Category Archives: Bright Side News

11 Parenting Mistakes That Ruin a Child’s Growth

All parents have their own – unique – way of bringing up their kids. Many of them work in order to be able to buy new toys for them, others are strict because they want their children to be disciplined and goal-oriented, others give their children a choice and teach them to make decisions on their own. Every family has its own ways of upbringing, but there is one thing that all parents have in common: when they look back, they all want to fix some of the mistakes they made in the past. The first years of a child’s life are a magical time that you should enjoy. Because in the future, you might regret some lost opportunities. So, take a look at the things that many parents regret in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Other videos you might like:
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10 Important Things Your Child Should Learn by Age 10 TIMESTAMPS:
They scolded their children too often 0:22
They missed out on the most important moments 1:09
They didn’t play enough creative games 1:55
They didn’t take enough photos and videos 2:39
They didn’t take their child’s opinion into account 3:23
They didn’t enjoy communicating with their child 4:18
They didn’t educate them about money 4:57
They didn’t make their child happy enough 5:50
They didn’t hug their children often enough 6:35
They weren’t consistent 7:20
They often followed someone else’s advice 8:13 #kids #parenting #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Reprimanding a child for something they did wrong is totally normal. But sometimes parents go overboard and it turns into nitpicking. – Even if you think you have a good reason to miss your child's school play, do your best to be present. Find time to visit grandma, go to the theatre, decorate your house for the holidays.
– Of course, simply playing creative games with your kids won’t necessarily make them great artists or musicians in the future. But, hey, there’s always a chance. Doing this has a lot of other advantages as well.
– Obviously, not taking photos won’t have any bad impact on your kids’ lives. But it’s the best way to capture amazing moments that you don’t want to forget.
– “You’re too young to decide”, “Adults know better” are probably phrases you heard quite often when you were a kid. But this kind of attitude from parents can have a serious impact on a kid’s future. – Communication between parents and kids is probably the most important thing in upbringing. So if you don’t put aside enough time for it, one day you’ll wake up and realize that your child has grown up already and is living their own life. – Without education on personal finance and responsible spending, children don’t understand the real worth of money. And when they grow up, they find it hard to manage their own income.
– Good memories from our childhood are a real treasure for most of us. We like to go back in our mind to that time when we were carefree, and quite often every day was filled with doing something for the first time.
– Hugs are not only a perfect way to show affection, but also scientifically proven to be good for our health, because they help protect against stress. – Kids get confused about what’s allowed and what’s not. Without clear boundaries, they probably won’t behave the way you want them to, and obedience issues become inevitable.
– Never forget that YOU are the parent, so it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your kids. Also, don’t let strangers scold your child for misbehaving. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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5 Super Easy Exercises to Get Wider Back Fast

Hey there! Wanna bulk up muscles? But to look like a movie star, it's not enough to buff those biceps and abs. Looking good from the front isn’t the only thing that matters. If you want an awesome and well-balanced physique, you should pay attention to your back too. Building your back musculature isn’t only about good looks, though. It helps you balance out your strength and endurance, making the best of your body. ❗️ But be sure to do some warm-up before you go! Warming up is essential for any kind of strength exercise, but in this case, it’s crucial because you’re dealing with your back. If you hurt any of your muscles there, there’s a chance of nerve or even spinal damage, which can lead to some serious repercussions. ❗️ Other videos you might like:
19 Foods to Build Muscle and Gain Weight Faster
1-Minute Exercises to Improve Posture and Reduce Back Pain
10 At-Home Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat In a Month TIMESTAMPS:
#1. Good morning 1:50
#2. Pull-ups 3:04
#3. Barbell rows 4:17
#4. Lawnmower row 5:23
#5. Knee roll 6:25
Simple rules you should follow 8:02 #bigmuscles #wideback #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Good morning trains your hamstrings along with your lower back, providing the strength needed to support your spine when you go further in your workout. The important details about this exercise are that you should never bend at the waist or crane your neck to look in front of you. – Pull-ups target your lats along with other back muscles. The thing is that the wider your grip, the harder it is to do, but the more intense is the training. – Barbell rows are perfect for developing a broad and powerful back as it targets all the back muscles I mentioned in the beginning. Just make sure you lift a weight that’s suitable for you and not too heavy, otherwise you can feel pain in the lower back.
