Category Archives: Bright Side News

9 Secrets to Raise a Successful and Rich Kid

Why do some people become successful and rich, and others don't? That's a tough question. But there's no denying the fact that upbringing plays an important role in it. All parents want the best possible future for their kids but, unfortunately, not all of them know how to raise their children to be financially smart and ready for big achievements. Have you ever thought, for example, how important it is to raise children with the faith that everything is possible if they put enough effort into achieving it? Unfortunately, some parents sometimes say stuff that ruins a child’s confidence in themselves. It’s obvious that a person who doesn’t believe in themselves has a tough time achieving things in life, and has huge doubts about taking steps toward their goals. TIMESTAMPS:
They make their kids feel responsible 0:50
They teach their kids how to save money 1:40
They educate kids on money 2:32
They don’t instill negative beliefs in their children 3:29
They praise their kids the right way 4:54
They teach kids how to be independent 6:08
They make kids do chores 7:06
They have family rituals 8:00
They help kids build meaningful relationships 8:56 #kids #success #brightside SUMMARY:
– Giving clear instructions that'll help a kid sort out a situation on their own will work much better than nagging. That's how children will not only understand that it's important to be more careful with stuff since it costs money, but also learn to be more responsible.
– Just like adults save money for a vacation or a car, a kid should learn to put aside their pocket money as well. Most parents buy them piggy banks or just use old jars.
– For some reason, there are parents who avoid talking with their kids about money. These kids most likely believe money appears in the ATM by the wave of a magical wand. Obviously, children with these beliefs have lower chances to be financially stable when they grow up. – A good parent tries their best to focus a kid’s attention on their talents and strong points, building their self-esteem. And also, adults should raise their children with the faith that everything is possible if you put enough effort into achieving it. – It’s natural to praise kids for their achievements, no matter how small they are. But it’s also important to praise them for the hard work and effort they made that lead to the accomplishments.
– Having overprotective parents might be the biggest reason why kids don’t succeed later in life.
– There are a lot of things we do just because we have to. Even the youngest kid in the family should have some responsibilities when it comes to household chores. From an early age, a child should know that each member of the family has to contribute somehow to the betterment of the whole. – A study published in 2015 in the American Journal of Public Health reveals that children with strong social skills in kindergarten will thrive as adults. – Having strong relationships is essential for children’s growth and psychological well-being. Kids who don't have meaningful relationships tend to have lower academic results and are more likely to misbehave. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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33 Little-Known Airport Facts to Travel Easier

If you travel by plane quite a lot, dozens of questions can be accumulated in your brain. For example, what are the best shoes to wear at the airport security screening to not be asked to take them off? Or are those scanners you have to go through harmful to your health? Or how long the things seized during the pre-flight inspection can be stored at the airport for? You’d definitely like to know how to cancel non-refundable tickets and get your money back or how to significantly reduce the costs for transfers, hotels, and food even if it’s your first trip and you don’t have any discount cards. So here's the list of advice you should heed before your next trip. TIMESTAMPS:
Seized things 0:33
The radiation you get during the flight 1:17
How not to spill your coffee 1:55
What if they don't feed you 2:32
Buying liquids in Duty-Free 3:12
Pay in dollars or euros 3:35
Avoid carrying spray deodorants 4:01
Have a pair of extra underwear in your carry-on 4:40
What you can do if you need coins 5:13
Innocent things that may be prohibited 5:52
Where you can find unoccupied toilets 6:23
Put a couple of tennis balls in your carry-on 7:08
What if the airline's site just doesn't work 7:43
How to entertain yourself at the airport 8:16
Make sure your socks don't have holes in them 8:55
What if your first flight gets delayed 9:32
How to save some money 9:57 #airports #planes #brightside SUMMARY:
– You shouldn't be wary of airport scanners – they don't harm your health.
– If you have some powder in your baggage, be it some baby formula, flour, or instant drinks, keep it in its original packaging. – At some airports, you can buy drinking water right after you pass the security check.
– Check if the airport or airline sells 24-hour access to a VIP lounge zone. In most cases, you can have free snacks and drinks there.
– While in the baggage claim area, you might have to pay for Wi-Fi; but in the arrival zone, it's almost always free.
– If you’re in the middle of a bad cold, but you absolutely have to fly, take a painkiller before the plane takes off and lands.
– You can’t keep power banks in your checked baggage. – When going on a trip, instead of taking the whole perfume bottle, take a tester. – If you have a brand-new unopened bottle of nail polish in your carry-on, it's ok. But if you've already used it, put it in your checked luggage.
– . Seemingly innocent things like plants, seeds, and some types of food may be prohibited if you're flying to Australia, or other particular islands.
– You're more likely to find unoccupied toilets in the baggage claim area, near customs, next to big cafes, and in waiting lounges. – While packing for a long flight, remember to put a couple of tennis balls in your carry-on. If you roll your feet on them during the flight, your legs and feet won't swell up. – Statistically, the safest seats are in the tail of the aircraft.
– If you're traveling through several time zones, try to do more physical activity the day before. – If there are lots of empty seats on a plane, and you have the airline's bonus card, you can ask the flight attendants to move you to business class. – You can still pay for your onboard purchases with your bank card, even if there's no Internet on the plane. In this case, the money will be withdrawn as soon as you land. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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20 Rich People Habits to Adopt By December 30

