Category Archives: Bright Side News

The First Female Tattoo Artist in the US Who Made It for a Living

Maud Wagner was born in a small county in Kansas in 1877. Her parents lived on a farm, and when she got older, she decided to leave the quiet life behind. She joined a traveling circus and started out as a contortionist. It was a twist of fate. She didn’t know it then, but this bold move would change the course of her entire life. What was definitely not common in the early 20th century was women with body modifications. Truth be told, even tattoos on men were still highly associated with the criminal world. Marked up girls were especially rare, and as a result, the public considered them weirdos and even freaks. Thanks to this brave lady, tattoos became something more than a strange attraction. TIMESTAMPS:
Maud meets “the most artistically marked-up man in America” 0:30
Why she agreed to go on a date with him 1:50
What her tattoos looked like 3:19
A teenage girl with mysterious marks on her face 4:08
9-year-old tattoo artist 6:22
Millie Hull who rocked the tattoo world 7:53 #tattoo #funhistory #brightside SUMMARY:
– For a while, Maud toured the United States, working in various sideshows and circus acts as an aerialist at the time. – In 1904, she met was Gus Wagner. He was a former seaman, and a few years before, he’d found his true calling in between his journeys. During his stay in Java and Borneo, he picked up the skill of creating tattoos from the natives. – He had over 260 designs on his own skin. It’s no wonder that at the time, he became known as “the most artistically marked-up man in America”. 
– Though the machine was widely used by his colleagues, Wagner preferred the good old stick and poke technique that the tribesmen taught him. – He asked Maud to go on a date with him. But not for nothing, because in exchange, he agreed to teach her how to make a tattoo. I guess he was a true romantic. 
– What was definitely not common in the early 20th century was women with body modifications. Truth be told, even tattoos on men were still highly associated with the criminal world. – Their union may have been really unusual, but they were partners in every sense of the word. They lived and worked together and of course, they also tattooed each other. – Maud and Gus were the ones who brought this craft to the parts of their country where people had hardly ever seen an inked person. 
– In 1910, their daughter Lotteva was born. She made her first tat when she was just 9 years old!
– During the 1930s, Millie Hull was the one who rocked the tattoo world. – Hull also began her working life in a circus, but as a dancer. Soon she heard she could make way more money if she was tattooed. It didn’t take very long before she was covered all over. – In 1936, an article about her appeared in the Family Circle magazine. There she was, in all her glory, demonstrating her extraordinary talents among the celebrity news and housekeeping tips.
– She was one of the few women who worked in this area, which, by the way, had been crucial for tattoo masters and fans for decades. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Longest Flight in History: 64 Days And 22 Hours

How long is “really long” when it comes to flights? A trip from Dubai to LA, or Sydney to, let’s say, Houston? Or maybe the longest flight in your life was that journey from Kansas to New York when you were trapped between a snoring guy and a crying baby? In fact, the longest flight in the world lasted for 64 days and 22 hours! a Cessna 172 airplane took off in December, 1958 and didn’t land until February of 1959! How could that happened? How did the pilots manage to stay in the air for so long? Where did they get the fuel from? What did they eat, and did they ever sleep? Let's find out! TIMESTAMPS:
Weird ad campaign 1:20
How to stay in the air for 51 days 2:38
Why they finally decided to land 3:36
Where did they get the fuel from? 5:15
What did they eat? 6:27
How did they manage to go to the bathroom? 6:57
How the pilots entertained themselves 8:15 #planes #aircrafts #brightside The Cessna 172, used by Robert Timm and John Cook, hanging in McCarran Airport: By Daniel Piotrowski –, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Back in the 1950’s, the future owners of Hacienda decided to build a family hotel in Las Vegas.
– A slot machine mechanic named Bob Timm offered them a brilliant idea! He decided to set the new flight endurance record, and he needed a plane and money. The Hacienda owners granted him $100,000. In exchange for that money, Bob had to paint “Hacienda” on the side of the plane.
– While Timm was still getting ready, he found out that two Dallas pilots, Jim Heath and Bill Burkhart, had just beaten the old record from 1949 of a 46-day long flight by 4 days, so his new task was to stay in the air for at least 51 days. – They took off from McCarran Field in Las Vegas in the afternoon of December 4, 1958. They were flying in Las Vegas air space for the first few days so that they could land at the airport in case something went wrong.
– On day 60, the engine started slowly dying, and since they didn’t want to risk their lives, the crew decided to land. They did it on February 7, 1959 after 64 days, 22 hours, and 19 minutes and 150,000 miles in the air. – A tanker truck brought extra fuel twice a day. The pilot had to fly very very close to the ground and keep the same speed as the truck on the road. – The same supply truck that brought them fuel delivered the food in a special thermos.
– A sink was installed inside the plane for shaving, and showering had to be done … outside, using a quart bottle of water on a special platform.
– They had comic books to glance through, and they played games like “I spy with my little eye” and counting things. They did some limited kinds of physical exercise that they could practice in their little home. – After they’d landed safely, Timm went back to his slot machine mechanic job, and Cook continued working as a pilot for airlines. No one has managed to beat their record yet. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Sun Might Destroy the Earth Sooner Than You Think

