Category Archives: Bright Side News

Aliens May Have Visited Earth But We Haven’t Seen Them

Hey, you still waiting for a visit from the little green men? Sorry, but you might’ve missed that one by about 10 million years. A new study claims that aliens do exist, and they’ve already visited our planet! They just haven’t come back in a long time… The study points out that extraterrestrials could be taking their sweet time getting to our planet. Why? Because they likely rely on the movement of star systems since they make crossing the universe easier. You see, stars and planets move around the center of our Milky Way, and they pass one another occasionally. And the Milky Way galaxy itself is also rotating! The study argues that aliens could be waiting for one of those destinations to move closer to them… Other videos you might like:
A Physicist Has Explained Why We've Never Seen Aliens
The Alien Signals Mystery Might Have Been Solved
hA Scary Island That Has Been Keeping a Secret for 80 Years TIMESTAMPS:
What the Fermi Paradox is 1:01
Is the Earth toxic for aliens? 2:06
A Zoo Theory 3:02
Crop circles 4:00
Landing sites for aliens 4:47
What would aliens look like? 5:31
The most bizarre alien theory 6:17 #aliens #alientheories #brightside SUMMARY:
– The study itself delves into a theory called the Fermi Paradox. It asks, “If alien civilizations do exist, why haven’t we found evidence of them in our galaxy?”
– That is, if they have this technology, why don’t we see more of them more often? It doesn’t make sense if there are billions of stars and planets where intelligent life could’ve evolved to the point of having interstellar travel. – There’s the possibility that the conditions on Earth could be fatal for them. If aliens have evolved specifically under the conditions on their home planets, then Earth could be toxic for them.
– There’s also something like a Zoo Theory. If that were the case, then aliens aren’t interested in us because they probably see us as primitive beings.
– Maybe we haven’t been able to communicate with aliens simply because we have such different ways of communicating. – And, of course, there’s the theory that they’ve been among us all this time – they’re just particularly good at hiding. – Anyway, can’t talk about aliens without mentioning crop circles! These massive and perfectly geometrical figures have been a source of extraterrestrial speculation all over the world for decades. – If it is E.T.s, then England seems to be their favorite spot for drawing weird pictures in the countryside, particularly around Stonehenge. – Some experts have suggested that aliens may look completely different than what we expect.
– So, for example, if the gravity on their home planet is quite strong, they’d likely be more horizontal creatures rather than vertical like us. – The most bizarre alien theory is called the “panspermia hypothesis.” It turns all the others upside-down and claims that we, humans, are the aliens!
– A recent poll found that 20% of Americans believe aliens have visited our planet. And those numbers might start going up any time now! In the summer of 2019, US Navy pilots admitted to seeing UFOs. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Aliens May Have Visited Earth But We Haven’t Seen Them Videos

