Category Archives: Bright Side News

25 Logical Riddles That Are Easier Than They Look

Scientists have proven that riddles help you boost your thinking abilities and improve your attention span. Are you already a master of logic, or do you need to beef up your analytical thinking? Well, try these puzzles to flex your brain muscles! They might seem hard at first, but in fact, they are just a test for your logic and critical thinking. Be sure to pay attention to the little details and think outside the box to get the answers right! Other videos you might like:
9 Riddles That Will Boost Your Thinking Skills
15 Riddles You Need to Solve to Survive
15 Riddles to Deal with Any Situation TIMESTAMPS:
Clever mom 0:19
Two planes 0:51
When it rains 1:21
Teacher and students 1:32
Two coins 2:11
A barrel of water 2:32
Cell phone for a blind man 3:05
Escape from prison 3:34
Some math for you 4:06
Two strangers 4:22
Stop the theft 4:46
3 days in the hospital 5:11
Some more math 5:29
Six glasses 5:57
Get 200 out of 188 6:28
How is it possible? 6:48
Don't use one-dollar bill 7:06
What an elephant looks like 7:25
Damaged paintings 7:59
Long party 8:31
Your search 8:59
Falling egg 9:18
A piano 9:40
Honeymoon 9:52
What weighs nothing 10:38 #riddles #puzzles #brightside SUMMARY:
– Sam and his brother John were always fighting. Their mom told the boys to stand on the same piece of paper in such a way that they didn't touch each other – and it worked! How did she do it?
– What always goes up when it rains?
– You have two coins that together make 35 cents, and one of the coins isn't a dime. What are these two coins?
– A blind man comes into an electronics store and wants to buy a cell phone. There are lots of gadgets on the shelves, but the man can't see them. And still, 10 minutes later, he leaves the store with the very phone model he’d wanted. How did he manage it?
– Can you make 1,000 by using only 8 eights and addition? – Your company produces shoes and has two factories in different cities. The workers in both plants steal shoes. You can't use any additional security, but you have to stop the theft. How can you do it?
– A person spent 3 days in the hospital and was perfectly healthy. And still, they had to be carried away while leaving. Why?
– There are 6 glasses in a row on the table. The first 3 are filled with orange juice and the other 3 are empty. Your task is to make full and empty glasses alternate by moving just one glass. How can you do it?
– One person was 25 years old in 2000, and 20 years old in 2005. How is it possible?
– Michael Adams, who disliked what passed for art in modern times, rushed into the City Gallery and caused millions of dollars’ worth of damage to several paintings. Yet the manager of the gallery thanked Mr. Adams for his actions. How come?
– When you look for something, you always find it in the last place you search. Why so?
– An egg has to fall 100 feet, but you can't let it break. You can't slow down its fall or cushion its landing. How can you do it?
– Why are pianos so hard to open?
– What is as big as a mountain but weighs nothing? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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28 Fun Texting Games to Get the Truth About Your Friend

Yep, it's sad but true: we don't meet with our friends and relatives as often as we used to several years ago. But technologies that have replaced this real-life communication also help us not to lose touch with our nearest and dearest, for example, by playing fun texting games! For example, try to communicate all you have to say to your friend (for example, your latest news) with the help of emojis! Your friend has to interpret your message and tell you what you meant. Or you can play Abbreviations. It's one of the most difficult texting games but it's also a lot of fun! Abbreviations are made from the first letter of a phrase, for example, LOL – laughing out loud, TBH – to be honest. In this texting game, though, you'll have to abbreviate your current activity! Other videos you might like:
10 Math Games That'll Boost Your Brain Power By 80%
10 Fun Kiddy Riddles That Stump Most Adults
If You Solve 20 Riddles In 15 Seconds, You Are Super Smart TIMESTAMPS:
Emoji challenge 0:20
WWYD 0:44
Abbreviations 1:11
Name the song 1:36
Story constructor 1:57
Fortunately, unfortunately 2:16
Friends tag 2:50
Truth or dare 3:08
What's the movie? 3:29
Rhyme It! 3:49
Riddles 4:12
Erudite 4:36
Most likely 4:53
Finish my sentence 5:13
Pre-set answers 5:33
Would you rather?… 5:56
Unscramble 6:15
Category 6:39
20 Questions 7:00
Associations 7:16
Where am I? 7:34
Never have I ever… 7:54
Questions Only 8:19
Let's go to 8:45
Last Letter Game 9:10
Reverse 9:38
Who am I? 9:57
Funny pics 10:13 #fungames #texting #brightside SUMMARY:
– Text your friends a line from a song. The first player to name it correctly is the winner. – You start a story with a phrase or a sentence. Your friend texts you back with the next sentence. Keep going until your story is complete.
– This game will show how well your friends know you. Send each other questions about yourself and your friendship, like "When did we first meet?" "Who's my favorite superhero?" – You can easily play truth or dare over text! Ask questions about things most people would prefer to keep secret.
– If you and your friends are into movies, choose a line from some film and ask the rest to guess the title. – You start by texting a phrase or just a word to your opponent. They need to answer with a phrase or a word that rhymes with the first one. – Riddles are fun, exciting, and can be easily played over the phone! Send your opponent a riddle. – You text the beginning of a sentence to your partner, and they have to finish it. Try to make funny, crazy, and unexpected statements.
– You have to offer your friend two difficult choices. Make them as tough as possible. For example, "Would you rather talk like a monkey or look like a monkey?"
– One opponent picks a word, and then all the players have to use its letters to make as many new words as possible. – Pick any topic and take turns writing as many words that fall under this category as you can.
– You send your opponent a word, and they have to answer with the first thing that comes to their mind.
– Tell your friend about your day, news, weekend plans, but all the words in your texts have to be in reverse order. Your opponent has to respond in the same reverse way. – Pick a person: it may be a celebrity or someone both you and your opponents know. Start to describe this person until your partners guess who it is.
– Pick a category and search the Internet for funny images or memes on this topic. Send these captions back and forth. There are no winners or losers in this game, it's just fun. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5 Ways to Tell If You’re Chatting with a Bot

