Category Archives: Bright Side News

A Unique Image of Space Station Сrossing in Front of the Sun

There’s no human-made object orbiting our planet bigger than the International Space Station. It speeds through space at 5 miles per second. The ISS is a real speed racer flying about 250 miles above Earth. And don’t forget – there’s a whole crew of astronauts in there! The station is shared by the space agencies of the United States, Canada, Europe, Russia, and Japan, hence the whole “international” thing. The purpose of this joint effort is to conduct research for future space missions, such as more trips to the moon or maybe even to Mars someday! This impressive structure is often visible from Earth, even during the day. And in case you’d like to see it, there are smartphone apps that show you when and where you can see the ISS on its next fly-by over your town. Other videos you might like:
What If You Poured Some Water On The Sun?
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused
NASA Has Just Discovered a New Planet! TIMESTAMPS:
The cost per crewmember per day 💰 0:43
How many people serve aboard the ISS 1:20
Why that image is so unique 2:16
How you can take a picture of the ISS 4:35
What the current ISS crew's doing (Spoiler: they are growing plants!) 🍅🥦🥕 5:39 #ISS #space #brightside Preview photo credit: The Space Station Crosses a Spotless Sun: By Rainee Colacurcio/NASA,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– The ISS speeds through space at 5 miles per second. It takes about 1 & ½ hours to complete one orbit around our planet, and it does this a little over 15 times per day.
– The station is shared by the space agencies of the United States, Canada, Europe, Russia, and Japan, hence the whole “international” thing. – The estimated cost as of 2010 was $150 billion. The cost per crewmember per day is $7.5 million. No wonder the Station has been dubbed the priciest human-made structure in history!
– As of March 2019, 236 people have served aboard the ISS, and they collectively represent 18 different countries.
– This impressive structure is often visible from Earth, even during the day since sunlight shines on its reflective surfaces. – The shocking thing is that Colacurcio was able to get her timing and equipment just right for a spectacular image.
– Another interesting detail is that there were no sunspots visible when she snapped the picture at that moment. That’s a pretty rare occurrence, but now would be a better time than ever for there to be absolutely no spots on the sun. – Colacurcio’s picture is actually a composite of two separate photos.
– The current ISS crew has been working on growing plants, and they plan to grow some Espanola chili peppers this November! – Growing food is essential for astronauts on long-term missions. And fruits are perfect, especially these chilies, since they’re packed with health-boosting Vitamin C. – In 2015, astronaut Scott Kelly and others made history by growing zinnias as part of a gardening program. They used a contraption called “Veggie” which pretty much serves as a little onboard greenhouse for plant cultivation in space. – So, yeah, ISS astronauts are up there trying to create a viable food source for us in the future once we start colonizing other celestial bodies! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Secret Labyrinth Underneath One of New York’s Top Schools

Are you ready to dive deep into some underground history and mystery? There’s a network of secret tunnels under Columbia University, in New York City. But that’s not even the most interesting part. These tunnels are part of the original campus of the Bloomingdale Insane Asylum. Btw, the modern-day definition of “sanity,” and appropriate treatment for what that is, is far different from what it was in the 1700s and 1800s. Mental health was a fairly new field in America at this time, and treatments were largely experimental. What went on inside these kinds of institutions was not usually public knowledge… TIMESTAMPS:
A little bit about Columbia University 0:28
Bloomingdale Insane Asylum 1:43
What the treatment was like 4:16
The Bloomingdale Insane Asylum scandal 5:33
What's so special about those tunnels? 6:56 #secretplaces #ColumbiaUniversity #BrightSide Preview photo credit: Alma Mater: By Nowhereman86 – Own work, CC BY 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Originally established as King’s College in 1754, it’s name later changed to Columbia College, and then to Columbia University in 1912.
– Columbia has been ranked among the top universities in the world numerous times. It even has research institutions outside of the U.S., called Columbia Global Centers.
– The Asylum opened in 1821, originally intended only for male patients. In 1837, a ward for female patients followed.
– Despite its therapeutic gardens and lovely walkways, the Asylum eventually declined financially, lost funding, and closed in the 1880s. – It should also be mentioned that Bloomingdale Insane Asylum was built during a time when an effort was being made to make radical and positive changes in the mental health field. – The most prominent scandal happened in 1872, when a New York journalist named Julius Chambers decided to write an article about the true nature of asylums. – Chambers spent ten long days inside the walls of this institution. After his release, he published a series of articles in the New York Tribune. – His hard and unpleasant work led to the exposure of some of the not-so-nice treatment that the patients were receiving, and the release of a dozen patients was set in motion.
– The underground tunnels connect most of Columbia University’s buildings, but the bulk of them are underneath Buell Hall.
– Today, the passageways house large-scale piping and electrical equipment – basically the guts of the Columbia University campus. – Technically, taking a journey through the tunnels is discouraged, but the cement walls of the tunnels display generations of graffiti, spray-painted drawings, poetry, inspirational quotes, Latin verses…even helpful directions for those traveling through the tunnels and trying to find their way! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Only Way to Survive a Shark Attack

