Category Archives: Bright Side News

What the Smallest Things in the World Look Like

Did you know there are more living things on and inside your body alone than on the entire Earth? And the world is full of this micro-stuff! You can even see some bacteria with your own eyes. The largest bacterium in the world lives in the coastal waters of Namibia. Its length is 3/4 mm, and it’s larger than, say, a grain of sand or salt! More than half as small is a dust mite — these pests that bug you at night only grow to be around 1/3 mm. By the way, remember those amoebas from your biology classes? They’re the same size as dust mites. A single strand of human hair is just 1/10 mm thick. So wanna know more about how huge our planet really is? Then let’s look through the super-powerful microscope! Other videos you might like:
What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like?
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands)
The largest bacterium in the world 0:22
Why clay doesn’t let water through it 1:30
Megavirus 😱 2:12
What's the size of a DNA strand? 3:02
How big is an electron? 4:04
And what about protons and neutrons? 4:26
Strange quarks (Btw, nobody knows if they actually exist) 5:53
Charm quarks 6:34
Top quarks 7:19
Neutrino! 7:55
The bottom of all creation πŸ’₯ 8:34 #SubatomicParticle #smallestthings #brightside SUMMARY:
– At 10 and 7 micrometers, you’ll find white and red blood cells, respectively. – Two things that are similar in size and you won’t believe it: a clay particle and an E. coli microbe, and they’re both 2 micrometers in diameter.
– Now, a little further we meet the largest virus. It’s called Megavirus, and it’s just 440 nanometers in size. – 200 nanometers is the size of another virus called bacteriophage. If you translate its name from Greek, you’ll find out that it feeds on bacteria.
– Pushing harder, we go down to 3 nanometers, which is the width of a DNA strand. Don’t let its width fool you, though: the length of its strands is simply enormous.
– Electrons haven’t been properly measured because they’re just too small for that. Anyway, though, the classical model of measurement says an electron is about 5 femtometers in size.
– Protons and neutrons, the other two main parts of an atom, are 5 times smaller than electrons!
– A quark is a particle that makes up protons and neutrons in an atom’s core. There are six types of them, and they all have different properties. – A strange quark is about half as small as the up and down quarks, yet it’s 50 times as heavy!
– At 100 zeptometers, we see charm quarks. They’re even more massive than strange ones, but at least their existence is not questioned. – Next up are bottom quarks with the size of just 30 zeptometers. Not a lot can be said about these tiny guys: they have a negative charge and they quickly transform into other, bigger types of quarks. – And finally, the sixth type is top quarks. Their size is 100 yoctometers (yet another part per thousand added), and, against all logic, they’re the most massive of all quarks. – But even that’s not the end of it, and there are particles even smaller than top quarks. One of them is a neutrino, measuring about 1 yoctometer.
– The string theory suggests lots of possibilities, and one of those is that a string is one-dimensional itself, but its vibrations take it to all the other dimensions.
– And the second thing on this level is believed to be quantum foam. It exists according to another theory, and it makes up the whole space-time. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Planes Don’t Fly Over Himalayas

