Category Archives: Bright Side News

What If You Could Go to an Alternate Universe?

While the “universe” technically means everything that exists, the “multiverse” means an infinite number of those “everythings.” Yes, there’s not just one alternate or parallel universe like you see in movies, TV shows, and so on. There’s an uncountable number of universes that exist side by side in higher dimensions that we can’t even perceive or observe. In each of these universes, there’s an alternate copy of yourself that looks a lot like you. Only, they make different choices that lead to different outcomes on a daily basis. All of this sounds pretty awesome as it gives endless opportunities. But is there any scientific proof it could be real? Other videos you might like:
13 Scariest Theories That'll Make Your Blood Run Cold;
Stephen Hawking’s 7 Predictions of Earth’s Demise in the Next 200 Years;
A Physicist Has Explained Why We've Never Seen Aliens; #AlternateUniverse #universe #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
What is the multiverse? 1:03
Could it be real? 2:15
What superpower do electrons have? πŸ’ͺ2:42
What the “multiverse” concept is based on 2:55
The universe before the Big Bang πŸ’₯ 3:28
Traveling back in time is possible?! 5:47
What about traveling to the future? 6:19
Magical Higgs boson 8:08 SUMMARY:
– There’s an uncountable number of universes that exist side by side in higher dimensions that we can’t even perceive or observe.
– In each of these universes, there’s an alternate copy of yourself that looks a lot like you. Only, they make different choices that lead to different outcomes on a daily basis. – In the universe, be it ours or some parallel kind, everything is connected. The smallest things directly influence the largest things. – Anything that can happen actually does happen somewhere out there. Every possible combination of particles and every possible scenario gives birth to a different universe. – Before the Big Bang, the universe was a super hot, small, and dense point with no stars or any form or structure whatsoever. – To this day, galaxies keep moving away from each other as the space fabric between them is being stretched. – While this is happening, other universes pop up into existence. Some of them have no atoms, galaxies, or living beings because they may be expanding or collapsing way too fast. – Because space-time constantly begins and stretches, it just has to repeat itself at some point. At least that’s what mathematics says. – According to Einstein's famous theory, you can make a loop out of space-time and travel through it.
– As for traveling to the future, it’s also possible according to the same theory. Einstein believed time is not an absolute. – Another possible option to travel to the future is based on gravity. According to Einstein’s theory, gravity slows down time. So time is technically passing by faster on a mountain top than at its bottom. – If the theory of parallel universes is true – you’re making every possible choice you can all the time. And in this way, you’re constantly traveling between parallel universes without even knowing it.
– With the technology that currently exists, humans can’t see what’s beyond our observable universe.
– In 2012, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider discovered the Higgs boson – an elementary particle that gives other particles their mass. Without it, atoms and humans never would’ve formed! – Scientists can’t see these particles yet, but CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has announced their plan to build a larger more powerful collider to discover those particles. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What If You Could Go to an Alternate Universe? Videos

What Would Your Life Be in an Alternate Universe?