Out of the nearly 500 different species of shark that inhabit the oceans today, only a dozen or so have ever been known to go after humans. And even in those cases, it’s only believed to have happened because the shark was confused or curious. So, despite what movies like Jaws or The Meg have shown us over the years, there aren’t any sharks roaming near the shoreline, looking for people to eat. In fact, sharks tend to prefer smaller fish and invertebrates. When it comes to us, it’s an old cliché but it rings true – they’re more scared of you than you are of them. Of course, everybody should know how to decrease the chances of encountering a shark. And if you happen upon one, here's what you should do. TIMESTAMPS:
How to avoid a shark encounter 1:40
If you see a shark:
– Don't freak out 2:57
– Avoid sudden movements 3:49
– Keep the shark in front of you 4:28
– Make yourself appear as large as possible 5:24
– Use your camera or snorkel 6:25 #sharks #survivaltips #brightside SUMMARY:
– First, always swim with a group. Sharks are significantly less likely to go after a group than a solitary person.
– Second, avoid the water at dawn, dusk, or night. Unless the water is in your swimming pool, then you’re fine.
– Avoid wearing shiny jewelry. This can have the unintended effect of making you into a human fishing lure.
– Sharks can smell blood from at least 500 yards away, if not more, and can easily track its source. – If you see a shark while you’re in the ocean – Don’t. Freak. Out. – Avoid sudden movements. That said, if there are people around, it’s a good idea to let them know what’s happening, so they can help – or if they didn’t watch this video, let them freak out and distract the shark for you. – Try to keep the shark in front of you. Sharks are known as “ambush predators”, meaning they prefer to get to their prey by surprise.
– If you can’t get away, and the shark begins to circle or zig-zag around you, it’s time to go into survival mode. In this instance, try to make yourself appear as large as possible. – If you happen to have a camera or snorkel, consider using this to go after the eyes or the gills.
– Many species, like the hammerhead, are critically endangered, so if you do come across one, stay cool and only defend yourself if necessary. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Physicists Say We Could Live in a 2D Universe Right Now

You know that a long time ago people believed the Earth was flat, right? Now we’re well aware that it’s more or less a sphere, and it seems ridiculous to think otherwise when there are so many hard facts proving it. But what if those people of the past were actually… right? It turns out they could be, just not in the sense we thought about it. Our brain is a highly complex thing, and science has not yet fully explained how it works. We know, however, that it exists in 3D, meaning that we perceive objects from three different perspectives: length, width, and height. But a physicist from the University of California in Davis, James Scargill, has shared a theory that 2D universes can exist and even support life… TIMESTAMPS:
What are 2D universes 1:05
Arguments against this idea 2:27
We live in a huge hologram? 😵 4:29
What's the shape of our Universe? 5:18
Our brains can easily mess up with us 7:09 #universe #2D #brightside SUMMARY:
– Well, the thing is, since our brain can only think of things in a three-dimensional way, it can’t hold the idea of a two-dimensional space being real.
– Initially, Dr. Scargill wanted to test the philosophical concept that a universe can only exist if there’s life to observe it. – Dr. Scargill did some complex calculations and was surprised to find out that, hypothetically, life can exist in such universes.
– About his other general theory of relativity, Albert said that moving objects with mass create a curve in space-time, pulling other objects nearby towards them. – And Dr. Scargill’s calculations show just that: there could be a gravitational field in 2D space, so the first argument is invalid — theoretically, at least.
– Dr. Scargill argues here that there are planar graphs that have properties like neural networks.
– Many mathematicians believe that our very own universe is two-dimensional itself. It’s called a holographic principle, and its main idea is that the universe is essentially 2D, and it looks 3D to us because its image is overlaid onto a cosmic horizon. – Let’s go back in history and meet our ancestors, the ancient humans. You know cave paintings, right? If you saw them, then you realize that ancient artists knew nothing about perspective. – The people of the past naturally didn’t want to adopt new and radical ideas about our world, and they preferred to see it as flat. – Our brains can easily mess up with us. The thing is, whatever we see, hear, smell, touch, or taste is not really an actual object — it’s our subjective perception of it.
– So many humans, so many views of the world. And there are literally no two worlds that are completely identical. This is just crazy, but it kind of makes you believe we could all be living in a two-dimensional space, only seeing it as 3D. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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We Could Live in a 2D Universe Right Now

