Category Archives: Bright Side News

30 Things to Throw Away in the Next 30 Days

According to the National Association of Professional Organizers, we spend at least 1 year of our lives looking for stuff. So why do we hold on to things? The answer is simple. Not everything comes with an expiration date. So, we’re unsure when we should get rid of old items. But, ditching things that we no longer use can help us maximize space and improve productivity. To help yourself declutter, you have to follow one simple rule. Chuck away anything you haven’t used in the past two years. Now, don’t go around putting everything in boxes. That’ll create a huge mess. Instead, do one item at a time! Other videos you might like:
15 Cooking Tricks Chefs Reveal Only at Culinary Schools
Pour Baking Soda on Your Bed, and See What Happens
Put Vinegar Into a Toilet, and Watch What Happens TIMESTAMPS:
Unmatched socks 1:04
CDs and DVDs 1:24
Old knives 1:42
Hair ties 2:01
Old condiment packets 2:24
Expired spices 2:47
Rusty Razors 3:14
Sheets 3:36
Plastic Bags 3:52
Containers without lids 4:07
Expensive skincare 4:21
Dead Batteries 4:42
Outdated magazines and newspapers 5:06
Office supplies 5:30
Excess coffee mugs 5:49
Old Phones 6:09
Travel Toiletries 6:25
Empty notebooks and journals 6:44
Power Cords 6:57
Calendars 7:15
Receipts 7:33
Clothes that no longer fit you 7:50
Old prescriptions and Supplements 8:12
Take out menus 8:41
Greeting Cards 9:05
Loofah 9:22
Cardboard boxes 9:45
Damaged Dinnerware 10:02
Appliances 10:19
Old Towels 10:35 #throwitaway #cleanhome #brightside SUMMARY:
– The only reason to keep single socks is if you’re looking to get crafty and upcycle them. – People put a lot of pride and effort into creating their movie collections, but with the push of a button, you can transfer all of them on to a hard-drive.
– Show your hair some love. It’s better to invest in a few good quality hairbands than having a 100 of them constantly breaking. – We hold on to our spices in case we need to give our dishes some extra flavor. But, we keep them way too long. – Razors that are kept in a moist environment tend to get rusty twice as fast. Shaving with rusty razors can cause burns and skin infections.
– There are places you can take your plastic bags and recycle them, putting an end to the ever-growing mass. – Skincare products that are rarely used are a great source of bacterial growth. So, it’s safer for your skin if you get rid of them. – Things like colored pens and little note pads make us feel more organized. But the ones that’ve been sitting in your drawer can be donated. – The truth is, most of us have a few favorite coffee mugs. The rest of them sit in a cupboard collecting dust. – There are better ways to remember your adventurous vacation than holding on to tiny shampoo and soap bottles from the hotel you stayed in.
– Unless you’re an electrician or an engineer who can get inventive with their old power cords, there’s no reason to keep them. – If you still have the receipt from the take-out place you ate lunch at a week ago, then you know what to do. – This is a huge mistake! There are many things that can go wrong with old prescription medication, so it’s better to get rid of them.
– Take-out menus are like emergency service phone numbers. But with all the take-out places having their menus online, there’s no reason to keep them. – If your loofah is more than a month old, it should be replaced. As time progresses, they get dirtier.
– Whether it’s a keyboard waffle maker or a normal toaster that you’ve used once, don’t hold on to it. Some appliances are more trouble to use than to not.
– If your bathroom towels begin to feel like cardboard boxes, this is a sign that they’ve reached their lifespan. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Strange Flying Objects Emerge Out of Nowhere in Russia

