Category Archives: Bright Side News

What the Multiverse Would Look Like

Hey there! You ever heard of parallel dimensions? Bet you have. And what if I told you they really exist? I’ve got a story to tell you, and you’re probably not gonna believe it, but here it is anyway. I was just an ordinary guy. I enjoyed sci-fi movies and books, but I didn’t really believe the things they showed were for real. At least until I stumbled upon this… object. It was lying in a ditch near the street where I usually walk home from work. It looked like some kind of an MP3 player, with just three buttons. I turned it this way and that, and then pressed the middle button. What happened next was… inexplicable. 💥 By the way, guys, be attentive! If you wanna this video to be even more fascinating for you, try to spot some Easter eggs in it! I'll give you a hint. One of them is a reference to a really popular video game, another one is for classical literature lovers! 😽 And, of course, there is a cat hidden in this video. Meow! 😉 Other videos you might like:
13 Scariest Theories That'll Make Your Blood Run Cold
Stephen Hawking’s 7 Predictions of Earth’s Demise in the Next 200 Years
A Physicist Has Explained Why We've Never Seen Aliens TIMESTAMPS:
The day I found… that 0:18
Why did I even press that button?! 1:09
Am I in a parallel world? Wow! 2:11
Well… why don't I… press the button again? 2:42
The world where John F. Kennedy is alive 2:52
Awww… The Simpsons universe! 3:45
Dinosaurs! I've always wanted to see them! 4:12
Nothing but the endless ocean 6:00
The South Park universe 6:27
The price of eternal life 7:03
Another cartoon world 8:45 #parallelworld #universe #brightside Preview photo credit: FAMILY GUY: By 20th Century Fox Film Corp./Everett Collection/East News,
MINECRAFT: By Mojang Synergies AB,
SOUTH PARK: By Comedy Central/Everett Collection/East News,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– In fact, the place was the same, but it felt absolutely different. Something was off, but what? And then I noticed. You see, there’s a movie theater further down the street, and a huge poster on its front made me start.
– That was when I realized it wasn’t some prank — I somehow ended up in a parallel world. I’d heard about this before. – I found myself in, for example, everything was the same but the tragedy of the Titanic.
– I was in the middle of a busy highway instead of a modest back street, and most importantly, many of the cars were flying above the road!
– After a brief search I understood that John F. Kennedy had survived in 1963, and history changed its course for the better. So that’s what it would look like if there was no Lee Harvey Oswald!
– Something was wrong. The road was there, but it wasn’t paved, and the houses looked too… medieval, I guess? They were made of stone and the walls were so thick it seemed as if they’d been built for protection rather than comfort. – It was a universe where there had been no cataclysm that made dinosaurs extinct. Hm, it wasn’t that bad by the looks of it, you know! After all, humans still won the race for survival. – The following one was the South Park universe. Well, who said it was impossible that a cartoon world could exist as a separate entity? – I found myself on the busiest street ever. There wasn’t even room enough to breathe freely, let alone move around. So many people and cars, come on, where was I? – Humans had finally found a way to stop growing older, becoming virtually immortal, and that led to an enormous demographic boom. Since people now lived almost forever, the planet quickly became overpopulated. – Hah, another cartoon world — this time it’s Family Guy and Peter Griffin in the flesh! I’ve already patted Homer Simpson on the tummy, can I do the same with you, perhaps, for collection? Thanks. – And finally, I’m here. Yep, here, in your world. What, did you think I was a light bulb for no good reason? Of course I’m from a parallel universe! I just liked it here so much that I decided to stay for a while. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What the Multiverse Would Look Like Videos