Wouldn't it be amazing to see the tallest mountain on the planet from an airplane window? Just imagine yourself nestled in your seat, sipping on a coffee and admiring that snow covered mountain peak! The only problem is that planes don’t fly over Mount Everest, or the Himalayan range, for that matter. But why? Let's imagine a scheduled commercial flight that decides to fly over the Himalayas. At first, the flight is going smoothly: the plane reaches its usual cruising altitude of 35,000 feet and is traveling at a speed of about 550 miles per hour. Soon, the pilots see a range of tall mountains straight ahead, with one peak standing out among the rest. It's the world-famous Everest – the highest mountain above sea level on the whole planet! The pilots realize they shouldn't have been so careless! Because that's when everything goes awry! Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
Why Planes Don't Fly Faster
What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a Plane Engine TIMESTAMPS:
The inability to lower the plane in the case of rapid decompression 1:20
No room for error 2:49
On emergency, where to land the aircraft? 3:08
Turbulence above the mountains 3:26
The most dangerous airports in the world 😱
– Between high mountains 4:24
– Lightning-fast 45-degree bank turn during the descent 4:53
– There are only 8 pilots in the world who can land here 5:18
– Right on the shore of the ocean 5:41
– When the runway is constantly covered with ice 6:24
– When the main street intersects the runway 7:10
– When a public beach is located right before the runway 7:48 #himalayas #airports #brightside SUMMARY:
– There isn't as much oxygen in your mask as you might think. It usually lasts for no more than 15 to 20 minutes. The pilots must make the plane drop down to 10,000 feet, where the passengers will be able to breathe without using oxygen masks. But… the plane is still flying over the Himalayas, and there’s no way it could drop so low! – One of the reasons planes have such an impressive cruising altitude is that it lets pilots have some "room for error." It means that if something goes wrong, the captain can glide the aircraft while trying to fix the problem.
– Kathmandu can deal with a jet, but this airport has only one runway and doesn't have an instrumental landing system. – Winds moving over mountain ranges at high speeds create so-called "mountain waves" which can turn any ride into a rough one. – The turbulence there is so bad that it's almost impossible for commercial airplanes to fly over that region. – The Lukla Airport in Nepal is one of the world's trickiest. Pilots find it extremely difficult to land there because the airport is nestled between high mountains. – In Toncontin Airport in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, planes must make a lightning-fast 45-degree bank turn during the descent. –
– There are only 8 pilots in the world who are qualified to land at Paro Airport in Bhutan, Himalayan Mountains.
– Landing at the airport on the Portuguese island, Madeira, remains one of the most treacherous feats in aviation, even after its runway was renovated. The thing is that the landing strip of this airport is located right on the shore of the ocean, between steep cliffs. – The runway of Narsarsuaq Airport, in Greenland, is constantly covered with ice.
– There is one feature that sets Gibraltar International Airport apart and makes it totally unique: the main street of that area, Winston Churchill Avenue, intersects the runway! – If you ever go to St. Maarten Island in the Caribbean, you're likely to be completely smitten with its Princess Juliana Airport. It's one of the most famous airports in the world, thanks to a public beach located right before the runway! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Trains Blow Their Horns So Much

Have you ever thought why trains blow their horns so often and so loudly? The truth is that they have to. And the main reason for that is safety. Locomotive engineers are required to honk every now and then, which is written down in the regulations called the "Final Rule on the Use of Locomotive Horns." So, as you can see from the name, all this honking business is pretty strict and obliges trains to make four blasts approximately 20 seconds before they reach a crossing. But that's not all! Trains whistles and horns are an effective method of communication! There is a whole system of locomotive horn signals, where different sound combinations mean totally different things! Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
A Train Lost in a Tunnel in Italy, No One Can Find It
14 Roads You Would Never Want to Drive On TIMESTAMPS:
A number of short whistles 1:10
One long whistle-like sound 1:26
Three short whistles 1:50
The signal you probably hear more often than others 2:20
Where train engineers aren't allowed to honk 3:38
Why trains can't just stop 4:07
Why trains have problems with going uphill 5:24 #trains #railroad #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you hear a number of short whistles, it means that the engineer is trying to attract attention to the moving train.
– One long whistle-like sound can be heard when the train is coming to a halt, and the engineer applies the air brakes. – Two long honks mean that the train has released the brakes and is ready to continue its journey. – Three short whistles made by an unmoving train mean that the locomotive is about to move backward. – One long whistle followed by a short one means that the train is nearing some equipment or people working on or near the track. – The signal you probably hear more often than others is two long whistles followed by one short and another long whistle. Trains have to honk this way every time they approach a grade crossing, which is a place where a railroad track and a road or two railroad tracks cross at the same level.
– Florida once tried to ban locomotive horns. However, peace and quiet didn't last long. After the number of accidents at grade crossings had almost doubled, the ban was lifted. – Any heavy object moving at high speed can actually stop pretty fast. – The friction between the two is twice lower than the friction between a car's rubber tires and a road covered with asphalt.
– But besides being not very good at braking, trains also have big problems with going uphill! – We, humans, can deal with super-steep inclines of around 80 degrees! But for high-speed trains, the maximum incline they can climb is only 2.5 to 4 degrees, while freight trains can't make it if the incline is more than 1.5 degrees. – And still, some trains manage to climb not very steep hills with the help of several locomotives pulling them. – After helping the struggling train to travel up, helper locomotives return back to the bottom of the hill to wait for the next train that needs assistance. – On the other hand, any unfavorable conditions, such as rain, snow, or fallen leaves on the track, can prevent a train from going up a steep hill, even with the help of additional engines! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Buses Don’t Have Seatbelts