Among all the mysterious places where scientific laws seem to break down, there’s one that hides its bizarre secrets behind the mask of a modest appearance. Peculiar lightning suddenly swarms the place, strange-shaped flying objects emerge out of nowhere, and even the ground below appears to be riddled with tunnels too smooth to be natural. This unusual place has an equally unusual name – the Medveditskaya Ridge. It can be roughly translated as Bear River Ridge, after the Medveditsa River that runs along the side of this chain of hills in western Russia. The strangeness of this area becomes visible only if you dare to take a closer look. Locals would rather avoid this region entirely, which is probably why you’ll have a hard time just finding a mere footpath to cross the ridge. And they have good reason to stay far away from these hills… Other videos you might like:
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica
A Train Lost in a Tunnel in Italy, No One Can Find It
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused TIMESTAMPS:
Bizarre scars in the tree trunks 1:42
Could ball lightning be a hallucination? 3:02
Or is it a special plasma? 4:46
Declassified UFO study 6:17
Unnaturally smooth tunnels 7:50 #anomaly #phenomenon #brightside SUMMARY:
– Take a closer look at the trees – they’re twisted and bent. Some of them have nasty burns and smooth round-shaped scars in their trunks.
– Ball lightning – there’s no other place in the whole world where it can be seen this consistently and in such numbers. These electric spheres floating here and there can be anywhere from half an inch to 6ft in diameter! – The ball lightning phenomenon is one of the strongest there is. But the problem is that this phenomenon happens so rarely that it’s hard to collect any cohesive information about it. – One of the theories suggests that there’s no such thing as ball lightning – it’s only an illusion or hallucination. – When you mistakenly look at something too bright or catch a sunbeam in your eye, it stings and then you start to see a bright green or yellowish dot everywhere you look.
– But that’s still not the case in the Medveditskaya Ridge. There, these fireballs can emerge at any time, even if there’s not a single storm cloud in the sky. – Another less skeptical theory implies that fireballs can be the result of steam behaving abnormally.
– The most fitting ball lightning theories are those that relate to hot plasma. The only problem is that plasma doesn’t exist for more than a split second in normal conditions.
– The Medveditskaya Ridge is also famous for apparent UFO sightings! Allegedly, unidentified objects often have a triangular shape and appear to be a lot bigger than any ball lightning ever seen in this region. – No wonder the Medveditskaya Ridge became a hot spot for UFO enthusiasts. A lot of them believe that the hills themselves are riddled with tunnels.
– Devices that measure echolocation did show that these tunnels go deep below the ground. They also have an unnaturally linear shape and smooth internal coverage. All the investigators that have come to the Medveditskaya Ridge since 1982 agree on one thing: these tunnels couldn’t have been made by nature alone. – There is a theory that an unknown indigenous tribe might’ve chosen this mysterious place as a burial ground for their rulers and other people of power. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Strange Flying Objects Emerge Out of Nowhere in Russia Videos

19 Things You Can’t Do During Severe Weather

Thunderstorms, tornadoes, and other kinds of severe weather may seem beautiful and mesmerizing, but you should never forget that they can also be an extremely dangerous phenomenon. Surely, you shouldn't hole up every time you hear thunder, but it only makes sense to go inside when the storm starts brewing. Did you know, for example, that the electrical currents created by lightning can travel through the water pipes in your house? Or that touching an electrified faucet can lead to very dramatic consequences? And if you're one of those people who believe that opening windows during a storm equalizes the pressure and prevents them from shattering, it might be time to revise your beliefs. So, yes, even indoors, there are things you must never do during severe weather if you want to stay safe. Here they are! Other videos you might like:
7 Ways to Survive Natural Disasters
2 Ways to Save Yourself From Drowning According to Olympic Swimmers
10 Ways to Survive an Earthquake, According to Experts TIMESTAMPS:
Taking a shower 0:31 Using a landline 0:49
Leaving a plastic water container on a concrete floor 1:15
Ignoring the state of your hair 1:45
Lightening candles 2:15
Doing the dishes 2:40
Evacuating during a tornado 2:56
Running generators indoors 3:13
Leaving your pets outside 3:45
Standing near a window 4:09
Opening a window 4:42
Keeping your laptop plugged 5:02
Overusing your fridge 5:36
Boarding up your windows 5:59
Turning your TV and radio off at once 6:23
Using a charcoal grill indoors 6:49
Touching concrete structures 7:19
Doing anything that can lead to injuries 7:34
Getting locked in 7:56 #safety #protectyourself #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you manage to, avoid talking on this type of phone during a lightning storm. It can easily get inside your house, not only through your water and plumbing systems but also through the wiring.
– If you keep your water supply in plastic containers in a place with a concrete floor, store them either on a wooden pallet or on a piece of cardboard.
– When the positive charge of your body interacts with the negative charge of the storm, it makes your hair stand up.
– The problem with candles is that they can also start a fire. But during a bad storm, there might not be phone service, and as a result, you won't be able to get through to the fire department – As soon as you hear a tornado warning, immediately hide, either in the innermost room of your house or in the basement.
– A generator engine, just like any other combustion engine, emits carbon monoxide, a harmful gas that can cause a splitting headache and make you pass out.
– Contrary to popular belief, by standing at the window during a severe storm, you put yourself at risk of getting hurt by shattered glass.
– If you need to do some urgent work on your laptop, and a storm is raging outside, make sure that your computer isn't plugged into the wall. – Do NOT turn your TV or radio off immediately, and listen to the weather updates. Remember that paying attention may save your life. – If you don't want the lightning to get to you, avoid standing next to concrete structures or leaning on them. – When a storm is raging outside, try not to get engaged in any risky activities. – You probably know that garage door openers tend to lock up as soon as the power is off. Luckily, there’s a special cord which releases the door from the opener in case of an emergency. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 19 Things You Can’t Do During Severe Weather Videos

