Category Archives: Bright Side News

17 Wrong Habits We Get from Childhood

Leaving the frozen chicken on the counter for the whole day, taking showers that are too hot, or holding in a sneeze — some of us go through our days on autopilot. Our daily actions are filled with little rituals and habits that we think make us feel more comfortable, but actually, they hide something more harmful. For example, a fragrant coffee first thing in the morning can interfere with your hormones or the phone light before bedtime can cause you to not sleep well. So it’s high time to slow down and analyze our daily actions. Here's where you might be going wrong with some of your daily routines! Other videos you might like:
13 Habits We Mistakenly Considered Harmless
8 Skin Habits That Make You Look Older
10 Morning Habits That Can Ruin Your Day TIMESTAMPS:
Defrosting at room temperature or under hot water 0:20
Looking down at your phone for hours 0:47
Not using cold water at the end of your shower 1:16
Brushing your teeth right after a meal 1:44
Flossing before brushing your teeth 2:15
Washing your face after your workout, but not before 2:39
Not washing pre-washed salad 3:15
Piling food in the center of the plate when you microwave it 3:38
Bringing electronics into bed with you 4:01
Washing your hands after putting on sunscreen 4:40
Holding in a sneeze 5:09
Holding in gas 5:37
Topping off your contact lenses solution 6:09
Using headphones to listen to loud music 6:35
Drinking coffee right after you wake up 7:07
Choosing the hand dryer over paper towels 7:38
Using antibacterial products 8:07 #badhabits #badforyou #brightside SUMMARY:
– As soon as meat gets warmer than 40°F, the bacteria that was in there before it was frozen starts to multiply! To prevent that from happening, plan your cooking ahead and defrost your stuff in the refrigerator. – In case you often hold your phone down near your chest or lap for a long time, you can get so-called “text neck”. – It’s hard to be a fan of cold showers, but alternating hot and cold water will help you improve your skin condition, blood circulation, lymphatic flow, immune system, and even release stress and stimulate weight loss. – Brushing your teeth right after eating will do you more harm than good, especially after foods containing citric acid or sugar, like oranges, grapefruits, lemons or soda. – Flossing is way more effective when you do it after brushing your teeth with your final rinse still in your mouth.
– “Pre-washed” on the package doesn’t mean that the product is 100% clean and ready to be used for your salad. – Scrolling through your social media feed or playing your favorite game right before bed isn’t as harmless as you might think. The light from the phone screen that shines directly into your eyes decreases the production of the hormone melatonin, which regulates your sleep. – If you’re wearing sunscreen (and you should be), you’ll naturally want to wash it off your hands after applying it. However, they also get exposed to sun rays and need protection. – Holding gas in your body can make your abdomen extend, and it could even get absorbed by your circulation, which means you could exhale some of it through your mouth.
– Listening to loud blasting beats can lead to hearing damage, and even hearing loss.
– Your body produces a hormone called cortisol, which is also called a “stress hormone.” The production of this hormone is high in the morning, and caffeine interferes with this process.
– As you rub your hands under a machine that draws in bathroom air, you’re exposing them to a large numbers of bacteria you’re unaware of.
– Nothing kills bacteria better than good old soap. Try to wash your hands with it when you have a chance, instead of using a sanitizer. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Journey to the End of the Universe