Technology has brought us a lot of wonderful things, such as ordering a pizza with a single button, or receiving text alerts — about how close your pizza is. However, not everything is sunshine and pizzas in the digital age. Once upon a time, you could say with confidence that the person you were talking to is, well, an actual person. That's no longer the case as robocalls and chatbots, computer programs designed to simulate human interaction over the phone or on the web, are more common than ever, and getting more sophisticated every day. Other videos you might like:
What Will Happen to Us Before 2025
If Your Own Number Calls You, Don't Pick Up!
12 Signs Your Computer Has Been Hacked #bot #chatbot #brightside SUMMARY:
– Since bots don’t need to sleep, they can spend all night spamming your feed with suspiciously similar posts. So, if one account is posting comments 24/7 365, you've probably got a bot on your hands.
– If they’re posting the exact same comment all the time and every single one has a link to the same website, you probably have a bot on your hands.
– Chatbots may be complicated machines, but they’re still just machines. Creative thinking isn’t exactly their forte, or their pommel either.
– Bots pick words out of comments posted by real humans and run them through an algorithm to select the appropriate response.
– If you're ever not sure what you're dealing with, you can try asking them a series of very similar questions.
– Bots often don't know what to do with jokes and have no understanding of context or the nuance of social interaction. – Since humans are big on oversharing, you can probably guess that bots aren’t that into it. Most websites that allow users to leave public comments require them to register an account.
– The automatic responses bots give out tend to be chock full of keywords. Those keywords attract other bots, whose responses attract more bots. – Even when things don’t escalate that far, bots still love to follow each other around. Particularly nefarious programmers will go as far as creating bots specifically to upvote the comments of their other bots. – A bot is a bot, and even when the programmers try to be subtle, they tend to fixate on one topic exclusively. – Hearing about all this, you might get the impression that all chatbots are bad. That isn't the case, and many serve useful functions. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Scientists Have Found the Lowest Land on Earth

The Earth's lowest known place is the Challenger Deep, almost 36,000 ft below the ocean's surface! But however incredible it may sound, dry land also has some extreme points which lie way, way lower than sea level. And the lowest of them, previously hiding under a massive glacier, has been discovered only recently! Antarctica's massive ice sheet effectively hides the continent's mysteries. But scientists don't give up: they've been using radar equipment to crack Antarctica's riddles. And recently, their efforts have paid off! Other videos you might like:
What Would a Journey to the Black Hole Be Like?
How Deep Can You Possibly Dig?
9 Places You Should Never Swim (Never Ever!) TIMESTAMPS:
Death Valley 0:37
The Dead Sea 1:30
Lake Baikal 2:12
The Krubera Cave 3:05
Denman Glacier 3:55
Mponeng & TauTona Gold Mines 4:48
KTB Borehole 6:17
SG-3 Kola Superdeep Borehole 7:08 #geology #DeadSea #brightside SUMMARY:
– The most amazing thing about Death Valley is that it's home to the lowest point in North America – Badwater Basin. This place lies 282 ft below sea level, which is just a bit smaller than the Statue of Liberty!
– The Dead Sea made it to this list because until recently, its surface and shores were considered the lowest point on dry land. The Dead Sea is on average more than 1,400 ft below sea level – that's just a bit less than the height of the Empire State Building! – The Baikal is a unique water body that contains more than 20% of all unfrozen surface freshwater in the world. The lake's total depth is more than five Eiffel Towers piled on top of each other. – No one knows for sure how deep the Krubera Cave really is. Believe it or not but this abyss may drop down to 7,200 ft underground.
– Stretching more than 11,500 feet below sea level, a canyon under Denman Glacier turned out to be 8 times deeper than the Dead Sea shores!
– Being almost the same in size, Mponeng and TauTona mines are as deep as 700 giraffes and filled with complicated mazes of underground tunnels. – The main KTB borehole (that's a hole branching from the main hole) reached a mind-blowing depth of almost 30,000 ft, which is the cruising altitude of passenger airliners – filled with giraffes!SG– 3 Kola Superdeep Borehole is almost 400 ft shorter than the longest man-made well. But we're talking about the lowest points below sea level – the Kola Borehole is number one. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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26 Short Facts That Explain Lots of Confusing Things

