Category Archives: Bright Side News

The Egyptian Pyramids Were Originally White But No One Knew

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the world’s famous seven wonders. It’s a real miracle that more than 4,000 years after it saw the light of day, it still stands in the sands of Egypt. But did you know that it looked completely different in those days? The Great Pyramid was conceived as a tomb for Khufu whom you may probably know as Cheops. It remained the tallest structure created by human hand in the whole world for more than 3,800 years! Btw, it’s hard to believe, but in ancient times the crypt was mesmerizingly white… 💥 And guys, you probably know that Ancient Egyptians held cats in the highest esteem. So we hid one at the beginning of the video! Try to spot it! 😽 Other videos you might like:
True Pyramids Purpose Has Been Finally Discovered
The Great Pyramid Mystery Has Finally Been Solved
A Scary Island That Has Been Keeping a Secret for 80 Years TIMESTAMPS:
Necropolis of ancient pharaohs 0:20
Btw, originally the Great Pyramid looked VERY differently 1:49
But what could have happened to it? 4:03
The mystery of the Great pyramid 6:19
What about the workforce? 8:20 #Pyramids #Egypt #brightside Preview photo credit: Egyptian views; The pyramids of Gizeh. Second pyramid from the summit of Great Pyramid: By Matson Collection – Library of Congress Catalog: Original url:, Public Domain, SUMMARY:
– It was only in the 27th century BCE when the concept of a pyramid with smooth and evenly tilted sides that we all know today was introduced.
– Originally it rose about 480 feet above the ground, while the sides of its base were over 750 feet long. – It was comprised of about 2.3 million blocks of stone, and each of them had an average heft of over 2 tons. – The main stuff used during the construction was different types of limestone. The exterior covering that you can see these days was built up from dark limestone.
– These long rows of craggy slabs that resemble stepped pyramids rather than the usual ones were actually the inner coating or the core.
– The pyramid was lined with sparkling white limestone. That’s what initially formed the outer layer of the pyramid. – In 1303 CE a major earthquake hit Crete. Cairo was affected as well, and the Great Pyramid met a similar fate. – For hundreds of years, the ancient monument was wearing away in the wind and the sun. In the 19th century, the remaining pieces of limestone that once covered it were seized once again.
– Many adventurers who explored the site later stumbled upon the big stacks of strange debris at the foot of the pyramid. – One of the mysteries of the Great pyramid was the way the precious materials got to Giza in the first place. – The fine white stones that were really valued came from far away. They were extracted at Tura which was located on the opposite bank of the Nile, about 8 miles from the necropolis.
– It’s likely the workers used to put the stones on the wooden sleds to move them closer to the construction site. – The people who worked on the pyramid’s construction were, despite the popular belief, skilled and well-paid employees. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More The Egyptian Pyramids Were Originally White But No One Knew Videos

