Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why Pilots Turn Off the Lights During Landing

Do you wonder why flight attendants always give us the same instructions before take-off and landing? Some of them sound strange and seem to have no logic. Like, why do we need to open window shades or sit in darkness for flights at night? Pilots have their own window to look through, and they can’t even see if it’s dark or not in the passenger cabin. What gives? Take-off and landing are the most dangerous moments of the whole flight. Airplanes seldom crash in the air; the pilots can easily control the aircraft at a high altitude, or even in a turbulence zone. Most crashes actually occur when the plane is rising above the airport, or is touching back down on the runway. So all the instructions we follow have a good explanation. And that’s for our own security. Let’s see how it works. Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe
11 Secrets Flight Attendants Will Never Tell You TIMESTAMPS:
The source of power on board 1:04
Emergency 1:38
Why pirates used to wear an eye patch ๐Ÿ˜œ 4:02
Why does the seat back have to be straight? 4:44
Why you should keep window shades open 5:25
What about cell phones? 6:28 #planes #rulesofflying #brightside SUMMARY:
– The source of power on board the plane is an electric generator, which works at full blast during these 2 crucial moments of the flight. – The lights are turned off so that nothing interferes with the generator’s work when it’s under the most stress. – The human eye is built in a special way. When the light around us rapidly changes from very bright to dark, it takes some time for us to get used to it.
– The crew dims the light in the cabin on a nighttime flight so that the passengers’ eyes get used to the outside darkness. – Your eyes won’t need time to adjust to see the little floor lights that guide you to the exits. That’s why using your gadgets with a bright screen is also not allowed.
– If everyone had gotten used to low light conditions before the accident happened, you'd see about 1,000 times better, compared to if you were suddenly plunged into the darkness.
– Passengers should stay in their seats with seat belts fastened, the back of their seats in a vertical position, and tray tables locked.
– In case of an emergency, this position is also safer for you and the passenger behind you, since the risk of trauma to the head and neck is much lower this way.
– Pilots say that passengers are curious; they're perfect for an extra set of eyes to see if something goes wrong out there. Usually passengers report stuff right away.
– Plastic shades can also cause different injuries: in the case of a crash landing, the plastic can break into sharp pieces, which can cut your face, hands or other body parts. – The root of this instruction is in the past, when the navigational system wasn’t protected well enough from interference.
– Most researches show that switched on electronic devices don’t influence modern navigation. So, in 2014, this rule was officially called off. – Some airlines still stick to it, though, mainly out of habit. It’s just a question of time before it’s no longer used anywhere. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Pilots Turn Off the Lights During Landing Videos

Why Planes Turn Off the Lights During Landing

Do you wonder why flight attendants always give us the same instructions before take-off and landing? Some of them sound strange and seem to have no logic. Like, why do we need to open window shades or sit in darkness for flights at night? Pilots have their own window to look through, and they can’t even see if it’s dark or not in the passenger cabin. What gives? Take-off and landing are the most dangerous moments of the whole flight. Airplanes seldom crash in the air; the pilots can easily control the aircraft at a high altitude, or even in a turbulence zone. Most crashes actually occur when the plane is rising above the airport, or is touching back down on the runway. So all the instructions we follow have a good explanation. And that’s for our own security. Let’s see how it works. Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe
11 Secrets Flight Attendants Will Never Tell You TIMESTAMPS:
The source of power on board 1:04
Emergency 1:38
Why pirates used to wear an eye patch ๐Ÿ˜œ 4:02
Why does the seat back have to be straight? 4:44
Why you should keep window shades open 5:25
What about cell phones? 6:28 #planes #rulesofflying #brightside SUMMARY:
– The source of power on board the plane is an electric generator, which works at full blast during these 2 crucial moments of the flight. – The lights are turned off so that nothing interferes with the generator’s work when it’s under the most stress. – The human eye is built in a special way. When the light around us rapidly changes from very bright to dark, it takes some time for us to get used to it.
– The crew dims the light in the cabin on a nighttime flight so that the passengers’ eyes get used to the outside darkness. – Your eyes won’t need time to adjust to see the little floor lights that guide you to the exits. That’s why using your gadgets with a bright screen is also not allowed.
– If everyone had gotten used to low light conditions before the accident happened, you'd see about 1,000 times better, compared to if you were suddenly plunged into the darkness.
– Passengers should stay in their seats with seat belts fastened, the back of their seats in a vertical position, and tray tables locked.
– In case of an emergency, this position is also safer for you and the passenger behind you, since the risk of trauma to the head and neck is much lower this way.
– Pilots say that passengers are curious; they're perfect for an extra set of eyes to see if something goes wrong out there. Usually passengers report stuff right away.
– Plastic shades can also cause different injuries: in the case of a crash landing, the plastic can break into sharp pieces, which can cut your face, hands or other body parts. – The root of this instruction is in the past, when the navigational system wasn’t protected well enough from interference.
– Most researches show that switched on electronic devices don’t influence modern navigation. So, in 2014, this rule was officially called off. – Some airlines still stick to it, though, mainly out of habit. It’s just a question of time before it’s no longer used anywhere. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What to Do When You See a Suspicious Stranger