Just when you think you have this world figured out, all these questions pop up in your mind: why do car rides and rain make you sleepy? Why do airplanes have a hole in the tail? And which water extinguishes fire better, cold or hot? Do you know what makes us perceive the clouds as white? Or why dogs kick their legs when you rub their belly? Or why most big space objects like planets and stars are round? Well, those answers and plenty more coming your way! Other videos you might like:
65 Quick Facts to Make You the Most Interesting Person in The Room
20 Interesting Facts You're Too Lazy to Google
16 Little-Known Facts That Will Save You One Day #factsyouneverknew #brightside #strangefacts SUMMARY:
– Storm clouds may seem to turn dark, but it's just an illusion. Thin clouds on a sunny day let the light through and scatter all the colors of the light spectrum. – Leaves don’t really change colors – they just lose their green pigment. – When a mosquito breaks your skin, your immune system perceives the insect's saliva as a foreign substance and starts making histamine. – Zebras probably have their stripes as protection from bug bites. The stripes seem to dazzle the insects, and they can't make a controlled landing.
– Most salt in oceans and seas comes from land. – Rain makes you drowsy because the sky is overcast, and without sunlight, your body produces melatonin – the very hormone that makes you sleepy at night.
– Cats regularly lick themselves to prevent skin oils from gathering on their fur.
– Your stomach “growls” when you're hungry because your digestive muscles are contracting to sort of warm up in preparation for a coming meal. – Cats love boxes so much because they make great hiding places. No predator can sneak up on them from behind, yet your cat can still observe its surroundings without being seen.
– Dogs kick their legs when you rub their belly thanks to the so-called scratch reflex. That perfect spot your canine loves so much is full of nerves that go straight to the spinal cord. – Driving already makes you drowsier after 15 minutes into your trip. The reason is your seat vibrating at low frequencies, lulling your body and brain.
– Flamingos turn pink because they live on a certain kind of blue-green algae and brine shrimps.
– As people get older, their hair follicles start to lose pigment cells. – A comet’s tail is created by the Sun. Its heat turns some of the comet's material into vapor and releases dust particles trapped in the ice. – If a space body is too small, like an asteroid, its mass and gravity aren't strong enough to form a spherical shape. – The temperature of the water you use to extinguish a fire does matter. And surprisingly, hot water can put out the flames faster than cold. – Most cruise ships are white because they typically sail in hot tropical climates. The white paint reflects sunlight better than any other color and keeps the ship nice and cool. – When your body warms up more than normal, your brain reacts to this potential danger by releasing sweat from the over 2 million glands scattered all over your body!
– Bees make honey to have something to eat all winter, when there are few or no flowers (their main food source).
– The holes in some types of cheese are made by bacteria used in the production process. – Fresh rain falling on dry ground smells so nice thanks to a unique mixture of ozone, plant oils, and bacterial spores. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why No One Should Dim a Phone Screen