11 Strange Tricks Your Body Plays On You Daily

Have you ever felt like you’re living in a body you literally know nothing about? Every once in a while your eye starts twitching by itself, your stomach starts singing like a whale, you get covered in goosebumps for no reason at all, or your leg falls asleep! Speaking about your legs, do you know why when startled, or just scared, they might become as heavy as tree trunks? When adrenalin kicks in, it triggers what’s called the ‘fight or flight’ reaction. So it could go two different ways: you might run like an Olympic athlete, or you may not be able to move a single muscle. Interested? Then it’s time for you and your body to get to know each other better, and these 11 facts will help you with that. Other videos you might like:
15 Human Body Parts That Will Disappear One Day
10 Body Features Only 5% of People Have
16 Superpowers You Didn't Know You Had TIMESTAMPS:
Why do your muscles twitch for no reason? 0:28
Why do we shake when it’s cold? 1:01
Why does your leg fall asleep? 1:40
Why are your eyes wet when you wake up? 2:21
What about yawning when you don’t want to sleep at all? 3:10
What are eye floaters? 4:20
Why does falling asleep sometimes feel like literally falling? 5:11
Why do your legs feel lead-heavy when you’re afraid? 5:54
Why do your fingers get all wrinkly from water? 6:53
Why do joints pop? 7:55
What makes your stomach growl? 8:50 #humanbody #yourbody #brightside SUMMARY:
– If your eye starts to twitch occasionally, it’s a signal that you’re dealing with stress or having a hard time trying to get good sleep. – We’re all familiar with uncontrollable chattering teeth and shivering legs when we’re cold. This happens because all your muscles are slightly, yet rapidly, moving to generate some heat from friction.
– The way you sat restricted the amount of blood that could get to your leg. Only ten minutes without proper blood circulation will cause this numbness, and the uncomfortable feeling afterwards is the sensation of blood rushing back in to every bit of your leg.
– To compensate for the lack of protection, and wash away all the dust that might settle on your eye during the night, special glands in the corners of our eyes produce tears. – Yawning is basically stretching your jaw, and inhaling as deep as you can. Both actions make the blood in your vessels rush to your head, and spinal fluid go down your spine. – Floaters aren’t exactly objects; they’re just tiny imperfections in one special part of the main body of an eye, called the vitreous. We can see them because these structural imperfections stand in the way of the light that passes from pupil to retina, which forms your vision.
– The worst kind of waking up is when you jerk or jump, startled, with the terrible sensation that you fell off your bed, or a cliff. It turns out this happens right after you’ve fallen asleep, at the exact moment all your muscles simultaneously relax. Your brain may mistake it as a distress call, because normally if all your muscles relaxed, you’d fall. – The wrinkling happens when small blood vessels constrict under the skin; but that’s not the most interesting part. Scientists discovered that if the nerves in your fingers are damaged, the wrinkles won’t appear at all, no matter how long they’ve been under water.
– The clicking and cracking sounds happen when a serious force pushes on a joint, bending it in a way that causes a small bubble of gas to escape, and deflate. – When your stomach is empty, your brain sends a signal to start the process of digesting something and transporting it further down the digestive system. But there’s nothing to move except gas, which is what makes all the noise. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 11 Strange Tricks Your Body Plays On You Daily Videos

