Category Archives: Bright Side News

A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered

The universe is too big for us to be the only ones in it. It's just a matter of knowing where to look, and scientists from NASA's TESS program might have stumbled across the next clue in this galactic scavenger hunt. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite was launched in April of 2019 with the aim of locating planets in orbit around nearby stars. One of these stars is the comparatively small GEE-JAY 357. It's about 31 light-years from Earth. It's one of the closest to Earth! Thanks to TESS, NASA astronomers discovered a planet orbiting this distant star. And in fact, it’s one of the few whose atmosphere can be studied by scientists, once they determine if it has one! Other videos you might like:
NASA Has Just Discovered a New Planet!
The Solar System Is Not Like You Think It Is
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands) TIMESTAMPS:
What is this planet like? 0:27
A planet that is technically survivable for humans 2:15
Can we expect any alien visitors? 5:03
Why we can't see those planets directly 6:57 #planets #space #brightside SUMMARY:
– GEE-JAY 357 b is believed to be about twenty-two percent larger than Earth, and eleven times closer to its star than Mercury is to the Sun. – Scientists have discovered planets beyond our solar system before, but GEE-JAY 357-b is one of the closest to Earth. – Hidden beyond the semi-molten glow of this “hot Earth,” as astronomers called it, were two more planets. One of them, GEE-JAY 357-d is just far enough from the star to potentially support life. – Its orbiting inside its solar system's habitable zone, warm enough to support life, but not so warm that it ends up charbroiled. – NASA scientists estimate that that planet has an average temperature of about minus sixty-four degrees. That’s cold, comparable to the interior of Antarctica.
– I wouldn’t expect any alien visitors for most of the same reasons humans will probably never be visiting GEE-JAY 357-d for themselves. – If intelligent life developed, there’s no reason to believe it wouldn’t sooner or later turn its sensory organs to the stars. That's when the planet's gravity becomes an obstacle. I
– Scientists have estimated that reaching the moon of a planet ten times the size of Earth, would require almost five hundred thousand tons of fuel to get off the ground. – It is worth noting that Astronomers haven't yet been able to see any of these planets directly. The TESS only discovered the massive and hot planet b because of its silhouette passing in front of the star.
– Since c and d never passed between Earth and GEE-JAY 357 during the month when TESS was able to capture images of the star, we've only been able to study them indirectly.
– The middle planet, called GEE-JAY 357-c just to make things confusing, didn’t even give us that. Because of its unusually tilted orbit, this planet never passes between Earth and its star at all. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More A Potentially Habitable Super Earth Has Been Discovered Videos

What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like?

