Category Archives: Bright Side News

How Real-Life Tarzan Spent 50 years in the Jungle

The mysterious jungle is known to be the home of many different species – and humans, unfortunately, aren’t among them. In fact, when we hear the word jungle, we tend to run away from it as fast as possible. It sounds cozier to sit at home, watch tv and enjoy our everyday luxuries, like a nice cup of hot cocoa on a Saturday afternoon. But one fearless man decided to explore the jungle and embarked on a wild journey. So the question is: why did this man choose such a lifestyle? Living in the wilderness, hunting in dangerous weather and swimming in crocodile-infested waters? Well, one thing is for sure, Michael Fomenko is no ordinary man. So, let’s find out what happened from the beginning. TIMESTAMPS:
Was he part royalty?! 1:10
Traveling on foot for about a month 1:38
Michael becomes a star athlete 3:11
Transformation into the real-life Tarzan 4:12
Life in the jungle 5:20
So was he insane? 6:25
The best choice he could’ve made 7:47
Michael's pranks 8:21 #jungle #truestories #brightside SUMMARY:
– Even though Michael’s latter life choices could be considered primitive, he had a luxurious upbringing. He was part royalty. His father was a Cossack and his mother, a Georgian Princess.
– Poverty became an issue that the family had to face. And to survive, they took all the valuable things they had, sold them, forged their identifications, and embarked on a journey of survival. – Unfortunately, safety was still an issue in China, so the family decided to move to Japan, which was more secure.
– A few years went by, and Michael’s father decided that it’d be safer to move the family again. He suspected that a political conflict was about to happen, and he didn’t want his family to be part of that.
– This time, they moved to Sydney, Australia, and they restarted their lives with more hope. Michael’s dad took a job as the headmaster at a very prestigious school in Sydney.
– Michael was quite the athlete. In fact, he was a star athlete. His athletic skill helped him to become a celebrated decathlete; and his state medals kept piling up.
– You see, despite his success on the athletic field, Michael still never really felt like he belonged, and his need for isolation only became stronger. – Soon enough, he began to disassociate himself from material possessions for the sake of exploring nature. His mindset had changed, and his outlook towards life had evolved, along with his appearance.
– Slowly and gradually, Michael moved closer and closer to the jungle, until he became a full-time resident there.
– Queensland jungle received a phone call that an almost naked man was spotted wondering in the streets. The police responded quickly, and after a lengthy chase, Michael was arrested. – The police decided to admit him to a mental institution, where he would be diagnosed and treated appropriately.
– What the doctors didn’t understand at the time, was that his “barbaric”, Tarzanian behavior, wasn’t due to mental illness; it was just his choice. After years of trying ineffective treatments, doctors finally gave up, and Michael was free again. – In 1966, he joined the Australian Aboriginals, and that was the best choice he could’ve made at the time, because he remained with the aboriginals, and lived off the land, for more than 50 years. – He was also quite the prankster as well. He would wait up in trees and jump on passing trucks to scare the passengers. Even though he didn’t want to be part of society, he still enjoyed having some minor contact with it. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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3 Men Vanished from a Lighthouse, Nobody Still Found Them

