Category Archives: Bright Side News

Scientists Found a Huge Emptiness Near Our Galaxy

“The Universe is constantly expanding.” You’ve heard that phrase plenty of times, yet have you ever really wrapped your brain around it? If the earth is a planet in the solar system, which is only a part of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is one of countless others in an infinite universe, and the whole thing just keeps growing – what IS that?!? Imagine if your house, rather than being located on a quaint little street with neighbors, squirrels, and ice-cream trucks, was just sitting in the middle of nowhere. Just a whole lot of uninhabitable space farther than you could walk, drive, or see. That house is our galaxy, floating around on a giant sea of nada. And that “nada” is only getting bigger as the universe expands exponentially… Other videos you might like:
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The Alien Signals Mystery Might Have Been Solved TIMESTAMPS:
Cosmic beginning of all beginnings 1:11
Area of nothingness right next to us 2:04
Why it's so interesting to scientists 3:35
What the 3D map shows 5:01
So why is it called a void? 6:50
… And what does it consist of? 7:14 #space #astronomy #brightside SUMMARY:
– It all started with the Big Bang. Within an itsy bitsy fraction of a second, the universe was born, and this baby had quite a growth spurt! – The Milky Way is part of a group of galaxies known as the “Local Group”. The Local Group contains tons of dwarf galaxies.
– The Local Group is itself just a tiny piece of an even larger group of galaxies called the Laniakea Supercluster. It has over 100,000 galaxies, ours being just one of them.
– Next to us is a distinct and vast area of nothingness that astronomers aptly refer to as the Local Void. – Our Milky Way is moving away from this thing at 160 miles per SECOND!
– Gravity makes galaxies move closer to each other, so these voids expand as objects move away from them.
– Astrophysicists hope that these space voids can tell us something more about Dark Energy.
– The study’s lead author, R. Brent Tully, was also the head of the team that first discovered the Local Void back in 1987. – Using the information they gathered by observing and measuring what they could see and what they had to infer, they were able to build 3D maps of our corner of the universe. – The 3D map shows that just as the universe is expanding, so is the Void. – Over the last 30 years, astronomers have been working hard to understand the movement of the Milky Way, Andromeda, and dwarf neighbors. They all appear to be different from the overall understood expansion of the Universe by over 372 miles per second.
– So, is this void next to us actually just 150 million light-years of nothing? Yeah, pretty much.
– Ironically, because of all the nothingness there is inside of space voids like our own, these things still find themselves filled up with something. And that is what’s known as “Dark Energy”. – And scientists aren’t sure what it is, but the best guess is that it has something to do with the vacuum of space-time. – Dark energy is free to do its thing and expand and expand and expand some more. The expansion of the universe happens mostly within these voids, and as they push out on their surroundings, they drive more galaxies apart. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Scientists Found a Huge Emptiness Near Our Galaxy Videos

