Category Archives: Bright Side News

A Few Rules to Know to Survive in College Dorms

Are you a first-timer moving away from home and right into the jungle that is college dorm life? It might get tough, but have no fear – as long as you pack a survival guide with you, you’ll be just fine! And to avoid lots of frayed nerves, learn to accept some universal truths: the Earth goes around the Sun, spring always follows winter, and … other people in the dorm will use your stuff. And of course, there will be times you’ll get annoyed with people surrounding you 24/7. It’s perfectly normal. Instead of getting mad and confrontational, just take a break from them. Pretending you’re sleeping, studying, or putting in your earphones at the sight of others are those subtle hints you want to be left alone. Most people can read them! Other videos you might like:
Science Explains How Much Sleep You Need Depending on Your Age
4 Exercises to Test How Fast Your Brain Is
School Lunches You've Probably Never Heard About TIMESTAMPS:
Accept that sharing is caring 0:18
Protect your favorite mug 0:41
Get a laundry buddy 1:09
Make the most out of your hair dryer 1:33
No iron? No problem! 1:56
NEVER forget your shower shoes 2:17
Keep an eye out for student specials 2:34
Two words: free stuff! 3:04
Take part in as many activities as you can 3:34
Get up-to-date with pop culture 4:06
Spend some quality time with your roomies 4:31
Make your own movie theater 4:59
Make your own meals as much as you can 5:44
Keep your dishes clean without washing them 6:16
Use tricks to get your alone time 6:36
It’s okay to say “No” 7:10
Make friends with the dorm staff 7:43
Know where to hide stuff if you have to 8:14
Learn to sleep with any noise level 8:40 #students #college #brightside SUMMARY:
– When polite requests don’t help, protect your mug with a legit padlock. Attach it to the handle of your mug and through the bars of your dish rack.
– Offer a friend to visit the laundromat together – it’ll save you cash and provide an excellent bonding opportunity. – When you have no clean socks, you can wash them in the sink, ring them out, and wrap each sock around the end of a hair dryer. There ya go – clean dry socks in 3 minutes!
– If you don’t have an iron, just pour some hot water over a garment and let it hang dry. You can also hang it up nearby as you take a hot shower! – You’re not just sharing a room with other people, you’ll also be sharing a bathroom. Shower shoes – they’re a must. – Most dorms have weekly events with food and drinks that cost way less than the same kind of fun off campus. But you can find good discounts out there too!
– One of the first things you should do as you arrive at your new home is to find out where the Free Stuff shelf is. A lot of students leave really good treasures behind when they move out of the dorm.
– There’s always something going down on campus, so don’t ignore it by staying in your dorm room like a sleep-deprived hermit crab. – Eating out for each and every meal will bust both your wallet and your waistline. To avoid putting on the Freshman 15 (and to save some money!), cook for yourself in the dormitory’s kitchen!
– More cooking means more dishes to do, right? Not necessarily! Just put some plastic wrap on your plate or bowl first. You can throw it away when you’re done eating, and your dishes will be spick and span! – It’s perfectly fine to politely decline when someone is inviting you to the 5th party this week, and you really just wanna chill or study. – People who just run past the guards or never say hi to the cook actually miss out on a lot of cool perks of dorm life. After all, it’s the guards that can let you come back much later than curfew!
