Category Archives: Bright Side News

What If You Ate Mold?

Everyone’s seen mold on food at some point. Its spores are everywhere around us, and they fly in the air looking for a nice warm and damp place to live and grow. When a mold spore sits down on a wet surface, it grows thin fibers that tangle and form that grey and fluffy fungus we’re used to seeing. The dangerous kinds of mold can have a different impact on a human body – from allergies to poisonings. It’s next to impossible to know the degree of danger of different kinds of mold just by looking at it. But almost all the mold that appears on products in your home, not under special conditions, is bad… Other videos you might like:
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If You See a Spot on a Banana, Throw It Away Immediately!
If You Open a Watermelon and See This, Throw It Out! TIMESTAMPS:
Good mold. Does it exist? 1:10
Soy sauce. Yup, it contains mold! πŸ˜– 2:43
Salami 3:07
Citric acid πŸ‹ 3:22
What will happen if you eat food with mold? 3:39
Which products you need to throw away immediately 5:50
❗️❗️❗️ Don’t buy a product if… 7:30 #mold #dangerousthings #brightside SUMMARY:
– The dangerous kinds of mold can have a different impact on a human body – from allergies to poisonings.
– Good mold includes the fungus cultures Penicillium and Botrytis cinerea, which add flavor to cheeses, salami, some beverages and other products.
– A lot of products become better because of mold. The mold fungi help them to grow ripe and give zest to their flavor.
– Mold that appears suddenly on the surface of hard cheeses can be dangerous. – The fermentation process of soy beans, which is necessary to make soy sauce, happens due to the fungi Aspergillus fumigatus.
– The mold covering salami has several functions: it gives a unique flavor to the meat, prevents it from drying out too quickly, serves as a natural preservative, and is a sign that the ripening process is finished. – Although citric acid can be made using lemon or pineapple juice, it can also be produced with the help of black mold, or Aspergillus niger.
– When found inside a human body, mycotoxins cause different diseases – both chronic, and those that develop quickly and are life threatening. – Mycotoxins can damage human health in 2 ways: when a big dose gets inside the body all at once; or when a large amount of it has gathered in the body over time. – You need to throw away soft, wet products, in which mold grows quickly. Even if there’s a small clean spot on the moldy product, mycelium, which can’t be seen, has damaged it to the root. – As for hard products, they can still be saved, since mold doesn’t grow that quickly inside them. You can cut off the damaged part and eat the rest of it.
– Not every product sold in supermarkets is checked for mold, only some samples. That means you need to be pay attention to the way products look before buying them. – Nuts should be golden or brown, without any stains or strange odors. Buy fruit and vegetables fresh, without soft edges or rotten spots. But this isn’t a 100% guarantee. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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9 Robot Riddles You Must Solve to Win

Do you like robots? Well, here's the unique chance to visit their world with a secret mission. Are you up for it? If you said “yes”, we’ve got robot riddles for you, and you have 10 seconds to solve each of them. If you need more time, feel free to pause the video. Let’s see if you can solve them all and win! And remember that cunning brain teasers will help evaluate your logical reasoning. Also, riddles, puzzles, and brain teasers improve our brain functions and can help us think outside the box. So let your brain have some fun! Other videos you might like:
15 Puzzles That Will Keep You Up All Night
9 Tricky Puzzles That Will Totally Blow Your Brain
5 Riddles Only People with Fresh Thinking Can Crack TIMESTAMPS:
#1. What's the robot law? 0:26
#2. How many robots do share a room? 1:17
#3. Find the best place for your camera 2:05
#4. Pick the tool 3:05
#5. Escape to safety 4:25
#6. Escape from prison 5:18
#7. Robot races 6:32
#8. Spot the double agent 7:47
#9. Robots need your help 9:02 #robots #riddles #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. There are books, but no words; mirrors but no reflections; there are doors but there’s neither an entrance nor an exit. And, there are riddles waiting for you, but no answers. So, can you guess what the robot law is?
– #2. There are plenty of robots in the robot world, so they have to share rooms with each other. At night, they group in the center of the room and go into sleep mode. Can you tell how many robots share a room?
