Category Archives: Bright Side News

5 Driving Tips for New Drivers from Pros

Your driving lessons are finally done. Your driver’s license is now in your hands, and you’re ready to set off into the sunset with your car. But there’s a lot of responsibility when it comes to driving, and even though it might not feel this way at first – knowing how to handle certain situations can be a true lifesaver. Even with the slightest experience you get as a new driver, you might already feel like you know everything about the road. But there are a lot of things that you need to experience first-hand in order to know what you need to do. Here're some great examples to help you prepare. TIMESTAMPS:
Driving in bad weather 2:01
Driving at Nighttime 5:58
Running off the road 7:12
Let’s talk about Urban Driving 7:58
Don’t forget the Interstate Driving 8:46 #drivingtips #cars #brightside SUMMARY:
– When it’s raining, make sure your headlights are on, even in the daytime. That’ll help you be more visible to oncoming vehicles, and it’ll also help you see clearer. – Always wear sunglasses, and keep your visor down when it’s needed. But that’s not enough: make sure you go slower in these conditions to give yourself enough time to react when you need to.
– Foggy spells can be truly unexpected, especially during the Fall, when patches of fogginess appear around the roads in the morning. In this situation, always keep your headlights on and be alert. – First things first, even when you’re confident with your driving, make sure you drive around at night a few times to familiarize yourself with it. – One thing you should keep in mind is to dim your lights when you come across an oncoming car. It’s unbelievably easy to be blinded by someone’s high beams and go off the road.
– If car accidentally runs off the road, the first thing you need to do is get your foot off the gas and try to guide the car towards the pavement. – When you’re driving in an urban area, be aware the whole time. Don’t let yourself lose attention at any point. – Driving on the interstate teaches you what driving in heavy traffic conditions really feels like. And one thing that you’ll learn from that is how to merge with the rest of the traffic, how to change lanes correctly, and how to take an exit. – You should learn to look over your shoulder, as well, and make sure that there are no other vehicles in your “blind Spot”. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5 Main Driving Tips for Teens And New Drivers

Your driving lessons are finally done. Your driver’s license is now in your hands, and you’re ready to set off into the sunset with your car. But there’s a lot of responsibility when it comes to driving, and even though it might not feel this way at first – knowing how to handle certain situations can be a true lifesaver. Even with the slightest experience you get as a new driver, you might already feel like you know everything about the road. But there are a lot of things that you need to experience first-hand in order to know what you need to do. Here're some great examples to help you prepare. TIMESTAMPS:
Driving in bad weather 2:01
Driving at Nighttime 5:58
Running off the road 7:12
Let’s talk about Urban Driving 7:58
Don’t forget the Interstate Driving 8:46 #drivingtips #cars #brightside SUMMARY:
– When it’s raining, make sure your headlights are on, even in the daytime. That’ll help you be more visible to oncoming vehicles, and it’ll also help you see clearer. – Always wear sunglasses, and keep your visor down when it’s needed. But that’s not enough: make sure you go slower in these conditions to give yourself enough time to react when you need to.
– Foggy spells can be truly unexpected, especially during the Fall, when patches of fogginess appear around the roads in the morning. In this situation, always keep your headlights on and be alert. – First things first, even when you’re confident with your driving, make sure you drive around at night a few times to familiarize yourself with it. – One thing you should keep in mind is to dim your lights when you come across an oncoming car. It’s unbelievably easy to be blinded by someone’s high beams and go off the road.
– If car accidentally runs off the road, the first thing you need to do is get your foot off the gas and try to guide the car towards the pavement. – When you’re driving in an urban area, be aware the whole time. Don’t let yourself lose attention at any point. – Driving on the interstate teaches you what driving in heavy traffic conditions really feels like. And one thing that you’ll learn from that is how to merge with the rest of the traffic, how to change lanes correctly, and how to take an exit. – You should learn to look over your shoulder, as well, and make sure that there are no other vehicles in your “blind Spot”. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Only Way to Survive a Sinking Ship