What Your Voice Reveals About You

Have you ever stepped back and wondered what your voice sounds like to other people? Your friends and family can probably identify you just by the sound of your voice. And it turns out, it says a lot about us! In fact, less than a second is needed to reveal personality using only a voice. It may seem unbelievable, but your voice not only sounds unique, but it also carries useful and sometimes unexpected information. Height, strength, and other special features about you can be learned from hearing you speak. And you don’t even need to be seen, everything will be clear regardless. Other videos you might like:
11 Optical Illusions That'll Reveal Your Personality Type
7 Curious Facts Your Appearance Says About You
What Your Body Parts Say About Your True Character TIMESTAMPS:
How Social You Are 0:16
Your Trustworthiness 0:42
Something About Your Height 1:15
How Professional You Are 1:41
A Woman’s Fertility 2:16
A Man’s Upper Body Strength 2:46
Your Health 3:27
Your Kindness and Empathy 3:51
Whether You’re a Leader or Not 4:20
Stress Level 4:55
Confidence Level 5:16
The “Vocal Attractiveness Stereotype” 5:44
How Well You Control Your Emotions 6:23
The Nasally Voice 6:51
How Successful You Are 7:19
How Creative You Are 7:52
If Someone is Lying 8:25 #voice #personalitytest #brightsde SUMMARY:
– Extroverts tend to talk loudly, quickly, and excitedly. Introverts tend to speak quietly and more slowly.
– Just one word can make the difference between whether or not someone trusts you. – Taller people tend to have a deeper voice, whereas shorter people tend to have a higher voice. – If a woman is at the point in her cycle where she’s most fertile, her voice will involuntarily take on a higher pitch.
– The men with the deepest voices scored highest in body strength, specifically the upper body. – If you’ve noticed a lot of changes in a person’s voice – the pace at which they talk, the tone and pitch of their voice, or whether their voice has become quieter – they may have Parkinson’s Disease. – If someone’s voice sounds cold, tight, and abrupt, we might assume that this means they’re unable to understand the feelings of others.
– Simply raising your voice and talking over people in a sharp, cold way makes you sound like you’re trying to cover up your lack of knowledge or experience – not someone people would trust to lead. – If we’re stressed out, our vocal cords tend to tighten. This will make your voice sound crackly and uneven. You might also stumble over your words. – A confident person will have a smooth and steady tone, will keep their volume at a comfortable, stable level, and their words will come out at an even pace. – One study found that there’s a correlation between how attractive or pleasant your voice sounds and how desirable you are physically.
– Talking slowly in an even and warm tone gives the impression that you’re in control and at ease, a good indicator that you’re perfectly able to keep your emotions in check. – A nasally voice makes a person sound demanding, calculating, and cold. A person with a voice like this is unlikely to be taken seriously as well.
– Successful people’s voices tend to be of a lower, warmer tone. – A creative person may not actually talk much, because they’re daydreaming, people-watching, or thinking deeply. But when they do talk, they certainly won’t be boring to listen to! – In the middle of a lie, someone’s voice may get shaky and change pitch or tone. People who are lying tend to speak in a higher tone than their natural, everyday voice. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What Your Voice Reveals About You Videos

What Secrets Your Voice Reveals About You

Have you ever stepped back and wondered what your voice sounds like to other people? Your friends and family can probably identify you just by the sound of your voice. And it turns out, it says a lot about us! In fact, less than a second is needed to reveal personality using only a voice. It may seem unbelievable, but your voice not only sounds unique, but it also carries useful and sometimes unexpected information. Height, strength, and other special features about you can be learned from hearing you speak. And you don’t even need to be seen, everything will be clear regardless. Other videos you might like:
11 Optical Illusions That'll Reveal Your Personality Type
7 Curious Facts Your Appearance Says About You
What Your Body Parts Say About Your True Character TIMESTAMPS:
How Social You Are 0:16
Your Trustworthiness 0:42
Something About Your Height 1:15
How Professional You Are 1:41
A Woman’s Fertility 2:16
A Man’s Upper Body Strength 2:46
Your Health 3:27
Your Kindness and Empathy 3:51
Whether You’re a Leader or Not 4:20
Stress Level 4:55
Confidence Level 5:16
The “Vocal Attractiveness Stereotype” 5:44
How Well You Control Your Emotions 6:23
The Nasally Voice 6:51
How Successful You Are 7:19
How Creative You Are 7:52
If Someone is Lying 8:25 #voice #personalitytest #brightsde SUMMARY:
– Extroverts tend to talk loudly, quickly, and excitedly. Introverts tend to speak quietly and more slowly.
– Just one word can make the difference between whether or not someone trusts you. – Taller people tend to have a deeper voice, whereas shorter people tend to have a higher voice. – If a woman is at the point in her cycle where she’s most fertile, her voice will involuntarily take on a higher pitch.
– The men with the deepest voices scored highest in body strength, specifically the upper body. – If you’ve noticed a lot of changes in a person’s voice – the pace at which they talk, the tone and pitch of their voice, or whether their voice has become quieter – they may have Parkinson’s Disease. – If someone’s voice sounds cold, tight, and abrupt, we might assume that this means they’re unable to understand the feelings of others.
– Simply raising your voice and talking over people in a sharp, cold way makes you sound like you’re trying to cover up your lack of knowledge or experience – not someone people would trust to lead. – If we’re stressed out, our vocal cords tend to tighten. This will make your voice sound crackly and uneven. You might also stumble over your words. – A confident person will have a smooth and steady tone, will keep their volume at a comfortable, stable level, and their words will come out at an even pace. – One study found that there’s a correlation between how attractive or pleasant your voice sounds and how desirable you are physically.
– Talking slowly in an even and warm tone gives the impression that you’re in control and at ease, a good indicator that you’re perfectly able to keep your emotions in check. – A nasally voice makes a person sound demanding, calculating, and cold. A person with a voice like this is unlikely to be taken seriously as well.
– Successful people’s voices tend to be of a lower, warmer tone. – A creative person may not actually talk much, because they’re daydreaming, people-watching, or thinking deeply. But when they do talk, they certainly won’t be boring to listen to! – In the middle of a lie, someone’s voice may get shaky and change pitch or tone. People who are lying tend to speak in a higher tone than their natural, everyday voice. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Fastest Star Ever Is Going Through Our Galaxy

