Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why Planes Dump Fuel Before Landing

Picture this: you're nestled cozily in your window seat on a jet airliner when suddenly, you notice weird white spray coming out the back of the wing. Is something wrong with the plane? Are you going to crash? No need to panic! At this moment, the pilots are performing a standard procedure called fuel dumping. Btw, it's by no means cheap. For example, a mid-sized Boeing 737-300 uses about two and a half tons of fuel per hour of travel. The price of jet fuel is more than $600 per ton, so that means that while flying such a plane, you spend approximately $1,500 per flight hour. So why do they do that? Other videos you might like:
Why No One Can Bring Liquids on a Plane
A Plane Lost Its Roof at 24,000 Feet But Managed to Land
7 Air Travel Tips to Know Before Your Flight TIMESTAMPS:
How much does jet fuel cost? 0:30
Why pilots literally throw away a fortune 💰 1:18
How exactly they do that 2:42
What about environmental pollution? 😖 4:10
Fuel for all kinds of emergency situations 4:47
Why fuel is kept in the wings ✈️ 7:06
#planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– Most planes must be lighter when they land than when they take off, like more than 200,000 pounds lighter! – If a plane doesn't use a certain amount of fuel before landing, it might hit the ground too hard, which can lead to some serious damage. – From time to time, emergencies occur, and planes are forced to land way earlier than planned. – Few people know that most fuel is stored in the wings of an aircraft. That's why, when a pilot flips a switch in the cockpit, a sophisticated system of pumps and valves comes into action, and special nozzles in the wings let out excess fuel. – On the other hand, not all planes have this complicated system. For example, narrow-bodied planes like the Boeing 757 or Airbus A320 can't dump fuel.
– But if the plane's construction allows it, pilots prefer to eject fuel rather than to risk people's lives.
– Most fuel evaporates while still in the air and never hits the ground.
– It may seem terrible from an environmental pollution standpoint. But here’s one bitter truth: one way or another, when planes fly up there, all the fuel ends up in the atmosphere anyway. – By the way, every plane must carry more fuel than is necessary just to cover the distance from point A to point B. – On December 29, 2014, Virgin Atlantic Flight VS43, bound for Las Vegas, took off from Gatwick Airport. Shortly after, the pilots realized that the plane's right-wing landing gear had gotten stuck and hadn't retracted.
– After circling for several hours, the pilots finally ejected enough kerosene over the territory of southern England to return to Gatwick. – One of the reasons for locating fuel tanks in the wings is to lighten the aircraft's fuselage, which reduces the pressure on the wing roots. – If all the fuel was stored in the nose or tail of the aircraft, the center of gravity would change along with the fuel consumption, and it would mess with the plane's stability. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Planes Dump Fuel Before Landing Videos

Why Pilots Dump Fuel Before Landing

Picture this: you're nestled cozily in your window seat on a jet airliner when suddenly, you notice weird white spray coming out the back of the wing. Is something wrong with the plane? Are you going to crash? No need to panic! At this moment, the pilots are performing a standard procedure called fuel dumping. Btw, it's by no means cheap. For example, a mid-sized Boeing 737-300 uses about two and a half tons of fuel per hour of travel. The price of jet fuel is more than $600 per ton, so that means that while flying such a plane, you spend approximately $1,500 per flight hour. So why do they do that? Other videos you might like:
Why No One Can Bring Liquids on a Plane
A Plane Lost Its Roof at 24,000 Feet But Managed to Land
7 Air Travel Tips to Know Before Your Flight TIMESTAMPS:
How much does jet fuel cost? 0:30
Why pilots literally throw away a fortune 💰 1:18
How exactly they do that 2:42
What about environmental pollution? 😖 4:10
Fuel for all kinds of emergency situations 4:47
Why fuel is kept in the wings ✈️ 7:06
#planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– Most planes must be lighter when they land than when they take off, like more than 200,000 pounds lighter! – If a plane doesn't use a certain amount of fuel before landing, it might hit the ground too hard, which can lead to some serious damage. – From time to time, emergencies occur, and planes are forced to land way earlier than planned. – Few people know that most fuel is stored in the wings of an aircraft. That's why, when a pilot flips a switch in the cockpit, a sophisticated system of pumps and valves comes into action, and special nozzles in the wings let out excess fuel. – On the other hand, not all planes have this complicated system. For example, narrow-bodied planes like the Boeing 757 or Airbus A320 can't dump fuel.
– But if the plane's construction allows it, pilots prefer to eject fuel rather than to risk people's lives.
– Most fuel evaporates while still in the air and never hits the ground.
– It may seem terrible from an environmental pollution standpoint. But here’s one bitter truth: one way or another, when planes fly up there, all the fuel ends up in the atmosphere anyway. – By the way, every plane must carry more fuel than is necessary just to cover the distance from point A to point B. – On December 29, 2014, Virgin Atlantic Flight VS43, bound for Las Vegas, took off from Gatwick Airport. Shortly after, the pilots realized that the plane's right-wing landing gear had gotten stuck and hadn't retracted.
– After circling for several hours, the pilots finally ejected enough kerosene over the territory of southern England to return to Gatwick. – One of the reasons for locating fuel tanks in the wings is to lighten the aircraft's fuselage, which reduces the pressure on the wing roots. – If all the fuel was stored in the nose or tail of the aircraft, the center of gravity would change along with the fuel consumption, and it would mess with the plane's stability. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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11 Things to Buy If You Want to Be Rich