– In case your dorm has weird policies against, say, using hair dryers or irons in the room, you need to know where to hide them in case the warden pays you an unexpected visit on their daily rounds. – You’ll have to learn to sleep in any conditions and any volume of noise during your college years. Because if you fail to do it, you’ll probably get no sleep whatsoever. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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12 Rare Features Your Friends Might Have

Actual comic book superpowers don’t exist, but there are quite real genetic mutations that make you as close to a superhero as it gets! You can consider yourself special if you have one of them. For example, there really are people possessing superhuman strength! Well, not exactly superhuman, of course, but there’s a genetic anomaly that makes children’s muscles develop at a mind-blowing rate. Or take, for example, super athleticism. No, it’s not about being incredibly athletic. It’s a genetic mutation specific to Tibetans. They have a gene that allows them to live at extremely high altitudes without any trouble, breathing the thin mountain air as if they’re living in a valley. As a result, they’re extremely tough and can be involved in much more strenuous activities than other people. Other videos you might like:
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10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes
16 Superpowers You Didn't Know You Had TIMESTAMPS:
Super strength 0:27
Enhanced vision 1:19
Longevity 2:02
Super athleticism 2:39
Unbreakable bones 3:18
Golden blood 4:10
Cholesterol immunity 4:50
No need for sleep 5:31
Constant body odor 6:17
Super hair growth 7:05
Different eyes 7:45
Double eyelashes 8:32 #superpower #differenteyes #brightside SUMMARY:
– Due to inactivity of myostatin protein, which suppresses growth of muscle tissue, newborn children can become very lean, looking like bodybuilders at a very young age. – Most people have three types of cones in their eyes, allowing us to see millions of colors. But sometimes, they see so much more that we’re literally unable to comprehend the difference. That’s thanks to a fourth cone in their eyes that enhances their vision hundredfold. – There is a genetic mutation in a single Amish community in Indiana that adds another 10 years to their lifespan.
– Imagine falling from the roof of a ten-story building and getting away with a few bruises and scratches but no broken bones whatsoever! Such a genetic anomaly was discovered back in 1994, and it is associated with the LRP5 gene. It makes a person’s bones about eight times denser than normal, which basically makes them indestructible. – There are about 40 people in the world who have a blood type that doesn’t have any Rh-blood cell antigens. In simpler terms, it means anyone can accept their blood, even those with extremely rare blood types.
– Scientists have found out that people with naturally reduced function of a specific gene called PCSK9 have much lower cholesterol levels in their blood, which helps them avoid various diseases caused by this molecule.
– Short sleep periods occur in very few people, and some even go as far as to claim they don’t need sleep at all. For example, there’s a man from Vietnam who says he hasn’t slept for 33 years, having contracted the condition back in the ‘70s.
– A mutation of a gene causes a certain enzyme to stop being produced. And without this enzyme, the body starts emitting a strong and, well, pretty disgusting, aroma — something like rotten fish.
– Another rather uncomfortable genetic mutation is called the Ambras syndrome, or hypertrichosis. People suffering from it have excessive hair growing all over their bodies.
– Melanin is a pigment that’s present in our eyes, hair, and skin, so it can affect the color of anything. Heterochromia, though, only touches the eyes, making them two completely different colors — say, one hazel, the other blue.
– A very low number of people with distichiasis have two rows on either eye lid. The most famous example of this condition is Elizabeth Taylor — remember those dreamy eyes with fantastic lashes? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Will Happen If You Stop Dreaming?

Some dreams you don’t ever want to wake up from. Others have you wishing you’d never dream again! But have you ever wondered what would happen if you no longer dreamed? Well, the most common theory is that dreaming helps your brain store memories. In short, dreams are like exercise for the brain – they keep your mind healthy so that it can learn, problem-solve, and analyze. Also, problems that we face in our dreams are usually, in some way, associated with challenges we’ve faced in waking life. Your dream will try to piece these associations together in a way that’s easier for you to process. If you pay attention to your dreams, it can be like therapy! Other videos you might like:
8 Dream Signs You Shouldn't Ignore
8 Tricks to Sleep Better According to Athletes
I Decided to Sleep for 4 Hours a Day, See What Happened TIMESTAMPS:
Trouble learning new things 0:15
The physical damage 0:54
No re-charge 1:23
The toll on mental health 1:47
Heart issues 2:23
Missing out on some deep therapy 3:01
Here’s what you can do if you're not dreaming:
– Start with the basics 4:09
– Psychological tricks 4:49
– Think of a question 5:09
– Morning reflections 5:27
– Keep a Dream Diary 6:14
– Draw pictures 7:03
– Good nutrition 7:39
– Promote Lucid Dreaming 8:03 #dreaming #sleeping #brightside SUMMARY:
– Dreams are like exercise for the brain – they keep your mind healthy so that it can learn, problem-solve, and analyze. – REM sleep is important because this is when our cells grow, heal, and renew. If you aren’t reaching this stage, your body isn’t getting this replenishment. – Ideally, you should wake up feeling re-energized. But if you’re not knocked out cold in REM sleep, then your internal battery isn’t getting charged.