20 Tricky Riddles You Must Solve to Live On

Where do you have the most absurd things getting the most logical explanations? That’s right: in brain teasers! How about to solve these ones to check your intellect? But I warn you, they are really tricky! Think you're smart enough to crack them? By the way, scientists have proven that riddles help you boost your thinking abilities and improve your attention span. So if you're confident about your intellectual abilities and ready to solve some tricky puzzles to flex your brain muscles, let's get started! Other videos you might like:
35 Best Detective Riddles Only the Smartest 2% Can Crack
If You Solve One-Third of These Riddles, Tell Your Friends You're a Genius
7 Riddles That Will Test Your Brain Power TIMESTAMPS:
Returning ball 0:24
New York – Dallas 0:56
Cow on a leash 1:35
People wearing masks 2:08
Sundial 2:42
Big family 3:15
Choose a barber 3:41
Trains on a bridge 4:25
The one about pennies 4:57
Carrot, a scarf, and several pieces of coal 5:28
Walking horse 5:58
A predictor 6:32
“Good afternoon, General!” 7:06
GTNTL (What the…) 7:36
Subtracting two from fifty 8:03
Jack and his lawyer 8:27
What did the wise man say? 9:00
A man who lives on the 15th floor 9:51
How to spot a cat 10:36
Freefall 11:15
πŸ’₯ Bonus 11:49
πŸ‘‰ Your results πŸ‘ˆ 12:41 #riddles #puzzles #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. A ball doesn’t bounce off anything, and there’s nobody else there but you, yet the ball still comes straight back into your hands. How can this be?
– #2. Then let’s get serious. A man is sitting in his cabin in New York. A few hours later he walks out of this same cabin in Dallas. How is this possible?
– #3. A cow is tied with a 10-foot rope. There’s a bale of hay 50 feet away from it, but the animal still easily goes and eats it. How does it do that?
– #4. A person leaves home and makes three left turns. Then he (or she) runs back home and meets two people wearing masks. Who are they?
– #5. If a sundial has the least moving parts of any timepiece, then which one has the most?
– #6. Parents have 5 sons, and each son has a sister. How many children do they have?
– #7. There are only two barbers in town. Which one should you choose to give you a haircut?
– #8. One of the trains finishes crossing it much later than the first. Why?
– #9. Why are 1990 pennies worth more than 1989 pennies?
– #10. There’s a carrot, a scarf, and several pieces of coal randomly lying around a lawn. How have they ended up there?
– #11. Two of horse's legs made 31 miles, while the other two only made 30 miles. How is this possible?
– #12. Mr. Jenkins doesn’t have any superpowers, but he can predict the score of any football match before it begins. How?
– #13. A man walks into a restaurant, and the waiter, seeing him for the first time in his life, says, “Good afternoon, General!” How did he know? – #14. Guess the next three letters in a sequence: GTNTL
– #15. How many times can you subtract two from fifty?
– #16. Jack is talking to his lawyer in jail. They have just lost the case and are both upset. After the talk, Jack leaves the jail and goes home. How is this possible?
– #17. What did the wise man say to two brothers? – #18. Why does a man walk those four floors?
– #19. You’re walking along the street alone. There are no stars or the moon in the sky, the streetlamps aren’t working. How did you spot a cat?
– #20. How can you fall out of a window of a 30-story building and get up with hardly a scratch, if there’s no rescue team holding a net for you and nobody else is going to help you? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 20 Tricky Riddles You Must Solve to Live On Videos

