Category Archives: Bright Side News

Why Passenger Planes Can’t Fly Faster

Have you ever thought why planes can’t be faster? Everything else is speeding up: smartphones, the Internet, the pace of life in general! So when are we going to get a superfast passenger jet that can cross continents in the time it takes to watch just one inflight movie versus several? Speed has always interested engineers and pilots. At least at first, they were pretty good at getting these metal birds to fly faster and faster. As long ago as in 1945, a German test pilot reached a speed of 610 mph. But then, something happened and speed stopped growing. Any guesses why? Other videos you might like:
7 Air Travel Tips to Know Before Your Flight
The Shortest 57-Second Passenger Flight in the World
That's Why Airplane Seats Are Almost Always Blue TIMESTAMPS:
The Biking Downhill Effect 0:29
How air can cause problems with controlling a plane 1:19
When a Boeing 747 survived a fall at supersonic speed 🛬 4:10
Passenger planes that fly faster than sound 5:09
… and why we don't use them now 6:07
Btw, it's for the best. Wanna know why? 👉 6:52 #planes #aviation #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you’ve ever stuck your hand out the car window, then you know how much force air can have. You don’t feel anything if the car isn’t going that fast.
– Just imagine the aerodynamics of a plane flying faster than 767 mph. Air particles, which used to move around the plane in a kind of circle, now can’t keep up the pace.
– Flying at supersonic speeds against all that pressure from the air in front of you is like trying to run through a crowd.
– Still, there was a case in 1985 when a Boeing 747 survived a fall at supersonic speed.
– But what about planes actually meant to fly faster than sound? They have sharp edges and straight lines – unlike the softer contours in subsonic planes. They also have arrow-shaped or triangular wings.
– There were 2 jets used for commercial flights too: the British-French Concorde and the Soviet Tupolev TU-144. These bad boys could reach speeds of about 1,550 mph at a height of 60,000 ft. – The fate of TU-144 was dramatic and short-lived. It was only used for 3 years from 1975 to 1978 with just the last 6 months being commercial. – Concorde burned through 5,600 gallons of fuel per hour, while a Boeing 747 uses 4,600 in that time. – On top of that, when Concorde started flying across the Atlantic in the ‘70s, the 1st-class cabins did have bigger seats than economy, but they still weren’t very comfortable.
– And that’s probably for the best. Aviation engineers have worked out ideal shapes of planes and the most efficient speed. – The faster the plane is flying, the more the engines have to work. If the engines are constantly on full-blast, they don’t last as long and need to be replaced or repaired more often. – After all these years of experimentation, aviation engineers have found the ideal speed of flight: 560 mph. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Why Passenger Planes Can’t Fly Faster Videos