How to Survive Falling Into Quicksand

Let’s say that one morning you decide to take a relaxing stroll through your neighborhood jungle. Okay, you may not live near an actual jungle, but any marshy area with plentiful wildlife should satisfy this particular urge. You’re admiring the natural beauty of your untouched surroundings, and listening to the birds singing overhead when suddenly you find your shoes disappearing in the ground that used to be beneath your feet. Congratulations, you’ve trapped yourself in quicksand. That's what happens to people who decide to experience nature with basically zero planning. Uhhhh. You at least told someone where you were going, right? No? Well, that might have been a good idea. Anyway, the absolute worst thing you can do is panic and try to force yourself free. Other videos you might like:
10 Tips to Survive a Kidnapping According to the Police
12 Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive
A Pilot Survived a Plane Crash And 15 Hours Among Hungry Sharks TIMESTAMPS:
Don't struggle 0:56
Can quicksand pull you in over your head? ❓ 1:33
How about to swim in the quicksand? 3:46
Try to get your shoes off 👞 6:29
Why dry quicksand is much more dangerous 7:36 #quicksand #survivaltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– Struggling will open pockets in the mixture of sand, water and clay that’s slowly working its way up your legs. – Contrary to popular belief, the quicksand probably isn’t deep enough to pull you in over your head, so you don’t have to worry about drowning in the dirt. – The human body is surprisingly buoyant, so as long as you don’t have anything heavy riding on your back, you shouldn’t sink below your waist.
– Assuming you’ve kept your wits about you, your first instinct might be to find something you can grab on to. Doing so would be a good idea but isn’t always an option.
– While that might seem like a terrifyingly terrible idea, remember what we’ve already established: it’s much easier to float in quicksand than in water.
– Unless you have aquaphobia and your usual response to being partially submerged in water is to scream for help and flail about wildly.
– Laying on your back will spread out your surface area, distributing your weight and increasing your buoyancy. At this point, you should begin to slowly and carefully raise your legs out of the quicksand. The emphasis should be on slowly.
– Once your legs and most of your torso are on the surface it’s time to backstroke your way to safety. What you want to do is slowly and carefully paddle your way back to solid ground.
– It’s important to take your time and be patient. While this might not sound like strenuous exercise, believe me when I say it’s no casual weekend swim. – The next step should be trying to get your shoes off. A good strategy is to find a stick and use it like a crowbar to pry your shoes from your feet.
– What you need to do is separate the water from the sediment as much as possible, something that can be achieved by moving the submerged part of your body in small circles.
– Sure, by now you’ll be dirty, cold and probably exhausted, but that was guaranteed the moment you decided to go hiking through a swamp. – Just be glad it was the wet kind of quicksand. Found in deserts, the Australian outback and the inside of grain silos, dry quicksand is much less common but radically more dangerous.
– If you happen to find yourself snared in one of these grainy traps, your only hope is that someone knows you’re in danger. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More How to Survive Falling Into Quicksand Videos

How to Get Out of Quicksand Safely

Let’s say that one morning you decide to take a relaxing stroll through your neighborhood jungle. Okay, you may not live near an actual jungle, but any marshy area with plentiful wildlife should satisfy this particular urge. You’re admiring the natural beauty of your untouched surroundings, and listening to the birds singing overhead when suddenly you find your shoes disappearing in the ground that used to be beneath your feet. Congratulations, you’ve trapped yourself in quicksand. That's what happens to people who decide to experience nature with basically zero planning. Uhhhh. You at least told someone where you were going, right? No? Well, that might have been a good idea. Anyway, the absolute worst thing you can do is panic and try to force yourself free. Other videos you might like:
10 Tips to Survive a Kidnapping According to the Police
12 Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive
A Pilot Survived a Plane Crash And 15 Hours Among Hungry Sharks TIMESTAMPS:
Don't struggle 0:56
Can quicksand pull you in over your head? ❓ 1:33
How about to swim in the quicksand? 3:46
Try to get your shoes off 👞 6:29
Why dry quicksand is much more dangerous 7:36 #quicksand #survivaltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– Struggling will open pockets in the mixture of sand, water and clay that’s slowly working its way up your legs. – Contrary to popular belief, the quicksand probably isn’t deep enough to pull you in over your head, so you don’t have to worry about drowning in the dirt. – The human body is surprisingly buoyant, so as long as you don’t have anything heavy riding on your back, you shouldn’t sink below your waist.
– Assuming you’ve kept your wits about you, your first instinct might be to find something you can grab on to. Doing so would be a good idea but isn’t always an option.
– While that might seem like a terrifyingly terrible idea, remember what we’ve already established: it’s much easier to float in quicksand than in water.
– Unless you have aquaphobia and your usual response to being partially submerged in water is to scream for help and flail about wildly.
– Laying on your back will spread out your surface area, distributing your weight and increasing your buoyancy. At this point, you should begin to slowly and carefully raise your legs out of the quicksand. The emphasis should be on slowly.
– Once your legs and most of your torso are on the surface it’s time to backstroke your way to safety. What you want to do is slowly and carefully paddle your way back to solid ground.
– It’s important to take your time and be patient. While this might not sound like strenuous exercise, believe me when I say it’s no casual weekend swim. – The next step should be trying to get your shoes off. A good strategy is to find a stick and use it like a crowbar to pry your shoes from your feet.
– What you need to do is separate the water from the sediment as much as possible, something that can be achieved by moving the submerged part of your body in small circles.
– Sure, by now you’ll be dirty, cold and probably exhausted, but that was guaranteed the moment you decided to go hiking through a swamp. – Just be glad it was the wet kind of quicksand. Found in deserts, the Australian outback and the inside of grain silos, dry quicksand is much less common but radically more dangerous.
– If you happen to find yourself snared in one of these grainy traps, your only hope is that someone knows you’re in danger. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More How to Get Out of Quicksand Safely Videos