While the “universe” technically means everything that exists, the “multiverse” means an infinite number of those “everythings.” Yes, there’s not just one alternate or parallel universe like you see in movies, TV shows, and so on. There’s an uncountable number of universes that exist side by side in higher dimensions that we can’t even perceive or observe. In each of these universes, there’s an alternate copy of yourself that looks a lot like you. Only, they make different choices that lead to different outcomes on a daily basis. All of this sounds pretty awesome as it gives endless opportunities. But is there any scientific proof it could be real? Other videos you might like:
13 Scariest Theories That'll Make Your Blood Run Cold;
Stephen Hawking’s 7 Predictions of Earth’s Demise in the Next 200 Years;
A Physicist Has Explained Why We've Never Seen Aliens; #AlternateUniverse #universe #brightside TIMESTAMPS:
What is the multiverse? 1:03
Could it be real? 2:15
What superpower do electrons have? πŸ’ͺ2:42
What the “multiverse” concept is based on 2:55
The universe before the Big Bang πŸ’₯ 3:28
Traveling back in time is possible?! 5:47
What about traveling to the future? 6:19
Magical Higgs boson 8:08 SUMMARY:
– There’s an uncountable number of universes that exist side by side in higher dimensions that we can’t even perceive or observe.
– In each of these universes, there’s an alternate copy of yourself that looks a lot like you. Only, they make different choices that lead to different outcomes on a daily basis. – In the universe, be it ours or some parallel kind, everything is connected. The smallest things directly influence the largest things. – Anything that can happen actually does happen somewhere out there. Every possible combination of particles and every possible scenario gives birth to a different universe. – Before the Big Bang, the universe was a super hot, small, and dense point with no stars or any form or structure whatsoever. – To this day, galaxies keep moving away from each other as the space fabric between them is being stretched. – While this is happening, other universes pop up into existence. Some of them have no atoms, galaxies, or living beings because they may be expanding or collapsing way too fast. – Because space-time constantly begins and stretches, it just has to repeat itself at some point. At least that’s what mathematics says. – According to Einstein's famous theory, you can make a loop out of space-time and travel through it.
– As for traveling to the future, it’s also possible according to the same theory. Einstein believed time is not an absolute. – Another possible option to travel to the future is based on gravity. According to Einstein’s theory, gravity slows down time. So time is technically passing by faster on a mountain top than at its bottom. – If the theory of parallel universes is true – you’re making every possible choice you can all the time. And in this way, you’re constantly traveling between parallel universes without even knowing it.
– With the technology that currently exists, humans can’t see what’s beyond our observable universe.
– In 2012, scientists at the Large Hadron Collider discovered the Higgs boson – an elementary particle that gives other particles their mass. Without it, atoms and humans never would’ve formed! – Scientists can’t see these particles yet, but CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, has announced their plan to build a larger more powerful collider to discover those particles. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What Would Your Life Be in an Alternate Universe? Videos

What to Do If You’re at Sea During Storm

What can be better than sailing off on a yacht into the blue waters of the ocean? Salty wind in your face, waves rocking the deck under your feet… But wait, what’s that? It’s a storm coming! Yeas, guys, going out into the open sea without proper gear is asking for trouble. That’s why your fight with the elements begins even before you set sail. First of all, weather conditions both above and beneath you will clearly warn you of what to expect straight ahead. So you better learn to read the wind, the clouds, and the currents, and always keep an eye on the barometer. Keeping track of all these things just might let you escape the storm. If you don't manage to do that, well… here are some pro tips for you to get out of it in one piece. Other videos you might like:
A Legendary Woman Who Escaped the Titanic, Britannic, And Olympic
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13 Secrets Cruise Ships Are Hiding From You TIMESTAMPS:
Prepare in advance 0:27
Read the signs 1:00
Head for the shore 1:28
Stay in one place 1:58
Remove wind from the equation 2:34
Cut the waves 3:12
Stay covered 3:41
Keep everything strapped 4:07
Make yourself visible 4:36
Send out a distress call 5:15
Be secure 5:44
Stay afloat and together 6:26
Wait for help 7:12
Recount your losses 7:45
Avoid further damage 8:32
Don’t stay on the water 9:06 #ships #storm #brightside SUMMARY:
– Make sure you have enough safety vests for everyone on board — that’s an absolute must. It will also help to have an emergency radio beacon and some additional fasteners to hold every movable object. – If all else fails, and you see the storm approaching, try to find the nearest land and sail there as fast as you can.
– The slower you go in the storm, the easier it is to steer. But the speed heavily depends on the weight of your boat, the severity of wind and waves, and how well-prepared you are.
– If you have a sailboat, remove all the sails as soon as you realize you can’t escape the storm.
– When you’re in control, the sails have been folded, and the sea anchor has been deployed, position your boat at 15 degrees to the approaching waves and wind.
– Tell everyone on board to hide in the cabin or inside the holds, if there are any. – Any object that can be moved, both on the deck and in the cabin and holds, should be fastened and secured. – Make sure you’re as visible as possible. Turn on the lights and sound your horn at regular intervals.
– If you realize that things are not going well for you, turn on your radio transmitter and send out a call for help. – Now that you’re in real trouble, you should wait for help and make sure everyone on board is safe. – So your boat has capsized, and you had to jump into the water to save your life. First make sure that everyone has done the same and do the head count.
– When you’re done repairing the boat and helping your passengers if needed, go to the shore, but do it carefully. After a heavy rain, especially if there’s a river nearby, debris may float in the water. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Balloon Trip to the Highest Point on Earth

