Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why Planes Shouldn’t Have Free Wi-Fi

It seems like there are Wi-Fi hotspots literally everywhere these days. You can connect to the net at restaurants, banks, office buildings and, in many places, public transportation. But what about airplanes? A few years ago, boarding a commercial airliner meant cutting yourself off from the rest of the world – communications wise. Now, more and more airlines offer inflight Wi-Fi. You might be thrilled, but it turns out there are people who beg to differ. So, what’s up? Is inflight Wi-Fi a bad thing? And how do planes get the Internet from 35,000 feet above the ground? Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe
A Plane Lost Both Engines So Pilots Had No Other Choice TIMESTAMPS:
Satellite-based systems 0:41
Ground-based systems 1:14
So what about safety? 3:02
How to keep yourself busy during your flight:
– Play a game 4:37
– Edit content for your social media 5:33
– Organize your laptop 6:05
– Listen to a podcast 6:27
– Write a journal 6:51
– Do some last-minute organization 7:22
– Treat yourself to some skincare 7:50 #planes #technologies #brightside SUMMARY:
– About ten years ago, when the first passengers got access to the web, it was exclusively thanks to satellite-based systems.
– The best you could do was check your e-mail that only contained text – it would take longer than the actual flight to load a picture.
– Then came the ground-based systems. They work a lot like your cell phone. – The whole plane basically becomes one huge hotspot, and an on-board router distributes the Wi-Fi signal to the passengers.
– The only problem with this type of connection is that it's only possible over land, because there are obviously no towers in the water. – The US currently has a more developed infrastructure for both satellite and ground-based systems, so the connection you can get flying over the States is stronger and cheaper than in Europe, for example. – Like when using any other shared network, your private or financial data could be compromised by cyber criminals. – The equipment itself is expensive; the antenna catching the signal increases drag, causing the plane to need more fuel; and there are also engineering and maintenance costs to keep it all working. – In case you're annoyed with the low speed, refuse to use Wi-Fi on board out of principle, or simply fly the no Wi-Fi airlines, here's a list of ideas to keep yourself busy during your flight
– You can use your off-the-grid time to edit them or create a posting plan using offline apps that let you see what the pictures will look like on your Instagram grid.
– If you're traveling with your laptop, don't miss an opportunity to clean it and organize the files you have on it.
– There are all kinds of podcasts in this world – from how to motivate yourself to be more productive, to what a journey inside a black hole would look like.
– You can also try setting some goals, creating a mind map of the person you want to become, or make a pros-and-cons list if you have some dilemma that's bugging you. – In case you packed in a rush, go through your carry-on and rearrange it in a more organized way.
– You're not allowed to bring liquids or large bottles on board, but you can take a fiber face mask, spa gloves or a de-puffing eye mask with you. They'll make the air travel experience a little less dramatic for your skin. – Finally, there are always the good old read a book, listen to some music, watch a movie, or chat to your neighbor options. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Your Signature Says About You