What’s the most exotic destination you’ve been to? Hawaii? Australia, Hoboken, New Jersey? Well, today I’m setting off on a journey that’s way more unusual than that – down to the Earth’s core. And I’m inviting you to join me. It’ll be fun! The center of the Earth lies about 4,000 miles below its surface, so it’s gonna be a looong trip. 💥 By the way, guys, be attentive! To make the journey even more fascinating, I've hidden something interesting in this video. Okay, I'll give you a hint – it's movie references! You definitely saw them because each of those films is iconic. Try to find them all and let everyone know you have a sharp eye in the comments! If you're a video game fan, there's a reference for you too. But this one is really difficult. 😽 And, of course, there is a cat hidden in this video. Can you spot it? C'mon, prove you're much more attentive than most people! Do you accept the challenge? 😉 Other videos you might like:
What Will Happen In The Next 5 Billion Years?
Who Lives In the Deepest Place On Earth?
How Deep Can You Possibly Dig? TIMESTAMPS:
Smashing through the Earth's crust 0:28
Was that a crocodile? Underground?! 🐊 1:56
Deepest metro station 2:27 Cool facts about the continental crust 2:48
Deepest half marathon 🏃 3:36
The deepest cave in the world 4:32
Deepest multicellular organism 5:05
Final chance to see the ocean 5:27
Why is getting so hot? 7:24
The inner core welcomes you! 8:09
Can you see the Earth’s core? 9:14 #earth #geology #brightside SUMMARY:
– The crust isn't really that thick. It’s roughly 21 miles thick and is made up of basaltic rocks that are under the sea, and granitic rocks that make up the continents.
– Nile Crocodiles dig the deepest burrows among all animals, so you can find them at 39 feet under ground.
– There are whole underground cities with shelters and catacombs in different countries. The deepest of them lies at 278 feet under Cappadocia in Turkey. – Continental crust is about 2 billion years old and it covers about 40 percent of the Earth (yeah, the rest is oceanic crust).
– In 2004, a half-marathon was organized in the Bochnia Salt Mine in Poland. It was the deepest half-marathon ever – you don’t often see people running at a depth of 695 feet after all. – The Earth’s crust serves as an electric blanket that covers the mantle. It’s rich in the radioactive elements uranium, thorium, and potassium, which produce heat! – The oceanic crust is never too far, and its average depth is 4.3 miles. It covers around 60 percent of the surface of our planet, and is thinner, denser and younger than the continental crust.
– The pressure is getting more and more extreme, and it’s getting colder and colder down here. This is the deepest point where earthquakes are born – the ones that come from here are rare, and get pretty weak by the time they’ve traveled 435 miles up to the surface. – At 1,814 miles deep, the mantle ends and the outer core begins. It’s a sunless sea of super hot liquid metal that’s about the size of Mars.
– Once every several thousand years, something happens in this layer: the magnetic poles reverse, and north and south change places. – At 2,750 miles, the inner core welcomes you! It’s the hottest, innermost part of the planet. – The inner core is nearly the size of the Moon, and makes up 2 per cent of the Earth’s mass. – Not so long ago, British scientists found out that the inner core is relatively young – probably somewhere between 500 and 1,000 million years old, and that’s nothing in terms of Earth science. – Now, for those of you who are thinking of packing your bags to go see the Earth’s core, I have some not-so-good news: it’s technically not possible yet, because there’s no way to survive the pressure and extreme heat that are waiting down there. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More What Would a Journey to the Earth’s Core Be Like? Videos

Something Strange Happens Every Night in Antarctica

There’s one unique place on our planet where there are no tourists, no traffic jams, and no high-rise buildings. This place is one of the hardest to reach, and it's almost impossible to survive there if you're unprepared. Right, it's Antarctica, the home of bizarre findings and even more mysterious phenomena. One of them is the deafening roar that's heard from the frozen terrain every night, accompanied by enigmatic icequakes. Something very strange happens in the coldest place on Earth, and this something makes the frozen valleys of Antarctica shake up to several hundred times a night! But while this experience might terrify even the most experienced observer, all the strangeness has a perfectly scientific explanation. Other videos you might like:
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica
A Unique Creature on Earth That Can Live Forever
13 Unbelievable Coincidences That Will Leave You Confused TIMESTAMPS:
When ice "comes alive" 1:03
What researchers say 1:49
Bloodcurdling acoustic oddity 2:51
Scars left by cyclonic storms 5:03
Sources of incredible heat in Antarctica 7:21
Weird Antarctica's particles 8:47 #Antarctica #phenomena #brightside SUMMARY:
– The nightly ice quakes seem to relate to the recent climate changes; in particular, with melting polar ice caps. – Scientists think that the ice quakes that keep shaking glaciers are yet another example of how much stress our planet experiences because of the changing climate. – In 2014, scientists who were monitoring the Ross Ice Shelf in West Antarctica recorded a bloodcurdling acoustic oddity. – This spooky melody was just a reflection of how Antarctica's ice was changing under the influence of global warming. – The researchers noticed that the "ice tune" was different after storms blew through. – When the firn melts, it not only makes the ice shelf unstable, but also speeds up the streaming of ice into the ocean.
– However, ice quakes and mysterious tunes aren't the only puzzles scientists have managed to crack.
– In one of the images, researchers spotted a huge enigmatic hole piercing one of the seasonal ice packs, floating in the Lazarev Sea in Antarctica. – When it got warmer, the hole vanished without a trace, once again. – It turned out that such short-lasting gaps could be scars left by cyclonic storms! – The warmer the climate on Earth becomes, the more cyclones rage at the Earth's poles. And therefore, more and more climate-changing gaps appear in ice packs.
– By the way, a 25-year-long survey has also shown that nowadays, Antarctica's ice is disappearing at an alarming speed. During more than 2 decades, the continent has lost a whopping 3 trillion tons of ice! – In any case, not all the mysteries of Antarctica have been solved yet. For example, scientists still can't explain the origin of high-energy particles, literally streaming from the continent's ice! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Something Strange Happens Every Night in Antarctica Videos