20 Riddles You Must Solve to Live On

Where do you have the most absurd things getting the most logical explanations? That’s right: in brain teasers! How about to solve these ones to check your intellect? But I warn you, they are really tricky! Think you're smart enough to crack them? By the way, scientists have proven that riddles help you boost your thinking abilities and improve your attention span. So if you're confident about your intellectual abilities and ready to solve some tricky puzzles to flex your brain muscles, let's get started! Other videos you might like:
35 Best Detective Riddles Only the Smartest 2% Can Crack
If You Solve One-Third of These Riddles, Tell Your Friends You're a Genius
7 Riddles That Will Test Your Brain Power TIMESTAMPS:
Returning ball 0:24
New York – Dallas 0:56
Cow on a leash 1:35
People wearing masks 2:08
Sundial 2:42
Big family 3:15
Choose a barber 3:41
Trains on a bridge 4:25
The one about pennies 4:57
Carrot, a scarf, and several pieces of coal 5:28
Walking horse 5:58
A predictor 6:32
“Good afternoon, General!” 7:06
GTNTL (What the…) 7:36
Subtracting two from fifty 8:03
Jack and his lawyer 8:27
What did the wise man say? 9:00
A man who lives on the 15th floor 9:51
How to spot a cat 10:36
Freefall 11:15
πŸ’₯ Bonus 11:49
πŸ‘‰ Your results πŸ‘ˆ 12:41 #riddles #puzzles #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. A ball doesn’t bounce off anything, and there’s nobody else there but you, yet the ball still comes straight back into your hands. How can this be?
– #2. Then let’s get serious. A man is sitting in his cabin in New York. A few hours later he walks out of this same cabin in Dallas. How is this possible?
– #3. A cow is tied with a 10-foot rope. There’s a bale of hay 50 feet away from it, but the animal still easily goes and eats it. How does it do that?
– #4. A person leaves home and makes three left turns. Then he (or she) runs back home and meets two people wearing masks. Who are they?
– #5. If a sundial has the least moving parts of any timepiece, then which one has the most?
– #6. Parents have 5 sons, and each son has a sister. How many children do they have?
– #7. There are only two barbers in town. Which one should you choose to give you a haircut?
– #8. One of the trains finishes crossing it much later than the first. Why?
– #9. Why are 1990 pennies worth more than 1989 pennies?
– #10. There’s a carrot, a scarf, and several pieces of coal randomly lying around a lawn. How have they ended up there?
– #11. Two of horse's legs made 31 miles, while the other two only made 30 miles. How is this possible?
– #12. Mr. Jenkins doesn’t have any superpowers, but he can predict the score of any football match before it begins. How?
– #13. A man walks into a restaurant, and the waiter, seeing him for the first time in his life, says, “Good afternoon, General!” How did he know? – #14. Guess the next three letters in a sequence: GTNTL
– #15. How many times can you subtract two from fifty?
– #16. Jack is talking to his lawyer in jail. They have just lost the case and are both upset. After the talk, Jack leaves the jail and goes home. How is this possible?
– #17. What did the wise man say to two brothers? – #18. Why does a man walk those four floors?
– #19. You’re walking along the street alone. There are no stars or the moon in the sky, the streetlamps aren’t working. How did you spot a cat?
– #20. How can you fall out of a window of a 30-story building and get up with hardly a scratch, if there’s no rescue team holding a net for you and nobody else is going to help you? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 20 Riddles You Must Solve to Live On Videos