Let's say, you're setting off on a long-awaited cruise; you're on cloud nine, and nothing could be further from your mind than paying attention to the safety precautions. But however unwilling you might be to waste precious vacation time on listening to safety instructions, you should remember that chances are, it could save your life. Yes, the odds of being trapped on a sinking ship nowadays are quite low. But there are things you can do to survive if the near-impossible does happen. Hopefully, it’ll never happen to you, but just in case, it's vitally important to know how to react. SUMMARY:
Take part in the first-day safety drill 0:51
What you should do first 1:44
Follow the crew's directions 2:42
How you can help others 3:21
Try to get to a lifeboat as quickly as possible 3:58
What if you have to jump off the ship 5:50
🚤 Why ships sink 🚤 7:39 #survivaltips #ships #brightside SUMMARY:
– Try to remember where the lifeboat closest to your cabin is, and figure out how to get there if it's dark or the weather is stormy. Also, read the instructions for how to put on and use your floatation device.
– Try to stay calm – you have no time for panic. If you're in your cabin, immediately put on your floatation device and take anything else that may help you later.
– The next step, which might become a life-altering one, is to get to safety. And to do that, you need to follow the crew's directions.
– Regrettably, studies claim that only 35% of people manage to stay calm in a critical situation. If you're one of those lucky ones, help other passengers to get their bearings.
– If you see a person standing still in the middle of the turmoil, yell at them – it's an effective way to bring them back to reality. – After that, concentrate on your top-priority task, which is to get to a lifeboat as quickly as possible.
– But let's say you look around and see no available lifeboats whatsoever and start to panic! What then? In that case, try to find some floatation device, like a life preserver ring, and throw it into the water.
– If there's no time left, and you realize you'll have to jump off the ship, always check where you'll land first. Otherwise, you may be hit by some wreckage, a boat, or other people, and end up underwater. – The cold shock may pull you underwater even faster than hypothermia sets in. That's why it's vitally important to collect yourself.
– Surprisingly, every ship sinks in a different way, depending on its center of gravity and size, the shape of its hull, and, of course, the cause of the accident. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Genius Rejected $1 MILLION And Lived On $100 a Month

What would you do if you were awarded a prize of 1 million dollars? Thank the academy, grab the money, and buy a yacht? That sounds like a good plan for most people, but not Grigori Perelman, a math genius, who was offended by his prize and rejected it. Grigori Perelman was born in 1955 in Saint Petersburg, which was called Leningrad in the time of the Soviet Union. When he was 16, he entered the School of Mathematics and Mechanics at Leningrad State University. By 1990, Perelman had completed his Ph.D. After a few articles that were a success in both the Soviet and international scientific world, Perelman was invited to the US. There, he first met famous mathematician Richard Hamilton. Interestingly, later, when Perelman was asked why he rejected his million-dollar award, he mentioned Hamilton… TIMESTAMPS:
Grigori's childhood 0:20
Eccentric young man 1:58
Why he refused to write a resumé 2:54
Solving the Poincaré conjecture 3:38
Why he quitted his job 6:25
… and rejected his million-dollar award 8:11
What is his life like now? 8:59 #maths #genius #brightside Preview photo credit: Grigori Perelman at Berkeley: By George Bergman – Mathematisches Institut Oberwolfach (MFO)/Wikimedia, GFDL, Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– In 1982, as one of the best students in the country, Perelman went to Budapest as a member of the Soviet national team to take part in the International Mathematical Olympiad. And there, he won the golden medal for scoring the maximum possible number of points! – People were noticing how … eccentric he was. He wasn’t exactly struggling financially because he made good money during his fellowship. Yet, all he ate was traditional Russian brown bread and cheese.
– In 1993, he was offered another great position; he became a two-year Miller Research Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley.
– During his time in California, Perelman was asked to write a resumé to apply to different scientific positions worldwide. He was offended by that suggestion, saying that people would learn enough from his works without any resumés.
– In his home town, he went back to his old job at the Steklov Institute, a research position that paid him less than a hundred dollars per month.
– He gave lectures at six leading American universities, including Harvard, Princeton and Stanford, and hundreds of people attended them. He didn’t do it for attention or fame, but in the name of science. – In 2006, the scientific world officially acknowledged that the problem had been solved. The Science journal named it the scientific “Breakthrough of the Year”, and he was announced the winner of the Fields Medal, aka the mathematical Oscar and Nobel Prize combined. – Probably the fear of being an animal at the zoo made Perelman quit his job at the Steklov Institute in 2006, and hide from the rest of the world altogether. – When spotted outside, he’s always seen in the same dingy coat and trousers, with super long nails and a beard. – Perelman stated that his contribution to the solution wasn’t any greater than Richard Hamilton’s, and so it would be dishonest for him to accept the prize as his own.
– At some point, Perelman decided to break all ties with math. He said that while there are mathematicians who are honest people, they are conformists, willing to tolerate those who are dishonest.
– For a few years, Perelman survived on his mom’s old age pension, but in 2018, he finally started accepting proposals to give Math lectures in Europe from time to time. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A New Lava Lake in Antarctica That Confuse Scientists