29 Things That Exist Only in Japan

There are a lot of countries that are famous all over the world for some peculiarities. Japan is, probably one of the most exotic ones. It is known as the Land of the Rising Sun, but it could also be called the Land of singing toilets, the country of the blue traffic light, or the country of vending machines. Really, Japan is a unique country, different from the rest of the world. Japanese farmers grow square watermelons, people park and lock their umbrella before going inside a building and there’s a whole chain of restaurants all over the country where they serve only canned food. In short, there are so many things that make Japan a whole other world. Get ready to explore! Other videos you might like:
Why Japanese Are So Thin According to Science
A 1-Minute Japanese Technique to Make Your Eyes Look Younger
Scientists Finally Explain Why Asians Look So Cute TIMESTAMPS:
Square watermelons 0:17
Ramen noodles bath 0:35
Bizzare flavors of Kit-kat 0:58
Fake food 1:17 Rabbit island 1:36
Purikura machines 1:53 People pushers 2:22
Umbrella parking lot 2:42
Millions of vending machines 3:00
Tokyo's biggest resident 3:23
Train delays make headlines 3:50
“Silent” Karaoke 4:16
Polite slurping 4:34
Face napkins 4:54
Water-saving sinks 5:13
Strange mayo 5:35
Naps at work 5:55
World’s shortest escalator 6:14
Canned food restaurant 6:32
Doll village 6:53
No 4’s 7:16
Blue traffic light 7:35
Cleaning classes 8:00
Footbath train 8:18
Futuristic toilets 8:41
Crazy ice-cream flavors 9:04
Space-saving parking lots 9:21
Robot-run hotel 9:33
Café companion 9:59 #japan #japaneseculture #brightside SUMMARY:
– The Yunessun Spa Resort in Hakone offers its guests the pretty unique experience of splashing around in a vat of pork soup and ramen noodles.
– Specialists make this kind of food from plastic or wax, and it looks just as delicious as the real one.
– Their photo booths, called purikura, allow you to edit photos right on the spot, adding different backgrounds, funny stickers, or writings. – Japan has more than 5 million of them! Mostly because they save time for people who work late hours, which is a pretty common thing there.
– In 2015, Godzilla was granted citizenship in Tokyo's Shinjuku ward. – Punctuality is a really big thing there, and train stations do everything possible to avoid a delay.
– While in many other countries slurping is considered rude, in Japan it’s a way to show your appreciation of the dish.
– Japanese people don't eat mayo with salads, meat, and sandwiches; in Japan, people usually use it as a topping for ice-cream or on pancakes. – World’s shortest escalator is in the basement of More’s Department Store, which is located in the city of Kawasaki. The escalator has only 5 steps and is only 33 inches tall. – The village of Nagoro used to have a population of 300 people, but less than 40 residents live there now. A local artist, Tsukimi Ayano, made over 300 life-size dolls, most of which look like former residents; and they’re located in various states of action. – It’s common for Japanese culture to avoid the number 4 because it’s considered to be very unlucky. – They use a blue color instead of green for traffic lights. The reason for that hides in their language: historically, there was only one word for both colors.
– Japanese kids learn how to clean in many schools because it’s a part of their education. – Toilets in Japan are very high-tech. To use one, a person should know what all those buttons are for.
– Since Japan is a densely-populated country, they don’t like to waste space. That’s why their parking lots have a smart system. They’re designed like multi-level garages. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 29 Things That Exist Only in Japan Videos

What Was the Earth Climate Like Before

Our lovely climate – from tropical to polar, arid to damp, and all that “just-right” temperate in between. It comes in all flavors, and it’s been constantly changing since the very birth of our planet Earth… So, guys, if you're brave enough, I wanna take you on a journey to the past to find out what was the Earth climate like before! So far, all I know is that everything was completely different in the old days. For example, 4.5 billion years ago it was super hot and molten all over. You could see the entire oceans of magma everywhere. And it took almost a billion years for our planet to take its solid form… Other videos you might like:
10 Wonderful Facts About Earth You've Never Heard Before
Who Lives In the Deepest Place On Earth?
What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like? TIMESTAMPS:
Oceans of magma 0:17
Why is it so hard to breathe? 0:56
The Huronian glaciation 1:56
Dinosaurs! 2:42
Global warming 3:29
Aaand… the Ice Age! 4:33
What’s happening in Africa 6:33
What about America? 6:54
Vesuvius explodes 7:12
The Little Ice Age 8:46 #climatechange #earthhistory #brightside SUMMARY:
– It did just that 3.8 billion years ago! The rain came from those clouds over there, the first ones in the history of Earth. They form because the planet eventually began to cool down, allowing water to go from a gas to liquid state! – Around 2.5 billion years ago, the Huronian glaciation starts. As oxygen fills the atmosphere and replaces methane, it can’t trap heat as well.
– 2 billion years ago, the ozone layer starts to form. It not only protects the planet from the sun’s harmful radiation, it also warms this planet up a bit! – About 200 million years ago, dinosaurs appear, and they’ll rule the planet for the next 175 million years. – From 100 to 65 million years ago, the planet goes through so many changes. The single landmass is breaking apart into the continents we have today.
– 55 million years ago, something similar to today's global warming trend takes place. – For the next 2 million years, life on Earth is like a rollercoaster with temperatures going up into a hothouse and down into ice age.
– Ah, made it to the Ice Age that started 2.5 million years ago. The average temperature is about 12 degrees colder than it is today.
– Now, the Holocene is the name of the current geological epoch. It started 11,700 years ago. What’s that dripping on my head? Oh yeah, ice sheets in North America and Europe start melting at this time. – Between 7,500 and 3,500 BCE, the latest African Humid Period ends. What was recently a lush oasis in the Sahara now becomes the arid desert we know today. – I wonder what’s going on in America at this point? In 3,000 BCE, the western part of the present U.S. is going through some big changes. – It doesn’t get any warmer in the Iron Age Cold Epoch lasting from 900 to 300 BCE. Hey, they called it “cold” for a reason!
– In the year 535, another volcanic eruption, this time in the tropics, causes another crazy temperature drop.
– The Little Ice Age starts somewhere around 1300 and goes on till 1850. It’s called “little” because it isn’t exactly as extreme as the previous ones. But, still, some intervals of it are pretty tough! – A lot of things happen in the world since 1850. But in climate history, it’s all been pretty stable so far. But I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s going on the warmer end. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What Was the Earth Climate Like Before Videos

