Category Archives: Bright Side News

What Happens to Your Body When a Mosquito Bites You

Mosquitos can ruin a nice picnic in the park, camping out with your friends, even your own humble abode! They’re innumerable, and they come in swarms just about anywhere you go. They are the single worst thing about summer! Why do they have to bite, and why does it itch like crazy? It’s high time we got some answers! Mosquitos are ancient critters thought to have evolved between 50 and 100 million years ago. And they proved to be a highly adaptable species. Except for Antarctica, they live on all continents in a variety of climates. There are about 3,000 different species of mosquitos all around the world. Btw, did you know that not all mosquitos suck blood? Only females drink blood, while male specimen feed solely on nectar. The good news is, you can tell the difference between the two! Other videos you might like:
8 All-Natural Ways to Keep Mosquitoes Away
10 Bug Bites You Should Be Able to Identify
10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Ants And Bugs In Your House TIMESTAMPS:
Why they are a miracle of nature 1:00
Mean female mosquitos πŸ˜– 1:55
A mosquito’s life 3:09
How do they find you? 4:17
How mosquitos suck blood (some of them have teeth! 😬) 6:22
Do they use anesthesia? Really? 7:00
Btw, why do they need blood? 8:05 #mosquitos #insects #brightside SUMMARY:
– You can tell the difference between the two! Male mosquitos are a bit smaller than females. And if you see one nearby with fancy-looking feathered antennae, don’t rush to smack it just yet – it’s a male and it won’t bite you no matter what.
– A mosquito’s lifespan is only about a month or two. Well, that’s for the females. The guys live a lot shorter: around 2 weeks. – You shouldn’t have any standing water near your house if you don’t want a mosquito invasion!
– Contrary to popular belief, mosquitos don’t search for their prey looking for lights. To be fair, there aren’t many species that prefer human blood at all. – They have a variety of methods, but they mostly use scent. More specifically, they’re sniffing for your body heat and the one thing every living breathing thing produces constantly: carbon dioxide, or CO2.
– Mosquitos can remember the scent of a particularly aggressive prey and avoid it completely for 24 hours. That means, if a mosquito tries to bite you and you decide to brush it off or swat at it, it’ll probably choose someone else to bite next!
– They stick not 1 but 6 needles in you! Some of those have razor-sharp teeth that cut through the skin.
– The mosquito injects its saliva immediately after it bites you. The saliva consists of more than 100 different components, most of which are these organic substances called enzymes. – There are also other components used like a local anesthesia.
– Females need blood to develop eggs. More specifically, she needs loads of protein and iron, which blood happens to be rich in. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Everyone Believe This Guy Entered the 4th Dimension

Imagine you’re going on a hike with a few of your friends to the Grand Canyon. You’ve planned to spend the night, camp like boy scouts, and most importantly, have fun. As you’re on the trail towards your destination, your fastest buddy is a few hundred feet ahead. Suddenly, you see him tripping, and just as he’s about to hit the ground, he vanishes into thin air, right in front of your eyes. What would you do? Would you trust your eyes, or think of it as a hallucination? That's exactly what happened to James Burne Worson 126 years ago. He simply vanished. Nobody could explain this incident using logic. His friends were in utter shock… Other videos you might like:
Scientists Have Found The Titanic Will Disappear Soon
A New Bermuda Triangle Theory Explains Its Mystery
4 Mystery Doors That Should Never Be Opened TIMESTAMPS:
Fateful challenge 0:44
When the unexpected happened 3:41
Why his friends were arrested 4:27
Did James enter the 4th dimension? 😡 5:47
Or did he teleport? 6:20
πŸ‘‰ And here’s where it gets really interesting πŸ‘ˆ 7:02 #mystery #timetravel #brightside SUMMARY:
– James Burne Worson was a kind shoemaker who lived in Leamington, Warwickshire in England. – He enjoyed showing off from time to time; and he also loved challenging people into doing things for fun. – On September 3rd, 1873, he and a few of his friends were walking around town, talking and having a laugh. Suddenly, an idea flashed into James’ mind to play a game.
– He decided to go on a match against nature. It was his strength and will against the odds of making it. – His friends decided to follow him. His challenger, whose name is still a mystery, got in the back of the cart wagon, alongside his two other buddies.
– It seemed like James had tripped over something, and he was about to go down. As he was falling headlong forward, he let out a loud shriek and disappeared into thin air.
– After spending some time trying to locate him without success, they began their journey back to Leamington.
– The three men were taken into custody, and investigators began their interrogations to find out what happened.
– Some theories say that James accidentally entered a 4th dimension, which made him disappear. – Another theory claimed that James had teleported. While he was running to get to his destination and win the challenge, he teleported to a different place; maybe even a different country. – The disappearance of James Worson was named “The Unfinished Race”, and it was published in 1888. – The writer of the story, was usually investigating strange happenings, which is what gained him recognition for his excellent journalism.
– Ambrose Bierce, like James Worson, went missing, leaving no traces behind him. – Despite the abundance of crazy theories out there speculating what happened to the writer who disappeared into thin air, just like his literary character, James Burne Worson, one thing is sure: His fate remains a cloud of mystery. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Everyone Believe This Guy Entered the 4th Dimension Videos

