Category Archives: Bright Side News

Amazing Secrets of Two Lesser Known Volcanoes

Would you have ever guessed that a mere magnet could dethrone the largest volcano on this planet, possibly even in this solar system! That former-king of volcanoes is called Tamu Massif! It sprawls over an area of 120,000 square miles! For comparison, that’s about the size of New Mexico, the 5th largest state in the US. On the long list of famous volcanoes we all know since grade school, why haven’t most people heard of Tamu Massif? The thing is, this sleeping giant hasn’t erupted in a long long time. But just because this volcano has apparently decided to retire, that doesn’t mean nothing’s happening there. Mainly, it’s a massive source of magnetic anomalies… Other videos you might like:
A Helicopter Fell Into a Volcano But It Was a Lucky Day
All 4 Engines Failed Over a Volcano, See What Happened Next
7 Ways to Survive Natural Disasters TIMESTAMPS:
Volcano the size of a state 0:34 🌋
Why haven’t most people heard of it? 1:56
Magnetic anomaly! 2:54 😵
This thing isn’t exactly a volcano… 5:24
Bonus: The undersea volcano that created the island of Bermuda 7:25 #volcanoes #anomaly #brightside SUMMARY:
– Its record-breaking size results partly from its location, as the volcano sits at the intersection of 3 underwater fault lines. – The molten layers beneath the planet’s crust are rich in metals like iron, nickel, and cobalt. All of those are known for their magnetic properties. So when you get a whole bunch of them, you’re bound to produce a magnetic anomaly! – Magma is a sort of gooey hot semi-liquid beneath or within the Earth’s crust. Yep, it’s under your feet right now! Since it’s less dense than solid rock, it naturally flows upward, sometimes finding an exit through a volcano.
– A volcano as big as Tamu Massif is going to have some outstanding eruptions, especially when it’s in a geological hotspot like the Ring of Fire.
– The Earth’s magnetic field goes through natural cycles over the course of several million years. You can imagine our planet like a giant magnet.
– When a volcano erupts, the expelled lava carries with it the magnetic charge it had when it was part of the earth’s mantle. – Shield volcanoes form when magma oozes out, piles up on itself, and cools over time. – But that’s not the case with Tamu Massif. It has “stripes” of magnetic anomalies that point to it popping up a different way. – Tamu Massif’s striped magnetic anomalies point to gradual seafloor spreading over a couple million years, not volcanic formation from hardened lava.
– While bulges in the earth’s crust exist all over, this is the only known example with a massive volcanic system sitting on top!
– Then again, there are plenty of other volcanoes that are just as unique and puzzling. Heading over to the Atlantic, geologists recently found something very exciting just off the shores of Bermuda.
– For many years, geologists assumed that Bermuda had formed over a volcanic hotspot, just like Hawaii
– They discovered that the island formed due to unusual activity in what geologists call the Transition Zone. It’s a region of the Earth’s Mantle about 250 miles below sea level. – No one knew that volcanoes could come about this way. Now that we do know they can, scientists are scrambling to find more examples of this strange phenomenon. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Amazing Secrets of Two Lesser Known Volcanoes Videos