How do you imagine a lighthouse keeper’s job? Probably like an introvert’s paradise: you’re alone on a rock in the middle of the sea, looking out at the raging waves and keeping the light on. But lack of people around has its downside too: no one will know if something happens to you. And that was exactly the case with the keepers of the Flannan Isles Lighthouse… It was a fine and calm day on December 15, 1900. In such weather conditions, lighthouses aren’t crucial for the safety of passing ships. But still, it was unusual for the Archtor, a steamer passing by the Flannan Isles on its way from Philadelphia, to notice that the lighthouse on Eilean Mor was not operational. Other videos you might like:
A Train Lost in a Tunnel in Italy, No One Can Find It
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
A New Bermuda Triangle Theory Explains Its Mystery TIMESTAMPS:
Dead silence 1:33
Signs that the keepers went out in a hurry 3:20
Weirdest things 4:26
What was the last entry about 5:42
Did the keepers go crazy? 6:27
The official version of the events 7:14
Gaps in this theory 8:35 #mystery #truestories #brightside SUMMARY:
– The lighthouse had been manned by three people: James Ducat and Thomas Marshall, the regular keepers, and Donald MacArthur, the occasional who was then substituting for another keeper on sick leave.
– It was ominously quiet on the island. The lighthouse stood dark and lifeless, only seagulls keeping it company. – There was no sign of the keepers, not even a trace left. Both the main gate and the entrance door to the lighthouse were closed, the beds were unmade, and most eerily, all the clocks stopped.
– Muirhead found the lighthouse logbook that the men kept until their disappearance — that is, about dinner time of December 15. On December 12, Thomas Marshall wrote that there were severe winds the likes of which he’d never seen in twenty years.
– The log implied that the three men were terrified, which was, again, very strange since they were experienced keepers and knew they were safe inside the lighthouse. – But perhaps the most unsettling of this all was the fact that there were no storms on the 12th, 13th, or 14th of December in the area. The log said, however, that the skies finally cleared only on the morning of December 15. And that was the last entry.
– s soon as the news reached the mainland, wild theories from all corners of the UK started popping to the surface. Not the least popular of those was that the men had gone insane, which was not out of the question considering the logbook entries.
– Other theories were much less credible and speculated on anything and everything from supernatural activity to secret government operations, although why the government would be interested in eliminating three lighthouse keepers at the end of the world remained unclear. – According to the entries in the lighthouse logbook, the damage to the western landing had been done before the men’s disappearance. So they had witnessed the mayhem but had not, in fact, gone out into it.
– Since 1900, many more theories have been born, including freak waves washing away one of the men and the others being swept away while helping him.
– But whatever hypotheses, credible or nonsensical, were given, none of them have given us any clue as to what really happened to the three bold men from Eilean Mor. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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The British Coronation Where Everything Went Wrong

Queen Victoria was one of the greatest British monarchs of all time. She ruled for 63 long years and became the longest reigning British monarch; at least before Elizabeth II came along. But at the beginning of her reign, nobody believed it would come to any good. Because her coronation was a disaster. The date was set for Thursday, June 28, 1838. People were excited to welcome their new Queen. Men and women dressed in their best clothes waved their handkerchiefs and saluted the Queen. There were so many people there, she was actually worried they would hurt each other in the rush. It took her more than an hour to get to the abbey. Despite all the fuss, everything was going rather smoothly; until the real ceremony started… Other videos you might like:
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12 Most Surprising Facts About Queen Elizabeth I TIMESTAMPS:
When things don't go as planned 1:01
The most painful thing for Victoria 3:27
Why the ceremony was basically invalid 4:18
The high point of this ludicrous day 5:34
Why it was “the last of the botched coronations” 7:39 #royalfamily #queen #brightside SUMMARY:
– The date was set for Thursday, June 28, 1838. People were excited to welcome their new Queen. Since the ceremony was held in London, hundreds of visitors started arriving there days before the crowning. – On the big day, about 400,000 people from all over the country came to the capital. They flooded parks and streets, mostly along the route of the public procession. – You’d probably think “what could be more important for the empire than the coronation of a new monarch?” But the surprising truth is that there was almost no rehearsal for it. – Witnesses recalled that only a few men seemed to know what they were doing, while others carried out their tasks with “a continual difficulty and embarrassment”. – Apparently, the goldsmiths mistakenly made the ring for her little finger, but the Archbishop didn’t know that. After all, it was an ancient custom, so the archbishop of Canterbury forced the ring on her fourth finger anyway, causing her a lot of pain.
– The Bishop of Bath and Wells who was making sure that all went according to plan, accidentally missed two pages of the Order of Service. And that, of course, was the section where the monarch’s title was proclaimed.
– The high point of this ludicrous day came when the peers were paying their homage to the new Queen. One of them was aptly named Lord John Rolle. It was an unfortunate irony that when the lord tried to climb the stairs to the throne, he simply fell and rolled down the steps. – The ceremony lasted five excruciating hours, and eventually, there was hardly anyone in Westminster who wasn’t relieved it was over. – Surprisingly, Victoria loved the service with all its faults and flaws and called that day “the proudest of her life”. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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A 30-Year-Old Airline That’s Never Ever Flown