– #3. The robots are back to active mode again. Now there are twenty of them in the room. Where should you place the camera so that the one robot that can recognize the camera won’t see it? – #4. You can use the screwdriver to unscrew the vents and get to the roof. You could use the water gun against the robots. Or, you could try throwing the glass of water at them. Which of the tools will you pick?
– #5. You’re this close to escaping, but you get into another room where you notice two doors. One of them leads to safety, and the other one – to a room that’s on fire. What question will you ask to escape to safety? – #6. The blue robot is watching over the East side, and the red robot is controlling the West. The blue robot asked the red robot if he’d seen any intruders. The red robot flashed his red light. How could he have seen it if they’re responsible for watching over the opposite sides of their world?
– #7. A photo finish determines it was XR12 that made it first, 0.1 seconds before ZI43. Yet, the trophy is awarded to MRX32. Neither XR12 nor ZI43 have broken the rules, so why did the judges decide to give the prize to MRX32?
– #8. There are three robot spies, and it looks like one of them is a double agent. You know that double agents lie, normal agents tell the truth, and there’s just one double agent. Can you figure out who it is?
– #9. Someone spread the word about how smart you are, and now a group of robots is asking you for help. There are a hundred of them that are kept in robot prison for things they didn’t actually do. The robots are allowed to discuss a strategy just once. What would you recommend they do? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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No Boys Are Born In a Mystery Village for 10 Years

Something strange happens in a small village in Poland. Local women sound the alarm. The mayor wants to reward someone who delivers what's been missing. Experts try to solve the inexplicable mystery that'd gripped the place… Relax, nothing criminal going on there. Just a little demographic puzzle. Miejsce Odrzanskie is an old, cozy village in the south of Poland. A little over 300 people live there now. Many of them have daughters, sometimes even two per family. Just like in the rest of the world, you’d say, except for one thing. Not a single boy has been born there in nearly a decade. Other videos you might like:
7 Unique Places Even Scientists Can't Explain
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica
18 Places Google Earth Doesn't Want You to See TIMESTAMPS:
Youth fire brigade (the best girls’ team!) πŸ’ƒ 0:44
What else women occupy with 2:01
Wanna have a boy? Keep an ax under your bed 3:69
What would happen when a baby-boy finally comes πŸ‘Ά 4:29
So what could cause this anomaly? 5:06 #anomaly #phenomenon #brightside SUMMARY:
– At least there’s no issue with baby girls. Twelve of them came into the world in 9 years. – In fact, the children were the ones who insisted on the creation of a youth fire brigade. Youth being a broad term, because its youngest member is just 2 years old!
– The girls’ team’s been bringing medals from the main national contests for the past 6 years. – The women in Miejsce Odrzanskie drive tractors to harvest corn and wheat. They run the affairs, as the head of the village is Krystyna Zydziak. – Some people claim that they wanted to have a son in their families, but now they believe that it naturally can’t happen in this village. – After the case went viral, doctors from all over Poland shared their advice. They recommended that women trying to conceive eat more food rich in calcium. – Rajmund Frischko, the mayor of the municipality to which the village belongs, revealed that he seriously thought about naming a street after the lucky newborn. – Anyway, he promised that the kid’s parents will receive a present, and maybe they’ll even plant a tree in his honor.
– The interesting thing is that the residents who’ve lived in the village for a long time aren't so surprised about the situation. They say that while girls were born there regularly, giving birth to a boy was pretty rare, even decades ago.
– Professor RafaΕ‚ PΕ‚oski had already explained that to solve this puzzle, experts need not only analyze the historical data, but also look into the couples who only have girls.
– If there are any connections between them, it could prove useful for the study.