What will happen to us in the next few hundred years? Or a thousand? How will the Universe end? Nobody knows for sure, but we can gather all the existing theories together and find it out. Just a century from now humans will be the first living species outside Earth that we know of. In 1,000 years, humanity will accept technology not only in their lives but inside their bodies too. Ever heard about cyborgs? That’s exactly what every other human being will become in the future. 100,000 years in the future — and many of the constellations we know will become unrecognizable because of the natural movement of stars. At nearly the same time, Earth will celebrate the distant anniversary by a supervolcanic eruption, with hot magma and volcanic ash covering thousands upon thousands of square miles of land… Other videos you might like:
Stephen Hawking’s 7 Predictions of Earth’s Demise in the Next 200 Years
That's What'll Happen to the Earth In 1,000,000,000 Years
15 Body Parts That Will Disappear One Day TIMESTAMPS:
Colonization of Mars 0:31
Will we become cyborgs? 0:49
Supervolcanic eruption 1:31
Mass destructions on Earth 2:07
Betelgeuse explosion 2:22
What will happen to Mars? 2:36
When will life on our planet cease to exist? 3:21
The birth of a new galaxy 3:34
There will be no new stars 4:52
The Degenerate Era 5:10
The Black Hole Era 6:33
The era when time won’t matter 7:19
Birth of a new Universe 7:48 SUMMARY:
– In 100 years, technology will leap forwards, and we’ll all become part of a web larger than the Internet. We’ll also finally start colonizing nearby planets, most likely Mars. – And here goes… 10,000 years from today. Antares, the red supergiant star that is fifteenth brightest in our night sky, will explode in a supernova. – 100,000 years in the future — and many of the constellations we know will become unrecognizable because of the natural movement of stars. – In 500,000 years, our planet will be struck with a huge boulder from the sky: an asteroid of about a half mile in diameter. If humans don’t find a way to avoid the impact, it will cause mass destructions on Earth.
– In 1 million years, two out of four moons of Uranus will collide with each other, causing chaos on the planet.
– Just 400,000 years later, Phobos, one of Mars’s two satellites, will break apart because of increasing gravity, and the red planet will have its own set of rings, just like Saturn.
– 110 million years from now is when the Sun will become 1% brighter. It will change the climate on every planet in the Solar system, ever so slightly making it hotter and hotter still.
– 4 billion years from now the Milky Way galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy. – In 7.9 billion years, the Sun will become super-inflated and turn into a red giant, swallowing the closest planets — including the scalding hot piece of rock that was once Earth. – In 100 billion years, the Universe will stretch so far and so fast that galaxies will become invisible from each other’s perspective.
– In 1 trillion years, new stars will stop appearing in space. – In 100 trillion years, the Degenerate Era will begin. With no fuel to feed the new stars, they will simply stop forming at all, even if some tried at first. – In 120 trillion years, only white and brown dwarf stars will remain where normal stars have once been.
– In 1 quadrillion years, all planets will be thrown out of their orbits and sent drifting in the cold, dark outer space.
– 1 quintillion years, and things that once were stars will also become ejected from their galaxies, wandering the empty Universe for the rest of their time.
– Now, for quintillions of quintillions of years, there will be nothing; this period is called the Dark Era, and time won’t matter at this point.
– The false vacuum has just inflated and heated up to extreme temperatures, exploding in the empty space and filling it with new energy. – Giving life to the new universe — and possibly not even a single one. You know this event as the Big Bang. That’s how our Universe was born, and how it will probably be reborn after billions upon billions of years. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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11 Riddles That Will Wake You Up Better Than Coffee