– Sleep experts say that dreams help the brain process all the problems that are stressing out the subconscious. In other words, dreams help us blow off some mental steam! – It turns out that even when you’re lying completely still, which the body tends to do during sleep, your heart rate will go up if you’re dreaming!
– Drink some hot chamomile tea before bed, turn the electronics off, keep your bedroom completely silent and dark, change your mattress and pillows if it’s long overdue. – Before you lie down, tell yourself that you want to remember your dreams. Say it out loud if you have to.
– Think of a question you’d like to be answered in your dreams, and write it down. This will act as a guide and focus for your dream.
– On average, most people forget their dreams within seconds of waking up. As soon as you open your eyes, don’t immediately grab your phone. – Keep a notebook by your bed. When you wake up from a dream, even if it’s in the middle of the night, write down everything you can remember about it.
– To add a “dream memory boost’ to your diet, try eating foods that are high in B vitamins. Think poultry, spinach, fish, bananas, and milk.
– Lucid dreaming is when you know that you’re in a dream. So, that means you’re in control of what’s happening around you! But the interesting thing is that lucid dreams are usually easier to remember. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Will Happen If You Suddenly Stop Dreaming

Some dreams you don’t ever want to wake up from. Others have you wishing you’d never dream again! But have you ever wondered what would happen if you no longer dreamed? Well, the most common theory is that dreaming helps your brain store memories. In short, dreams are like exercise for the brain – they keep your mind healthy so that it can learn, problem-solve, and analyze. Also, problems that we face in our dreams are usually, in some way, associated with challenges we’ve faced in waking life. Your dream will try to piece these associations together in a way that’s easier for you to process. If you pay attention to your dreams, it can be like therapy! Other videos you might like:
8 Dream Signs You Shouldn't Ignore
8 Tricks to Sleep Better According to Athletes
I Decided to Sleep for 4 Hours a Day, See What Happened TIMESTAMPS:
Trouble learning new things 0:15
The physical damage 0:54
No re-charge 1:23
The toll on mental health 1:47
Heart issues 2:23
Missing out on some deep therapy 3:01
Here’s what you can do if you're not dreaming:
– Start with the basics 4:09
– Psychological tricks 4:49
– Think of a question 5:09
– Morning reflections 5:27
– Keep a Dream Diary 6:14
– Draw pictures 7:03
– Good nutrition 7:39
– Promote Lucid Dreaming 8:03 #dreaming #sleeping #brightside SUMMARY:
– Dreams are like exercise for the brain – they keep your mind healthy so that it can learn, problem-solve, and analyze. – REM sleep is important because this is when our cells grow, heal, and renew. If you aren’t reaching this stage, your body isn’t getting this replenishment. – Ideally, you should wake up feeling re-energized. But if you’re not knocked out cold in REM sleep, then your internal battery isn’t getting charged.
– Sleep experts say that dreams help the brain process all the problems that are stressing out the subconscious. In other words, dreams help us blow off some mental steam! – It turns out that even when you’re lying completely still, which the body tends to do during sleep, your heart rate will go up if you’re dreaming!
– Drink some hot chamomile tea before bed, turn the electronics off, keep your bedroom completely silent and dark, change your mattress and pillows if it’s long overdue. – Before you lie down, tell yourself that you want to remember your dreams. Say it out loud if you have to.
– Think of a question you’d like to be answered in your dreams, and write it down. This will act as a guide and focus for your dream.
– On average, most people forget their dreams within seconds of waking up. As soon as you open your eyes, don’t immediately grab your phone. – Keep a notebook by your bed. When you wake up from a dream, even if it’s in the middle of the night, write down everything you can remember about it.
– To add a “dream memory boost’ to your diet, try eating foods that are high in B vitamins. Think poultry, spinach, fish, bananas, and milk.