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "Antarctica?" Glaciers, ice, frost, snow, uninhabitable desert – well, you get it. But how about a lake of bubbling lava hidden deep under the ice? An unlikely connection, right? But that's actually a very real and highly unusual Antarctic phenomenon that was just recently discovered. Until recently, people only knew about 7 such lakes bubbling in different regions of our planet. But here we go now: in July 2019, scientists discovered one more! It is resting in the crater of the active volcano. Even though it's not the largest lava lake in the world, it’s still very impressive, with a diameter varying from 300 to 700 feet! TIMESTAMPS:
How hot is this lake? 1:55
Why it was only recently discovered 2:32
What's so unusual about Mount Michael's lava lake? 3:48 Lava lake in the Democratic Republic of Congo 6:04
– Why you need to be extra cautious with it 6:26
– The catastrophe of 1977 6:53 Lava lake in the coldest place on Earth 7:49 Disappeared lava lakes 8:53 #volcanoes #antarctica #brightside SUMMARY:
– Already in the 1990s, scientists noticed some weird thermal anomalies occurring around the crater of the volcano. Unfortunately, at that time, the resolution of the photos was too bad to prove the existence of the lava lake. – Antarctica’s lava lake is resting in the crater of the active volcano, Mount Michael, located on small, remote Saunders Island in the South Atlantic Ocean. – One of the main reasons why the lava lake was only recently discovered is its remote location.
– Anyway, it would have taken scientists much longer to confirm their lava-lake suspicions but for the high-resolution satellite images. Before that, they only knew that a temperature anomaly on Saunders Island did exist. – The thing is that hundreds of volcanoes erupt by spitting out lava, which then gathers into small lakes and pools of molten rock. – Sulfur dioxide, steam, and carbon dioxide keep temperatures inside craters so high, that the lava constantly stays in its liquid state.
– Since 1882, the Mount Nyiragongo volcano has erupted a whopping 34 times! What's more, some of these eruptions, in the form of a bubbling lava lake, lasted for years.
– You'll need to be extra cautious with this treacherous volcano and the lava lake it contains. It emits extremely toxic carbon dioxide gas that seeps right up from the ground. – Mount Erebus is situated in the coldest place on Earth – and still hosts a lava lake with the habit of launching lava bombs (which are flying globs of molten rock).
– Interestingly, Mount Erebus follows its own pattern – the volume of its gas plumes falls and rises every 5 to 18 minutes.
– As for Kilauea in Hawaii, it's one of the world's most active volcanoes, and it used to host not just one, but two lava lakes! – Both of these lakes remained molten and active until they just… disappeared in 2018! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The Truth Behind the Lake Michigan Triangle