– With lawnmower rows, you’ll be able to target either side of your back individually. This is good because with a smaller target you feel your muscles better and can control the strain.
– Knee roll is a finishing exercise for today’s workout, and it targets your core and lower back again. – Don’t do this routine every day — give yourself a break and repeat the workout once every two or even three days. In the meantime, perform workouts that target other muscles. This way, you’ll be able to develop your body in a balanced manner.
– If you feel pain or unpleasant sensation in any part of your body, and especially the lower back, stop immediately and check if your form is correct. – For barbell and dumbbell exercises, when you feel it’s become too easy for you to perform too many reps, just add more weight. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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5 Quick Exercises to Get a Bigger Back In No Time

Hey there! Wanna bulk up muscles? But to look like a movie star, it's not enough to buff those biceps and abs. Looking good from the front isn’t the only thing that matters. If you want an awesome and well-balanced physique, you should pay attention to your back too. Building your back musculature isn’t only about good looks, though. It helps you balance out your strength and endurance, making the best of your body. ❗️ Be sure to do some warm-up before you go! Warming up is essential for any kind of strength exercise, but in this case, it’s crucial because you’re dealing with your back. If you hurt any of your muscles there, there’s a chance of nerve or even spinal damage, which can lead to some serious repercussions. ❗️ Other videos you might like:
19 Foods to Build Muscle and Gain Weight Faster
1-Minute Exercises to Improve Posture and Reduce Back Pain
10 At-Home Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat In a Month TIMESTAMPS:
#1. Good morning 1:50
#2. Pull-ups 3:04
#3. Barbell rows 4:17
#4. Lawnmower row 5:23
#5. Knee roll 6:25
Simple rules you should follow 8:02 #bigmuscles #wideback #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Good morning trains your hamstrings along with your lower back, providing the strength needed to support your spine when you go further in your workout. The important details about this exercise are that you should never bend at the waist or crane your neck to look in front of you. – Pull-ups target your lats along with other back muscles. The thing is that the wider your grip, the harder it is to do, but the more intense is the training. – Barbell rows are perfect for developing a broad and powerful back as it targets all the back muscles I mentioned in the beginning. Just make sure you lift a weight that’s suitable for you and not too heavy, otherwise you can feel pain in the lower back.
– With lawnmower rows, you’ll be able to target either side of your back individually. This is good because with a smaller target you feel your muscles better and can control the strain.
– Knee roll is a finishing exercise for today’s workout, and it targets your core and lower back again. – Don’t do this routine every day — give yourself a break and repeat the workout once every two or even three days. In the meantime, perform workouts that target other muscles. This way, you’ll be able to develop your body in a balanced manner.
– If you feel pain or unpleasant sensation in any part of your body, and especially the lower back, stop immediately and check if your form is correct. – For barbell and dumbbell exercises, when you feel it’s become too easy for you to perform too many reps, just add more weight. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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A Plane Lost Its Floor But the Captain Saved the Day

Imagine you need to get from Los Angeles to New York. To make it not so painfully long, you choose to take American Airlines Flight 96, with stopovers in Detroit and Buffalo. But several minutes after your plane leaves Detroit, it happens. Seemingly out of the blue – bang! And a part of the aircraft's floor is missing right under your feet! It happened on June 12, 1972. Captain Bryce McCormick was an aviation veteran with more than 24,000 flight hours under his belt. The co-pilot was also an experienced airman. There were 56 passengers on board the plane and 11 crew members. When the autopilot was turned on and the chief flight attendant went to the galley to make coffee, it happened. She was suddenly brought down to the floor by a powerful explosion… Other videos you might like:
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What Would Happen If Plane Doors Opened?; TIMESTAMPS:
Why First Officer turned on the autopilot 1:42
Powerful explosion 2:05
A gaping hole in the cabin's floor 3:01
The people on board were really lucky 4:58
The biggest challenge 6:19
Crazy landing 7:22
Why the cargo door blew out 8:21 #planes #aviation #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– All the control panel readings were normal, so Whitney turned on the autopilot. He didn't have anything to worry about: the radar confirmed that there was no bad weather on the route between Detroit and Buffalo.