– Another important factor is the environment. To complete the picture, they’ll need to talk to both children and parents living in the village. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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15 Signs Your Child Will Be Rich in the Future

It might seem like all humans are born the same, and it's impossible to predict the future success of a young kid. However, it turns out there are some common features that make successful individuals stand out from the crowd, and these features start showing at an early age. And no, it’s not that silver spoon they have in their mouth. Did you know, for example, that gifted kids can be really rebellious and stubborn? Yup, don't scold them! While your kid's naughty behavior might be your worst nightmare, it may mean that he or she is going to become very successful in the future! Paradoxically, children who don't want to conform to the rules, defend their independence, and flat out refuse to obey their parents are much more likely to become rich and successful. Btw, there are 14 more common traits most gifted kids share that can foretell a bright future before they even start school! Other videos you might like:
10 Parenting Tips to Calm Down Any Child In a Minute
9 Proven Ways to Stop Your Child from Lying
Parents Turned Their Kids' Drawing Into Masterpieces TIMESTAMPS:
They take part in conversations 0:35
They set high standards 1:22
They're little bundles of energy 1:57
They have problems with sleep 2:39
They like earning money 3:18
They're self-motivated 3:54
They have a great memory 4:33
They can be rebellious and stubborn 5:03
They're curious 5:34
They don't mind being on their own 6:14
They're sensitive 6:39
They’re good at concentrating 7:10
They can be wallflowers 8:05
They love books and start to read early 8:30
They hang out with older kids 9:07 #kids #parenthood #brightside SUMMARY:
– They mature earlier, and have a better awareness of what's happening around them. That's why they love talking about various things and, what's more, prefer adults' company when they need to discuss their urgent baby business. – Amazingly, smart kids feel the need to constantly improve, even at an early age. Their instinct tells them that they have to do their absolute best in the activities that matter to them.
– Advanced children have a need not only for mental stimulation, but for physical stimulation as well. – Smart kids often refuse to follow traditional sleeping patterns. They're likely to be night owls, or stick to their own bizarre schedule, which has nothing to do with the time YOU go to bed or wake up.
– Smart kids tend to understand the very concept of money and expenses. They can calculate how far their pocket money will last, and which purchases won't fit into their budget. – If you want to excel in something, you need a touch of self-motivation. And gifted kids are great at finding the inner strength to keep going. – If a toddler can remember a lot of events that happened in the past, like where you hid their favorite toy or a pack of candies, it's a sure sign that the little one is gifted. – Since curiosity can be as important as inborn intelligence, an inquisitive mind is a sure sign of future success. – Gifted kids enjoy games that require lots of imagination, for example, creating menus for their own restaurants or organizing things on the shelves of their toy grocery store. – If your kid rushes to hug upset adults and crying babies, they might have a bright future ahead of them. – So even if you think that your child just pretends not to hear you, don't jump to conclusions right away. They might simply be concentrating so hard that they've switched off the outside world. – Gifted kids don't always like to be surrounded by hordes of friends and acquaintances. Plenty of smart ones are calm, quiet, and exceptionally observant.
– They usually start to read before they turn 4, while other children reach this milestone at the age of 6 or 7.
– Don't get worried if you notice your little one rolling with teenagers and feeling perfectly comfortable with it. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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That’s Why Airplane Windows Are Round

Hello, aircraft lovers! Have you ever thought why airplane windows are round instead of square like the ones on your house? And why do the shades have to be up when planes take off and land? Although it’s been around since the 1920s, commercial air travel didn’t really take off until the ‘50s. That’s when airplanes started to fly at higher altitudes. It saved airlines tons of money because up there, the air is significantly less dense and aircraft use less fuel. But the early, box-shaped planes couldn’t handle that kind of pressure, so engineers presented a new cylinder-shaped cabin. And even after this upgrade, aircraft still had standard square windows, and that turned out to be a grave mistake… Other videos you might like:
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
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That's Why Airplane Seats Are Almost Always Blue TIMESTAMPS:
Why square windows are so vulnerable 0:30
What about the shades? 2:00
Must these windows be so low? 2:54
Why are they so small? 3:45
Why are the doors on the left side 5:35
… and why do they always open inward? 6:17
Are rear-facing seats much safer? 7:15 #planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– If each square window has 4 vulnerable spots, it’s likely to shatter under the enormous stress that comes from keeping the cabin pressurized for passengers at high altitudes. – When the shades are closed, flight attendants can't see what's happening outside. And since most accidents happen during take-off and landing, it's crucial that the cabin crew have a good view of what's going on outside the aircraft.