It’s not so hard to imagine something mysterious like ships and planes vanishing in the infamous Bermuda Triangle. The ocean is big and full of wonders, after all. But what about, say, a lake? It’s not so absurd when we’re talking about one as huge as Lake Michigan. Yes, The Michigan Triangle is a thing, and it’s just as eerily inexplicable… The triangle is situated in the lower half of the lake. It’s 16 times smaller than the Bermuda Triangle, but strange events happen here no less frequently, especially if you keep in mind the difference in size. Some witnesses report seeing a strange glow under the surface, others swear they saw a UFO in the skies over the lake, and so many just feel uneasy being there. So, you ready to dive in? TIMESTAMPS:
Where the triangle is situated 0:33
The very first vanishing 1:28
Schooner that never returned 3:36
Ship without a crew 4:39
Mystery of Captain Donner’s vanishing 5:27
No plane, no wreckage 6:27 #bermudatriangle #mystery #brightside SUMMARY:
– The North American Great Lakes are all massive, and Lake Michigan itself is the 4th largest freshwater lake in the world.
– The triangle is situated in the lower half of the lake, with a corner at Manitowoc, Wisconsin and the other two at Ludington and Benton Harbor, Michigan.
– The first case goes way back to the 17th century, when the Great Lakes started to become a means of moving goods for trading. – In August of 1679, a French ship called Le Griffon was sailing across the unchartered waters of the Great Lakes. But when she made it to Lake Michigan, Le Griffon… just vanished. – The cause of Le Griffon’s disappearance never was fully established. Some evidence points at a sudden storm, while others believe it was rival traders that attacked and destroyed the vessel.
– The weirdest thing is that Le Griffon’s wreckage never was found.
– The next noticeable vanishing happened in 1891 to the Thomas Hume schooner.
– The schooner never did make it back to its home port. The search for the ship was initiated almost immediately, but with no results for almost 120 years. – There would also be the Rosa Belle. Also a lumber schooner, she set off on her final voyage from High Island to Benton Harbor in 1921. – She was found later drifting aimlessly on the waters of Lake Michigan after being capsized by some great force. – To add to the mystery, the ship’s crew was nowhere to be found and never heard from again…
– Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2501 had taken off from New York and was headed for Seattle on June 23. – It would appear that Flight 2501 had encountered a storm cloud, the plane malfunctioned, and then fell into Lake Michigan. But even with all efforts to try and find the wreckage, there was no success. – Reportedly, two police officers saw a strange red light hovering above the lake on exactly the same day the plane disappeared.
– The anomaly of The Lake Michigan Triangle, if it exists and whatever it really is, remains a giant flaming question mark on the map of the United States. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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7 Reasons Why We Believe Everything on the Internet

What a world we live in now! We read articles, we find information, we check out facts, and we try to understand everything through a quick google search! Our minds go through trillions of processes at any given second; sometimes it’s even hard to keep up. Donny Miller said, “In the age of information, ignorance is a choice”, and that’s true when you know where to look for accurate information. It’s no secret that the internet is filled with misinformation, and passive reading or listening isn’t enough these days. So what should you do when it comes to accurate information? Well, there are some ways to figure it out. TIMESTAMPS:
Be on the lookout for cognitive bias 0:31
Listen to what they’re not telling you 2:37
The logical propaganda 4:08
It’s all about the sources 5:59
Don’t give in to the Pierre Salinger Syndrome 7:12
The captivating conspiracy theories 8:20
The illusory truth effect 9:14 #propaganda #manipulation #brightside SUMMARY:
– In an attempt to simplify the information we’re exposed to, we take mental shortcuts that lead us sometimes on the wrong path. – Most of the time, we’re attracted to information that fits our personal narrative. – When someone is physically attractive, and they give you positive non-verbal cues, like smiling or making eye contact, they can have more of an impact on you than the words they’re saying.
– You see, when we come across an attractive person, we subconsciously assume that they’re intelligent and capable.
– When someone tells you “according to a study”, you’re more likely to believe them, because it seems like it was truly researched. But sometimes even studies can be misinterpreted.
– When it comes to accurate information, you need to dig deep and cross-reference. So, when it comes to finding facts, use multiple sources for any piece of information that might seem dodgy.
– Journalist Pierre Salinger claimed that he’d obtained important information about the US government doing some questionable things with missiles. Of course, the rumour was disproven, but the hoaxes still remain online. – It’s more interesting to believe a lie, especially when it’s imprinted on your mind, than it is to believe the truth. The truth is sometimes boring, but a more interesting story behind an event with a logical explanation, is something that’ll grasp our attention for sure.
– Have you ever heard about the illusory truth effect? This term was coined back in 1977 and describes the tendency to believe information to be correct when we are repeatedly exposed to it. In other words, repeat a lie enough times, and people begin to accept it as truth. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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7 Sure Ways to Survive in Any Critical Situation