That’s Why the Climate Changed on Earth

Our lovely climate – from tropical to polar, arid to damp, and all that “just-right” temperate in between. It comes in all flavors, and it’s been constantly changing since the very birth of our planet Earth… So, guys, if you're brave enough, I wanna take you on a journey to the past to find out what was the Earth climate like before! So far, all I know is that everything was completely different in the old days. For example, 4.5 billion years ago it was super hot and molten all over. You could see the entire oceans of magma everywhere. And it took almost a billion years for our planet to take its solid form… Other videos you might like:
10 Wonderful Facts About Earth You've Never Heard Before
Who Lives In the Deepest Place On Earth?
What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like? TIMESTAMPS:
Oceans of magma 0:17
Why is it so hard to breathe? 0:56
The Huronian glaciation 1:56
Dinosaurs! 2:42
Global warming 3:29
Aaand… the Ice Age! 4:33
What’s happening in Africa 6:33
What about America? 6:54
Vesuvius explodes 7:12
The Little Ice Age 8:46 #climatechange #earthhistory #brightside SUMMARY:
– It did just that 3.8 billion years ago! The rain came from those clouds over there, the first ones in the history of Earth. They form because the planet eventually began to cool down, allowing water to go from a gas to liquid state! – Around 2.5 billion years ago, the Huronian glaciation starts. As oxygen fills the atmosphere and replaces methane, it can’t trap heat as well.
– 2 billion years ago, the ozone layer starts to form. It not only protects the planet from the sun’s harmful radiation, it also warms this planet up a bit! – About 200 million years ago, dinosaurs appear, and they’ll rule the planet for the next 175 million years. – From 100 to 65 million years ago, the planet goes through so many changes. The single landmass is breaking apart into the continents we have today.
– 55 million years ago, something similar to today's global warming trend takes place. – For the next 2 million years, life on Earth is like a rollercoaster with temperatures going up into a hothouse and down into ice age.
– Ah, made it to the Ice Age that started 2.5 million years ago. The average temperature is about 12 degrees colder than it is today.
– Now, the Holocene is the name of the current geological epoch. It started 11,700 years ago. What’s that dripping on my head? Oh yeah, ice sheets in North America and Europe start melting at this time. – Between 7,500 and 3,500 BCE, the latest African Humid Period ends. What was recently a lush oasis in the Sahara now becomes the arid desert we know today. – I wonder what’s going on in America at this point? In 3,000 BCE, the western part of the present U.S. is going through some big changes. – It doesn’t get any warmer in the Iron Age Cold Epoch lasting from 900 to 300 BCE. Hey, they called it “cold” for a reason!
– In the year 535, another volcanic eruption, this time in the tropics, causes another crazy temperature drop.
– The Little Ice Age starts somewhere around 1300 and goes on till 1850. It’s called “little” because it isn’t exactly as extreme as the previous ones. But, still, some intervals of it are pretty tough! – A lot of things happen in the world since 1850. But in climate history, it’s all been pretty stable so far. But I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s going on the warmer end. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More That’s Why the Climate Changed on Earth Videos