– By placing windows that low, airplane manufacturers distribute the pressure around them more evenly. – Big windows can weaken the plane’s fuselage. If it’s not as strong and gives under the pressure, the aircraft gets ripped apart.
– If they were bigger, that cabin pressure would escape faster. As a result, the air would become unbearable before the aircraft managed to reach a safe altitude. – Then why are the windows in the cockpit so big?? In this case, we have to deal with priorities. Pilots need to be able to see what's happening around them and where they’re going. – Another question connected with the doors on jumbo jets is, "Why do they always open inward?" Here’s a hint: it’s called a “plug” door. The pressure inside the plane is much higher than it is outside. This pressure literally forces the door in its socket and prevents it from opening until the pressure becomes equal. – Backward seating on a plane is much safer than the usual one. It’s because rear-facing seats provide more support for your neck, head, and back.
– But the main reason for leaving things as they are is the huge costs this renovation would involve. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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99% of Us Keep Using Sticky Notes Wrong

Are you always on the lookout for things that can make your life a little easier? Then you're in the right place. Removing splinters with the help of glue? No problem! Lighting candles with spaghetti? Done! How about using dental floss for slicing cheese? Check! You might find it difficult to accept that such low-budget and simple tricks could work but… they could! Need to go out in the rain, but don’t have a raincoat? Take this tip from the Terminator. Simply lower yourself into a big vat of rubber cement, and not only will you have a nice, new coating, but you’ll also stay very dry. Just a joke. Don’t do that. But hey – the rest tips are really useful! Other videos you might like:
13 Car Tips That Will Save Your Trips
15 Cooking Tricks Chefs Reveal Only at Culinary Schools
15 Amazing Shortcuts You Aren't Using TIMESTAMPS:
Clean toothbrush 0:38
Muffin pan in a laundry basket 0:54
Make iced coffee at home 1:07
Bacon under cold water 1:44
Make your drink cool down fast 2:14
Unbearable itchiness from a mosquito bite 2:43
How to untangle even the most difficult knots 3:01
How to cut some soft food 3:28
Make your shoes waterproof 4:03
Toothpaste for pimples 4:37
How to heal paper cuts 5:18
How to make your older cat love a new kitty 5:36
Pencil in the freezer 6:00
Make a nail holder 6:20
Use sticky notes correctly 6:46
What if your favorite perfume is about to finish 7:25
Make people agree with you 7:47
Tennis ball on a string in your garage ceiling 8:13
Save some space in your drawers 8:58 #lifehacks #usefultips #brightside SUMMARY:
– Rubber bands wrapped around the ends of your coat hangers will keep your clothes from slipping off. – To make sour cream and cottage cheese last twice as long, turn the containers upside down when you put them in the fridge. – If you've lost the protective plastic cap for your razor, you can replace it with a big paperclip. – If you don't have a steamer or an iron on hand, hang your wrinkled clothes in the bathroom and take a hot shower.
– You won't cry so much while chopping onions if you pop some chewing gum in your mouth.
– If a candle has burned too low, and you can't reach the wick anymore, light an uncooked spaghetti and use it to light hard-to-reach candles.
– If you tend to sleep right through your phone's alarm in the morning, put your gadget into a cup before you get ready for bed. The alarm will reverberate inside the cup and sound louder.
– Scare spiders and mice away by sprinkling your door frames and your garage with peppermint oil mixed with water. – If you don't want your pencil to crumble while you're sharpening it, leave it in the freezer for several minutes before you start. – Rub the teeth of a stuck zipper with a graphite pencil, and it'll work again. – To make a perfect toasted sandwich, put two slices of bread in one toaster slot.
– Cut a tennis ball open and stuff it with dog treats. It’ll keep your pooch entertained for hours
– When your favorite perfume is about to finish, add the last drops of it to your body lotion. – While reheating rice, wrap it in a wet paper towel. This will soften even the hardest rice. – All you need to make a fort at home is a large sheet and a fan inflating it.