The Guy Who Disappeared in Front of Everyone’s Eyes

Imagine you’re going on a hike with a few of your friends to the Grand Canyon. You’ve planned to spend the night, camp like boy scouts, and most importantly, have fun. As you’re on the trail towards your destination, your fastest buddy is a few hundred feet ahead. Suddenly, you see him tripping, and just as he’s about to hit the ground, he vanishes into thin air, right in front of your eyes. What would you do? Would you trust your eyes, or think of it as a hallucination? That's exactly what happened to James Burne Worson 126 years ago. He simply vanished. Nobody could explain this incident using logic. His friends were in utter shock… Other videos you might like:
Scientists Have Found The Titanic Will Disappear Soon
A New Bermuda Triangle Theory Explains Its Mystery
4 Mystery Doors That Should Never Be Opened TIMESTAMPS:
Fateful challenge 0:44
When the unexpected happened 3:41
Why his friends were arrested 4:27
Did James enter the 4th dimension? 😡 5:47
Or did he teleport? 6:20
πŸ‘‰ And here’s where it gets really interesting πŸ‘ˆ 7:02 #mystery #timetravel #brightside SUMMARY:
– James Burne Worson was a kind shoemaker who lived in Leamington, Warwickshire in England. – He enjoyed showing off from time to time; and he also loved challenging people into doing things for fun. – On September 3rd, 1873, he and a few of his friends were walking around town, talking and having a laugh. Suddenly, an idea flashed into James’ mind to play a game.
– He decided to go on a match against nature. It was his strength and will against the odds of making it. – His friends decided to follow him. His challenger, whose name is still a mystery, got in the back of the cart wagon, alongside his two other buddies.
– It seemed like James had tripped over something, and he was about to go down. As he was falling headlong forward, he let out a loud shriek and disappeared into thin air.
– After spending some time trying to locate him without success, they began their journey back to Leamington.
– The three men were taken into custody, and investigators began their interrogations to find out what happened.
– Some theories say that James accidentally entered a 4th dimension, which made him disappear. – Another theory claimed that James had teleported. While he was running to get to his destination and win the challenge, he teleported to a different place; maybe even a different country. – The disappearance of James Worson was named “The Unfinished Race”, and it was published in 1888. – The writer of the story, was usually investigating strange happenings, which is what gained him recognition for his excellent journalism.
– Ambrose Bierce, like James Worson, went missing, leaving no traces behind him. – Despite the abundance of crazy theories out there speculating what happened to the writer who disappeared into thin air, just like his literary character, James Burne Worson, one thing is sure: His fate remains a cloud of mystery. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More The Guy Who Disappeared in Front of Everyone’s Eyes Videos