Two Pilots Saved a Man Who Felt Out of Another Plane

When Marine Second Lieutenant Walter Osipoff was boarding a plane on May 15, 1941, he didn't know yet that the flight would almost become his very last. Shortly after the takeoff, an accident that no one could have predicted left the man dangling high in the air, tangled in his parachute and hanging from the aircraft's tail in midflight. It was another regular sunny morning in California, and everything was calm at the North Island Naval airbase. There were no warning signs to the drama that was about to unfold in just a couple of hours. His parachute's ripcord got tangled with the automatic-release cord of the cargo cylinder, and the next thing he knew – his parachute was deploying inside the plane! Other videos you might like:
The Only Way to Survive a Free Fall from Plane
A Girl Survived 10,000 Feet Free Fall And 11 Days in the Jungle
Empty Tank at 41,000 Feet, So Pilots Did This TIMESTAMPS:
The unthinkable thing that happened to Walter Osipoff 0:30
What the plane's pilot decided to do 2:57
Two men who were ready to try the impossible 4:35
The rescue operation 5:52
How the story ended 7:51 #truestory #survivalstory #brightside SUMMARY:
– Walter Osipoff was getting ready for a routine parachute jump. – Most of his men had already jumped out of the aircraft when Osipoff decided it was time to send the cargo packs through the hatch.
– With one of the leg-straps and the chest-strap broken, Osipoff's parachute got wrapped around the DC-2's tail wheel. – Luckily, the seasoned parachutist knew well enough not to release the emergency chute.
– The only thing the man could think of was to keep his eyes tightly squeezed and his arms and legs crossed against the violent wind.
– The first person who figured out that something had gone wrong was the plane's pilot, Captain Harold Johnson. – Unfortunately, there was no radio on board, and Johnson couldn't call for help.
– Inside the airplane, the rest of the crew were struggling to find a way to pull Osipoff back to safety, but all their attempts failed since they couldn't reach the man. – But just when it seemed there was no hope for a happy ending, Lieutenant Bill Lowrey looked up at the sky. – Before, Lowrey and McCants had never flown together, but both were ready to try the impossible.
– Lowrey and McCants were flying at an altitude of 300 feet, right under the dangling parachutist, but the air was too bumpy to attempt an approach. – Osipoff was in pretty bad shape as well, and blood was already dripping from his helmet. It meant that Lowrey and McCants had to act fast and precisely. – Even though Lowrey was doing his best to keep the plane in the necessary position, they were desperately running out of time. – Miraculously, both planes were still flying, and Osipoff was still lying horizontally on top of the fuselage. Besides, during the collision, the biplane's propeller cut through the shroud lines, and the planes were free to land! – Osipoff, who was taken to the hospital after enduring his nightmarish 33-minute flight, made a complete recovery.
– After his release 6 months later, he returned to parachute jumping and got promoted to First Lieutenant. – As for Lowrey and McCants, both men got the Distinguished Flying Cross for extraordinary heroism. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Two Pilots Saved a Man Who Felt Out of Another Plane Videos

Two Pilots Saved a Man Dangling from Another Plane

When Marine Second Lieutenant Walter Osipoff was boarding a plane on May 15, 1941, he didn't know yet that the flight would almost become his very last. Shortly after the takeoff, an accident that no one could have predicted left the man dangling high in the air, tangled in his parachute and hanging from the aircraft's tail in midflight. It was another regular sunny morning in California, and everything was calm at the North Island Naval airbase. There were no warning signs to the drama that was about to unfold in just a couple of hours. His parachute's ripcord got tangled with the automatic-release cord of the cargo cylinder, and the next thing he knew – his parachute was deploying inside the plane! Other videos you might like:
The Only Way to Survive a Free Fall from Plane
A Girl Survived 10,000 Feet Free Fall And 11 Days in the Jungle
Empty Tank at 41,000 Feet, So Pilots Did This TIMESTAMPS:
The unthinkable thing that happened to Walter Osipoff 0:30
What the plane's pilot decided to do 2:57
Two men who were ready to try the impossible 4:35
The rescue operation 5:52
How the story ended 7:51 #truestory #survivalstory #brightside SUMMARY:
– Walter Osipoff was getting ready for a routine parachute jump. – Most of his men had already jumped out of the aircraft when Osipoff decided it was time to send the cargo packs through the hatch.
– With one of the leg-straps and the chest-strap broken, Osipoff's parachute got wrapped around the DC-2's tail wheel. – Luckily, the seasoned parachutist knew well enough not to release the emergency chute.
– The only thing the man could think of was to keep his eyes tightly squeezed and his arms and legs crossed against the violent wind.
– The first person who figured out that something had gone wrong was the plane's pilot, Captain Harold Johnson. – Unfortunately, there was no radio on board, and Johnson couldn't call for help.
– Inside the airplane, the rest of the crew were struggling to find a way to pull Osipoff back to safety, but all their attempts failed since they couldn't reach the man. – But just when it seemed there was no hope for a happy ending, Lieutenant Bill Lowrey looked up at the sky. – Before, Lowrey and McCants had never flown together, but both were ready to try the impossible.
– Lowrey and McCants were flying at an altitude of 300 feet, right under the dangling parachutist, but the air was too bumpy to attempt an approach. – Osipoff was in pretty bad shape as well, and blood was already dripping from his helmet. It meant that Lowrey and McCants had to act fast and precisely. – Even though Lowrey was doing his best to keep the plane in the necessary position, they were desperately running out of time. – Miraculously, both planes were still flying, and Osipoff was still lying horizontally on top of the fuselage. Besides, during the collision, the biplane's propeller cut through the shroud lines, and the planes were free to land! – Osipoff, who was taken to the hospital after enduring his nightmarish 33-minute flight, made a complete recovery.
– After his release 6 months later, he returned to parachute jumping and got promoted to First Lieutenant. – As for Lowrey and McCants, both men got the Distinguished Flying Cross for extraordinary heroism. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
Our Social Media:
5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Two Pilots Saved a Man Dangling from Another Plane Videos