– To save some space in your drawers, store your clothes vertically. It’ll also be easier to see what you have there. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Start Eating 1 Banana a Day, See What Happens to Your Weight

So, ever seen an athlete packing it with bananas after an intense workout? You know, there’s a good reason for that, and it concerns you and me as well! Of course, you don’t have to munch on the long yellow stuff like crazy, but eating a single banana every day can definitely do you lots of good! For example, if you’re on the track to shedding a few extra pounds but having difficulty curbing that sweet tooth, a banana can help you out. Its natural sweetness is a blessing when you’re craving for something sugary! Also, a medium-sized banana contains only about 100 calories, as opposed to 400 in a chocolate bar you would eat otherwise. So stack up on a bunch of those yellow goodies and lay them on your desk! Other videos you might like:
Start Eating a Cucumber a Day, See What Happens to Your Body
I Drank Only Water for 20 Days, See What Happened to My Body
Use 1 Onion per Day, and See What Happens to Your Body TIMESTAMPS:
It helps you lose weight 0:25
It helps keep your digestion healthy 1:02
It improves your immune system 1:32
It protects your skin 2:06
It’s good for your heart 2:35
It keeps you hydrated 3:05
It enhances your physical performance 3:40
It can replace sugar when you bake 4:30
It curbs your appetite 5:03
It makes your kidneys happy 5:52
Bananas help you even before you’re born 6:34
❗️❗️❗️ Side effects you should know about ❗️❗️❗️ #banana #weightloss #brightside SUMMARY:
– Insoluble fibers reach your digestive tract, they don’t dissolve and instead travel through your whole body, pushing out the unnecessary stuff.
– A single banana contains more than 10% of the daily norm of vitamin C, which is, as you know, a sort of a magic bullet to being healthy.
– Vitamin C in these fruits is an antioxidant that protects your skin as well as your immune system.
– Potassium, which is the primary element contained in bananas, is crucial for your heart and blood vessels.
– It cooperates with other electrolytes to regulate the fluid levels, which is especially good after an intense workout.
– Bananas have just the right amount of natural sugar to boost your energy levels, and they also contain other substances that help you achieve better results when training.
– The yellow delight is naturally sweet and neutral in taste, so when you decide to bake a cake or some muffins, it’s pretty much okay to substitute sugar or any other sweetener for that matter, with a couple of bananas. – It’s quite low in calories but high on useful stuff, such as all kinds of fibers and starch, which makes you feel full and think twice before indulging your sweet tooth once again.
– Bananas, thanks to all the antioxidants and other beneficial elements, help your kidneys to remain healthy and prosper.
– You see, B vitamins, especially vitamin B6, are crucial during embryo development. A single average banana contains about a third of the normal daily intake, so doctors advise pregnant women to have a banana a day just to additionally ensure that their babies are born healthy and happy.
– If you have an allergy to latex, you might as well develop one to kiwis, chestnuts, avocados, and yes, bananas. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why Airplanes Get Delayed So Often

You know this feeling of frustration when you’re about to fly to some exotic country for an unforgettable vacation, and then suddenly see that your flight is delayed? Or worse, you’re going to an extremely important business meeting, and a delay in your flight ruins it! Although it’s never pleasant, it seems there are pretty good reasons for delays. First, to be fair, about 80% of all flights are ON time — that is, within 15 minutes of the scheduled time. The other 20% are delayed, and it might seem a huge number, but consider this: a commercial flight is not like hopping into a car and driving away. It’s an extremely serious operation that requires lots of coordinated work from hundreds of people. Just recall how many steps do you, as a passenger, need to take to get on board! But still, a delay can make you really upset, so here are the most frequent reasons for that. Other videos you might like:
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Flight Attendants
The Shortest 57-Second Passenger Flight in the World
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later TIMESTAMPS:
Security 1:16
Weather conditions 1:58
Technical troubleshooting 2:55
Preparations for the flight 3:37
Waiting for connecting passengers and their baggage 4:08
Waiting for and loading the cargo 5:09
Waiting for the crew 5:50
Weight overload 6:30
Food 7:12
Strikes 7:46
Airport congestion 8:20
Air traffic control 8:56 #planes #airport #brightside SUMMARY:
– An airplane must get clearance to depart from its home airport. Then, after arrival to another country, issues have to be solved to get clearance to depart from there once again. All of this requires time. – Even a direct lightning strike can’t do much harm to a plane, and it happens more often than you think! However, nobody would risk hundreds of lives and an expensive aircraft for no good reason, and weather delays do occur.