Graphology is the science of analyzing signatures. Yeah, people actually study this stuff! Your signature and handwriting are completely unique to you! Have you ever wondered what they reveal about your personality? For example, if you can clearly read the first and last name, that means that person is straightforward, sincere, and honest, and they likely have nothing to hide. If you can’t read the signature, that individual may have problems with authority and isn’t very confident in themselves. They may have some secrets, too… Other videos you might like:
10 Questions That'll Reveal Who You Really Are
What You See First Reveals Unexpected Truth About You
What Your Body Parts Say About Your True Character TIMESTAMPS:
Is the signature legible? 0:21
Is it a full signature? 0:45
What is the angle of the signature? 1:08
How big are the letters? 1:34
How does the first and last name compare in size? 2:09
Are the letters curved or straight? 2:36
What is the size of any uppercase letters? 3:08
What is the pressure? 3:44
Are there any extra embellishments or decorations? 4:12
Is the signature uniform and straight? 4:47 👉 Your handwriting is something that can be studied too! 👈 5:13 #personalitytest #handwriting #brightside SUMMARY:
– An incomplete signature indicates a very private but strong and independent person. It’s also a sign of efficiency.
– If someone’s signature is angled upward, this means that they’re a fighter, ambitious, full of life, and has the need to succeed in their career. This person may also be impatient, though. – If the letters within the signature are large, that person is most likely a very confident extrovert…maybe too confident. Small letters indicate an introvert. – Say someone signs their name, and their first name looks bigger than their last name. This means that they’re a very independent and original person and feels that they can and should only be represented by who they are as a person.
– If the letters in your signature are curvy and loopy, you’re probably a laid-back, happy person with a good sense of style. You probably have a lot of friends and a bubbly personality.
– If any uppercase letters are way larger than other letters—like three times as big — that person probably has a big ego and doesn’t like criticism. – If you’re pressing hard on the paper, you may have an authoritarian personality, which could also mean you have a temper. If you put a soft pressure on the paper, this will create a smoother signature, which means that you are calm, adaptable, and pleasant to be around. – Is your signature on a straight line—not at an angle at all? This means that you are completely in control, of your emotions and otherwise. You’re a balanced person, who makes equal time for work and play. – If your regular handwriting slants to the right, you are an open, social person and are ready to take on the world. – If the loops on your Ls are closed, you might be feeling tense or stressed. If the loops on your Ls are open, that means you’re relaxed and spontaneous, and you enjoy being creative and expressing yourself. – If your S’s are hard-edged or pointy, you are a deep, intellectual thinker and like new challenges; this also indicates high ambition. – A big space between words indicates that you like your freedom and independence. A small space between words says that you don’t like to be alone and enjoy the company of others. – If you finish off your t with a long cross, you are determined and enthusiastic, but you might be a bit stubborn.
– Handwriting experts say that if you make the dot higher on the page, you have an active imagination! If your dot is close to your i, you have a determined and focused mind, and you can concentrate well. – Righties also have really good language and speaking skills, and are likely to live longer! – Lefties process information at a pretty fast rate, and are more likely to be geniuses. Lefties also tend to be more creative, self-expressive, and into the arts. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Fell off a Cruise Ship

In August 2018, a UK woman was sailing on the Adriatic Sea. Seems like nothing out of the ordinary, just the perfect summer vacation out on the open water! The Norwegian Star cruise liner was heading to Venice, Italy after departing from Vargarola, Croatia. The woman was on the 7th deck, when, right before midnight, she fell off the back of the ship! It happened about 60 miles off the coast of a city called Pula. Too far away to call for help… As soon as the crew found out about the incident, they launched a major search-and-rescue. They checked onboard CCTV cameras to find out exactly when the fall happened. That way, they could pinpoint the ship’s precise location at that time. The liner also contacted the authorities, and they dispatched a patrol ship, a plane, and 2 rescue boats to look for the woman. Other videos you might like:
A Legendary Woman Who Escaped the Titanic, Britannic, And Olympic
13 Secrets Cruise Ships Are Hiding From You
7 Swimming Rules That Will Save Your Life TIMESTAMPS:
10 hours in the water 0:28
How did she manage to survive? 2:12
How often this kind of thing happens 2:47
What does that play-by-play look like? 3:18
What are the chances of successful rescue? 4:45
What you need to do to survive 7:27 #ships #survivaltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– The search went on all night. The sun came up, and she was still nowhere to be found. But then, at about 9:30 a.m., they saw a figure off in the distance. – When the rescue boat finally got to her, it was clear that the woman was exhausted, cold, and in slight shock.
– They found her about 1 mile from where she’d fallen. The rescue team took her straight to the hospital. – In one of her interviews, she explained that she tried to stay calm and sang throughout the night to keep herself warm. She was also a pretty fit person, so she was able to keep herself afloat.
– The Cruise Lines International Association says that this kind of thing happens only about once for every 1.3 million passengers.
– The emergency crew members are getting together to find where the person fell. They throw life preservers overboard to make sure the individual has a flotation device while they wait for rescue. – If the crew knows about the incident from the get-go and the ship hasn’t covered much distance in that time, then they’ll release the lifeboats at once. – If nobody sees the person fall in and they only notice them missing later on, then the chances of successful rescue are not good – only about 10 to 15%. – If you fall from a considerable height, you risk fracturing bones when hitting the water. – The temperature of the water can be a deciding factor as well. When someone falls into cold waters, they automatically go into a Cold Shock Response.
– When the water’s around 40°F, a person only has 60 minutes before their body just gets too cold. If it’s 50, that time doubles. – Modern cruise ships are the safest they’ve ever been, and they have plenty of ways to keep this from happening in the first place. – Fill your lungs with air and lie on your back with your arms and legs spread out. Move them slowly to stay afloat. This position also helps rescuers spot you more easily.
– Being in the middle of an ocean, you’re prone to sunburn and heatstroke. So, keep your clothes on – they’ll protect you.
– You’ll get thirsty, for sure. But the high concentration of salt in ocean water is toxic to humans. – The rescue team will start looking for you in the spot where you fell. Don’t leave that place! – Easier said than done, but you MUST conserve your energy. Panic does the opposite – it wears you out faster and clouds your thinking. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Taxis Are Often Yellow

