Category Archives: Bright Side News

12 Simple Rules to Avoid Mistakes When Raising a Daughter

Is there anything cuter than a father who admires his daughter? Maybe, a father who takes great care of his daughter. But often, fathers are less interested in raising daughters just because they have no idea how to do it and where to begin. “How do I play with her? What are we supposed to talk about? What do I do?!” But fathers can do a great job of raising daughters. Especially if they have a guide on how to become a super parent. Wanna know why you shouldn't be a macho dad? Or why it’d be a good thing for a young girl to see that dads also do dishes, dust furniture, whatever it might be? So, here are 18 simple, but very effective rules that help you to be a great Daddy. Other videos you might like:
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10 Important Things Your Child Should Learn by Age 10 TIMESTAMPS:
Spend time with her 0:27
Don’t be afraid of taking on baby duties 1:02
Don’t be a macho dad 1:46
Answer her questions 2:28
Try to understand her, even if you can’t 3:11
Don’t be shy to kiss her 3:38
Let her choose her hobbies 4:07
Be a dad that helps around the house 4:49
Be a full-time dad 5:29
Carry her on your shoulders 6:03
Teach her about discipline 6:37
Politely refuse when she asks you to marry her 7:23 #parenting #kids #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Spend time with her. Start as soon as she’s born. This will help her understand your role as a dad and that fathers are just as important as mothers in a child’s life.
– Of course, spending time together and playing is great and all, but dads shouldn’t just be there for the fun parts. You need to help out with baby duties too, and that includes changing diapers and potty-training.
– There’s no need to be the silent type that only engages with his daughter whenever she needs a dollhouse built or anything else that requires physical strength. Don’t be afraid to show your soft side.
– Any time she has a question, try to answer it. Even if you don’t know the answer, look it up!
– When your daughter is talking to you in her toddler gibberish, let her get it all out, encourage her, and engage in the “conversation” as best as you can.
– You absolutely can show your daughter love in the form of hugs and kisses. You wouldn’t be doing her any favors by keeping your distance because she’ll feel like she’s more loved by her mom.
– Just like with baby duties, the household stuff isn’t just something that Mom always takes care of, and your daughter should see that for herself.
– Being a parent is a full-time job, and you don’t get breaks. Kids don’t get the concept of work or work exhaustion – they only see it as “My dad doesn’t ever spend time with me.”
– Carry her on your shoulders. Kids love it, so you better do it before they get too heavy!
– When it comes to discipline, you don’t wanna be a tyrant, but you also don’t wanna spoil them. The only thing that works is to teach your kids about self-control and that actions have consequences.
– Politely refuse when she asks you to marry her. Kids this age don’t really understand what “marry” means. Don’t take it too weirdly, , and just explain to her that you’re married to her mom, and someday she’ll marry someone else if she wants. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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A Plane Disappeared And Landed 37 Years Later