If you suddenly decide to find out how many airline companies there are in the world, you might get thoroughly confused. Some sources state that the number is higher than 5,000; others claim that there are about 800 commercial airlines. But whatever the truth is, that's still a lot! And among all these numerous air carriers, there’s a pretty unusual one: the thing is, it’s existed for 30 years but has never had a single flight! Baltia, a US airline launched in 1989, had great ambitions. The carrier was planning to provide its passengers with high-quality service in all three of the classes it was going to offer. But getting permission is a long process. And the company claims that it still can't get the operational approval from the US Federal Aviation Administration! Baltia had already been operating for more than 25 years but it still hadn't transported a single passenger. Other videos you might like:
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
The Shortest 57-Second Passenger Flight in the World
Empty Tank at 41,000 Feet, So Pilots Did This TIMESTAMPS:
Why it's all turned out like this 1:04
What we have now 3:06 💥 Cool aviation facts you probably never knew:
– Can planes fly through thunderstorms? 3:45
– Unlocked toilet door 4:09
– Special secret bedrooms 4:37 – What airplane's lifespan depends on 5:23
– The dirtiest place on a plane 6:30
– The largest airplane in the world 7:01
– During a flight, pilots often fall asleep 😱 7:18
– Laser pointers and planes 8:34
– What color the black box is 8:53
– 140 miles of wiring 9:17 #planes #onboard #brightside SUMMARY:
– The mass media was swarming with news about the new airline company and its plans to buy a couple of new, and several used, Boeing airplanes. But then, suddenly, all the articles about Baltia stopped, as if the airline had never existed. – Despite its ambitious shopping plans, the company owned just one 37-year-old Boeing 747 aircraft. After being bought, the plane flew only once, from Willow Run Airport to Oscoda, Michigan, where it was left at the maintenance facility and never flew again. – Baltia owners claim that they’re at the final stage of the Air Carrier Certification process, even though their website doesn't allow you to make any reservations. – Modern airplanes are built lightning-proof! What's more, even though airplanes get hit by lightning much more often than you can imagine, there haven't been any crashes caused by lightning since the 1960s. – When you enter a bathroom on board the plane and lock it, it remains unlocked! The truth is that the design of a plane's toilet door allows flight attendants to open it in case of an emergency.
– When a flight takes more than 13 hours, flight attendants can use special secret bedrooms to get rest and deal with exhaustion. – Every time a plane flies, its fuselage experiences serious stress. As a result, sooner or later, the metal starts to crack, and it may lead to a crash. – Statistically, more than 80% of the world's population is as terrified of flying as you are! – What's the dirtiest place on a plane? Nope, not the bathroom! It's the tray table you open to enjoy your fish or chicken. – In 2017, the British Airline Pilot Association interviewed 500 pilots, and 43% of them confessed that they did accidentally fall asleep while flying a plane.
– A small number of troubled people try to open the airplane's exterior door mid-flight. – What do you picture when you hear the term "the black box"? Something black, right? However, the Flight Data Recorder (which is another name of the black box) is bright orange! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Why No One Can Bring Liquids on a Plane