Do you think being rich is about earning a lot of money? Well, it sure is, but it’s not the only thing. In fact, spending wisely is key to accumulating wealth. Seems counter-intuitive, right? Some purchases seem too expensive at first glance, but they’ll save you a lot in the long run. For example, buying your own coffee machine may be expensive, but it’ll pay off in just a couple of months. The same applies to expensive clothes. They are more durable, and if you take care of them, they’ll last you at least a few years. In the end, you’ll save yourself both money and, more importantly, time. So let’s see what millionaires recommend to buy to take you to the top of the financial ladder. By the way, there’s a bonus for you at the end of the video, but it will only make sense if you’ve watched it all. Other videos you might like:
Will You Be Rich or Poor? True Personality Test
7 Main Differences Between Rich and Poor People
11 Tips from Millionaires on How to Save Up a Lot of Money TIMESTAMPS:
A good car 0:36 🚗
Reasonable subscriptions 1:14
Discounted goods 1:52
Quality clothes and accessories 2:27 👗
Coffee machine 3:15
Smart tech for your home 3:59
Education 4:34
Shares 5:09
Later versions of electronics 5:46 💻 Rest and recreation 6:24
Things that will last you a lifetime 7:12
💥 A little bonus for you 8:00 💥 #howtobecomerich #richpeople #brightside SUMMARY:
– Opt for a car that’s easy and cheap to maintain, has never been in a serious accident, and will serve you for years.
– It’s best to only subscribe to services that you know you need. It’s a good idea to pay for a TV service that features your favorite shows without the auxiliary stuff, or buy a bigger hard drive once than pay monthly fees for a cloud.
– The most surefire way to get to wealth is being thrifty. Discounted doesn’t automatically mean bad: discounts are usually just a marketing move to get you to buy more of something, while it’s still sold at a price that is favorable for the store. – Cheap clothes and footwear mean they’re made of cheap materials and have low quality. And that, in its turn, means that they’ll serve you for a single season at best, and you’ll have to buy new ones again. – It may seem that buying a cup on the go is easy and doesn’t really take a bite out of your wallet, but if you do some math, you’ll see how deceptive that feeling is.
– A couple of clicks and swipes, and your dinner is being cooked, your laundry is being washed, and your house is being cleaned by automated devices, while you can go about your own business, carefree.
– Self-improvement is key to becoming a better version of yourself and, therefore, a wealthy person. Focusing on money itself won’t lead you to wealth. – There are lots of startup companies that invent unusual and innovative things, and if you spend some money on buying their shares, you might get incredibly rich when they achieve success on the market… or not.
– Whenever a new product appears on the market, its version is by default 1.0. If you buy it immediately, chances are you’ll have to deal with bugs and glitches that haven’t been discovered during the testing phase. – Working, learning, and creating opportunities for yourself is awesome, but having quality rest is no less important, otherwise you’ll simply burn out, even if you sincerely love what you’re doing. – Whatever you buy — a car, a laptop, or a fridge — think of it as a long-term investment. Will it serve you for many years or even decades, or are you going to replace it after a short while?
– To become rich, you shouldn’t buy anything that makes you indebted. If you need to overdraw your account to buy a new car or take a mortgage to buy a new apartment, it’s best to think twice before that. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 11 Things to Buy If You Want to Be Rich Videos