They say “fake it till you make it.” This motto can be applied to so many different things in our lives, whether it’s building self-confidence, creating a positive mindset, or mastering different skills. It can also be applied to your lifestyle. Every millionaire found their own way to earn money and reach success, however, if we compare the habits of rich people to our own, it’s easy to see they have something in common. So how about to try to implement some of these habits into your life and see what happens? TIMESTAMPS:
Written plans 0:21
Reading books 0:43
Reading People 1:12
Keeping Style Simple 1:40
Using Public Transport 2:07
Making Birthday Calls 2:40
Choosing Friends Wisely 3:12
Listening More, Talking Less 3:35
Meditating 4:00
Leading a Healthy Lifestyle 4:26
Spending Wisely 5:03
Saying “No” 5:44
Long Lunches 6:24
Taking Risks 6:49
Giving Back 7:13
Controlling Emotions 7:36
Having a Goal 8:00
Prioritizing Tasks 8:24
Staying Productive 8:55
Not Rushing to Retire 9:32 #money #beingrich #brightside SUMMARY:
– There’s something about writing down your to-do list that seems to equal a homerun. But you have to be specific about it!
– Another great way to stimulate the ol’ thinker is with books. They develop your vocabulary, imagination, and even problem-solving skills. – Rich people know how to earn someone’s trust, convince others, and avoid being manipulated. They stand up straight, maintain eye contact, and overall ooze confidence. – Seems random, I know, but there’s a statistic out there that 80% of wealthy people call loved ones on their birthday. – Socializing with success-oriented individuals puts you in the right mindset, keeps you constantly striving to do better.
– In general, rich people spend 5 minutes listening for each minute they speak.
– Stress blocks your brain, and you’ll need a clear sharp mind if you’re wanting to follow in the footsteps of the most successful people out there. Meditation can help clear up that mental fog!
– The successful folk eat less junk food and try to stay pretty active. – Truly successful people can say “no” in any situation that calls for it. – A long, relaxing midday lunch allows you to refresh yourself and return to work ready to put in much more productive energy!
– They understand that risks lead to rewards, so they’re more willing to go out on a limb—because that’s where the sweetest fruit is! – Charity and philanthropy are hallmarks of the wealthy. – The truly successful understand that good relationships are a crucial foundation for financial well-being. Hurting or offending people can obviously sever those ties.
– Seems like a weird thought, but if you’re doing what you love, you won’t ever want to stop. So, yes, if you can make a living from your passion, then you’re without a doubt on the road to personal success! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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12 Annoying Things People Keep Doing Online

