Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why Cruise Ships Are White

When you hear the word “ship”, what color will it be in your imagination? Probably white. We’re used to seeing big white cruise ships. Is this color necessary or just fancy? Cars come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Yellow, green, purple, red – you name it. There are absolutely no problems with color choice, giving you the option to paint your car any color you like. Then why do ships still all look the same? It turns out there are a lot of reasons for it, but not all of them are true. Some people say it’s because the white color is better for detection, both visual and on the radar too. They assume the white color reflects the radio signal much better than any other color. Which theories are true and which aren’t? Other videos you might like:
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Scientists Have Found The Titanic Will Disappear Soon TIMESTAMPS:
Aren’t they all white?! 1:33
Why white has no impact on detection in the sea 3:19
Why ships are red below the waterline 4:13
What about black? 4:44
The main reason why ships are white-colored 6:25 #ships #cruiseship #brightside Preview photo credit: Luxure cruise liner OCEAN PRINCESS in port on July 06, 2012 in Klaipeda, Lithuania: By Vytautas Kielaitis/,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Most small boats are whatever colors their owners want them to be. So one thing we already know here is that the white color isn’t some kind of rule from a mariner’s book or something. Big cruise ships are often navy-blue or even red in color. – If you’ve ever been in high seas that are also coincidentally called blue waters, you know that sometimes all you can see around you is blue. – The white color could possibly be helpful here to spot a decently sized ship, but clouds and reflections of light in the waves are also white. – Metal hulls are extremely good at reflecting radio signals, no matter what color they are. If the hull is made of fiberglass like a lot of yachts’ hulls are, then they’ll have some metal part in them to reflect the radar.
– That means that white has absolutely no impact on any kind of detection in the sea, so we can rule this reason out for good. – If you keep in mind how aggressive saltwater is, any paint could become a concern. For metal ships, it gets even worse because they have to deal with rust.
– Tanker staff learned one trick that helps with that, and it’s definitely not white paint. It’s red paint, obviously. This is why some ships keep their hull red under the waterline.
– The black color absorbs almost all the sunlight it catches; this color has no reflective abilities. Sunlight isn’t only bright, but it also transfers energy in the form of heat. The more light gets absorbed – the more heating power it generates. – Red can reflect more light; up to 40% of it just bounces off and doesn’t produce heat. Grey is slightly better. It can deflect half of all light, so a grey hull will heat up two times slower than a black one.
– The white-colored ships would only absorb 20% of all the sunlight, so it won’t heat up as much. This immensely reduces the stress on air conditioning systems and works wonders for energy efficiency. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Your Laugh Reveals About Your Personality

There are two kinds of people in this world: the ones that LOL and those that ROFL. But laughter experts say that there are many more types. Are you a cackler? Then you're always the center of everyone’s attention. And you don’t only attract attention but also success. They’re bold and self-confident! Or maybe you're a guffawer? So what does that say about you? You're are extroverted and sociable. One such person in a group of friends is enough to keep any party or conversation lively. By the way, some people start off laughing almost discretely and then burst out into a guffaw – that’s called a “carry-on” laugh, and it’s impossible not to join in! Other videos you might like:
What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You
7 Curious Facts Your Appearance Says About You
Your Sleeping Position Says All the Truth About You TIMESTAMPS:
The Giggle 0:24
The Snort 0:52
The Guffaw 1:29
The Cackle 2:15
Craughing 2:47
The Wheeze 3:16
The Snicker 3:47
The Silent Laugh 4:09
Mirthless Laughter 4:39
😆 What experts in laughter have found out 😆 5:28 #laugh #personalitytest #brightside SUMMARY:
– But if a person has a habit of stopping themselves from LOL-ing, it could be a sign that they’re suppressing something else besides laughter, like nervousness.
– Snorting is another way of suppressing laughter, but this time the air that would power that laugh ends up in your nose! Snorters tend to be shy and introverted. They care about others and are afraid that their laughter might disturb someone. – Have you ever seen someone laugh so hard that tears started streaming down their cheeks? Such people have bright personalities, and they’re trustworthy. They aren’t afraid to show how they really feel and will never lie to you or let you down. – Wheezers have a great sense of humor, but they prefer to hide it to seem more serious and professional. It must be their shy and timid side driving wheezers into this sort of behavior. – Snickerers are easy-going, smart, and witty. They have a ton of friends and make new ones in a matter of minutes. – When something especially comical happens, even the most serious and humble people can’t help but laugh. Except, they do it in their own peculiar way: it’s their eyes that are laughing. This is a clear sign they don’t want any attention since they’re introverts and like to keep their feelings to themselves. – If you spot someone laughing with their mouth wide open but with perfectly serious eyes – that's a mirthless or fake laugh. Just be careful with a person who fakes laughter – you never know what else they could be faking… – Laughter can indicate joy, confidence, relief, love, loathing, and even discomfort and fear! – In fact, laughter rarely has anything to do with humor and jokes.
– There’s more to laughter than just bonding – it also has a ton of health benefits. It helps lower blood pressure, reduces stress hormone levels, releases endorphins, and keeps your heart strong and healthy.
– Humans aren't the only ones that laugh. Gorillas have mastered sign language and can go “ho ho” at visitors they like.
– Your brain can also automatically tell the difference between fake and real laughter. It has a special area responsible for understanding others’ emotions. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Would You Survive If You Fell into a Volcano?