What would you do if you went on a vacation to another city and suddenly found yourself in another country altogether? Most of us would be confused. Even the most reckless of adventurers would at least raise an eyebrow if told they’d flown for close to half a century. On July 2, 1955, Pan American Flight 914 made its way from New York to Miami, Florida. It was a fine sunny day, and 57 passengers on board the plane were looking forward to seeing the warm beaches and palm trees of Florida. The plane took off without trouble, but 3 hours later, when it should’ve already landed at the destination airport, it was nowhere to be seen. When air traffic control contacted the New York tower, they got a perplexing reply: Flight 914 just disappeared from the radars in mid-air. Other videos you might like:
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The Truth About the Titanic Has Been Revealed TIMESTAMPS:
Was it crash? 0:44
37 years later… 2:35
What's that old plane?! 3:02
“Where are we?” 4:02
The plane vanishes again 5:21
Is it just an urban legend? 7:05
The only artifact of that weird encounter 8:31 #mystery #planes #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– On July 2, 1955, Pan American Flight 914 made its way from New York to Miami, Florida. It was a fine sunny day, and 57 passengers on board the plane were looking forward to seeing the warm beaches and palm trees of Florida.
– Everything indicated that the plane was lost: apart from having vanished from the radars, air traffic control couldn’t get through to the pilots with the radio.
– Eventually, although the case was never really solved, there was an official statement that the plane crashed, taking the lives of everyone on board.
– Change of scenery. It’s now September 9, 1992, and we’re in Caracas, Venezuela. It’s a perfectly normal day for Juan de la Corte, air traffic controller at the Caracas airport.
– Seemingly out of nowhere, a new dot appeared on the radar. It was as if an aircraft had just popped up from nothingness, or as if it had been hiding from the radar and now decided to show up.
– In less than 10 minutes, the culprit showed up in the field of vision. At first it looked to the air traffic control like an ordinary airplane, but as it got closer, they could see that it was, in fact, very oldю
– The real confusion began when the pilot of the mysterious aircraft contacted the tower and asked in English, “Where are we?”
– The pilot said his flight was scheduled to land at the Miami airport at 9.55 am on July 2, 1955. Now it was time for the tower to fall into silence.
– Ground units were immediately called to assist the plane and the passengers, and it landed without trouble. Having relaxed a little bit, Juan finally decided to ask something that bothered him. “Do you know today is May 21, 1992?”
– Juan heard the flight captain’s panicky voice saying, “No! Stay away! We’re leaving now!” And indeed, he started the engines again and, without waiting for take-off clearance, taxied the plane to the runway.
– There’s much dispute about the credibility of this event. Back in 1985, a tabloid called Weekly World News was the first to cover this story.
– However, the legend still lives, and many sources retell it in their own way. Some even go as far as to say that the passengers of the plane eventually returned to their homes.
– One thing that keeps popping up on the Internet and piquing the interest of paranormal enthusiasts is a small pocket calendar that somehow was left on the Caracas airport runway when the notorious plane took off. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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12 Millionaires Who Became Rich Thanks to One Simple Idea

There is no universal way to become rich. Sometimes ingenious ideas bring nothing to their creators, while even the most stupid ones can become really successful and make you a millionaire. And that's exactly what happened to these 12 ordinary people who earned their millions thanks to their creativity, observation and simple luck. Back in the 90s, Joy Mangano, an airline reservations manager, invented her own plastic Miracle Mop that’s easy to ring out without getting your hands wet. By 1995 she’d earned her first million! Guy Laliberté was a simple street artist when he got the idea to establish a unique circus. In 1984 he got a government grant and created his own “circus of the Sun,” or, as people now know it, Cirque du Soleil. Interested? Let's see what other ideas helped people to become wealthy! Other videos you might like:
Why “C” Students Are More Successful Than “A” Students
Why I Started Waking Up at 5:30 AM And How It Changed My Life
12 Things That Ruin a First Impression Immediately TIMESTAMPS:
Joy Mangano and The Miracle Mop 0:23
Guy Laliberté and Cirque du Soleil 1:12
Richard T. James and the slinky 1:56
Gary Dahl and Pet Rock 2:50
Byron Reese and SantaMail 3:31
Roni Di Lullo and Doggles 4:01
Ken Ahroni and Lucky Break Wishbone 4:38
Jonah White and Rich Bailey and Billy Bob Teeth 5:04
Joe Pellettieri and Big Mouth Billy Bass 5:42
Gary Clegg and the Slanket 6:13
Alex Craig and Potato Parcel 6:51
Jason Sandler and I Wear Your Shirt 7:30 #inventions #beingrich #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– The slinky was actually invented by naval engineer Richard T. James back in 1943! The success was phenomenal; the toys became a huge hit and were sold within just 90 minutes!
– The future founder of the company, Gary Dahl, was hanging out with his friends in a bar, listening to them complaining about their pets. “You know what the perfect pet would be? A rock,” Gary joked and that's how the idea was born!
– Getting a letter from Santa is the ultimate dream, right? That's what lead Byron Reese to open up his own SantaMail company.
– One day Roni Di Lullo noticed his dog squinting in bright light. Normal sunglasses were completely useless, so he decided to make some for the dogs and call them Doggles!
– You probably know the tradition to break the turkey breastbone on Thanksgiving day. You make a wish and break it, and if you get the bigger part, it’ll come true. So Ken Ahroni made a whole business out of this popular ritual.
– Jonah White and Rich Bailey decided to monetize the “ugly teeth” idea and launched Billy Bob Teeth Inc. Since then, they’ve sold 20 million pieces of Billy Bob teeth in different designs and are very rich men.
– Big Mouth Billy Bass quickly became an extremely popular element of pop culture, making Pellettieri a very successful and wealthy man.
– Gary Clegg, a freshman at the University of Maine, got so cozy under the blanket one evening that he cut a hole in it and stuck his arms through. A couple hours later, he’d already come up with all the details for his business idea, which he called the Slanket.
– In 2015, 24-year-old mobile app developer Alex Craig had a fun thought: why not send out potatoes with cute personalized messages? He quickly founded the Potato Parcel Service and started to promote it on Reddit.
– Jason Sandler used T-shirts to advertise different businesses and wore them for a certain price. This approach turned out to be so effective that he hired more people, and by the end of the year the price went up to 365 dollars a day! Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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9 Simple Stretching Exercises That Can Replace a Massage

