Category Archives: Bright Side News

I Flew a Plane and Managed to Land in the Mountains!

Hey there! Isn't today a great day to watch the world from above? Although if you a real plane lover, then you're probably ready to do it on any given day, right? So how about to join our friend, the Flying Guy? He got a Private Pilot License and he's gonna tell you something you didn't know about airplanes! Do you know what a turboprop is, by the way? It's a propeller-powered plane that is mainly for short-distance flights. It doesn't go nearly as high as a jet but it's better for takeoff and landing at short runways. But enough words! Let the flight begin! We'd like to thank Guy ( for the flight and preview photo provided for this video. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Guy Managed to Land the Plane in the Mountains

Hey there! Isn't today a great day to watch the world from above? Although if you a real plane lover, then you're probably ready to do it on any given day, right? So how about to join our friend, the Flying Guy? He got a Private Pilot License and he's gonna tell you something you didn't know about airplanes! Do you know what a turboprop is, by the way? It's a propeller-powered plane that is mainly for short-distance flights. It doesn't go nearly as high as a jet but it's better for takeoff and landing at short runways. But enough words! Let the flight begin! We'd like to thank Guy ( for the flight and preview photo provided for this video. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Comfort Food Makes Everyone Feel Happy

Think about your favorite foods – what comes to mind? Grandma’s peach cobbler? Buttery mashed potatoes smothered in gravy? A cheesy pizza with your favorite toppings? How about a Lobster tail with melted butter! Obviously, we love these comfort foods because they taste good. But did you know there are deeper psychological reasons why we crave them so much? For example, say you’re driving along a road that offers a lot of fast food choices. When you smell that fried food, you may think back to when you were a kid, and Mom would pick up some of this fast food as a treat. Smell is a powerful thing that can be associated with memories just as much as our other senses can! But there are many other reasons, and here's a list! Other videos you might like:
How All-You-Can-Eat Buffets Make Their Money
11 Secrets Advertisers Don’t Want You to Know TIMESTAMPS:
Comfort Foods Remind Us of Childhood 0:32
It Just Makes Us Feel Better 1:03
Comfort Food Affects Your Brain Chemistry 1:40
It’s An Easy Way to Self-Medicate 2:14
Helps Us Overcome Loneliness 2:48
Special Occasions 3:30
It’s The Perfect Distraction 4:00
The Smell of Comfort Food Is Everywhere 4:30
We Associate Comfort Food with Relationships 5:13
It Just Looks Delicious or Cute 5:54
Comfort Food Is Part of Our Culture 6:45 #food #fastfood #brightside SUMMARY:
– That childhood food reminds us of simpler times; times that were so different from our hectic adult lives. – Foods with this content – sugar, fat, and carbs – make our brains send us the happy signal, giving us a temporary sense of well-being, and elevating our mood. – If you eat the carb-rich mac and cheese, you get the instant gratification of a dose of “happy” chemicals from your brainю
– We’ve all been there – stress eating. And when we’re stress eating, we probably reach for those salty potato chips or our favorite cookies. – Eating that food associated with nostalgia causes our brains to send out some serious amounts of “happy” chemicals.
– Our senses of smell and taste are obviously pretty intertwined. Just smelling comfort food can make us crave it. That smell may also be associated with fond memories, such as your childhood home or the county fair.
– We may also associate comfort food with Mom’s cooking, times with childhood friends or current friends, or maybe even with our first date with our spouse. – If we see something attractive, we want to be part of it, or for it to become part of us.
– Every culture has its own comfort foods. And haven’t comfort foods always been part of your life? – We should be careful though; cravings for comfort food can lead to overeating and weight gain. – If you’re craving a comfort food, take a step back for a second: are you actually hungry? Or do you want this food because you’re bored, down in the dumps, or stressed out? Try drinking water instead, or grabbing a healthy snack. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Lost Continent Has Been Found Under the Sea