Have you ever been held up in airport security because some knucklehead broke probably every liquid rule there is? Going through security is hard enough, so why on Earth have they come up with this ridiculous liquid thing to slow us all down? What's so dangerous about a bottle of water or your favorite perfume or cologne? Does it have something to do with the pressure in the cabin? Can my liquids somehow mess with the plane’s navigational system? That’s why they ask you to put your cellphone on airplane mode – maybe the two are related? I’m sure you know by now that it all comes down to security. Other videos you might like:
A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later
A Plane Lost Its Roof at 24,000 Feet But Managed to Land
A Plane Lost Its Floor But the Captain Saved the Day TIMESTAMPS:
What’s so dangerous about liquids… 0:56
… and Samsung Galaxy Note 7? 2:35
❗️ Some things to keep in mind: – You can’t take a whole bottle of shampoo 3:05
– Liquids are NOT just about drinks 4:28
– Exceptions to this strict liquids rule 5:10
What happens if you forget about the rule 👈 5:49 #airports #onboard #brightside SUMMARY:
– We’re living in a different time, and believe it or not, there have been cases of bad guys making explosive stuff with water bottles and even tubes of toothpaste! And, thus, the rules on “liquids, aerosols, and gels.”
– But airports and airlines can even have their own rules. For example, in 2016, many of them banned flying with the faulty Samsung Galaxy Note 7, which, if you remember, tended to explode on airplanes! – In general, your carry-on luggage can have liquids, gels, and aerosols in containers that hold no more than 3.4 oz. That is, you can’t take a whole bottle of shampoo, but you can divide it all up into smaller containers. – And don’t assume that liquids are just about drinks. Toothpaste, sunscreen, deodorant, liquid or gel makeup (even your mascara and lip gloss!) – these are just the toiletries that must abide by the rules. – Anything to do with food for kids, you can take as much as a small child (usually up to 2 years) will need during the flight.
– Also, if you use any medications, you should provide proof from your doctor indicating the total amount you’ll need during the flight.
– If prohibited items were found in your bag before you check in, you can either give them to those who accompanied you to the airport or put them in your car if it’ll be waiting for you out in the parking lot.
– If the thing is supposed to be confiscated but it’s near and dear to you, like, for example, your grandpappy’s old pocketknife, explain this to the security personnel. Most likely, there is a way to save it.
– On that note, items that have been seized are stored at the airport until the owner’s return. Just make sure that the thing wasn’t simply confiscated forever but that you get some sort of documentation of it giving you the right to get this thing back. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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That’s What Destroying Our Planet’s Magnetic Field

We, humans, like to think that we know about and can control everything that happens on our planet. But it is far from the truth. Because right now, somewhere above our heads, in addition to Climate Change, the Earth's magnetic field keeps weakening at an alarming speed. And the region that concerns scientists more than any other is called the South Atlantic Anomaly. The magnetic field in this area is so weak that it's dangerous for satellites to enter it. This process started more than 1,000 years ago. The situation is so serious that scientists don't deny that one day, the Earth's magnetic poles might simply flip, with North becoming South and vice versa. Although it may sound scary and confusing, this phenomenon has been happening throughout the history of our planet. The last time it occurred was approximately 780,000 years ago. Other videos you might like:
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A Train Lost in a Tunnel in Italy, No One Can Find It
A Mysterious Object Punched a Hole in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Confused TIMESTAMPS:
The Earth's magnetic poles might flip 1:11
The South Atlantic Anomaly. What is it? 1:57
What is affecting the magnetic field of the planet? 5:18
What will happen when south turns north 6:19
What if Earth lost its magnetic field altogether 7:05 #BermudaTriangle #earth #brightside SUMMARY:
– Experts are still not sure if such a flip is imminent this time because it’s not an instant change. Nope, it's a long process that might suddenly reverse, like it happened 40,000 years ago when Earth was close to renaming its North Pole to the South one. – Nowadays, the region that worries scientists the most is the South Atlantic Anomaly – a vast region stretching from Zimbabwe to Chile. The magnetic field in this area is so weak that it's dangerous for satellites to enter it.
– The Space-X CRS-1 Dragon spacecraft almost went out of control in October 2012. Attached to the International Space Station, it had serious problems while passing through the magnetic anomaly.
– The truth is that people have known about the changes in the magnetosphere for quite some time. But no one was sure if it was an anomaly, or a perfectly usual pattern that had existed for millions of years.
– It appears as if something hidden deep under Africa is affecting the magnetic field of the whole planet! The current weakening of the Earth's magnetosphere seems to be connected to a huge reservoir of super dense rock that sits a whopping 1,800 miles under the continent. – And even though the pole reversal I've told you about could start anywhere in the Earth's core, places like the South Atlantic Anomaly are the most likely sources of the dramatic changes.
– Scientists are still not sure whether the pole reversal will happen at all, since the events of the most recent 160 years can be just a part of a bigger-scale pattern. – With our planet's magnetic field gone, compasses wouldn't align north-to-south anymore. Even a small piece of magnetic rock would be able to make your compass show the wrong direction or start to "wander." – Without magnetic fields, birds would stop their seasonal migrations.
– On top of that, without Earth's magnetic field, you might never again see auroras or, as they’re also called, Northern and Southern lights. – Our magnetic field protects the planet from being bombarded by streams of deadly radioactive particles. – The outcome of losing the magnetic field would be the disappearance of the air we breathe – and the solar wind would be the one to blame. This wind is so powerful that it would easily rip the planet's atmosphere off its gases. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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Learn How to Parallel Park, And I Finally Got It