– Cydya Smith, the chief flight attendant on Flight 96, left her seat as soon as she saw the signs off and went to the galley to make coffee. And at exactly that moment, it happened.
– The cockpit was rapidly filling with dark gray dust that blinded the men and didn't let them breathe.
– Unexplainably, a cargo door had been blown out less than 5 minutes after takeoff, and it left the plane with a gaping hole in its side.
– Hurricane force winds were sweeping through the cabin. One of the cabin crew members, Beatrice Copeland, was trapped under the collapsed door, unconscious.
– The biggest problem was that the DC-10 had one peculiarity: it didn't have a backup system that allowed for manual operation if the hydraulic system got knocked out.
– At that moment, the people on board the damaged plane still didn't know how lucky they were having Mr. McCormick as a pilot. Being curious about some of the DC-10 features, he’d spent hours on a flight deck simulator.
– McCormick understood that his damaged plane would need the priority to land, and he contacted the Detroit airport control tower.
– When the plane touched down, it was still moving incredibly fast. But the worst thing was that the aircraft was moving toward the main terminal building.
– Miraculously, Whitney managed to return the plane to the runway, with two sets of wheels running on the runway and the other two off.
– ll 67 people on board were alive, with only 11 not very serious injuries (9 passengers and 2 crew).
– A large cargo door gone as if peeled away by a huge can opener. But on the very same day, the missing door was located in a cornfield not far from Windsor, and investigators came to a shocking conclusion. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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Titanic Survivor Claims an Iceberg Didn’t Destroy the Ship

Have you ever met a person who hasn’t ever heard the story of Titanic? Unlikely. Even if you ask a 10-year-old, they’ll tell you exactly what took down the gigantic ship. However, some survivors of the sinking legend would beg to differ. Here’s one of their stories, and it has nothing to do with an iceberg. Armenian publicist Vaghinak Byurat was 25 years old in the spring of 1912. He described what happened on his journey to America on the most famous ship in the world in his memoirs. He’s never mentioned an iceberg hitting the Titanic, and always spoke about an explosion. And if what he said was true, something must have caused that huge explosion… 💥 Btw, guys, there is a cat hidden in this video. If you can spot our furry little guy, you're much more attentive than most people! Do you accept the challenge? 😽 Other videos you might like:
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The Truth About the Titanic Survivors Revealed;
How Deep Is the Ocean In Reality? TIMESTAMPS:
Young publicist goes to America 0:58
Was it an explosion? 2:24
No chance for survival 4:29
But miracles can happen 5:44
How Vaghinak was saved 6:19
What could have caused that explosion? 7:20
Was there a U-boat? 😮 8:21 #titanic #brightside #ships Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Armenian publicist Vaghinak Byurat was 25 years old in the spring of 1912. He described what happened on his journey to America on the most famous ship in the world in his memoirs.
– In 1912, Vaghinak published some books together with his father, a famous Armenian writer. His task was to take the books to America.
– They went to bed rather late on April 14, just like on the other nights. Shortly after midnight, something that sounded like a big explosion woke everyone up.
– None of the crew members wanted to say anything, but a few minutes later it was impossible to deny that the Titanic was going underwater.
– Vaghinak put his passport and money in a little bag and tied it around his neck. The Titanic’s bow was already underwater by that time. A lot of people in this situation wouldn’t have dared to take it to the open water.
– The water in the North Atlantic that night was just below freezing, at a scary 28 degrees Fahrenheit (-2 C). The young writer felt his arms and legs go numb, and he was understandably getting weaker and weaker every second.
– Then, he bumped into something. It was a lifeboat! But it was so overcrowded they pushed the young man with a paddle when he tried to stick to the boat.
– Vaghinak woke up alive on board another ship. That ship was the Carpathia, and it was en route to New York with lucky survivors on board.