I know what you did last summer, what you had for lunch yesterday, and that you cried like a baby when your favorite celebrity couple split up. 20 years ago, this would sound really creepy, but today, in the social networking era, basically anyone can say this about their e-friends. But in some cases, oversharing and bad online manners just go over the top! Photos and posts that some of your online friends upload can be so annoying that you want to avoid them in real life. And most of the time, you don’t even understand why it’s all so annoying. In fact, this is because there is some etiquette in social media too. So how about to pay some attention to this problem? TIMESTAMPS:
Sending one-word messages 0:32
Only saying “hello” in a message 1:35
Bombarding people with eCards 2:19
Posting way too much stuff 3:16
Livestreaming concerts and events 4:22
Going crazy with hashtags and emojis 5:17
Posting attention-seeking updates 6:01
Exposing your love life 6:42
Sending one-word voice messages 7:15
Inviting people to like stuff they obviously don’t care about 7:52
Tagging people in photos and comments without asking them 8:18
Reposting everything you see 8:51 #etiquette #badmanners #brightside SUMMARY:
– It’s pretty scary to get 42 notifications in 5 minutes, just to find out later that your friend went shopping yesterday and purchased 3 pairs of stilettos. – Do you have that one friend who types “hello”, sends the message and waits for your response? I know they’re trying to be polite and everything, but online communication is slightly different from the real world.
– Your morning will still be good, your weekend will still be great, and your summer will still be fun, even if no one wishes you so in a card they found online and sent to 36 other people, as well. – Unless you’re a news agency, it might be a good idea to limit the number of posts you make per day to one! – Have you ever been to a concert you didn’t plan to attend? Then you probably have to thank that one friend who likes to Snapchat the entire concert or start live streaming on Instagram.
– Some people must think their readers need visual hints on how to interpret their words, so they add emojis after every line they write. Or better yet, after every word in a short sentence.
– All people go through rough times, but some feel the need to cryptically broadcast their hardships.
– Posting selfies with too much affection involved, documenting every date you take, or sharing pictures of your sleeping significant other is a bit too much. No actually, it’s way too much.
– Not everyone likes voice messages because it’s not always convenient to listen to them when you’re at work, or say, a family dinner.
– It’s really hard to find a person who likes getting involved in “tag 2 friends in comments and win a sunscreen” kind of stuff.
– It’s normal to get excited about stuff and want to share it with your friends, but are you positive they want to see 17 pictures of puppies every day, or endless “What piece of furniture would you be?” tests? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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12 Things People Need to Stop Doing Online (Please!)

I know what you did last summer, what you had for lunch yesterday, and that you cried like a baby when your favorite celebrity couple split up. 20 years ago, this would sound really creepy, but today, in the social networking era, basically anyone can say this about their e-friends. But in some cases, oversharing and bad online manners just go over the top! Photos and posts that some of your online friends upload can be so annoying that you want to avoid them in real life. And most of the time, you don’t even understand why it’s all so annoying. In fact, this is because there is some etiquette in social media too. So how about to pay some attention to this problem? TIMESTAMPS:
Sending one-word messages 0:32
Only saying “hello” in a message 1:35
Bombarding people with eCards 2:19
Posting way too much stuff 3:16
Livestreaming concerts and events 4:22
Going crazy with hashtags and emojis 5:17
Posting attention-seeking updates 6:01
Exposing your love life 6:42
Sending one-word voice messages 7:15
Inviting people to like stuff they obviously don’t care about 7:52
Tagging people in photos and comments without asking them 8:18
Reposting everything you see 8:51 #etiquette #badmanners #brightside SUMMARY:
– It’s pretty scary to get 42 notifications in 5 minutes, just to find out later that your friend went shopping yesterday and purchased 3 pairs of stilettos. – Do you have that one friend who types “hello”, sends the message and waits for your response? I know they’re trying to be polite and everything, but online communication is slightly different from the real world.
– Your morning will still be good, your weekend will still be great, and your summer will still be fun, even if no one wishes you so in a card they found online and sent to 36 other people, as well. – Unless you’re a news agency, it might be a good idea to limit the number of posts you make per day to one! – Have you ever been to a concert you didn’t plan to attend? Then you probably have to thank that one friend who likes to Snapchat the entire concert or start live streaming on Instagram.
– Some people must think their readers need visual hints on how to interpret their words, so they add emojis after every line they write. Or better yet, after every word in a short sentence.
– All people go through rough times, but some feel the need to cryptically broadcast their hardships.
– Posting selfies with too much affection involved, documenting every date you take, or sharing pictures of your sleeping significant other is a bit too much. No actually, it’s way too much.
– Not everyone likes voice messages because it’s not always convenient to listen to them when you’re at work, or say, a family dinner.
– It’s really hard to find a person who likes getting involved in “tag 2 friends in comments and win a sunscreen” kind of stuff.
– It’s normal to get excited about stuff and want to share it with your friends, but are you positive they want to see 17 pictures of puppies every day, or endless “What piece of furniture would you be?” tests? Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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5 Driving Tips for New Drivers from Pros