Say you’re walking home after having dinner with friends. It’s dark, but you don’t live too far away from the restaurant. Soon, though, you get that creepy feeling that someone is watching you. You see a dark figure walking toward you from an alley. What should you do? First of all, stay calm. It’ll be hard, but don’t let the stranger know that you’ve caught on to them or that you’re nervous. Second of all, stay aware of the stranger and your surroundings but do something that will let you collect your thoughts. And, of course, guys you should definitely know when and how to use your phone! Other videos you might like:
10 Tips to Survive a Kidnapping According to the Police
How to Avoid an Attack If You're Being Followed or Watched
14 Self-Defense Tips That Might Save Your Life TIMESTAMPS:
Stay Calm 0:22
Pay Attention 0:46
Look like you’re walking with a purpose 1:11
Don’t Text! โŒ 1:44
Don’t keep looking over your shoulder 2:20
Be Prepared to Fight ๐Ÿ‘Š 2:40
Know when and how to use your phone 3:10
Get to a public place 3:37
Take different routes 4:08
Never hesitate to call the police 4:34
โ—๏ธ Basic safety measures โ—๏ธ 5:17 #safety #survivaltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you can get a good look at the stranger, get enough details that you can commit to memory in case you have to give someone, or the police, a description later. – Even if your nerves overcome you and you take a couple of wrong turns, try not to look lost. – If you’re texting, your head is down, and you may not even see a suspicious stranger that’s there in the first place. – It would be tempting, but if you keep glancing behind you, it will let the stranger know that you’re onto them, and this may cause them to attack. – If the stranger decides to come at you, you’ll need to defend yourself. One option is to hold your keys in your pocket with the end of one key’s “teeth” sticking out between your middle and ring finger.
– If you’re walking home and know you’re being followed by a shady character, take out your phone and call a friend or family member.
– Get to a coffee shop, restaurant, or a store as soon as you can. If it’s late at night, don’t worry—there are some grocery stores, pharmacies, and gas stations that are open 24 hours a day. – If you feel like the same shady stranger is making a, um, habit of following you, try taking alternate routes to and from places. This goes for driving and if you’re on foot.
– If the stranger is just too close for comfort, or especially if you’re being repeatedly followed like I mentioned earlier, call whatever the emergency number is where you live. – If you’re walking home, try to take the most public, well-lit route that you can.
– If you’re driving, park under a street light or the most well-lit part of the parking lot.
– Even if home, or the next destination, is a short distance away, don’t make the walk by yourself. Ask a friend, or group of friends, to walk with you, especially after dark. – If a stranger stops you on the street and asks for directions, money, or wants to sell you something, be wary. Keep a good distance between the two of you. – Especially after dark, you don’t want to be standing at your car door fumbling for your keys. This could make you an easy target.
– A good pop to the throat or solar plexus—that place right under the center of the rib cage—will knock the wind out of someone. The nose and eyes are the most sensitive parts of the face. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Man Who Fell from Space to Earth