Titanic Could’ve Been Sunk by a Panicked Crew Member

The story of the Titanic seems to have been studied inside and out, and we know for a fact that the great ship was destroyed by an iceberg. But what if there was another culprit altogether? Only one person knew about this but kept it a secret for decades. And today, at last, we just might find out the truth behind the sinking of the unsinkable liner. More details popped up after long decades: it turned out that the cabinet holding the binoculars was locked, and the key accidentally stayed on shore, so the lookout wasn’t able to notice the iceberg in time. But the real reason why the Titanic eventually hit it could be entirely different. It all started with the statement made by Lady Louise Patten, granddaughter of one of the surviving crew members of the Titanic… Other videos you might like:
The Mystery of the Disappeared Bodies of the Titanic
A Legendary Woman Who Escaped the Titanic, Britannic, And Olympic
A New Bermuda Triangle Theory Explains Its Mystery TIMESTAMPS:
The only man who knew all the truth 1:37
What was this dark secret? 2:45
The fatal mistake 3:17
And… one more fatal mistake 4:02
Why the truth wasn't uncovered 5:27
How Lightoller became a real hero 7:08 #titanic #truestory #brightside Preview photo credit: Rms Titanic Of The White Star Line Sinking Around 2 20 Am Monday Morning April 15 1912 After Hitting An Iceberg In The North Atlantic: By Ken Welsh/Design Pics RM/EAST NEWS,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– There are lots of facts we know to be true about the Titanic. It was indeed the largest ocean liner of its time, and it sure was believed to be unsinkable for a good reason.
– Most of the survivors were passengers who couldn’t know all the details. What they knew was what they saw, and that wasn’t much.
– In 2010, Lady Louise Patten boldly said that one of the most prominent tragedies of the 20th century happened because of a steering error, and that her grandfather had been the only one who knew the truth.
– On the night of the crash, First Officer William Murdoch was on watch. Somehow, he managed to notice the iceberg before the lookouts. – For some reason, though, Robert Hitchins, who was at the wheel, steered the liner in the opposite direction, making it go head-on at the iceberg.
– The ship smashed into the iceberg at full speed, leaving a nasty gash in its right side, which ultimately led to its sinking.
– When the Titanic pushed on, it scooped water in abundance, and the stress put on the damaged hull became simply too much. The ship began falling apart. – Lightoller could either tell the inquirers the whole story, clearing his conscience, or he could cover up the steering mistake and Ismay’s decision to sail on, lying to the whole world but saving hundreds of people their jobs.
– It was a hard moral decision indeed, but Lightoller agreed to tell a cover-up legend. – Lightoller was caught between two difficult moral choices, and he chose what he believed to be a small evil for the greater good. – Thanks to his testimony, White Star Line did not go bankrupt, and its employees didn’t lose their jobs. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Titanic Could’ve Been Sunk by a Panicked Crew Member Videos