The Greek philosopher Plato first described Atlantis in the year 360 BC. Ever since people have been enamored with this lost continent. What happened to it? What was it like? Did they eat cheeseburgers? Did Atlantis ever even exist at all? Unfortunately, the answer to that last question is probably no. Still, there might be some hope, as geologists stumble across lost continents more often than you might think. Here are three sunken lands that might hold you over until the fish people turn up. Other videos you might like:
A New Continent Is Discovered on Earth In the Pacific Ocean
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica
What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like? TIMESTAMPS: Sunken continent beneath the waters of the Mediterranean Sea 0:40 The landmass that has broken away from Australia 4:28 The continent where humans lived 7:16 #continents #geography #brightside SUMMARY:
– All of the Earth’s landmass was once combined into a single massive supercontinent known as Pangea. About two hundred million years ago the continent split in two.
– The continental plate might have been roughly the size of Greenland, King of the Islands, but was actually divided into several smaller landmasses, similar to the Caribbean.
– Greater Adria would’ve been a vast collection of islands and coral atolls separated by shallow and warm tropical seas. – Most of it sank into the Earth's Mantle following a collision with mainland Europe not long after its formation. – Finding this sunken landmass was no easy feat, and took years of research by geologists from multiple countries. You see, southern Europe is what experts refer to as “a mess.”
– Aspiring geologists looking for another lost world might turn their attention to the South Pacific, and the unassuming island nation of New Zealand.
– New Zealand, like many islands, is little more than the top of a vast underwater mountain range.
– Zealandia is believed to have broken away from Australia around sixty to eighty-five million years ago. – Zealandia is more than half the size of its parent continent and much larger than Greater Adria.
– Fossil records even indicate that there may have been animals on the continent before it was swallowed up by the rising Pacific Ocean at the end of the last ice age. – If Zealandia were above water, it would interrupt the EAC, hogging all that tropical warmth for itself like the greedy landmass it is. – What differentiates Doggerland from the first two entries on this list is that it existed recently enough for humans to have set foot on this lost land. – It’s named after Dogger Bank, a submerged plateau halfway between England and Denmark. – Modern humans are known to have begun inhabiting the region between the years of 10,000 and 4,000BC, as evidenced by the discovery of flint and bone tools on the floor of the English Channel.
– As with all good things, Doggerland eventually came to an end. And as with Zealandia, it was receding glaciers and rising sea levels that did this landmass in. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Lost Continent Has Been Finally Found

The Greek philosopher Plato first described Atlantis in the year 360 BC. Ever since people have been enamored with this lost continent. What happened to it? What was it like? Did they eat cheeseburgers? Did Atlantis ever even exist at all? Unfortunately, the answer to that last question is probably no. Still, there might be some hope, as geologists stumble across lost continents more often than you might think. Here are three sunken lands that might hold you over until the fish people turn up. Other videos you might like:
A New Continent Is Discovered on Earth In the Pacific Ocean
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica
What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like? TIMESTAMPS:
Sunken continent beneath the waters of the Mediterranean Sea 0:40
The landmass that has broken away from Australia 4:28
The continent where humans lived 7:16
#continents #geography #brightside SUMMARY:
– All of the Earth’s landmass was once combined into a single massive supercontinent known as Pangea. About two hundred million years ago the continent split in two.
– The continental plate might have been roughly the size of Greenland, King of the Islands, but was actually divided into several smaller landmasses, similar to the Caribbean.
– Greater Adria would’ve been a vast collection of islands and coral atolls separated by shallow and warm tropical seas. – Most of it sank into the Earth's Mantle following a collision with mainland Europe not long after its formation. – Finding this sunken landmass was no easy feat, and took years of research by geologists from multiple countries. You see, southern Europe is what experts refer to as “a mess.”
– Aspiring geologists looking for another lost world might turn their attention to the South Pacific, and the unassuming island nation of New Zealand.
– New Zealand, like many islands, is little more than the top of a vast underwater mountain range.
– Zealandia is believed to have broken away from Australia around sixty to eighty-five million years ago. – Zealandia is more than half the size of its parent continent and much larger than Greater Adria.
– Fossil records even indicate that there may have been animals on the continent before it was swallowed up by the rising Pacific Ocean at the end of the last ice age. – If Zealandia were above water, it would interrupt the EAC, hogging all that tropical warmth for itself like the greedy landmass it is. – What differentiates Doggerland from the first two entries on this list is that it existed recently enough for humans to have set foot on this lost land. – It’s named after Dogger Bank, a submerged plateau halfway between England and Denmark. – Modern humans are known to have begun inhabiting the region between the years of 10,000 and 4,000BC, as evidenced by the discovery of flint and bone tools on the floor of the English Channel.
– As with all good things, Doggerland eventually came to an end. And as with Zealandia, it was receding glaciers and rising sea levels that did this landmass in. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Journey Inside Your Body