We already know about aircraft that travel at supersonic speeds. That’s mind-boggling on its own. But what about a human doing the same? You know, without the plane! One man flew faster than the speed of sound while freefalling 120,000 feet from space. Was it Superman? Well, close but not exactly. Felix Baumgartner is an Austrian Skydiver and a bit of a daredevil. Ever since he was little, he loved heights, and his life-long dream was to become a skydiver. He began working on his goal at the age of 16. His achievements started getting more and more thrilling. He was the first person in the whole world to Cross the English Channel with a pair of carbon wings, and the first person to fly next to an airplane. Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Faster
A Pilot Survived a Plane Crash And 15 Hours Among Hungry Sharks
He Survived on a Plane's Wing And a Fall from the Sky TIMESTAMPS:
Why job as a skydiver got tiring for Felix 0:31
The lowest BASE jump 1:36
Kittinger’s record 3:32
Btw, what's the speed of sound? 4:18
What his innovative pressure suit looked like 5:23
The record-breaking day 6:46 #skydiving #basejumping #brightside Preview photo credit: This picture provided by shows pilot Felix Baumgartner of Austria jumping out of the capsule during the final manned flight for Red Bull Stratos on October 14, 2012. The Austrian daredevil became the first man to break the sound barrier in a record-shattering freefall jump from the edge of space, organizers said. The 43-year-old leapt from a capsule more than 24 miles (39 kilometers) above the Earth, reaching a speed of 706 miles per hour (1,135 km/h) before opening his red and white parachute and floating down to the New Mexico desert: By AFP PHOTO/ Jay Nemeth/EAST NEWS, Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– By 1988, Felix started doing skydiving exhibitions for the well-known company. Even though his job as a skydiver was filled with adrenaline and excitement, it got tiring for Felix at some point.
– In 1999, he achieved his first record for the lowest BASE jump. He leaped from the Hand of the “Christ the Redeemer” statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
– Felix transformed from a regular sky-diver into a daredevil. He would parachute from different fixed objects all the way down to the ground. – His most mind-boggling achievement came with the Red Bull Stratos Project on October 14th, 2012. When Felix was 43 years old, he made his life-long dream come to life. – Back in the day, there was another legendary man named Joseph Kittinger. He was an Air Force Command Pilot, and in the 1960s he performed the highest dive in history.
– The speed of sound is calculated by a Mach Number. When something approaches the speed of sound, they get close to the Mach number 1.
– Baumgartner’s team put together an advanced capsule that would operate as Felix’s controlled climate during his ascent to 120,000ft. – His suit was specifically coated to keep his body protected. Since the whole mission was going to be recorded, he was equipped with cameras on both his legs and his helmet. – After extensive training, the record-breaking day had arrived. It was October 14th, 2012. – Baumgartner climbed to 128,100 feet with the high-tech balloon. The sliding doors of the capsule opened, and his most thrilling and terrifying experience began.
– As he was falling, his speed was accelerating, and so was his heartrate. He could see the earth’s curve. He was both amazed and terrified.
– The moment he reached his maximum velocity, he slowed down. He was in a free fall for 4 minutes and 20 seconds before deploying his parachute at 8,200 ft. – His mission was a success, despite the minor difficulties. His excitement for the supersonic fall that broke all the records was indescribable. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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65 Quick Facts to Make You the Most Interesting Person in The Room

Sometimes it seems that you’ve seen so much in this life that nothing will be able to surprise you ever again. And then you accidentally overheard someone mentions something amazing, like the fact that Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin lookalike contest… and lost it! Yeah… There are a looot of strange things in the world. Do you know, for example, where the quietest room in the world is? Or which countries still use the imperial units? Or in what town you can see the fish rain? Or what animal can clean its own ears with its tongue? Oh, the world is such an amazing place! And just because we grow up, it doesn’t mean that our curiosity about the world around us goes away! Other videos you might like:
20 Interesting Facts You're Too Lazy to Google
40 Awesome Cat Facts to Understand Them Better
12 Facts That'll Change Your Perception of Time Forever TIMESTAMPS:
How many microbes live in your body 0:14
A chili pepper that you can’t eat 0:46
The quietest room in the world 1:13
The longest traffic jam ever 1:26
The richest man in the world 1:47
The net worth of Scrooge McDuck 2:20
How many people have never seen snow 3:03
The closest relative of dinosaurs 3:14
Fish rain 4:05
The largest island country in the world 4:44
Why jellyfish melts in the sun 4:55
The longest gap between the birth of twins 5:03
The most popular language in the world (not English!) 5:45
The longest-lasting hiccups 5:56
What percentage of the population can read? 6:44
Why the food onboard doesn’t seem delicious 7:30
Which animal has rectangular pupils 8:39
DIamond rain 9:02
Why Mark Zuckerberg designed Facebook in shades of blue 10:53
Which animal has a total of 10 eyes 11:02 #amazingfacts #factsoflife #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you have a kid, be prepared for question bombardment: an average four-year-old asks something over 400 times per day.
– Scientists believe Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw pictures with the other at the same time. – Only three countries still use the imperial units: Liberia, Myanmar, and the US.
– Starfish can not only regenerate their lost limbs, but even a limb can regenerate the whole starfish.
– Domestic chicken is the closest relative of dinosaurs. Yes, including the mighty T-Rex.
– Bart Simpson should be older now than his mother was in the first season of the show.
– There’s a town in Honduras where every year, at around the same time of the year, it rains fish.
– Jeep is actually an abbreviation: originally, it was called a G.P., or a general purpose vehicle.
– The first Native American to greet the pilgrims, whose name was Samoset, could speak English even before he met them.
– In 2012, twin girls Amy and Katie were born 87 days apart. They’re now in the Guinness World Records for the longest gap between the birth of twins.
– If you were to watch every video on YouTube, you’d have to spend 1,000 years on that. – If your fingertips were the size of Earth, you’d feel the difference between a one-story house and a car.
– Lobsters, due to their cold-blooded nature, can come back to life after being frozen and thawed again. – Some of the first graffiti of the similar kind we have today appeared in Pompeii. – Cows are highly social creatures, and they even have best buddies they spend most of their time together with.
– There’s archeological evidence of an extinct penguin species that was about 6-foot tall.
– High heels were originally men’s wear. In Ancient Egypt, butchers wore them to avoid blood on the floor.
– There’s a thunderstorm in Venezuela that occurs every year and lasts for about 140-160 nights. – Black belt in martial arts, such as karate, translates from Japanese as “first step.” That’s because achieving the black belt is just literally the first stage of mastering the art, with much more to come yet. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why School Buses Are Yellow