How do you imagine the end of the world? It might not be the brightest of topics, but admit it, you’ve thought about it in your spare time. It’s just one of those things that randomly come to your mind. Scientists have found out that all life on Earth is going to be wiped out by the Sun — and pretty soon. The Sun has an incredibly big influence on everything on Earth, and it isn’t limited to just light and warmth. Did you know, for example, that even a 5% increase in the size of our star would make our planet way different from what we have now. There’s no telling how exactly the Earth would look, but it would definitely not be the planet we know. What we wouldn’t be able to witness already is a 10% expansion of the sun. But what about when it will happen? TIMESTAMPS:
Why the Sun still hasn’t burnt us all down 0:47
Why the Sun grows bigger 1:57
No sun means no clouds 3:04
What if the Sun expanded by several percent 4:18
Can Mars turn into Earth-2? 5:36
When the Sun will be no more 6:10
When will the Sun wipe out our entire planet? 7:02
What's so dangerous about the Sun’s behavior right now? 7:49 #space #sun #brightside SUMMARY:
– What do we know about the Sun? It’s basically a huge generator: it gives us light, warmth, and even an endless supply of safe energy, which we’re currently mastering. – You see, as stars go, our Sun is quite young: it’s only 4.6 billion years old, and it’s now in the phase when it’s most stable.
– But like any other star, the Sun is constantly changing. The energy it gives off results from burning, and that can’t be safe by any accounts. – The energy the Sun gives to our planet heats the surface and the atmosphere alike, and it drives the weather all across the globe. As weird as it sounds, there would simply be no rain without the sun. – As the sun heats the surface of Earth, it starts all sorts of processes on and beneath it. It may sound crazy, but even volcano eruptions and earthquakes are the result of the sun’s activity — at least in part. – Even a 5% increase in the size of our star would make our planet way different from what we have now. Its surface would get much hotter, water would evaporate in much more copious amounts, and the climate would change drastically. – What we wouldn’t be able to witness already is a 10% expansion of the sun. As you might’ve guessed, the habitable zone would move again, and this time the Earth would be pushed out of it.
– The good news is that for some time, at this point, Mars would enter the habitable zone instead, so if humankind eventually finds a way to colonize the red planet, it will be able to escape the sad fate of its home world. – On the other hand, if the growth of greenhouse gases produced by humans continues, we might face a global change of climate.
– Climate change won’t come peacefully: it will trigger lots and lots of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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7 Exercises for Men to Build a Big Strong Neck

Building strong neck muscles may not be on your first priorities list when working out, but, in fact, you shouldn’t neglect them. They not only add to your overall image but are also good for your health! In 2008, scientists from National Research Center for the Working Environment in Copenhagen proved that strengthening your neck relieves pain in this area, so why not start benefiting yourself right now and do some neck-building exercises? But don’t overdo it. Your neck is more vulnerable than the rest of your muscles, so keep the weights lighter than you would for other exercises. Waking up one day without being able to turn your head is not a sensation you’d like to experience. So keep your neck safe and don’t break it! TIMESTAMPS:
Dumbbell shrug 0:33
Face down resistance 1:31
Single-arm dumbbell row 2:24
Lateral raise 3:34
Front dumbbell raise 4:28
Face up resistance 5:31
Reverse fly 6:30
Additional recommendations 8:09 #workout #bigmuscles #brightside SUMMARY:
– Dumbbell shrug is an exercise that targets both your shoulders and your neck, so there’s a double benefit here. It’s a basic set that should be incorporated in any neck workout.
– Face down resistance exercise targets your neck specifically, but it should be performed with caution: if you do it wrong, it can lead to serious injury.
– Almost any exercise, if it’s not extremely isolating (like biceps curls, for example), targets several muscles at once. Dumbbell rows are not an exception: they target your triceps, shoulders, and back of the neck.
– Lateral raise targets not only your neck and traps but your shoulders and upper arms as well.
– Front dumbbell raise targets the front of your shoulders, your traps, and sides of the neck, as well as the upper chest muscles.
– With face up resistance you’ll be targeting your traps, deltoid muscles, and the back of the neck.
– Reverse fly exercise doesn’t directly affect the neck. It targets the rhomboid and the deltoids, making your neck and shoulders stronger and more flexible.
– Don’t forget to warm up your neck. It’s one of those regions of your body that are more vulnerable when it comes to strain damage, along with your lower back and joints. – Neck workout shouldn’t be the only workout of a day — it’s normally combined with something else, and trainers argue about which is best: to combine it with your arms and shoulders day or give it a go on a chest and back day.
– It’s as important to cool down after a neck workout as it is to warm it up. Cooling down is often neglected at the gym, but professional trainers advise against this practice. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Shy Salesman Built Multimillion-Dollar Empire

