Category Archives: Bright Side News

How to Tie a Tie Easy: The Complete Guide for Beginners

Hey guys! Do you also struggle tying your necktie? Today’s dressing rules don’t require men to wear a suit and tie to work every day, but everybody has a special occasion from time to time, and that’s when this piece of clothing comes into play. There are knots that are really simple to tie. But you should know that it doesn’t fit all occasions. There are situations that require other types of knots. For example, the Full Windsor knot is probably the most official one, and the Victoria knot is more casual. So if you have no idea what to do with this long stretch of cloth, then here're all the fancy ways to tie it! Other videos you might like:
12 Style Rules Every Handsome Man Follows
14 Dressing Rules Everyone Should Learn Once and for All
What HR Managers Learn About You By Looking at Your Clothes TIMESTAMPS:
Oriental Knot 0:26
Half Windsor 1:31
Full Windsor 2:47
Saint Andrew 4:00
Victoria 5:10
Eldredge 6:04 #howtotieatie #tie #brightside SUMMARY:
– The Oriental Knot is the simplest to tie. If you learn how to do that, you will be able to manage the level one knot!
– The Half Windsor knot is a tougher knot to tie, but it’s totally worth it. It’s medium-sized and symmetrical, which makes it more official and yet makes you look more slender.
– The Full Windsor knot is a large knot for longer ties that’s probably the most official one. It also makes your neck look thicker, which adds to the masculinity.
– If you want a more easy-to-tie option of the Half Windsor knot, Saint Andrew is your choice. It will be a medium-sized, symmetrical knot good for any formal occasion.
– Want a smaller and more casual knot on your tie? Learn all about the Victoria tie knot. – Finally, if you’re up for a challenge and ready for experiments, here’s the Eldredge knot for you. It’ll certainly turn some heads! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More How to Tie a Tie Easy: The Complete Guide for Beginners Videos

How to Tie a Tie Easy: 6 Great Ideas

Hey guys! Do you also struggle tying your necktie? Today’s dressing rules don’t require men to wear a suit and tie to work every day, but everybody has a special occasion from time to time, and that’s when this piece of clothing comes into play. There are knots that are really simple to tie. But you should know that it doesn’t fit all occasions. There are situations that require other types of knots. For example, the Full Windsor knot is probably the most official one, and the Victoria knot is more casual. So if you have no idea what to do with this long stretch of cloth, then here're all the fancy ways to tie it! Other videos you might like:
12 Style Rules Every Handsome Man Follows
14 Dressing Rules Everyone Should Learn Once and for All
What HR Managers Learn About You By Looking at Your Clothes TIMESTAMPS:
Oriental Knot 0:26
Half Windsor 1:31
Full Windsor 2:47
Saint Andrew 4:00
Victoria 5:10
Eldredge 6:04 #howtotieatie #tie #brightside SUMMARY:
– The Oriental Knot is the simplest to tie. If you learn how to do that, you will be able to manage the level one knot!
– The Half Windsor knot is a tougher knot to tie, but it’s totally worth it. It’s medium-sized and symmetrical, which makes it more official and yet makes you look more slender.
– The Full Windsor knot is a large knot for longer ties that’s probably the most official one. It also makes your neck look thicker, which adds to the masculinity.
– If you want a more easy-to-tie option of the Half Windsor knot, Saint Andrew is your choice. It will be a medium-sized, symmetrical knot good for any formal occasion.
– Want a smaller and more casual knot on your tie? Learn all about the Victoria tie knot. – Finally, if you’re up for a challenge and ready for experiments, here’s the Eldredge knot for you. It’ll certainly turn some heads! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
For more videos and articles visit:

More How to Tie a Tie Easy: 6 Great Ideas Videos

How to Tie a Tie In a Minute: The Easiest Tutorial

Hey guys! Do you also struggle tying your necktie? Today’s dressing rules don’t require men to wear a suit and tie to work every day, but everybody has a special occasion from time to time, and that’s when this piece of clothing comes into play. There are knots that are really simple to tie. But you should know that it doesn’t fit all occasions. There are situations that require other types of knots. For example, the Full Windsor knot is probably the most official one, and the Victoria knot is more casual. So if you have no idea what to do with this long stretch of cloth, then here're all the fancy ways to tie it! Other videos you might like:
12 Style Rules Every Handsome Man Follows
14 Dressing Rules Everyone Should Learn Once and for All
What HR Managers Learn About You By Looking at Your Clothes TIMESTAMPS:
Oriental Knot 0:26
Half Windsor 1:31
Full Windsor 2:47
Saint Andrew 4:00
Victoria 5:10
Eldredge 6:04 #howtotieatie #tie #brightside SUMMARY:
– The Oriental Knot is the simplest to tie. If you learn how to do that, you will be able to manage the level one knot!
– The Half Windsor knot is a tougher knot to tie, but it’s totally worth it. It’s medium-sized and symmetrical, which makes it more official and yet makes you look more slender.
– The Full Windsor knot is a large knot for longer ties that’s probably the most official one. It also makes your neck look thicker, which adds to the masculinity.
– If you want a more easy-to-tie option of the Half Windsor knot, Saint Andrew is your choice. It will be a medium-sized, symmetrical knot good for any formal occasion.
– Want a smaller and more casual knot on your tie? Learn all about the Victoria tie knot. – Finally, if you’re up for a challenge and ready for experiments, here’s the Eldredge knot for you. It’ll certainly turn some heads! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
Our Social Media:
5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More How to Tie a Tie In a Minute: The Easiest Tutorial Videos

What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like?

Ever wanted to take a dive into the deepest parts of the ocean? Well, today you’re gonna have this opportunity! Now, how good are you at holding your breath? Not that good? Well not to worry. Hop on board of my submersible craft and join me in the voyage to the depths! Ready? Let’s dive! The Mariana trench begins at about 19,700 ft deep. It’s both the least explored and the most fascinating area for the scientists and adventurers alike. The Challenger Deep is the bottom of the Mariana trench, and its depth is 35,853 ft. Few people have been here, and very little is known about it yet. But scientists aren’t going to stop, and there’s hope we’ll soon find out what secrets the depths of the ocean hold. Ready? Let’s dive! Other videos you might like:
Mariana Trench Creatures That Are Scarier Than Megalodon
How Deep Is the Ocean In Reality?
Who Lives at the Bottom of the Bermuda Triangle? TIMESTAMPS:
Something interesting about orcas 1:03
What decompression sickness is 1:47
The dark part of the ocean 2:11
Why blue whales are so awesome 3:14 ๐Ÿณ
The creature with eyes the size of frisbees 4:09
The Midnight Zone 4:49
“I don’t see you, but I’ll still eat you.” Brr! 5:20 ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
Black dragonfish (It looks like something from a horror movie) 6:19
It’s time to delve into the Abyss 7:24
The black swallower (Now I'm scared) 8:01 ๐Ÿ˜–
The deepest shipwreck 8:48 โ›ต๏ธ
The deepest fish ever found 9:22
The very bottom of the Earth 9:53 #ocean #MarianaTrench #brightside SUMMARY:
– At 65 ft, there’s a whole new world opening before your eyes: shallow coral reefs are standing beautifully not far from the shore.
– 130 ft is the depth where we say goodbye even to recreational scuba divers — it’s the maximum allowed for them. – At 230 ft we meet whale sharks — the largest known fish species, weighing up to 60 tons.
– And now we’re entering the dark part of the ocean: at 490 ft, just 1% of the light from the surface reaches us. – Going deeper now, and at 1,640 ft you’re going to see the last of the blue whales — no, not really the last of them, I mean, that’s the deepest they can swim.
– At the depth of 2,723 ft we have reached the point where the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, would not even show its tip on the surface if it were put underwater.
– The giant squid inhabits the depths of 2,950 ft. Just imagine the creature with eyes the size of frisbees!
– The Midnight Zone. The pressure here is so huge that, if you somehow end up being here without a submersible, you’ll simply be crushed in a couple of seconds. – 4,200 ft down below, and we see the ferocious great white sharks — these ultimate predators feel great at such a depth. – See those huge nets? That’s because we’re now at the depth of 4,900 ft where the “catch-all” fishing method is used. – At 6,000 ft, if we were in the Grand Canyon, we’d be sitting at its lowest and deepest point.
– Now, if we’re really careful, then at the depth of 6,600 ft, we’ll be able to see the black dragonfish — a nightmarish creature that dwells in the deep and dark parts of the ocean. – At 7,400 ft we’ll be saying goodbye to sperm whales — this is the deepest point they can dive.
– At 15,000 ft, the monsters out of your worst nightmares pop up. – The black swallower can swallow prey that’s twice its size! – And now the deepest and darkest part of the ocean begins: we’re diving into the Mariana trench. Officially, it begins at about 19,700 ft deep.
– Going lower and deeper, you won’t see any other kind of fish or vertebrate animal whatsoever — the pressure is just too much for such creatures. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What Would a Trip to the Mariana Trench Be Like? Videos