How does your back feel after a long day at the office or school? What about your neck after you’ve been looking down at your phone for hours? We can’t live without our gadgets, but they can wreak havoc on our bodies if we’re not careful. And even if your eyes aren’t constantly glued to a screen, a short stretching routine can still help anyone who’s dealing with neck, shoulder, and back pain! Stretching makes the body more flexible, improves our emotional state, and reduces pain. It’s recommended to do these exercises every day. By the way, you don’t even have to go to the gym to do them. You’ll just need 10 minutes of free time and a gym mat. Other videos you might like:
12 Stretches You Can Do at Home to Burn Fat
7 Exercises to Relieve Back Pain In 10 Minutes
1-Minute Exercises to Improve Posture and Reduce Back Pain TIMESTAMPS:
The Owl Exercise 0:33
Forward Neck Bend 1:33
The Eagle Pose 2:33
The 90/90 Stretch 3:07
Pat on the Back 3:46
Butterfly Wings 4:24
Wall Sits 4:57
Rotation Stretches 5:34
Superman Stretch! 6:08 #backpain #stretching #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– The Owl exercise stretches the muscles that go from your collarbone and breastbone to behind your ears. They can get pretty overworked holding your head up all day, but they usually do a good job as long as you’re always looking straight ahead.
– Forward Neck Bend helps stretch the muscles on the back and sides of your neck as well as your upper back muscles. They tend to get strained from poor posture as well.
– The Eagle pose not only stretches the muscles in your shoulders, neck, and upper back, but it also improves blood circulation in your upper body.
– The 90/90 stretch will really stretch the front part of your deltoids as well as your pecs. Those are the main muscles in your shoulders and chest. – By doing pat on the back exercise, you stretch not only the large flat back and neck muscles like your traps and lats but also the muscles located under your arms.
– Butterfly wings effectively stretch your chest muscles as well as your entire upper back.
– Wall sits will not only stretch your lower back, it’s also a nice workout for your abs and leg muscles!
– Rotation stretches help relieve lower back pain by strengthening the core and lower back muscles. – The Superman exercise helps build strong back extensor muscles, which is really important if you want to avoid lower back pain. On top of that, working these muscles helps you build good posture, which will prevent back pain in the future.
– Do a set of these exercises every day, and you’ll feel more flexible and pain-free in no time. But, again, it's crucial that you do all the exercises slowly and smoothly, without any jerks or sharp movements. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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A Japanese Money Trick That’ll Make You 35% Richer