What Each Noise You Hear on a Plane Means

So…you’ve just taken your seat on board your airliner, and your palms are sweaty, your heart is racing, and you just can’t shake your anxiety. That’s okay – a ton of people are nervous flyers! You’ll probably be paying extra close attention to every sensation and sound during your flight. Don't panic: there are lots of sounds that are completely normal on an airplane! For example, 10 minutes before take-off you’ll hear a soft pound from under the plane, and a drill-like sound. This is just the crew closing and securing the cargo hold. Creaks, rattles, and whooshes are also all completely normal sounds that every airplane makes in the air. Don’t let them scare you; such a large aircraft is bound to creak, and the rattles are things moving and sliding around. Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Straight
Why Planes Don't Fly Over Antarctica
11 Secrets Flight Attendants Will Never Tell You TIMESTAMPS: A little countdown to lift-off: ✈️ 0:26
– Two dings 0:30
– A single ding 1:00
– A drill-like sound 1:33 In the air: 🛫 3:24
– Two loud beeps 3:34
– One loud ding 3:55
– Creaks, rattles, and whooshes 4:19
– Turbulence 4:52
– You hear “All call” over the intercom 5:37 Time for your landing: 🛬 6:48
– Two dings 10 minutes before you land 6:53
– A high-pitched whirring sound 7:13
– A bump and deep thunk 7:40 #planes #FearOfFlyng #brightside SUMMARY:
– About 20 minutes before you take off, you’ll hear two high-pitched dings in a row over the intercom system. This only means that one crew member wants to talk to another, just to get into preparation mode for the flight. – 15 minutes before your plane takes off, you’ll hear a single ding. This is a call from the cockpit to the flight attendants to pick up the phone.
– 10 minutes before take-off: you’ll hear a soft pound from under the plane, and a drill-like sound. This is just the crew closing and securing the cargo hold.
– Love it or hate it, there’s nothing quite like feeling your plane leave the ground! You’ll hear the sound of the plane’s wheels going back up into its belly. – 5 minutes after take-off two loud beeps will go off. This is the pilot telling the flight attendants that the plane has reached a certain altitude.
– If there’s a lot of turbulence, the pilot may send a ding over the intercom system, warning flight attendants that it might get a little bumpy.
– When the plane has reached a certain cruising altitude and you’ve been flying for a while, it’s safe to take your seatbelt off and move around! – Just like there were two dings when you reached a certain height after take-off, the two dings will ring again when you’ve reached that same level on your descent. – A bump and deep thunk 2 minutes before landing mean the airplane’s landing gear is coming out, which includes the wheels and anything else in the plane’s undercarriage that helps it land. – The wheels will touch down on the runway, and you may feel and hear some bumps or thuds.
– Bumps during a landing are totally normal, even expected. You’ll cruise along the runway for a while, so that you can slow down. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More What Each Noise You Hear on a Plane Means Videos

What Each Sound on an Airplane Means

So…you’ve just taken your seat on board your airliner, and your palms are sweaty, your heart is racing, and you just can’t shake your anxiety. That’s okay – a ton of people are nervous flyers! You’ll probably be paying extra close attention to every sensation and sound during your flight. Don't panic: there are lots of sounds that are completely normal on an airplane! For example, 10 minutes before take-off you’ll hear a soft pound from under the plane, and a drill-like sound. This is just the crew closing and securing the cargo hold. Creaks, rattles, and whooshes are also all completely normal sounds that every airplane makes in the air. Don’t let them scare you; such a large aircraft is bound to creak, and the rattles are things moving and sliding around. Other videos you might like:
Why Planes Don't Fly Straight
Why Planes Don't Fly Over Antarctica
11 Secrets Flight Attendants Will Never Tell You TIMESTAMPS: A little countdown to lift-off: ✈️ 0:26
– Two dings 0:30
– A single ding 1:00
– A drill-like sound 1:33 In the air: 🛫 3:24
– Two loud beeps 3:34
– One loud ding 3:55
– Creaks, rattles, and whooshes 4:19
– Turbulence 4:52
– You hear “All call” over the intercom 5:37 Time for your landing: 🛬 6:48
– Two dings 10 minutes before you land 6:53
– A high-pitched whirring sound 7:13
– A bump and deep thunk 7:40 #planes #FearOfFlyng #brightside SUMMARY:
– About 20 minutes before you take off, you’ll hear two high-pitched dings in a row over the intercom system. This only means that one crew member wants to talk to another, just to get into preparation mode for the flight. – 15 minutes before your plane takes off, you’ll hear a single ding. This is a call from the cockpit to the flight attendants to pick up the phone.
– 10 minutes before take-off: you’ll hear a soft pound from under the plane, and a drill-like sound. This is just the crew closing and securing the cargo hold.
– Love it or hate it, there’s nothing quite like feeling your plane leave the ground! You’ll hear the sound of the plane’s wheels going back up into its belly. – 5 minutes after take-off two loud beeps will go off. This is the pilot telling the flight attendants that the plane has reached a certain altitude.
– If there’s a lot of turbulence, the pilot may send a ding over the intercom system, warning flight attendants that it might get a little bumpy.
– When the plane has reached a certain cruising altitude and you’ve been flying for a while, it’s safe to take your seatbelt off and move around! – Just like there were two dings when you reached a certain height after take-off, the two dings will ring again when you’ve reached that same level on your descent. – A bump and deep thunk 2 minutes before landing mean the airplane’s landing gear is coming out, which includes the wheels and anything else in the plane’s undercarriage that helps it land. – The wheels will touch down on the runway, and you may feel and hear some bumps or thuds.
– Bumps during a landing are totally normal, even expected. You’ll cruise along the runway for a while, so that you can slow down. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More What Each Sound on an Airplane Means Videos