Hey there! Ever wanted to have a ride in a hot air balloon? Well, look no further: today I’ll take you into the skies… and even a little beyond! My balloon here is made of a special material, so we’ll fly as close to outer space as possible. By the way, our trip's gonna be really fascinating! You'll find out what the tallest things on Earth are. And you'll see them, course! One of them just drives me crazy. It's the Millau Viaduct in France. Yes, it’s a bridge, and it’s three times as tall as the tallest tree on Earth! Can you imagine that? Oh, I've waited so long to see it! So, ready to ride? Hop in, then! Other videos you might like:
What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like?
What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like?
What Would a Journey to the Black Hole Be Like? TIMESTAMPS:
Hyperion – the tallest tree on Earth 🌳 0:23
The tallest rollercoaster 0:57
Viaduct at the height of 1,125 ft 1:15
The tallest observation tower in the world 1:34
The tallest building 🏒 1:49
The place that inspired the movie Up 2:06
The tallest volcano πŸŒ‹ 3:17
The highest-floating clouds 4:49
Everest! πŸŒ„ 5:16
What tropopause is 6:52
The highest point at which a human has ever flown on a hot air balloon 7:39 #tallestthings #FactsYouNeverKnew #brightside SUMMARY:
– We’re going further upwards, and we’re finally at the height of the tallest tree on Earth: Hyperion. Located in California, this redwood stands at 380 ft tall. – Now, going juuust a little bit up, and we’re looking at the top of the tallest rollercoaster in the world, Kingda Ka in New Jersey, standing at 418 ft.
– At the height of 1,125 ft, we’re flying over the Millau Viaduct in France. Yes, it’s a bridge, and it’s three times as tall as the tallest tree on Earth. – At 2,080 ft, we’ve reached the top of the Tokyo Skytree — the tallest observation tower in the world. – Now we’re finally reaching the height of the tallest building ever made: the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It’s 2,722 ft tall, and the sky seems to be closer here than the ground.
– Did you see that lightning? We’ve just passed through a real storm cloud. They’re the lowest hanging clouds of all because they’re the heaviest.
– A little bit of respite, and here we are, approaching one of the highest elevations in the world: Mauna Kea, the tallest volcano on Earth, located on the big island of Hawaii.
– The higher we climb, the more difficult it is to breathe. At this height, though, there’s still enough air for us, it’s just a bit too fresh for my liking.
– And at the moment, I present you the tall, mighty, and unbeatable Everest — the tallest peak in the entire world, located in the Himalayas. – As we’re rising higher and higher, we’ll soon be saying hello to… yes, here they come: cranes! Yep, these birds are crazy when it comes to flying, and climbing up to 33,000 ft is a piece of cake for them.
– 36,000 ft is the altitude that’s often called a sweet spot for airplanes. In fact, it’s anywhere from 35,000 ft to 42,000 ft.
– Tropopause is a layer that separates the troposphere from the stratosphere, and the air here doesn’t become colder with increasing altitude.
– And finally, we’re out of the tropopause and into the stratosphere. The sky here is deep blue, and it’s the highest we can get on our balloon. – In 2005, a man from India rose to 69,850 ft, setting a world altitude record, and safely returned to the ground after that. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Plane Wings Never Break