We all know how money has a magical ability to disappear overnight, right after payday. But it looks like the Japanese know the secret to make it stay in your wallet longer, and even multiply there. Today, their method of budgeting is growing popular all over the world. A hundred years ago, Japan was a traditional agricultural country – nothing like how we know it now. How did it manage to become the most technology-savvy country, with a developed economy and one of the highest living standards? One of the reasons is the high financial competence of the Japanese themselves. They’re experts in personal finance. They use Kakeibo. So what is it? Other videos you might like:
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20 Things Proving That Japan Lives In 3018 TIMESTAMPS:
Why listen to the Japanese? 0:29
What is Kakeibo? 1:05
Questions Kakeibo is based on 2:28
How to draw up a Kakeibo style budget 2:42
How can you spend less? 5:05
How to save even more 5:49
❗️ Why it's important to write by hand 7:44 ❗️ #savingmoney #Japan #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Japanese are experts in personal finance. They use Kakeibo. Which means they don’t buy that third handbag in 2 months and manage to save up to 35% of their income.
– “Kakeibo” translates to “household account book.” It’s a notebook where you write down your income and expenses. Long before any financial apps or digital tables appeared, the Japanese had this system of writing up a budget.
– No apps, no technology, no tricky calculations. That’s the point: you rule out everything that’s not necessary and focus on your habits and decisions. – Kakeibo appeared in 1904 and grew popular thanks to the first woman journalist in Japan – Hani Motoko, who sold it to a wide audience.
– To draw up a Kakeibo style budget, you’ll need 2 notebooks – a big and a small one. You’ll use the big one to write down your income, and plan expenses and savings. – You’ll need to record all the money you get as income: advance payment, salary, debt return, money you get from selling a secondhand laptop, etc. – You write down how much money you’d like to put in a money-box or a savings account. It’s important to decide this amount before you start planning your expenses.
– A monthly expenses plan. Here, you write down your common expenses: utility bills, apartment rent, mobile and internet bills.
– At the end of each month you’ll analyze if you’ve managed to follow the plan and save or spend extra money.
– Put all the returned debts to the money-box. In fact, it’s not an income. You just get back money that was taken away from you before. After all, you’ve managed to live without it all this time.
– Every time you buy something, round the sum up. Say, if you have a $74 bill, round it to a $100 and put the other $26 into the money-box. It's a great tool that'll allow you to save daily.
– Work out a system of penalties for yourself. You can “punish” yourself financially for bad habits like skipping the gym or having an argument with a partner or friend.
– Always make a shopping list before you go to the supermarket. This piece of advice is as old as the hills, but who actually follows it? Kakeibo fans do, and it works for them. – The writing process activates the part of the brain that lets the information pass directly into memory.
– Writing makes the process personal. We internalize everything we write by hand; it becomes more important to us. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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9 Proofs That Cats and Dogs Are from Different Planets

It’s known that most pet lovers are either cat people or dog people. And even scientists are trying to find out what the difference between the owners of these pets is because cats and dogs really are very different. And while scientists are trying to crack this mystery, today's video is about how different our four-legged friends’ views on devotion and love are. So here're 9 funny comics about how life with dogs and cats differs. By the way, are you a dog person or a cat person? Other videos you might like:
12 Signs Your Pet is Crying for Help
12 Harmful Things You Do to Your Dog Without Realizing It
What Your Dog's Sleeping Position Reveals About Its Character TIMESTAMPS:
Sentimentality 0:03
Who serves whom 0:18
Just came home 0:33
Places to pet them 0:51
Feeding 1:14
Who's the boss 1:44
Walk 2:06
Sleeping 2:20
Playing 2:52
Bonus 3:27 #cats #dogs #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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A Plane Suddenly Caught Fire But Pilots Saved 350 People Miraculously