– Pilots run final checks right before the flight, and if they see something’s off, they call the ground crew and fix things together. – Preparing an airplane is a serious business, and any mistake here can cost much more than just money or time.
– Connecting flights are the most difficult to handle for obvious reasons: there are two different airplanes that need to adjust their schedules to each other. – Delays caused by cargo are usually not too long, so you won’t be asked to return to the gate while waiting and loading is in process. Still, it can take up to an hour, so you’ll have to be patient.
– Often, the crew for your flight arrives from another one that has just landed in your airport. And it sometimes happens that their previous flight is not exactly on schedule for some reason.
– Many airplanes have precise weight restrictions, and if they’re violated, the flight is not allowed.
– If you’re at a busy airport, you just might get delayed because your service hasn’t delivered the food for your airplane on time.
– Airport employees go on strikes almost every year, and it’s among the top reasons for flight delays in Europe. – It might seem weird, but flight traffic is getting heavier with every passing year, and airlines keep getting in trouble with that. – The number of flights keeps growing, and it’s getting harder and harder to keep track of all of them, especially since the ATC equipment is not really up-to-date. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Will Happen to Us Before 2025?

The 21st century is the age of rapid technological progress, and we’re advancing at a mind-blowing rate. So what do you think our world will look like by 2025? It’s only a little bit more than 5 years from now, but by various accounts, it’s going to be really exciting in 5 years. Solar panels will beat fossil fuels in energy output, becoming the largest source of energy on the planet. Augmented and virtual reality will become a thing. The problem of traffic jams will either be solved altogether or very close to it. Human genome will most probably be cracked, and only ethical issues will remain before genetic modifications of people become available… Other videos you might like:
That's What'll Happen to the Earth In 1,000,000,000 Years
Stephen Hawking’s 7 Predictions of Earth’s Demise in the Next 200 Years TIMESTAMPS:
Solar panels 0:30
Augmented and virtual reality 0:50
People themselves will become enhanced 1:16
The problem of traffic jams 1:45
Gasoline fuel will become a fading memory 2:12
The Internet of Things 2:39
Artificial intelligence 3:37
Medicine 4:01
Human genome 4:33
Plastic 4:58
Teleportation and time travel 5:25
Robots! 6:25
Machine learning 7:33
5G mobile Internet connection 8:06
Blockchain 8:41
Entertainment 9:24 #future #technology #brightside SUMMARY:
– Solar panels will be able to absorb much more sunlight, and even when it’s overcast.
– You’ll be able to have a virtual tour around a hotel before booking a room in it. Or how about taking a good look at 3D models of all goods in a store before adding them to your cart?
– The problem of traffic jams will either be solved altogether or very close to it. With the growing demand for driverless cars and even flying cars, the human factor will decrease dramatically.
– Gasoline fuel will become a fading memory by 2025. Electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles will push gas-powered ones further and further out of the market. – The Internet of Things, or IoT, will be omnipresent. Smart homes, smart offices, whole smart buildings — literally everything will be connected with everything else, separated only by closed internal networks.
– Several large companies, like Google, Facebook, and SpaceX, are already working together on a project that will bring the Internet to everyone on the planet at speeds over 1 megabit per second.
– In 5 years’ time, the AI will not only be able to answer simple questions and follow your commands, but it will also become deeper and more inquisitive itself.
– Human genome will most probably be cracked, and only ethical issues will remain before genetic modifications of people become available. – No more littering the soil and the oceans — we’ll be making a huge step towards a greener planet. – Of course, we won’t be able to go to the past or teleport around the world in 5 years’ time. But the concept itself will become more real either way.
– With genetic modification becoming commonplace, modified crops will be grown indoors.
– Robots will take over the most menial jobs on the market, making humans turn their attention to more intellectual tasks.
– 5G mobile Internet connection will be a common thing in most technologically advanced countries and cities. – Blockchain will become the preferred method of transferring money and valuable assets between people and organizations.
– Entertainment will become even more diverse with the growth in popularity of space tourism. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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