13 Simple Poses To Keep Fit (Especially for Ladies)

It’s time to talk about female health and consider a few yoga asanas that’d be perfect for improving the health and mood of any woman. But you fellas don’t need to skip this video. Even though these simple exercises are perfect for the girls, you might also find them useful to improve your overall health, or relieve back pain, for instance. It’s known that yoga is an ancient practice that was initially implemented by men. That’s why it’s true that most of its aspects normally consider male nature, with its physical properties. So, from the long list of possible yoga asanas or poses, here are 13 that are the most helpful for you girls. They’re all concentrated on the state of the back and the blood circulation in the pelvis, the core of female health. Other videos you might like:
15 Yoga Poses That'll Change Your Body In Less Than a Month
15 Yoga Poses That'll Make Your Stomach Flat
7 Effective Yoga Poses for Breast Lifts TIMESTAMPS:
Mountain pose 0:53
Tree pose 1:35
Downward facing dog pose 2:16
One-legged-downward-facing dog pose 2:47
Downward facing hero pose 3:20
Cobra pose 3:39
Child pose 4:33
Camel pose 5:10
Butterfly pose 6:00
Opening pose 6:32
Candlestick pose 7:09
Shoulder bridge pose 7:40
Relaxation pose 8:14 #yoga #yogaforwomen #brighside SUMMARY:
– #1. Stand straight. Put your heels slightly apart so that your big toes touch each other. Don’t bend any part of your back or neck – your spine must be straight. Keep your shoulders back, and your chin parallel to the floor.
– #2. Standing straight, hold your arms to the side of your body. Bend your right knee, and then place your right foot high up on your left thigh. Make sure the sole is placed firm and flat above your knee joint, and your left knee is not bent. – #3. Make sure that both your hands and feet stay flat on the floor, your knees aren’t bent, and your overall body forms an upside down V-shape. Don’t lift your head up, and try to look directly in front of you. – #4. As you can tell from the name of this pose, it’ll be pretty much like the previous one, except you’ll need to straighten one leg and lift it up. – #5. Sit down on the floor, with your pelvis resting on your heels. Spread your knees to the sides, still keeping your feet together. Lean forward, trying to put your chest, palms, and forehead flat on the floor. Stretch your hands forward as far as you can.
– #6. Put your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Hug your elbows back into your body. Press the tops of your feet and thighs and the pelvis firmly into the floor. On an inhale, begin to straighten your arms to lift the chest off the floor. – #7. Kneel down on the floor and spread your knees hip-width apart. Make sure that your heels touch your backside. Take a deep breath and while exhaling, bend forward with your palms on the floor to reach with your arms as far as possible.
– #8. Raise your pelvis, inhaling, and lean on your heels in turn. Then, while inhaling, begin to move the pelvis forward, moving your center of gravity to your knees.
– #9. Sit straight, put your feet together, and spread your knees to the sides, lowering them as close to the floor as you can. Stretch upward, then lay forward, stretching your hands as far as you can, trying to put your stomach flat on the floor. – #10. Now, still sitting on the floor, spread your legs as wide as you can. Try not to bend your knees here. When breathing in, lift your hands up. When breathing out, lean forward as much as you can, but don’t round your back.
– #11. Now it’s time to lie down on your back. Bring your legs overhead, rolling your weight to your shoulders. Draw your elbows together and place your hands on your lower back for additional support. – #12. Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet shoulder-width apart, and put your arms along your sides. If you can, hold your hands over your ankles. Now slowly lift the pelvis up. – #13. After a nice set of calm workouts, it’s high time for the final relaxation. Lie on your back. Spread your legs and arms to the side, with your hands facing upward. Relax completely when breathing out. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 13 Simple Poses To Keep Fit (Especially for Ladies) Videos