12 Riddles You Won’t Crack Unless You’re a Genius

Do you consider yourself a riddle expert? Then let's move straight past the easy ones and get to the next level of our riddle ladder! How about to crack these 12 brain-teasers within 10 seconds each? Test your logical skills! Only the smartest people can solve these mind-blowing puzzles. By the way, scientists have proven that riddles help you boost your thinking abilities and improve your attention span. Are you ready to solve some tricky puzzles to flex your brain muscles? Fair's fair – at the end, you'll get to know how well you've weathered the storm! Other videos you might like:
9 Riddles That Will Boost Your Thinking Skills
5 Logical Riddles That Will Break Your Head
4 Exercises to Test How Fast Your Brain Is TIMESTAMPS:
A Tough Choice 0:26
Kidnapping – wasn’t the last one about kidnapping? 1:42
Dangerous Escape 2:22
An Artful Plan 3:14
A Fellow Traveler 4:00
A Construction Site Incident 5:10
Which Exit? 6:00
A Near-Fatal Fall 6:44
Pirates' Problem 7:15
A Summer Night Party 7:45
A Plane Crash 8:45
A Perfect Breakfast 9:40
💥 Your results 💥 10:40 #riddles #puzzles #brightside SUMMARY:
– Ethan kidnapped Olivia and brought her to Antarctica. To increase her chances to stay alive, Ethan also let Olivia choose one of the following things: body lotion, a potted plant, a pair of sunglasses, and vitamin C tablets. What object should she choose?
– A wealthy businessman was kidnapped right from his house. The detective who arrived to investigate the case found nothing inside except a strange and mysterious note with "377I3" written on it. You have 10 seconds to help the detective to identify the criminal. – Jack is locked in a room with 2 doors and no windows. There’s nothing inside but a chair, a table, and a tiny 6-inch wide hole in the ceiling. How can the man escape?
– An inspector came to a school and started to quiz the students by asking tricky questions. But surprisingly, every time he asked something, all of the students raised their hands. Can you figure out how it was possible?
– After James called over a police officer, Mr. Brown explained that he’d taken the wrong backpack by mistake. However, the police officer still arrested him. Why? – David worked at a construction site. Once, someone attacked him, and he was taken to a hospital, unconscious. You have 10 seconds to figure out who's lying.
– You were kidnapped and are being kept in a basement with three exits. What should you do to escape unscathed?
– Mary was standing on an 80-foot-ladder with a bucket of paint. Suddenly, she slipped from the ladder and fell to the ground. But miraculously, besides spilling all the paint, she didn't get injured at all. How come?
– Why can't pirates ever finish the alphabet?
– One summer night, Emily threw a big party. But in the morning, she discovered that someone had stolen all her jewelry and money. Who was lying?
– Dylan was going to a conference by plane, when one of the engines suddenly exploded, and the aircraft went down. Dylan was stuck in the cabin, which was filled with thick smoke and flames. The man found three objects: a fire extinguisher, a pair of polyester flippers, and a hot water bottle with a wool cover. Which of these things can save his life? – Once, a maniac kidnapped Zoe and held her in his house. There was no way the girl could escape. But one day, the man got bored and decided to make fun of his prey. "You'll have to make breakfast for me tomorrow. If I like it, I'll let you go. If not, your life will end." However, when Zoe served him breakfast, he realized he had to let the girl go free. What was it? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 12 Riddles You Won’t Crack Unless You’re a Genius Videos