Even if you don't know anything else about airplanes, you know the wings are a pretty important part of the whole system. It’s the one idea we took from birds, after all. Not counting the absence of feathers, the most significant change human engineers made over the original design was that plane wings tend to not move. Or do they? In fact, a plane's wings might not flap, but they can certainly bend. In fact, they bend quite a lot for something we're used to thinking of as completely solid and stiff. If you've ever been seated on a plane with a good view of the wings, you might’ve noticed they tend to bounce up a bit during turbulence. What causes this to happen, and how far can a plane's wings bend before they break? Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe TIMESTAMPS:
What if the plane's wings were rigid 1:10
How earthquake-resistant buildings are designed 🏒 2:37
How exactly aircraft wings remain so flexible 3:24
πŸ›« The only way a plane’s wings could break off πŸ›¬ 5:32
What about helicopters? 🚁 6:00 #planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– The good news is no, the wings aren’t about to come unscrewed and fly off on their own. In fact, it’s precisely because they can bend that an airplane's wings don't break.
– Imagine the wings as shock absorbers in a car. When you drive over a bump, the shocks absorb most of the impact, giving you a much smoother ride.
– If the plane's wings were rigid, even the slightest turbulence would reverberate throughout the entire aircraft.
– There are Japanese pagodas that have survived centuries in one of the most tectonically active places on Earth, all because the timbers were able to flex instead of breaking.
– The first and most significant thing is the material. You might have heard that most planes are made from aluminum, and unless you’re taking to the skies in an early 20th century era biplane, that’ll be true of pretty much any aircraft you climb into. – Aircraft-grade aluminum is an alloy of aluminum and zinc, sometimes accompanied by other metals such as copper, magnesium, and lead. – Adding to the strength of the wing is a structure known as the spar, a metal bar running the length of the aircraft's wings.
– Some fighter jets, such as the American F-15 Eagle, feature titanium spars, and many newer aircraft incorporated specially designed composite materials.
– According to experts, the only way a plane’s wings could break off, was if the airline that owned it was guilty of a truly horrendous degree of negligence. – As with a plane’s wings, helicopter rotors are not one hundred percent rigid. They’re actually even more flexible and will visibly hang down when the vehicle is on the ground.
– The flexibility in the rotors serves the same purpose as in a plane's wings: reducing the effect of vibrations and making the aircraft easier to control. – The next time you jump on a plane for a quick hop across the pond, don’t panic when you see the wings doing a little shimmy. It might not look like it, but they’re functioning exactly as intended. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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Why Plane Wings Don’t Break While They Fly

Even if you don't know anything else about airplanes, you know the wings are a pretty important part of the whole system. It’s the one idea we took from birds, after all. Not counting the absence of feathers, the most significant change human engineers made over the original design was that plane wings tend to not move. Or do they? In fact, a plane's wings might not flap, but they can certainly bend. In fact, they bend quite a lot for something we're used to thinking of as completely solid and stiff. If you've ever been seated on a plane with a good view of the wings, you might’ve noticed they tend to bounce up a bit during turbulence. What causes this to happen, and how far can a plane's wings bend before they break? Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe TIMESTAMPS:
What if the plane's wings were rigid 1:10
How earthquake-resistant buildings are designed 🏒 2:37
How exactly aircraft wings remain so flexible 3:24
πŸ›« The only way a plane’s wings could break off πŸ›¬ 5:32
What about helicopters? 🚁 6:00 #planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– The good news is no, the wings aren’t about to come unscrewed and fly off on their own. In fact, it’s precisely because they can bend that an airplane's wings don't break.
– Imagine the wings as shock absorbers in a car. When you drive over a bump, the shocks absorb most of the impact, giving you a much smoother ride.
– If the plane's wings were rigid, even the slightest turbulence would reverberate throughout the entire aircraft.
– There are Japanese pagodas that have survived centuries in one of the most tectonically active places on Earth, all because the timbers were able to flex instead of breaking.
– The first and most significant thing is the material. You might have heard that most planes are made from aluminum, and unless you’re taking to the skies in an early 20th century era biplane, that’ll be true of pretty much any aircraft you climb into. – Aircraft-grade aluminum is an alloy of aluminum and zinc, sometimes accompanied by other metals such as copper, magnesium, and lead. – Adding to the strength of the wing is a structure known as the spar, a metal bar running the length of the aircraft's wings.
– Some fighter jets, such as the American F-15 Eagle, feature titanium spars, and many newer aircraft incorporated specially designed composite materials.
– According to experts, the only way a plane’s wings could break off, was if the airline that owned it was guilty of a truly horrendous degree of negligence. – As with a plane’s wings, helicopter rotors are not one hundred percent rigid. They’re actually even more flexible and will visibly hang down when the vehicle is on the ground.
– The flexibility in the rotors serves the same purpose as in a plane's wings: reducing the effect of vibrations and making the aircraft easier to control. – The next time you jump on a plane for a quick hop across the pond, don’t panic when you see the wings doing a little shimmy. It might not look like it, but they’re functioning exactly as intended. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Why Plane Wings Don’t Break While They Fly Videos