You know that a long time ago people believed the Earth was flat, right? Now we’re well aware that it’s more or less a sphere, and it seems ridiculous to think otherwise when there are so many hard facts proving it. But what if those people of the past were actually… right? It turns out they could be, just not in the sense we thought about it. Our brain is a highly complex thing, and science has not yet fully explained how it works. We know, however, that it exists in 3D, meaning that we perceive objects from three different perspectives: length, width, and height. But a physicist from the University of California in Davis, James Scargill, has shared a theory that 2D universes can exist and even support life… TIMESTAMPS:
What are 2D universes 1:05
Arguments against this idea 2:27
We live in a huge hologram? 😵 4:29
What's the shape of our Universe? 5:18
Our brains can easily mess up with us 7:09 #universe #2D #brightside SUMMARY:
– Well, the thing is, since our brain can only think of things in a three-dimensional way, it can’t hold the idea of a two-dimensional space being real.
– Initially, Dr. Scargill wanted to test the philosophical concept that a universe can only exist if there’s life to observe it. – Dr. Scargill did some complex calculations and was surprised to find out that, hypothetically, life can exist in such universes.
– About his other general theory of relativity, Albert said that moving objects with mass create a curve in space-time, pulling other objects nearby towards them. – And Dr. Scargill’s calculations show just that: there could be a gravitational field in 2D space, so the first argument is invalid — theoretically, at least.
– Dr. Scargill argues here that there are planar graphs that have properties like neural networks.
– Many mathematicians believe that our very own universe is two-dimensional itself. It’s called a holographic principle, and its main idea is that the universe is essentially 2D, and it looks 3D to us because its image is overlaid onto a cosmic horizon. – Let’s go back in history and meet our ancestors, the ancient humans. You know cave paintings, right? If you saw them, then you realize that ancient artists knew nothing about perspective. – The people of the past naturally didn’t want to adopt new and radical ideas about our world, and they preferred to see it as flat. – Our brains can easily mess up with us. The thing is, whatever we see, hear, smell, touch, or taste is not really an actual object — it’s our subjective perception of it.
– So many humans, so many views of the world. And there are literally no two worlds that are completely identical. This is just crazy, but it kind of makes you believe we could all be living in a two-dimensional space, only seeing it as 3D. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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When Scientists Found this Star, They Started Believing In Aliens

The state of our knowledge about the Universe is in a strange place now. We can map countless stars around us, but we seem to be just stumbling upon every discovery. Some of them are so puzzling, even skeptical scientists start to suspect aliens! The brightest example is the Tabby Star, who’s light dims as if there was a giant artificial megastructure around it. It's about 50% bigger than our Sun, and 1,000 degrees hotter, and there are other objects just like it in the Universe. Nevertheless, it became known as the strangest star ever observed. So what’s really happening there? To understand it, we should dive a bit deeper into how it was first found. TIMESTAMPS:
What's so unique about Tabby Star? 🌟 2:46
Does a highly developed civilization live there? 😮 3:45
Why our data can be unreliable 5:52
What about more grounded theories? 7:04 #aliens #space #brightside SUMMARY:
– KIC 8462852, or simply called Tabby Star, is a mysterious celestial object situated in the constellation Cygnus, some 1,470 light-years away from the Sun
– Tabby Star is named after Professor Tabetha Boyajian, who was the first to notice a strange quality: while other stars dim by about 1% when a planet passes in front of them, Tabby Star dimmed much more. – At times, its shine is restored to its natural state, and then it gets obscured once again. – This produced the first theory – Tabby Star may have a giant hive of comets and asteroids orbiting around it.
– In fact, the idea of a structure spinning around a star is long known to astronomers. It’s called the Dyson Sphere. Hypothetically, a structure like this could be made by a highly developed civilization to harvest the energy from a star.
– Dyson Spheres are proposed to be the first sign of a highly advanced civilization existing in the Universe. – The probability of a Dyson Sphere causing Tabby Star’s dimming was put to the test by searching for any radio signals in the area of the star, but unfortunately, scientists were met with nothing but silence.
– Anyways, the scientific community was, shall we say, outraged about the decision to even try and test the alien theory of Tabby Star’s mystery in the first place.
– So recently, another, much more grounded, Tabby Star theory emerged. According to it, there must be a giant brown dwarf planet going around Tabby Star at distant orbits. – Astronomer Brian Metzger and his colleagues at Columbia University suggested that the objects surrounding Tabby Star and causing the strange flickering of its light might be the remains of crushed planets and their exomoons. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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What Rita Montalcini Did to Get a Nobel Prize

