Category Archives: Bright Side News

11 Places Way More Mysterious Than Bermuda Triangle

It’s one of the most terrifyingly fascinating places on our planet. Ships and planes simply vanish, radios and compasses just stop working, and some even say they’ve spotted UFOs there. And it's not the one and only Bermuda Triangle. There are at least 11 other mysterious places. So what are they, and how do they form? Ivan T. Sanderson, a writer, a biologist, and a huge fan of the paranormal and inexplicable, traveled a lot and recorded his experiences. What caught his attention the most was where the strangest unexplained things kept happening. That is, disappearing ships and whatnot. He was able to map 12 of these places scattered all over the world. But the weird thing is, 6 of them lie almost perfectly in line above the Equator, and the same goes for the 6 below it… TIMESTAMPS:
The Bermuda Triangle 1:11
The Algerian Megaliths 2:14
Mohenjo-Daro 3:02
The Dragon’s Triangle 3:44
The Hamakulia Volcano 4:30
Easter Island 4:59
The South Atlantic Anomaly 5:44
Great Zimbabwe 6:20
The Wharton Basin 6:53
The Loyalty Islands 7:27
The North and South Poles 8:06 Theories about these Vile Vortices:
– Ley lines 8:52
– Giant puzzle 9:32
– A lot of geologic activity 10:04 #mystery #bermudatriangle #brightside SUMMARY:
– Besides the paranormal theories of wormholes to another dimension and gates to the underworld, the Bermuda Triangle is really foggy due to methane gas that sometimes makes it impossible for travelers to see, thus making navigation a little tricky too. – The Algerian Megaliths are an architectural anomaly, showing just how advanced these people were for a time when we didn’t have the technology to help us build stable constructions. – Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan goes way back to the Indus Valley Civilization in 2500 BCE. Like in Algeria, this society was, for some reason, surprisingly advanced when it came to building and urban planning.
– Heading further east along the same northern line, we arrive in Japan, where the Dragon’s Triangle, also called the Devil’s Sea, is located. The most astonishing thing about this Vile Vortex is that there’s an underwater city dubbed Japan’s Atlantis. – Located in the Ring of Fire, the next Vile Vortex is the Hamakulia Volcano in Hawaii. Locals treat it with utmost respect as the volcano is believed to have a mysterious power. – Now let’s head south of the Equator to one of the most isolated places on this planet: Easter Island in Polynesia. This is where you can find nearly 900 Moai statues created by the Rapa Nui people. – The South Atlantic Anomaly is a part of Earth where natural radiation flows out of control.
– Another impressive megalith, this time in Zimbabwe. It was once home to around 20,000 people… but it’s now a ghost town. – Poor Australia has Vile Vortices on both sides. Heading over to the east, there’s the Loyalty Islands. A lot of strange whirlpools were found on this patch of the South Pacific as well as plenty of geologic activity.
– The North and South Poles are on opposite ends of the planet, but they’ve got two things in common: ice and odd disappearances. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 11 Places Way More Mysterious Than Bermuda Triangle Videos

11 Places More Mysterious Than Bermuda Triangle

It’s one of the most terrifyingly fascinating places on our planet. Ships and planes simply vanish, radios and compasses just stop working, and some even say they’ve spotted UFOs there. And it's not the one and only Bermuda Triangle. There are at least 11 other mysterious places. So what are they, and how do they form? Ivan T. Sanderson, a writer, a biologist, and a huge fan of the paranormal and inexplicable, traveled a lot and recorded his experiences. What caught his attention the most was where the strangest unexplained things kept happening. That is, disappearing ships and whatnot. He was able to map 12 of these places scattered all over the world. But the weird thing is, 6 of them lie almost perfectly in line above the Equator, and the same goes for the 6 below it… TIMESTAMPS:
The Bermuda Triangle 1:11
The Algerian Megaliths 2:14
Mohenjo-Daro 3:02
The Dragon’s Triangle 3:44
The Hamakulia Volcano 4:30
Easter Island 4:59
The South Atlantic Anomaly 5:44
Great Zimbabwe 6:20
The Wharton Basin 6:53
The Loyalty Islands 7:27
The North and South Poles 8:06 Theories about these Vile Vortices:
– Ley lines 8:52
– Giant puzzle 9:32
– A lot of geologic activity 10:04 #mystery #bermudatriangle #brightside SUMMARY:
– Besides the paranormal theories of wormholes to another dimension and gates to the underworld, the Bermuda Triangle is really foggy due to methane gas that sometimes makes it impossible for travelers to see, thus making navigation a little tricky too. – The Algerian Megaliths are an architectural anomaly, showing just how advanced these people were for a time when we didn’t have the technology to help us build stable constructions. – Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan goes way back to the Indus Valley Civilization in 2500 BCE. Like in Algeria, this society was, for some reason, surprisingly advanced when it came to building and urban planning.
– Heading further east along the same northern line, we arrive in Japan, where the Dragon’s Triangle, also called the Devil’s Sea, is located. The most astonishing thing about this Vile Vortex is that there’s an underwater city dubbed Japan’s Atlantis. – Located in the Ring of Fire, the next Vile Vortex is the Hamakulia Volcano in Hawaii. Locals treat it with utmost respect as the volcano is believed to have a mysterious power. – Now let’s head south of the Equator to one of the most isolated places on this planet: Easter Island in Polynesia. This is where you can find nearly 900 Moai statues created by the Rapa Nui people. – The South Atlantic Anomaly is a part of Earth where natural radiation flows out of control.
– Another impressive megalith, this time in Zimbabwe. It was once home to around 20,000 people… but it’s now a ghost town. – Poor Australia has Vile Vortices on both sides. Heading over to the east, there’s the Loyalty Islands. A lot of strange whirlpools were found on this patch of the South Pacific as well as plenty of geologic activity.
– The North and South Poles are on opposite ends of the planet, but they’ve got two things in common: ice and odd disappearances. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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11 Queen’s Secrets to Live to Be 93