14 Unique Proofs Asia is a New World

Asia is the biggest continent on this planet with a whole alphabet soup of countries and cultures for you to experience. If you have already or plan on making the trip, you might seriously feel like you’ve stepped into a whole new world! China alone had approximately 60.74 million international tourist arrivals in 2017. And it’s no wonder! Asia has always attracted people with its architecture, nature, and culture. You feel like you’re in a totally different world where you can sometimes even lose yourself. Well, if you saw that movie Avatar, you’ll be convinced you’re on another planet! Other videos you might like:
Scientists Finally Explain Why Asians Look So Cute
12 Strange Things in South Korea That Surprise an Inexperienced Traveler
10 Smallest Countries You Never Knew Existed TIMESTAMPS:
Out-of-this-world flavors 0:27
Sleeping people anywhere 0:52
One-of-a-kind animals 1:31
And some equally strange-looking plants…. 2:06
Lowest and highest points on land 2:38
Some bizarre inventions 3:21
Hotels with robot staff 4:04
Pandora on Earth 4:35
Not your run-of-the-mill adventure activities 5:19
Perfect marriage of nature and technology 6:07
Only one time zone 6:43
Teeth-blackening 7:21
Longest bridge in the world 8:01
The fountain of youth 8:36 #asia #travel #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you were ever curious about all the possible flavors your favorite snacks come in, then the Far East is your destination! – Don’t be shocked to see people grabbing a power nap in random public places.
– Asia has some of the most interesting animal species that can only be found on this continent. Take the Indian sloth bear, for instance. – Indonesia is also home to some bizarre flora. Ever seen a corpse flower? Ever smelled one? Eh, trust me, you don’t want to. – The great Mount Everest in the Himalayas, as you may know, is the highest peak on the planet, rising above sea level at a staggering 29,029 feet. – Asia has some weird inventions that you might be interested in owning. Japan’s Toyota-i-road is a combination of a car and a motorcycle. – The Zhangjiajie National Forest Park has the Southern Sky Column, which was actually officially renamed Avatar Mountain after the movie’s release!
– In China, there’s a perfectly trimmed juniper tree garden that, when looked at from above, turns out to be a QR code!
– China is one of the largest countries in the world, and you’d expect it to have at least 5 time zones, right? But it only has one, and that’s Beijing Time!
– Whereas most countries in the West spend a lot of time and money trying to make their teeth look whiter, some Asian cultures do the opposite! – Heading back to China, let’s look at the world’s longest bridge. That would be the Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge. – Japan itself has the most centenarians (that’s people who’ve celebrated their 100th birthday) per capita. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 14 Unique Proofs Asia is a New World Videos