The Great Pyramid of Giza Mystery Finally Solved

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the world’s famous seven wonders. It’s a real miracle that more than 4,000 years after it saw the light of day, it still stands in the sands of Egypt. But did you know that it looked completely different in those days? The Great Pyramid was conceived as a tomb for Khufu whom you may probably know as Cheops. It remained the tallest structure created by human hand in the whole world for more than 3,800 years! Btw, it’s hard to believe, but in ancient times the crypt was mesmerizingly white… 💥 And guys, you probably know that Ancient Egyptians held cats in the highest esteem. So we hid one at the beginning of the video! Try to spot it! 😽 Other videos you might like:
True Pyramids Purpose Has Been Finally Discovered
The Great Pyramid Mystery Has Finally Been Solved
A Scary Island That Has Been Keeping a Secret for 80 Years TIMESTAMPS:
Necropolis of ancient pharaohs 0:20
Btw, originally the Great Pyramid looked VERY differently 1:49
But what could have happened to it? 4:03
The mystery of the Great pyramid 6:19
What about the workforce? 8:20 #Pyramids #Egypt #brightside Preview photo credit: Egyptian views; The pyramids of Gizeh. Second pyramid from the summit of Great Pyramid: By Matson Collection – Library of Congress Catalog: Original url:, Public Domain, SUMMARY:
– It was only in the 27th century BCE when the concept of a pyramid with smooth and evenly tilted sides that we all know today was introduced.
– Originally it rose about 480 feet above the ground, while the sides of its base were over 750 feet long. – It was comprised of about 2.3 million blocks of stone, and each of them had an average heft of over 2 tons. – The main stuff used during the construction was different types of limestone. The exterior covering that you can see these days was built up from dark limestone.
– These long rows of craggy slabs that resemble stepped pyramids rather than the usual ones were actually the inner coating or the core.
– The pyramid was lined with sparkling white limestone. That’s what initially formed the outer layer of the pyramid. – In 1303 CE a major earthquake hit Crete. Cairo was affected as well, and the Great Pyramid met a similar fate. – For hundreds of years, the ancient monument was wearing away in the wind and the sun. In the 19th century, the remaining pieces of limestone that once covered it were seized once again.
– Many adventurers who explored the site later stumbled upon the big stacks of strange debris at the foot of the pyramid. – One of the mysteries of the Great pyramid was the way the precious materials got to Giza in the first place. – The fine white stones that were really valued came from far away. They were extracted at Tura which was located on the opposite bank of the Nile, about 8 miles from the necropolis.
– It’s likely the workers used to put the stones on the wooden sleds to move them closer to the construction site. – The people who worked on the pyramid’s construction were, despite the popular belief, skilled and well-paid employees. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More The Great Pyramid of Giza Mystery Finally Solved Videos

10+ Best Exercises to Get Rid of Chest Fat

So, your favorite shirt feels a bit tight. Maybe you haven't been very active. Or maybe you’ve had a few hearty, late-night snacks recently. Whatever the reason, now you have to deal with extra fat on your chest. Face it, it’s time to hit the gym and try out these chests exercises! The easiest exercise that you can perform at home is push-ups. They target not only your chest muscles, or pecs, but also triceps and shoulders. And they’ll firm up your chest area. But there are many types of push-ups. You can choose the best ones depending on your overall physical shape and endurance, or just alternate them for each workout. But push-ups aren’t the only way to rid yourself of chest fat. There are some other great gym exercises to speed up fat loss and give you a toned upper body. Other videos you might like:
10-Minute Pushup Workout for Big and Muscular Arms
6 Simple Exercises to Get Bigger Arms In No Time
10 At-Home Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat In a Month TIMESTAMPS:
Standard push-ups 0:50
Wide hands push-ups 1:25
Arrow push-ups 1:56
Clap push-ups 2:17
Chest tap push-ups 2:55
Staggered arm push-ups 3:21
Decline push-ups 3:47
Dumbbell pullovers 4:43
Incline dumbbell press 5:16
Incline barbell bench press 5:52
Chest fly 6:25
Wall ball shots 7:02
Decline Cable fly 7:28
Dips 8:06 #chestmuscles #pushups #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. Get in a rigid plank position on your toes, with your arms fully extended and your feet no more than 12 inches apart. Now bend your elbows, breathing in, and lower your chest to just a bit below your bent elbows. Breathe out, pushing back up to the initial position.
– #2. Place your hands farther out to each side, wider than shoulder width. The bigger the distance between your hands, the more grueling and effective this exercise will be.
– #3. To perform it, get in a standard push-up position and tuck your elbows in about 45 degrees to get your body into an arrow shape. Now continue by doing standard push-ups.
– #4. From the push-up position, start lowering your chest. After your chest gets slightly below your bent elbows, push upward with enough force for your hands to leave the floor and clap them below your chest.
– #5. From a standard push-up position, lower your body and then explode up in the air to tap your chest, placing your hands in an X shape. After that, quickly put your hands on the floor to lower down into the next push-up. – #6. Get down in a standard push-up position, but place one hand higher than the other and a bit wider than shoulder-width. Start lowering your torso as close to the ground as you can. Extend your arms to push upward and reverse your hand position for the next push-up.
– #7. The higher the surface, the more strenuous the exercise will be. Now get in a standard push-up position but, place your feet on the elevation you’ve chosen. Keep your elbows at 45° and continue, just like with regular push-ups.
– Doing a workout that consists of all these exercises, plus any type of push-ups 3 times a week will make a noticeable difference. However, keep in mind that you can’t just get rid of the fat in your chest without dropping fat from the rest of your body.
– To blast fat throughout your body faster and boost your metabolism, you should include cardio training as well, such as jumping rope, running at a moderate pace, using a stair-stepper machine, or an elliptical trainer.
– Sometimes an enlarged chest on a man has nothing to do with not being active or poor diet choices. And what you believe to be fat might turn out to be an excessive amount of breast tissue. This could be a sign of a hormonal imbalance, when a man’s body produces too much estrogen. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Does Anyone Own the Moon?