Magnetic Anomalies Took Down World’s Largest Volcano

Would you have ever guessed that a mere magnet could dethrone the largest volcano on this planet, possibly even in this solar system! That former-king of volcanoes is called Tamu Massif! It sprawls over an area of 120,000 square miles! For comparison, that’s about the size of New Mexico, the 5th largest state in the US. On the long list of famous volcanoes we all know since grade school, why haven’t most people heard of Tamu Massif? The thing is, this sleeping giant hasn’t erupted in a long long time. But just because this volcano has apparently decided to retire, that doesn’t mean nothing’s happening there. Mainly, it’s a massive source of magnetic anomalies… Other videos you might like:
A Helicopter Fell Into a Volcano But It Was a Lucky Day
All 4 Engines Failed Over a Volcano, See What Happened Next
7 Ways to Survive Natural Disasters TIMESTAMPS:
Volcano the size of a state 0:34 🌋
Why haven’t most people heard of it? 1:56
Magnetic anomaly! 2:54 😵
This thing isn’t exactly a volcano… 5:24
Bonus: The undersea volcano that created the island of Bermuda 7:25 #volcanoes #anomaly #brightside SUMMARY:
– Its record-breaking size results partly from its location, as the volcano sits at the intersection of 3 underwater fault lines. – The molten layers beneath the planet’s crust are rich in metals like iron, nickel, and cobalt. All of those are known for their magnetic properties. So when you get a whole bunch of them, you’re bound to produce a magnetic anomaly! – Magma is a sort of gooey hot semi-liquid beneath or within the Earth’s crust. Yep, it’s under your feet right now! Since it’s less dense than solid rock, it naturally flows upward, sometimes finding an exit through a volcano.
– A volcano as big as Tamu Massif is going to have some outstanding eruptions, especially when it’s in a geological hotspot like the Ring of Fire.
– The Earth’s magnetic field goes through natural cycles over the course of several million years. You can imagine our planet like a giant magnet.
– When a volcano erupts, the expelled lava carries with it the magnetic charge it had when it was part of the earth’s mantle. – Shield volcanoes form when magma oozes out, piles up on itself, and cools over time. – But that’s not the case with Tamu Massif. It has “stripes” of magnetic anomalies that point to it popping up a different way. – Tamu Massif’s striped magnetic anomalies point to gradual seafloor spreading over a couple million years, not volcanic formation from hardened lava.
– While bulges in the earth’s crust exist all over, this is the only known example with a massive volcanic system sitting on top!
– Then again, there are plenty of other volcanoes that are just as unique and puzzling. Heading over to the Atlantic, geologists recently found something very exciting just off the shores of Bermuda.
– For many years, geologists assumed that Bermuda had formed over a volcanic hotspot, just like Hawaii
– They discovered that the island formed due to unusual activity in what geologists call the Transition Zone. It’s a region of the Earth’s Mantle about 250 miles below sea level. – No one knew that volcanoes could come about this way. Now that we do know they can, scientists are scrambling to find more examples of this strange phenomenon. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Magnetic Anomalies Took Down World’s Largest Volcano Videos

What If You Didn’t Exercise at All?

Each of us wants to look great and be healthy. But when it comes to exercise, many people find reasons not to go to the gym. But what’s happening inside your body if you don't exercise at all? You might see more acne, dullness, and wrinkles on your face. You feel tired, weak, and lazy all day. You might even get digestive issues. And this is hardly a complete list. Nobody's going to preach at you to go out there and hit the gym, join a track team, or stop watching TV and playing video games altogether because those are the culprits of a sedentary lifestyle. No need for drastic measures here. Start slow, and your body won’t be shocked into this new healthy lifestyle! Other videos you might like:
Exercise 8 Minutes Before Bed, See What Happens In a Month
1-Minute Exercises to Improve Posture and Reduce Back Pain
11 Rookie Workout Mistakes You Should Avoid TIMESTAMPS:
A bad complexion 0:28
Itchiness 0:48
Shortness of breath 1:11
Low energy 1:35
Sleepless nights 2:02
Sugar cravings 2:25
Mental fog 2:53
Lightheadedness 3:18
More sick days 3:44
Weak muscles 4:14
Injuries 4:30
Stiffness 5:04
Poor posture 5:23
Digestive issues 5:52
Bone problems 6:16
Mental health issues 6:43
A less-than-desirable reflection 7:02
Weight gain…obviously 7:33 #strongbody #exercise #brightside SUMMARY:
– Exercise gets blood flowing. With good circulation coming their way, skin cells get the nourishment they need. – Any physical movement that’s more than your norm will have you feeling winded. A short flight of stairs, running for the bus, even cleaning your house will have you taking breaks to catch your breath! – Don’t expect to feel alive and vibrant if you spend most of the day sitting. – If you’re not using a lot of energy throughout the day, your body will have a hard time going into Sleep Mode. – Your body will crave sugar for a quick fuel source to boost your energy. – Without regular physical exercise, you might find yourself having a hard time concentrating on tasks, staying focused, and processing information.
– Blood pressure can fluctuate when you don’t have a regular exercise routine. If your blood pressure is too high, you can have frequent headaches, irregular heartbeat, and even vision problems!
– Better sleep, a healthy diet, and all the things that usually come with an active lifestyle all help to strengthen immunity.
– If you’re not moving your muscles, then they won’t build strength – period.
– Building strength in your muscles often means improving your balance and sharpening your mental clarity.
– You don’t just build strength when you work those muscles of yours. You improve flexibility as well. – What does poor posture mean? Back and neck pain, yes, obviously. But it also causes poor circulation and organ function because of the pressure you’re putting on your innards! – Exercise strengthens your bones too. Weight-lifting and high-impact activities like running or jogging put pressure on your bones. Your body reacts by strengthening them.
– Physical activity, among aaall the other things on this list, also boosts the production of these mood-boosters!
– It’s your own self-esteem and confidence that can take a nose-dive because of all these physical consequences of not exercising. – Think of it this way: your energy levels are low, which also means your metabolism slows down. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More What If You Didn’t Exercise at All? Videos