Even though cell phones have dramatically changed since the 90s, loads of myths surrounding them are still the same! The more megapixels the phone's camera has, the better images you get; the dimmer the screen is, the better it's for your eyes; overnight charging harms the battery. Some people even believe that a phone can cook an egg. This myth became popular after a viral Internet article – lots of people believed that radio waves a cell phone emits were so powerful that you could boil an egg by placing it between two devices. In short, smartphone myths are numerous and persistent. So let’s pop some of these dubious bubbles, shall we? Other videos you might like:
Why Phones Don't Have Removable Batteries Anymore
Stop Using Your Phone Sitting on the Toilet
12 Mistakes You Make When Charging Your Phone TIMESTAMPS:
Cell phones can start a fire at a gas station 0:37
Charging a smartphone overnight damages the device 1:23
If you've dropped your smartphone in water, put it in rice 1:44
Your phone can cook an egg 2:38
smartphone can demagnetize your credit cards 3:11
Magnets can delete data from your smartphone 3:32
Let your phone's battery drain completely before recharging 4:19
The more megapixels your camera has, the better photos you'll get 5:00
4G uses more data than 3G 5:28
The dimmer the screen is, the better 5:54
Better specifications mean better performance 6:29
Smartphones emit harmful radiation 6:49
If you make a call while your phone is charging, it may catch fire 7:13
The larger your phone's battery capacity is, the longer it will serve 7:47
Close background apps to boost your phone's performance 8:15
Using incognito mode will protect your privacy 8:45 #smartphone #gadget #brightside SUMMARY:
– Why cell phones are banned at gas stations is probably because they can and do distract drivers from the task at hand. – If a decade ago overcharging could indeed damage the battery, you don't need to worry about such an outcome these days.
– Rice doesn't soak up just any liquid that happens to be nearby. To absorb water, rice grains have to be in direct contact with it.
– The amount of radiation a cell phone emits is so small that you would need 7,000 smartphones to boil an egg – and even this number is very approximate since nobody has checked it yet. – Your gadget does have a magnetic field, but it's so weak that it won't affect your bank cards in any way. – Some experts recommend draining your phone's battery completely only if your device quits working at 20% charge. Then emptying the battery might help you recalibrate its level sensor. – Most people are sure that the number of megapixels is the best indicator of how good your pictures are gonna be. What they don't know is that not the number of megapixels but their quality plays the main role here.
– Since the 4G connection is faster, most people believe that it uses more data. But whatever connection you use, 5 MB of data is still 5 MB of data. – If your screen brightness is higher than 50%, though, you should keep it down a bit. An over-bright screen can cause lots of short-term eye issues, from irritation to dry eyes and strain. – The EM radiation frequency your smartphone emits is completely safe for you.
– There have been several cases when devices started burning, but it happened because of low-quality batteries, suspicious second-hand chargers, and dubious charging methods.
– The battery life mostly depends on how much power your device consumes. – By closing background applications, you waste more battery because your phone has to spend more resources on opening an app than on re-launching it. – The private mode does prevent your browser from storing your cookies, passwords, and other information. But it doesn't equal an encrypted connection, and other people, for example, Internet service providers, can see your browsing history. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Only Reason Why Modern Planes Are Better Than Old Ones

Travel by airplane is by far the fastest, but not the most comfortable way to go. It wasn’t always like this, though. Getting to lie down in a spacious bed-seat? Check. Full hot meals, bars, and even pianos on board? Also check. So what else has changed in the past 100 years of human flight? The first airplane ever was the Wright Flyer made by the Wright brothers in 1903. It made just a few short flights, but those changed history forever. The first commercial airplane in history was the Model 14 Benoist airboat: it took passengers from St. Petersburg to Tampa in Florida, making the journey a dozen times shorter than by train or steamboat. But the true golden era of commercial flights began in the 1950s… Other videos you might like:
Titanic VS Modern Cruise Ships
What Happens When a Bird Flies Into a Plane Engine
Why No One Should Swap Seats on a Plane #planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– Let’s first take a look at one of the most typical airliners of the time: Douglas DC 6. – With the size of it — 100 ft long and almost 10 ft wide — it’s a bit surprising that it only accommodated 48 passengers.
– The seats were big and comfortable, with plenty of leg room. They also had seat backs that could go all the way down, so you could take a hearty nap if you wanted to.
– There was a real menu and you could order whatever you wanted, be it a rib-eye steak or smoked salmon.
– The average price of a domestic ticket would cost you a month’s wages, and a Trans-Atlantic flight was a luxury for the richest.
– Passengers would dress up for the flight as if they were attending a social event — and in a sense, they were. – But today’s airplanes have much more to offer in terms of entertainment: personal screens with lots of movies, TV shows, and even games, magazines to read, and of course, on-board shopping.
– Modern jet airplanes usually fly at about 480 mph, climbing as high as 39,000 ft above ground.
– Low altitudes of the old airplanes meant stronger and more frequent turbulence. – The engines were also awfully loud: the propellers and engines roared together to create enough lift and push the aircraft forward. – Another distinctive feature of the old airplanes were square windows. – Even seat design has changed a lot towards safety. – In the past, an accident could’ve torn the seats from the floor, so you basically traded safety for comfort.
– In older planes, long-haul flights often required them to make stops on the way for refueling and maintenance. – Airplanes weren’t the only means of air travel, though. Don’t forget about airships! Those were slow, huge, and often dangerous. – The real age of airships came in the early 20th century, when the German Zeppelin Company made their rigid passenger-carrying dirigibles.
– Compared to the most prominent airship of the time, even Airbus A380, the superjumbo jet that dwarfs other airplanes in size, is like a fly to an elephant.
– Airships couldn’t rival airplanes in speed or passenger capacity, but they were comfortable and luxurious. – They could’ve become a tourist thing kinda like cruise ships, if not for the 1937 disaster of that same Hindenburg over New Jersey. – Today, though, there’s plenty of talk about the return of the giant dirigibles. In about 5 years, for example, the first airship will take a hundred passengers on a North Pole expedition. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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10 Most Viewed Bright Side Videos of All Time