Titanic Could’ve Been Sunk by a Crew Member

The story of the Titanic seems to have been studied inside and out, and we know for a fact that the great ship was destroyed by an iceberg. But what if there was another culprit altogether? Only one person knew about this but kept it a secret for decades. And today, at last, we just might find out the truth behind the sinking of the unsinkable liner. More details popped up after long decades: it turned out that the cabinet holding the binoculars was locked, and the key accidentally stayed on shore, so the lookout wasn’t able to notice the iceberg in time. But the real reason why the Titanic eventually hit it could be entirely different. It all started with the statement made by Lady Louise Patten, granddaughter of one of the surviving crew members of the Titanic… Other videos you might like:
The Mystery of the Disappeared Bodies of the Titanic
A Legendary Woman Who Escaped the Titanic, Britannic, And Olympic
A New Bermuda Triangle Theory Explains Its Mystery TIMESTAMPS:
The only man who knew all the truth 1:37
What was this dark secret? 2:45
The fatal mistake 3:17
And… one more fatal mistake 4:02
Why the truth wasn't uncovered 5:27
How Lightoller became a real hero 7:08 #titanic #truestory #brightside Preview photo credit: Rms Titanic Of The White Star Line Sinking Around 2 20 Am Monday Morning April 15 1912 After Hitting An Iceberg In The North Atlantic: By Ken Welsh/Design Pics RM/EAST NEWS,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– There are lots of facts we know to be true about the Titanic. It was indeed the largest ocean liner of its time, and it sure was believed to be unsinkable for a good reason.
– Most of the survivors were passengers who couldn’t know all the details. What they knew was what they saw, and that wasn’t much.
– In 2010, Lady Louise Patten boldly said that one of the most prominent tragedies of the 20th century happened because of a steering error, and that her grandfather had been the only one who knew the truth.
– On the night of the crash, First Officer William Murdoch was on watch. Somehow, he managed to notice the iceberg before the lookouts. – For some reason, though, Robert Hitchins, who was at the wheel, steered the liner in the opposite direction, making it go head-on at the iceberg.
– The ship smashed into the iceberg at full speed, leaving a nasty gash in its right side, which ultimately led to its sinking.
– When the Titanic pushed on, it scooped water in abundance, and the stress put on the damaged hull became simply too much. The ship began falling apart. – Lightoller could either tell the inquirers the whole story, clearing his conscience, or he could cover up the steering mistake and Ismay’s decision to sail on, lying to the whole world but saving hundreds of people their jobs.
– It was a hard moral decision indeed, but Lightoller agreed to tell a cover-up legend. – Lightoller was caught between two difficult moral choices, and he chose what he believed to be a small evil for the greater good. – Thanks to his testimony, White Star Line did not go bankrupt, and its employees didn’t lose their jobs. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
Our Social Media:
5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Titanic Could’ve Been Sunk by a Crew Member Videos