The heroine of this story lived a very long life; the longest among Nobel prize winners. She was an amazing woman who became a scientist, despite her father’s objection. Not even the cruel dictates of Mussolini would interfere with her intention to advance science. Rita Levi-Montalcini was the most extravagant Nobel Prize winner, and one of only a few women who have done so. She lived to be 103 years old and devoted her whole life to science. She was a neurobiologist and brain specialist who gained international recognition and legendary fame, making history with science, despite all the obstacles she faced… TIMESTAMPS:
Career or family? 0:56
Why Rita’s scientific career was challenged 3:41
Great discovery 4:14
So what about family? 6:53
Secrets of her longevity 7:38 #NobelPrize #FamousWomen #brightside Preview photo credit: A viewer looks at giant photo of 1985 Nobel Prize for Medicine laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini, right: By FABRIZIO GIOVANNOZZI/ASSOCIATED PRESS/East News,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Rita was born in Italy on April 22, 1909 in a patriarchal family. Her mother, Adele Montalcini, was an artist. Her father, Adamo Levi was an engineer and mathematician.
– Her father loved his daughters very much and had a great respect for women in general, but he thought that their career would interfere with their duty as wives and mothers.
– The girls got a good domestic education, but Rita wasn’t going to be satisfied with the role of mother and wife.
– Against all her father’s objections, Rita spent 8 months learning Latin and biology all by herself, and entered the medical college of the University of Turin. – After graduation, she started working as an assistant to a well-known scientist, Giuseppe Levi.
– In 1938, Rita’s scientific career was challenged when Mussolini issued an ordinance refusing to allow Jews to have a professional career.
– Later, she would say that she was grateful for this obstacle, as working at home by herself allowed her to achieve better results.
– Soon, American colleagues became interested in the results of her research. Viktor Hamburger, a neurobiologist and embryologist, was among them.
– Like any absurd idea of a young scientist, at first it wasn’t accepted by the scientific society. But still, Hamburger invited Rita to St. Louis and made her a staff scientist. – The scientific community wasn’t very enthusiastic about the discovery. It was widely known then that the nerve tissue couldn’t regenerate or grow. – And yet, Montalcini and Kohen turned out to be right, and discovered many other Growth Factors.
– Having made a remarkable career in the US, professor Levi-Montalcini came back to her homeland and devoted herself to developing science in Italy. – Rita’s works in the US were instrumental in further research of cancer and Alzheimer disease. – She never got married, and had no children, but it was her conscious decision. – At the celebration of her 100th birthday at the European Brain Research Institute, which she'd founded herself, she said that she kept an amazing clarity of mind because of everyday work. – Among other secrets or longevity that she shared was waking up early, going to bed at 11 pm, and moderate eating.
– In Italy, in 2001, she became a Senator for life. This title is only given to ex-presidents and the citizens who have brought glory to their homeland by their achievements in art and science. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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12 Strange Sounds on Earth Science Can’t Explain