Imagine a store. A big space with long open shelves loaded with all kinds of goods, and everyone can buy them for a fixed price. That’s what it looks like today. But it could've been a totally different story if it wasn’t for this one man. His name was Frank Winfield Woolworth. He invented the very concept of the general store as we know it today. Actually, this bright idea was just a follow-up to the many struggles he'd faced early on in his career. He managed to build a huge business empire out of five-cent shops… TIMESTAMPS:
The future millionaire milks cows 🐮 0:47
How his main idea came to his head 1:37
Frank tries his hand at commerce 2:42
No pay, just food and a place to sleep 4:09
Why he had a hard time communicating with clients 4:58
His first store opens its doors 6:51 Frank becomes one of the richest men in America 8:21
… and builds a skyscraper 9:32 #success #richpeople #brightside Preview photo credit: Souvenir Statue of Liberty in the shop. New York, NY, USA — December 25, 2018: By MarinaMonroe/,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– The future millionaire was born in a small town in New York in 1852. His parents had a farm where he and his little brother, Charles, spent their entire childhood.
– Another thing Frank enjoyed playing was merchants. He liked pretending to bargain with Charles; but not all the salesmen were his role models. – One day Frank told his brother that the time would come when everyone would have a chance to buy not one, but five or more things for 50 cents.
– And when Frank was 16, he dropped out of school to spend all day at the farm. – Frank would finish his work at the farm, then head to Watertown in the evening. He made it his aim to find a job there. – A family friend took him into their shop, and after a month of training, Woolworth was going to his first interview at Augsbury and Moore Dry Goods Store. – Back then, stores were very different from what they are now. Items were hidden behind cabinets and had no price tags, so people had to ask for it.
– This was probably part of why he had a hard time communicating with clients.
– As he grew in confidence and developed new skills, it was only logical for him to earn more. – In 1877, the store found itself having way more unsold goods than it should’ve had. They heard that other businesses tackled this problem by selling them for a fixed low cost. – He liked this thought so much, he started to look for a way to finance such an unusual business.
– The first “Woolworth’s Great Five Cent Store” opened its doors in Utica, New York in February 1879. – He launched the second shop in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in June of that year. In a single day, more than 30% of the supply was sold, earning almost $130! – Frank became one of the richest men in America, but he never forgot where he came from. – Frank Woolworth made sure everyone was able to purchase a quality product at the low cost of five or ten cents.
– As a self-made man, Frank always tried to outdo himself. Before he turned 60, he decided to leave yet another legacy and build… a skyscraper. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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8 Proven Ways to Speed Up Wi-Fi at Home