14 Things Not Worth Buying New

Buying a brand new car is awesome, isn’t it? Here it is, all glossy and impeccable, waiting for you to hop behind the wheel! But the price tag on it still doesn’t let you sleep at night! Especially since you know you could’ve bought a similar but used one at almost half the amount. And it doesn’t only concern cars, you know! Many second-hand things can cost a lot less, while still being as good as new. Take books as an example. A book from a bookstore, especially a hardcover, can cost a crazy amount of money. It won’t have that crisp feeling the books from stores have, of course, but hey, you’re buying it for its contents, aren’t you? And what about furniture? It is never cheap. But you can search online and find an item that’s been used gently and looks great while having a tempting price tag! Other videos you might like:
14 Computer Life Hacks You Wish You Learned Sooner
11 Military Hacks That’ll Make Your Life Easier
15 Unexpected Beauty Hacks You’ll Wish You’d Known TIMESTAMPS:
Clothes for special occasions 0:35
Kitchenware 1:13
Bicycles 1:45
Sports equipment 2:11
Inflatable mattresses 2:41
Fashion jewelry 3:09
Musical instruments 3:50
Kids’ stuff 4:23
Cars 4:58
Furniture 5:37
Tools 6:09
Books 6:41
Larger appliances 7:05
Homes 7:45 #lifehacks #usefultips #brightside SUMMARY:
– Celebration clothes are mainly bought for a single occasion, so buying them from another person is a really good idea. – Stuff like cups, plates, or kitchen utensils can be safely bought from other people at a price up to 5 times lower than brand new ones would cost you. – You can easily find an almost unused bike on the Internet at half its original cost — all just because it’s not brand new any longer.
– Many people would gladly sell their old treadmills, barbells and whatnot with a very low price tag.
– It’s easy to wash and take care of, so you can be sure that, after a thorough cleaning, a second-hand inflatable mattress will serve you as nicely as it did its previous owner.
– People often sell awesome fashion jewelry for literally pennies, while at an official store it could cost a fortune.
– Older instruments that have some history can have better sound than new ones, while their price tag is often significantly lower.
– Strollers, onesies, toys, high chairs — all these things become unneeded all too soon while still in almost pristine condition. – A car fresh from the showroom looks pretty and you can take pride in being its very first owner, but you should know that its price tag is cut by almost 20% as soon as it leaves the dealer.
– Same as with sports gear, there are people who buy a completely new set of tools for a single task and then never use it again. – You can stop worrying about buying used home appliances. In most cases, they’re almost as good as new, and only need some adjusting at worst.
– f you purchase an apartment from someone else, you’ll have the space that another person lived in, and so you’ll only have to move your belongings there. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 14 Things Not Worth Buying New Videos

11 Quick Exercises to Improve Your Memory by 80%

Nowadays, a lot of people are obsessed with a healthy lifestyle. They eat wholesome food, workout at the gym, and all that jazz. But they tend to forget that our brain needs exercise too. Especially if you've started having memory lapses more often. Yes, we learn things throughout our entire lives, but we still don’t know everything because we forget a lot of information. So, if people keep saying you have the memory of a goldfish, don't fret! Just try these simple brain exercises to help you out. Other videos you might like:
9 Brain Exercises to Strengthen Your Mind
4 Exercises to Test How Fast Your Brain Is
A Simple Exercise Will Reboot Your Brain In 30 Seconds TIMESTAMPS:
Read books aloud 0:31
Switch hands during daily activities 1:17
Elevate your heart rate 3 times a week 2:01
Eat with chopsticks 2:40
Wear earplugs 3:19
Create word pictures and puzzles 3:52
Do the 4 detail observation exercise 4:23
Blast some tunes 5:13
Clench your fist 5:47
Doodle 6:25
Have a good laugh 7:27 #boostyourbrain #goodmemory #brightside SUMMARY:
– When you speak and hear yourself speaking at the same time, it helps the brain to store the information. You can practice this exercise with your friend or child.
– If you try to switch to your “other hand”, it’ll strengthen neural connections in your brain, making your mind and memory sharper. – Regular aerobic exercise may increase the size of the hippocampu. It’s the part of the brain responsible for transforming information into new memories.
– Eating with chopsticks is one of the most effective ways to make your brain perform better. And here’s how it works: using chopsticks grows new dendrites, which are extensions of nerve cells.
– Experiencing the world without sound is a great booster for our cognitive abilities, including memory. You can try this technique, for example, during a family breakfast.
– Think of any word you like and visualize its spelling in your head.
– If you have to cram for an exam or read and remember some stuff that’s related to your work, you’d better do it with pleasant background music. Listening to music helps our brain to retain information.
– Clenching the right hand for 90 seconds helps in memory formation. If you do the same with your left hand it can improve your memory recall. – When we listen to something, we tend to daydream, and daydreaming distracts us from grasping the information. A simple task, like doodling, is efficient enough to stop the daydreaming, making us more perceptive of audial information. – If you keep forgetting where you’ve put your keys or phone, maybe all you need is a short giggle sesh. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 11 Quick Exercises to Improve Your Memory by 80% Videos