Volcanos are essentially hollow mountains filled with toxic gas and hot molten rock. They’re just as rocky and shelfy on the inside as they are on the outside. Temperatures inside a volcano can top 2,000°F. That means pretty much anything but titanium or platinum, which won’t melt until they hit a toasty 3,000°F, will drip-drip-drip into nothing. But humans can survive falling into a volcano! A Maasai porter fell into a Tanzania volcano back in 2007 and lived to tell the tale. Of course, he didn’t come out untouched by the hot molten rock, but he survived! It seemed like a miracle, but – with a little help from our old friend Adrenaline – the man managed to climb out! Other videos you might like:
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All 4 Engines Failed Over a Volcano, See What Happened Next
8 Places You Should Never Swim In (Even If You Want To) TIMESTAMPS:
What adrenaline does to your body 0:37
A volcano's temperature 1:37
Why we flail our arms when we fall 2:45
What magma actually is 4:44
Is it possible to survive there? 5:48 #survivaltips #volcanoes #brightside SUMMARY:
– Adrenal glands release when your brain’s alarm system senses danger. It triggers your body’s “fight or flight response.” – You’ll immediately feel your heart speed up, making you quicker. Sugars in your blood break down, and your breathing gets faster. – We instantly flail our arms when we fall because it helped our primate ancestors. At least, according to Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. – Generations later, the instinct to flail your arms persists, and good news! It just might save you when you fall into that volcano! The more you move your arms, the more likely you are to grasp hold of a ledge. – Magma is simply a fancy word for liquid rock. But don’t let the word “liquid” fool you – this stuff is thick! No, you won’t bounce off it like a trampoline, but you won’t sink into it either.
– In May of 2019, a 32-year-old soldier hopped over the guardrail of Kilauea, an active shield volcano in Hawaii. – Lucky, too, that the man was physically fit. He was a soldier, after all! Not necessarily a smart one. The man managed to land on a narrow ledge.
– It took more than 2 hours, but a daring crew rappelled into the crater and rescued the rail-hopper. They hauled him out safely, and a helicopter flew him to the hospital. – All this should give you hope, but it should also teach you one valuable lesson: when it comes to guardrails, they put those there for a reason, so stay on the right side! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Guy Survived a Plane Crash and 3 Months in the Wild