Consider the school bus. It could be painted literally any color: pink, bright green, orange, or even zebra-print. So, why pick yellow? Is it because it’s a cheerful hue that makes kids happy to go to school? See the kid’s faces? The main reason for picking yellow paint for school buses is… safety! If you look at the color closely, you'll notice that instead of being pure yellow, it's a totally different shade! It's a curious mixture of lemon-yellow and orange. But what about the scientifically proved fact that red is the one with the maximum wavelength? It doesn't get scattered easily, and that's why you can clearly see it from afar! On top of that, most people associate this color with caution. So, why not paint school buses red? Other videos you might like:
Why Airplanes Are White
School Lunches You've Probably Never Heard About
How to Choose a Safe Seat in 7 Types of Transport TIMESTAMPS:
Why are they not red? 1:19
But it wasn't always like this! 2:29
National School Bus Chrome 3:04
Why aren't school buses equipped with seat belts? 3:48
Chains under school buses 6:16
Why some of the buses have black hoods 7:19 #schoolbus #yellowbus #brightside SUMMARY:
– Despite all the scientific stuff, it’s not red, but yellow, which is the color that instantly grabs your attention in daily life.
– Depending on the season, it's often still dark outside at this time. That's why it makes sense to use yellow paint, which will make buses more noticeable on the road. – Scientists state that you're 1.24 times more likely to spot a yellow object with your peripheral vision than the same object painted red! – But it wasn't always like this! The "National School Bus Glossy Yellow" color didn’t appear until 1939; before that, school buses were painted all kinds of colors.
– Seat belts simply won't make school buses safer! The thing is that traveling on a school bus is a 40 times safer than going somewhere by car. – The seats on a school bus are situated close to each other, and they have high padded backs. As a result, if an accident does happen, and a student gets propelled forward, they’ll only move a short distance. – Adding seat belts would increase the cost of each bus by $8,000 to $15,000! Plus, buses would have fewer seats because seat belts would take additional space. – If a school bus weighs more than 10,000 pounds, it's up to the states to decide whether the vehicles need to be equipped with seat belts or not. – The chains help school buses get traction on icy roads. If the driver realizes that they can't cope without some additional help, they can just press a button on the dashboard.
– When the sun is too bright, the glossy, bright yellow paint covering the hood of the bus starts to give off too much glare. As a result, it makes it hard for the driver to see their surroundings, and distracts them from the situation on the road. – And while some states make school bus manufacturers equip vehicles with black hoods, others forbid it. In this case, they get covered with an anti-glare substance. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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You Make The Same Mistakes While Checking Your Weight