You ever wonder why Queen Elizabeth II is in such good shape? Let’s face it, for a woman in her 90’s, she just looks amazing. She also works every single day, and it seems like she won’t retire any time soon. So what's the real secret behind her incredible health and endurance? She does Cross Fit! …Okay not really. But if you think that her royal duties keep the Queen sitting all day long, let me correct you. Throughout her life, she’s traveled more than any other ruler in the world. And let’s not forget the Queen’s love for horses. Of course, she doesn’t race anymore but she still finds time to ride now and then. And, of course, that's not all. TIMESTAMPS:
She has really good genes 0:35
She’s happily married 1:08
She knows how to manage stress 1:51
She sticks to healthy food 2:36
She has regular medical check-ups 3:46
She works out 4:35
She keeps her mind occupied 5:20
She gets enough sleep 6:14
She helps others 7:06
She drinks plenty of tea 7:52
She enjoys life 8:38 #queen #royalfamily #brightside The Queen Elizabeth was out horse riding at Windsor Castle: By BEIRNE/SIPA PRESS/EAST NEWS, Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Biologists say that in no small measure, the genes you have influence your life span. There’s no denying that the Queen is pretty lucky on that front.
– Elizabeth II married Prince Philip in 1947. Their love story’s been going on for over 70 years now!
– As her former spokesperson Dickie Arbiter says, “she can get angry if something doesn't go right, but as it's often out of her control there is no point becoming stressed about it."
– Though the Queen can order absolutely anything, she prefers to eat simple and healthy meals. She’s all about self-discipline when it comes to food; she actually controls all the recipes herself. – Let’s be honest, sometimes it seems like there’s no time or need to go to the doctor if you’re feeling ok. But that’s not the case for Her Majesty. – Unlike many people of her generation who choose to stay away from modern technology, she’s curious about it. – The Queen’s everyday schedule is pretty rough, and she’d never accomplish so many things during the day if she didn’t have a good night’s rest.
– Another thing we could all learn from Queen Elizabeth is her devotion to charity. She’s a patron for over 600 organizations of all kinds, including hospitals, schools, art institutions, and sports associations.
– One of the Queen’s secrets to a long and healthy life is drinking tea. – Elizabeth II definitely knows how to keep a cool head most of the time. But she also doesn’t forget that enjoying yourself is very important for feeling good. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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11 Small Things the Queen Does Every Day