How Many Times to Wear Clothes Before Washing

Each of us has held worn clothing in our hands and wondered if we should wear it one more time or put it in the washing machine. Not everyone knows all the rules for washing. For example, you need to wash some clothing inside out, because it absorbs bodily fluids which are primarily inside. And sometimes our stuff is much dirtier than it looks. Of course, we shower and stay up on our hygiene, but our skin has natural oils and sweat, and they get the clothes dirty! And what about bed sheets and pillowcases? They should be washed every at least 2 weeks. Remember that you shed dead skin while you sleep, and you know what loves to munch on that? The dust mites in your bed! (Good luck falling asleep tonight! Heh-heh!) Other videos you might like:
14 Dressing Rules Everyone Should Learn Once and for All
Put Aspirin Into the Washing Machine, and See What Happens
What HR Managers Learn About You By Looking at Your Clothes TIMESTAMPS:
Jeans 0:28
Shirts 1:11
Workout Clothes 1:46
Swimwear 2:13
Pajamas 2:44
Skirts and pants 3:07
Hose 3:40
Leggings and Tights 4:07
Dresses 4:29
Suits 4:49
Winter Gear 5:36
Outerwear 6:04
Underwear 6:40
Bras 7:16
Socks 7:43
Shoes 8:08
Bathroom Fabrics 8:30
Bed Linen 9:02 #hygiene #clothes #brightside Preview photo credit: Kylie Jenner releases a photo on Instagram with the following caption: "Ready for the weekend": By Instagram/Sipa USA/East News,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– If you're wondering when the best time is to throw that denim in the wash, the answer would be after 3 wears.
– Wash your workout clothes every single time, even if that means they only get laundered once a month.
– Bathing suits and trunks should be washed immediately after each wear. – You can get away with not washing your PJs for a while. Every 3 to 4 wears should be fine.
– If we’re talking bottoms made from a thick fabric like tweed, you can wash it after 5 or so wears. Cotton skirts and pants, however, need to be cleaned after 3. – Believe it or not, pantyhose need to be washed after every wear! – Leggings and tights should be washed and dried after each wear since they tend to stretch out in certain parts.
– Cotton dresses should be washed after every wear, but dresses that need to be dry-cleaned can safely go 2 times before you take them in. – With a few exceptions, suits shouldn’t need dry-cleaning for at least 4 wears. – Winter coats don't need to be washed very often. Every 2 months is a good rule of thumb, unless, like with suits, you’re exposed to smog or other smelly environments. – Sweaters and hoodies can be worn for a week before they need a wash since they're not directly up against your body.
– The parts your underwear covers are breeding grounds for bacteria, so wear your undies only once, folks. – A bra can last 2 to 3 wears before it needs to be washed. You may want to give your bra a day between wears to let the elastic settle back into its original shape. – Shoes only need to be washed if they’re dirty or smelly. If they’re only dirty on the outside, you should be able to clean them with a damp washcloth and avoid the washing machine altogether. – Bath towels can go 3 to 5 uses before they need a good washing.
– Bed sheets and pillowcases should be washed every 2 weeks or more often if you’re a pretty heavy night sweater. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More How Many Times to Wear Clothes Before Washing Videos