A Mysterious Phenomena Happens Every Night in Antarctica

There’s one unique place on our planet where there are no tourists, no traffic jams, and no high-rise buildings. This place is one of the hardest to reach, and it's almost impossible to survive there if you're unprepared. Right, it's Antarctica, the home of bizarre findings and even more mysterious phenomena. One of them is the deafening roar that's heard from the frozen terrain every night, accompanied by enigmatic icequakes. Something very strange happens in the coldest place on Earth, and this something makes the frozen valleys of Antarctica shake up to several hundred times a night! But while this experience might terrify even the most experienced observer, all the strangeness has a perfectly scientific explanation. Other videos you might like:
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica
A Unique Creature on Earth That Can Live Forever
13 Unbelievable Coincidences That Will Leave You Confused TIMESTAMPS:
When ice "comes alive" 1:03
What researchers say 1:49
Bloodcurdling acoustic oddity 2:51
Scars left by cyclonic storms 5:03
Sources of incredible heat in Antarctica 7:21
Weird Antarctica's particles 8:47 #Antarctica #phenomena #brightside SUMMARY:
– The nightly ice quakes seem to relate to the recent climate changes; in particular, with melting polar ice caps. – Scientists think that the ice quakes that keep shaking glaciers are yet another example of how much stress our planet experiences because of the changing climate. – In 2014, scientists who were monitoring the Ross Ice Shelf in West Antarctica recorded a bloodcurdling acoustic oddity. – This spooky melody was just a reflection of how Antarctica's ice was changing under the influence of global warming. – The researchers noticed that the "ice tune" was different after storms blew through. – When the firn melts, it not only makes the ice shelf unstable, but also speeds up the streaming of ice into the ocean.
– However, ice quakes and mysterious tunes aren't the only puzzles scientists have managed to crack.
– In one of the images, researchers spotted a huge enigmatic hole piercing one of the seasonal ice packs, floating in the Lazarev Sea in Antarctica. – When it got warmer, the hole vanished without a trace, once again. – It turned out that such short-lasting gaps could be scars left by cyclonic storms! – The warmer the climate on Earth becomes, the more cyclones rage at the Earth's poles. And therefore, more and more climate-changing gaps appear in ice packs.
– By the way, a 25-year-long survey has also shown that nowadays, Antarctica's ice is disappearing at an alarming speed. During more than 2 decades, the continent has lost a whopping 3 trillion tons of ice! – In any case, not all the mysteries of Antarctica have been solved yet. For example, scientists still can't explain the origin of high-energy particles, literally streaming from the continent's ice! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More A Mysterious Phenomena Happens Every Night in Antarctica Videos

Why You Should Stop Sleeping on Your Stomach (And How to Do It)