If you've tried to lose weight, you know about that scale addiction. How discouraging it was when the numbers didn’t move or, even worse, when they grew! Yow! But it might not be you, it might be the scale! (Or the way you weigh yourself, while you’re eating whey.) Do you know, for example, why you shouldn't weigh yourself on Mondays, after a shower, and a workout? Or that your scale can show you the wrong numbers simply because it stands on the wrong surface? Or why you have to calibrate a digital scale every morning? Interested? So here are 18 mistakes you might be making while weighing yourself. Other videos you might like:
3 Ways to Lose Weight Without Dieting
7 Ways to Look Taller and Slimmer
6-Minute Workout to Slim Down Your Legs In 5 Days TIMESTAMPS:
Not Taking the Weather Into Account 0:29
Weighing Yourself On Mondays 0:57
Weighing Yourself After a Shower 1:28
Weighing Yourself At Night 2:08
Weighing Yourself After a Workout 2:33
Eating a Lot Of Sodium Before Weighing Yourself 3:15
Weighing Yourself Every Day 3:50
Not Weighing Yourself Often Enough 4:42
Using Different Scales 5:01
Putting the Scale In the Wrong Place 5:19
Using a Digital Scale 5:42
Being Too Emotionally Invested 6:05 Weighing Yourself At Different Times 6:35
Weighing Yourself With Your Clothes On 7:04
Not Listening To Your Body 7:38
Not Taking Body Composition Into Account 8:02
Using a Scale That Doesn't Calculate All the Stats 8:45
Using an Inaccurate Scale 9:09 #weightloss #slimfit #brightside SUMMARY:
– Digital scales tend to show bigger numbers (like up to 3.5 lbs more) not only when it's cold, but also when the humidity is high.
– Instead of hopping on the scale on Monday, try Friday morning – that's when your weight will reflect all the healthy lifestyle efforts you made throughout the week! – The largest organ in your body is your skin, and it also happens to absorb liquids really well. This means that after swimming or taking a shower, your body has absorbed 1 to 3 cups of water. – By the evening, you've already eaten at least three meals, and drank a ton of water. So, keep in mind that your weight can fluctuate by a few pounds during the day, and weigh yourself in the morning – that's when you’ll get the most accurate results. – If you eat a lot of foods rich in sodium, your body starts to retain more fluid than usual. As a result, you're more likely to see bigger numbers on the scale in the morning if you snacked on salty foods the night before.
– Your weight can change from day to day by as much as 5 lbs – and that's perfectly normal! It depends on how much liquid you've retained or what foods you've been eating.
– On the other hand, checking your weight only once a month isn't a good idea either. This way, you won't be able to figure out your weekly average, and understand which factors influence your weight fluctuations. – Different scales are bound to give you conflicting results. And the difference can be up to 10 lbs, which is pretty discouraging, isn't it?
– Carpets, bathroom tiles, and wooden floors can cause the scale to get uncalibrated.
– If what you see on the scale upsets you a bit too much for your liking, it's time to revise your approach. Remind yourself that these readings are temporary, and you shouldn't judge your entire weight-loss progress based solely on these numbers. – It's one of the biggest mistakes you can make while checking your weight. The thing is that few people who weigh themselves at home know how to adjust for their clothing.
– Even if your scale shows that you've gained a couple of pounds, but you feel lighter, and your clothes have become looser, ignore the scale readings. – Try to get a scale that shows different measurements: weight, body fat percentage, body water percentage, bone mass density, and BMI (which stands for "body mass index"). – A lot of people, in an attempt to save money, buy the cheapest scale they can find. Unfortunately, these scales tend to give you incorrect readings. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More You Make The Same Mistakes While Checking Your Weight Videos