8 Riddles Where Everything Depends on Your Choice

Throughout our lives, we are constantly bombarded with major choices. Some of them are so hard they seem impossible to make. Our decisions determine your future and define you and shape your personality. But what about the choices which your life depends on? So, here's a thorny challenge for you. You’ll be transported to a hallway that consists of several sections. Each section will teleport you to a different place and put a different puzzle before you. What they all have in common is a single rule: you’ll need to decide on one way to proceed further. You can make no more than three mistakes on your way to freedom. How long can you last in this lethal maze? Open the first door, if you dare, and let’s find out! Other videos you might like:
What Would You Choose to Survive? HARDEST TEST EVER
4 Riddles You Have to Solve to Survive
10 Tips to Survive a Kidnapping According to the Police TIMESTAMPS:
Dark room 0:45
Forest glade 1:35
South Pole 2:28
Barren wasteland 3:18
Underwater cave 4:24
Medieval castle 5:18
A room full of small animals 6:14
Last room of the maze 7:13 #riddles #survivaltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– You find yourself in a dark room with a single torch hanging on the opposite wall. To either side of the torch, there is a door. Behind the door on the left, there’s a hungry wolf. Behind the one on the right, there’s a swamp. Which one would you enter?
– The next place you’re transported to is a forest glade. On the edge of the glade you see two huts. In the left one lives a witch. In the right one, there’s a vampire. Which hut is safe, then?
– The South Pole. You’re freezing, and to make matters worse, a powerful snowstorm is approaching. There are two caves right in front of you. In the left one, there’s a hungry polar bear, and the right one is filled with radioactive waste. Which one would you choose to hide in?
– Your next location is a barren wasteland. There’s literally nothing around you but scorched earth. It’s night at the moment. There’s a decrepit shed nearby. Inside the shed, there are two trap doors in the ceiling. If you open the left one, a huge scorpion will jump right at you. And if you choose the right one, you’ll see a giant magnifying glass that will scorch you in no time. Which trap door is safe to open?
– The next place you’re teleported to is an underwater cave. There are, of course, two air pockets nearby. Inside one of them, however, there’s a swarm of bloodsucking bats, while in the second one, there’s a dangerous looking shark. Which way is safer?
– It takes place in a medieval castle. There are two doors leading out of the room. Behind one, there are a couple of lions. Behind the other, there’s a champion that will attack anyone who doesn’t have this castle’s attributes on them. So how can you escape the room you’re stuck in?
– You find yourself in a room full of various small animals. Among others, you spot a mouse, a frog, a cat, a mongoose, a fox, and a rabbit. There are two doors out of the room. Behind one, there’s a venomous snake. Behind the other, there’s a poisonous cloud. Which doorway can you use to go further?
– You’re standing in a room with nothing else but a table in front of you. There are three items on it: a vial of perfume, a razor, and a length of rope. On the opposite side of the table, there are three doors. Behind the first one is a bald person that looks just like you, and they’ll strangle you when they see you. Behind the second are blind and hungry hounds that will eat you alive. And behind the third one is an enraged buffalo that stands with its back to you until you cross the doorstep — and when you do, it will rush and trample you. Which door will you choose and why? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 8 Riddles Where Everything Depends on Your Choice Videos