– Lucid dreaming is when you know that you’re in a dream. So, that means you’re in control of what’s happening around you! But the interesting thing is that lucid dreams are usually easier to remember. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What to Do When You See a Coyote

Coyotes – they’re wild animals that roam the grasslands and foothills of North America. But they’re becoming more and more frequent guests to suburbs and even cities. They don’t enjoy or seek the company of humans and they wouldn’t move closer to us by choice. However, now these canines aren’t as afraid of humans as they used to be and feel safe roaming around backyards, even with the homeowners nearby! Coyotes have already realized there’s food in human neighborhoods, and they don’t mind helping themselves to it. It could be something out of the trash, the garden, or, worst-case scenario, your pets! If there’s just one coyote watching you, it may be doing this out of curiosity. But if you have a dog that’s smaller than the coyote, who knows what might be going through this invader’s mind? Other videos you might like:
What to Do When You See a Spider
What to Do When You See a Snake
10 Easy Ways to Survive a Wild Animal Attack TIMESTAMPS:
How dangerous are coyotes? 0:23
How to protect your dog from coyotes:
– Don’t leave your dog unattended 1:38
– Plan your walking route wisely 2:29
– Be more careful at certain times of the day and year 2:50
– Don’t feed wildlife 3:34
– Keep your yard clean 4:01
– Set up a good fence 4:40
– Get some protective gear for your dog 5:07
What should you do if you see a coyote? 5:38
What should you do after an attack? 7:27 #wildanimals #coyotes #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you live in a high-risk area, always keep an eye on your pooch, even when it’s playing in your own backyard. – Coyotes don’t like bright light, so walking on a well-lit street or path is a good idea. If that’s not an option, take a flashlight with you and create your own source of bright light. – Baby coyotes are born in spring, so their parents get way more protective and, thus, dangerous from April to August.
– By nature, they like to get around during the day, but urban life has changed coyotes. They’ve adapted to sniff around when the sun’s not out in hopes of not getting spotted by humans.
– The main thing that brings coyotes to areas filled with humans is the search for food. So don’t be surprised by a visit if you leave something tasty out for them. – A dirty grill that you forgot to clean after a delicious BBQ, fallen fruit you were too lazy to pick up, any kind of edible trash – all of those are natural attractants for coyotes.
– A fence that’s at least 8 feet tall made out of a material that’s hard to climb is a good precaution. – These days, they make anti-coyote Kevlar jackets – yeah, the same material police vests are made from – for dogs. – Avoid running by all means. It triggers their hunter instinct, so they’ll be more likely to chase after you.
– If you realize it’s too late to just walk away and the coyote is interested in either you or your dog, or both, you have to show it that you aren’t afraid of it at all. – In case the coyote got into your backyard, use hoses, spray bottles with vinegar water (you can fill them in advance), or any other things that could scare away the predator. – One important thing you should do after the predator’s gone is report the incident to your local authorities!
– You have to take your dog to the vet immediately for the wounds to be cleaned and treated. Even if it just looks like a minor scratch or bite, still take them in. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Close One Eye When You Go to the Toilet at Night

In our everyday life, we’re usually doing things in seemingly the easiest and most rational way, yet we face the same problems repeatedly. Can't fall asleep again after going to the bathroom at night? Wanna know why? That’s because you switched on the lights to see what you’re doing. Our brain is trained to think that the light naturally means morning. Yeah, our brain is a tricky thing. Do you know, for example, why you should have a good laugh before a test? The thing is that our brains need to build strong relations with what we want to remember. And nothing helps more than something that gives them positive emotions! So if you wanna remember something important, just find something to laugh about, and you’ll remember it for good. Other videos you might like:
10 Simple Tricks to Manipulate People's Mind
A Simple Exercise Will Reboot Your Brain In 30 Seconds
Sleeping troubles after nighttime bathroom trips 0:26
Stumbling on things in the dark 1:11
Losing weight in your sleep 1:54
Cheer yourself up…forcefully 2:53
Spend a day on yourself 3:26
Forget about task management apps 4:08
Wake up and write 4:48
Argue with your textbooks 5:36
Have a laugh before Test Day 6:26
Speak up to win people over 7:16
Drink hot tea on a hot day 7:50
Unexpected medicine 8:26 #brightside #lifehacks #usefultips SUMMARY:
– You need to close one eye on your way to the toilet and back. This doesn’t allow as much light in, tricking your brain into thinking it’s not that bright yet, and you can keep sleeping!