Your odds of being in some air catastrophe are 1 in 11 million! But these things do happen, like the story of Orenair Flight 554. The Russian airliner was departing from Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic and heading to Moscow. This was a routine 12-hour direct flight, full of happy, tanned Russian tourists who, I imagine, had just had the time of their lives on a long-awaited sunny beach vacation in escape of the cold February weather back home. There were 351 passengers on board, along with 20 crewmembers. Everything was going smoothly, people were either chatting, listening to music, or closing their eyes to get some rest. After all, they had a long flight ahead of them, might as well spend most of those 12 hours snoozing! Well, turns out, the flight wasn’t quite as long as it should’ve been… Other videos you might like:
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What Would Happen If Plane Doors Opened? TIMESTAMPS:
What's that bang? 1:55
Where there’s smoke, there’s a fire 3:03
The biggest problem in the situation 4:02
Why the emergency landing was so risky 4:48
True miracle! 7:29
What caused the fire 8:42 #aviation #planes #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Just 15 minutes after their successful take-off, the pilots noticed that the plane stopped climbing at 12,000 feet (3,700 m). It just wouldn’t go any higher to the 31,000 feet (9,500 m) of altitude that it needed. – Passengers had heard the bang and felt the plane start to fall, but they didn’t really know what was going on. – Not even a minute had gone by when thick black smoke started to puff out of the left wing. That’s when it became clear: where there’s smoke, there’s fire, and that left engine was in flames! – In the flight deck, the engine failure alarm was already going off, and the cabin was now starting to fill up with smoke. – The biggest problem in this situation (other than, ya know, the plane being on fire) was that, since they’d only been in the air for 20 minutes or so, the Boeing-777 was still full of fuel – and lots of it! – The heavier a plane is, the faster it’s going when it touches the ground since all that mass has more momentum. – The pilots had to act quickly, so that meant landing with their fuel tanks full. The crew was mentally prepared for the worse, but they wouldn’t let all those passengers recognize it. – While landing, the engine fire had stopped for a moment. But once the plane made a full stop, it started up again, this time even stronger.
– But what happened next was a true miracle. The plane managed to come to a full and smooth stop without running out of runway.
– Aircraft rescuers, as well as firefighters, were already at the scene trying to put out the fires. Miraculously, all 351 passengers got off the plane safely without any injuries. The crew then followed.
– After the landing, aircraft engineers carried out all the necessary inspections and found out that the fire was caused by an engine failure on the 11-year-old plane. – Not long after the heroic landing, Captain Konstantin Parikozha and co-pilot Igor Kravtsov were awarded The Order of Courage for handling the situation so skillfully and saving everyone’s lives. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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Hemingway Survived 2 Plane Crashes in 2 Days in Africa

Few people can boast having survived a plane crash. What about surviving 2 plane crashes, one after the other? You think it’s impossible? Well, this guy did. And you know the name of the lucky man who survived 2 plane crashes in succession. It’s Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway’s biography is far richer than that of the characters from his books. He was a skilled boxer, a passionate hunter and fisherman, and a journalist. He had more energy than a dozen men put together. No wonder he’d been crazy about Africa for many years. The scale, the atmosphere, the danger – it all suited him perfectly in the vast territories of that wild continent… Other videos you might like:
What Would Happen If Plane Doors Opened?

The Truth About the Titanic Has Been Revealed
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Flight Attendants TIMESTAMPS:
Hemingway's lifelong dream 0:45
Back to Africa 2:00
Crash-landing in the heavy bush 3:07
Rumors about the writer 4:22
The second crash 4:59
What it's like, to read your own obituary? 6:03
How Hemingway fell right into flames 6:48 # Hemingway #truestories #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– In 1933 Hemingway went to Lake Tanganyika, where he made a camp, hired servants and guides from the local tribe, and started going hunting.
– In January 1934, Hemingway came back from yet another safari and got sick with intestinal amoebic dysentery.
– For most travelers that would’ve been enough to fall out of love with Africa forever. But not Hemingway.
– He wrote later that he never knew of a morning in Africa that he didn’t wake up happy. It’s no wonder that his passion for adventures drew him back there again.
– On January 21, 1954, Hemingway made a Christmas present for his dear wife Mary Welsh. Together with pilot Roy Marsh, they set out from Nairobi to visit the Belgian Congo in a small plane.
– The plane’s propeller and tail got hooked on an old telegraph wire. The pilot had to crash-land in the heavy bush close to the White Nile bustling with crocodiles.
– The next day, Hemingway and Roy Marsh were able to flag down a passing riverboat, “Murchison”, which took them to Butiaba on the western shore of Lake Albert.
– By the time they got to Butiaba, thanks to an international telegraph, rumor had it that one of the greatest living writers was in a plane crash in the middle of Africa.
– Hemingway wasn't happy about flying again. He thought it was better to go by car, but Cartwright convinced him that it was totally secure.
– All of a sudden, they found themselves in the air, but only for a few seconds. After that, the plane fell to the ground again with the sound of tearing metal – something they’d gotten used to hearing in the last couple of days.
– In the New Stanley Hotel, he had a rare chance to read his own obituary in the newspapers, sent to him from around the world.
– After his short recovery, he went to the beach camp on the Kenyan coast where he’d been scheduled to do some fishing with his son Patrick.
– But when a big brushfire started near the camp, he couldn’t stay put and went to help the firefighters.
– Since he was still weak and dizzy, he lost his balance and fell right into the flames. He got light burns on his face, chest, stomach, and legs, and very bad ones on his left hand and right arm.
– In 1999, on Hemingway’s 100th birthday, a popular British actor, Michael Palin, tried to repeat the routes of the writer’s journeys, after which he published a book: “Hemingway Adventure”. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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Two Planes Crashed In Africa With The Same Man Onboard