Hey guys! Wanna go on an epic journey…through the human body? C'mon, don't be scared, it's perfectly safe! We're gonna start with the mouth because it's the gateway to the digestive system. That system is designed specifically to transform food into useful nutrients that keep you energized and help your cells grow and repair. By the way, did you know that the amount of saliva you produce in a year could fill 2 medium-sized bathtubs! Almost a pool full of drool! Yuck! But saliva comes in handy as it mixes with food and breaks it down even more. That way, your stomach doesn’t have to digest whole chunks of food. Interested? Then let's do it! You're gonna learn a lot about yourself! Other videos you might like:
30 Facts You Never Knew About Your Body
10 Body Features Only 5% of People Have TIMESTAMPS:
Mouth 0:33
Throat 1:40
Esophagus 2:05
Stomach 3:02
Small intestine 3:56
Pancreas 4:37
Large intestine 5:08
Appendix 5:36
Rectum 7:15 #humanbody #digestivesystem #brightside SUMMARY:
– So, once you grab the first bite of whatever you’re eating, you turn on the digestion machine. As you chew, food is broken up into pieces to make the process easier.
– The muscles in the walls of this guy’s esophagus are squeezing behind me and relaxing in front of me. This is a process called peristalsis, and it’s what moves me through your digestive system. – The stomach holds, mixes, and grinds the food up into mush, so it has to be pretty strong.
– The small intestine is made up of 3 sections. Bile is crucial to digest fat and take all the waste out of your blood, so be thankful your liver produces it.
– And that thing over there that looks like a pear – that’s the gallbladder. It’s located under the liver and keeps bile in it until the right moment comes. – Also known as the colon, it’s a muscular tube that’s 5 to 6 feet long. – Your intestines need good bacteria to help them break down food, vitamins, and nutrients so that your body can use them. – Still loads of bacteria all over the place. There can’t be too little or too many – otherwise you’d have digestive problems like food intolerances. – When the left colon gets too full of stool, it decides to dump it all into the rectum because it can't hold it all by itself. – The rectum is a straight chamber that’s about 8 inches long. It has special sensors, like this one or that one there, that let you know when there’s something you should get rid of.
– If the moment is right for you (that is, you find a toilet), the sphincters relax, and ta-da! Your stool makes its exit. – Those rectum sensors help too so that the urge to release its contents disappears for a while. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Steve Jobs Didn’t Have a License Plate