For years, scientists have been struggling to explain bizarre sounds – some repeating, some heard only once – that fill the atmosphere of our planet. From bewildering hums to worrying sonic booms and bloops, yes, bloops — the air is literally filled with outlandish acoustic phenomena. And most of these sounds still leave researchers scratching their heads. Have you ever heard, for example, that astronomers found a singing black hole? Scientists say that the black hole has been performing the longest-lasting symphony known to us humans, and this symphony is being played at the lowest note in the universe at that! TIMESTAMPS:
The Upsweep 0:38
Skyquakes 1:31
The Sound of Apocalypse 2:42
Bristol Hum 3:38
The Taos Hum 4:45
The Whistle 5:43
The Bloop 6:29
Slow Down 7:49
The Loneliest Whale 8:33
Julia 9:23
Storms of Jupiter 9:56
A Singing Black Hole 10:37 #sounds #mystery #brightside SUMMARY:
– #1. This sound varies from high to low frequencies and then back again, and you can hear it better in the spring and fall than in the winter and summer. – #2. You don't need to travel to a particular part of the world to hear a skyquake. Mysterious sonic booms ramble from the skies everywhere, from the US to India and Japan.
– #3. Until recently, nobody could understand the origin of the sounds, but these days NASA claims that there's nothing to be afraid of. The noise could be a naturally occurring sound from our own planet. – #4. It started in the 1970s, when hundreds of Bristol's inhabitants began to complain about a bizarre noise audible only at night. The noise was a low-level hum, and nobody could identify or trace the source of the sounds.
– #5. This phenomenon is a faint low-frequency hum ringing in the desert air, and grating on your nerves. Even stranger, only 2 percent of the people who live in Taos hear this noise. – #6. Ever heard that annoying sound when a kettle of boiling water is informing you that it's time to make a cup of tea? Well, then you can imagine what the Whistle sounds like. – #7. One of the most powerful and famous unexplained sounds on our planet, The Bloop was recorded in 1997 by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and continued for approximately 1 minute.
– #8. The noise got its curious name because it usually lasts for about 7 minutes, gradually decreasing in frequency. – #9. This sound is often called "52-hertz whale" because the animal that creates it calls at a unique frequency for these creatures – 52 hertz. When you listen to this noise, it sounds like a low bass note. – #10. Scientists claim that the sound could be made by an Antarctic iceberg that ran aground, but then, what size must this iceberg be to create so much noise? – #11. As NASA's Juno spacecraft was approaching its destination – Jupiter – on July 4, 2016, it recorded a bizarre mixture of roaring and screeching sounds. This cacophony wouldn't stop for more than 2 hours.
– #12. Not only have astronomers confirmed that black holes can sing, but they've actually found one that's been doing it for 2 billion years! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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45 Moon Facts That Show How Little You Know About It

An Italian proverb says, “If the Sun shines on me, I care not for the Moon.” It's a flippant remark, as the Earth’s satellite is some simple thing not worthy of consideration. And we're going to share the most interesting facts about the Moon with you; it might change your mind about the moon's simplicity. Did you know, for example, that there are huge temperature fluctuations on the Moon? Or that its gravity is only 1/6th that of the Earth’s. If your weight here is 100 pounds, you’ll only weigh 17 pounds standing on the Moon’s surface. You would also be able to walk a distance 6 times longer and carry a weight 6 times heavier there. TIMESTAMPS:
How it was formed 0:33
How big it is 1:32
What is the temperature on the Moon? 2:53
Why we see the same side of it 3:18
Why the other side of the Moon is more mountainous 3:45
The greatest crater 4:21
Moonquakes 4:42
The Moon’s gravity 4:52
Is lunar dust dangerous? 5:28
Shadows on the Moon 6:11
Trees from the Moon 7:42
Fresh tracks on the Moon’s surface 8:10
Its own time zone 8:51
Why nothing can grow there 9:16
What Lunar seas look like 9:51 #moon #space #brightside SUMMARY:
– The Moon is not an ideal sphere. It's shaped more like an egg because of the Earth’s gravity. – We can see solar eclipses pretty often, but moon eclipses only happen once every several hundred years. – Although the Moon seems really bright, its ability to reflect sunlight is 3 times less than that of Earth.
– It would take about 300,000 Moons to produce as much light at night as there is in the afternoon. About 206,000 of them would have to be full. – The gravitational influence of the Moon has this effect on the oceans. The highest tide can be seen at full or new Moon.
– It was only in 1959 that people could finally see the other side of Moon, thanks to a photo taken by the Russian spacecraft “Luna 3”.
– Craters on the Moon were first named after famous scientists, artists and researchers, and later – after American and Russian astronauts. – There's water on the Moon, but leave your straw at home; it's all frozen in the craters and under the ground.
– Long-distance jumps can be uncontrolled and dangerous, as the Moon’s surface is full of deep craters. – The Moon does have a kind of atmosphere, which is called an exosphere. It consists of helium, neon and argon. It’s ten trillion times less dense than on Earth. – The absence of oxygen in the atmosphere means that the sky is utterly black while the sun continues to glare. – The Moon is the only space body outside the Earth where humans have landed. So far.
– Modern smartphones are more powerful than the computers that were used to land the “Apollo” spaceship on the Moon.
– 12 people have been to the Moon. Neil Armstrong was the first one in 1969, and Eugene Cernan, the last, in 1972. – There are 200 tons of space junk on the Moon. Actually it’s experiments, used-up backpacks and the like, left by NASA astronauts, who landed on the Moon from 1969 to 1972. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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