Why Plane Wings Don’t Break

Even if you don't know anything else about airplanes, you know the wings are a pretty important part of the whole system. It’s the one idea we took from birds, after all. Not counting the absence of feathers, the most significant change human engineers made over the original design was that plane wings tend to not move. Or do they? In fact, a plane's wings might not flap, but they can certainly bend. In fact, they bend quite a lot for something we're used to thinking of as completely solid and stiff. If you've ever been seated on a plane with a good view of the wings, you might’ve noticed they tend to bounce up a bit during turbulence. What causes this to happen, and how far can a plane's wings bend before they break? Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
Pilots Reveal 16 Nuances That Make Your Flight Safe TIMESTAMPS:
What if the plane's wings were rigid 1:10
How earthquake-resistant buildings are designed 🏒 2:37
How exactly aircraft wings remain so flexible 3:24
πŸ›« The only way a plane’s wings could break off πŸ›¬ 5:32
What about helicopters? 🚁 6:00 #planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– The good news is no, the wings aren’t about to come unscrewed and fly off on their own. In fact, it’s precisely because they can bend that an airplane's wings don't break.
– Imagine the wings as shock absorbers in a car. When you drive over a bump, the shocks absorb most of the impact, giving you a much smoother ride.
– If the plane's wings were rigid, even the slightest turbulence would reverberate throughout the entire aircraft.
– There are Japanese pagodas that have survived centuries in one of the most tectonically active places on Earth, all because the timbers were able to flex instead of breaking.
– The first and most significant thing is the material. You might have heard that most planes are made from aluminum, and unless you’re taking to the skies in an early 20th century era biplane, that’ll be true of pretty much any aircraft you climb into. – Aircraft-grade aluminum is an alloy of aluminum and zinc, sometimes accompanied by other metals such as copper, magnesium, and lead. – Adding to the strength of the wing is a structure known as the spar, a metal bar running the length of the aircraft's wings.
– Some fighter jets, such as the American F-15 Eagle, feature titanium spars, and many newer aircraft incorporated specially designed composite materials.
– According to experts, the only way a plane’s wings could break off, was if the airline that owned it was guilty of a truly horrendous degree of negligence. – As with a plane’s wings, helicopter rotors are not one hundred percent rigid. They’re actually even more flexible and will visibly hang down when the vehicle is on the ground.
– The flexibility in the rotors serves the same purpose as in a plane's wings: reducing the effect of vibrations and making the aircraft easier to control. – The next time you jump on a plane for a quick hop across the pond, don’t panic when you see the wings doing a little shimmy. It might not look like it, but they’re functioning exactly as intended. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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17 Things Everyone Should Get Rid of By Age 20

Coming of age and kissing your teenage years goodbye is an exciting step towards the whole new life that awaits you. It’s a good time to drop the extra weight that slows you down. Deciding which things are better left in the past might be easier than you think. For example, do you really need all those dated magazines and comic books? Most likely, none of them will become an all-time classic worth millions of dollars for collectors. Even if one did, you wouldn’t be able to find it amongst the mess you have. And what about toys from childhood? They sure hold some good memories, so pick a couple of them that are the closest to you. Everything else is better left behind! Other videos you might like:
14 Facts About Money You Should Know by Age 30
What Is Your Mental Age? (Quick Test)
4 Signs You're Going Through Puberty TIMESTAMPS:
Dated magazines and comic books 0:20
Mismatched socks 0:36
Worn down clothes 0:56
Toys from childhood 1:25
Sports gear you barely touched 1:54
Kitchenware from your parents’ house 2:18
Plastic forks, spoons, and knives 2:47
Ball of cords and chargers 3:16
Your old cell phone 3:45
CDs and DVDs 4:22
Used batteries 5:00
Melted scented candles 5:24
Dusty guitar 5:50
Posters of your favorite band 6:25
Bottles of anti-acne lotions 6:53
Clean your blog and social media 7:15
Crafting materials 7:42 #everydaylife #adulthood #brightside SUMMARY:
– You can try to wear mismatched socks of the same size, but when you’re over 20, it’s not about if someone would see it anymore. – Somewhere beyond age 20, the growth of the human body slows down dramatically, and you can finally get yourself some nice quality pieces of clothing.
– All the gear from every sport you’ve attempted throughout the years is just collecting dust on the shelf. If you’re over 20, donate it: there are lots of teens that could put it to good use. – If you want to cook for yourself – and you should try, because it’s cool – you need your own kitchenware that will suit your own specific needs and tastes.
– The stingy thought that one day you’ll find yourself needing one of them, and regret terribly that you threw them away, is the only thing keeping you from tossing out the useless cords.
– All those basic outdated cell phones, flip phones or sliders – it’s kinda even funny to think about them in 2019! – Even if you’re a music fan, you should know that there are some other analog formats on the rise, like audio tapes and vinyl. Yeah, they’re even older, but ironically, they’re much less obsolete than CDs.
– The environmental damage an empty battery can cause is pretty bad, and leaving them lying around in your own room isn’t a great idea either. – The melted wax in candles naturally traps dust and just looks messy. Even if you think you may want to use them another time, they won’t be as pleasant anymore. – I also once thought I was going to become a rock star, and now I have an instrument in my closet with rusty strings. Things won’t always go as planned, and there’s nothing to blame yourself for. – If you’re older than 20, posters of your favorite band don’t belong on your walls anymore. You’re an adult now and you can show your appreciation of someone’s art in a much more personal and cool way. – Pay some extra attention to those older posts you made in your early teen years and try not to lose consciousness from laughter or embarrassment. – If, at some point, you feel inspired to have a hobby again, start from scratch. Since it would be a more mature decision, you’ll progress much faster. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Huge Emptiness Has Been Found Near Our Galaxy