What comes to your mind when you see the color yellow? One of your top 5 answers is “Taxi”, right? And even though not all taxis are yellow around the world, this color is strongly associated with the industry. But why is that? The first taxis in the U.S. weren’t yellow. In 1907, businessman Harry Allen bought red and green vehicles in France and transported them to New York. However, he had to face some competition, since a lot of other cab-companies popped up. And their owners painted the vehicles in different colors – black, brown, white, checkered – so that each company had a signature color. Other videos you might like:
Why Airplanes Are White
12 Strange Behaviors That Are Normal in Other Countries
15 Things That Only Happen In South Korea TIMESTAMPS:
A quick visit to the past 0:20
What science says about yellow color 1:16
The most easy-to-spot color for our vision (not yellow!) 2:48
The Viennese Fiaker 3:36
Venetian Water Taxi 3:57
Bicitaxi in Mexico City 4:24
Horse-Drawn Carts on Spetses Island 4:48
Cocotaxi in Cuba 5:07
Tuk-tuk in Thailand 5:35
H2O Taxi in Canada 6:13
Piaggio Ape Taxi in Ischia 6:44
Gotham Air in New York 7:18
Shikara Taxi in India 7:56 #taxi #NYC #brightside Preview photo credit: NEW YORK CITY, USA – AUG. 26: Yellow taxis and police car on street in Manhattan on August 26, 2017 in New York City, NY. Manhattan is the most densely populated borough of New York City: By astudio/,
Taxi row on Park Avenue in New York City: By Natalia Bratslavsky/,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– In 1908, another businessman, Albert Rockwell, opened a taxi company in New York and decided to paint his cabs yellow just because it was his wife's favorite color.
– But it was John Hertz from Chicago who, in 1915, chose this color for his fleet based on science. He wanted his cars to be painted the same color to unify his fleet and to be more attention-grabbing for clients. – In 1967, New York authorities issued restrictions on the color the licensed taxis could be. As you can guess, they chose yellow. – But taxis aren’t only yellow because this color draws attention. It's the optimal color for cabs since it increases their visibility to other drivers on the road, decreasing the chances for accidents.
– New studies have shown that, the most easy-to-spot color for our vision is bright green. “Why are taxis still yellow?”, you’re probably wondering.
– The thing is, using green has one big disadvantage: this color can blend easily with the surrounding trees and grass.
– A Fiaker is a horse-drawn taxi that’s been transporting passengers since 1693, and is still used in the Austrian capital. – With so many canals and so few streets, people in Venice have no other way than to use gondolas and water taxis to get around the city. – Bicitaxi in Mexico City is a three-wheeled bike covered by a bright green plastic frame. There’s only room for a driver and two passengers in the rear seat.
– If you ever plan to visit Spetses Island, there’s one thing you should keep in mind: cars are banned on this Greek island! – Cocotaxi is a tricycle that works with pedals and is surrounded by an opened plastic cover. Some of the cocotaxis are equipped with a tiny motor to help a driver when going uphill. – Extremely popular in Bangkok and other Thai cities, tuk-tuk is for those who don’t want to waste time in traffic jams, and those who are hesitant about using fast motorcycles. – The Victoria harbor in Canada added its own twist to public transport. Why chose a regular taxi if you can commute by water taxi and make your trip an exciting journey?
– In a hurry to get to JFK or Newark Airports from Manhattan island? Then take a helicopter ride! The helicopter service Gotham Air launched in 2015, and allows its clients to save tons of time. – The Shikara taxi is a carved wooden boat that can take you around the lakes in the northern Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir. These boats are made of deodar, a special type of wood that doesn’t rot in water. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Taxis Are Often Yellow Videos