If you think that her royal duties keep the Queen sitting all day long, let me correct you. Throughout her life, she’s traveled more than any other ruler in the world. And let’s not forget the Queen’s love for horses. Of course, she doesn’t race anymore but she still finds time to ride now and then. And, of course, that's not all. TIMESTAMPS:
She has really good genes 0:35
She’s happily married 1:08
She knows how to manage stress 1:51
She sticks to healthy food 2:36
She has regular medical check-ups 3:46
She works out 4:35
She keeps her mind occupied 5:20
She gets enough sleep 6:14
She helps others 7:06
She drinks plenty of tea 7:52
She enjoys life 8:38 #queen #royalfamily #brightside The Queen Elizabeth was out horse riding at Windsor Castle: By BEIRNE/SIPA PRESS/EAST NEWS, Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Biologists say that in no small measure, the genes you have influence your life span. There’s no denying that the Queen is pretty lucky on that front.
– Elizabeth II married Prince Philip in 1947. Their love story’s been going on for over 70 years now!
– As her former spokesperson Dickie Arbiter says, “she can get angry if something doesn't go right, but as it's often out of her control there is no point becoming stressed about it."
– Though the Queen can order absolutely anything, she prefers to eat simple and healthy meals. She’s all about self-discipline when it comes to food; she actually controls all the recipes herself. – Let’s be honest, sometimes it seems like there’s no time or need to go to the doctor if you’re feeling ok. But that’s not the case for Her Majesty. – Unlike many people of her generation who choose to stay away from modern technology, she’s curious about it. – The Queen’s everyday schedule is pretty rough, and she’d never accomplish so many things during the day if she didn’t have a good night’s rest.
– Another thing we could all learn from Queen Elizabeth is her devotion to charity. She’s a patron for over 600 organizations of all kinds, including hospitals, schools, art institutions, and sports associations.
– One of the Queen’s secrets to a long and healthy life is drinking tea. – Elizabeth II definitely knows how to keep a cool head most of the time. But she also doesn’t forget that enjoying yourself is very important for feeling good. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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20 Different Hospital Food from Around the World

What do you know about hospital food around the world? Basically, we used to think that everything they serve in hospitals is not very tasty, to say the least. Actually, some of the countries might make you reconsider everything you thought you knew about hospital food! Wait until you see what the Japanese are cooking up for their patients! For example, Japanese hospital food is a lot like a gourmet meal. Hot soba noodles, chicken in a mushroom sauce, and a daikon carrot side salad is just one example of a delicious-sounding hospital meal! Patients are also offered a small afternoon snack, such as a cream puff or a slice of cake with tea. TIMESTAMPS:
The United States 0:27
Switzerland 1:05
Italy 1:26
Germany 2:03
Russia 2:42
Australia 3:20
Thailand 3:48
Norway 4:17
South Africa 4:48
Israel 5:15
Canada 5:50
Japan 6:22
India 6:50
Mexico 7:21
Spain 7:50
Greece 8:23
Poland 8:44
Malaysia 9:06
The U.K. 9:45
France 10:18 #food #traditions #brightside Preview photo credit: Hospital food NY: By Siobhan from Upstate New York, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Polish hospital – meal served to patients: By Oto Polska Blog, CC BY-SA 2.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Many U.S. hospitals seem to have the same staples: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, and yogurt. Another day it might be chicken potpie with a chocolate chip cookie for dessert.
– Quiche, some type of fruit-and-nut salad, and a dainty dessert would be a common meal at a hospital in Switzerland.
– An Italian hospital would serve you gnocchi (that’ a delicious potato or flour dumpling served in a finger-licking sauce), whole fruits (like an apple or plum), and good old-fashioned water. – The Germans like their “hot meal” in the middle of the day, with breakfast and dinner being a little simpler. The same holds true in their hospitals. – In a Russian hospital, you might get a bowl of oatmeal with yogurt or cottage cheese as a side and a cup of tea or coffee to drink for breakfast. Come lunch or dinnertime, some popular staples are hotdogs with buckwheat or macaroni. – In Thai hospitals, a boiled rice porridge dish called jok is often given to sick patients for breakfast because of its mild flavor and smooth texture.
– Most main dishes in Norway—even for a hospital—are going to be locally sourced, with meat consisting of elk, beef, or even reindeer! – Most main dishes in Norway—even for a hospital—are going to be locally sourced, with meat consisting of elk, beef, or even reindeer! – In Poland, the hospital meals are rather dainty: bread and butter, half a cucumber, and a piece of sausage. This would be your breakfast. For lunch, you may get a ham and cheese sandwich, another meat choice, more cucumber, and hot soup.
– In a Malaysian hospital, there are two diet options: standard and therapeutic. The therapeutic diet just refers to modifications that need to be made due to the patient’s needs, such as a lactose-free diet or a liquid diet.
– A typical hospital meal in the U.K. may be some roast beef, roasted potatoes, green beans, cheese, a white roll with butter, and peaches in cream. – In a French hospital in Paris, you’ll be served a smoked salmon salad, chicken with a baguette, and a slice of pie! Lean meats such as that salmon and chicken are great for a healing patient, as are the veggies in the salad. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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12 Riddles You Must Solve To Stay Alive