23 Little-Known Tips to Get Your Life in Order

You ever notice that it’s the little things in life like waking up with the sunrise, sharing a laugh with a friend, or finding that unexpected Atomic Fire Ball hard candy in your desk that fill your life with joy and happiness? These small things can also help put you back on track if something goes wrong. For example, one of the coolest ideas is getting a notebook for ideas. You don’t know when you’ll need to add a new task to your to-do list or write down a brilliant idea for a movie that you suddenly came up with. Also, make a habit of starting your morning with a clear list of tasks and chores that need to be done by the end of the day. And don’t forget to cross them off once you’ve finished because, spoiler alert, that’s the best part! So, guys, if you want to take charge of your life, here're just the right tips for you! Other videos you might like:
12 Simple Tips to Make You Feel Good Today
12 Things That Ruin a First Impression Immediately
14 Dressing Rules Everyone Should Learn Once and for All TIMESTAMPS:
Keep your keys in one place 0:31
Get ready for morning the night before 0:54
Visit a doctor 1:16
Make your bed 1:35
Put everything back 1:55
Jot down your plans 2:15
Always have a plan B 2:40
Cook at home 3:10
Clear out your inbox 3:30
Get rid of one thing before buying another 3:57
Get a notebook for ideas 4:24
Leave earlier than you’re used to 4:51
Make your least favorite task a habit 5:15
Make way for something new 5:50
Keep your passwords safe 6:13
Get a good night’s sleep 6:33
Fix up broken things 7:01
Get a daily to-do list 7:20
Have some time for yourself 7:42
Clean up a bit before bed 8:07
Go grocery shopping once a week 8:36
Take a photo of your friend with the thing you lent them 8:56
Keep track of expiration dates 9:17 #lifehacks #usefultips #brightside SUMMARY:
– Get a key rack and hang it up inside the front door. The most important part here – remember to use it right away when you get home. – It may sound a bit counterintuitive, but the best thing you can do to upgrade your morning routine is… do some things in the evening.
– Even if you’re feeling ok now, don’t forget to have a check-up at least once a year.
– Straightening up your bed when you’ve just woken up helps you feel accomplished and boosts your productivity for the day. – Make sure every single item or tool has its own home in your house and put them where they belong right after using them
– Write down every important arrangement in your phone calendar, or stick to a good old day planner. – It’s always better to find a fallback in advance, even if it only means bringing an extra pen to a long lecture.
– Preparing food by yourself may seem like extra work, but it saves you money and allows you to control every meal so it can be healthier too! – To check your correspondence faster, find a couple of hours to unsubscribe from all the junk mail that piles up in your inbox. – To make your shopping less spontaneous and more reasonable, try giving away one thing you already have before buying something similar. – Go out of the house about 10 minutes earlier than you usually plan to.
– We all have little things that sometimes are especially hard to dะพ. To beat procrastination and finally get it done, turn it into… a ritual.
– It's useful to have a file listing every single one of your passwords.
– 7-8 hours of peaceful slumber every night is a must if you want to be a top dog.
– Patch up all broken furniture and replace faulty gadgets with new ones to have at least one less thing to worry about!
– When vacation isn't an option, find something you really enjoy – apart from working, of course – and devote some time to your hobby every day. – Leaving the cleaning for the weekend may seem like a good idea at first, but don’t fall for it. It’s actually easier to tidy up a little every night so you don’t clutter up your house too much.
– If you don’t want to say goodbye to your stuff just yet, take a picture of the person who took something of yours while holding it. One less thing to bicker about with your buddies.
– It’s better to check the period each product should be used by the second you buy it. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 23 Little-Known Tips to Get Your Life in Order Videos