Even if you never thought to ask who owns the Moon, you can’t deny it’s an interesting question. Not counting international waters, there aren’t many places on Earth that don’t belong to somebody. It just makes sense that someone would own the Moon too, right? So, who’s the rightful owner of the lunar landscape? It turns out people have been claiming the Moon long before anyone set foot on it. One such claim dates all the way back to 1756, when a man by the name of Aul Juergens received our Moon as a gift from the Prussian King, Frederick the Great. But are there any more recent claims to Lunar domination? Other videos you might like:
What If the Moon Disappeared Right Now?
A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered
17 Unbelievable Facts That Will Thrill You TIMESTAMPS:
The man who received the Moon as a gift 0:35
What the Outer Space Treaty bans 2:12
How does one actually go about claiming the Moon? 3:45
Lunar tax 4:10
Celebrities who purchased Lunar land 5:31
Can governments claim land in space? 6:01 #moon #outerspace #brightside SUMMARY:
– Plenty of other people have made claims over the years, but the most prolific, by far, is an American businessman by the name of Dennis Hope.
– In 1967, the US, UK and the Soviet Union signed a treaty establishing rules on how outer space was to be used. – This treaty bans the use of certain nuclear activities in space and prohibits countries from establishing military bases on the Moon, or any other place in the Solar System.
– Effectively, the treaty turned space into the equivalent of international waters, a place anyone is allowed to go, but no country can claim.
– Hope took note of how the text of the treaty uses terms like “nations” and “states,” but never explicitly mentions individuals and corporations.
– The point is that for as little as twenty dollars plus shipping, handling and what Hope calls “lunar tax,” you too can have your very own chunk of the Moon. – Some of Hope’s customers clearly have deep pockets and are said to include the former presidents Jimmy Carter, Ronald Regan and George Bush senior. Also among his customers are celebrities such as Barbara Walters, Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and Nicole Kidman.
– When China announced its intentions to one day establish a colony of their own on the Lunar surface, Dennis Hope was none too happy.
– Governments cannot, under any circumstances, claim land in space.
– Something only belongs to you when the laws of the country you live in define it as yours.
– What that means for Dennis Hope and his customers, is that the only way their claims could ever be considered valid was if his Galactic Government was recognized as its own nation. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Fly for 1 Year Non-Stop