You're running down a corridor with three doors looming ahead of you. You hear the blood-chilling sounds of a vampire, mad scientist, and mutant animals all chasing after you. You have to choose one of the doors right away. The sounds are getting closer…and closer…and – boo! Gotchya! But don' be scared, it was just a riddle. Yup, It's been a while since we've posted puzzles here! Do you have the quick problem-solving skills to survive any dire situation? Take this test to find out! And keep track of how many you get right – your results will be at the end! TIMESTAMPS:
A Vampire Attack 0:39
A Virus 1:47
Which Lever? 2:50
A Persistent Pursuer 3:51
The Dive of Your Life 4:57
An Escape Plan 5:55
An Ice Castle 6:53
The Mad Scientist’s Magic Lotion 7:44
Locked in a Room 8:44
A Mutant Beast 9:38
An Angry Rhino 10:32
A Room Without Windows 11:38
Your results 12:19 #riddles #puzzles #brightside SUMMARY:
– If you've cracked 1 to 4 riddles, you should probably avoid vampires, mad scientists, and any door you see. I’m kidding! But you could use some more practice in solving survival riddles! There are plenty of those here on the Bright Side!
– If your result is 5 to 8 solved puzzles, then you have good chances to pull through the most unexpected difficulties and dangers life sometimes has in store. Practice more, and "most” difficulties will turn into "all"!
– But if your score is 9 to 12, congratulations! A person like you can wriggle out of any difficulty, be it getting lost in the jungle, fighting your way out of a stuck elevator, or forgetting to buy milk for breakfast! Hey, Keep perfecting your skills! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The First Female Tattoo Artist in the US Who Made It for a Living

Maud Wagner was born in a small county in Kansas in 1877. Her parents lived on a farm, and when she got older, she decided to leave the quiet life behind. She joined a traveling circus and started out as a contortionist. It was a twist of fate. She didn’t know it then, but this bold move would change the course of her entire life. What was definitely not common in the early 20th century was women with body modifications. Truth be told, even tattoos on men were still highly associated with the criminal world. Marked up girls were especially rare, and as a result, the public considered them weirdos and even freaks. Thanks to this brave lady, tattoos became something more than a strange attraction. TIMESTAMPS:
Maud meets “the most artistically marked-up man in America” 0:30
Why she agreed to go on a date with him 1:50
What her tattoos looked like 3:19
A teenage girl with mysterious marks on her face 4:08
9-year-old tattoo artist 6:22
Millie Hull who rocked the tattoo world 7:53 #tattoo #funhistory #brightside SUMMARY:
– For a while, Maud toured the United States, working in various sideshows and circus acts as an aerialist at the time. – In 1904, she met was Gus Wagner. He was a former seaman, and a few years before, he’d found his true calling in between his journeys. During his stay in Java and Borneo, he picked up the skill of creating tattoos from the natives. – He had over 260 designs on his own skin. It’s no wonder that at the time, he became known as “the most artistically marked-up man in America”. 
– Though the machine was widely used by his colleagues, Wagner preferred the good old stick and poke technique that the tribesmen taught him. – He asked Maud to go on a date with him. But not for nothing, because in exchange, he agreed to teach her how to make a tattoo. I guess he was a true romantic. 
– What was definitely not common in the early 20th century was women with body modifications. Truth be told, even tattoos on men were still highly associated with the criminal world. – Their union may have been really unusual, but they were partners in every sense of the word. They lived and worked together and of course, they also tattooed each other. – Maud and Gus were the ones who brought this craft to the parts of their country where people had hardly ever seen an inked person. 
– In 1910, their daughter Lotteva was born. She made her first tat when she was just 9 years old!
– During the 1930s, Millie Hull was the one who rocked the tattoo world. – Hull also began her working life in a circus, but as a dancer. Soon she heard she could make way more money if she was tattooed. It didn’t take very long before she was covered all over. – In 1936, an article about her appeared in the Family Circle magazine. There she was, in all her glory, demonstrating her extraordinary talents among the celebrity news and housekeeping tips.
– She was one of the few women who worked in this area, which, by the way, had been crucial for tattoo masters and fans for decades. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Longest Flight in History: 64 Days And 22 Hours