13 Things We Keep Doing Wrong in the Bathroom

It’s your personal sanctuary, your private concert stage, the place where all your most ingenious ideas and random thoughts pop into your head, and other things just pop out. It's the bathroom, also known as the restroom, lavatory, and, for you engineers out there, it’s the cubical digestive elimination venue. But do you know that when it comes to what you’re doing in there, you probably make some common sanitation mistakes? For example, you think you're washing your hands correctly? Well, besides the water temperature, the problem is, the average person doesn’t spend enough time washing their hands. Or maybe you wash your face in the shower? Not the best option, too. By the way, where do you keep your towels? Right there in the bathroom? It's better to store them elsewhere (of course, unless you wanna rub fungus all over your body). Other videos you might like:
Why Your Dog Always Follows You Into The Bathroom
You Won't Use Your Phone Again in a Bathroom After Watching This
Are Public Toilets As Dangerous As We Think? TIMESTAMPS:
Are you paying attention to your toothbrush? 0:38
When did you buy that loofah? 1:23
Are you washing your hands correctly? 2:02
Do you go overboard with the exfoliation? 2:48
Does your shower curtain fit the tub? 3:33
Do you wash your face in the shower? 4:13
Do you use a towel after a shower? 4:40
Do you flush the right way? 5:16
Is your toilet brush clean enough? 6:12
Do you wear shower shoes? 7:07
Where do you keep your towels? 7:36
You using a medicine cabinet for medicine? 8:15
Are you making the most of your cleaning? 8:54 #hygiene #badhabits #brightside SUMMARY:
– Your toothbrush is home to more than 10 million bacteria, including E. coli! This nasty germ can cause diarrhea and vomiting. – You can’t really get clean in the shower if you’re rubbing germs all over your body. You should throw away your loofah if it’s older than 3 weeks. – No difference in washing up with hot or cold water if you scrub, rinse, and dry them properly. In both cases, you’ll remove pretty much the same number of bacteria.
– Exfoliating your body in the shower is a great way to remove dead skin cells and dirt. But if you do it way too often, it can dry out your skin. – If your shower curtain is too long and wide for your tub, it’ll keep bulging and folding in different places. Those places become damp, humid, and confined after each shower. And that’s a perfect environment for mold to grow. – Washing your face with freezing cold water can lead to broken blood vessels, causing little thread veins to appear. The best option here is to use lukewarm water and do it over the sink. – It’s better to gently pat your skin with a towel post-shower. And if you’re going to use any moisturizer, put it on right away after you’ve stepped out of the shower.
– If you flush the toilet while the lid is up, then tiny particles from um…whatever you just left in the toilet — will spray up in the air over a 15-foot radius.
– The toilet brush should soak in water mixed with bleach for a bit and then be dried fully. The holder needs to be disinfected too. – Many people wrongly believe that the dirtiest place in a bathroom is the toilet seat. But in reality, the floor has much more bacteria, especially if you don’t follow that lid-closing tip!
– You using a medicine cabinet for medicine? The heat and moisture in your bathroom can mess with its chemistry.
– Not many are aware of the little secret that can make a cleaning sesh even more effective. Raising the air temperature by 10 degrees will be enough to make the alkaline cleansers you use work their magic better and faster. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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19 Things That Don’t Exist Outside the US