What If You Don’t Give Your Baby a Name

The glorious day has finally come when you can take your new baby home! But you haven’t given the hospital a name for your new bundle of joy yet. How about Barnaby? Or Dumbledore? Or not. Or perhaps you want to understand your baby’s personality better before choosing a name. What’s the worst that could happen? Well, our name is one of the biggest parts of who we are. In some parts of the world, parents don’t choose a name for their baby: children are allowed to choose one for themselves when they’re old enough. Without a name, a child may have an undeveloped sense of self. Not having a name doesn’t just create practical issues; it could create emotional ones too. Other videos you might like:
18 Important Things Babies Are Trying to Tell You
10 Baby Care Skills Every New Parent Should Learn
Here's What Your Baby Will Look Like TIMESTAMPS:
No social security card 0:31
No legal government-issued driver’s license 1:03
They won’t be able to buy a house or car in the future 1:46
No passport 2:15
You’ll get annoying calls from your Department of Health 2:48
Your child won’t be able to vote 3:21
Going to the doctor might be difficult 3:54
Your child needs a name for school 4:33
Getting married might be hard 5:13
Filing taxes will be harder than it already is 5:48
What will you call your child? 6:29
When a name is decided on later, it’s a huge pain 7:01
Insurance situations might be difficult without a name 7:43
Names help children form social ties 8:23 #withoutname #whatif #brightside SUMMARY:
– You might not be thinking about something like a social security card or number right after you give birth, but that card, and the number on it, are basically your baby’s identity for the government (in the U.S.). – Most parents don’t like to think about their child driving, especially at four days old, but it really is a practical “must” for functioning independently in life. – Your child will need a legitimate bank account as an adult to purchase a house and a car! A name and identity verification will need to be associated with their bank account.
– A passport is another official form of identification that you first need a legal name to get. – Most hospitals will want you to name your baby within hours of delivery. There’s paperwork that the parents must fill out, which includes Baby’s new name. – In the U.S., once your kid turns 18, they’re allowed to exercise their right to vote. But they won’t be able to without a legal name!
– The doctor’s office will have you fill out a bunch of paperwork—and they’ll want paperwork from the hospital, which would include Baby’s birth certificate.
– To enroll them in pre-school or kindergarten, you’ll need a birth certificate; this is one of the most frequently requested documents for schools to verify your child’s identity.
– Adding the name to the birth certificate once you’ve left the hospital can be an expensive and lengthy process. – Your baby needs a name in order to add him or her to your current policy, plus other info. – Calling a child by name and seeing whether they respond could help a parent spot potential early social and developmental issues. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If You Don’t Give Your Baby a Name Videos

What If Parents Don’t Give Their Baby a Name

The glorious day has finally come when you can take your new baby home! But you haven’t given the hospital a name for your new bundle of joy yet. How about Barnaby? Or Dumbledore? Or not. Or perhaps you want to understand your baby’s personality better before choosing a name. What’s the worst that could happen? Well, our name is one of the biggest parts of who we are. In some parts of the world, parents don’t choose a name for their baby: children are allowed to choose one for themselves when they’re old enough. Without a name, a child may have an undeveloped sense of self. Not having a name doesn’t just create practical issues; it could create emotional ones too. Other videos you might like:
18 Important Things Babies Are Trying to Tell You
10 Baby Care Skills Every New Parent Should Learn
Here's What Your Baby Will Look Like TIMESTAMPS:
No social security card 0:31
No legal government-issued driver’s license 1:03
They won’t be able to buy a house or car in the future 1:46
No passport 2:15
You’ll get annoying calls from your Department of Health 2:48
Your child won’t be able to vote 3:21
Going to the doctor might be difficult 3:54
Your child needs a name for school 4:33
Getting married might be hard 5:13
Filing taxes will be harder than it already is 5:48
What will you call your child? 6:29
When a name is decided on later, it’s a huge pain 7:01
Insurance situations might be difficult without a name 7:43
Names help children form social ties 8:23 #withoutname #whatif #brightside SUMMARY:
– You might not be thinking about something like a social security card or number right after you give birth, but that card, and the number on it, are basically your baby’s identity for the government (in the U.S.). – Most parents don’t like to think about their child driving, especially at four days old, but it really is a practical “must” for functioning independently in life. – Your child will need a legitimate bank account as an adult to purchase a house and a car! A name and identity verification will need to be associated with their bank account.
– A passport is another official form of identification that you first need a legal name to get. – Most hospitals will want you to name your baby within hours of delivery. There’s paperwork that the parents must fill out, which includes Baby’s new name. – In the U.S., once your kid turns 18, they’re allowed to exercise their right to vote. But they won’t be able to without a legal name!
– The doctor’s office will have you fill out a bunch of paperwork—and they’ll want paperwork from the hospital, which would include Baby’s birth certificate.
– To enroll them in pre-school or kindergarten, you’ll need a birth certificate; this is one of the most frequently requested documents for schools to verify your child’s identity.
– Adding the name to the birth certificate once you’ve left the hospital can be an expensive and lengthy process. – Your baby needs a name in order to add him or her to your current policy, plus other info. – Calling a child by name and seeing whether they respond could help a parent spot potential early social and developmental issues. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More What If Parents Don’t Give Their Baby a Name Videos