How long is “really long” when it comes to flights? A trip from Dubai to LA, or Sydney to, let’s say, Houston? Or maybe the longest flight in your life was that journey from Kansas to New York when you were trapped between a snoring guy and a crying baby? In fact, the longest flight in the world lasted for 64 days and 22 hours! a Cessna 172 airplane took off in December, 1958 and didn’t land until February of 1959! How could that happened? How did the pilots manage to stay in the air for so long? Where did they get the fuel from? What did they eat, and did they ever sleep? Let's find out! TIMESTAMPS:
Weird ad campaign 1:20
How to stay in the air for 51 days 2:38
Why they finally decided to land 3:36
Where did they get the fuel from? 5:15
What did they eat? 6:27
How did they manage to go to the bathroom? 6:57
How the pilots entertained themselves 8:15 #planes #aircrafts #brightside The Cessna 172, used by Robert Timm and John Cook, hanging in McCarran Airport: By Daniel Piotrowski –, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– Back in the 1950’s, the future owners of Hacienda decided to build a family hotel in Las Vegas.
– A slot machine mechanic named Bob Timm offered them a brilliant idea! He decided to set the new flight endurance record, and he needed a plane and money. The Hacienda owners granted him $100,000. In exchange for that money, Bob had to paint “Hacienda” on the side of the plane.
– While Timm was still getting ready, he found out that two Dallas pilots, Jim Heath and Bill Burkhart, had just beaten the old record from 1949 of a 46-day long flight by 4 days, so his new task was to stay in the air for at least 51 days. – They took off from McCarran Field in Las Vegas in the afternoon of December 4, 1958. They were flying in Las Vegas air space for the first few days so that they could land at the airport in case something went wrong.
– On day 60, the engine started slowly dying, and since they didn’t want to risk their lives, the crew decided to land. They did it on February 7, 1959 after 64 days, 22 hours, and 19 minutes and 150,000 miles in the air. – A tanker truck brought extra fuel twice a day. The pilot had to fly very very close to the ground and keep the same speed as the truck on the road. – The same supply truck that brought them fuel delivered the food in a special thermos.
– A sink was installed inside the plane for shaving, and showering had to be done … outside, using a quart bottle of water on a special platform.
– They had comic books to glance through, and they played games like “I spy with my little eye” and counting things. They did some limited kinds of physical exercise that they could practice in their little home. – After they’d landed safely, Timm went back to his slot machine mechanic job, and Cook continued working as a pilot for airlines. No one has managed to beat their record yet. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Sun Might Destroy the Earth Sooner Than You Think

How do you imagine the end of the world? It might not be the brightest of topics, but admit it, you’ve thought about it in your spare time. It’s just one of those things that randomly come to your mind. Scientists have found out that all life on Earth is going to be wiped out by the Sun — and pretty soon. The Sun has an incredibly big influence on everything on Earth, and it isn’t limited to just light and warmth. Did you know, for example, that even a 5% increase in the size of our star would make our planet way different from what we have now. There’s no telling how exactly the Earth would look, but it would definitely not be the planet we know. What we wouldn’t be able to witness already is a 10% expansion of the sun. But what about when it will happen? TIMESTAMPS:
Why the Sun still hasn’t burnt us all down 0:47
Why the Sun grows bigger 1:57
No sun means no clouds 3:04
What if the Sun expanded by several percent 4:18
Can Mars turn into Earth-2? 5:36
When the Sun will be no more 6:10
When will the Sun wipe out our entire planet? 7:02
What's so dangerous about the Sun’s behavior right now? 7:49 #space #sun #brightside SUMMARY:
– What do we know about the Sun? It’s basically a huge generator: it gives us light, warmth, and even an endless supply of safe energy, which we’re currently mastering. – You see, as stars go, our Sun is quite young: it’s only 4.6 billion years old, and it’s now in the phase when it’s most stable.
– But like any other star, the Sun is constantly changing. The energy it gives off results from burning, and that can’t be safe by any accounts. – The energy the Sun gives to our planet heats the surface and the atmosphere alike, and it drives the weather all across the globe. As weird as it sounds, there would simply be no rain without the sun. – As the sun heats the surface of Earth, it starts all sorts of processes on and beneath it. It may sound crazy, but even volcano eruptions and earthquakes are the result of the sun’s activity — at least in part. – Even a 5% increase in the size of our star would make our planet way different from what we have now. Its surface would get much hotter, water would evaporate in much more copious amounts, and the climate would change drastically. – What we wouldn’t be able to witness already is a 10% expansion of the sun. As you might’ve guessed, the habitable zone would move again, and this time the Earth would be pushed out of it.
– The good news is that for some time, at this point, Mars would enter the habitable zone instead, so if humankind eventually finds a way to colonize the red planet, it will be able to escape the sad fate of its home world. – On the other hand, if the growth of greenhouse gases produced by humans continues, we might face a global change of climate.
– Climate change won’t come peacefully: it will trigger lots and lots of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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