People who solve at least 10 riddles a week have 60% faster reactions and can get out of dangerous situations 40% more easily than those who don't. Ok, maybe it's not really like that. But riddles DO improve your memory and concentration! Scientists have long proved that solving hard puzzles increases your IQ level and boosts your brain. Riddles can also help us think outside the box — if practiced often enough. So mind teasers are so much more than simple games. Okay, are you ready for the challenge? Try these puzzles out, and check your results at the end! Other videos you might like:
12 Riddles to Check if You Can Escape from Dangers
If You Solve One-Third of These Riddles, Tell Your Friends You're a Genius
10 Fun Kiddy Riddles That Stump Most Adults TIMESTAMPS:
A Menacing House 0:23
An Encrypted Note 1:35
A Mirror Mystery 2:23
A Stolen Car 3:36
An Unfriendly Shop Owner 4:28
A Rabbit Puzzle 5:22
A Hotel Theft 5:57
Move a Cup 7:00
A Stolen Turkey 7:32
An Unlucky Skydiver 8:36
A Dream Job 9:33
Your results 10:13 SUMMARY:
– Michael got lost when he was mushroom hunting. After hours of trying to find his way out of the woods, he came across a house that seemed to be deserted. He then heard an eerie voice, "You've entered my home uninvited, but you won't leave it so easily!" Michael found himself in a room with 3 doors. Which one should he open? – Mark was a detective working on a difficult case when one day, he just disappeared! The only thing he left behind was a mysterious encrypted note. Who did kidnap the detective?
– You get lost in the woods on a dark stormy night. You come upon a lonesome castle and knock on the door. The owner greets you with an odd request: "You have to answer just one question. If you win, I'll provide you with food and a warm bed, and in the morning, I'll show you the way out of the forest. But if you lose, you'll never leave my castle again!"
– On Tuesday afternoon, a man came to the police station and said that his car had been stolen. Detective Brown examined the scene and immediately knew who the criminal was. Have you figured it out?
– Jacob owned an electronics store in a small town. A new $1,000 gaming console had just hit the shelves! A man rushed in to make a purchase. He asked for a console and handed Jacob two bills. But the store owner immediately called the police. Why?
– You've bought a cute little rabbit at a pet store. The animal can breed every 2 months, and each time, it’ll deliver 5 babies. How many rabbits will you have in a year? – Newlyweds Maria and Daniel went to an island in the Indian Ocean for their honeymoon. They stayed in a luxurious hotel. But one day, when they returned from dinner, they found that someone had broken into their safe and stolen all of Maria's jewelry. Who was the thief? – Take a look at this picture. You must move just 1 cup in the top row so that they’ll be arranged in the same order as the cups in the bottom row. – A very distressed farmer came to the police complaining that someone had stolen his biggest most valuable turkey. The police officer asked to examine the house, and after a couple minutes, he knew who’d stolen the turkey. And how about you?
– Nick was an experienced skydiver, but one day, something went terribly wrong. A strong wind blew him into the forest, and the man found himself among dense trees with no food or water. Which path should Nick take? – Tyler is just 24 years old, but he already works for a big, successful company. He always flies first class and stays at the best hotels. He doesn't sell or buy anything, but he spends a lot of time with wealthy business people. When he talks, people listen to him attentively. There’s no way the company could go without his expertise. What is Tyler's occupation? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Happens to Luggage If Nobody Takes It

Sometimes it feels like a race. You make it to the airport of your destination, but your check-in baggage doesn't. So what if there’s a lonely suitcase spinning on the baggage carousel even after all the travelers have left the airport? However sad it may sound, each unclaimed bag has a person it belongs to. And right now, this poor owner is most likely at another airport, complaining about their luggage getting lost on the way. And the abandoned bag you see on the carousel has either been diverted to the wrong plane, or lost altogether due to some confusion. So let's figure out what happens to it! Other videos you might like:
9 Secrets Airport Staff Don't Want You to Know
33 Little-Known Airport Facts to Travel Easier
A Fast Boarding Way No Airline Will Ever Use TIMESTAMPS:
How airport employees look for the lost luggage owners 1:01
Where the lost suitcase goes 1:50
Charity and auctions? Really? 2:11
Luggage Tetris 3:04 Why you should buy a four-wheeled suitcase 3:45
Your bag can become "foreign object debris" 4:37
What irritates baggage handlers the most 6:02
How your baggage can get hurt 8:04 #airport #luggage #brightside SUMMARY:
– When it becomes obvious that no one is going to claim a bag, the airline tries to find out who it belongs to. In most cases, all they need to do is to look at the bag tag. – But let's say there’s no identifying information on the suitcase. In this case, the airline keeps the bag at the terminal where it arrived, and waits for about 5 days for the owner to claim it.
– Each air carrier has a central warehouse, and that's exactly where the lost suitcase goes. It stays there for around 2 more months. – The bag and everything inside could be donated to charity. – The airline company holds an auction. In this case, large companies (which are the main buyers at such auctions) buy tons of unclaimed baggage.
– Every minute of delay costs an airline company hundreds of dollars. That's why, before reaching the conveyer belt, your bag may be repeatedly thrown around for up to 60 ft.
– On top of that, baggage handlers usually pack suitcases as if playing a game of Tetris. They squeeze bags of different sizes and shapes together so that they form a solid wall of baggage.
– Airport staff tends to treat two-wheeled suitcases worse than four-wheeled ones. – When talking about baggage, most people tend to forget about things which aren't actual bags, such as strollers, car seats, and the like. – Only a few bags come with their own luggage tags; in most cases, people have to buy additional tags so that their luggage can be identified should it get lost.
– Airport staff has such limited time to get bags loaded and unloaded that they pay little to no attention to brands or how expensive a suitcase is.
– If you're in the habit of overpacking your suitcase, making it extremely heavy, keep in mind that heavier bags are usually placed at the very bottom when they're loaded on the plane. – One of the most irritating things for a baggage handler is numerous luggage tags on a bag or suitcase.
– Children's luggage is by no means handled with more care than that of adults'. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Planes Can’t Reverse