It’s the coldest time of the Year. The date is December 21st, 1943 and 5 people are on-board a b-24 Bomber. The aircraft is nicknamed Iceberg Inez. It was on a mission to test an experimental system on the plane’s four propellers when it accidentally stalled and took a downward dive as if it were a roller coaster. Both the pilot and the co-pilot tried to take control, but a crash was seemingly inevitable. All their flight instruments were blinking out. Then, a pistol-like bang was heard from the tail of the plane and a few cracking sounds followed. This wasn’t a good sign… Other videos you might like:
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Empty Tank at 41,000 Feet, So Pilots Did This
What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a Plane Engine TIMESTAMPS:
Last minutes of the Iceberg Inez 0:22
Why the pilot had to burn a letter from his dad 2:17
What if nobody shows up? 3:04
Happy moment 5:45
The first real person in 81 days! 9:13 #survivalstories #truestories #brightside SUMMARY:
– The pilot of the plane was 28-year-old Harold Hoskin and co-pilot 23-year-old Leon Crane. They were flying over the Tanana River in Alaska – close to the Arctic Circle.
– Leon grabbed his parachute, and before he even realized it, he was in free fall. He deployed his parachute and watched the Iceberg Inez taking a spin before it hit a mountain.
– Leon landed on the fresh snow near the bed of the Tanana River. He was approximately 2 miles away from the crash. – When he touched down, he repeatedly shouted out in an attempt to locate his fellow crew members, but he had no luck. – The temperature dropped to -60F and Leon had no choice but to get up and gather some driftwood to start a fire.
– Out of panic, Leon concluded that the best way to make it out alive was to leave the area and head downstream with the river. After all, the water surely had to drain into something.
– Before he left, he shouted one last time to see if there was any sign of his buddies, but still nothing. – His stomach was constantly growling. In such freezing conditions, he had to consume more than 5,000 calories to sustain his weight. He even tried hunting, but that wasn’t in his field of expertise. – The cozy cabin he’d been dreaming of appeared in the distance, half-covered in snow. It was the happiest moment Leon had had in days. – There was nobody there. Inside, he saw a bed in the corner and a table in the center. On the table, he found burlap sacks filled with goodies. He took his knife out and started opening everything. – As he was walking, he got lost. He walked for many hours, desperate to find the cozy home. The landscape was unfamiliar, and since he’d been walking on ice, he couldn’t find his footprints to head back.
– Days passed as he continued trudging through the wild. On March 10th, he stumbled across a trail and followed it. It led him to a river, and on the opposite side of the icy waters he spotted another cabin. But this one wasn’t empty.
– There was a man in the cabin who took Leon in. It was the first time he’d come across a real person in 81 days.
– A mail aircraft picked him up from that location, and took him to Ladd Field. – He met a nurse there that he fell in love with. They got married, and had 6 children together. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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How Astronauts Make Oxygen in Space from Their Bodies

Sending 1 lb of cargo into space costs about $10,000! So how do space agencies afford to send supplies like oxygen, water, and food to their astronauts? Before they found a more efficient solution, they’d pack all the water into space with them in their rockets. The water took up a lot of room that could’ve otherwise been used for other supplies. That, and the added weight wasted fuel. So short answer: nope, it doesn’t go with the crew from the get-go. That means they deliver it, right? That’d be too risky…and expensive! There’s no 100% guarantee that something bad won’t happen to the cargo ship at launch or on the way to the International Space Station. If the cargo doesn’t get to the station, then the next delivery will have to wait a very long time. That’s not an option since it’s dangerous for the astronauts. Ok, so let’s break it down item by item. Other videos you might like:
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What Would a Journey to the Black Hole Be Like? TIMESTAMPS:
Water 1:30
How the Water Treatment System works 2:20
Oxygen 3:15
Food 4:30
What do they do with their trash? 6:05
Where does space debris come from? 6:47
From the ISS to Mars! 7:38
Waste recycling 8:07 #ISS #astronauts #brightside SUMMARY:
– The primary source of water for the crew is… the astronauts themselves! Whether it’s drops of sweat, condensation from breathing, or going to the toilet, all this water gets processed through complex filtering systems. – Thanks to this complex system, it’s possible to produce a little over 4 lb of oxygen per day. That’s only enough for 2 people. The ISS crew usually consists of 6. To make up the difference, oxygen is delivered from Earth. – What about the food? Here, the ISS is entirely dependent on supplies delivered from Earth. All those freeze-dried packets of astronaut food go along with the crew when they head to the station, or separate cargo is sent.
– According to NASA, astronauts dine on fruits, nuts, chicken, beef, seafood, candy, and even brownies! They also have coffee, tea, juices, and lemonade. – In 2015, members of the 44th ISS crew ate lettuce that was fully grown on board! The seeds had been sent from Earth.
– Just like you and me, astronauts have garbage too. You’d think they could just chuck it out into the endless void of space, but that would be littering! Whenever they get a delivery, the cargo ship is docked to the station. – Just like you and me, astronauts have garbage too. Whenever they get a delivery, the cargo ship is docked to the station. The astronauts get what they need from it, and then they load this ship with their trash. – The cool thing about the International Space Station becoming more and more self-sufficient is that it’s almost like a trial for larger missions in the future. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Your Choice Will Reveal the Truth About You