Fastening your seatbelt while in a car is something you learn even without knowing the rest of the road traffic regulations. But have you ever wondered why buses don’t have seatbelts at all? It seems only natural that a vehicle that carries so much more people than a car should have seatbelts, but buses have none — not even school buses. And how can they be safer than cars then? Speaking about safety, have you ever thought why buses stop and open their doors at railroad tracks? It’s actually a must for any vehicle to stop at a designated point before railroad tracks and check if there’s a train coming. For a bus driver, it’s also important to open the doors. But why? Well, let’s find out the answers to these questions and more! Other videos you might like:
Why Airplanes Are White
How to Choose a Safe Seat in 7 Types of Transport
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean TIMESTAMPS:
Why don’t buses have seatbelts? 0:21
Why are there dedicated bus lanes? 1:08
Why won’t buses stop and open the doors when someone’s late? 1:45
Why is there a “do not speak to the driver” sign? 2:15
How do bus doors open and close when the driver isn’t inside? 2:54
Why are buses considered safer than cars? 3:31
Why do buses stop and open their doors at railroad tracks? 4:29
Why are bus depots often located in rough neighborhoods? 5:00
How do displays in buses know when to show the next stop? 5:40
How do you see through a bus window from inside when there’s an ad on the outside? 6:24
Why are bus steering wheels almost parallel to the ground? 7:26
Why don’t buses have a more aerodynamic shape? 8:11 #buses #safety #brightside SUMMARY:
– In case of emergency, passengers need to get off a bus as fast as possible. With seatbelts on, they’ll waste precious time on unbuckling them.
– Like any other public transport, buses have a schedule to meet, and in big cities, traffic jams aren’t rare. So to reduce delays caused by heavy traffic, dedicated bus lanes were introduced.
– When a bus has already closed its doors and moved a few feet away from the stop, halting it again creates difficulties for the rest of the vehicles on the road. – There’s a mechanism that opens and closes the driver’s door from the outside. The button that activates it is usually hidden and located under the door.
– Buses are heavy, and it takes a really serious impact to stop them in their tracks. They’re also long, so even if a bus crashes into a brick wall, passengers will fall, but no one will probably get seriously hurt.
– Public transport depots need a lot of land, and land in big cities is costly. So when a transport company buys a turf to park its vehicles, it normally chooses a piece of land that’s relatively cheap. – When a bus approaches its next stop, the GPS sends a signal to the display, and it changes the name of the stop. – The steering wheel is connected directly to the wheels of the vehicle with a rod. In a car, the front wheels are further ahead of the driver, so the rod goes smoothly back and up to the steering wheel.
– Aerodynamics allows vehicles to move faster with less opposing force of the air. It’s fine with transport that’s made to be fast, but buses aren’t about speed; they’re more about safety. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What If You Didn’t Eat for Just a Day

Feeling tired and weak? Perhaps you were buried in your workload and didn’t notice the time. You look at the clock and what?!? It’s 4 hours passed your lunchtime! And you remember that you haven’t eaten anything since last night because you were too tired to make anything and just went to bed. You make the excuse to yourself that you’re on a diet anyway, and this is a good way to accelerate it. Stop right there. The reality is, it’s a big NO! Intermittent fasting, low carbohydrates, water therapy, and keto: these are just to name a few of the most trendy diet plans right now. Apart from a million ways to go about it, there are a lot of reasons why a person would restrict their eating habits. The most common ones would be to look good and feel good. For whatever the reason, deciding to suddenly starve yourself will never be worth it. Even just for a day. And here’s why. Other videos you might like:
What Will Happen If You Eat Nothing for 7 Days
A One-Day Starvation Secret Got the Nobel Prize
What's the DASH Diet and Why Doctors Call It the Best Diet TIMESTAMPS:
The digestion process 0:59
Your 'Hunger Hormones' 2:22
Why insulin is so important 3:49
What happens to your body when you stop eating 4:25
What about fasting? 6:02 #fasting #humanbody #brightside SUMMARY:
– Once you take that first bite, different body parts start to play their role in digesting the food. It starts with the saliva in your mouth, which helps with chewing and swallowing. It’ll then pass through your throat and esophagus. Next, it’ll end up in your stomach. – After that, it’ll go to the small intestine. Here’s where our pancreas, liver and gallbladder will be put in action too. – Our colon is a 5 to 6 foot-long tube of muscles where water is absorbed, and waste and leftover food will be stored after being digested until the time that it exits our body through the rectum in the form of stool.
– Once your stomach becomes empty, it releases a hormone called ghrelin. This is the hormone that tells your body that you’re hungry and that you need to eat. – Another hormone, which is equally important to keep in mind, is leptin. This one is the total opposite of the first.
– Having low blood sugar will make you feel dizzy and light headed, while having a high level of blood sugar may cause you to have headaches, blurry eyesight, or to feel fatigued. – Your body is desperately trying to use every bit of resources that you have left and turn them into energy, just so you can carry on with your activities. This is the reason why you lose some weight when you don’t eat.
– If your body is in starvation mode and starts feasting on muscles, you can definitely expect a little difficulty in moving. – No doubt, there are some cases where a person can go on without eating for 3 to 4 days, but take note that this wasn’t accomplished overnight. – If you decide you really want to try fasting for an entire day, don’t just act on an impulse and try it all of a sudden
– Jumping into a long-term fast can make you feel weak, tired, grumpy and irritated. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If You Didn’t Eat for Just a Day Videos