Despite what many people think, moving backward isn't entirely impossible for an aircraft (of course if we talk about traveling on the ground). It's another matter that they never do. Some planes can perform a so-called "powerback," which is the very thing that makes it move in reverse. In this case, a plane's jet engines direct the thrust forward instead of backward. Jet airplanes can use the reverse thrust if they need to brake as fast as possible after the touchdown, or when they need to make an emergency stop. Anyway, if planes can potentially taxi backward, why don't they? And what about flying in reverse? Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Faster
Why Airplanes Are White
What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a Plane Engine TIMESTAMPS:
Why planes don't taxi backward ⬅️ 1:03
Can they fly in reverse? 2:43
Funny exception 3:10
Could planes replace rockets one day? 🚀 3:31
Is it possible to create electric airplanes? 4:22
Why can't planes take off when the weather is too hot? 5:09
Are aircraft able to fly through hurricanes? 💨 5:52 #planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– The reverse thrust takes a lot of effort (and I mean it!). As a result, the noise produced in the process is literally deafening. – An engine running at full reverse thrust is a serious safety risk. Powerful airstreams propel debris lifted from the ground at an incredible speed. – On top of that, to make the reverse thrust as effective as possible, the plane's engines must work at full blast. But in this case, they spend much more fuel than usual.
– When a pilot applies the brakes while moving backward, it can potentially cause a tailstrike. In this case, the tail of the aircraft hits the ground or some other solid object.
– But can they fly in reverse? Well, most experts are surprisingly unanimous when responding to this question, and their answer is a firm "no." – On the other hand, there’s one exception to the "no-flying backward" rule. If the wind is extremely strong, and the plane's flying at its minimum speed (which is also slower than that of the wind), the aircraft will be moving backward relative to the ground. – The higher you go, the thinner the air becomes, until there's hardly any air at all. This means that neither large wings with a clever shape, nor powerful engines, will help a plane to climb very high anywhere near the vacuum of space.
– The problem with extremely hot temperatures is that planes can't generate enough lift to get into the air! And if there's no lift, there's no flight. – The wings won't have enough "stuff" to push against, and will be unable to produce the necessary lift.
– Most hurricanes form at a much lower altitude than thunderstorms. As a result, a plane can easily fly over parts of a hurricane. – As for a thunderstorm, it can create a gigantic cloud structure with the top reaching more than 60,000 ft!
– That's way higher than the average cruising altitude of commercial planes, which is about 35,000 ft. – As for flying over a tornado, it can turn out to be just as dangerous because the effects of this natural phenomenon can go well beyond the plane's maximum cruising altitude. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Story About Strange Things Happening in the Deeper Woods