Eat One Tomato a Day, See Why It’s Good for You

What food is native to the South American Andes, was once believed to be poisonous, and still, to this day gets mistaken as a vegetable when it’s really a fruit? Ok, assuming you read the title of this video before you clicked on it, you know that it's tomatoes! Wanna get glowing skin? If you’re looking for more vitamin C to boost collagen levels, you’ll get 30% of your daily value in 1 tomato alone! Are you trying to lose weight? Tomatoes give you energy and good stuff to fuel your body without taking in extra calories that’ll turn into fat! Experts say that just 1 serving of tomatoes a day will allow you to reap all the benefits. When it comes to this single serving, you’ve got plenty of options! It can be 1 big regular tomato, 7 oz of chopped canned ones, 6 cherry tomatoes, 4 sun-dried tomatoes, 2 tablespoons of its puree, or a glass of tomato juice. Other videos you might like:
Start Eating a Cucumber a Day, See What Happens to Your Body
Eat One Boiled Egg a Day, See What Happens to You
I Drank Only Water for 20 Days, See What Happened to My Body TIMESTAMPS:
You'll get loads of antioxidants 0:34
You'll have better eyesight 1:05
Get ready for glowing skin 1:50
You'll have thicker hair 2:35
Fewer sick days 3:00
You'll feel happy and energized 3:30
You’ll lose weight 4:00
Your bones will be strong 4:36
You'll have a healthy heart 4:54
Your brain will be sharper 5:28
๐Ÿ‘‰ Health risks ๐Ÿ‘ˆ 5:55 #tomato #weightloss #brightside SUMMARY:
– Antioxidants lower cholesterol, strengthen your immune system, prevent your arteries from hardening, and improve overall heart health!
– Let's say your body is running low on vitamin A. Your eyes aren't happy about that because it's difficult for them to detect light and send visual information to your brain. Luckily, tomatoes are packed with this vitamin.
– Experiments have shown that daily consumption of the fruit itself or tomato paste can mean fewer sunburns, acne, and other blemishes.
– Along with all those skin-enhancing nutrients, you’ll also be getting a daily dose of vitamin K. It’s said to do wonders for the health of your hair.
– You might know that it’s good to take in more vitamin C when you’re sick. But if you get enough of it daily, you’ll find yourself getting the cold or flu less often in the first place.
– Tomatoes contain folic acid, which is a B vitamin that fights fatigue. – Even if you’re not looking to lower the number on the scale, if your diet includes enough tomato products, you’ll at least maintain a healthy weight.
– Tomatoes contain enough antioxidants and calcium to make your bones healthier and stronger.
– It's a proven fact that those who follow a Mediterranean diet have a much lower risk of getting heart disease. – Tomatoes contain nutrients that boost brainpower.
– Too many tomatoes can also cause a build-up of kidney stones. As you see, overloading your body with calcium is a no-go. – Tomatoes are rich in different kinds of acids. If you indulge in them a bit too much, they can make your stomach too acidic. – So before you go out and start eating a tomato a day, get the green light from a medical professional. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Eat One Tomato a Day, See Why It’s Good for You Videos