What Happens When You Don’t Eat for 1 Day

Feeling tired and weak? Perhaps you were buried in your workload and didn’t notice the time. You look at the clock and what?!? It’s 4 hours passed your lunchtime! And you remember that you haven’t eaten anything since last night because you were too tired to make anything and just went to bed. You make the excuse to yourself that you’re on a diet anyway, and this is a good way to accelerate it. Stop right there. The reality is, it’s a big NO! Intermittent fasting, low carbohydrates, water therapy, and keto: these are just to name a few of the most trendy diet plans right now. Apart from a million ways to go about it, there are a lot of reasons why a person would restrict their eating habits. The most common ones would be to look good and feel good. For whatever the reason, deciding to suddenly starve yourself will never be worth it. Even just for a day. And here’s why. Other videos you might like:
What Will Happen If You Eat Nothing for 7 Days
A One-Day Starvation Secret Got the Nobel Prize
What's the DASH Diet and Why Doctors Call It the Best Diet TIMESTAMPS:
The digestion process 0:59
Your 'Hunger Hormones' 2:22
Why insulin is so important 3:49
What happens to your body when you stop eating 4:25
What about fasting? 6:02 #fasting #humanbody #brightside SUMMARY:
– Once you take that first bite, different body parts start to play their role in digesting the food. It starts with the saliva in your mouth, which helps with chewing and swallowing. It’ll then pass through your throat and esophagus. Next, it’ll end up in your stomach. – After that, it’ll go to the small intestine. Here’s where our pancreas, liver and gallbladder will be put in action too. – Our colon is a 5 to 6 foot-long tube of muscles where water is absorbed, and waste and leftover food will be stored after being digested until the time that it exits our body through the rectum in the form of stool.
– Once your stomach becomes empty, it releases a hormone called ghrelin. This is the hormone that tells your body that you’re hungry and that you need to eat. – Another hormone, which is equally important to keep in mind, is leptin. This one is the total opposite of the first.
– Having low blood sugar will make you feel dizzy and light headed, while having a high level of blood sugar may cause you to have headaches, blurry eyesight, or to feel fatigued. – Your body is desperately trying to use every bit of resources that you have left and turn them into energy, just so you can carry on with your activities. This is the reason why you lose some weight when you don’t eat.
– If your body is in starvation mode and starts feasting on muscles, you can definitely expect a little difficulty in moving. – No doubt, there are some cases where a person can go on without eating for 3 to 4 days, but take note that this wasn’t accomplished overnight. – If you decide you really want to try fasting for an entire day, don’t just act on an impulse and try it all of a sudden
– Jumping into a long-term fast can make you feel weak, tired, grumpy and irritated. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What Happens When You Don’t Eat for 1 Day Videos