For most of the world, Americans seem to be exporting just about everything, from movies to McDonald’s. But if you think you can see everything American without visiting America, think again. There’s stuff that the U.S. seems to reserve just for itself. For example, in America, you’ll hardly find a restaurant where you won’t be offered a doggy bag at the end of your meal if you come with your pooch. Also, the United States is the only country, apart from New Zealand, where drugs are freely advertised just about anywhere, all items in stores are tagged with prices that don’t include VAT or value-added tax, and kitchen scraps are disposed of right in the sink. Interested? So let’s experiment. Let’s all pretend that we’re a first time visitor to the US, and check out what’s really worth giving a try! Other videos you might like:
What Every Country In the World Is Best At?
13 Weird Things People Believe In Different Countries
Here's What Gangs From All Over the World Look Like TIMESTAMPS:
Spray cheese 0:32
Doggy bags 1:01
Black Friday 1:36
Supersize 2:11
Tipping everyone 2:44
Yellow school buses 3:14
Medical advertising 3:40
Unused vacations 4:09
Surprise prices 4:38
Imperial units 5:10
A question instead of a greeting 5:41
Date writing order 6:14
Patriotism 6:59
Road trips 7:34
Garbage disposal in the sink 8:05
Prom night 8:26
Peanut shells on the floor 8:52
Red Solo cups 9:23
Free refills 9:46 #usa #america #brightside SUMMARY:
– Things like Cheez Whiz or Squeeze Cheese have a strong flavor and add delicious notes to any dish that goes well with cheese.
– Although this tradition is slowly but steadily being adopted by other countries, the American Black Friday is still a thing to behold. Most shops throw incredible discounts.
– Wherever you go to have a snack, be prepared to see supersized helpings. This is mostly a fast food feature/
– In the US, you tip basically everyone in the service industry, be it a hairdresser or a valet. – Of all things American, these vehicles have become pretty much a hallmark of the United States. No movie featuring school kids goes without a yellow bus taking them to school. – This is something nobody from other countries understands — at least from those with healthier attitudes towards work. For some reason, Americans voluntarily work more than they are required to. – When you’re shopping big, make sure you have some extra cash to spend above the price tag of your goodies, because a sales tax will be added at checkout.
– The United States is literally the only country that still hasn’t switched to the metric system of units.
– Usually it’s some form of greeting, like “hello” or “hi.” Well, in the US, you ask a rhetorical question first. – Everyone loves their countries, granted. But how some Americans celebrate their homeland could be viewed as a little over the top. – While in many other places in the world, people tend to fly or at least travel by train, Americans’ preferred type of travel is driving. – Prom is one of the biggest occasions in any American student’s life. Their parents can spend hundreds and even thousands of bucks for their kids to have a prom they’d remember for the rest of their lives. – No one knows why, but throwing the shell on the floor after eating a peanut is a sort of a tradition in the US. Like anywhere else, littering is an offence, yet peanut shells seem to be exempt from this law. – Red Solos have become a staple in the US pop culture, and they’re more strongly associated with American parties than pretty much anything else.
– Adding to the supersized portions I mentioned earlier, the US is famous for its free drink refills at any fast food joint. If you didn’t manage to quench your thirst with that huge Coke, please be my guest and have another one, free of charge. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 19 Things That Don’t Exist Outside the US Videos

The Fastest Journey to the Nearest Black Hole

Today, I'm setting off on a journey toward the nearest black hole. But don't worry – I'll keep you in the know by live-streaming my entire adventure! I'll have someone to talk to during the flight, and he can help me if things get really tough! My travel buddy's name is Liam. Liam is a robot with artificial intelligence. Space distances are seriously long. That's why traveling there would take way more time than you'd like to spend on the road! For example, Voyager 1, a space probe launched in 1977, was traveling out of the Solar System at a speed of 40,000 miles per hour. If my spacecraft moved at the same speed, it would take me a whole 77,000 years to get to the nearest star! But luckily, my spaceship is much faster than that. So let the journey begin! Other videos you might like:
The Solar System Is Not Like You Think It Is
The Alien Signals Mystery Might Have Been Solved
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused TIMESTAMPS:
The most expensive single object in the world 1:28
Low and high satellites 2:29
240,000 miles away from Earth 🌍 3:22
What an astronomic unit is 4:33
Outside of the Solar System β˜€οΈ 6:28
The point of no return 7:18
Goodbye, Liam! πŸ‘‹ 8:03 #space #blackhole #brightside SUMMARY:
– The International Space Station is the most expensive single object in the world. This money would buy you 250 Boeing 747s or two Louvre's with all the paintings and artwork inside! – Among satellites, there are low and high flyers. And while the lowest flying ones move approximately 1,250 miles away from Earth, the highest reach 22,000 miles into space. – Space distances are so vast, you can't even calculate them in miles. That's why scientists use the term "astronomic unit," which equals 93 million miles – the distance from the sun to Earth. That means I'm 9.3 billion miles away from our planet! – There's another trial ahead – the Oort Cloud. That means two things: first – we're on the outskirts of the Solar System; and second – we'll have to get through a cloud of icy objects orbiting the Sun at a distance of a 100,000 astronomic units!
– We're heading out of the Solar System just one-tenth of a light-year later. By the way, if you were trying to reach this point by car, the trip would take you more than 19 million years. – In the center of pretty much every galaxy, there’s a supermassive black hole. For example, one is sitting right at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy, about 27,000 light-years away from Earth.
– A black hole is an eerie place where those laws of physics we studied at school stop working. If a massive star runs out of its star fuel, it becomes super-dense and buckles under its own weight, collapsing inward and bringing space-time along.
– I won't go further than the horizon, aka the point of no return. Once an object crosses this invisible line, it can't turn back, even if it's changed its mind. – Liam says he's ready to start his journey. There he goes, bravely plunging toward the black hole while I'm recording everything that's happening to him. – Liam just froze, as if a gigantic finger has pressed a pause button, and now, some force is stretching him thinner and thinner! – It's the infamous spaghettification, which happens in a super-strong non-homogenous gravitational field!
– Liam is in a state of free-fall now, and feels no more stretching, scalding radiation, or gravity. Unfortunately, the connection is lost, and he can't tell me anything about the inside of the black hole. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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My Journey to the Nearest Black Hole (I Lost My Robot!)