Your driving lessons are finally done. Your driver’s license is now in your hands, and you’re ready to set off into the sunset with your car. But there’s a lot of responsibility when it comes to driving, and even though it might not feel this way at first – knowing how to handle certain situations can be a true lifesaver. Even with the slightest experience you get as a new driver, you might already feel like you know everything about the road. But there are a lot of things that you need to experience first-hand in order to know what you need to do. Here're some great examples to help you prepare. TIMESTAMPS:
Driving in bad weather 2:01
Driving at Nighttime 5:58
Running off the road 7:12
Let’s talk about Urban Driving 7:58
Don’t forget the Interstate Driving 8:46 #drivingtips #cars #brightside SUMMARY:
– When it’s raining, make sure your headlights are on, even in the daytime. That’ll help you be more visible to oncoming vehicles, and it’ll also help you see clearer. – Always wear sunglasses, and keep your visor down when it’s needed. But that’s not enough: make sure you go slower in these conditions to give yourself enough time to react when you need to.
– Foggy spells can be truly unexpected, especially during the Fall, when patches of fogginess appear around the roads in the morning. In this situation, always keep your headlights on and be alert. – First things first, even when you’re confident with your driving, make sure you drive around at night a few times to familiarize yourself with it. – One thing you should keep in mind is to dim your lights when you come across an oncoming car. It’s unbelievably easy to be blinded by someone’s high beams and go off the road.
– If car accidentally runs off the road, the first thing you need to do is get your foot off the gas and try to guide the car towards the pavement. – When you’re driving in an urban area, be aware the whole time. Don’t let yourself lose attention at any point. – Driving on the interstate teaches you what driving in heavy traffic conditions really feels like. And one thing that you’ll learn from that is how to merge with the rest of the traffic, how to change lanes correctly, and how to take an exit. – You should learn to look over your shoulder, as well, and make sure that there are no other vehicles in your “blind Spot”. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5 Main Driving Tips for Teens And New Drivers

Your driving lessons are finally done. Your driver’s license is now in your hands, and you’re ready to set off into the sunset with your car. But there’s a lot of responsibility when it comes to driving, and even though it might not feel this way at first – knowing how to handle certain situations can be a true lifesaver. Even with the slightest experience you get as a new driver, you might already feel like you know everything about the road. But there are a lot of things that you need to experience first-hand in order to know what you need to do. Here're some great examples to help you prepare. TIMESTAMPS:
Driving in bad weather 2:01
Driving at Nighttime 5:58
Running off the road 7:12
Let’s talk about Urban Driving 7:58
Don’t forget the Interstate Driving 8:46 #drivingtips #cars #brightside SUMMARY:
– When it’s raining, make sure your headlights are on, even in the daytime. That’ll help you be more visible to oncoming vehicles, and it’ll also help you see clearer. – Always wear sunglasses, and keep your visor down when it’s needed. But that’s not enough: make sure you go slower in these conditions to give yourself enough time to react when you need to.
– Foggy spells can be truly unexpected, especially during the Fall, when patches of fogginess appear around the roads in the morning. In this situation, always keep your headlights on and be alert. – First things first, even when you’re confident with your driving, make sure you drive around at night a few times to familiarize yourself with it. – One thing you should keep in mind is to dim your lights when you come across an oncoming car. It’s unbelievably easy to be blinded by someone’s high beams and go off the road.
– If car accidentally runs off the road, the first thing you need to do is get your foot off the gas and try to guide the car towards the pavement. – When you’re driving in an urban area, be aware the whole time. Don’t let yourself lose attention at any point. – Driving on the interstate teaches you what driving in heavy traffic conditions really feels like. And one thing that you’ll learn from that is how to merge with the rest of the traffic, how to change lanes correctly, and how to take an exit. – You should learn to look over your shoulder, as well, and make sure that there are no other vehicles in your “blind Spot”. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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The Only Way to Survive a Sinking Ship