44 Simple Cooking Tricks to Save Your Time

From time to time, we all face different insignificant issues while cooking. Overcooked chicken, lumpy sauce, or a piece of beef that you forgot to take out of the freezer to defrost for dinner can easily spoil your mood. And if the question "What’s for dinner tonight?" makes you feel a little uneasy — because you don't consider yourself the best cook in the world, turn off those competitive cooking shows – and tune in here! You're about to find out how to make crispy fries even crispier, peel tomatoes effortlessly, whip cream with no blender, and many other useful tricks! Here are some really cool cooking tricks. Having them under your sleeve will make cooking easy-peasy for you, help you to save time and avoid many problems while cooking! Other videos you might like:
4 Types of Toxic Cookware to Avoid and 4 Safe Alternatives
12 Unusual Cooking Tricks to Impress Your Friends
21 Invaluable Kitchen Hacks Few People Know Of TIMESTAMPS:
How to get rid of garlic smell 0:29
How to keep marshmallows soft 0:59
The best way to grate something 1:29
How to cut a watermelon 1:57
How to cook brown rice faster 2:30
How to peel eggs easily 2:57
How to get lemon juice 3:26
How to peel garlic easily 3:54
How to prolong parsley use 4:21
What if you need just a few drops of citrus juice 4:47
How to defrost something fast 5:09
How to cut a ton of cherry tomatoes 5:34
How to get a shiny pastry 6:03
How to get rid of lumps in a sauce 6:31
How to make crispy fries crispier 7:02
How to peel tomatoes effortlessly 7:25
How to make perfect sunny-side-up eggs 8:02
How to whip egg whites faster 8:33
Why you should dry a steak off with a paper towel 8:56
The best trick for a mouth-watering vegetable cream soup 9:40 #cookingtricks #cookinghacks #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you’re a fan of marshmallows, then you should know how to keep them soft and tasty. All you have to do is put them in a jar with brown sugar.
– Want an ice-cream that won’t be a threat to your weight? Just put a stick in a cup of yogurt and let it freeze in the freezer.
– When you cook pasta, finish it for 1-2 minutes right in the pan with the sauce. – Your brown sugar clumped into pieces? A piece of soft white bread will solve the problem. Put it in a jar with the sugar and it’ll break back down into sandy granules in a few hours.
– The easiest way to peel a kiwi looks like this – chop it off at both sides, take a spoon, and push it in between the fruit and the skin to scoop out the flesh by turning the fruit until all the skin falls off the back of the spoon.
– If you've cut an avocado in two, save it from turning brown by putting a few drops of lemon juice on the pulp.
– To make your fresh herbs last longer, store them in the fridge with their stems in a glass of water, like a bouquet of flowers.
– Want your burgers to cook evenly? Make a small indent in the center of it with your thumb when it's on a grill or a pan. – Want to whip cream but have no blender? You can simply shake the cream in a mason jar. But, hey, don't forget to put the lid on! – Keep a knife under really hot water for a minute, then dry it with a paper towel if you want to make a clean cut through any sticky dessert like a cheesecake. – If you've overcooked chicken and it's too dry, cut up the pieces, add some mayo, some spices, and your favorite veggies.
– When you cook pancakes, you should watch for the bubbles to appear on them.
– Crying again while chopping an onion? No more of that! Just cut off the root before you slice it. – When you cook something with chili peppers, coat your hands with any vegetable oil to protect the skin. – To make perfect sunny-side-up eggs, crack them in a preheated pan coated with oil, then add a bit of warm water, and close the lid for 45 seconds. – To whip egg whites faster and better, make sure they’re cold and add just a bit of salt to them before you start the whipping process. – Before putting a steak on the skillet, dry it off with a paper towel, ensuring it will caramelize, not steam.
– Cook whole butternut squash in the microwave for up to 3 minutes. After that, peeling it should be easy. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
Our Social Media:
5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 44 Simple Cooking Tricks to Save Your Time Videos

44 Simple Cooking Tricks for Beginners

From time to time, we all face different insignificant issues while cooking. Overcooked chicken, lumpy sauce, or a piece of beef that you forgot to take out of the freezer to defrost for dinner can easily spoil your mood. And if the question "What’s for dinner tonight?" makes you feel a little uneasy — because you don't consider yourself the best cook in the world, turn off those competitive cooking shows – and tune in here! You're about to find out how to make crispy fries even crispier, peel tomatoes effortlessly, whip cream with no blender, and many other useful tricks! Here are some really cool cooking tricks. Having them under your sleeve will make cooking easy-peasy for you, help you to save time and avoid many problems while cooking! Other videos you might like:
4 Types of Toxic Cookware to Avoid and 4 Safe Alternatives
12 Unusual Cooking Tricks to Impress Your Friends
21 Invaluable Kitchen Hacks Few People Know Of TIMESTAMPS:
How to get rid of garlic smell 0:29
How to keep marshmallows soft 0:59
The best way to grate something 1:29
How to cut a watermelon 1:57
How to cook brown rice faster 2:30
How to peel eggs easily 2:57
How to get lemon juice 3:26
How to peel garlic easily 3:54
How to prolong parsley use 4:21
What if you need just a few drops of citrus juice 4:47
How to defrost something fast 5:09
How to cut a ton of cherry tomatoes 5:34
How to get a shiny pastry 6:03
How to get rid of lumps in a sauce 6:31
How to make crispy fries crispier 7:02
How to peel tomatoes effortlessly 7:25
How to make perfect sunny-side-up eggs 8:02
How to whip egg whites faster 8:33
Why you should dry a steak off with a paper towel 8:56
The best trick for a mouth-watering vegetable cream soup 9:40 #cookingtricks #cookinghacks #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you’re a fan of marshmallows, then you should know how to keep them soft and tasty. All you have to do is put them in a jar with brown sugar.
– Want an ice-cream that won’t be a threat to your weight? Just put a stick in a cup of yogurt and let it freeze in the freezer.
– When you cook pasta, finish it for 1-2 minutes right in the pan with the sauce. – Your brown sugar clumped into pieces? A piece of soft white bread will solve the problem. Put it in a jar with the sugar and it’ll break back down into sandy granules in a few hours.
– The easiest way to peel a kiwi looks like this – chop it off at both sides, take a spoon, and push it in between the fruit and the skin to scoop out the flesh by turning the fruit until all the skin falls off the back of the spoon.
– If you've cut an avocado in two, save it from turning brown by putting a few drops of lemon juice on the pulp.
– To make your fresh herbs last longer, store them in the fridge with their stems in a glass of water, like a bouquet of flowers.
– Want your burgers to cook evenly? Make a small indent in the center of it with your thumb when it's on a grill or a pan. – Want to whip cream but have no blender? You can simply shake the cream in a mason jar. But, hey, don't forget to put the lid on! – Keep a knife under really hot water for a minute, then dry it with a paper towel if you want to make a clean cut through any sticky dessert like a cheesecake. – If you've overcooked chicken and it's too dry, cut up the pieces, add some mayo, some spices, and your favorite veggies.
– When you cook pancakes, you should watch for the bubbles to appear on them.
– Crying again while chopping an onion? No more of that! Just cut off the root before you slice it. – When you cook something with chili peppers, coat your hands with any vegetable oil to protect the skin. – To make perfect sunny-side-up eggs, crack them in a preheated pan coated with oil, then add a bit of warm water, and close the lid for 45 seconds. – To whip egg whites faster and better, make sure they’re cold and add just a bit of salt to them before you start the whipping process. – Before putting a steak on the skillet, dry it off with a paper towel, ensuring it will caramelize, not steam.
– Cook whole butternut squash in the microwave for up to 3 minutes. After that, peeling it should be easy. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
Our Social Media:
5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
For more videos and articles visit:

More 44 Simple Cooking Tricks for Beginners Videos

44 Cooking Tricks Only Taught in Culinary Schools

From time to time, we all face different insignificant issues while cooking. Overcooked chicken, lumpy sauce, or a piece of beef that you forgot to take out of the freezer to defrost for dinner can easily spoil your mood. And if the question "What’s for dinner tonight?" makes you feel a little uneasy — because you don't consider yourself the best cook in the world, turn off those competitive cooking shows – and tune in here! You're about to find out how to make crispy fries even crispier, peel tomatoes effortlessly, whip cream with no blender, and many other useful tricks! Here are some really cool cooking tricks. Having them under your sleeve will make cooking easy-peasy for you, help you to save time and avoid many problems while cooking! Other videos you might like:
4 Types of Toxic Cookware to Avoid and 4 Safe Alternatives
12 Unusual Cooking Tricks to Impress Your Friends
21 Invaluable Kitchen Hacks Few People Know Of TIMESTAMPS:
How to get rid of garlic smell 0:29
How to keep marshmallows soft 0:59
The best way to grate something 1:29
How to cut a watermelon 1:57
How to cook brown rice faster 2:30
How to peel eggs easily 2:57
How to get lemon juice 3:26
How to peel garlic easily 3:54
How to prolong parsley use 4:21
What if you need just a few drops of citrus juice 4:47
How to defrost something fast 5:09
How to cut a ton of cherry tomatoes 5:34
How to get a shiny pastry 6:03
How to get rid of lumps in a sauce 6:31
How to make crispy fries crispier 7:02
How to peel tomatoes effortlessly 7:25
How to make perfect sunny-side-up eggs 8:02
How to whip egg whites faster 8:33
Why you should dry a steak off with a paper towel 8:56
The best trick for a mouth-watering vegetable cream soup 9:40 #cookingtricks #cookinghacks #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you’re a fan of marshmallows, then you should know how to keep them soft and tasty. All you have to do is put them in a jar with brown sugar.
– Want an ice-cream that won’t be a threat to your weight? Just put a stick in a cup of yogurt and let it freeze in the freezer.
– When you cook pasta, finish it for 1-2 minutes right in the pan with the sauce. – Your brown sugar clumped into pieces? A piece of soft white bread will solve the problem. Put it in a jar with the sugar and it’ll break back down into sandy granules in a few hours.
– The easiest way to peel a kiwi looks like this – chop it off at both sides, take a spoon, and push it in between the fruit and the skin to scoop out the flesh by turning the fruit until all the skin falls off the back of the spoon.
– If you've cut an avocado in two, save it from turning brown by putting a few drops of lemon juice on the pulp.
– To make your fresh herbs last longer, store them in the fridge with their stems in a glass of water, like a bouquet of flowers.
– Want your burgers to cook evenly? Make a small indent in the center of it with your thumb when it's on a grill or a pan. – Want to whip cream but have no blender? You can simply shake the cream in a mason jar. But, hey, don't forget to put the lid on! – Keep a knife under really hot water for a minute, then dry it with a paper towel if you want to make a clean cut through any sticky dessert like a cheesecake. – If you've overcooked chicken and it's too dry, cut up the pieces, add some mayo, some spices, and your favorite veggies.
– When you cook pancakes, you should watch for the bubbles to appear on them.
– Crying again while chopping an onion? No more of that! Just cut off the root before you slice it. – When you cook something with chili peppers, coat your hands with any vegetable oil to protect the skin. – To make perfect sunny-side-up eggs, crack them in a preheated pan coated with oil, then add a bit of warm water, and close the lid for 45 seconds. – To whip egg whites faster and better, make sure they’re cold and add just a bit of salt to them before you start the whipping process. – Before putting a steak on the skillet, dry it off with a paper towel, ensuring it will caramelize, not steam.
– Cook whole butternut squash in the microwave for up to 3 minutes. After that, peeling it should be easy. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
Our Social Media:
5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
For more videos and articles visit:

More 44 Cooking Tricks Only Taught in Culinary Schools Videos

A Black Hole That Broke the Science

This year, on April 10th, scientists were finally able to do the unthinkable: they allowed humanity to look straight into the abyss of a super-massive black hole and take a photo like a tourist attraction! But even after these accomplishments, we still don’t know much about black holes at all, since one of them has challenged the whole scientific community with new impossible feats. In the middle of July 2019, black holes puzzled astronomers once again. New observations were made possible, thanks to the famed Hubble telescope, by a team of European scientists. Their study showed that a relatively small black hole contradicts all our expectations by almost completely mimicking its much bigger siblings. Other videos you might like:
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused
13 Scariest Theories That'll Make Your Blood Run Cold
The Alien Signals Mystery Might Have Been Solved TIMESTAMPS:
What is a black hole? 1:01
How do any object can become a black hole 💫 1:31
Why black holes are called black 3:02
Why the NGC 3147’s black hole is so unique 4:26 #blackholes #universe #brightside SUMMARY:
– What is a black hole? It’s the tiniest and heaviest object possible in the universe. It can swallow entire stars with ease and is absolutely invisible to the human eye.
– Every black hole was once a shining star, just like the others you see in the night sky. – The core, and center of mass, of this black hole is called a singularity. The mass of this thing can be from hundreds of millions of the Sun’s mass, to hundreds of billions! – In fact, the density is the most exciting thing about black holes. You see, it turns out that any object can become a tiny black hole if compressed enough. – The surrounding space near the singularity is the notorious event horizon. This is exactly why black holes are called black, though it’s not entirely true. – Accretion disks consist mostly of superheated gas and space dust, and the speed of their movement increases the closer they get to the event horizon. – The supermassive black hole at the core of IC 1101 suits its huge galaxy well. This terrifying monster is heavier than about 40 billion masses of the Sun. – The Milky Way is just 100,000 light-years across – sounds like nothing when compared to the supposed 6 million light-years of IC 1101’s diameter. – The most notable black hole in the Milky Way is in the Sagittarius constellation, right in the middle of the spiral of stars that our galaxy’s basically made of. – And then we have spiral galaxy NGC 3147, 130 million light-years away from us. This galaxy is small, and not dense enough to constantly feed something as big and powerful as a supermassive black hole. – It’s expected that black holes, in a position this unfortunate, can’t have furious swirling accretion disks around them. – But as they say, there’s no negative result in scientific research. Sometimes unexpected findings can teach us a lot more than pure success. – For now, no one knows how this starving black hole can support this disk. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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