8 Riddles Where You Need to Make the Right Choice to Survive

Throughout our lives, we are constantly bombarded with major choices. Some of them are so hard they seem impossible to make. Our decisions determine your future and define you and shape your personality. But what about choices which your life depends on? So, here's a thorny challenge for you. You’ll be transported to a hallway that consists of several sections. Each section will teleport you to a different place and put a different puzzle before you. What they all have in common is a single rule: you’ll need to decide on one way to proceed further. You can make no more than three mistakes on your way to freedom. How long can you last in this lethal maze? Open the first door, if you dare, and let’s find out! Other videos you might like:
What Would You Choose to Survive? HARDEST TEST EVER
4 Riddles You Have to Solve to Survive
10 Tips to Survive a Kidnapping According to the Police TIMESTAMPS:
Dark room 0:45
Forest glade 1:35
South Pole 2:28
Barren wasteland 3:18
Underwater cave 4:24
Medieval castle 5:18
A room full of small animals 6:14
Last room of the maze 7:13 #riddles #survivaltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– You find yourself in a dark room with a single torch hanging on the opposite wall. To either side of the torch, there is a door. Behind the door on the left, there’s a hungry wolf. Behind the one on the right, there’s a swamp. Which one would you enter?
– The next place you’re transported to is a forest glade. On the edge of the glade you see two huts. In the left one lives a witch. In the right one, there’s a vampire. Which hut is safe, then?
– The South Pole. You’re freezing, and to make matters worse, a powerful snowstorm is approaching. There are two caves right in front of you. In the left one, there’s a hungry polar bear, and the right one is filled with radioactive waste. Which one would you choose to hide in?
– Your next location is a barren wasteland. There’s literally nothing around you but scorched earth. It’s night at the moment. There’s a decrepit shed nearby. Inside the shed, there are two trap doors in the ceiling. If you open the left one, a huge scorpion will jump right at you. And if you choose the right one, you’ll see a giant magnifying glass that will scorch you in no time. Which trap door is safe to open?
– The next place you’re teleported to is an underwater cave. There are, of course, two air pockets nearby. Inside one of them, however, there’s a swarm of bloodsucking bats, while in the second one, there’s a dangerous looking shark. Which way is safer?
– It takes place in a medieval castle. There are two doors leading out of the room. Behind one, there are a couple of lions. Behind the other, there’s a champion that will attack anyone who doesn’t have this castle’s attributes on them. So how can you escape the room you’re stuck in?
– You find yourself in a room full of various small animals. Among others, you spot a mouse, a frog, a cat, a mongoose, a fox, and a rabbit. There are two doors out of the room. Behind one, there’s a venomous snake. Behind the other, there’s a poisonous cloud. Which doorway can you use to go further?
– You’re standing in a room with nothing else but a table in front of you. There are three items on it: a vial of perfume, a razor, and a length of rope. On the opposite side of the table, there are three doors. Behind the first one is a bald person that looks just like you, and they’ll strangle you when they see you. Behind the second are blind and hungry hounds that will eat you alive. And behind the third one is an enraged buffalo that stands with its back to you until you cross the doorstep — and when you do, it will rush and trample you. Which door will you choose and why? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 8 Riddles Where You Need to Make the Right Choice to Survive Videos