Long ago, in a faraway land, there was a village. The village was peculiar for its tradition: all of its inhabitants were named after their main qualities that showed up in childhood and stayed with them for the rest of their lives. Thus, there lived Kindness the Woodsman, who never passed when someone needed help. There was Generosity the Cook, who fed all the hungry and poor, both human and animal. And in that village lived a man and his wife – their names were Honor and Tenderness. One day, Tenderness gave birth to three boys with radiant chestnut curls. They did not have names at first, of course: they were to receive them when the time came. For the time being, everyone called them One, Two, and Three. And this story's about them. Other videos you might like:
My Owner Threw Me Away But the Miracle Happened (Part 1)
10 Touching Stories About the True Power of Love
A Heart-Breaking Story of a Girl Found Alone in the Ocean TIMESTAMPS:
Fear, Greed, and Hollow 0:41
What Honor and Tenderness decided to do 2:41
No chance to escape… 4:14
Strange things happening in the deeper woods 5:48
How Fear, Greed, and Hollow came back home 6:41 #touchingstory #movingstory #brightside SUMMARY:
– Four years passed, and the boys’ characters started coming to light. But the traits they’d shown were not virtues. Honor and Tenderness felt uneasy, but decided it was all their young age.
– Number Three was very Fearful but afraid to show it, so he liked to scare others. He was given the name Fear.
– Number Two liked helping people but never did anything for free. He felt that any good deed done demanded payment. His name became Greed.
– Number One was neither cruel, nor kind, neither greedy, nor generous. His parents sighed sorrowfully and named their son Hollow.
– One day Tenderness woke her sons gently and told them to get dressed and pack a few things, while discreetly putting some food into their bags.
– Tenderness led her sons along the woodsmen’s path, lantern in hand. On the edge of the woods, she stopped, turned around, and sternly told her sons to follow her and never make an extra turn, or else they’d get lost.
– Finally, they ended up on a forest glade, and that was when the moon rose in the sky, pouring its silvery light everywhere. Mother was nowhere to be found.
– They came back to the same spot they’d left hours ago. That was when they realized they’d been left for good with no chance to escape.
– Twelve years passed. Within that time, Tenderness and Honor became parents of three daughters. They still sometimes lamented their lost boys, but they so loved and cherished their girls: Mischief, Justice, and Wisdom. – But then, strange things began happening in the deeper woods. – When the good people of the village could bear it no more, they finally came to Honor and Tenderness for advice.
– Then their three daughters suddenly stood up and said, “We’ll go into the woods!” The parents tried to stop them, but the girls quickly took everything they needed, kissed Mother and Father goodbye, promised to be back soon, and left.
– Just as they entered the woods, the sisters heard the roar and scraping. Fear came out of the woods. He roared and swung the harpoon in his hand, but Mischief laughed once more, leapt, and began tickling him!
– He fell upon the ground and started roaring in laughter with her. – Soon, things started disappearing from them. Justice simply took off all the jewelry she had left, took out a purse with five coins inside it, and, smiling, put it all on the ground.
– Greed ’s eyes filled with embarrassment, and then…tears. He gave the jewelry back to the sisters at once. – The eldest sister approached the eldest brother, sat at the table opposite him, and they talked.
– Three days and three nights they talked. The more the brother strained to make his sister’s heart sink, the more heart she garnered. – At last, he couldn’t take it any longer! He shot up, overturned the table, and shouted at Wisdom.
– “See? You’re also not as Hollow as you thought you were.” Hollow stood transfixed, looked at his trembling hands and at Wisdom , and then took her palm in his. And thus they walked, brother and sister, hand in hand to their home. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More A Story About Strange Things Happening in the Deeper Woods Videos