What if a millionaire offers to pay for all your traveling aspirations? Only one condition: first, you have to fly continuously for a year, non-stop. Clouds after clouds after clouds. Would you say yes? If you accepted, what would it be like? Jet lag would probably the first thing that comes to mind since this is the most familiar side effect after a long flight. If 6-8 hours make your head feel the weight of the world, then can you imagine what 365 days up in the air would do? Well, honestly, this is the very least of your worries, considering everything else flying does to your body. Other videos you might like:
What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week?
What If You Didn't Blink for 29 Days
What If You Stayed in the Swimming Pool for 2 Weeks? TIMESTAMPS:
Difficulty hearing 1:08
Stomach ache 1:43
Low blood oxygen level 3:05
Your eyes, lips, and mouth might get dry 4:04
Your taste buds might go numb 4:54
The spreading of viruses 😱 5:56
UVA rays 6:29 #airtravel #planes #brightside SUMMARY:
– Even if you’re not on an airplane, but maybe visiting some place with a high altitude, you can experience an uncomfortable feeling in your ear, and even have difficulty hearing. – The lack of movement that’s being observed by your eyes will directly conflict with what your inner ear is experiencing, sending mixed signals to your brain. This contradiction will be the reason for your stomach ache.
– The pressure is still the one to blame for this one. As you go higher in the air, the gas inside you expands, causing the unexpected ache that you’re feeling. It’ll help you a lot if you don’t try to hold the gas inside you though since that only makes you feel worse and more bloated. – Airplanes were designed to be able to handle the pressure. But due to being above the horizon, your blood will absorb less oxygen than usual. – They’re actually doing it for your own good! It’s been suggested that a healthy environment would have about 50 to 60 percent water vapor present in the air. Sadly, inside an airplane cabin, it can dip as low as 10 percent, which makes it drier than the desert. – The dryness of the air up there will not only affect your hydration, but also mess with your sense of smell. And guess what: being able to smell food is essential for your brain to also recognize how it tastes.
– The Journal of Environmental Health Research also concluded that the risk of catching colds is a hundred times higher when you’re on an airplane.
– Some studies have shown that spending 56 minutes at such an altitude is equal to spending 20 minutes tanning. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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How Braces Work (And Why So Slow)

Who doesn’t want a nice brilliant smile? Getting braces can fix bigger problems that could affect you later in life too, like jaw alignment. In short, what braces do is apply pressure to the teeth to encourage them to move into the correct position inside the mouth. Each tooth has a name, and charts of the correct position of each tooth are found all over the dentist’s and orthodontist’s office. Most of us have a slight or significant underbite or overbite. This is due to jaw misalignment, and braces will fix that! But how does all that metal in your mouth really work? And why might someone need braces? Other videos you might like:
Do You Really Need to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled?
10 Natural Ways to Whiten Teeth at Home
10 Natural Ways to Remove Tartar Buildup TIMESTAMPS:
Who orthodontist is 0:45
Why might someone need braces? 1:39
What does an expander do? 2:01
What braces are made up of 3:36
How does all this stuff straighten your teeth? 5:29
Braces make your teeth stronger! 6:57
What does happen when your braces come off? 7:26 #braces #healthyteeth #brightside SUMMARY:
– Most orthodontic patients are in their early teens, but nowadays it’s not uncommon for adults to get braces too. – If crooked teeth run in your family, you might have crooked teeth too. If you sucked your thumb or pacifier a lot as a baby, this can affect how your baby teeth grow in.
– An expander will stretch the bone and cartilage of the hard palate before it stops growing. It prevents teeth from crowding, and preps the mouth to have room for your braces. – Most people will feel the pressure on the back molars and will feel some discomfort in their teeth, perhaps behind their nose and eyes, or in their temples. But this tenderness will go away eventually.
– Braces may look simple, but they’re actually made up of a few different parts that all work together: bonding material, the bracket, arch wire, ligature elastics, spacers, and orthodontic bands.
– That wire that connects your brackets plays a key role in moving your teeth; wire doesn’t generally like to bend, but heat from your mouth makes the wire more flexible.
– Your teeth are bones, and you’re only seeing the tips of them – the rest of them are anchored in your gums, which are soft to allow movement.
– Besides a straight smile and proper jaw alignment, braces have another benefit. They make your teeth stronger! – Alrighty, it’s now two years later, so what does happen when your braces come off? Your orthodontist will remove any extra bands, the wire, and ligature elastics. – Your orthodontist will probably have you brush your teeth well right there in the office, so that he or she can then try to remove any remaining bonding agent from your teeth. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Smartphones Overheat and How to Stop It