9 Hard Riddles Only 2% of Adults Can Solve

Hey guys! When intelligent people get tired or bored, they seek interesting puzzles to solve. Sometimes they turn out to be much more difficult than it seems. You think you're one of those people Then get ready for a real challenge! For this particular video, we’ve collected the hardest brain teasers we could find all over the Internet. So if you’re able to solve at least half of them in the time you’re given, you can be sure you’re smarter than most people out there! You ready? Let’s go! Other videos you might like:
35 Best Detective Riddles Only the Smartest 2% Can Crack
18 Tricky Riddles That'll Stretch Your Brain
9 Riddles Only People with High IQ Can Solve TIMESTAMPS:
Half-full or half-empty? 0:27
The Shakespeare riddle 1:20
The gold issue 1:50
A crafty teacher 2:40
The lock dilemma 3:41
The hat trick 4:45
The shady student 6:20
An honest person 8:07
Bonus 9:01 #riddles #brainteasers #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. You have a glass, which is a right cylinder, and it looks half-filled with water. However, you’re not sure whether the water fills exactly half of it. How can you check it only using the glass itself?
– #2. What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?
– #3. Two men find an old golden coin and have to decide who takes it home with him. The coin is a little heavier on one side, so it flips to the tails more often than heads. What should the men do to have a fair chance?
– #4. A teacher wants to give her students a pop quiz during the next class. The students, however, decide to skip the class altogether, thinking the teacher will call off the quiz. Yet still she managed to make them all attend. How did she do that?
– #5. Sam and Emma live thousands of miles apart, and Sam wants to send Emma an expensive ring via mail. The trouble, however, is that anything sent by mail gets stolen on the way unless there’s a lock put on the parcel. Sam send the ring to Emma so that she can unlock the parcel?
– #6. A prison guard approaches each of the prisoners, starting from the last one, and asks what color their hat is. If they’re correct, they’re free to go, but if they’re wrong, they go to jail. The prisoners are allowed to discuss a plan first, though. What should they do so that at least 99 of them are set free?
– #7. Billy has missed most of the school days in a year and is summoned to the principal’s office. When the principal asked him why he missed out on so many classes, though, Billy explained. The principal knows there’s a flaw in this logic but can’t put a finger on it. Can you?
– #8. There’s a party of 100 people, and they’re either honest or liars. You walk in knowing two things for a fact: first, at least one of them all is honest; and two, if you take any two of the guests, at least one of them is a liar. With this in your mind, can you deduct how many of the guests are honest and how many are liars?
– #9. You’re in a dark room with no windows and two doors leading out. Behind one of them is a hungry lion that will attack you as soon as it sees you. Behind the other is an alien waiting to conduct experiments on you. Which door would you choose in order to survive and go safely home? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 9 Hard Riddles Only 2% of Adults Can Solve Videos

9 Riddles You Won’t Solve Unless You’re Smart

Hey guys! When intelligent people get tired or bored, they seek interesting puzzles to solve. Sometimes they turn out to be much more difficult than it seems. You think you're one of those people Then get ready for a real challenge! For this particular video, we’ve collected the hardest brain teasers we could find all over the Internet. So if you’re able to solve at least half of them in the time you’re given, you can be sure you’re smarter than most people out there! You ready? Let’s go! Other videos you might like:
35 Best Detective Riddles Only the Smartest 2% Can Crack
18 Tricky Riddles That'll Stretch Your Brain
9 Riddles Only People with High IQ Can Solve TIMESTAMPS:
Half-full or half-empty? 0:27
The Shakespeare riddle 1:20
The gold issue 1:50
A crafty teacher 2:40
The lock dilemma 3:41
The hat trick 4:45
The shady student 6:20
An honest person 8:07
Bonus 9:01 #riddles #brainteasers #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. You have a glass, which is a right cylinder, and it looks half-filled with water. However, you’re not sure whether the water fills exactly half of it. How can you check it only using the glass itself?
– #2. What is he that builds stronger than either the mason, the shipwright, or the carpenter?
– #3. Two men find an old golden coin and have to decide who takes it home with him. The coin is a little heavier on one side, so it flips to the tails more often than heads. What should the men do to have a fair chance?
– #4. A teacher wants to give her students a pop quiz during the next class. The students, however, decide to skip the class altogether, thinking the teacher will call off the quiz. Yet still she managed to make them all attend. How did she do that?
– #5. Sam and Emma live thousands of miles apart, and Sam wants to send Emma an expensive ring via mail. The trouble, however, is that anything sent by mail gets stolen on the way unless there’s a lock put on the parcel. Sam send the ring to Emma so that she can unlock the parcel?
– #6. A prison guard approaches each of the prisoners, starting from the last one, and asks what color their hat is. If they’re correct, they’re free to go, but if they’re wrong, they go to jail. The prisoners are allowed to discuss a plan first, though. What should they do so that at least 99 of them are set free?
– #7. Billy has missed most of the school days in a year and is summoned to the principal’s office. When the principal asked him why he missed out on so many classes, though, Billy explained. The principal knows there’s a flaw in this logic but can’t put a finger on it. Can you?
– #8. There’s a party of 100 people, and they’re either honest or liars. You walk in knowing two things for a fact: first, at least one of them all is honest; and two, if you take any two of the guests, at least one of them is a liar. With this in your mind, can you deduct how many of the guests are honest and how many are liars?
– #9. You’re in a dark room with no windows and two doors leading out. Behind one of them is a hungry lion that will attack you as soon as it sees you. Behind the other is an alien waiting to conduct experiments on you. Which door would you choose in order to survive and go safely home? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 9 Riddles You Won’t Solve Unless You’re Smart Videos