Why These Places Are Dirtiest in Your Home

What’s the dirtiest place in your home? The toilet? The trash can? Well, these are pretty obvious answers, and those spots definitely aren’t the cleanest spots in the world. But you’ll be surprised to know some other unexpected places in your home are, in fact, way more germy than that! Some of these are enough to make you go “eeewwww”! Have you ever noticed, for example, that your kitchen sponge stinks? Since it’s always wet and moist, it’s a playground for bacteria, including E.coli, and the smell is a direct indicator of that. And what about your mattress? Did you know that it is home to dead skin cells, dust mites, sweat, and probably stains from whatever you spilled on it? Seriously, that's gross.! Other videos you might like:
Your Ears Can Indicate Your Health: Don't Ignore These 8 Factors
Are Public Toilets As Dangerous As We Think?
12 Personal Hygiene Mistakes We Make Every Day TIMESTAMPS:
Coffee maker reservoir 0:35
The fridge handle 1:02
Countertop 1:21
Cutting boards 1:49
Sponges 2:05
The sink area 2:29
Garbage disposal 3:14
Can opener 3:39
Stair railing 4:02
Remote control 4:44
Mattress 5:08
Toothbrush holder 5:29
Shower curtain 5:56
Faucet 6:19
Bathroom walls 6:37
Computer keyboard 6:55
Light switches 7:22
Pet toys 7:40
Pet bowls 8:10
Floors and rugs by the exterior doors 8:26 #hygiene #cleaning #brightside SUMMARY:
– Germs survive up to two days on fridge handles, so wipe them away with a microfiber cloth and dishwasher soap regularly to prevent them from getting into your food. – Remember you prepare your food on your countertop, so non-food doesn’t belong here. Also, disinfect it before and after cooking. – The food you eat comes in direct contact with the cutting board you chop it on, so you’d better keep it as clean as possible to avoid catching any food-born illness.
– Your sink is actually dirtier than your toilet! It has more bacteria in it because left over food particles become an excellent place for bacteria to grow. – One obvious proof that your garbage disposal is home to bacteria, is the odor coming from it.
– Your family members and guests come into direct contact with the stair railing, so it’s logical that the surface is often full of microbes and viruses.
– Every once in a while, you watch TV while eating, don’t ya, so you touch the remote with messy hands.
– Is your toothbrush holder in the same room as your toilet? Well of course. In that case, there’s a good chance every time you flush, some particles coming from the toilet bowl spray onto the toothbrush and its holder. – If you keep the toilet lid open when you flush, the germs from the bowl take off and spread on the surrounding walls. – Whenever you’re typing something on your computer, you often get so involved in the process, you don’t notice when you touch food, then your own face, and then the keyboard again.
– Another spot in the house very few people ever clean is the light switches.
– Washing your dog or cat’s bowls with just water won’t do the cleaning job well enough. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Why These Places Are Dirtiest in Your Home Videos

What’s the Dirtiest Place in Your House? (Not Bathroom!)