The last decades were a wondrous time. We went from “brick” cell phones that barely fit into our pockets, to tiny devices everyone was always losing in their bags and purses. And then… back to giant cell phones eventually, but with several huge differences. They’re smart now. But with great power come inevitable problems. That comfort is fragile enough to be ruined in mere seconds, simply by the overheating of a smartphone. So you should be careful enough with your choice of device. If your phone overheats regularly, this video is what you’ve been looking for. Other videos you might like:
15 Mistakes That Shorten the Life of Your Phone
7 Brilliant Things You Can Do With Your Smartphone
How to Tell If Your Smartphone Is Fake Or Real TIMESTAMPS:
The most common cause of heating up 1:52
Why you should never leave your phone plugged in excessively 3:10
Can Wi-Fi make a processor hot? 3:44
Remove the case! 4:19
Сan a battery explode from overheating? 💥 5:02
How to avoid overheating 6:00 #smartphone #phonebattery #brightside SUMMARY:
– In relatively hot weather, and even with some air conditioning, your phone can heat up to 110 degrees F with no issue at all. – To get all the information about the precise temperature from your phone, of course, there’s an app for that.
– Overheating is generally triggered by electricity that’s running through your smartphone when it processes something.
– The most common cause of pocket devices heating up is when they run games. – It’s not only processors that heat your device up. A battery does too, since it’s the one and only source of electricity in a smartphone.
– You may also want to keep in mind that closed apps aren’t always fully closed, and may continue to work in the background, overloading the processor with tasks and rapidly sucking the battery dry.
– External heat is another big problem. But the only thing you can do about that is to avoid direct sunlight on your phone and remove the case. – Just like overheating may be caused by the excessive use of both a processor and a battery, it can also be dangerous for both of them.
– The only way a battery can explode from overheating is from a heating loop.
– To avoid overheating, you need to take care of your phone. It helps to use silicon-based phone cases. – Use only high-quality cables to charge your phone, and don’t charge over the max. An extra 15 minutes of work won’t make up for the loss if your phone starts to overheat. – Try lowering the brightness of your phone’s screen. It’ll not only prevent overheating, but will also be a good way to preserve your battery’s life.
– If you can open up the backside of your phone, you can clean out the dust that typically collects there. On a scale this small, all dust will work like feathers in a puffy jacket – locking all the heat inside and preventing the phone from cooling down. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Trains Are So Expensive (Sometimes More Than Flights)

Have you noticed, when shopping for travel tickets, you occasionally come across prices that defy logic? All the time! For instance, you can get to your destination in 1 hour by plane or take a train for 7 hours and pay way more money! How are these fares fair? And how would you fair with these fares? And how do these passenger rail companies stay in business if air travel is faster and cheaper?! Well, trains do have their perks. The obvious benefits are catching it right in the city versus having to fight traffic all the way to the airport. You can also take as many liquids with you as you want, and there’s no stress at all if you’re afraid of flying! But the real explanations behind why train tickets cost so much have less to do with comfort and emotions and more about practicality… Other videos you might like:
A Train Lost in a Tunnel in Italy, No One Can Find It
What If You Dig a Tunnel Under the Ocean?
14 Roads You Would Never Want to Drive On TIMESTAMPS:
No roads in the sky 1:11
The largest expense 3:05
How much do passenger train companies actually make? 💰 4:24
Why things are easier for railroads in Europe 6:07
❗️ The most expensive rides in the world:
– The Maharajas Express Luxury Train, India 6:49
– The Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express, Russia 7:28
– Royal Scotsman, the UK 8:08 #trains #railroads #brightside SUMMARY:
– When you travel by plane, it takes off at a certain airport and lands at another. The journey itself, no matter how long it is, happens up in the air, which needs no physical maintenance.
– Trains, however, run on tracks. And to be able to move on those at high speeds, or even move on them at all, the tracks need to be in good condition.
– From time to time, sections of tracks and ballast need to be renewed. While most of this work is now done by specialized machines, the materials and those machines don’t come cheap! – Expanding the route network and building new tracks is extremely expensive as well – just 1 mile costs over a million bucks!
– Just 1 locomotive traveling from DC to New York will run you about $6.5 million if you’re interested in buying! – The largest expense, however, is not the tracks or the trains – it’s the people servicing them. – Like any company, and in this case a huge one, Amtrak needs to pay someone to run the business. So, 3% of the ticket price is used to cover administrative costs. – Even though everyone knows their name, Amtrak still has to advertise good deals and new rides. That’s another 2% of the cost. – There are also settlement fees the company has to bear. Yes, trains are an incredibly safe kind of transportation. But accidents still happen, and around 1% of that ticket cost would go to those who get affected by them. – In the end, you can see that the profit for the company is roughly 35% of the average price for this ride.
– Things are easier for railroads in Europe because they have smaller territories to cover and connect with tracks, and much more passengers and trains traveling on those lines.
– The Maharajas Express luxury train travels across Northwest and Central India and goes through most of the major tourist spots of the country. It consists of 23 cars and is basically a temporary palace for 88 guests. – The Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express fit for Russian tsars starts in Moscow and goes all the way across the world’s largest country to the eastern city of Vladivostok in 15 days and 14 nights. – Unless you’re friends with the royal family and get personal invites to their festive receptions, you'll definitely be amazed by a ride with the Royal Scotsman.
– The shortest possible tour lasts 3 days, and costs start at around $3,000 per passenger. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Trains Are So Expensive (Sometimes More Than Flights) Videos