You know those tests that tell you which character type you are by the position you prefer to sleep in? I wish they also explained that not all of them are good for you. Sleeping on your stomach, tummy, belly, abdomen, gut, the front of your back etc. is comfortable for sure, but it’s also bad for your health, and sometimes – even dangerous. For example, if a person has problems with their heart, sleeping on their stomach adds extra stress on it, causing an excessive heart rate and a rise of arterial pressure. For people who have bad cholesterol, and whose arteries are potentially blocked with plaque, this position can also be dangerous. And what about the face? When you wake up after sleeping a whole night on your tummy and look in the mirror… yes, all the creases on the bedsheet are imprinted on your cheeks and forehead… Other videos you might like:
8 Tricks to Sleep Better According to Athletes
Science Explains How Much Sleep You Need Depending on Your Age
What If You Stopped Sleeping for a Week? TIMESTAMPS:
Limited blood flow to the brain 0:29
Less efficient breathing 1:00
The stomach also suffers 1:26
Wrinkles! 1:50
Stiff and sore neck 2:41
Too much pressure on your backbone 3:20
Rise of arterial pressure 3:40
Can it be good for your health? 3:50
How is it possible to kick this habit? 4:44
Best positions 5:49 #sleeping #healthyspine #brightside SUMMARY:
– For people who have bad cholesterol, and whose arteries are potentially blocked with plaque, this position can be dangerous. The brain can be left without oxygen altogether, and that’s no joke. – You wouldn’t get enough oxygen throughout your body, and would feel tired and groggy in the morning.
– The organs that lay around our stomach will stop doing their job properly over time, and it’s not a very good trade off to sacrifice your health for the sake of your comfort.
– With time, wrinkles left from sleeping turn into permanent ones, especially on the cheeks and around the nose. You can also develop signs of aging on the neck and chest area, and they’re very hard to get rid of.
– In the area around the neck and shoulders, movement is restricted, and blood vessels and nerve-endings are constricted, which can lead to irreparable damage.
– In this position you can cause the joints of knees, elbows and feet to twist in awkward ways, causing strain and soreness.
– It's an unnatural position for your spine, putting too much pressure on the middle of your back and causing it to be stiff and achy in the morning. – If a person has problems with their heart, sleeping on their stomach adds extra stress on it, causing an excessive heart rate and a rise of arterial pressure. – Sometimes it can be good to lie on your tummy if your back or shoulders are tired after sitting in front of a computer with bad posture. But it’s enough to lie down for a while and have a rest.
– Sleeping on your back with your feet on a pillow is best if you have problems with your back bone. It’s also the best beauty sleep: fewer wrinkles appear and your face won’t be as puffy.
– Sleeping on your left side lessens the symptoms of reflux; you’ll feel less nausea, and less discomfort.
– Sleeping on the right side is good for blood pressure and lowers the risk of Alzheimer, but is strictly forbidden for pregnant women in the 3d trimester, because it can lead to problems with the development of the fetus.
– In fact, for most people, it’s good to change body positions during the night and sleep both on your back and on different sides. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why You Should Stop Sleeping on Your Stomach (And How to Do It) Videos