Hey guys! How about to have an amazing time? Today, we have something really special for you! It's a unique opportunity to watch our coolest videos in one sitting. They garnered millions of views and became the most popular on our channel! And you don't have to go through the playlists because we gathered our top hits in one video! Enjoy! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Most Expensive Dog Breeds in India 2020

Hey, are you in the market for a fluffy canine companion? Maybe you’ve already done your research on how much money you’ll have to shovel over for your new best friend? Well, let’s see if you might be able to get a better deal over in India! Of course, no matter where you’re shopping (be it India or America), breed prices can vary depending on the region, meaning what you pay for, say, a pug in one town could be completely different in another! So, here’s what the Kennel Club of India has for the price tags of some of the country’s most popular dog breeds… Other videos you might like:
9 Proofs That Cats and Dogs Are from Different Planets
20 Expensive Dogs Only 1% Can Afford
11 Proven Ways Dogs Say "I Love You" TIMESTAMPS:
Golden Retriever 0:41
Dachshund 1:16
Beagle 1:40
Boxer 2:05
Tibetan Mastiff 2:44
English Cocker Spaniel 3:19
Pug 3:55
Labrador Retriever 4:33
Rottweiler 5:01
Dobermann 5:41
Great Dane 6:08
Pomeranian 6:53
Dalmatian 7:52
German Shepherd 8:37
Indian Spitz 9:04 #dogs #India #brightside SUMMARY:
– Golden Retriever: ₹5,000 – 20,000. Well, that’s only about 70 – 300 bucks, which would be a steal in the US! – Dachshund ₹5,000 – 12,000. At around $150, these short-legged, long-bodied doggos are preferred in India thanks to their playfulness. But they can be stubborn at times too! – Beagle ₹8,000 – 16,000. If you’re looking for a different hound breed, then you can pay roughly $170 for a happy-go-lucky beagle! They get along with kids, other pets, and strangers.
– Boxer ₹6,000 – 18,000. You can expect to pay about the same 170-dollar price for this high-energy, strong, and agile breed.
– Tibetan Mastiff ₹10,000 – 30,000. You can expect to pay almost twice as much for this huge breed, coming in at about $300. – Cockers spaniels are compassionate, intelligent, and athletic. For around $150, families in India can get themselves an alert and resilient pet that’s great with kids. – Pug ₹6,000 – 15,000. As the wrinkly-faced mascot of the recent Vodafone ad campaign, these dogs soon became really popular in India.
– Labrador Retriever ₹4,000 – 12,000. And yet another dog that’ll be really happy to meet your whole family (both the human and animal members!), Labs are really gentle and kind.
– Rottweiler ₹7,000 – 20,000. For about 200 bucks, people in India can have a loyal friend that’ll protect them no matter what!
– Dobermann ₹5,000 – 20,000. At the $150 range, these slender dogs with a docked tail are easily recognizable and pretty popular in India. – Great Dane ₹7,500 – 25,000. You’d be getting a deal as big as the dog itself if you bought this breed in India for just around $250.
– Pomeranian ₹3,000 – 8,000. Here’s a breed that won’t break the bank, at least not in India, where you’ll pay just around $80. – Dalmatian ₹6,000 – 15,000. In India, you can get a big spotted canine friend for just about 150 bucks!
– German Shepherd ₹5,000 – 20,000. In the US you can expect to pay an average of $800, in India you can get this breed for only around 180 bucks!
– Indian Spitz ₹4,000 – 8,000. These dogs are extremely bright and active but adapt well even in small apartments. Considered to be among the most intelligent dog breeds, they’re incredibly fast learners and pick up new tricks in the blink of an eye! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More The Most Expensive Dog Breeds in India 2020 Videos