– 12 days later, a woman came into the room. She turned out to be the person who saved Vaghinak. Missis Astor told the sailors that the young man was her son, and she wouldn’t let them go without him since she’d already lost her husband on the Titanic.
– Vaghinak lived a long and happy life and, as a great storyteller, he shared what happened to him many times. Interestingly, he’s never mentioned an iceberg hitting the Titanic, and always spoke about an explosion.
– It could have been a fire, and quite a lot of people actually believe that theory, saying that coal was burning in the ship’s hull.
– Another theory that explained the explosion claimed that there was a German U-boat involved in the sinking of Titanic. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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Monopoly Is Becoming More Real Than You Could Ever Imagine

If you’re a Monopoly fan, you most likely know there are all sorts of different editions: Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Disney and what not. Anyway, did you know a totally new, fully immersive, real-life version of Monopoly is coming in 2019? That’s something you’ll want to step inside! Monopoly Dreams in Hong Kong will become the first themed attraction inspired by the game so loved by millions of people. The 20,000 square feet (1,858 sq m) of endless Monopoly is supposed to open to the general public in June 2019. Any fan will feel totally at home there among all of the iconic game elements: there’ll be the Bank, Water Works, Electric Company, Train Station, and chance and opportunity cards. Oh, and you might just find yourself in the jail cell. Other videos you might like:
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10 Math Games That'll Boost Your Brain Power By 80% TIMESTAMPS:
An added twist 1:15
Where the park will be situated 1:41
Facts you might not have heard:
– The first prototype of the game 3:14
– Monopoly money VS. The Federal Reserve 5:12
– The longest game ever 5:41
– The most expensive version of the game 6:03
– The Monopoly World Championship 6:41 Preview photo credit: Game pieces from game Monopoly sitting near the start: By txking/,
Animation is created by Bright Side. Chan Hak-kan, member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong: By Speakout HK, CC BY 3.0,
Great Uncle Charlie from a family album: By BullsandBears – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Tokens in Monopoly (game): By Bengt Oberger – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
George Swinnerton, Charles Hanford, and Edward Hegeman: By Edward –, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Animation is created by Bright Side. #monopoly #entertainment #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– In addition to what everyone is used to in Monopoly, there’ll also be an added twist. Visitors will help unveil a mystery and identify a villain who’s going after one of Mr. Monopoly’s diamonds, which he keeps in the residence. – The theme park will have the Hong Kong versions of place names in the game. Moreover, the whole park will be situated at The Peak, the richest area of the city. – Monopoly is currently owned by Hasbro company, and it has, of course, all been arranged with their agreement and participation. – The board game has been popular for over 110 years! The first prototype of the game was Landlord in 1903, which was invented by Elizabeth J Philips. However, most people credit Charles Darrow for the invention. – The first city the game was based on was Atlantic City in New Jersey. Darrow was rejected by many major game companies in the US, but he believed in the future success of Monopoly so much, he kept trying to sell it.
– In its more than a hundred years of success, Monopoly has sold over 275 million copies in 114 countries all around the world, and has been translated into 47 different languages.
– To meet all the demand, the Parker Brothers had to print more Monopoly money than the Federal Reserve ever has for the US. – The longest game ever played lasted for 70 days straight. In 2008, 3,000 Monopoly players decided to set the world record for the highest number of people playing it at the same time. – The first Monopoly game ever sold cost just around $2, and the most expensive version of it costs around $2 million. – Since 1973, the Monopoly World Championship has taken place once every few years. The first winner back then, in Liberty, New York, was Lee Bayrd from the US. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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The Mysterious Ship Where All People Suddenly Disappeared

The story of Mary Celeste is one of the greatest sea mysteries of all time. How can everyone on board a ship simply vanish into thin air? There are plenty of theories but no answers to this day. Perhaps she was doomed from the start? Actually, she didn’t always go by Mary Celeste. She was originally called Amazon. The ship was made in 1861, and from her first voyage, the Amazon already started getting a bad reputation for possibly being a cursed ship… When she got a new name, her new captain was Benjamin Spooner Briggs. He put together the best crew, and those 7 men along with their captain and his family set out on that fateful trans-Atlantic trip from New York to Genoa… Other videos you might like:
The Truth About the Titanic Has Been Revealed
How Deep Is the Ocean In Reality?