All the Sounds in the Universe from Quietest to Loudest

What's the quietest sound imaginable? Okay, nobody can answer this question cause the loudness (or quietness of this sound) is nearly immeasurable. It's the sound of air molecules moving around us. And they move all the time, vibrating, and therefore technically making a sound. But what about something a bit louder? The sound of the quietest room in the world is around -20dB, which means that it’s 20dB below the hearing threshold of our ears. This room isn’t just quiet; it’s basically swallowing any sound it encounters. This room is called the Microsoft chamber and is found in Redmond, Washington. Interested? Then how about a unique excursion into the world of sounds? Other videos you might like:
What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like?
What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like?
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands) TIMESTAMPS:
The sound of air molecules 0:37
The quietest room in the world 1:32
The quietest sound that we could actually hear 2:38
A real comfort zone for our ears 3:31
The rule of thumb for loudness 5:00
Our limit 6:33
The loudest animal 7:15
The loudest sound ever registered on our planet 8:18
How loud objects in space are 8:41 #sounds #whale #brightside SUMMARY:
– The sound of the quietest room in the world is around -20dB, which means that it’s 20dB below the hearing threshold of our ears. This room isn’t just quiet; it’s basically swallowing any sound it encounters. – What would be the quietest sound that we could actually hear? This is the sound of you calmly breathing, and your heart beating. At just 10 dB, we won’t ever notice it in our everyday life. – A change of 50 dB may seem drastic, but this level is a real comfort zone for our ears. Turn the volume up another 50 dB, and you’ll run from the source of the noise as fast as you can! – The key definition of a sound’s loudness is in its pitch and intensity. We’re naturally programmed to hear high pitched sounds as if they were louder than others.
– We also don’t perceive intensity as it actually is. If you raise the intensity of any sound, it won’t make any difference to your ear until a certain point.
– If the source of the sound is multiplied by 10, it’ll sound only twice as loud to our ears. They don’t detect minor changes in volume; this is the reason why it’s easier for us to measure sound in decibels, which is the same as 10 bels. – At 100 dB, the intensity won’t matter, whether it’s a trombone, an elephant trumpeting, or a helicopter –they’d all sound equally loud because we’re getting closer to our limit. – But there are a lot of sounds that lie in that dangerous territory that we can explore. For example, in the animal world, there’s no species louder than a sperm whale.
– Another underwater animal that can literally stun with the sound it makes is the tiger-pistol-shrimp. Yep, from one of the biggest animals in the history of our planet to one of the smallest.
– Still, there are even greater powers in our universe than this one. There was a sound detected that’s as powerful as 100 million supernova explosions.
– Normally it’s quite hard to tell how loud objects in space are, because in the vacuum of cosmos, there might only be very thin gas that can’t transfer soundwaves. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More All the Sounds in the Universe from Quietest to Loudest Videos