You might always not have an emergency kit with you, but there’s one thing you, me, and probably most other people on this planet will not leave the house without. That’s right, our phones! Yeah, you might be addicted to your phone, but it could end up saving your life in an emergency! You can call 911 in North America or 112 in Europe even if the phone is blocked, deactivated, or it has no sim card inside! But let’s go a little more extreme. Imagine your phone has run out of power. If you can’t use it as intended, then just take it apart! A smartphone is full of survival treasures: the screen, wires, battery, chips. All of them will make your life much easier if you’re alone in the wilderness with nothing but a dead phone in your hand. TIMESTAMPS:
Pocket-sized storage 2:05
A fire-starter 2:27
Reflecting an SOS signal 3:07
Navigation 4:13
A weapon or sharp tool 5:07
Fishing hooks 5:40
First-Aid 6:06
❗️ Apps that can keep that from happening ❗️ 7:03 #survivaltips #wildness #brightside SUMMARY:
– You can use your phone or the case as a storage box for some small items. It can be a razor blade, a needle, a fishing line, or a short survival instruction in a plastic bag.
– Almost any battery, including the one in your smartphone, can be used to start a fire. Put one end of the wire on the positively charged node of the battery and the other on the negative one. It’ll immediately glow red-hot, so your time is limited! – Use the screen to reflect sun- or moonlight. Sun reflections can be seen over long distances, just like a flashlight!
– Even the oldest cellphone models have a magnet in them and a piece of wire that can serve as a needle for the compass. You’ll need about ½ to 1 inch of a metallic wire.
– Phones are full of hard metal parts that can be sharpened on a rock and used as a weapon or knife. And a sharp tool like that can be a key to surviving in the wild. – If you don’t think you’re fast enough to “spear” your seafood dinner, then use some of those small sharp pointy parts in your phone as “hooks” for fishing.
– If you’ve got a bad cut on your arm or leg, you can use the cable to your ear- or headphones as a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. – Family Locator and similar apps link the phones of your family members into one network. It’ll show your location on a map so that your loved ones know where you are and how to find you. – Emergency apps like SOS+ let you push an alarm button on your phone so that all the people in your emergency contact list will know that something has happened to you.
– There’s an app called SaveMePro that lets you call 911 without having to actually dial the number!
– If you’re heading to the mountains, be sure to download the Uepaa! The app that lets your smartphone work as a transmitter that sends a signal for up to 1,500 ft.
– Facebook Safety Check works automatically if you have the Facebook app on your phone. The app determines if you’re in a disaster zone and sends you a special request. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A Girl Adopted by the Queen Had to Return to Africa

Remember Queen Victoria, the British monarch who once ruled the biggest empire in the world? The time of her reign was the Victorian Era, people donned Victorian fashion, and buildings were constructed with distinctive Victorian architecture. But there’s one thing not many people know about the Queen: she once adopted an African girl, thus saving her life! In 1850, a British emissary arrived in Dahomey. Buying and selling captives were still common in this West African kingdom. In fact, its ruler, King Ghezo, was known to capture people from rival tribes. That’s why Captain Frederick E. Forbes of the Royal Navy was sent there to carry out this noble mission. During his stay, the African king introduced him to one of his most valuable prisoners. And it was… a 7-year-old girl named Aina. TIMESTAMPS:
Enslaved princess 0:59
A “gift” for Queen Victoria 1:28
The new life of the girl 3:27
Her marriage 6:11
Why she had to return to Africa 7:59 #Queen #Africa #brightside SUMMARY:
– Fast-forward to 1850, and a British emissary arrives in Dahomey, which would be part of present-day Benin. Buying and selling captives was still common in this West African kingdom. – During his stay, the African king introduced him to one of his most valuable prisoners. And it was… a 7-year-old girl named Aina. – The poor child lost her entire family, while she herself was enslaved. – There were talks that Aina was going to be used in a sacrifice. When the British officer came to know of the girl’s fate, he decided to rescue her at any cost.
– Soon the two of them left for Britain. His ship that they sailed on was called HMS Bonetta, and the child was given a new name in both the captain and the ship’s honor: young Aina was now Sara Forbes Bonetta.
– For a child that hadn’t received any proper schooling, she really was a bright kid! – Sara’s bright mind and charm didn’t go unnoticed by the Queen herself either. They first met in 1850 at Windsor Castle.
– The Queen paid for her education and made sure that she grew up into a real English lady. She cared for her so much that she became her godmother. – When she was 8 years old, was sent to Sierra Leone, which was a British colony at the time. She attended a missionary school there for the next 4 years.
– By that time, Captain Forbes had, unfortunately, passed away, so Sara was sent to live with a missionary named Reverend Schoen and his wife. – When she turned 19, the Queen decided it was time for Sally to get married. A suitable match was found in no time, and that was Captain James Pinson Labulo Davies, a British naval officer and businessman.
– Since Davies lived and worked in Lagos, which was yet another British colony in Africa, Sara followed him there and started working as a teacher. – Sara Forbes Bonetta lived an extraordinary life. Wherever she went, whatever challenges she faced, she remained a true lady and an aristocrat in her own right. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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