10 Strange Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica TIMESTAMPS:
Why the ship had a bad reputation 0:55
10 people on board and 1,700 barrels of alcohol 2:40
The situation gets totally bizarre 3:10
Nobody on the ship 3:59
The captain's journal 4:30
What theories are there? 5:12
Mutiny on board? 7:32
The most probable theory 8:19 #ghostship #mystery #truestories Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– A lot of her future owners would go bankrupt, each of them selling the vessel to repay their debts. She also lost her first captain to illness. During Amazon’s first journey across the Atlantic Ocean, the ship crashed into another vessel, sending the latter to the bottom of the English Channel.
– Along with the 10 people on board, the ship was also carrying 1,700 barrels of denatured alcohol. This industrial liquid is highly flammable if not contained properly. – For reasons unknown to this very day, Mary Celeste never did make it to Genoa. At some point in her journey, something terrible happened. – There wasn’t a single soul on the ship. Ok, well, perhaps they had to abandon? But here’s the thing: all of their belongings and food were still there! – Captain Briggs had a habit of keeping very detailed and thorough notes in his journal. The last entry had been made on November 25. It mentioned bad weather, but nothing more – nothing that would be enough to force Briggs, his wife and daughter, and the crew to leave Mary Celeste in such a hurry.
– Perhaps the captain didn’t think the ship would survive the storm, given that it might easily flood with a broken pump. The only problem is that there were no storms reported in that area at that time. – One theory suggests that pirates could’ve attacked the ship. But that theory doesn’t hold since all the personal belongings, food, and valuable cargo were left untouched. – What if the crew mutinied against their captain? Briggs was known to be pretty strict with discipline. Again, it’s highly unlikely and pretty much disproven. – The final and most probable theory comes down to the 9 alcohol barrels found empty on the ship. They were made from a kind of porous timber that couldn’t stop alcohol from evaporating.
– Captain Briggs might’ve noticed that some barrels were empty and ordered everybody to get off the ship as soon as possible before the hull explodes.
– And still, even this theory has its flaws. Why was there no smell of alcohol on board when Mary Celeste was found if 9 whole barrels had leaked completely dry? Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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A Woman Who Became a Laughing Stock to Save Her Kids From Hunger

You know the old saying, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Well, that couldn’t be a more accurate description of what one woman had to do when forced by tragic circumstance. Mary Ann Bevan agreed to bear the title of “the world’s ugliest woman” in order to feed her kids… Mary Ann Webster was born in London in 1874. She was a pretty little girl, healthy and cheerful. After finishing school, she started working as a nurse, and at 29, she got married. They had 2 daughters and 2 sons together, and it looked like this young couple was on the road to a long happy life together… Other videos you might like:
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10 Rare Diseases That Turn People Into Superheroes TIMESTAMPS:
Early symptoms 0:50
Where did her beauty go? 1:13
Acromegaly. What is it? 1:49
How her disease became a source of income 3:08
Freak shows 5:06
The “mysterious” factor 5:28
“Expectation vs. Reality” cards 7:18 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Mary Ann’s health issues didn’t seem serious at first – her wedding ring started feeling a bit too tight, she went up in shoe sizes. But swollen fingers and feet were pretty normal after having kids.
– The doctors initially had no clue what was going on with her, but as time went by, new symptoms started appearing. Her hands and feet were becoming abnormally large, her face was changing drastically, her skin was thicker and rougher, and her voice got deeper and hoarser.
– What this poor woman had was a very rare condition called acromegaly. As few as three people for every million are diagnosed each year. – Nowadays, acromegaly is treated successfully with surgery, radiation therapy on the pituitary gland, medication, or a combination of these methods.
– Unfortunately for Mary Ann Bevan, there was no cure or successful treatments for the disease back in the early 20th century, which means she was doomed to live with it and somehow put up with its symptoms.