Raise your hand if you’ve never experienced the stress of a lousy internet connection. Sometimes, the problem originates in the router’s settings or the poor service offered by the hired company. But most of the time, a bad Wi-Fi connection arises because of specific objects or furniture that we have at home that are too close to the router or our computers. The Wi-Fi connection in your home will either save or ruin your day, and everything from your fridge to holiday decorations can contribute to a lousy connection. So let’s take a look at seven of these common connection enemies! TIMESTAMPS:
Microwave 0:38
Drones and other remote control toys 2:17
Holiday / decorative lights 2:45
The fridge 3:22
Mirrors 3:58
Brick and stone walls 4:36
Metal furniture and surfaces 5:27 Tips that will definitely help
– Update your wireless router’s firmware 6:18
– Proper router placement 7:14
– Check the frequency 7:59
– Get a Wi-Fi extender 8:28 #wifi #internet #brightside SUMMARY:
– Both your Wi-Fi signal and microwave oven operate on the same frequency, which is 2.4 GHz. Every microwave should be properly shielded so it doesn’t leak any radiation, but the fact is, just about all of them leak enough to cause electromagnetic or radio frequency (RF) interference.
– Drones and other remote control toys “talk” to the remote you’re using on that 2.4 GHz frequency. Not all models will cause this interference, but more powerful and long-range devices can.
– The same string lights you use on your Christmas tree or put up around the room for a cool party could be the reason you can’t stream that awesome party song playlist you spent hours and hours on! – Electrical appliances that use pipes and circulate water are not so nice your Wi-Fi signal. This is because water has the ability to retain energy from wireless waves, which can mess up your connection.
– Your mirror reflects the signal coming from the router. As a result, it can also act as a kind of shield and cause the signal to bounce off of it. – So this one won’t have as simple of a fix because chances are, if your house or apartment has brick and stone walls, they’re probably there for a reason.
– Metal fixtures, utility shelves and the like can all give your Wi-Fi a rough time. Metal is a conductor, so it absorbs electricity, and as you recall, a Wi-Fi signal is made of radio and electromagnetic waves.
– Sometimes all it takes is giving your router an update.
– Where you put your router can have the biggest impact on the quality of the signal. An open area is ideal. – Most routers will let you change this in the admin settings. If you have a dual-band router, it’s possible that the other frequency, 5GHz, isn’t turned on. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Boy Who Was Raised by African Monkeys

Tarzan, Mowgli – you know them all-too well on the big screen. But what about the real stories of children raised by animals? Are they just as adventurous and romantic as the movies show? The short answer is, no, not even close… In 1991, a villager in Uganda discovered a child who seemed very odd. In fact, it was even difficult to tell that it was a boy she’d found because the child had long hair all over his body. His knees were white and callused, and his fingernails were long and curled. There were plenty of clues, but how could this simple villager know that she’d stumbled upon one of the rarest and most bizarre phenomena: feral children… TIMESTAMPS:
What are feral children? 1:11
Living in the jungle 1:55
Teaching Ssebunya how to be human 3:24
Did he speak monkey language?! 5:08
Sport and singing 6:16
What Ssebunya says about his life 7:45 #kids #wildness #brightside SUMMARY:
– A feral child, or what some refer to as a wild child, is a boy or girl who lived without any human contact for some time in their early formative years.
– They often walk on all fours like their adoptive animal family, and they sometimes even look more like them! – His name would be John Ssebunya. When he was eventually able to speak, experts came to know of his story. Apparently, he’d run away from an unstable home when he was just a toddler. – He was adopted by the monkeys, and they’d take care of him for the next 3 years.
– They taught him how to survive by climbing trees and, of course, how to find food. He certainly was loved by the primates. – In the end, tearing the boy away from his jungle home likely ended up saving his life. And that’s because not long after they found him, they discovered that he had some dangerous parasites in his gut! – The very first-time humans tried to communicate with him, the boy only responded through screaming and biting, which scared most of them away. – When scientists started studying this case even further, they found that, despite his limited English, Ssebunya seemed to be fluent when communicating with the monkeys that had adopted him! – John did have some delays in his mental development. But even with that, he was able to achieve so much despite it all! – His caretakers couldn’t help but notice that he’s in incredible physical shape and quite a good runner. With the help of trainers, he competed in the Special Olympics not once but twice! – Aside from being good at sports, he’s also gifted with a beautiful singing voice.
– Despite his traumatic childhood, years of living completely isolated from society with all its safety and conveniences, and the long difficult road to rehabilitation, Ssebunya is still a kind man with a good heart. – In a 2013 interview, Ssebunya said that he’s living peacefully in his house and owns a couple of cows. He told the interviewer that he wanted to settle down, have kids, and start a family of his own. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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9 Secrets to Raise a Successful and Rich Kid