Few people can boast having survived a plane crash. What about surviving 2 plane crashes, one after the other? You think it’s impossible? Well, this guy did. And you know the name of the lucky man who survived 2 plane crashes in succession. It’s Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway’s biography is far richer than that of the characters from his books. He was a skilled boxer, a passionate hunter and fisherman, and a journalist. He had more energy than a dozen men put together. No wonder he’d been crazy about Africa for many years. The scale, the atmosphere, the danger – it all suited him perfectly in the vast territories of that wild continent… Other videos you might like:
What Would Happen If Plane Doors Opened?

The Truth About the Titanic Has Been Revealed
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Flight Attendants TIMESTAMPS:
Hemingway's lifelong dream 0:45
Back to Africa 2:00
Crash-landing in the heavy bush 3:07
Rumors about the writer 4:22
The second crash 4:59
What it's like, to read your own obituary? 6:03
How Hemingway fell right into flames 6:48 # Hemingway #truestories #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– In 1933 Hemingway went to Lake Tanganyika, where he made a camp, hired servants and guides from the local tribe, and started going hunting.
– In January 1934, Hemingway came back from yet another safari and got sick with intestinal amoebic dysentery.
– For most travelers that would’ve been enough to fall out of love with Africa forever. But not Hemingway.
– He wrote later that he never knew of a morning in Africa that he didn’t wake up happy. It’s no wonder that his passion for adventures drew him back there again.
– On January 21, 1954, Hemingway made a Christmas present for his dear wife Mary Welsh. Together with pilot Roy Marsh, they set out from Nairobi to visit the Belgian Congo in a small plane.
– The plane’s propeller and tail got hooked on an old telegraph wire. The pilot had to crash-land in the heavy bush close to the White Nile bustling with crocodiles.
– The next day, Hemingway and Roy Marsh were able to flag down a passing riverboat, “Murchison”, which took them to Butiaba on the western shore of Lake Albert.
– By the time they got to Butiaba, thanks to an international telegraph, rumor had it that one of the greatest living writers was in a plane crash in the middle of Africa.
– Hemingway wasn't happy about flying again. He thought it was better to go by car, but Cartwright convinced him that it was totally secure.
– All of a sudden, they found themselves in the air, but only for a few seconds. After that, the plane fell to the ground again with the sound of tearing metal – something they’d gotten used to hearing in the last couple of days.
– In the New Stanley Hotel, he had a rare chance to read his own obituary in the newspapers, sent to him from around the world.
– After his short recovery, he went to the beach camp on the Kenyan coast where he’d been scheduled to do some fishing with his son Patrick.
– But when a big brushfire started near the camp, he couldn’t stay put and went to help the firefighters.
– Since he was still weak and dizzy, he lost his balance and fell right into the flames. He got light burns on his face, chest, stomach, and legs, and very bad ones on his left hand and right arm.
– In 1999, on Hemingway’s 100th birthday, a popular British actor, Michael Palin, tried to repeat the routes of the writer’s journeys, after which he published a book: “Hemingway Adventure”. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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More Two Planes Crashed In Africa With The Same Man Onboard Videos