Personality traits aren’t constantly stable, they can change. But despite this, even minor things can reveal what kind of person you are. For example, your walk can indicate your level of vulnerability while the way you hang toilet paper can say a lot about your assertiveness. And your choice can also clarify a lot about your personality. Thet's why there are tons of psychological tests that help reveal the previously hidden sides of your personality. Wanna try? Then look at the pictures attentively, and remember your answers! Later, they’ll help you to learn something unexpected about yourself! Other videos you might like:
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What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You
Scientists Reveal 13 Signs of Exceptional Intelligence TIMESTAMPS:
Which Girl? 0:28
Which Letter? 1:00 Your results: – Girl #1 1:22
– Girl #2 1:54
– Girl #3 2:34
– Girl #4 3:16
– Girl #5 3:54 – Letter "A" 4:45
– Letter "O" 5:05
– Letter "R" 5:24
– Letter "S" 5:50
– Letter "T" 6:18
– Letter "E" 6:52 #personalitytest #revealthetruth #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you chose Girl #1, you're most likely a confident and calm person. Obstacles and new challenges don't scare you, and you're always ready to deal with difficulties while keeping your head cool. – If Girl #2 seemed the most beautiful to you, you're a sociable person, fast to establish contact with others. Although you can occasionally be naive, you know for sure how to reach your goals. – If you preferred Girl #3, you're a bit shy and modest. You don't usually make instant connections with other people, and to make friends with someone, you need time. – If you picked Girl #4, you're a very composed person. It's extremely hard to confuse or embarrass you. You prefer to listen to your mind rather than to your heart. – And finally, if your choice was Girl #5, you're a persistent and independent person. You're ready to change yourself if needed, and, therefore, you're good at achieving your goals.
– If the first letter you spotted from the very beginning was "A," you're a straightforward and loyal person. You try to inspire other people with your own example.
– If you saw the letter "O" first, you're a natural-born problem solver. You always have several effective solutions at the ready, and this trait of yours has earned you admiration and respect from the people who surround you
– If it was the letter "R" that caught your eye first, you're a highly observant person. On top of that, you're a bit of a perfectionist, which makes you pay attention to the smallest of details.
– Noticing the letter "S" first means that you're a highly intelligent, calm person who doesn't like heated arguments or, even worse, conflicts. And if such a situation comes about, you prefer to give in or move on, rather than get involved in a confrontation.
– If the first letter you saw was "T," you were born to be a leader. Discipline plays an important role in your life because you associate it with control. – And finally, spotting the letter "E" first indicates that you're a very artistic and creative person. Your imagination is so rich that people often find it hard to keep track of your ideas. At the same time, you're great at expressing yourself through different forms of art. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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I Tried the Baby Shark Ab Workout for a Month, And It Worked Miracles!