– Loud noises also don’t help anyone get a good night’s sleep, so the best you can do to save yourself is to move your eyes rapidly in the dark. – Our metabolism keeps working when we sleep. On average, you burn around 500 calories overnight if you get 8 hours of sleep, which is the recommended time anyways. – Your brain will naturally connect the smile with happiness and good thoughts, and you’ll keep this attitude for the rest of the day. – You can deal with everything else if you devote just one day on taking care of your looks. Combine it with some reasonable shopping, which is a good means of stress release. – No coffee, no breakfast, don’t even rush to the bathroom. Everything else must wait. Instead, as soon as you get up, sit at your desk and write on a blank sheet of paper. – If you’re wrong, then the information will still have much more meaning for you, and therefore will be easier to remember. – No matter how good a person is at holding a grudge, it’s just in the nature of our mind that we tend to recall good things much faster, and in better detail.
– The next time you think to yourself that it’s best to behave and be humble when you’re surrounded by people, try not to miss a moment when you can really shine bright.
– It’ll produce much more heat if you eat an ice-cream during a cold winter day, which will, in turn, warm you up. But don’t overuse this trick. – Some people say that nothing hurts worse than a paper cut. But anyway, there’s a medicine for those paper cuts. And it’s Chapstick! Just put it over the cut and feel the pain disappear. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Planes Sometimes Fly Over the North Pole

Once upon a time, the arctic was an empty and seldom traveled place. The frozen wreckage of eighteenth-century exploration ships, and the occasional military outpost were among the only sign of human visitation. This is no longer the case. Increasingly, commercial flights are plotting courses over the North Pole and the Arctic tundra. Нou may be wondering what’s prompting these excursions over the frozen north. Even though flights like this are becoming common, there are still a number of obstacles that can get in the way. And no, violating Santa's airspace isn't one of them. Commercial flights have been crossing the arctic on and off for several decades, but most modern trans-polar airways didn’t come into full use until 1998. Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica TIMESTAMPS:
Why flights across the North Pole were scarce 20 years ago 0:55
What scheduling an international flight relies on 2:04
A blind spot along the poles 3:13
Which planes can attempt the journey 4:39
What makes Arctic flights worth so much trouble 6:19 #arctic #planes #brightside SUMMARY:
– Nonstop flights over long distances consume a lot of fuel. Consuming less fuel often requires carrying less weight, which translates to fewer passengers and lighter cargo. – A mere twenty years ago, flights across the North Pole were scarce. At that time, there were tight restrictions on how many aircraft could cross Russia's Polar airspace.
– Most of the satellites used for aircraft navigation orbit the Earth in geosynchronous orbit. This means that they orbit in sync with the Earth's rotation, allowing them to always be in the same position relative to the surface of the Earth.
– Much of infrastructure had to be built from the ground up over the last fifteen to twenty years.
– Many of them were constructed in the 50s and 60s, and had no system to decipher the radio transponders civilian aircraft use to identify themselves.
– Airlines had to, more or less, create an entirely new sector of Canada's economy, and there are still restrictions on which planes can attempt the journey.
– The scarcity of airfields and refueling stations means that only planes with a range of eight thousand miles or more are permitted to traverse the Artic airways. – Airliners on Arctic routes also have predetermined locations where they can make emergency landings. – These journeys across the Arctic Circle are much faster than you’d expect. – For the airlines who can afford the upfront cost, Arctic flights can be extremely profitable. Not every carrier is ready and able to begin offering trans-polar flights, but as time passes, the route will continue to become more accessible. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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How I’m Dealing with Overprotective Parents

What if aliens kidnapped you? What if you fell into a black hole? Your parents have a lot of scary thoughts while you’re out with your friends having fun. Hence the constant buzzing coming from your phone. Sound familiar? Then you might have overprotective parents. No, they aren't evil creatures who set a plan to make your life miserable, trust me. Chances are, they’re genuinely worried about your well-being and simply want you to avoid circumstances that can get you into trouble. Have no idea how to change the situation? Then listen up! And keep in mind that realizing why they feel the need to keep tabs on you is the first step to fixing the problem without arguing. Other videos you might like:
10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Children’s Lives
10 Things Parents Should Never Do for Their Kids
6 Child Behavior Problems That Are Parents’ Fault TIMESTAMPS:
Keep calm 0:24
Understand why they act like that 1:05
Prove they can trust you 2:11
Be more independent 3:03
Meet parents half-way 4:02
Keep them informed 4:52
Talk about your emotions 5:40
Negotiate new rules 6:21
Be patient and stay positive 7:28 #teens #teenproblems #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you keep acting like a spoiled kid who throws tantrums every time things aren’t going the way you wanted, your parents will treat you accordingly.