If you have ever struggled with parking or are not sure that everything in your car is set up correctly, this video is exactly what you need. You will be amazed at how easy it is if you know what to aim. These simple step-by-step instructions can be equally useful for experienced and new drivers and we wish we knew them when we were taking our driving test. We're gonna start with the easy stuff. The things you probably take for granted or just fallen into the habit of forgetting to do if you’ve been driving for a while. Other videos you might like:
4 Things They Forgot to Tell You In Driving School
8 Things You’re Doing Wrong When Driving Fast
Why Police Touch Your Taillight, It's Extremely Important! TIMESTAMPS:
Proper adjusting your seat 0:39
Mirrors 1:29
Hand positioning 2:28
45° parking 3:47
Perpendicular parking 4:33
Backing into a parking space 5:09
Parallel parking 😖 6:36 #parking #drivingtips #brightside SUMMARY:
– You want to adjust the height of the seat so that you can see the dash panel and the road clearly. If you happen to be a bit on the shorter side and can’t see over the dash even after doing everything the seat will allow, get a cushion or wedge to sit on. – Once your seat is adjusted, lean left and get as close to the side window as you can. Then adjust the mirror until you can see the rear fender. Once you’re sitting correctly, you should just barely see the side of the back bumper. – Make sure you can clearly see all the instruments on the dash and have at least a foot (30 cm) of space between it and your body. Your hands should be slightly lower than your shoulders and placed on the wheel at 9 and 3.
– You’ll need this trick whenever you pull into a parking lot and the spots are kinda slanted, hence the whole 45° thing. First, make sure you’re going down the aisle the right way! The spots should be slanted down toward you, not away from you. Next, move to your left as far as you can. Keep moving until your right side-view mirror is lined up with the left taillight of the car on your right-hand side.
– The next level up from that is perpendicular parking. Start off by getting as far to the left as you can. Watch out for incoming cars first! The further you are to your left, the easier it’s going to be. – Locate the spot you’re going to back into and drive 2 spots past it. Then, and this is crucial, make sure drivers around you know what you’re about to do. Flip on your blinker, and before going into reverse, make sure to look out for oncoming vehicles from the front and approaching ones from behind.
– Parallel parking. First thing’s first: make sure the spot you want to park in is one your car will fit into. You want no less than one and a half times the length of the car. Drive forward until your car is next to the one in front of the parking spot. Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More Learn How to Parallel Park, And I Finally Got It Videos