Unless you’re an astronomer, you probably don’t think of stars as moving all that quickly. You might not even know they move at all. If that’s the case, you’d be surprised to learn that a star called S5-HVS1 is zipping through our galaxy at over ten thousand miles per second. As with many of the best discoveries, astronomers found this rogue star entirely by accident. One o them was going through some of the survey data when he came across some unusual readings. He was looking for stars with unusually rapid orbits, but was surprised to find one fleeing the galaxy at record speeds… Other videos you might like:
NASA Has Just Discovered a New Planet!
A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands) TIMESTAMPS:
What's so special about this star? 1:24
Hypervelocity stars 2:02
Why is it getting expelled from the galaxy? 3:10
What a three-body exchange is 3:33
The supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy 5:57
Two theories about this star 7:05 #space #stars #brightside SUMMARY:
– It’s hard to tell by looking at them, but stars are in constant motion, orbiting the center of the galaxy just like the Earth orbits the sun. – S5-HVS1 (you know, let’s just him “Speedy”) is no ordinary star, and its movement isn’t at all normal. This recently discovered star is racing toward the outer edge of our galaxy, having been ejected from its orbit at a velocity never before seen in recorded history. – Astronomers classify this white-hot ball of plasma as an A-type main-sequence star and have estimated it to be more than two times the size of the Sun. – When a star goes supernova, it doesn’t always explode evenly. These lopsided detonations not only expel a few dozen Suns worth of gas and plasma, but also hurl what remains of the star through the cosmos at almost half the speed of light. – But Speedy isn’t a neutron star. So why is it getting expelled from the galaxy like a spare tire improperly secured to the back of a truck? – Things can get pretty wild when black holes are added to the mix. In this analogy, they’d be somebody’s loud friend who’s always around, leaving dishes in the sink and drinking the last Coke without asking. – When these binary systems drift too close to a black hole, its mass disrupts the delicate balance of gravity and momentum that keeps the system stable.
– If you ever swung your keychain around your finger only to have it soar out of reach, you’ve seen a version of this in action. – What differentiates Speedy from the other black hole ejections is the star’s comparatively low mass. – To generate that much energy with a star that small, the black hole that disrupted Speedy’s orbit would need to be extremely massive. – Before being batted across the universe, Speedy would’ve been paired with a second, much smaller star. – Both stars originated in the supermassive black hole’s accretion disk. – Astronomers may not have a perfect answer yet, but Speedy is still under observation and there’s no doubt more to uncover. – For now, astronomers are eager to find more hypervelocity stars in hopes of gaining a better understanding of what’s going on in the Galactic Center, and how mass is distributed across the vast collection of stars we call the Milky Way. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Lights at Plane Wing Ends Are Different