How to Survive a Day Without Money

It seems impossible to survive even one day without money in the modern world. And yet, if you do find yourself in this situation, don’t panic. You don’t have to starve or use credit. Just follow the instruction! Of course, there are things you can’t do without, and if your fridge and your pockets are empty, what can you do? Don't try to get a free ride on public transport. If you get caught, you’ll be fined and will have to pay money you didn’t have in the first place. But you can ride a bicycle! Clothes, as well as furniture, home appliances, and pretty much anything else can be found on social media or in special apps – both free and on barter terms. As for food, you can always become a “freegan”! Of course, if you’re not daunted by the extreme. Other videos you might like:
How to Earn Money on YouTube: 6 Tips for Beginners
A Simple Japanese Money Trick to Become 35% Richer
14 Facts About Money You Should Know by Age 30 TIMESTAMPS:
Food 0:30
Who are the freegans? 3:52
What about transport? 5:37
What to wear? 6:09
Entertainments 6:27
How to live on $37 a week 6:53 #nomoney #freegan #brightside SUMMARY:
– If there’re no friends or relatives around, and you start feeling hungry, look for Foodsharing groups in social media. Foodsharing is an ecological movement that was started in Germany in response to food waste.
– In a lot of coffeehouses, you can get a free coffee that was paid for by a previous customer. Just ask the barista if they practice it. – Go to a food market, where local farmers or small private restaurants are presented. They usually give out free samples, which can fill you up if you go through the whole market! – You can make a post on your social media, in special groups or apps devoted to bartering. You’re lucky if you can draw or do handy work, or anything useful. – Go to a restaurant and offer your services in return for lunch or dinner. You can wash dishes, clean the kitchen, or bus tables.
– The term “freegan” was offered in 1995 by Keith McHenry, a leader of a volunteer-run group that spreads food among homeless people. Freegans believe that humans treat nature only as consumers, making goods out of resources, and then wasting tons of them because it’s easier to throw them away than to recycle. – World-wise freegans know dumpsters – both private, and those near restaurants and supermarkets where one can find a lot of food waste. – If it’s warm enough, you can ride a bicycle – this way you’ll help the environment too. Hitchhiking is another way of getting somewhere, but it’s not necessarily safe, and be ready to change several cars before you get to your destination.
– Clothes, as well as furniture, home appliances, and pretty much anything else can be found on social media or in special apps – both free and on barter terms. – Look for free books and movies in libraries. Cinemas have free shows, and museums have Doors Open Days – you just have to subscribe to their pages in social media and monitor updates, or find special offers in apps with coupons. – When journalist Michelle McGagh, from London, moved to a new house, she made up her mind to sell or give away everything she didn't need anymore. As a result she got rid of 80% of her belongings.
– She took it a step further and spent a year without useless purchases. She had about $37 a week, which covered three meals for herself and her husband a day, toiletries, and house cleaning products. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More How to Survive a Day Without Money Videos