8 Times You Need to Make the Right Choice to Survive

Throughout our lives, we are constantly bombarded with major choices. Some of them are so hard they seem impossible to make. Our decisions determine your future and define you and shape your personality. But what about choices which your life depends on? So, here's a thorny challenge for you. You’ll be transported to a hallway that consists of several sections. Each section will teleport you to a different place and put a different puzzle before you. What they all have in common is a single rule: you’ll need to decide on one way to proceed further. You can make no more than three mistakes on your way to freedom. How long can you last in this lethal maze? Open the first door, if you dare, and let’s find out! Other videos you might like:
What Would You Choose to Survive? HARDEST TEST EVER
4 Riddles You Have to Solve to Survive
10 Tips to Survive a Kidnapping According to the Police TIMESTAMPS:
Dark room 0:45
Forest glade 1:35
South Pole 2:28
Barren wasteland 3:18
Underwater cave 4:24
Medieval castle 5:18
A room full of small animals 6:14
Last room of the maze 7:13 #riddles #survivaltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– You find yourself in a dark room with a single torch hanging on the opposite wall. To either side of the torch, there is a door. Behind the door on the left, there’s a hungry wolf. Behind the one on the right, there’s a swamp. Which one would you enter?
– The next place you’re transported to is a forest glade. On the edge of the glade you see two huts. In the left one lives a witch. In the right one, there’s a vampire. Which hut is safe, then?
– The South Pole. You’re freezing, and to make matters worse, a powerful snowstorm is approaching. There are two caves right in front of you. In the left one, there’s a hungry polar bear, and the right one is filled with radioactive waste. Which one would you choose to hide in?
– Your next location is a barren wasteland. There’s literally nothing around you but scorched earth. It’s night at the moment. There’s a decrepit shed nearby. Inside the shed, there are two trap doors in the ceiling. If you open the left one, a huge scorpion will jump right at you. And if you choose the right one, you’ll see a giant magnifying glass that will scorch you in no time. Which trap door is safe to open?
– The next place you’re teleported to is an underwater cave. There are, of course, two air pockets nearby. Inside one of them, however, there’s a swarm of bloodsucking bats, while in the second one, there’s a dangerous looking shark. Which way is safer?
– It takes place in a medieval castle. There are two doors leading out of the room. Behind one, there are a couple of lions. Behind the other, there’s a champion that will attack anyone who doesn’t have this castle’s attributes on them. So how can you escape the room you’re stuck in?
– You find yourself in a room full of various small animals. Among others, you spot a mouse, a frog, a cat, a mongoose, a fox, and a rabbit. There are two doors out of the room. Behind one, there’s a venomous snake. Behind the other, there’s a poisonous cloud. Which doorway can you use to go further?
– You’re standing in a room with nothing else but a table in front of you. There are three items on it: a vial of perfume, a razor, and a length of rope. On the opposite side of the table, there are three doors. Behind the first one is a bald person that looks just like you, and they’ll strangle you when they see you. Behind the second are blind and hungry hounds that will eat you alive. And behind the third one is an enraged buffalo that stands with its back to you until you cross the doorstep — and when you do, it will rush and trample you. Which door will you choose and why? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
Our Social Media:
5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
For more videos and articles visit:

More 8 Times You Need to Make the Right Choice to Survive Videos

8 Riddles Where Your Life Depends on Your Choice

Throughout our lives, we are constantly bombarded with major choices. Some of them are so hard they seem impossible to make. Our decisions determine your future and define you and shape your personality. But what about the choices which your life depends on? So, here's a thorny challenge for you. You’ll be transported to a hallway that consists of several sections. Each section will teleport you to a different place and put a different puzzle before you. What they all have in common is a single rule: you’ll need to decide on one way to proceed further. You can make no more than three mistakes on your way to freedom. How long can you last in this lethal maze? Open the first door, if you dare, and let’s find out! Other videos you might like:
What Would You Choose to Survive? HARDEST TEST EVER
4 Riddles You Have to Solve to Survive
10 Tips to Survive a Kidnapping According to the Police TIMESTAMPS:
Dark room 0:45
Forest glade 1:35
South Pole 2:28
Barren wasteland 3:18
Underwater cave 4:24
Medieval castle 5:18
A room full of small animals 6:14
Last room of the maze 7:13 #riddles #survivaltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– You find yourself in a dark room with a single torch hanging on the opposite wall. To either side of the torch, there is a door. Behind the door on the left, there’s a hungry wolf. Behind the one on the right, there’s a swamp. Which one would you enter?
– The next place you’re transported to is a forest glade. On the edge of the glade you see two huts. In the left one lives a witch. In the right one, there’s a vampire. Which hut is safe, then?
– The South Pole. You’re freezing, and to make matters worse, a powerful snowstorm is approaching. There are two caves right in front of you. In the left one, there’s a hungry polar bear, and the right one is filled with radioactive waste. Which one would you choose to hide in?
– Your next location is a barren wasteland. There’s literally nothing around you but scorched earth. It’s night at the moment. There’s a decrepit shed nearby. Inside the shed, there are two trap doors in the ceiling. If you open the left one, a huge scorpion will jump right at you. And if you choose the right one, you’ll see a giant magnifying glass that will scorch you in no time. Which trap door is safe to open?
– The next place you’re teleported to is an underwater cave. There are, of course, two air pockets nearby. Inside one of them, however, there’s a swarm of bloodsucking bats, while in the second one, there’s a dangerous looking shark. Which way is safer?
– It takes place in a medieval castle. There are two doors leading out of the room. Behind one, there are a couple of lions. Behind the other, there’s a champion that will attack anyone who doesn’t have this castle’s attributes on them. So how can you escape the room you’re stuck in?
– You find yourself in a room full of various small animals. Among others, you spot a mouse, a frog, a cat, a mongoose, a fox, and a rabbit. There are two doors out of the room. Behind one, there’s a venomous snake. Behind the other, there’s a poisonous cloud. Which doorway can you use to go further?
– You’re standing in a room with nothing else but a table in front of you. There are three items on it: a vial of perfume, a razor, and a length of rope. On the opposite side of the table, there are three doors. Behind the first one is a bald person that looks just like you, and they’ll strangle you when they see you. Behind the second are blind and hungry hounds that will eat you alive. And behind the third one is an enraged buffalo that stands with its back to you until you cross the doorstep — and when you do, it will rush and trample you. Which door will you choose and why? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 8 Riddles Where Your Life Depends on Your Choice Videos