Hey, guys! Today, I'm setting off on a journey toward the nearest black hole. Yep, risky and brave, that's me! But don't worry – I'll keep you in the know by live-streaming my entire adventure! By the way, this is not a solo journey. I'll have someone to talk to during the flight, and he can help me if things get really tough! My travel buddy's name is Liam. Liam is a robot with artificial intelligence. Space distances are seriously long. That's why traveling there would take way more time than you'd like to spend on the road! For example, Voyager 1, a space probe launched in 1977, was traveling out of the Solar System at a speed of 40,000 miles per hour. If my spacecraft moved at the same speed, it would take me a whole 77,000 years to get to the nearest star! But luckily, my spaceship is much faster than that. So let the journey begin! Other videos you might like:
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The most expensive single object in the world 1:28
Low and high satellites 2:29
240,000 miles away from Earth 🌍 3:22
What an astronomic unit is 4:33
Outside of the Solar System β˜€οΈ 6:28
The point of no return 7:18
Goodbye, Liam! πŸ‘‹ 8:03 #space #blackhole #brightside SUMMARY:
– The International Space Station is the most expensive single object in the world. This money would buy you 250 Boeing 747s or two Louvre's with all the paintings and artwork inside! – Among satellites, there are low and high flyers. And while the lowest flying ones move approximately 1,250 miles away from Earth, the highest reach 22,000 miles into space. – Space distances are so vast, you can't even calculate them in miles. That's why scientists use the term "astronomic unit," which equals 93 million miles – the distance from the sun to Earth. That means I'm 9.3 billion miles away from our planet! – There's another trial ahead – the Oort Cloud. That means two things: first – we're on the outskirts of the Solar System; and second – we'll have to get through a cloud of icy objects orbiting the Sun at a distance of a 100,000 astronomic units!
– We're heading out of the Solar System just one-tenth of a light-year later. By the way, if you were trying to reach this point by car, the trip would take you more than 19 million years. – In the center of pretty much every galaxy, there’s a supermassive black hole. For example, one is sitting right at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy, about 27,000 light-years away from Earth.
– A black hole is an eerie place where those laws of physics we studied at school stop working. If a massive star runs out of its star fuel, it becomes super-dense and buckles under its own weight, collapsing inward and bringing space-time along.
– I won't go further than the horizon, aka the point of no return. Once an object crosses this invisible line, it can't turn back, even if it's changed its mind. – Liam says he's ready to start his journey. There he goes, bravely plunging toward the black hole while I'm recording everything that's happening to him. – Liam just froze, as if a gigantic finger has pressed a pause button, and now, some force is stretching him thinner and thinner! – It's the infamous spaghettification, which happens in a super-strong non-homogenous gravitational field!
– Liam is in a state of free-fall now, and feels no more stretching, scalding radiation, or gravity. Unfortunately, the connection is lost, and he can't tell me anything about the inside of the black hole. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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