What do you know about Steve Jobs, the legendary co-founder of Apple, who created one of the greatest gadgets of our time? Turns out, he was a man of mystery, and in the most literal sense of the word. Just think about it, he'd been driving a car around Silicon Valley without a license plate for years on end! That meant breaking the law, which requires all passenger vehicles to have tags. Some believed that he did it just because he could. Call it a rebellious spirit if you want. Or maybe he wanted to protect his privacy by any means possible. Someone even came up with the theory that it was the font on the plate that he didn’t like. After all, he was a perfectionist in every way, so maybe he really thought an ugly plate would ruin his beautiful car. Other videos you might like:
I Adopted Rich People’s Habits, See How My Life Changed
12 Signs of High Intelligence You Probably Have
Why “C” Students Are More Successful Than “A” Students TIMESTAMPS:
Did he have an arrangement with the local police? 🚔 0:51
Sneaky explanation 1:20
Some other strange quirks of Steve Jobs:
– Nothing but apples 2:12
– Body odor 😣 2:42
Old cheap Volvo of the IKEA creator 3:05
Baths without using any water 3:42
Bill Gates and his rocking chair 4:08
Thomas Edison and the salt test 4:51
Wanna beat procrastination? Check this out! 5:17
The most eccentric billionaire 💰 5:42
Why Nikola Tesla didn’t shake hands with anyone 6:20
Why Warren Buffett reads 500 pages every day 6:55
Soybean sandwiches and burdock 7:36 #SteveJobs #successfulpeople #brightside Preview photo credit: Steve Jobs shows off the iPhone 4 at the 2010 Worldwide Developers Conference: By Matthew Yohe, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Steve Jobs' car, parked in the blue zone outside IL1, just behind BJ's Bar and Restaurant. This was his favorite spot: By Alison Cassidy – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– A few years back, California laws allowed people to drive with no plates for six months after buying a new car. So Jobs just made the most of this loophole.
– The interesting thing is that all this time he stayed true to one brand and model, the Mercedes SL55 AMG. – He was often on a diet with only one ore two specific types of food allowed. For instance, he would eat nothing but apples for weeks. – He also didn’t think he ever got body odor, so he didn’t see the need to shower every day, or use deodorant. – Ingvar Kamprad, who created IKEA, had billions of dollars in his account. But still, he lived just like any other person. – Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the US, loved air baths. Every morning before work, he'd open the windows in his house to let the chill in. – Bill Gates has an unusual method of focusing on his ideas. To help him think, he sits down in a rocking chair and quietly swings back and forth. – Inventor Thomas Edison was also incredibly picky about his employees, but in another way. To work for him, a person needed to pass the salt test. – Howard Hughes was terrified of germs so much he couldn’t even touch his silverware without wrapping it in tissues first. – Brilliant scientist Nikola Tesla, detested bacteria. He wore gloves at almost all times, and didn’t shake hands with anyone. – Business magnate Warren Buffett also has a pretty time-consuming habit. He reads 500 pages every day.
– Stephen King revealed that he can’t start writing without a slice of cheesecake.
– As for industrialist Henry Ford, his favorite snack was… roadside greens. And when he had guests, he served them soybean sandwiches and burdock. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Man Survived a Fall from Outer Space

The 20th century was full of awesome breakthroughs and historical events. But some of them stood out even from that incredible crowd. And one such event was the mission of Soyuz 5, which made huge headlines not only for its importance but for its amazing style — and its incredible landing. Soyuz 5 was a Soviet spacecraft launched on January 15, 1969. Just like the U.S. space program, Soyuz had numbers for each of their spacecrafts, but Soyuz 5 had one peculiarity. It was sent to the orbit just a day after another craft, Soyuz 4, went there. They had one mission between the two of them: it was manned docking and transfer of the crew. If the mission had become a success, it would’ve been the first such feat performed in the history of humankind… Other videos you might like:
What Would a Journey to the Black Hole Be Like?
A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands) TIMESTAMPS:
The mission begins 0:58
The most intrepid part 2:31
The day of glory 3:16
What happened with Commander Volynov? 5:09
Destroying of the capsule 7:22
Wild chance 8:26
“Is my hair gray?” 9:13 #astronauts #survivalstory #brightside SUMMARY:
– First, on January 14, Soyuz 4 was launched into orbit with one man on board: Vladimir Shatalov. He was to wait for the second spacecraft and help its crew with the docking. – It was the first space flight for all four of the cosmonauts, which made their responsibility even higher.
– Soyuz 4, which was the active craft in the mission, maneuvered carefully and gave instructions to the other ship’s crew so that everything went smoothly.
– The mission was a success. As the principal Soviet news agency put it, that was the first experimental space station ever, with room for four members of the crew.
– Two members of the Soyuz 5 crew, engineers Aleksei Yeliseyev and Yevgeny Khrunov, were to walk through the stretch of open space between the crafts and board Soyuz 4, joining its commander.
– Moscow television covered everything that happened on board and brought it live to the Soviet citizens.
– It was a complete success. No one in the whole world had done before what the brave cosmonauts achieved that day.
– All in all, the two spacecraft stayed connected for 4 hours 35 minutes, after which Commander Volynov pulled away. He was scheduled to descend on January 18, a day after the Soyuz 4 crew. – Volynov started his re-entry already not in a normal way. For some reason, he was unable to complete orientation of his spacecraft for retrofire, which is a sort of a space braking system.
– The blast didn’t disconnect the two modules, and Volynov’s capsule re-entered the atmosphere with the wrong side. – For the next harrowing half hour, he watched and felt how the insane pressure and heat destroyed the capsule around him. – He knew the protective layer wouldn’t last long, but kept reporting his status into the voice recorder.
– The tumble sent the module flying astray, and the parachutes opened only in part because their lines got entangled. So instead of falling more or less peacefully on the ground, the capsule with a man inside dropped like a rock from the sky.
– Soyuz 5 landed almost 350 miles away from its intended landing point.
– He got up, located a column of smoke in the distance, and walked there until he reached some peasant’s house.
– The owner took him in, and together they waited for the rescue party. When they came at last, Volynov looked at the men arriving to pick him up, and only asked, “Is my hair gray?” Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Flying Cars Will Be Probably Available by 2025