Always Fly with a Tennis Ball in Your Carry-On

Whether you’re getting around by car, train, or plane, traveling can be uncomfortable and inconvenient, even if you love it. Your flight can get delayed by a lot. Sitting in close quarters for a long flight can slow blood circulation and cause the muscles to cramp. Your ears can pop during take-off and landing. So pay attention to some tips that will make your next trip a breeze! For example, make sure you have an empty water bottle in your carry-on. That way, you can get past security with no problem and then just fill the bottle up at the airport. Most have drinking fountains, so you’ll save some cash! Other videos you might like:
7 Air Travel Tips to Know Before Your Flight
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe
10 Things You Should Never Wear on a Plane TIMESTAMPS:
Pack a couple tennis balls in your carry-on 0:16
Keep some chewing gum in there too 0:47
And a pillowcase… 1:16
And a trash bag! 1:43
Keep your clothes smelling fresh 2:05
A trick for wrinkle-free clothes 2:24
Put a “Fragile” label on your suitcase 2:47
Instant razor guard 3:10
Make your suitcase stand out 3:28
Keep your clothes nice and clean 3:49
No more tangled cords 4:20
Organize your jewelry on the go 4:33
Don’t lose your bobby pins 5:02
Keep your shirt collars stiff 5:24
Support your back on a flight 5:44
Book a really early or late flight 6:03
Go big on lunch 6:27
Help your body with jet lag 6:49
Carry an empty water bottle with you 7:18
Drink water 7:43 #TravelingTips #lifehacks #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you take 1 or 2 tennis balls with you on the plane, you can use them as little massagers to relieve and prevent that pain. Roll it along your ankles, calves, legs, wrists, back, and shoulders.
– Chewing on some gum actually keeps your ears from popping during take-off and landing. – A trash bag or two will be a lifesaver when you come out of the airport at your destination only to be met by…rain!
– The dryer sheets will keep your garments smelling fresh and clean like they’ve come straight from the laundry. – If your luggage is marked as “Fragile,” it should be handled more carefully by baggage personnel. Plus, it’ll likely be put on top of the other bags. – Grab a binder clip and clamp it onto the blades of your razor when you pack. This will save you from any accidental—and painful—injuries.
– You don’t need to go out and buy expensive and flashy luggage. Use a plain basic suitcase and tie a bright ribbon around one of the handles. – When you’re packing, wrap your shoes up in shower caps. This will prevent the bottoms from dirtying the rest of your clothes.
– Whether you’re flying or driving, keep all your chargers and power cords in a good-sized sunglasses case.
– You know those pill containers with little boxes for each day of the week? They’re also a great way to store and organize your jewelry when you’re traveling. – Keep your shirt collars nice and crisp by lining them with a belt. – Most airlines provide a pillow and blanket so that passengers can get a nap in during the flight. Take that little pillow and put it behind your lower back.
– If you’re going to be switching time zones, start making changes to your sleep pattern the day before you leave. – The air inside airplane cabins tends to be very dry. Drink plenty of water, or another drink that contains electrolytes, to prevent dehydration. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Astronauts Wear Orange and White

The bright orange color astronauts wear to go out for launch is called International Orange, and it’s the same shade as the paint that coats Tokyo Tower in Japan, and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. However, once astronauts are in space, they swap orange for snow-white wear. So what gives with the different colors? Well, there are actually two main types of spacesuits. The first one is the Advanced Crew Escape Suit, aka the "orange suit," aka the "pumpkin suit." Astronauts wear this full-pressure suit during "lift-off". These spacesuits are crucial for those who are heading for super high altitudes. But still, why this color? And what about the white, bulky spacesuits? What's their purpose? Other videos you might like:
Why Airplanes Are White
A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered
What Would a Journey to the Black Hole Be Like? TIMESTAMPS:
Pumpkin suit 0:31
EVA suit 1:37
How to have fun on board the ISS 3:34
Why astronauts get rid of their clothes 3:50
The first American space station 4:07
πŸ‘‰ This fact is really funny πŸ˜„ 4:29
Why all American astronauts have to learn Russian 5:03
Space adaptation 5:35
Underwater training 6:22
How they sneeze inside a spacesuit 7:36
How they sleep πŸ’€ 8:52
How they take shower 🚿 9:04 #ISS #astronauts #brightside Preview photo credit: Naoko Yamazaki (born 1970), Japanese astronaut: By NASA, Robert Markowitz/Science Photo Library/East News,
International Space Station (ISS) astronaut, backup crew for Expedition 54-55: German astronaut Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency: By NASA/Science Photo Library/East News,
Animation is created by Bright Side. Credit: NASA Image and Video Library and NASA 3d Resources Space Center Houston Skylab work area: By Pi3.124 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Samantha Cristoforetti performing the Valsalva manoeuvre during pressurization of the Russian Sokol space suit. Via Flickr: By Samantha Cristoforetti –, CC BY 2.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– The orange suit is equipped with different stuff that can help an astronaut to survive if something goes wrong during the launch or landing of the spaceship. – Astronauts wear EVA suits when they go on a spacewalk! Such an outfit can protect them from the unfriendly conditions of outer space, what with its extreme temperatures and near-vacuum! – In case the tether tears, the EVA suit has a backup system. This system includes small jet thrusters which can be controlled from the station with the help of a joystick.
– Months after coming back from long missions in space, astronauts still tend to let go of things while they’re still in mid-air. – There was an astronaut who’d been waiting for a whopping 19 years before he finally flew to space. – All American astronauts have to learn Russian to be able to run the International Space Station using Russian-language manuals, if there’s no alternative. – During space adaptation, 50% to 75% of astronauts have highly unpleasant syndromes, such as vertigo, headaches, nausea, and overall tiredness. – When astronauts are in space, they often see random flashes of light – and it's not hallucinations! – Before going to space, astronauts have underwater training, which is supposed to simulate zero gravity.
– According to NASA, they accept only 8 applicants out of 6,000! On top of that, the selection process takes around 18 months!
– If an astronaut cries in space, tears don't flow down their face. Instead, they gather into thick blobs of liquid around their eyes because the water surface tension holds tears together. – Astronauts who forget to attach themselves to something when they sleep can easily float away and bump into a hard surface.
– Astronauts see a sunrise and a sunset every 45 minutes, which totals 15-16 sunsets and sunrises each day. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Police Cars Are Often Black and White