How Long You Can Wear Your Clothes Before Washing

Each of us has held worn clothing in our hands and wondered if we should wear it one more time or put it in the washing machine. Not everyone knows all the rules for washing. For example, you need to wash some clothing inside out, because it absorbs bodily fluids which are primarily inside. And sometimes our stuff is much dirtier than it looks. Of course, we shower and stay up on our hygiene, but our skin has natural oils and sweat, and they get the clothes dirty! And what about bed sheets and pillowcases? They should be washed every at least 2 weeks. Remember that you shed dead skin while you sleep, and you know what loves to munch on that? The dust mites in your bed! (Good luck falling asleep tonight! Heh-heh!) Other videos you might like:
14 Dressing Rules Everyone Should Learn Once and for All
Put Aspirin Into the Washing Machine, and See What Happens
What HR Managers Learn About You By Looking at Your Clothes TIMESTAMPS:
Jeans 0:28
Shirts 1:11
Workout Clothes 1:46
Swimwear 2:13
Pajamas 2:44
Skirts and pants 3:07
Hose 3:40
Leggings and Tights 4:07
Dresses 4:29
Suits 4:49
Winter Gear 5:36
Outerwear 6:04
Underwear 6:40
Bras 7:16
Socks 7:43
Shoes 8:08
Bathroom Fabrics 8:30
Bed Linen 9:02 #hygiene #clothes #brightside Preview photo credit: Kylie Jenner releases a photo on Instagram with the following caption: "Ready for the weekend": By Instagram/Sipa USA/East News,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– If you're wondering when the best time is to throw that denim in the wash, the answer would be after 3 wears.
– Wash your workout clothes every single time, even if that means they only get laundered once a month.
– Bathing suits and trunks should be washed immediately after each wear. – You can get away with not washing your PJs for a while. Every 3 to 4 wears should be fine.
– If we’re talking bottoms made from a thick fabric like tweed, you can wash it after 5 or so wears. Cotton skirts and pants, however, need to be cleaned after 3. – Believe it or not, pantyhose need to be washed after every wear! – Leggings and tights should be washed and dried after each wear since they tend to stretch out in certain parts.
– Cotton dresses should be washed after every wear, but dresses that need to be dry-cleaned can safely go 2 times before you take them in. – With a few exceptions, suits shouldn’t need dry-cleaning for at least 4 wears. – Winter coats don't need to be washed very often. Every 2 months is a good rule of thumb, unless, like with suits, you’re exposed to smog or other smelly environments. – Sweaters and hoodies can be worn for a week before they need a wash since they're not directly up against your body.
– The parts your underwear covers are breeding grounds for bacteria, so wear your undies only once, folks. – A bra can last 2 to 3 wears before it needs to be washed. You may want to give your bra a day between wears to let the elastic settle back into its original shape. – Shoes only need to be washed if they’re dirty or smelly. If they’re only dirty on the outside, you should be able to clean them with a damp washcloth and avoid the washing machine altogether. – Bath towels can go 3 to 5 uses before they need a good washing.
– Bed sheets and pillowcases should be washed every 2 weeks or more often if you’re a pretty heavy night sweater. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More How Long You Can Wear Your Clothes Before Washing Videos

13 Secret Tricks Every Police Officer Uses

Police officers are the order of any country. In movies, they chase the worst criminals, conduct interrogations, and, of course, they save people. But is this all this true? And how do these things really happen? Btw, have you ever engaged in a pleasant conversation with a police officer who stopped you on the road? If you have, then you’ve probably given them a lot of useful info without even realizing it. The police have much more up their sleeves than you might think, and a superhero arsenal is just one of many of those things! So here are the most interesting facts about the dangerous work that policemen do. Most people probably have no idea about these crazy facts. Other videos you might like:
Why Police Touch Your Taillight, It's Extremely Important!
15 Things You Need to Know When Dealing With the Police
10 Tips to Survive a Kidnapping According to the Police TIMESTAMPS:
You’re guilty until proven otherwise 0:27
Patting your trunk isn’t just a random gesture 1:11
Sirens have different modes for different situations 2:02
Cops and donuts aren’t like PB&J 3:12
They can and will lie to you to get your confession 3:53
Act first, talk later 4:37
The thin blue line 5:31
They care for each other 6:16
A friendly chat is not what it seems 7:03
They wear superhero belts 7:57
Most of what they do is paperwork 8:30
They know everything and more about you 9:06
They’re cynical for a reason 9:51 #police #factsyouneverknew #brightside SUMMARY:
– When you’re stopped by a police officer who’s accusing you of something, you’d better recall your alibi, and fast. – Police officers touch the trunk or tail light of your car when they pull you over. This way, the officer is leaving their fingerprints on your car. They would serve as evidence if something happened to the officer during your conversation.
– Before an intersection or among tall buildings, the “yelp” mode, which has a faster beat, is used because it bounces off the surrounding walls better. The “hi-lo” mode can be used in different situations, but it’s generally reserved for dense traffic.
– The “cops love donuts” stereotype has become so omnipresent that many police officers even stay away from donut shops at all costs not to feed the myth.
– They have a legal right to do it by lying in your face. The only thing they’re not allowed to do is making your confession involuntary.
– In the US, if 911 receives a call that potentially requires immediate action, they will send out a SWAT team that will first break down the door and put everyone on the floor, and only then ask questions. – The thin blue line is a sign to all the members of the police out there that here’s a supporter. The police actually have a sort of brotherhood.
– As soon as one of them gets into trouble, others will try to get them out of there. – They’ll have everything from handcuffs and a radio to a whole arsenal needed to take down criminals on the run. – In fact, like almost everyone else, they have to do lots of boring things. Filing documents, filling in some blanks, compiling reports, and so on. – If you have a friend in the police, you’d be surprised at how much they already know about you — even if you didn’t tell them anything. – It’s a common belief that most police officers are quite cynical. Well, in truth, the same can be said about any professional working with people on a daily basis. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 13 Secret Tricks Every Police Officer Uses Videos