Do you notice every little detail about your surroundings right away? If yes, then you didn't miss the fact that all planes have a green light on the end of one wing, and a red one on the other. Why do they have different colors? Actually, these high-intensity red and green lights, together with a white light located on the tail, are the plane's navigation lights. The red light is always on the left wingtip, and the green one is always on the right. These navigation lights are on at all times. Apart from navigation lights, planes have red rotating beacon lights installed on the upper and lower fuselage. Let's find out what they are for! Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a Plane Engine TIMESTAMPS:
How pilots avoid any chance of collision 0:38
Red blinking light 1:08
Taxi lights 1:29
White strobe lights fitted at the wingtips 1:59 Why are there white spiral marks on airplane engines? 2:24
Why are there holes in airplane windows? 2:57
Why are there hooks on the wings? 3:28
Is it possible to get extra space on a plane? 4:02
Why are the lights dimmed during take-off and landing? 4:30
Why do planes leave white trails in the sky? 5:02
Can a plane door open mid-flight? 5:27
Is it safe to fly in lightning? 6:01
Why are seats and windows not lined up on some planes? 6:25
What’s the safest seat on an airplane? 6:55
Why do flight attendants touch the overhead compartment so often? 7:17
Where do flight attendants nap on a plane? 7:39 #planes #planesecrets #brightside SUMMARY:
– Let's say, a helicopter's pilot sees red and white lights in front of them at night. This lets them know there's a plane passing from right to left. Green and white means the plane is flying from left to right. – When the red blinking light is on, it's a warning for the ground crew and other planes that the engines are about to start, and it's dangerous to come near. – And just like a car, a plane has headlights that help the pilot see the runway during landing and take off.
– Seeing the hypnotizing swirl on jet engines prompts the ground staff to stay away.
– The outer pane bears the most pressure, and the hole in the middle one helps regulate the pressure difference to make sure passengers don't experience a lack of oxygen. – There’s a magic button near the hinge under the armrest closest to the aisle that will make your trip instantly much more comfortable. After pressing it, you can freely move that armrest up, making it parallel to the back of your seat.
– When a plane takes off or lands at night or dusk, the cabin crew wants your eyes to get adjusted to the darkness. Usually, it takes up to 30 minutes to fully adjust to a dark setting. – Can a plane door open mid-flight? If, for some reason, this question worries you when your plane is about to take off, then let me put your fears to rest – it’s impossible.
– Statistics say that lightning still hits every commercial plane once a year. But in most cases, this leaves a plane with only minor damage, like a scorch mark on its surface. – Actually, all commercial airplanes are designed with seats and windows perfectly aligned. But when a specific airline buys a plane, it’s up to them to decide how many seats it’ll have.
– Most airlines insist that there is no safest seat. But the statistics of airplane crashes supports the idea that it’s at the back.
– Many airliners have secret, windowless bedrooms for the cabin crew that include from 6 to 10 bunks. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Man Who Flew Faster Than the Speed of Sound

If someone would’ve told us a long time ago that humans could travel faster than the speed of sound, we’d nod our heads in disbelief and laugh. Breaking the sound barrier was as mind-boggling as superman’s ability to defy gravity. But what if I told you that a man achieved this impossible feat more than 70 years ago? So, who is this guy? How did he manage to travel faster than the speed of sound? Future legend, Charles “Chuck” Yeager, was born in 1923. When he graduated from school, he enrolled in the Army Air Corps. He was great with coordination, and he could carry out almost any task without any difficulty. In March of 1943, he finally got his wings to fly away. Within a year he’d managed to fly more than 270 hours around Europe. In just a few years he’d be able to travel faster than the speed of sound. And, that wasn’t an easy task… Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Faster
8 Things You’re Doing Wrong When Driving Fast
A Fast Boarding Way No Airline Will Ever Use TIMESTAMPS:
Chuck's childhood 0:40
Flight training 1:55
What the sound barrier is 3:22
How fast does sound travel? 5:44
The X-1 and its mission 6:00
How Chuck achieved the impossible 7:41
… and how he did it again at… 89 years old! 10:30 #aviation #planes #brightside SUMMARY:
– Chuck grew up in a small town in West Virginia called Hamlin, and he was the second-born son of Susie and Albert Yeager. He had a very peaceful upbringing, and he sure enjoyed being active and curious. – His dad owned a natural gas drilling business in Hamlin. There, Chuck developed a passion for generators, pumps and pressure regulators. – In 1941, Chuck graduated from school; and in September of that year, he enrolled in the Army Air Corps, a choice that would change his life forever.
– He had the whole flying package, and when his training started; he took off…literally and figuratively speaking. His eyesight was 20/10 which was remarkable.
– In March of 1943, he finally got his wings to fly away. Within a year he’d managed to fly more than 270 hours around Europe.
– Scientifically speaking, the sound barrier is a sudden rise in aerodynamic force that happens when an aircraft approaches the speed of sound.
– While the world of aviation was taking off, engineers were trying to figure out a way to build airplanes that could approach the speed of sound without breaking into pieces.
– The speed of sound is Mach 1, which is equivalent to 761 miles per hour. But even at Mach 0.8 (613 mph), the shockwaves that were building up were still dangerous for the aircraft. – The X-1 had only one mission – to break the sound barrier. So, it had to retain all its fuel in order to make the speed and travel faster than sound. – It was on October 14th, 1947, right after 10:30 in the morning. Yeager courageously boarded the aircraft, and the mothership took off. At 20,000 feet the X-1 was released from the B-29.
– Chuck had achieved the impossible. He had broken the sound barrier, and travelled faster than the speed of sound.
– In 2012, at 89 years old, 65 years after breaking the Sound Barrier, Chuck Yeager did it again. He flew a McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle and he hit 1.3 Mach, like a true aviation champion. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Happens When You Eat 5 Walnuts Every Day