Don’t Leave Water Near Your Bed While Sleeping

You’ve heard it for as long as you can remember: “Drink lots of water!” So, to make it easier on yourself, you keep a glass right by your bed to drink from in the evening and morning. But, uh-oh, looks like that could be a big mistake! Wanna know why it's bad? Well, first of all, it’s unsanitary. It could be dust, debris, or even a fly or mosquito that makes its way into your nightly source of hydration. And in your zombified half-asleep state, you won’t even notice that thing floating in there when you take a gulp in the morning! And what can present a real threat is bacteria! Sitting water can become a breeding ground for germs! But these are not all reasons. Other videos you might like:
I Drank Only Water for 20 Days, See What Happened to My Body
What If You Stopped Drinking Water for 7 Days?
Can You Drink Water When You Eat? TIMESTAMPS:
Open to invaders 0:23
It’s a breeding ground 1:00
A big “healthy” glass of…acid?! 1:44
A funky taste… 2:40
It could disrupt your sleep 3:09
The dangers of the container 3:43
But BPA-free bottles aren’t the end-all solution 4:07
A potential fire hazard?! 4:35
👉 It’s also good to decide on… 👈 5:03
💧 What water does for your body (when you get the right amount) 💧 6:45 #water #healthylifestyle #brightside SUMMARY:
– Each time you take a sip, you leave a little backwash in the glass. Well, your mouth is full of bacteria, and if they sit in that glass all night, they have all the time in the world to multiply. – Water that’s exposed to air will go through some chemical changes. When you leave it out and open overnight, carbon dioxide makes its way into the glass.
– With a glassful of water right next to you, you might be tempted to grab it anytime in the night. Of course, if you’ve got liquid going in, then it’s going to need to come out.
– If you have tap water in that glass, the chlorine added into it for disinfection will evaporate overnight. – If it just so happens that you keep your bedside water not in a glass but in some plastic bottle or cup, it could contain the chemical bisphenol-A or another similar substance used in plastics. – Finding a BPA-free bottle for your bedside water does eliminate the issue of plastic chemicals…but not the bacteria.
– If you happen to swing your arm out or push your pillow into that glass, causing it to spill, all the electronics nearby can spark out.
– Just have a fresh glass in the evening, and do it at least 2 hours before bed. That way, it won’t disrupt your sleep. – Warm water leads to improved blood circulation. Then again, German scientists found that drinking cold water can raise your metabolism. – Dehydration becomes life-threatening if you lose more than 10% of your body water. And don’t forget, 60% of your body is water!
– If you go beyond the amount of hydration your body needs, you risk getting water intoxication, which can also be life-threatening! – Without you knowing it and with almost no effort except drinking water, your intake will cleanse your body of unwanted toxins.
– That detoxification process through water will also clean your skin. – Water helps wash away leftover food particles and bacteria in your mouth. – A 2014 study found that drinking water affects your mood. When those with low intake increased their water consumption, the increase in positive emotion and calmness was evident.
– Research shows that dehydration may lead to impaired thinking and reasoning. – You ever heard that your body needs fiber to maintain healthy digestion and regularity? Again, without water, that won’t do you much good.
– If there’s one system that’s going to benefit a lot from drinking plenty of water, it’s got to be your kidneys and urinary tract. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Don’t Leave Water Near Your Bed While Sleeping Videos