Our Trash Found Where No Human Had Gone Before

Humans seem to have seen everything there is to be discovered on Earth. But is it really so? In fact, not in the least. Our planet hides so many secrets that we might spend another thousand years and still not see it all. And yet, recent discoveries make scientists all over the world ring the alarm bells: the Earth might be in more danger than we thought. As you know, the deepest point on the planet is the Mariana trench in the Pacific Ocean. There have been many attempts to explore it. We have only found about 5% of creatures dwelling under the sea, and we’ve no idea what else can be lurking down there. And yet something has been found there. Something disturbing. Other videos you might like:
Mariana Trench Creatures That Are Scarier Than Megalodon
How Deep Is the Ocean In Reality?
Who Lives In the Deepest Place On Earth? TIMESTAMPS:
The deepest solo dive 1:15
Discovery that shook the scientific world 2:58
Trash continent 4:07
Where do people mostly leave their garbage? 6:15
How we can deal with that 7:38 #pollution #garbage #brightside SUMMARY:
– As you might know, the deepest point on the planet is the Mariana trench in the Pacific Ocean. – Several people have gone to the deepest place there is in the world: the Challenger Deep. Its bottom is at 35,853 feet, which is deeper than Mount Everest is tall. – One of these brave explorers was Victor Vescovo who dared the abyss in his submersible called The Limiting Factor. – As he made another photo of the otherworldly seascape, he noticed something strange. And that was a plastic bag and candy wrappers.
– Vescovo’s discovery shook the scientific world, and researchers who supported him in his endeavor decided to run tests on the creatures he found down below to evaluate how much plastic there is in them.
– It appears that human waste has penetrated even in places where people themselves have no access to, and that’s a dangerous situation. – Until today, people thought that pollution only concerned the outer layers of the ocean, but with the recent news the trouble seems to be much bigger than that.
– Some suggest that the map of the world should be updated with a new continent — a trash one.
– The patch spans about 580,000 square miles, and it was estimated that it contains 100 million tons of trash.
– Many countries of the world send their satellites into space, and that’s really a good thing: these devices help us get connected with the rest of the world, predict weather changes, and do a lot of other useful things.
– The amount of space garbage is about 7,000 tons right now. It sounds like a trifle compared to the Great Pacific garbage patch, but the alarming thing about it is that it keeps growing by 2-4% every year. – There’s a method of trapping the ocean waste in nets that is affordable for anyone, so even you can participate in saving our planet! Moreover, governments across the globe also get actively involved in the process. – Humans are not as careless as they used to be in the past. We are now conscious of what we’re doing to our home planet, and there are lots of people who help the environment. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More Our Trash Found Where No Human Had Gone Before Videos