Scientists have proved that regular consumption of seeds and nuts is incredibly good for your health and appearance. Today, we'll talk about walnuts. If you eat just a handful of them a day, you’ll see all kinds of positive changes in your health and wellness! You’ll definitely like what you see in the mirror too! Did you know, for example, that antioxidants found in walnuts neutralize those free radicals? This helps skin regain its elasticity and you get youthful radiant skin! And it's only one among a number of the great benefits of eating walnuts. So how much of those is enough to stay young and healthy? What exactly will happen if you actually start eating them every day? Let’s figure out! Other videos you might like:
Start Eating a Cucumber a Day, See What Happens to Your Body
Eat One Boiled Egg a Day, See What Happens to You
I Drank Only Water for 20 Days, See What Happened to My Body TIMESTAMPS:
Less hair fall 0:52
Faster stronger hair growth 1:29
Stronger nails 1:56
Youthful radiant skin 2:20
Cold and flu 3:10
Better concentration 3:44
A good mood 4:17
Weight loss 4:55
Easier workouts 5:34
A big helping of essential vitamins and nutrients 6:18
❗️ Things you should be aware of ❗️ 6::43
πŸ‘‰ Walnut therapy πŸ‘ˆ 7:28
Counterfeit walnuts? What the… πŸ˜’ 7:55 #walnuts #healthydiet #brightside SUMMARY:
– Eating your daily dose of walnuts will help prevent hair loss. These brainy-looking nuts contain selenium, an essential mineral for our bodies to carry out some basic functions. – Walnuts have another fancy element called biotin, which not only helps with hair fall, but also makes your hair grow faster! – Any time you’re dealing with stuff that’s good for your hair, you can pretty much guarantee it’ll help your nails out too.
– That same selenium stuff that makes your hair thick and strong is also vital for your immune health. You see, you need your body’s defense system to be strong so that all that nasty stuff out there in the world doesn’t make you sick.
– According to one Harvard study, eating walnuts every day improves cognitive performance.
– Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s help your body produce more of that hormone to keep all negativity away! – A study showed that people who consumed smoothies containing walnuts had a notable decrease in cravings for junk food.
– Walnuts contain a ton of magnesium, which plays a huge role in exercise performance.
– Overall, walnuts are just a great source of all the good stuff your body needs that you might not be getting enough of in your regular diet. – People who are prone to eczema breakouts or ulcers should consume walnuts carefully to prevent them from triggering any skin conditions. – Just 5 – 8 walnuts are more than enough. Otherwise, they might cause bloating and even headaches. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What a Triangle Above Your Plane Seat Means