What If You Ate Mold?

Everyone’s seen mold on food at some point. Its spores are everywhere around us, and they fly in the air looking for a nice warm and damp place to live and grow. When a mold spore sits down on a wet surface, it grows thin fibers that tangle and form that grey and fluffy fungus we’re used to seeing. The dangerous kinds of mold can have a different impact on a human body – from allergies to poisonings. It’s next to impossible to know the degree of danger of different kinds of mold just by looking at it. But almost all the mold that appears on products in your home, not under special conditions, is bad… Other videos you might like:
Pour Baking Soda on Your Bed, and See What Happens
If You See a Spot on a Banana, Throw It Away Immediately!
If You Open a Watermelon and See This, Throw It Out! TIMESTAMPS:
Good mold. Does it exist? 1:10
Soy sauce. Yup, it contains mold! ๐Ÿ˜– 2:43
Salami 3:07
Citric acid ๐Ÿ‹ 3:22
What will happen if you eat food with mold? 3:39
Which products you need to throw away immediately 5:50
โ—๏ธโ—๏ธโ—๏ธ Don’t buy a product if… 7:30 #mold #dangerousthings #brightside SUMMARY:
– The dangerous kinds of mold can have a different impact on a human body – from allergies to poisonings.
– Good mold includes the fungus cultures Penicillium and Botrytis cinerea, which add flavor to cheeses, salami, some beverages and other products.
– A lot of products become better because of mold. The mold fungi help them to grow ripe and give zest to their flavor.
– Mold that appears suddenly on the surface of hard cheeses can be dangerous. – The fermentation process of soy beans, which is necessary to make soy sauce, happens due to the fungi Aspergillus fumigatus.
– The mold covering salami has several functions: it gives a unique flavor to the meat, prevents it from drying out too quickly, serves as a natural preservative, and is a sign that the ripening process is finished. – Although citric acid can be made using lemon or pineapple juice, it can also be produced with the help of black mold, or Aspergillus niger.
– When found inside a human body, mycotoxins cause different diseases – both chronic, and those that develop quickly and are life threatening. – Mycotoxins can damage human health in 2 ways: when a big dose gets inside the body all at once; or when a large amount of it has gathered in the body over time. – You need to throw away soft, wet products, in which mold grows quickly. Even if there’s a small clean spot on the moldy product, mycelium, which can’t be seen, has damaged it to the root. – As for hard products, they can still be saved, since mold doesn’t grow that quickly inside them. You can cut off the damaged part and eat the rest of it.
– Not every product sold in supermarkets is checked for mold, only some samples. That means you need to be pay attention to the way products look before buying them. – Nuts should be golden or brown, without any stains or strange odors. Buy fruit and vegetables fresh, without soft edges or rotten spots. But this isn’t a 100% guarantee. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More What If You Ate Mold? Videos