They Found Trash Where No Human Had Gone Before

Humans seem to have seen everything there is to be discovered on Earth. But is it really so? In fact, not in the least. Our planet hides so many secrets that we might spend another thousand years and still not see it all. And yet, recent discoveries make scientists all over the world ring the alarm bells: the Earth might be in more danger than we thought. As you know, the deepest point on the planet is the Mariana trench in the Pacific Ocean. There have been many attempts to explore it. We have only found about 5% of creatures dwelling under the sea, and we’ve no idea what else can be lurking down there. And yet something has been found there. Something disturbing. Other videos you might like:
Mariana Trench Creatures That Are Scarier Than Megalodon
How Deep Is the Ocean In Reality?
Who Lives In the Deepest Place On Earth? TIMESTAMPS:
The deepest solo dive 1:15
Discovery that shook the scientific world 2:58
Trash continent 4:07
Where do people mostly leave their garbage? 6:15
How we can deal with that 7:38 #pollution #garbage #brightside SUMMARY:
– As you might know, the deepest point on the planet is the Mariana trench in the Pacific Ocean. – Several people have gone to the deepest place there is in the world: the Challenger Deep. Its bottom is at 35,853 feet, which is deeper than Mount Everest is tall. – One of these brave explorers was Victor Vescovo who dared the abyss in his submersible called The Limiting Factor. – As he made another photo of the otherworldly seascape, he noticed something strange. And that was a plastic bag and candy wrappers.
– Vescovo’s discovery shook the scientific world, and researchers who supported him in his endeavor decided to run tests on the creatures he found down below to evaluate how much plastic there is in them.
– It appears that human waste has penetrated even in places where people themselves have no access to, and that’s a dangerous situation. – Until today, people thought that pollution only concerned the outer layers of the ocean, but with the recent news the trouble seems to be much bigger than that.
– Some suggest that the map of the world should be updated with a new continent — a trash one.
– The patch spans about 580,000 square miles, and it was estimated that it contains 100 million tons of trash.
– Many countries of the world send their satellites into space, and that’s really a good thing: these devices help us get connected with the rest of the world, predict weather changes, and do a lot of other useful things.
– The amount of space garbage is about 7,000 tons right now. It sounds like a trifle compared to the Great Pacific garbage patch, but the alarming thing about it is that it keeps growing by 2-4% every year. – There’s a method of trapping the ocean waste in nets that is affordable for anyone, so even you can participate in saving our planet! Moreover, governments across the globe also get actively involved in the process. – Humans are not as careless as they used to be in the past. We are now conscious of what we’re doing to our home planet, and there are lots of people who help the environment. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More They Found Trash Where No Human Had Gone Before Videos

A Strange Object Recently Visited Our Solar System

Not long ago, a piece of that unknown came to visit us in the form of a mysterious object from a distant star. And an astronomer noticed something unusual about his discovery. Most asteroids follow a predictable orbit around the sun, but the object he would later dub Oumuamua, was behaving unusually as it darted through space, not too far away from Earth. Researchers found that, based on 'Oumuamua’s trajectory, the object had originated from somewhere beyond the solar system, and was merely passing through on its way to parts unknown. That’s where it got its name, which translates roughly to “messenger from far away” in Hawaiian. But what is it? Is this enigmatic traveler a natural occurrence, or was it sent here by a distant civilization from across the stars? Other videos you might like:
The Solar System Is Not Like You Think It Is
What If You Poured Some Water On The Sun?
The Real Size of the Universe (Even a Child Understands) TIMESTAMPS:
What's so unusual about this object? 1:01
Was it sent by an intelligence from beyond the stars?! πŸ‘½ 2:53
Why is it behaving almost exactly like a comet? β˜„οΈ 3:42
Where it came from 5:19
So what about alien visitors? 7:11 #aliens #space #brightside SUMMARY:
– This strange interstellar object was first discovered by an astronomer named Rob Weryck, from the University of Hawaii on October 19th, 2017.
– While most asteroids and comets tend to be round, or at least elliptical, the reddish, cylinder-shaped object was 1312 feet long by only about 400 feet wide. – Scientists aren’t quite convinced that little green men are responsible for our mysterious red-hued visitor. Much more likely, it was evaporating gases, rather than burning thrusters, propelling the object through space at an ever-increasing speed. – Oumuamua was reclassified as a comet instead of an asteroid; but that explanation wasn’t without its problems either. – The most noticeable was the absence of a visible tail. – The most likely explanation is that 'Oumuamua used to be a comet, and what we’re seeing is the remains of its rocky core after most of the object’s water ice had been shed away.
– Astronomers believe that 'Oumuamua originates from somewhere near the star Vega, in the constellation Lyra, an eagle-shaped collection of stars visible in both the northern and southern hemispheres. – Astronomers believe that 'Oumuamua is most likely just a small fragment of a planet destroyed in a cataclysmic event. – While researchers are certain that 'Oumuamua is a natural formation, that doesn’t mean it isn’t carrying alien visitors.
– While the interior makeup of the object is mostly unknown, it’s within the realm of possibility that extraterrestrial microbes could be residing inside it. – It’s possible that single-celled life forms could survive frozen inside 'Oumuamua, protected from damaging radiation by the object’s thick, rocky, outer shell. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More A Strange Object Recently Visited Our Solar System Videos