– Some parents can’t come to terms with the fact that their kids are growing up, simply because they’re scared their kids won’t need them anymore. But try not to forget that your parents want some interaction too. – Do your homework and chores without prompting, offer your help when it’s needed, always stick to your promises, and don’t forget to give them a heads-up if you’re going to be late. – If you’re a teen, there’re definitely ways for you to earn your own money. You can mow your neighbors’ lawn, babysit their kids, or even get a real part-time job if circumstances allow. – You should keep in mind that it’s all about taking little steps and making subtle changes to help your parents (and you as well) adjust.
– Giving your parents as many details as possible is a great way to make them stop breathing down your neck. Going with friends to the movies? Great, tell your parents which movie theatre you chose, who’s gonna drive, and all that stuff. – Talking about your emotions is probably the most effective thing you can do to make any relationship better. There are high chances that your parents are simply unaware of how their controlling actions affect you.
– After you’ve talked about your feelings, it’s a perfect time to try and ask for some changes in their strict rules. But make sure to choose the right setting for that.
– Here comes the toughest part. If you tried all the tips I’ve mentioned earlier to no avail, then the best you can do is to put up with the fact that things are the way they are. That’s not cool, but obviously your parents need more time to realize you’ve actually grown up. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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9 Easy Ways to Deal with Overprotective Parents

What if aliens kidnapped you? What if you fell into a black hole? Your parents have a lot of scary thoughts while you’re out with your friends having fun. Hence the constant buzzing coming from your phone. Sound familiar? Then you might have overprotective parents. No, they aren't evil creatures who set a plan to make your life miserable, trust me. Chances are, they’re genuinely worried about your well-being and simply want you to avoid circumstances that can get you into trouble. Have no idea how to change the situation? Then listen up! And keep in mind that realizing why they feel the need to keep tabs on you is the first step to fixing the problem without arguing. Other videos you might like:
10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Children’s Lives
10 Things Parents Should Never Do for Their Kids
6 Child Behavior Problems That Are Parents’ Fault TIMESTAMPS:
Keep calm 0:24
Understand why they act like that 1:05
Prove they can trust you 2:11
Be more independent 3:03
Meet parents half-way 4:02
Keep them informed 4:52
Talk about your emotions 5:40
Negotiate new rules 6:21
Be patient and stay positive 7:28 #teens #teenproblems #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you keep acting like a spoiled kid who throws tantrums every time things aren’t going the way you wanted, your parents will treat you accordingly.
– Some parents can’t come to terms with the fact that their kids are growing up, simply because they’re scared their kids won’t need them anymore. But try not to forget that your parents want some interaction too. – Do your homework and chores without prompting, offer your help when it’s needed, always stick to your promises, and don’t forget to give them a heads-up if you’re going to be late. – If you’re a teen, there’re definitely ways for you to earn your own money. You can mow your neighbors’ lawn, babysit their kids, or even get a real part-time job if circumstances allow. – You should keep in mind that it’s all about taking little steps and making subtle changes to help your parents (and you as well) adjust.
– Giving your parents as many details as possible is a great way to make them stop breathing down your neck. Going with friends to the movies? Great, tell your parents which movie theatre you chose, who’s gonna drive, and all that stuff. – Talking about your emotions is probably the most effective thing you can do to make any relationship better. There are high chances that your parents are simply unaware of how their controlling actions affect you.
– After you’ve talked about your feelings, it’s a perfect time to try and ask for some changes in their strict rules. But make sure to choose the right setting for that.
– Here comes the toughest part. If you tried all the tips I’ve mentioned earlier to no avail, then the best you can do is to put up with the fact that things are the way they are. That’s not cool, but obviously your parents need more time to realize you’ve actually grown up. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 9 Easy Ways to Deal with Overprotective Parents Videos