Stuck in a traffic jam and about to be late for work, who hasn't dreamt of a way to get somewhere by skirting all the unnecessary chaos? Right now, there seems to be no way to avoid traffic congestion. But in less than 10 years, you're likely to forget what that is! Urban Air Mobility experts predict that one day, your way to work will take minutes instead of hours thanks to air taxi. But the best news is that it may happen way sooner than you thought, around 2023 – 2025! And by 2040, you won't remember the days when you couldn’t get anywhere by air. Other videos you might like:
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What Things Will Disappear In Just 20 Years? TIMESTAMPS:
How air taxi prototypes look 0:40
Flying taxis will appear when… 1:15
How much will it cost? 2:17
Hyperloop 2:42
Giant drone 3:34
What will happen with good old cars in 2025 4:40
3,800 miles per hour. Is it even possible?! 6:56
Skyscrapers which will serve as spaceports 7:58 #future #futuretransport #brightside SUMMARY:
– The surprising truth is that most technologies needed for creating air taxis are already here. Even more, today there are already air taxi prototypes and test vehicles! – On the other hand, there are still a lot of things to be done. For example, the batteries, which are supposed to power the flying electric cars, must be developed further so that they can last longer. – Hundreds of heliports and helipads must be built all over the world. All these numerous flying taxis will need pilots who’ll have to be trained.
– You'll have to spend about $43 on a transfer from San Jose to San Francisco.
– One of the most spectacular innovations might be the Hyperloop. This is a futuristic transport system that consists of tubes that shoot pod-like capsules between stations. – One of the companies that are developing the Hyperloop has already built a 1-mile-long subscale track. – If you're heading somewhere on your own in 2025, you'll most likely use a giant, autonomous drone, capable of transporting one passenger. – To get a ride from point A to point B, you just need to enter the locations into a special smartphone app. T
– Now, even if you have a good old car in 2025, the chances are very high that it’ll be autonomous. That means you won't have to keep your hands on the steering wheel – the car will do all the driving for you.
– There’s a project which suggests creating an entire transport network of pods, which can seat one person at a time, and move along pre-described routes
– Instead of owning a car, in 5 or 10 years, you're likely to use fleet-based services.
– Sometime around 2040, you'll be able to have a hypersonic plane ride! These aircraft will fly at incredible heights, and their speed is likely to be 5 times the speed of sound, which will make it about 3,800 miles per hour! – But the most amazing prediction about the future of Earth’s transport system is that by 2045, there might be jumbo skyscrapers which will serve as spaceports. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Flying Cars Will Be Probably Available by 2025 Videos