Let's say, you're setting off on a long-awaited cruise; you're on cloud nine, and nothing could be further from your mind than paying attention to the safety precautions. But however unwilling you might be to waste precious vacation time on listening to safety instructions, you should remember that chances are, it could save your life. Yes, the odds of being trapped on a sinking ship nowadays are quite low. But there are things you can do to survive if the near-impossible does happen. Hopefully, it’ll never happen to you, but just in case, it's vitally important to know how to react. SUMMARY:
Take part in the first-day safety drill 0:51
What you should do first 1:44
Follow the crew's directions 2:42
How you can help others 3:21
Try to get to a lifeboat as quickly as possible 3:58
What if you have to jump off the ship 5:50
🚤 Why ships sink 🚤 7:39 #survivaltips #ships #brightside SUMMARY:
– Try to remember where the lifeboat closest to your cabin is, and figure out how to get there if it's dark or the weather is stormy. Also, read the instructions for how to put on and use your floatation device.
– Try to stay calm – you have no time for panic. If you're in your cabin, immediately put on your floatation device and take anything else that may help you later.
– The next step, which might become a life-altering one, is to get to safety. And to do that, you need to follow the crew's directions.
– Regrettably, studies claim that only 35% of people manage to stay calm in a critical situation. If you're one of those lucky ones, help other passengers to get their bearings.
– If you see a person standing still in the middle of the turmoil, yell at them – it's an effective way to bring them back to reality. – After that, concentrate on your top-priority task, which is to get to a lifeboat as quickly as possible.
– But let's say you look around and see no available lifeboats whatsoever and start to panic! What then? In that case, try to find some floatation device, like a life preserver ring, and throw it into the water.
– If there's no time left, and you realize you'll have to jump off the ship, always check where you'll land first. Otherwise, you may be hit by some wreckage, a boat, or other people, and end up underwater. – The cold shock may pull you underwater even faster than hypothermia sets in. That's why it's vitally important to collect yourself.
– Surprisingly, every ship sinks in a different way, depending on its center of gravity and size, the shape of its hull, and, of course, the cause of the accident. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Genius Rejected $1 MILLION And Lived On $100 a Month

What would you do if you were awarded a prize of 1 million dollars? Thank the academy, grab the money, and buy a yacht? That sounds like a good plan for most people, but not Grigori Perelman, a math genius, who was offended by his prize and rejected it. Grigori Perelman was born in 1955 in Saint Petersburg, which was called Leningrad in the time of the Soviet Union. When he was 16, he entered the School of Mathematics and Mechanics at Leningrad State University. By 1990, Perelman had completed his Ph.D. After a few articles that were a success in both the Soviet and international scientific world, Perelman was invited to the US. There, he first met famous mathematician Richard Hamilton. Interestingly, later, when Perelman was asked why he rejected his million-dollar award, he mentioned Hamilton… TIMESTAMPS:
Grigori's childhood 0:20
Eccentric young man 1:58
Why he refused to write a resumé 2:54
Solving the Poincaré conjecture 3:38
Why he quitted his job 6:25
… and rejected his million-dollar award 8:11
What is his life like now? 8:59 #maths #genius #brightside Preview photo credit: Grigori Perelman at Berkeley: By George Bergman – Mathematisches Institut Oberwolfach (MFO)/Wikimedia, GFDL, Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– In 1982, as one of the best students in the country, Perelman went to Budapest as a member of the Soviet national team to take part in the International Mathematical Olympiad. And there, he won the golden medal for scoring the maximum possible number of points! – People were noticing how … eccentric he was. He wasn’t exactly struggling financially because he made good money during his fellowship. Yet, all he ate was traditional Russian brown bread and cheese.
– In 1993, he was offered another great position; he became a two-year Miller Research Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley.
– During his time in California, Perelman was asked to write a resumé to apply to different scientific positions worldwide. He was offended by that suggestion, saying that people would learn enough from his works without any resumés.
– In his home town, he went back to his old job at the Steklov Institute, a research position that paid him less than a hundred dollars per month.
– He gave lectures at six leading American universities, including Harvard, Princeton and Stanford, and hundreds of people attended them. He didn’t do it for attention or fame, but in the name of science. – In 2006, the scientific world officially acknowledged that the problem had been solved. The Science journal named it the scientific “Breakthrough of the Year”, and he was announced the winner of the Fields Medal, aka the mathematical Oscar and Nobel Prize combined. – Probably the fear of being an animal at the zoo made Perelman quit his job at the Steklov Institute in 2006, and hide from the rest of the world altogether. – When spotted outside, he’s always seen in the same dingy coat and trousers, with super long nails and a beard. – Perelman stated that his contribution to the solution wasn’t any greater than Richard Hamilton’s, and so it would be dishonest for him to accept the prize as his own.
– At some point, Perelman decided to break all ties with math. He said that while there are mathematicians who are honest people, they are conformists, willing to tolerate those who are dishonest.
– For a few years, Perelman survived on his mom’s old age pension, but in 2018, he finally started accepting proposals to give Math lectures in Europe from time to time. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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