When you hear a police siren blaring around the corner, you’re already expecting to see a sedan painted in certain colors rushing past you. But have you ever wondered why exactly police cars are painted in colors they use? In fact, there are plenty of reasons for that in any given country. Let’s take the USA and Canada for example. When first North American police cars appeared in the early 1900s, pretty much all automobiles were painted black, and law enforcers weren’t any exception. Later, most authorities across the US thought it prudent to make police cars easily recognizable to the public. And so they worked out a color palette that would be both symbolic and affordable for the budget. Other videos you might like:
Why Police Touch Your Taillight, It's Extremely Important!
15 Things You Need to Know When Dealing With the Police
Put Your Keys In Foil, It'll Save Your Car From Theft TIMESTAMPS:
Police of the USA and Canada πŸš” 0:21
The British traffic police car (aka “jam sandwich”) 2:09
What the Battenburg markings are 2:37
The Czech Republic 4:14
Dubai (the most visible police cars!) 5:07
More subtle differences in police cars from regular ones 5:46
Vehicles designed for pursuit 6:24
πŸ‘‰ The only real advantage of the police cars πŸ‘ˆ 7:28 #police #cars #brightside Preview photo credit: USA. FLORIDA. MIAMI BEACH. APRIL – 14, 2017: POLICE CAR: By SergeevDen/, Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– A monochrome design proved to be very efficient: people would instantly recognize a police car as such, and it was also not hard to give it another paint job in case it was given to a detective or an undercover officer.
– With the appearance of vinyl decals, however, it became increasingly easy to paint a car in whatever colors you wanted. – Originally, most police cars in Europe and the UK were white with distinct markings on them in either black, blue, or red. – But then, in the 1990s, the revolution came: the Battenburg markings. Developed in the UK, this distinct pattern became a standard for the British, Australian, and many of the European police cars. – The markings look like alternating squares of two different colors — kinda like a chess board.
– The reason for such a radical redesign is simple enough: making the emergency services highly visible.
– Only the emergency services are allowed to bear them, which makes these vehicles immediately recognizable even in the heavy traffic.
– In the Czech Republic, for example, most police vehicles have striped decals running along the bottom of the side of the car. – When light-reflecting stripes are put lower on the body of a car, they always get enough light to be seen for what they are.
– But probably the most visible police cars ever reside in Dubai. The police force in that wealthy city has perhaps the most expensive set of vehicles in the world. – Dubai creates a picture of the richest and most luxurious city in the world, and having their police officers drive around in Lamborghinis and Ferraris does a lot to add to this image.
– Police vehicles are generally more powerful than those available to the public. All around the world, governments place special orders for their police cars.
– There’s one thing the police have that makes almost every car chase a success: communication. And that’s the only real advantage of the police cars. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Police Cars Are Often Black and White Videos