12 Riddles to Check if You Can Escape from Dangers

Hey, guys! How about a new test that’ll check your wits and survival skills? Try to crack the following 12 riddles, and write down your results. At the end, you can see how well you did! But you'll need to do your best to avoid all the traps! And don't forget that although we usually play puzzles for fun, solving them helps you boost your brainpower and keep your mind sharp. Scientists also believe that riddles can help us think outside the box — if practiced often enough. So mind teasers are so much more than simple games. Okay, are you ready for the challenge? Then let's get started! Other videos you might like:
9 Math Riddles That'll Stump Even Your Smartest Friends
7 Mystery Riddles Only the Smartest 5% Can Solve
15 Puzzles That Will Keep You Up All Night TIMESTAMPS:
A Problem in the Jungle 0:21
A Road Accident 1:24
A Forest Escape 2:09
Trapped by a Psycho 3:12
A Scary Castle 4:09
A Wicked Kidnapper 5:06
The Attic Mystery 5:57
A Treasure Hunt 6:39
An Escape From a Locked House 7:26
Dropped into a Pit 8:23
A Cafe Theft 9:20
A Prison Escape 10:00 #riddles #puzzles #brightside SUMMARY:
– You're traveling through the jungle all on your own. One morning, you find out that you're almost out of water. You can get more water from one of 4 sources: a juicy cactus, a pond with salty sea water, a clear still lake, or a silty stream. What source of water will you choose to fill your filter water bottle with?
– A truck, a man riding a horse, and a motorcycle are waiting on the road for the green light. Suddenly, the truck driver drops his cell phone on the horn. The loud noise scares the horse, and it bites the motorcyclist's ear. The man unwittingly moves his motorcycle and causes an accident. But which person actually broke the law?
– You’re lost in a forest. It's getting dark, and very soon wild animals will start their hunt. There are 4 roads you can choose from: the North, South, West, and East. Choose your way. – A psycho caught you and let you choose where you’d have to stay on your own for the following three weeks. He gave you three options: a desert full of cacti; a sunny field with flowers, a banana, and a glass of water; and a beach under stormy skies, surrounded by sharp cliffs, and hit by high waves. Where do you have the best chances to survive? – One night, you find yourself stuck in an old spooky castle. You hear someone chasing after you, and you run faster and faster; but suddenly – a dead end! However, as your eyes adjust, you notice three doors in the wall. But behind each door, there are some horrifying creatures. Which door should you open to have a chance to survive?
– Mark and James played in the attic where it was dark and dirty. But when they came down, only Mark's face was covered in dust, while James's face was miraculously clean. However, it was James who went and washed his face. Why? – A treasure hunter got lost in a forest. But after he’d been walking for some time, he noticed a crossroad with a big stone in the middle. There was a note on this stone which read, "4+no5." Can you help the treasure hunter to decipher the code? – You got kidnapped and locked in a stone house. However, there are 4 doors you can escape through. Is there a way to escape?
– One day, John was caught by a maniac and thrown into a 20-ft-deep pit. He looked around and noticed that on the bottom of the pit, there was a 6-ft-long rope, a 4-ft-tall wooden barrel, and a 3-ft-tall metal safe. John himself was 6 ft tall. How could he use these objects to get out of the pit alive?
– Look at the picture. Ten minutes before it was taken, someone from this photo had stolen all the money from the cafe on the beach. However, all these people claim that none of them had visited the cafe in the last 10 minutes. Who’s the thief?
– Matt escaped from prison by digging a long tunnel in the floor of his cell. He’d been crawling through the underground tunnel for 3 hours, when he saw that the main tunnel divided into three smaller ones. But the first one was on fire, and the second tunnel was home to a nest of venomous snakes. The third tunnel was set with explosives. How can Matt escape? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 12 Riddles to Check if You Can Escape from Dangers Videos

What US States Are Best At?

Hey guys! Wanna find out anything new about the USA? Well, we'll tell you what different US states are best at! For example, Maine is the most well-behaved state. Vermont is the best when it comes to employment and income rates. Massachusetts is the most educated state in America. Over 40% of the population have a bachelor degree. Connecticut’s residents have the cleanest teeth! Virginia has the lowest asthma rate in the US. Across the hall, West Virginia is the most equal state regarding education and income level. North Carolina boasts the highest quality pre-schools in America. South Carolina produces the most nuclear energy per capita in the country. Btw, where are you from, guys? Let us know in the comments below! Other videos you might like:
21 Things in the US That Puzzle Most Foreigners
10 Fun Facts About America Even Americans Don't Know
12 Strange US Geography Facts No One Told You About TIMESTAMPS:
New England 0:20
The Mid-Atlantic region 0:55
The South 1:30
The Midwest 2:54
The Southwestern region 4:28
The westernmost region 4:53 #usa #america #brightside SUMMARY:
– New York not only has the most densely populated city in America, it’s also the homestate of most presidents (7) and vice presidents (11).
– Maryland has the best household income rates in the country at an average of $80,000 per year. – Like it or not, Alabama is the best at college football: their universities have accounted for 16 national championship victories.
– Arkansas is for dog lovers. It has highest rate of dog ownership in the US, 48% of households report having one or more.
– Kentucky’s another great place for exploring caves; they’ve got the longest cave system in the entire world — Mammoth Cave National Park. – Texas is the biggest state in the lower 48 and produces the most energy. – Colorado is the best in the nation at staying fit, with an obesity rate of just 22%. – Idaho is the most entrepreneurial state in the US and has the highest manufacturing output per capita.
– California has both the largest population and the largest economy of any state in America; the nearly 40 million people who live here produce $2.8 trillion in GDP.
– We can’t forget about Alaska up there in the North now, can we? This state ranks number one on the Gini index. That’s the system used to measure economic equality. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More What US States Are Best At? Videos