Many of us think flying is a great way to travel, but things can get dull if you wind up stuck on the tarmac waiting for takeoff. While you're sitting there wondering if it would’ve taken any longer just to drive, you might notice a little triangular sticker above your window. Only four windows on each plane are marked this way. Usually red or black, the decals are just large enough to spot if you're looking for them but easy enough to miss if you aren't. But why are they there? Is it part of a conspiracy? Well, it turns out the answer isn’t quite so dramatic but interesting nonetheless. Especially if you're a plane lover! Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
A Plane Lost Its Roof at 24,000 Feet But Managed to Land
Why No One Can Bring Liquids on a Plane TIMESTAMPS:
So what are those stickers ❓ 0:46
Hidden sleeping compartments 1:39
Loops on the wings ✈️ 3:35
Holes in the windows 5:07
The hidden handrail 6:33
A button to adjust your armrest βœ‹πŸ» 7:34 #plane #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you look closely the next time you're on a plane, you'll realize that the triangles line up with the front and back edges of the aircraft's wings.
– The sticker is there so that the flight attendants know at a glance which windows to look through. – Many airliners feature a hidden compartment where its exhausted crew can catch up on some much-needed sleep.
– The exact placement of the room varies, but the crew’s quarters are usually found in a small windowless compartment directly above first class. – Larger planes can feature up to ten bunks, as well as a separate pilot’s quarters directly above the cockpit. – If you’re flying in a jet made by Airbus, you might’ve noticed a pair of little yellow loops sticking up from the otherwise smooth, white surface of the plane's wing.
– A plane's wings need to be smooth so that they remain aerodynamic, but that makes them pretty difficult to stand on. – Thanks to this fabulous technological breakthrough, evacuating passengers need not worry about an unfortunate tumble down the aircraft’s wings. – Airliners need to maintain internal pressure for the passengers to be able to breathe comfortably at high altitudes.
– This tiny opening is known as a breather hole and plays a vital role in keeping you flying.
– Most airliners flying today feature a handrail running the length of the overhead compartments. Their primary function is so that the crew can safely move about the cabin during turbulence.
– The most common complaint people have with air travel is the lack of space. Even if you aren't particularly tall, you've probably experienced this for yourself.
– If you're in the middle seat, well, you're just going to have to deal with getting the worst of both worlds.
– Feel around on the bottom of the armrest, and you’ll find a little button near the hinge. Press it, and you're free to move that pesky armrest out of your way.
– This gives you plenty of room to move around, and is a big help when you’re trying to get your bag from the overhead compartment at the end of your flight. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Small Triangles Above Your Airplane Seats Mean

Many of us think flying is a great way to travel, but things can get dull if you wind up stuck on the tarmac waiting for takeoff. While you're sitting there wondering if it would’ve taken any longer just to drive, you might notice a little triangular sticker above your window. Only four windows on each plane are marked this way. Usually red or black, the decals are just large enough to spot if you're looking for them but easy enough to miss if you aren't. But why are they there? Is it part of a conspiracy? Well, it turns out the answer isn’t quite so dramatic but interesting nonetheless. Especially if you're a plane lover! Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Over the Pacific Ocean
A Plane Lost Its Roof at 24,000 Feet But Managed to Land
Why No One Can Bring Liquids on a Plane TIMESTAMPS:
So what are those stickers ❓ 0:46
Hidden sleeping compartments 1:39
Loops on the wings ✈️ 3:35
Holes in the windows 5:07
The hidden handrail 6:33
A button to adjust your armrest βœ‹πŸ» 7:34 #plane #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you look closely the next time you're on a plane, you'll realize that the triangles line up with the front and back edges of the aircraft's wings.
– The sticker is there so that the flight attendants know at a glance which windows to look through. – Many airliners feature a hidden compartment where its exhausted crew can catch up on some much-needed sleep.
– The exact placement of the room varies, but the crew’s quarters are usually found in a small windowless compartment directly above first class. – Larger planes can feature up to ten bunks, as well as a separate pilot’s quarters directly above the cockpit. – If you’re flying in a jet made by Airbus, you might’ve noticed a pair of little yellow loops sticking up from the otherwise smooth, white surface of the plane's wing.
– A plane's wings need to be smooth so that they remain aerodynamic, but that makes them pretty difficult to stand on. – Thanks to this fabulous technological breakthrough, evacuating passengers need not worry about an unfortunate tumble down the aircraft’s wings. – Airliners need to maintain internal pressure for the passengers to be able to breathe comfortably at high altitudes.
– This tiny opening is known as a breather hole and plays a vital role in keeping you flying.
– Most airliners flying today feature a handrail running the length of the overhead compartments. Their primary function is so that the crew can safely move about the cabin during turbulence.
– The most common complaint people have with air travel is the lack of space. Even if you aren't particularly tall, you've probably experienced this for yourself.
– If you're in the middle seat, well, you're just going to have to deal with getting the worst of both worlds.
– Feel around on the bottom of the armrest, and you’ll find a little button near the hinge. Press it, and you're free to move that pesky armrest out of your way.
– This gives you plenty of room to move around, and is a big help when you’re trying to get your bag from the overhead compartment at the end of your flight. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More What Small Triangles Above Your Airplane Seats Mean Videos