What’s the dirtiest place in your home? The toilet? The trash can? Well, these are pretty obvious answers, and those spots definitely aren’t the cleanest spots in the world. But you’ll be surprised to know some other unexpected places in your home are, in fact, way more germy than that! Some of these are enough to make you go “eeewwww”! Have you ever noticed, for example, that your kitchen sponge stinks? Since it’s always wet and moist, it’s a playground for bacteria, including E.coli, and the smell is a direct indicator of that. And what about your mattress? Did you know that it is home to dead skin cells, dust mites, sweat, and probably stains from whatever you spilled on it? Seriously, that's gross.! Other videos you might like:
Your Ears Can Indicate Your Health: Don't Ignore These 8 Factors
Are Public Toilets As Dangerous As We Think?
12 Personal Hygiene Mistakes We Make Every Day TIMESTAMPS:
Coffee maker reservoir 0:35
The fridge handle 1:02
Countertop 1:21
Cutting boards 1:49
Sponges 2:05
The sink area 2:29
Garbage disposal 3:14
Can opener 3:39
Stair railing 4:02
Remote control 4:44
Mattress 5:08
Toothbrush holder 5:29
Shower curtain 5:56
Faucet 6:19
Bathroom walls 6:37
Computer keyboard 6:55
Light switches 7:22
Pet toys 7:40
Pet bowls 8:10
Floors and rugs by the exterior doors 8:26 #hygiene #cleaning #brightside SUMMARY:
– Germs survive up to two days on fridge handles, so wipe them away with a microfiber cloth and dishwasher soap regularly to prevent them from getting into your food. – Remember you prepare your food on your countertop, so non-food doesn’t belong here. Also, disinfect it before and after cooking. – The food you eat comes in direct contact with the cutting board you chop it on, so you’d better keep it as clean as possible to avoid catching any food-born illness.
– Your sink is actually dirtier than your toilet! It has more bacteria in it because left over food particles become an excellent place for bacteria to grow. – One obvious proof that your garbage disposal is home to bacteria, is the odor coming from it.
– Your family members and guests come into direct contact with the stair railing, so it’s logical that the surface is often full of microbes and viruses.
– Every once in a while, you watch TV while eating, don’t ya, so you touch the remote with messy hands.
– Is your toothbrush holder in the same room as your toilet? Well of course. In that case, there’s a good chance every time you flush, some particles coming from the toilet bowl spray onto the toothbrush and its holder. – If you keep the toilet lid open when you flush, the germs from the bowl take off and spread on the surrounding walls. – Whenever you’re typing something on your computer, you often get so involved in the process, you don’t notice when you touch food, then your own face, and then the keyboard again.
– Another spot in the house very few people ever clean is the light switches.
– Washing your dog or cat’s bowls with just water won’t do the cleaning job well enough. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More What’s the Dirtiest Place in Your House? (Not Bathroom!) Videos

Why Planes Don’t Fly Over Antarctica

Have you ever wondered if there are things an airplane simply can’t or won’t do? It turns out that airplanes have strict rules regarding their pathways in the sky – for safety reasons, and for the sake of staying friendly with continental neighbors. Some of the places they’re not allowed to fly over might surprise you! For example, planes won’t fly directly over the Earth’s poles and over the Pacific Ocean. You can't see planes over Tibet and over the City of Mecca. The airspace over Walt Disney World and Disneyland is also a no-fly zone. The same applies to Area 51 but we don't know why. Other videos you might like:
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Flight Attendants
That's Why Airplane Seats Are Almost Always Blue TIMESTAMPS:
Antarctica 0:50
The Earth’s Poles 1:20
the Pacific Ocean 2:43
Tibet 3:19
the City of Mecca 4:09
When It’s Too Hot 4:35
George Washington’s House 5:23
Disney World and Disneyland 5:56
Pantex Nuclear Facility 6:43
Camp David 7:08
Kennedy Space Center 7:56
Area 51 8:30
Buckingham Palace 9:11
The Taj Mahal 9:46 #Planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– Due to the windy and snowy conditions of the Antarctic mountains, this area is more prone to white-outs; the pilot wouldn’t be able to see at all! – The Earth’s north pole has super strong magnetic fields that are constantly changing – their reach and direction can change by miles a year!
– Planes won’t fly over Tibet. This is largely due to the Himalayan Mountains. First of all, if a plane has to land in an emergency situation, mountains aren’t exactly the ideal impromptu runway.
– There’s a strong magnetic field in Makkah. As mentioned earlier, a magnetic field can cause navigational problems for pilots.
– George Washington’s House is considered a National Historic Landmark, so to prevent further damage to the historic home, even from air vibrations in the sky, the airspace above George and Martha’s house was declared a no-fly zone. – In 2003, the Disney Corporation put “temporary” no-fly zones over both their parks, but somehow, they just stuck.
– Due to the many presidents and world-wide VIPs that visit Camp David, the airspace above the whole compound is a no-fly zone for safety reasons. – Kennedy Space Center in Florida is a no-fly zone. There’s a lot of NASA and U.S. Airforce activity that goes on here – pretty important work. So safety for all parties is the top priority. – Buckingham Palace is meant to protect the Queen and the royal family, so of course a no-fly zone was established above it. – The Indian government place a no-fly zone above the area of the Taj Mahal in 2006 to safeguard this important historical building and the many tourists who come to witness its majesty. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Planes Don’t Fly Over Antarctica Videos