Why do some people become successful and rich, and others don't? That's a tough question. But there's no denying the fact that upbringing plays an important role in it. All parents want the best possible future for their kids but, unfortunately, not all of them know how to raise their children to be financially smart and ready for big achievements. Have you ever thought, for example, how important it is to raise children with the faith that everything is possible if they put enough effort into achieving it? Unfortunately, some parents sometimes say stuff that ruins a child’s confidence in themselves. It’s obvious that a person who doesn’t believe in themselves has a tough time achieving things in life, and has huge doubts about taking steps toward their goals. TIMESTAMPS:
They make their kids feel responsible 0:50
They teach their kids how to save money 1:40
They educate kids on money 2:32
They don’t instill negative beliefs in their children 3:29
They praise their kids the right way 4:54
They teach kids how to be independent 6:08
They make kids do chores 7:06
They have family rituals 8:00
They help kids build meaningful relationships 8:56 #kids #success #brightside SUMMARY:
– Giving clear instructions that'll help a kid sort out a situation on their own will work much better than nagging. That's how children will not only understand that it's important to be more careful with stuff since it costs money, but also learn to be more responsible.
– Just like adults save money for a vacation or a car, a kid should learn to put aside their pocket money as well. Most parents buy them piggy banks or just use old jars.
– For some reason, there are parents who avoid talking with their kids about money. These kids most likely believe money appears in the ATM by the wave of a magical wand. Obviously, children with these beliefs have lower chances to be financially stable when they grow up. – A good parent tries their best to focus a kid’s attention on their talents and strong points, building their self-esteem. And also, adults should raise their children with the faith that everything is possible if you put enough effort into achieving it. – It’s natural to praise kids for their achievements, no matter how small they are. But it’s also important to praise them for the hard work and effort they made that lead to the accomplishments.
– Having overprotective parents might be the biggest reason why kids don’t succeed later in life.
– There are a lot of things we do just because we have to. Even the youngest kid in the family should have some responsibilities when it comes to household chores. From an early age, a child should know that each member of the family has to contribute somehow to the betterment of the whole. – A study published in 2015 in the American Journal of Public Health reveals that children with strong social skills in kindergarten will thrive as adults. – Having strong relationships is essential for children’s growth and psychological well-being. Kids who don't have meaningful relationships tend to have lower academic results and are more likely to misbehave. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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33 Little-Known Airport Facts to Travel Easier

If you travel by plane quite a lot, dozens of questions can be accumulated in your brain. For example, what are the best shoes to wear at the airport security screening to not be asked to take them off? Or are those scanners you have to go through harmful to your health? Or how long the things seized during the pre-flight inspection can be stored at the airport for? You’d definitely like to know how to cancel non-refundable tickets and get your money back or how to significantly reduce the costs for transfers, hotels, and food even if it’s your first trip and you don’t have any discount cards. So here's the list of advice you should heed before your next trip. TIMESTAMPS:
Seized things 0:33
The radiation you get during the flight 1:17
How not to spill your coffee 1:55
What if they don't feed you 2:32
Buying liquids in Duty-Free 3:12
Pay in dollars or euros 3:35
Avoid carrying spray deodorants 4:01
Have a pair of extra underwear in your carry-on 4:40
What you can do if you need coins 5:13
Innocent things that may be prohibited 5:52
Where you can find unoccupied toilets 6:23
Put a couple of tennis balls in your carry-on 7:08
What if the airline's site just doesn't work 7:43
How to entertain yourself at the airport 8:16
Make sure your socks don't have holes in them 8:55
What if your first flight gets delayed 9:32
How to save some money 9:57 #airports #planes #brightside SUMMARY:
– You shouldn't be wary of airport scanners – they don't harm your health.
– If you have some powder in your baggage, be it some baby formula, flour, or instant drinks, keep it in its original packaging. – At some airports, you can buy drinking water right after you pass the security check.
– Check if the airport or airline sells 24-hour access to a VIP lounge zone. In most cases, you can have free snacks and drinks there.
– While in the baggage claim area, you might have to pay for Wi-Fi; but in the arrival zone, it's almost always free.
– If you’re in the middle of a bad cold, but you absolutely have to fly, take a painkiller before the plane takes off and lands.
– You can’t keep power banks in your checked baggage. – When going on a trip, instead of taking the whole perfume bottle, take a tester. – If you have a brand-new unopened bottle of nail polish in your carry-on, it's ok. But if you've already used it, put it in your checked luggage.
– . Seemingly innocent things like plants, seeds, and some types of food may be prohibited if you're flying to Australia, or other particular islands.
– You're more likely to find unoccupied toilets in the baggage claim area, near customs, next to big cafes, and in waiting lounges. – While packing for a long flight, remember to put a couple of tennis balls in your carry-on. If you roll your feet on them during the flight, your legs and feet won't swell up. – Statistically, the safest seats are in the tail of the aircraft.
– If you're traveling through several time zones, try to do more physical activity the day before. – If there are lots of empty seats on a plane, and you have the airline's bonus card, you can ask the flight attendants to move you to business class. – You can still pay for your onboard purchases with your bank card, even if there's no Internet on the plane. In this case, the money will be withdrawn as soon as you land. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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