16 Tips to Save $100,000 by the Time You’re 30

How can you save $100,000 by the time you turn 30? Hmm…Be a genius and get a super well-paid job? Find some rich relatives to financially support you? Win the lottery? Good luck with that. Or maybe first try these tips that work nearly 100% of the time. Unless you have a good financial base, consider using public transit or riding a bike. Some big-wig leaders do it! Get acquainted with your inner chef, and get to know your stove a little better. And, guys, forget the phrase “Because I can afford it!“ Someone who makes less money but is wiser about it has better chances of saving $100,000 than someone who can't stop shopping to impress. Other videos you might like:
A Simple Trick on How to Save Up A Lot of Money Fast
11 Tips from Millionaires on How to Save Up a Lot of Money
10 Driving Hacks That'll Make You Spend Less On Gas TIMESTAMPS:
Make saving automatic 0:24
Ignore the latest trends 1:00
Cancel club memberships you don’t use 1:30
Buy video games you can play over and over 2:03
Forget the phrase “Because I can afford it!” 2:36
Adjust the thermostat 3:13
Unplug what you’re not using 3:39
Switch to LED bulbs 3:59
Pick the right-sized cookware 4:31
Save water 5:00
Use the dishwasher 5:37
Master the art of cooking 6:10
Don't buy an expensive car 6:40
Invest in real estate 7:13
Try something new 7:45
Live with your parents 8:19 #savingmoney #everydaylife #brightside SUMMARY:
– Set up automatic transfers into your savings account. If you save 5 – 10% of your income this way, which doesn’t sound like a lot, you’ll be surprised to see how much it’ll turn into after a few years. – There’s really no need to go out and buy a bunch of new clothes just because a certain shade of blue is “in” this season. – If you’re not using all those things you signed up for months ago, then just cancel them!
– Grab a blanket or open a window before you depend so heavily on the heater or AC to keep you comfy. – It's a good idea to keep all electrical appliances unplugged when you’re not using them.
– LED bulbs cost more than old-school incandescent ones, but the benefits outweigh the initial price hike. – You'll be surprised to know that up to 50% of the electricity is wasted when you choose the wrong size pots and pans.
– A person can waste 5 to 8 gallons of water while brushing their teeth or shaving. The solution: turn the faucet or shower off if you’re not using the water at that moment! – Believe it or not, a huge powerful dishwasher actually uses less water than a person who hand-washes the dishes.
– In fact, if you’re eating “cheap” at fast food restaurants and not fancy sit-in places, you’re still spending way more than you would if you just cook at home.
– Buying a car is one thing and paying for its maintenance is another. Unless you have a good financial base, consider using public transit or riding a bike.
– Unless you have to take out a mortgage, any real estate pays itself off pretty quickly, whether you live in it or rent it out to someone else.
– Don't be afraid to try something new while you're still young – like a new job, for example. There’s a chance that you’ll discover a talent for something that’ll bring you much more money and fun than your old job. – While this used to be a running joke about people who were too unsuccessful to make it on their own, more and more young adults are happy to live with their parents these days! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 16 Tips to Save $100,000 by the Time You’re 30 Videos

37 Secret Police Codes You Always Wanted to Know

Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
Our Social Media:
5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
For more videos and articles visit:

More 37 Secret Police Codes You Always Wanted to Know Videos