An Easy Trick to Remove Any Odor from Your House

What do cinnamon rolls, a rose garden, and fresh linen have in common? That’s right, they all smell so good you can’t get enough of that aroma. The good news is your house can smell just as dreamy if you follow some simple tips! Do you know, for example, how vinegar can help you combat stinky toilet? Or why you should keep baking soda in your fridge? Or how to deodorize your bathroom? Oh, this one is really cool! Just sprinkle the cardboard tube inside toilet paper roll with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Whenever you rip off a piece of toilet paper in the future, the essential oil smell will come out and deodorize the room! Other videos you might like:
Put Vinegar Into a Toilet, and Watch What Happens
Pour Baking Soda on Your Bed, and See What Happens
Don't Throw Away These Bags, See What They Can Do! TIMESTAMPS:
Take good care of the trash can 0:31
Use dryer sheets as a deodorant 1:10
Spread the aroma through the vents 1:30
Clean the carpet 1:52
Onions to freshen your basement 2:24
Combat mold for good 2:47
No more stinky sneakers 3:20
Take care of the washing machine 3:41
Start your own spa 4:09
Keep the toilets shiny clean 4:39
Let it roll 5:05
Lemons for your garbage disposal 5:28
Wash away dishwasher smell 5:51
Baking soda for the fridge 6:21
Make use of coffee grounds 6:42
Vanilla extract in your freezer 7:00
Chase away the smell of fried fish 7:18
Use citrus power 7:45
Clean the microwave 8:21
Get some house plants 8:46
Take care of the kitty litter box 9:02 #cleaning #aromatherapy #brightside SUMMARY:
– Before you put a new empty bag inside the can, clean it well, because the can itself accumulates smells that stick around.
– Use dryer sheets as a deodorant. Place them in shoe closets, musty areas, trash cans, and gym bags. – Another tip with dryer sheets that works like magic – put a few of them behind the vents in every room.
– To chase away bacteria that accumulates in the carpet and get rid of urine smells, rub the carpet with a vinegar and water mix with a cloth, and then rinse it well with water. – Your favorite sneakers can make the whole closet stink, but that’s no reason to throw them away. Instead, try sprinkling baking soda inside them and leave it overnight. – Tie some strong fragrant herbs like lemon balm, thyme or rosemary in the far corner of the shower to keep them away from water. – Another obvious stinky source is the toilet. Vinegar will help you combat that. Pour one cup inside, and spray the seat and the outsides with it as well.
– To keep your garbage disposal from smelling like total trash, drop a sliced lemon, lime or an orange in it when it’s running. – Your fridge accumulates all sorts of smells from the food inside. Baking soda, with its unique chemical properties, will help to absorb them and make it smell neutral.
– Stuff a nylon stocking with coffee grounds and keep it in the back of the fridge for a natural deodorizing effect. – To fix the odor problems in your ice box, swipe it on the inside with a cotton ball soaked in vanilla extract.
– To make your kitchen, or the entire house, smell like a citrus garden, use orange peels! Dry them overnight, then boil 5 or 6 of them in a pot of water with the lid off for a couple of hours. – To make the microwave smell like new with basically no effort, drop a sponge or rag you use to do the dishes soaked in dishwasher inside and turn it on for about 5 minutes.
– Activated charcoal will help you solve the stinky kitty litter problem. It’s naturally great at absorbing odors, especially those produced by pets. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More An Easy Trick to Remove Any Odor from Your House Videos

How to Remove Any Odor from Your House

What do cinnamon rolls, a rose garden, and fresh linen have in common? That’s right, they all smell so good you can’t get enough of that aroma. The good news is your house can smell just as dreamy if you follow some simple tips! Do you know, for example, how vinegar can help you combat stinky toilet? Or why you should keep baking soda in your fridge? Or how to deodorize your bathroom? Oh, this one is really cool! Just sprinkle the cardboard tube inside toilet paper roll with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Whenever you rip off a piece of toilet paper in the future, the essential oil smell will come out and deodorize the room! Other videos you might like:
Put Vinegar Into a Toilet, and Watch What Happens
Pour Baking Soda on Your Bed, and See What Happens
Don't Throw Away These Bags, See What They Can Do! TIMESTAMPS:
Take good care of the trash can 0:31
Use dryer sheets as a deodorant 1:10
Spread the aroma through the vents 1:30
Clean the carpet 1:52
Onions to freshen your basement 2:24
Combat mold for good 2:47
No more stinky sneakers 3:20
Take care of the washing machine 3:41
Start your own spa 4:09
Keep the toilets shiny clean 4:39
Let it roll 5:05
Lemons for your garbage disposal 5:28
Wash away dishwasher smell 5:51
Baking soda for the fridge 6:21
Make use of coffee grounds 6:42
Vanilla extract in your freezer 7:00
Chase away the smell of fried fish 7:18
Use citrus power 7:45
Clean the microwave 8:21
Get some house plants 8:46
Take care of the kitty litter box 9:02 #cleaning #aromatherapy #brightside SUMMARY:
– Before you put a new empty bag inside the can, clean it well, because the can itself accumulates smells that stick around.
– Use dryer sheets as a deodorant. Place them in shoe closets, musty areas, trash cans, and gym bags. – Another tip with dryer sheets that works like magic – put a few of them behind the vents in every room.
– To chase away bacteria that accumulates in the carpet and get rid of urine smells, rub the carpet with a vinegar and water mix with a cloth, and then rinse it well with water. – Your favorite sneakers can make the whole closet stink, but that’s no reason to throw them away. Instead, try sprinkling baking soda inside them and leave it overnight. – Tie some strong fragrant herbs like lemon balm, thyme or rosemary in the far corner of the shower to keep them away from water. – Another obvious stinky source is the toilet. Vinegar will help you combat that. Pour one cup inside, and spray the seat and the outsides with it as well.
– To keep your garbage disposal from smelling like total trash, drop a sliced lemon, lime or an orange in it when it’s running. – Your fridge accumulates all sorts of smells from the food inside. Baking soda, with its unique chemical properties, will help to absorb them and make it smell neutral.
– Stuff a nylon stocking with coffee grounds and keep it in the back of the fridge for a natural deodorizing effect. – To fix the odor problems in your ice box, swipe it on the inside with a cotton ball soaked in vanilla extract.
– To make your kitchen, or the entire house, smell like a citrus garden, use orange peels! Dry them overnight, then boil 5 or 6 of them in a pot of water with the lid off for a couple of hours. – To make the microwave smell like new with basically no effort, drop a sponge or rag you use to do the dishes soaked in dishwasher inside and turn it on for about 5 minutes.
– Activated charcoal will help you solve the stinky kitty litter problem. It’s naturally great at absorbing odors, especially those produced by pets. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More How to Remove Any Odor from Your House Videos