That’s How We Could Go to Space Without Rockets

Nowadays, the only way to get to space is a rocket. But apparently, in the near future, there might be some new and bizarre ways to leave the Earth's atmosphere. Space elevators? Why not? It would be connected to an asteroid or a space station by four to six massive cables. Catapults? Well, it's actually a massive centrifuge, spinning at high speed. NASA once tested similar technology but, eventually, came to the conclusion that it was less reliable than good old rockets. But who knows? Okay, what else? Oh, balloons! Yep, no breakthrough technologies, just a large helium balloon that would fly to the stratosphere, and then to space. Interested? So here are 10 innovative ways to get to space. Other videos you might like:
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands)
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused
The Alien Signals Mystery Might Have Been Solved TIMESTAMPS:
A Catapult 0:23
A Space Elevator 0:57
A Balloon 1:42 An Orbital Ring 2:18
A Skyhook 3:02
An Airplane 3:37
A Space Fountain 4:10
A Space Cannon 5:15
A Launch Loop 5:52
A Mass Driver 6:24
How you can do it right away 7:02 #space #future #brightside SUMMARY:
– The main challenge for the catapult technology is the strong air resistance, which could prevent the load from jostling through the upper atmosphere. – A space elevator would travel from platform to platform at a speed of thousands of miles per hour. These platforms would be located both in the upper atmosphere and open space. – It would take no less than two hours for the balloon to reach space. For comparison, rockets can make it in four minutes. Hey for $75,000 bucks, I’ll take the two hours. – The principle of the orbital ring would be similar to that of the space elevator. On the other hand, the gigantic ring would circle the planet, with several points connecting it to ground stations on Earth. – Can you picture a giant fishing hook (no, even bigger!) which extends all the way from space, and stops somewhere in the Earth's atmosphere? It's considered to be a mini-version of the space elevator: after all, it follows the same principle.
– The chances are that a hypersonic plane with a jet engine that could turn into a rocket would be able to fly into space. – A space fountain would resemble the space elevator, only without the elevator. There would be space and ground stations.
– A space cannon could shoot payloads right into space. One of the proposals is to build a 3,600-ft-long space projectile and place it somewhere below the sea at the equator.
– A space train would set off from one side of the loop, and by the time it reached the middle of the track, it would already be in space. Unfortunately, the construction would cost a fortune to build. – A mass driver wouldn't have any wheels – instead, large magnets would help the driver to slide over the rails. The so-called train would move inside a tube, the top of which would reach the upper atmosphere. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More That’s How We Could Go to Space Without Rockets Videos

We Could Go to Space Without Rockets

Nowadays, the only way to get to space is a rocket. But apparently, in the near future, there might be some new and bizarre ways to leave the Earth's atmosphere. Space elevators? Why not? It would be connected to an asteroid or a space station by four to six massive cables. Catapults? Well, it's actually a massive centrifuge, spinning at high speed. NASA once tested similar technology but, eventually, came to the conclusion that it was less reliable than good old rockets. But who knows? Okay, what else? Oh, balloons! Yep, no breakthrough technologies, just a large helium balloon that would fly to the stratosphere, and then to space. Interested? So here are 10 innovative ways to get to space. Other videos you might like:
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands)
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused
The Alien Signals Mystery Might Have Been Solved TIMESTAMPS:
A Catapult 0:23
A Space Elevator 0:57
A Balloon 1:42 An Orbital Ring 2:18
A Skyhook 3:02
An Airplane 3:37
A Space Fountain 4:10
A Space Cannon 5:15
A Launch Loop 5:52
A Mass Driver 6:24
How you can do it right away 7:02 #space #future #brightside SUMMARY:
– The main challenge for the catapult technology is the strong air resistance, which could prevent the load from jostling through the upper atmosphere. – A space elevator would travel from platform to platform at a speed of thousands of miles per hour. These platforms would be located both in the upper atmosphere and open space. – It would take no less than two hours for the balloon to reach space. For comparison, rockets can make it in four minutes. Hey for $75,000 bucks, I’ll take the two hours. – The principle of the orbital ring would be similar to that of the space elevator. On the other hand, the gigantic ring would circle the planet, with several points connecting it to ground stations on Earth. – Can you picture a giant fishing hook (no, even bigger!) which extends all the way from space, and stops somewhere in the Earth's atmosphere? It's considered to be a mini-version of the space elevator: after all, it follows the same principle.
– The chances are that a hypersonic plane with a jet engine that could turn into a rocket would be able to fly into space. – A space fountain would resemble the space elevator, only without the elevator. There would be space and ground stations.
– A space cannon could shoot payloads right into space. One of the proposals is to build a 3,600-ft-long space projectile and place it somewhere below the sea at the equator.
– A space train would set off from one side of the loop, and by the time it reached the middle of the track, it would already be in space. Unfortunately, the construction would cost a fortune to build. – A mass driver wouldn't have any wheels – instead, large magnets would help the driver to slide over the rails. The so-called train would move inside a tube, the top of which would reach the upper atmosphere. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More We Could Go to Space Without Rockets Videos