What do the Baby Shark song and your 6-pack have in common? Both are about to enter your life and stay for good after you watch this video! Ab Challenge combines fitness and a catchy children’s tune about a baby shark and its family. Everyone from young gymnasts to professional hockey players started training their abs in sync with the earworm. No, seriously, once you hear it, the song doesn’t leave your head! But does it really work, or are all these people just having a good time? The moves look pretty easy, and the people doing it don't look like they’re putting much effort into the workout. Other videos you might like:
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10 At-Home Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat In a Month
I Did Just 50 Burpees a Day, Here's What Happened in a Month TIMESTAMPS:
The good old scissors exercise 1:29
Alternating leg raises 2:20
V-ups 2:55
Alternating knee tucks 3:19
Lift your knees towards your chest 3:44
Return the very first position 4:08
Mountain climbers 4:30
Switch back over to the V position 4:57
The last exercise 5:25
🔥 My workout experience🔥 5:45 #abs #BabySharkChallenge #brightside SUMMARY:
– You start off by lying on your back. Stretch your arms out in front of you, and start doing the workout to the first words of the verse. – Spread your legs apart, then bring them back close together. Don't go too fast, control each move to keep your legs stable in the air. – The next move is alternating leg raises. Keep your abs pulled tight, arms and legs lifted up, and your lower back planted firmly on the ground. Then, one leg goes up toward the ceiling, and the other lowers to the floor.
– Stay in that half-seated position. This time, you’re going to lift both legs up toward the ceiling and do V-ups.
– The next exercise is alternating knee tucks. You bend one leg and bring your knee toward your chest. – Once the 5th verse kicks in about Grandpa Shark, you’ll start lifting both knees toward your chest. Control your breathing. – Now the whole family is going to go hunting in the 6th verse. At this point, you’ll just return to the very first position. From there, kick your legs up and down, kinda like you’re splashing in water. – The 7th verse will start before you know it, and it’s time for mountain climbers as you run away from the shark family.
– Then you have to switch back over to the V position. Your abs will be on fire at this point.
– In the 9th verse, the song will tell you “it’s the end” and that means you have one exercise left! It’ll be as if you’re doing a backstroke in the pool. Only, you have to do it with jazz hands.
– If your muscles get sore (and they will!), don’t give up! It’s actually a good sign, as long as it’s not too painful. If you feel soreness 24 to 48 hours after working out, it means the muscles are changing and becoming stronger.
– However, if the pain won't go away for too long and doesn't get any easier, you might wanna get that checked out. And if you feel any sharp pain in your joints during or after the workout, that's a red flag too. A 6-pack is great and all, but it's not worth risking your health, right?
– The whole secret behind this workout is that you're doing it without a single break. Your arms and legs are always in the air, so you’re under constant tension. – So, no matter how funny it sounds and looks, this is a serious core workout that can transform your body. If you’re consistent about it and do even one set every day, you'll get visible results by the end of the month. Music: Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More I Tried the Baby Shark Ab Workout for a Month, And It Worked Miracles! Videos

If an Asteroid Falls in the Ocean, Will a Tsunami Happen?

What’s the worst thing you could ever imagine happening? A massive wildfire? Maybe a huge flood? How about a gigantic asteroid hitting the Earth’s Ocean? Do you ever wonder what would happen to the Earth if it got hit by an asteroid in the middle of the Ocean? Asteroids hit the Earth and the Ocean all the time, but the amount of damage they cause is so insignificant, it usually goes unnoticed. This is because they’re tiny in scale, and they get slowed down by the earth’s atmosphere. However, the bigger they get, the larger their threat. Every 2,000 years, a huge space rock about as big as a football field hits the Earth, and it can cause an enormous amount of damage… Other videos you might like:
What If Dinosaurs Were Still Alive Today?
That's What'll Happen to the Earth In 1,000,000,000 Years
What If the Moon Disappeared Right Now? TIMESTAMPS:
How often asteroids hit the Earth 1:20
Which kind of asteroid can cause damage… 1:56
or become a threat to the Earth’s civilization? 2:17
What if an asteroid hit the Earth 3:01
What would happen if it hit the Ocean? 5:16
The physics of a tsunami 6:45
The Eltanin Impact 8:39 #asteroid #meteor #brightside Preview photo credit: NASA/Don Davis, Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Asteroids hit the Earth and the Ocean all the time, but the amount of damage they cause is so insignificant, it usually goes unnoticed.
– Asteroids have rocky bodies, and most of the time, they’re small in size. They’re usually inactive, and just hang around, orbiting the Sun.
– Hundreds of tons of dust and small particles hit the Earth every day. Since they’re so tiny, we don’t really notice them.
– Approximately once a year, a car-sized asteroid hits the Earth’s atmosphere. It turns into a huge fireball and burns up completely before it touches the planet’s surface. – Any asteroid that’s about .5 mile would take a serious toll to the area of impact. – Every a few million years, a ginormous asteroid comes along, and it becomes a threat to the Earth’s civilization. – Around 66 million years ago, an asteroid that was approximately 9.3 miles in diameter hit the Earth. It left the impact crater that we all know today as the Chicxulub impactor. – The collision caused a ginormous tsunami, with waves as tall as 330 feet. – A cloud of blazing ash, dust and steam spread from the crater as the asteroid was tunneling underground. Particles and debris from the impact exited the Earth’s atmosphere. – During this catastrophe, a lot of carbonate rocks were destroyed, which produced a huge amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and created a greenhouse effect. – But what would happen if a smaller asteroid hit the Ocean instead of the Earth? Will it cause a tsunami? Well, the short answer is, no.
– The waves will be local in the area of impact, but a strong Tsunami won’t be formed. The physics of a tsunami are a bit different.
– It’ll cause some damage. To be more specific, the splashes that will form will travel tens of miles away. – It’s undeniable that strong winds and powerful shockwaves will cause damage to the surface of the planet. So, the further away the impact is from populated areas, the better. – What would really happen is that a huge wave would form at the area of impact in the Ocean, but it would break immediately, resulting in very little energy travelling further. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More If an Asteroid Falls in the Ocean, Will a Tsunami Happen? Videos