15 Riddles to Deal with Any Situation

Hey, bright siders! It’s time for some brain fitness! Yes, your brain needs workouts, just like your body, to keep it sharp and help you get smarter in no time. Scientists have proved solving riddle sand logical puzzles helps increase your IQ level and boosting your logical and analytical skills that are useful for work and school. So, ready to check that big brain of yours to see if you can get through these brain-twisting riddles? And, keep track of how many you get right – your results await at the end! Other videos you might like:
18 Tricky Riddles That'll Stretch Your Brain
If You Solve One-Third of These Riddles, Tell Your Friends You're a Genius
12 Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive TIMESTAMPS:
A Tough Choice 0:20
A Desert Island 1:18
Lost in the Jungle 2:11
A Missing Element 3:04
A Dangerous Show 3:31
Locked in the Dark 4:23
Think Fast 5:51
An Elevator Crash 6:41
A Blackout 7:14
Hit and Run 8:04
Trapped in a Castle 8:52
A Fall or Poison? 9:55
Reading in the Dark 10:34
A Famous Pirate 11:15
What Am I? 11:59
Your results 12:26 #riddles #puzzles #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. You’re sailing around the world when you get caught in a terrible storm. When you come round, you find yourself on a beach surrounded by angry locals. Choose the option that will let you survive. – #2. David and Hannah got stranded on a tiny uninhabited island. Hannah got a bright idea. Soon after, the plane picked them up in no time. What was Hannah’s idea?
– #3. One sunny morning, a traveler is wandering through the jungle. All of a sudden, the path he's taking splits up into 3 smaller roads. Which road is the safest?
– #4. Which element isn't on the periodic table? (Here’s a hint: they use it all the time in movies!)
– #5. You agreed to take part in a reality show, but it turned out to be a trap from a crazed lunatic. He tells you to dive into one of 4 tanks. In which tank will you have more chances to survive? – #6. John told Mike that he’d gone to grab a bite in the cafeteria only to find it was closed that day. Suddenly, someone hit him on the head, and the next thing he knew, he was locked in the classroom. Mike had 4 suspects in mind.
– #7. You're kidnapped and locked in a room with an explosive that will detonate in 3 minutes. You can escape through one of 3 doors, but behind each of them, danger awaits. What's your choice?
– #8. If you find yourself in a falling elevator, what should you do: jump at the moment of impact or drop to the floor and cover your head? – #9. After a powerful earthquake, there’s a blackout in your town. Some bad guys take advantage of the darkness to kidnap you for ransom. The building where you're kept has 3 doors you can use to escape. Choose one.
– #10. A woman was hit by a car that sped away right after the accident. The detective figured out the suspect was lying right away. How? – #11. You find yourself trapped in a medieval castle, far away from civilization. However, there are 3 doors, one of which can lead you to freedom. Which door should you choose? – #12. In which situation do you have more chances to survive: if you're falling from a 10-story building or if you get surrounded by mean-looking snakes?
– #13. Mark got a new book for his birthday. The plot was so exciting that he couldn't stop and kept reading the story until late at night. Mark continued reading even though it was pitch-dark. How was that possible? – #14. Captain Jack was an infamous and feared pirate who’d robbed thousands of ships with the help of one simple trick. It allowed him to approach any ship from any country easily and closely enough to board it without any problems. What was his secret?
– #15. Ice melts when you heat it up. But if you heat me, I solidify. What am I? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 15 Riddles to Deal with Any Situation Videos