A Story About Strange Things Happening in the Woods

Long ago, in a faraway land, there was a village. The village was peculiar for its tradition: all of its inhabitants were named after their main qualities that showed up in childhood and stayed with them for the rest of their lives. Thus, there lived Kindness the Woodsman, who never passed when someone needed help. There was Generosity the Cook, who fed all the hungry and poor, both human and animal. And in that village lived a man and his wife – their names were Honor and Tenderness. One day, Tenderness gave birth to three boys with radiant chestnut curls. They did not have names at first, of course: they were to receive them when the time came. For the time being, everyone called them One, Two, and Three. And this story's about them. Other videos you might like:
My Owner Threw Me Away But the Miracle Happened (Part 1)
10 Touching Stories About the True Power of Love
A Heart-Breaking Story of a Girl Found Alone in the Ocean TIMESTAMPS:
Fear, Greed, and Hollow 0:41
What Honor and Tenderness decided to do 2:41
No chance to escape… 4:14
Strange things happening in the deeper woods 5:48
How Fear, Greed, and Hollow came back home 6:41 #touchingstory #movingstory #brightside SUMMARY:
– Four years passed, and the boys’ characters started coming to light. But the traits they’d shown were not virtues. Honor and Tenderness felt uneasy, but decided it was all their young age.
– Number Three was very Fearful but afraid to show it, so he liked to scare others. He was given the name Fear.
– Number Two liked helping people but never did anything for free. He felt that any good deed done demanded payment. His name became Greed.
– Number One was neither cruel, nor kind, neither greedy, nor generous. His parents sighed sorrowfully and named their son Hollow.
– One day Tenderness woke her sons gently and told them to get dressed and pack a few things, while discreetly putting some food into their bags.
– Tenderness led her sons along the woodsmen’s path, lantern in hand. On the edge of the woods, she stopped, turned around, and sternly told her sons to follow her and never make an extra turn, or else they’d get lost.
– Finally, they ended up on a forest glade, and that was when the moon rose in the sky, pouring its silvery light everywhere. Mother was nowhere to be found.
– They came back to the same spot they’d left hours ago. That was when they realized they’d been left for good with no chance to escape.
– Twelve years passed. Within that time, Tenderness and Honor became parents of three daughters. They still sometimes lamented their lost boys, but they so loved and cherished their girls: Mischief, Justice, and Wisdom. – But then, strange things began happening in the deeper woods. – When the good people of the village could bear it no more, they finally came to Honor and Tenderness for advice.
– Then their three daughters suddenly stood up and said, “We’ll go into the woods!” The parents tried to stop them, but the girls quickly took everything they needed, kissed Mother and Father goodbye, promised to be back soon, and left.
– Just as they entered the woods, the sisters heard the roar and scraping. Fear came out of the woods. He roared and swung the harpoon in his hand, but Mischief laughed once more, leapt, and began tickling him!
– He fell upon the ground and started roaring in laughter with her. – Soon, things started disappearing from them. Justice simply took off all the jewelry she had left, took out a purse with five coins inside it, and, smiling, put it all on the ground.
– Greed ’s eyes filled with embarrassment, and then…tears. He gave the jewelry back to the sisters at once. – The eldest sister approached the eldest brother, sat at the table opposite him, and they talked.
– Three days and three nights they talked. The more the brother strained to make his sister’s heart sink, the more heart she garnered. – At last, he couldn’t take it any longer! He shot up, overturned the table, and shouted at Wisdom.
– “See? You’re also not as Hollow as you thought you were.” Hollow stood transfixed, looked at his trembling hands and at Wisdom , and then took her palm in his. And thus they walked, brother and sister, hand in hand to their home. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More A Story About Strange Things Happening in the Woods Videos

How Solar Storms Affect Life on Earth

There are terminator events in the life of our sun that can spawn a solar tsunami – colossal and super-fast waves of pure burning plasma making the magnetic poles of the sun go bonkers and literally flip? Sounds scary! By the way, did you know that the sun is literally a ball of countless nuclear explosions? And the solar tsunami wave is a huge wave of plasma that shoots itself from the surface of the sun. Imagine a wall of blazing light that’s eight times higher than the diameter of the Earth itself! And then imagine it moving at 560,000 mph. It's hard to imagine… Ever saw how fast lightning is? Well, this monstrous wave is 2.5 times faster than that! Other videos you might like:
What If the Sun Disappeared Right Now?
What If the Sun Never Went Down Again
What If You Poured Some Water On The Sun? TIMESTAMPS:
What the Sun consists of ☀️ 0:46
The solar tsunami wave 2:48
What's the cause of these tsunamis? 🤔 3:45
The solar maximum and the solar minimum 4:39
Terminator events 5:38
What’s the big deal with all this panic about solar cycles? 😱 7:08
What if the Earth switched its magnetic poles? 8:07 #tsunami #space #brightside SUMMARY:
– One of the two main components of the sun is a gas called hydrogen. This one element constitutes around 75% of all the mass in the Universe, and fills the core of the Sun. – Every second, the sun transforms 620 million tons of hydrogen into helium. This process releases an amount of energy roughly equal to the explosion of 92 billion megatons of TNT.
– The whole process takes place in only the heaviest, hottest, and most pressurized part of the sun – its core.
– All the mass and energy in the core of the sun is contained by its own gravitational force, but none of the hydrogen and helium can stay in their gas form in such conditions.
– The first time astronomers discovered a solar tsunami, in 1997, they couldn’t believe that their data was correct. They thought what they saw was just a sudden shadow, or a malfunction of the tech, but it was a wave.
– The sun and the Earth, like every other big body in space, can be imagined as magnets. As you probably know, every magnet has two oppositely charged sides – positive and negative.
– We live in a time of the greatest opportunities for researchers. The midpoint of the solar cycle passed by in April of 2014. It was called the “solar maximum”: the point in which the sunspot activity of our sun was at its peak.
– To be fair, one pole of the sun has already changed its charge. Basically, at the end of a solar cycle, the sun has two positive poles. – Terminator events were found via careful examination of data that’s been collected in the last 140 years. The most interesting things about them were extreme ultra-violet outbursts; they mark the process of a terminator event.
– It’s not only the sun that can switch its magnetic poles, but the Earth too. The last time that happened was over 780,000 years ago, and we can barely predict what will happen the next time.
– We need navigation, our orbital satellites, and electricity – all of which could be damaged if the magnetic field of the Earth becomes weaker. – Either way, the magnetic field will stabilize soon, and it won’t bring a real catastrophe like some people say – just a challenge for humanity’s knowledge about the planet we live on. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More How Solar Storms Affect Life on Earth Videos