12 Unusual Features You Have to See at Least Once

Would you like to have the power of telepathy or flying? Genetic mutations of that kind are still impossible for humans (maybe just for now, who knows?). But there are other types that make people's appearance extraordinary and eye-catching. Do you know, for example, what piebaldism is? For almost 90% percent of people who have it, a forelock of white hair along with a white patch of skin on their forehead might be the only present symptom. Or have you ever heard that there are many different types of albinism? So a special type of albinism results in people of African and Asian origin having red hair, freckles, or blue eyes. This mutation looks stunning, breaking the stereotype that redheads can only have pale-white skin! Other videos you might like:
8 Rare Features Some Unique People Have
11 Signs Your Body Is 100% Unique
10 Body Features Only 5% of People Have TIMESTAMPS:
Multiple colors in eyes 0:27
Vitiligo 1:17
Albinism 2:12
Double eyelashes 2:54
Cleft chin 3:48
Waardenburg syndrome 4:33
Different twins 5:16
Piebaldism 5:50
Red hair in people of African descent 6:33
Ocular albinism 7:04
Blue eyes 7:47
Freckles 8:39 #uniquepeople #uniquebeauty #brightside SUMMARY:
– Scientists call it heterochromia iridium, and there are three types: complete (when each eye has a different color), sectoral (when an eye has a part of contrasting color in the iris), and central (when a different color radiates out from the pupil). – Vitiligo is a condition which causes the skin, hair, and even nails to lose color since the body doesn't produce enough melanin. Scientists still aren’t sure what triggers this genetic anomaly. – Albinism is a genetic disorder that results in people having skin, hair, or eyes with little or no color. The main reason for albinism lies in a defect in one of several genes that produce or distribute melanin. – Beautiful thick eyelashes are something many people dream of. And some get it simply thanks to a genetic mutation called distichiasis, which causes people to have a second row of eyelashes.
– Many people think that a cleft chin is a sign of a strong and independent character, but, it’s really a gene mutation which results when the bones or muscles in the lower jaw don’t fuse completely during the baby’s development inside the womb.
– People with Waardenburg syndrome usually have pale blue eyes which are wide-set, and sometimes white patches on their skin and hair. However, this genetic condition also has a lot to do with serious health issues like deafness.
– Ocular albinism affects only the eyes, causing pigment to disappear from the iris, and sometimes the retina too. This rare eye condition more often affects males than females. Having ocular albinism usually means that a person needs to take great care of their eyes. – Having blue eyes is still the result of a genetic mutation which happened about 10,000 years ago. Back then, all people had brown eyes. In other words, their eyes contained a lot of melanin. The gene that controls melanin is called OCA2.
– If your melanocytes (skin cells involved in producing pigmentation) are evenly spread, you’re likely to get a nice tan. But some people have those special skin cells clustered together, and they end up having a build-up of pigment in one area, resulting in freckles! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 12 Unusual Features You Have to See at Least Once Videos

12 Unusual Features That Make People Even More Beautiful

Would you like to have the power of telepathy or flying? Genetic mutations of that kind are still impossible for humans (maybe just for now, who knows?). But there are other types that make people's appearance extraordinary and eye-catching. Do you know, for example, what piebaldism is? For almost 90% percent of people who have it, a forelock of white hair along with a white patch of skin on their forehead might be the only present symptom. Or have you ever heard that there are many different types of albinism? So a special type of albinism results in people of African and Asian origin having red hair, freckles, or blue eyes. This mutation looks stunning, breaking the stereotype that redheads can only have pale-white skin! Other videos you might like:
8 Rare Features Some Unique People Have
11 Signs Your Body Is 100% Unique
10 Body Features Only 5% of People Have TIMESTAMPS:
Multiple colors in eyes 0:27
Vitiligo 1:17
Albinism 2:12
Double eyelashes 2:54
Cleft chin 3:48
Waardenburg syndrome 4:33
Different twins 5:16
Piebaldism 5:50
Red hair in people of African descent 6:33
Ocular albinism 7:04
Blue eyes 7:47
Freckles 8:39 #uniquepeople #uniquebeauty #brightside SUMMARY:
– Scientists call it heterochromia iridium, and there are three types: complete (when each eye has a different color), sectoral (when an eye has a part of contrasting color in the iris), and central (when a different color radiates out from the pupil). – Vitiligo is a condition which causes the skin, hair, and even nails to lose color since the body doesn't produce enough melanin. Scientists still aren’t sure what triggers this genetic anomaly. – Albinism is a genetic disorder that results in people having skin, hair, or eyes with little or no color. The main reason for albinism lies in a defect in one of several genes that produce or distribute melanin. – Beautiful thick eyelashes are something many people dream of. And some get it simply thanks to a genetic mutation called distichiasis, which causes people to have a second row of eyelashes.
– Many people think that a cleft chin is a sign of a strong and independent character, but, it’s really a gene mutation which results when the bones or muscles in the lower jaw don’t fuse completely during the baby’s development inside the womb.
– People with Waardenburg syndrome usually have pale blue eyes which are wide-set, and sometimes white patches on their skin and hair. However, this genetic condition also has a lot to do with serious health issues like deafness.
– Ocular albinism affects only the eyes, causing pigment to disappear from the iris, and sometimes the retina too. This rare eye condition more often affects males than females. Having ocular albinism usually means that a person needs to take great care of their eyes. – Having blue eyes is still the result of a genetic mutation which happened about 10,000 years ago. Back then, all people had brown eyes. In other words, their eyes contained a lot of melanin. The gene that controls melanin is called OCA2.
– If your melanocytes (skin cells involved in producing pigmentation) are evenly spread, you’re likely to get a nice tan. But some people have those special skin cells clustered together, and they end up having a build-up of pigment in one area, resulting in freckles! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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