15 Riddles to Deal with Dangerous Situations

Hey, bright siders! It’s time for some brain fitness! Yes, your brain needs workouts, just like your body, to keep it sharp and help you get smarter in no time. Scientists have proved solving riddle sand logical puzzles helps increase your IQ level and boosting your logical and analytical skills that are useful for work and school. So, ready to check that big brain of yours to see if you can get through these brain-twisting riddles? And, keep track of how many you get right – your results await at the end! Other videos you might like:
18 Tricky Riddles That'll Stretch Your Brain
If You Solve One-Third of These Riddles, Tell Your Friends You're a Genius
12 Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive TIMESTAMPS:
A Tough Choice 0:20
A Desert Island 1:18
Lost in the Jungle 2:11
A Missing Element 3:04
A Dangerous Show 3:31
Locked in the Dark 4:23
Think Fast 5:51
An Elevator Crash 6:41
A Blackout 7:14
Hit and Run 8:04
Trapped in a Castle 8:52
A Fall or Poison? 9:55
Reading in the Dark 10:34
A Famous Pirate 11:15
What Am I? 11:59
Your results 12:26 #riddles #puzzles #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. You’re sailing around the world when you get caught in a terrible storm. When you come round, you find yourself on a beach surrounded by angry locals. Choose the option that will let you survive. – #2. David and Hannah got stranded on a tiny uninhabited island. Hannah got a bright idea. Soon after, the plane picked them up in no time. What was Hannah’s idea?
– #3. One sunny morning, a traveler is wandering through the jungle. All of a sudden, the path he's taking splits up into 3 smaller roads. Which road is the safest?
– #4. Which element isn't on the periodic table? (Here’s a hint: they use it all the time in movies!)
– #5. You agreed to take part in a reality show, but it turned out to be a trap from a crazed lunatic. He tells you to dive into one of 4 tanks. In which tank will you have more chances to survive? – #6. John told Mike that he’d gone to grab a bite in the cafeteria only to find it was closed that day. Suddenly, someone hit him on the head, and the next thing he knew, he was locked in the classroom. Mike had 4 suspects in mind.
– #7. You're kidnapped and locked in a room with an explosive that will detonate in 3 minutes. You can escape through one of 3 doors, but behind each of them, danger awaits. What's your choice?
– #8. If you find yourself in a falling elevator, what should you do: jump at the moment of impact or drop to the floor and cover your head? – #9. After a powerful earthquake, there’s a blackout in your town. Some bad guys take advantage of the darkness to kidnap you for ransom. The building where you're kept has 3 doors you can use to escape. Choose one.
– #10. A woman was hit by a car that sped away right after the accident. The detective figured out the suspect was lying right away. How? – #11. You find yourself trapped in a medieval castle, far away from civilization. However, there are 3 doors, one of which can lead you to freedom. Which door should you choose? – #12. In which situation do you have more chances to survive: if you're falling from a 10-story building or if you get surrounded by mean-looking snakes?
– #13. Mark got a new book for his birthday. The plot was so exciting that he couldn't stop and kept reading the story until late at night. Mark continued reading even though it was pitch-dark. How was that possible? – #14. Captain Jack was an infamous and feared pirate who’d robbed thousands of ships with the help of one simple trick. It allowed him to approach any ship from any country easily and closely enough to board it without any problems. What was his secret?
– #15. Ice melts when you heat it up. But if you heat me, I solidify. What am I? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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