The Quietest and Loudest Sounds in the World

What's the quietest sound imaginable? Okay, nobody can answer this question cause the loudness (or quietness of this sound) is nearly immeasurable. It's the sound of air molecules moving around us. And they move all the time, vibrating, and therefore technically making a sound. But what about something a bit louder? The sound of the quietest room in the world is around -20dB, which means that it’s 20dB below the hearing threshold of our ears. This room isn’t just quiet; it’s basically swallowing any sound it encounters. This room is called the Microsoft chamber and is found in Redmond, Washington. Interested? Then how about a unique excursion into the world of sounds? Other videos you might like:
What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like?
What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like?
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands) TIMESTAMPS:
The sound of air molecules 0:37
The quietest room in the world 1:32
The quietest sound that we could actually hear 2:38
A real comfort zone for our ears 3:31
The rule of thumb for loudness 5:00
Our limit 6:33
The loudest animal 7:15
The loudest sound ever registered on our planet 8:18
How loud objects in space are 8:41 #sounds #whale #brightside SUMMARY:
– The sound of the quietest room in the world is around -20dB, which means that it’s 20dB below the hearing threshold of our ears. This room isn’t just quiet; it’s basically swallowing any sound it encounters. – What would be the quietest sound that we could actually hear? This is the sound of you calmly breathing, and your heart beating. At just 10 dB, we won’t ever notice it in our everyday life. – A change of 50 dB may seem drastic, but this level is a real comfort zone for our ears. Turn the volume up another 50 dB, and you’ll run from the source of the noise as fast as you can! – The key definition of a sound’s loudness is in its pitch and intensity. We’re naturally programmed to hear high pitched sounds as if they were louder than others.
– We also don’t perceive intensity as it actually is. If you raise the intensity of any sound, it won’t make any difference to your ear until a certain point.
– If the source of the sound is multiplied by 10, it’ll sound only twice as loud to our ears. They don’t detect minor changes in volume; this is the reason why it’s easier for us to measure sound in decibels, which is the same as 10 bels. – At 100 dB, the intensity won’t matter, whether it’s a trombone, an elephant trumpeting, or a helicopter –they’d all sound equally loud because we’re getting closer to our limit. – But there are a lot of sounds that lie in that dangerous territory that we can explore. For example, in the animal world, there’s no species louder than a sperm whale.
– Another underwater animal that can literally stun with the sound it makes is the tiger-pistol-shrimp. Yep, from one of the biggest animals in the history of our planet to one of the smallest.
– Still, there are even greater powers in our universe than this one. There was a sound detected that’s as powerful as 100 million supernova explosions.
– Normally it’s quite hard to tell how loud objects in space are, because in the vacuum of cosmos, there might only be very thin gas that can’t transfer soundwaves. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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What Would a Journey to the Quantum World Like Be

Did you know there are more living things on and inside your body alone than on the entire Earth? And the world is full of this micro-stuff! You can even see some bacteria with your own eyes. The largest bacterium in the world lives in the coastal waters of Namibia. Its length is 3/4 mm, and it’s larger than, say, a grain of sand or salt! More than half as small is a dust mite — these pests that bug you at night only grow to be around 1/3 mm. By the way, remember those amoebas from your biology classes? They’re the same size as dust mites. A single strand of human hair is just 1/10 mm thick. So wanna know more about how huge our planet really is? Then let’s look through the super-powerful microscope! Other videos you might like:
What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like?
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands)
The largest bacterium in the world 0:22
Why clay doesn’t let water through it 1:30
Megavirus 😱 2:12
What's the size of a DNA strand? 3:02
How big is an electron? 4:04
And what about protons and neutrons? 4:26
Strange quarks (Btw, nobody knows if they actually exist) 5:53
Charm quarks 6:34
Top quarks 7:19
Neutrino! 7:55
The bottom of all creation 💥 8:34 #SubatomicParticle #smallestthings #brightside SUMMARY:
– At 10 and 7 micrometers, you’ll find white and red blood cells, respectively. – Two things that are similar in size and you won’t believe it: a clay particle and an E. coli microbe, and they’re both 2 micrometers in diameter.
– Now, a little further we meet the largest virus. It’s called Megavirus, and it’s just 440 nanometers in size. – 200 nanometers is the size of another virus called bacteriophage. If you translate its name from Greek, you’ll find out that it feeds on bacteria.
– Pushing harder, we go down to 3 nanometers, which is the width of a DNA strand. Don’t let its width fool you, though: the length of its strands is simply enormous.
– Electrons haven’t been properly measured because they’re just too small for that. Anyway, though, the classical model of measurement says an electron is about 5 femtometers in size.
– Protons and neutrons, the other two main parts of an atom, are 5 times smaller than electrons!
– A quark is a particle that makes up protons and neutrons in an atom’s core. There are six types of them, and they all have different properties. – A strange quark is about half as small as the up and down quarks, yet it’s 50 times as heavy!
– At 100 zeptometers, we see charm quarks. They’re even more massive than strange ones, but at least their existence is not questioned. – Next up are bottom quarks with the size of just 30 zeptometers. Not a lot can be said about these tiny guys: they have a negative charge and they quickly transform into other, bigger types of quarks. – And finally, the sixth type is top quarks. Their size is 100 yoctometers (yet another part per thousand added), and, against all logic, they’re the most massive of all quarks. – But even that’s not the end of it, and there are particles even smaller than top quarks. One of them is a neutrino, measuring about 1 yoctometer.
– The string theory suggests lots of possibilities, and one of those is that a string is one-dimensional itself, but its vibrations take it to all the other dimensions.
– And the second thing on this level is believed to be quantum foam. It exists according to another theory, and it makes up the whole space-time. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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