If an Asteroid Falls in the Ocean, Will It Cause a Tsunami?

What’s the worst thing you could ever imagine happening? A massive wildfire? Maybe a huge flood? How about a gigantic asteroid hitting the Earth’s Ocean? Do you ever wonder what would happen to the Earth if it got hit by an asteroid in the middle of the Ocean? Asteroids hit the Earth and the Ocean all the time, but the amount of damage they cause is so insignificant, it usually goes unnoticed. This is because they’re tiny in scale, and they get slowed down by the earth’s atmosphere. However, the bigger they get, the larger their threat. Every 2,000 years, a huge space rock about as big as a football field hits the Earth, and it can cause an enormous amount of damage… Other videos you might like:
What If Dinosaurs Were Still Alive Today?
That's What'll Happen to the Earth In 1,000,000,000 Years
What If the Moon Disappeared Right Now? TIMESTAMPS:
How often asteroids hit the Earth 1:20
Which kind of asteroid can cause damage… 1:56
or become a threat to the Earth’s civilization? 2:17
What if an asteroid hit the Earth 3:01
What would happen if it hit the Ocean? 5:16
The physics of a tsunami 6:45
The Eltanin Impact 8:39 #asteroid #meteor #brightside Preview photo credit: NASA/Don Davis, Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Asteroids hit the Earth and the Ocean all the time, but the amount of damage they cause is so insignificant, it usually goes unnoticed.
– Asteroids have rocky bodies, and most of the time, they’re small in size. They’re usually inactive, and just hang around, orbiting the Sun.
– Hundreds of tons of dust and small particles hit the Earth every day. Since they’re so tiny, we don’t really notice them.
– Approximately once a year, a car-sized asteroid hits the Earth’s atmosphere. It turns into a huge fireball and burns up completely before it touches the planet’s surface. – Any asteroid that’s about .5 mile would take a serious toll to the area of impact. – Every a few million years, a ginormous asteroid comes along, and it becomes a threat to the Earth’s civilization. – Around 66 million years ago, an asteroid that was approximately 9.3 miles in diameter hit the Earth. It left the impact crater that we all know today as the Chicxulub impactor. – The collision caused a ginormous tsunami, with waves as tall as 330 feet. – A cloud of blazing ash, dust and steam spread from the crater as the asteroid was tunneling underground. Particles and debris from the impact exited the Earth’s atmosphere. – During this catastrophe, a lot of carbonate rocks were destroyed, which produced a huge amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and created a greenhouse effect. – But what would happen if a smaller asteroid hit the Ocean instead of the Earth? Will it cause a tsunami? Well, the short answer is, no.
– The waves will be local in the area of impact, but a strong Tsunami won’t be formed. The physics of a tsunami are a bit different.
– It’ll cause some damage. To be more specific, the splashes that will form will travel tens of miles away. – It’s undeniable that strong winds and powerful shockwaves will cause damage to the surface of the planet. So, the further away the impact is from populated areas, the better. – What would really happen is that a huge wave would form at the area of impact in the Ocean, but it would break immediately, resulting in very little energy travelling further. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More If an Asteroid Falls in the Ocean, Will It Cause a Tsunami? Videos