/3 chance of lying to mess with you. All three of them tell you that it’s raining, though. What is the chance that it’s actually raining there, considering that neither of the three knows the others?
– #4. Why are manhole covers round?
– #5. There’s a table with 100 coins lying on it. 10 of the coins are heads up, while the rest of them are tails up. You only know it, though, but can’t see, feel, or find out in any other way which ones are flipped. Your task is to split the coins into two piles so that there’s the same number of flipped coins in either pile.
– #6. How many golf balls would fit into a Boeing 747? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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