20 Unknown Facts That Might Save Your Life One Day

Most people don’t even think about being in danger. But Anyone can find themselves in a position when a lot is at stake. And it might happen when no one’s around to save the day. Panicking, implementing the wrong order of actions, or underestimating the seriousness of the situation can lead to very bad consequences. And often, it’s due to a lack of knowledge. In this case, you'll have to become your own hero, so learning some basic safety and survival tricks is absolutely crucial. Do you know, for example, why you should never use bleach and cleaning products that contain ammonia at the same time and in the same room? Or why the smell of urine or fish at home, for no apparent reason, should set off alarm bells in your head? You don't? So here's a list of facts that can help you act rationally in a critical situation. Other videos you might like:
11 Tips That'll Save Your Life In a Critical Situation
16 Questions That Could Save Your Child’s Life
Put a Glass on Your Door Handle, It Will Save Your Life! TIMESTAMPS:
Using multiple detergents 0:31
The smell of urine or fish at home 0:50
Oil burning on the stove 1:11
Your car's in the middle of a railroad track 1:47
How you can be sure you have a heat stroke 2:12
Getting stuck with your car in the middle of nowhere 2:33
A big thunderstorm 3:07
Touching an electrified object 3:44
A snake bite 4:07
Calling an emergency service 4:34
Dizziness under water 4:51
An accidental encounter with a wild animal 5:05
Crossing the road 5:31
Jumping into water from high up 5:45
How to break a car window 6:19
How to start a fire with a water bottle 6:34
Tornado safety 6:55
A metallic taste in your mouth 7:21
If your car skids 7:42
Dealing with quicksand 7:48 #survivaltips #safety #brightside SUMMARY:
– Never use bleach and cleaning products that contain ammonia at the same time and in the same room. Their vapors will mix in the air and create a toxic gas called chloramine.
– The smell of urine or fish at home means that the electrical wiring might be melting, which can lead to a fire or even an explosion! – Try not to leave a pan or a deep-fryer unsupervised. But if you did, and your cooking oil caught fire, do NOT attempt to extinguish this fire with water – it’ll only make the flames shoot higher!
– A simple spare tire can save your life. While burning, it will produce thick black smoke visible from miles away, and chances are, somebody will notice your SOS signal.
– Three to four seconds before lightning strikes, you'll feel a metallic taste in your mouth, and your hair will stand on end. Immediately sit down, bring your heels together, and place your hands on your knees. – If you suspect that some object might be electrified, but you have to check it, touch it with the back of your hand. – Never touch the area around the wound; otherwise, the venom will spread way faster. – If you're calling an emergency service, first of all, give them your address. Only after that should you explain the reason for your call.
– If you get disoriented after diving and can't figure out which way you should swim to get back to the surface, exhale.
– Any scratch or bite received from a wild animal can lead to rabies. Within 10-15 minutes after the accident, you should thoroughly wash the wound and rush to a hospital.
– If you're crossing the road and see a bright sun reflection on the windshield of the oncoming car, chances are the driver won't see you.
– Always plug your nose when you jump into a lake or a pond from high up, feet first. The water could be swarming with dangerous one-celled animals, and the most horrifying among them is something known as the "brain-eating amoeba." – If you find yourself face to face with a tornado, and it seems to be hovering over the same area, it's most likely moving toward you. Choose an upright standing object and focus on it.
– If your car skids, you can regain control of it by steering in the direction of the skid rather than against it. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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