– Her disease might’ve been incurable, but it became a source of income for the widow and her children.
– In 1920, she got an offer from American showman Samuel Gumpertz to work in Coney Island’s Dreamland sideshow. In other words, she’d become part of a “freak” show where she’d join other people with different illnesses and abnormalities to entertain the masses.
– Around the middle of the 19th century, freak shows started gaining wild popularity in the US. It even became a sort of outing for the whole family, kids and all!
– The popularity spike in this unusual form of entertainment was also in part because choices were limited as far as how people could spend their free time.
– Apart from her work in the sideshows, there were multiple cards that read “The homeliest woman in the world” with Mary Ann's picture on them. She took this title in stride and would bear it for the rest of her life.
– Mary Ann was also a patient of the famous neurosurgeon Dr. Harvey Cushing. He actually made an attempt to bring it home to people that it was cruel to make fun of her appearance.
– In the early 2000s, a prominent greeting card company started selling “Expectation vs. Reality” cards about blind dates.
– Dutch endocrinologist Dr. Wouter de Herder saw them on sale while he was on vacation in the UK, he was utterly shocked. The card company stopped selling the card immediately and expressed their regret about the whole thing. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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10-Minute Pushup Workout for Big and Muscular Arms

Strong and muscular arms are every man’s desire, aren’t they? Even without the rest of your body ripped, you look immediately handsome with those sculpted biceps and triceps. Not to mention that arm strength helps a lot in everyday activities too! Well, you could get your arms beefed up at home with just some pushups! In general, pushups are perceived as chest exercise, targeting pectorals and shoulders the most. However, they are much more versatile than that — it only depends on how you do them. Performed correctly, they are beneficial almost for your entire body: abs, back muscles, neck, and of course, arms. Today’s pushup workout will focus on making your biceps, triceps, and shoulder muscles bulkier and more sculpted, and you’ll achieve that in just 10 minutes a day. Other videos you might like:
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1-Minute Exercises to Improve Posture and Reduce Back Pain TIMESTAMPS:
Standard pushups 1:14
Diamond pushups 2:33
Pushups with reversed hands 3:39
Single-leg pushups 4:52
Gorilla pushups 6:00
What you should eat 7:28
What if you want even faster results 7:55
Two types of muscle mass 8:40 #musclemass #bigarms #pushupworkout Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– To perform standard pushups, get into the plank position: put your palms firmly on the floor so that your hands are directly under your shoulders. Keep your arms straight, propping your entire upper body on them. At the same time, straighten your legs behind you and prop them up on your toes.
– Diamond pushups variation has a pretty name and pretty good results if you want to target your biceps. Prop yourself in the standard plank position and bring your hands closer together. Spread your fingers apart so that your thumbs and index fingers make the shape of a diamond (hence the name). Now start lowering your body to the floor. – Pushups with reversed hands. Stand in the initial pushup position and move your hands lower down your body, aligned with somewhere around your mid-back. Now reverse your hands so that your fingers look at your toes. If you’ve managed not to drop to the floor at this, you’re already doing great job!
– Single-leg pushups will not only target your arms, chest, and back, but also improve your coordination and balance. Get into the standard plank position, stretch your legs behind you and put your hands directly below your shoulders. Now slightly raise one foot off the ground and then do a pushup. – Gorilla pushups. Get into the plank position with your body straight as an arrow. Now, this is the only exercise where you don’t need to be slow — quite the contrary, in fact. Quickly drop down to the floor and then use your arms to explode upwards and lift your upper body off the ground.
– If you want even faster results, combine the pushups with other exercises targeting your arm muscles. For biceps, the most effective ones are bicep curls with dumbbells and barbell raises: they directly work these muscles, making them firm and rounded. – If you want to stay lean, make your strength exercise routine low-resistance, with many repetitions, and combine it with aerobic training to burn fat. – If big muscles are exactly what you aim for, though, you should do the exact opposite: short sets of high-resistance exercises. Take heavier weights, for example, and perform as many reps as you can. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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