Solar Storms That Are Bigger Than Earth

There are terminator events in the life of our sun that can spawn a solar tsunami – colossal and super-fast waves of pure burning plasma making the magnetic poles of the sun go bonkers and literally flip? Sounds scary! By the way, did you know that the sun is literally a ball of countless nuclear explosions? And the solar tsunami wave is a huge wave of plasma that shoots itself from the surface of the sun. Imagine a wall of blazing light that’s eight times higher than the diameter of the Earth itself! And then imagine it moving at 560,000 mph. It's hard to imagine… Ever saw how fast lightning is? Well, this monstrous wave is 2.5 times faster than that! Other videos you might like:
What If the Sun Disappeared Right Now?
What If the Sun Never Went Down Again
What If You Poured Some Water On The Sun? TIMESTAMPS:
What the Sun consists of ☀️ 0:46
The solar tsunami wave 2:48
What's the cause of these tsunamis? 🤔 3:45
The solar maximum and the solar minimum 4:39
Terminator events 5:38
What’s the big deal with all this panic about solar cycles? 😱 7:08
What if the Earth switched its magnetic poles? 8:07 #tsunami #space #brightside SUMMARY:
– One of the two main components of the sun is a gas called hydrogen. This one element constitutes around 75% of all the mass in the Universe, and fills the core of the Sun. – Every second, the sun transforms 620 million tons of hydrogen into helium. This process releases an amount of energy roughly equal to the explosion of 92 billion megatons of TNT.
– The whole process takes place in only the heaviest, hottest, and most pressurized part of the sun – its core.
– All the mass and energy in the core of the sun is contained by its own gravitational force, but none of the hydrogen and helium can stay in their gas form in such conditions.
– The first time astronomers discovered a solar tsunami, in 1997, they couldn’t believe that their data was correct. They thought what they saw was just a sudden shadow, or a malfunction of the tech, but it was a wave.
– The sun and the Earth, like every other big body in space, can be imagined as magnets. As you probably know, every magnet has two oppositely charged sides – positive and negative.
– We live in a time of the greatest opportunities for researchers. The midpoint of the solar cycle passed by in April of 2014. It was called the “solar maximum”: the point in which the sunspot activity of our sun was at its peak.
– To be fair, one pole of the sun has already changed its charge. Basically, at the end of a solar cycle, the sun has two positive poles. – Terminator events were found via careful examination of data that’s been collected in the last 140 years. The most interesting things about them were extreme ultra-violet outbursts; they mark the process of a terminator event.
– It’s not only the sun that can switch its magnetic poles, but the Earth too. The last time that happened was over 780,000 years ago, and we can barely predict what will happen the next time.
– We need navigation, our orbital satellites, and electricity – all of which could be damaged if the magnetic field of the Earth becomes weaker. – Either way, the magnetic field will stabilize soon, and it won’t bring a real catastrophe like some people say – just a challenge for humanity’s knowledge about the planet we live on. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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