6 Psychological Tricks the Media Uses to Confuse You

There’s a saying that goes: People’s opinions are like bellybuttons; everyone has one. So true. It’s part of what makes us individuals, adds variety to life! But have you ever wondered if your beliefs are really your own? What if it was put there by someone else without you even noticing? Many of us are certain that no ad or news piece changes the way we think or makes us wanna buy something. Think about it: if you know that a commercial or sponsored social media post is designed to manipulate how you think about something, then how could it work? Plus, do you even pay attention to ads? We all skip them! But you will probably be shocked when you found out all the tricks the commercial media uses to influence us! Other videos you might like:
11 Secrets Advertisers Don’t Want You to Know
10 Things You Should Never Google
19 Simple Psychological Tricks That Actually Work TIMESTAMPS:
Sleeper effect 1:06
Framing effect 2:45
Semmelweis reflex 3:56
Identifiable victim effect 5:50
Anchoring 6:54
Third-person effect 8:09 #PsychologicalTricks #manipulation #brightside Preview photo credit: Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, visits the Royal Variety Charity's residential nursing and care home, Brinsworth House, in Twickenham, London, UK on the 18th December 2018: By James Whatling/Mega Agency/East News,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– You get a piece of information that sounds like it could be true at first, but you dismiss it as soon as you notice that it’s likely just biased propaganda. However, psychologists found that after some time, despite being perceptive enough to “know better” when first presented with the message, people come to accept it!
– There’s The Framing Effect, which is all about perception. After all, language can be tricky and when it comes to how we want someone to think about something, it’s not always about what we say, but how we say it. – Have you ever heard of The Semmelweis Reflex? Basically, this is where we just see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear. We’re bombarded with so many sources of information every day, our brain chooses to digest the ones that fit in with the expectations and beliefs we already have.
– When something terrible happens to lots of people it’s a statistic. When it happens to one person, it’s a tragedy. This is called The Identifiable Victim Effect, and it colors how we process everything from world news to public policy.
– Anchoring is a pretty useful trick too. It’s something we all do and smart advertisers, marketers, and salespeople know it and use it all the time. It’s where we create a bias based on the first small piece of information we get and rely a little too much on that “anchor” before we get to the rest of the boat. – We separate ourselves from everyone else and, in the process, increase our own self-esteem. Believe it or not, it’s likely that the more someone believes they’re incapable of being influenced, the more vulnerable they are to it! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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More 6 Psychological Tricks the Media Uses to Confuse You Videos

6 Psychological Tricks the Media Uses to Manipulate Your Opinion

There’s a saying that goes: People’s opinions are like bellybuttons; everyone has one. So true. It’s part of what makes us individuals, adds variety to life! But have you ever wondered if your beliefs are really your own? What if it was put there by someone else without you even noticing? Many of us are certain that no ad or news piece changes the way we think or makes us wanna buy something. Think about it: if you know that a commercial or sponsored social media post is designed to manipulate how you think about something, then how could it work? Plus, do you even pay attention to ads? We all skip them! But you will probably be shocked when you found out all the tricks the commercial media uses to influence us! Other videos you might like:
11 Secrets Advertisers Don’t Want You to Know
10 Things You Should Never Google
19 Simple Psychological Tricks That Actually Work TIMESTAMPS:
Sleeper effect 1:06
Framing effect 2:45
Semmelweis reflex 3:56
Identifiable victim effect 5:50
Anchoring 6:54
Third-person effect 8:09 #PsychologicalTricks #manipulation #brightside Preview photo credit: Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, visits the Royal Variety Charity's residential nursing and care home, Brinsworth House, in Twickenham, London, UK on the 18th December 2018: By James Whatling/Mega Agency/East News,
Animation is created by Bright Side. SUMMARY:
– You get a piece of information that sounds like it could be true at first, but you dismiss it as soon as you notice that it’s likely just biased propaganda. However, psychologists found that after some time, despite being perceptive enough to “know better” when first presented with the message, people come to accept it!
– There’s The Framing Effect, which is all about perception. After all, language can be tricky and when it comes to how we want someone to think about something, it’s not always about what we say, but how we say it. – Have you ever heard of The Semmelweis Reflex? Basically, this is where we just see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear. We’re bombarded with so many sources of information every day, our brain chooses to digest the ones that fit in with the expectations and beliefs we already have.
– When something terrible happens to lots of people it’s a statistic. When it happens to one person, it’s a tragedy. This is called The Identifiable Victim Effect, and it colors how we process everything from world news to public policy.
– Anchoring is a pretty useful trick too. It’s something we all do and smart advertisers, marketers, and salespeople know it and use it all the time. It’s where we create a bias based on the first small piece of information we get and rely a little too much on that “anchor” before we get to the rest of the boat. – We separate ourselves from everyone else and, in the process, increase our own self-esteem. Believe it or not, it’s likely that the more someone believes they’re incapable of being influenced, the more vulnerable they are to it! Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side :
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5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): —————————————————————————————-
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More 6 Psychological Tricks the Media Uses to Manipulate Your Opinion Videos