“The Universe is constantly expanding.” You’ve heard that phrase plenty of times, yet have you ever really wrapped your brain around it? If the earth is a planet in the solar system, which is only a part of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is one of countless others in an infinite universe, and the whole thing just keeps growing – what IS that?!? Imagine if your house, rather than being located on a quaint little street with neighbors, squirrels, and ice-cream trucks, was just sitting in the middle of nowhere. Just a whole lot of uninhabitable space farther than you could walk, drive, or see. That house is our galaxy, floating around on a giant sea of nada. And that “nada” is only getting bigger as the universe expands exponentially… Other videos you might like:
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands)
The Alien Signals Mystery Might Have Been Solved TIMESTAMPS:
Cosmic beginning of all beginnings 1:11
Area of nothingness right next to us 2:04
Why it's so interesting to scientists 3:35
What the 3D map shows 5:01
So why is it called a void? 6:50
… And what does it consist of? 7:14 #space #astronomy #brightside SUMMARY:
– It all started with the Big Bang. Within an itsy bitsy fraction of a second, the universe was born, and this baby had quite a growth spurt! – The Milky Way is part of a group of galaxies known as the “Local Group”. The Local Group contains tons of dwarf galaxies.
– The Local Group is itself just a tiny piece of an even larger group of galaxies called the Laniakea Supercluster. It has over 100,000 galaxies, ours being just one of them.
– Next to us is a distinct and vast area of nothingness that astronomers aptly refer to as the Local Void. – Our Milky Way is moving away from this thing at 160 miles per SECOND!
– Gravity makes galaxies move closer to each other, so these voids expand as objects move away from them.
– Astrophysicists hope that these space voids can tell us something more about Dark Energy.
– The study’s lead author, R. Brent Tully, was also the head of the team that first discovered the Local Void back in 1987. – Using the information they gathered by observing and measuring what they could see and what they had to infer, they were able to build 3D maps of our corner of the universe. – The 3D map shows that just as the universe is expanding, so is the Void. – Over the last 30 years, astronomers have been working hard to understand the movement of the Milky Way, Andromeda, and dwarf neighbors. They all appear to be different from the overall understood expansion of the Universe by over 372 miles per second.
– So, is this void next to us actually just 150 million light-years of nothing? Yeah, pretty much.
– Ironically, because of all the nothingness there is inside of space voids like our own, these things still find themselves filled up with something. And that is what’s known as “Dark Energy”. – And scientists aren’t sure what it is, but the best guess is that it has something to do with the vacuum of space-time. – Dark energy is free to do its thing and expand and expand and expand some more. The expansion of the universe happens mostly within these voids, and as they push out on their surroundings, they drive more galaxies apart. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More A Huge Emptiness Has Been Found Near Our Galaxy Videos